Showing posts with label Accused. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Accused. Show all posts

Monday, June 11, 2018

Kailyn Lowry Accused of Photoshopping Bikini Pics

Say what you will about Kailyn Lowry, the Teen Mom 2 star is nothing if not straightforward.

Kail certainly has her share of critics, but no one has accused of her being dishonest to her fans — until now, that is.

If you follow her on Instagram, you know that Kail is currently on an epic tour of Europe.

She posted the above photo of herself on a cruise ship over the weekend, and we think it’s safe to say she’s living her best life.

“A smile is the best make up any girl could wear,” Kail captioned the photo.

It’s not easy to be negative about a young, hardworking single mom treating herself to a vacation and posting the pics on social media.

But because we’re living in the darkest timeline, IG users found occasion to talk a whole lot of trash.

The most common criticism had to do with Kail’s appearance, but this wasn’t the usual generic body-shaming from repugnant trolls.

No, these haters came equipped with a very specific complaint — they believe Kail photoshopped her pics, but is passing them off as un-retouched.

Kail was having none of that, and she promptly delivered a stern warning:

“If y’all don’t get off my ass on IG y’all can catch the block button,” Lowry wrote.

“I didn’t photoshop my photos. But if i wanted to I f–kng will.”

Fortunately, as always, Kail’s critics were vastly outnumbered by her supporters:

“I can’t believe all the negative girl bashing on here! Girls are supposed lift one another up, not break each other down! It’s so sad,” wrote one follower.

“I don’t understand why anyone thinks this is photoshopped,” another commented.

“Kail idk why you even waste your time and energy responding to hater. Who cares brush that off.”

She added:

You’re famous and it’s the Internet. There will always be a bad comment at some point. No point replying to badness or illogical nonsense.”

A third counter-balanced the insults by offering up some effusive praise:

“You are a gem, I love your confidence, and I think you look great! Looove that swimsuit and I love your curves,” 

Fortunately, it seems Kail isn’t particularly bothered by the criticism.

She’s been called the most hated Teen Mom, but even if that’s true (it probably isn’t), she has something that Jenelle Evans and Farrah Abraham do not — loyal fans.

We’re sure it stings to have strangers hurl such personal insults at your every social media post.

But maybe those feelings are likely overwhelmed by the pride and connection when feels when an army of supporters comes to your defense.

Or maybe we’re just putting a positive spin on a crappy situation in order to make social media feel somewhat tolerable.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more of Kail’s courage in the face of constant criticism.


Thursday, May 24, 2018

Morgan Freeman Accused of Rampant Sexual Harassment

Morgan Freeman is the latest major name to face serious accusations of sexual harassment and misconduct.

According to an investigation by CNN, the actor’s alleged inappropriate behavior took place on multiple movie sets.

Those who have gone on record about these incidents include female production staff members… employees at Morgan’s own Revelations Entertainment… and a few reports.

Altogether, 16 women spoke to CNN about the Oscar winner’s actions; eight alleged victims and eight more witnesses.

Most of them tell similar, very troubling tales. For example:

One unnamed production assistant told the network that she suffered through several months of unwanted advances and inappropriate comments on the set of the 2017 movie Going in Style.

She alleged that Freeman once “kept trying to lift up my skirt and asking if I was wearing underwear” prior to his costar Alan Arkin telling him to cut it out.

And another example:

A senior member of the production staff for the 2013 film Now You See Me spoke to CNN and said that Freeman made a multitude of comments about her and her female assistant’s bodies.

Said this individual:

“We knew that if he was coming by … not to wear any top that would show our breasts, not to wear anything that would show our bottoms, meaning not wearing clothes that [were] fitted.”

Four of the people interviewed by CNN claimed that the veteran star made women feel uncomfortable on a swath of movie sets over the past decade.

They said they didn’t report his behavior out of fear of losing their jobs.

“He would be verbally inappropriate and it was just shocking,” said an ex-male employee at Revelations Entertainment, the movie production company that the Freeman himself co-founded in 1996.

Added thisperson:

“It’s hard because on any set he is the most powerful person on it. It’s weird because you just don’t expect it from Morgan Freeman, someone who you respect.”

Elsewhere, a trio of entertainment reporters (including CNN’s Chloe Melas) have alleged that Freeman made inappropriate remarks toward them at public press events.

Melas, for instance, says that he repeatedly looked her up and down and called her “ripe” when she interviewed him at a junket for Going in Style … while six months pregnant.

(WTH, dude?!?)

This supposed encounter is actually what led to the opening of CNN’s months-long investigation.

In response to the allegations, Freeman did not accuse anyone of lying, simply of misinterpreting his intentions.

“Anyone who knows me or has worked with me knows I am not someone who would intentionally offend or knowingly make anyone feel uneasy,” he said today via statement, concluding:

“I apologize to anyone who felt uncomfortable or disrespected – that was never my intent.”

As documented below, Morgan is the latest in a long and disturbing string of famous men who have allegedly acted inappropriately toward women in and around Hollywood.

Many of these folks will never work again…


Morgan Freeman Accused of Sexual Harassment

Morgan Freeman is being accused of sexual harassment or misconduct by 8 women over several years on the sets of his movies … or during media events related to his projects. One of the allegations comes from a production assistant who worked on…


Friday, May 18, 2018

Kenya Moore Accused of Faking Pregnancy AND Marriage! What?!

Kenya Moore went on a date night and she shared a photo of herself with her husband, Marc Daly. And then all hell broke loose in the comments.

Some followers wanted to know why Marc isn’t wearing his ring. Those comments were enough to get Kenya to actually respond.

And others questioned why pregnant Kenya Moore doesn’t seem to be showing a baby bump.

Kenya shared this cuddly photo of the two of them.

She provided a little context in her caption:

“#DateNight with bae [red heart emoji]”

She also added:

“(Bae’s ring is on the table thank you for asking)”

When a celebrity has updated their captions to answer a recurring question from fans, you know that the comments are going to be interesting.

Kenya’s followers did not disappoint.

“I thought you were pregnant? Oh I get it #TryingToStayRelevant”

If you’ll recall, Kenya said that she and Marc are expecting a child — even though she’s 47.

“Where’s the baby bump? Maybe surrogate???”

That’s always possible, though it’s not the case for Kenya, as we’ll explain later.

“Where’s your baby bump?”

She’s clearly hugging her husband. That’s not going to put her bump on display.

Then there’s this ominous af comment:

“What we say and do, will be returned to us.”

That unexplained comment is going to keep us awake at night.

“I thought she was pregnant she don’t look pretty on this picture.”


“A surrogate mother is a blessing congrats!!! Your lil one will be precious.”

She’s … not doing a surrogacy, and it’s weird that people assume that she is.

“Where is the pregnant belly?”

Right there, just not being emphasized by her pose, folks.

“I thought she was pregnant. What happened?”



We did not in any way exaggerate the number of question marks in that person’s all-caps comment.

“Her ass looks pregnant.”


Kenya was also bombarded with questions about the location of her husband’s ring, which she answered in her own comment.

“Jeez on the table. He can’t swing the club with it.”

Rings can get in the way, folks.

Kenya also had her defenders in the comments, of course.

“So happy for you both! Who cares about a ring!! Love has no boundaries held within a ring. Be free and who cares what other people think!!”

When she offered that explanation, she was told that it was not owed.

“You do not have to explain anything.”

Others shot down the absurd rumor that she was somehow faking a pregnancy.

“I see the bump…y’all blind!”

Fans wished her the best.

“So happy for you don’t let Social media mess up your relationship.”

One of Kenya’s defenders left a comment so entertaining that we absolutely had to share it with you.

Here, she smacks down one of Kenya’s critics:

“Wow no child left behind law helped you move right along didn’t it? Anyone who still menstrates can have a baby. Medicine can also assist in having a baby. For example, IVF treatments is one. Please educate yourself before making yourself look like a PURE FOOL.”


Kenya, by the way, took to Instagram stories to make one thing perfectly clear:

“No I don’t have a surrogate.”

Let celebrities share photos of themselves, please, without harassing them in the comments.


Thursday, May 17, 2018

Chip & Joanna Gaines Accused of Child Neglect By Raving Psycho

Even if you’ve never seen an episode of HGTV’s Fixer Upper, you’re probably familiar with Chip and Joanna Gaines

The handy couple is so ubiquitous that even now that they’ve stepped away from the show that made them famous, it seems one can’t log on to social media or scan the magazines in the checkout lane without seeing their photogenic faces.

And for one purveyor of scorching hot takes, that’s exactly the problem.

Daryl Austin is a USA Today columnist who thinks Chip and Joanna are 100% full of it.

He’s not denying that they built a successful media empire, and not he’s not predicting that they’ll fail in their efforts to create a popular retail brand.

No, Austin simply believes that the Gainses accomplished all of this at the expense of family togetherness.

He doesn’t have any proof that Chip and Joanna are neglecting their kids, but anyone that successful must be, right?!

We wish we were joking, but that really is the thrust of Austin’s argument.

In a recent piece entitled “Sorry but someone has to say it: Chip and Joanna Gaines do NOT put family first,” Austin claims that Chip and Joanna must be crappy parents because of how much they work.

The whole piece is imminently quotable, but we’ll just hit you with some choice excerpts:

“[Chip and Joanna] don’t want to be seen simply as a couple that can do it all. They want to be seen as a couple that can do it all while at the same time making their family their top priority,” Austin writes.

“This is just not possible, and it does a disservice to the parents who really are putting their children first.”

As fans of the couple know, Chip and Joanna are expecting their fifth child, and in their early 40s, they don’t seem to have lost a step.

This is simply not okay with Daryl Austin.

“No matter how rich and famous, we are all limited by the same 24 hours in a day,” he argues.

“You cannot do all they’ve done (or even a fraction of it) and still have any real time left over for family.”

So if you have kids, you just go ahead and toss all your career goals in the trash, because there’s simply no way for you to accomplish even a fraction of what Chip and Joanna have achieved now that you’ve committed the fatal error of procreation.

Austin doesn’t say exactly what fraction will cause you to absent-mindedly wrap a diaper around a frozen turkey and put your infant in the oven, but you better believe it’s low! 

We’d shoot him an email and ask for more details, but we assume Daryl is busy explaining to his children that he would be a columnist for the New York Times right now if he’d only worn a condom.


Nev Schulman, Host of MTV"s Catfish, Accused of Sexual Misconduct

Yup, him too.

On Thursday afternoon, MTV announced that it has suspended production on the reality series Catfish due to troubling allegations against host Nev Schulman.

The details behind these allegations are unknown at this time, but this is what the cable network said to The Daily Beast in a statement:

“We take these allegations very seriously. We’re working with Critical Content, our third party production company, to conduct a thorough investigation.”

Schulman, who also serves as executive producer on Catfish, has been the main man in front of the camera since the program’s debut in 2012.

Now in its seventh season, Catfish centers on Schulman’s investigations into online relationships, as he tries to verify whether people are who they actually say they are on the Internet.

It is based on a 2010 documentary of the same name that was also created by Schulman.

In the film, Schulman chronicles how he fell in love with a woman he met online, but was left heartbroken upon learning all the ways in which she misrepresented herself throughout their exchanges.

On the MTV show, he and filmmaking partner Max Joseph set out to assist others who may be in a similar predicament.

The series has become so popular that the term “Catfished” is now used in any situation that involves one side of an online relationship lying about his or her identity to the other side.

(Sister Wives star Meri Brown, for example, was the victim of a catfishing in 2016.)

Schulman is 33 years old and is married to Laura Perlongo.

The couple are parents to a 17-month old girl named Cleo and co-host a web series, “We Need to Talk,” for ATTN.

“It’s basically a show about relationships,” Nev told Us Weekly last year, adding:

“What do you do when you do find it and you want to keep it? You gotta work through some sh-t.

“This is a show that’s honest and sometimes a little embarrassing, but it’s real and it’s about the things that come up when you’re a couple.”

In response to the allegations against him, Schulman has said the following to The Daily Beast:

“I have always been transparent about my life and would always take responsibility for my actions – but these claims are false.”

Over the past several months, of course, more and more women have felt empowered by what has been dubbed the #MeToo movement.

They have come out with accusations against such stars as Matt Lauer, Louis C.K., Charlie Rose and movie producer Harvey Weinstein.

It’s very possible that none of these men ever work in Hollywood again.

And while it’s too early to say for certain, it’s now possible that the same will apply for Nen Schulman.


Tristan Thompson Accused of Being an Absentee Father Who Really Sucks

Based on mountains of video evidence from the past few months, it’s clear that Tristan Thompson is adept at juggling multiple mistresses.

It would be impressive if it weren’t so immoral and disgusting.

But a new report aims to make it equally clear that Tristan Thompsonis terrible at juggling children.

Yes, children.

As in… more than one child.

By now, anyone with an Internet connection is likely aware that Thompson fathered a little girl with Khloe Kardashian last month.

She gave birth to a daughter named True on April 11, mere days afterthe aforementioned cheating allegations spread like wildfire around the Internet.

While he’s clearly a terrible boyfriend, has Thompson been a decent father to the one-month old?

It may be too soon too tell, considering he’s been traveling a lot for the NBA Playoffs, although Thompson ha at least acknowledged that True eats, sleeps and defecates.

Did you know, however, that Thompson also has a 17-month old son?

Here’s a recent photo of the child (named Prince) with his mother and Tristan’s ex-girlfriend, Jordan Craig:

Writes Craig as a caption to the cute snapshot:

“There’s absolutely no feeling in the world greater than bringing a smile to your face! Forever in love with being your Mummy.”

Many insiders have said that Thompson dumped a pregnant Craig for Khloe back in mid-2016 when the basketball player and the reality star began dating.

We’d say this sort of move sounds out of character for Thompson, but…

… it sounds totally in character for Thompson.

To Craig’s credit, she has taken the high road of late, refusing to speak badly about her son’s father, even in the wake of his ongoing infidelity scandal.

“If you respect yourself and you respect others, you would never make light of the misfortune of anyone,” Craig wrote when this scandal first went viral, adding:

“Nor would you feel indemnified when it comes at the expense of others. Wishing peace for everyone.”

In Craig’s place, though, someone spoke to Hollywood Life and did share an unflattering assessment of Thompson as a parent to his son.

Says this anonymous individual:

“Tristan is pretty much an absent father, although he regularly pays his child support, that is something he can’t be faulted for.”

“But when it comes to parenting of his son, it’s pretty much all on Jordan.”

And also: “Of course Jordan wishes Tristan was more present in Prince’s life, but it is what it is.

“Jordan accepts that it’s all about Tristan and that basically he’s like a big kid, so she really can’t expect too much more from him really.”

Craig gave birth to Prince on December 12, 2016, about four months after Thompson got together with Kardashian

Tristan barely ever talks about that relationship, but did almost admit in a recent podcast that he doesn’t see his son often.

Not that he seems too concerned about the effect this will have on Prince. The little guy will survive, after all!

He said to Allie Clifton on May 8:

“I think with a girl, you’re just so much more emotionally like… with a boy, it’s just like, ‘Hey man, you’ll be all right man. Stop crying.’” 

“But [with True], it’s like, ‘True, it’s gonna be okay. You know, we’re right here. Daddy’s here to feed you. It’s me! Look, yeah!’ It’s way different.”

“But it’s fun, though. It changes you.”

Nice to see that Thompson is sexist on top of all his other bad qualities, isn’t it?


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Jill Duggar: Accused of Racism for THIS Video of Her Baby!

Jill Duggar is not going to make mom of the year, but is she also racist?

A number of fans have accused her of as much — or at least wondered if she might be — after she shared a video and made some odd and perhaps culturally insensitive remarks.

Check out the video below and decide for yourself.

Samuel dillard in his high chair

In the captions of the video that you can see below, Jill Duggar writes:

"Do we have a future Bollywood star in the family?!"

The video shows baby Samuel Dillard dancing to Bollywood music that is softly playing in the background.

And by dancing, we mean that he"s wiggling back and forth. He"s a baby, folks.

She is feeding him curry during the process, and writes:

"In this video, you can tell Samuel is enjoying his Indian food and music!"

Samuel dillard eats curry

The comments have since been flooded with debates about Derick"s homophobia and transphobia and about accusations that the two neglect and/or abuse their children.

But before that upsetting discussion, fans discussed whether or not this specific video and the comments that Jill made were racist.

"Sounds pretty racist to me."

That line doesn"t necessarily lay out an argument so much as state an opinion, but that"s what comments are for, we guess.

Another commenter mentions that India is a "multi-ethnic, multi-religious, culturally rich country that is more than just Bollywood."

Imagine if someone in Uzbekistan wore a cowboy hat and ate, say, a Chicago style hotdog with all of those weird toppings as an "American food night." At the very least, that"s not … super accurate.

"It’s not racist. The more you eat while your baby is in utero, the stronger possibility that your kid will enjoy spicy foods when older."

That is not a claim that we can confirm. It also seems to be a comment drifting away from the topic at hand — not all curry is spicy, folks.

Jill duggar hiding a bump

There are a number of misconceptions about racism floating around out there, and a big one is that being racist automatically means insulting another race or ethnicity.

Racism is complicated in a number of ways, and it"s not fun to talk about.

But there are absolutely cases of racist statements where the speaker felt like they were giving a "compliment."

A white man who praises the qualities that he believes that East Asian women have as potential girlfriends and wives is not really complimenting them, he is objectifying and fetishizing Asian women based upon their race.

That is absolutely racism.

And if you"ve ever seen some dude dress in a sombrero and fake mustache to celebrate Cinco de Mayo, he might be totally well-meaning, but yeah, that"s racist.

Jill duggar walks for chick fil a

So … is Jill Duggar being racist, here? We"re sure that she doesn"t intend to, but, as we mentioned, racism is not always about intentions.

As the commenters note, boiling down "India" to just Bollywood and curry is … inaccurate, at the very least.

But you don"t exactly give a comprehensive lesson on geography and culture to a baby. Because, you know, it"s a baby. 

Also, as fans are very well aware, Jill may not know that much about India and its culture.

She wasn"t allowed to watch worldly television or movies as a child. If she had, she might have gotten ideas about freedom and making her own choices, and Jim Bob can"t have that in his household.

Has she ever actually watched a Bollywood movie?

More to the point, does she know enough about India to realize that there"s more to the country than a series of stereotypes?

Derick dillard with jill

Is Jill"s comment culturally insensitive? Probably. But it"s mostly just a cute video, as you are about to see.

And at least she isn"t endangering her children this time.

Some even wonder if Jill may have deliberately stirred up this controversy in order to gain more attention for her video.

(Because yes, you had to jump through a series of links in order to access the video — she and Derick have to make money some way without begging fans for donations, we suppose)

Others don"t think that Jill is that devious.

Watch the video for yourself and decide what you make of it.

Jill duggar accused of racism for this video of her baby

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Former Warner Bros./Yahoo! CEO Terry Semel"s Wife Accused of Deserting Husband

Terry Semel, the former Warner Bros. Chairman and Yahoo! CEO … once one of the most powerful people in Hollywood, has been moved from his 13,000 square foot Bel-Air compound and warehoused in a 500 square foot apartment, and his son claims it’s…


Michael Irvin Says Nothing Worse Than Being Falsely Accused

Michael Irvin says if Matt Patricia is telling the truth … there’s NOTHING in the world worse than being falsely accused of rape.  Irvin would know … he was accused of sexually assaulting a 27-year-old woman in Florida hotel back in 2017.…


Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Music Producer Detail Accused of Raping, Abusing 2 Female Artists

Drake’s ex-producer, Detail, allegedly physically and sexually abused 2 up-and-coming female artists … according to legal docs they just filed. One of the women is a singer named Kristina Buch, and she claims Detail raped her back in February…


Johnny Depp Accused of Drunkenly Attacking Crew Member on Film Set

It wasn’t all that long ago that Johnny Depp was one of the most beloved and sought-after talents in Hollywood.

But those days have been washed away in a tidal wave and enough rum to keep the Black Pearl afloat.

At this point in his career, Depp is at best a walking punchline and at worst a menacing threat to loved ones and co-workers.

And lately, the public image so carefully constructed by his many handlers has been crumbling faster than ever, in large part because the managers, handlers, and security guards who have served as the living barrier between Depp and the press have been abandoning their posts in fear for their professional reputations and in some cases, their lives.

Just last week, several bodyguards filed suit against Depp claiming that he created a “toxic and unsafe” work environment in which hard drug use and reckless misuse of firearms were daily occurrences.

(Someone should tell Johnny he can stop studying up for that Hunter S. Thompson role anytime now.)

And because Depp’s specialty these days is finding new rock bottoms, this week brought news of yet another violent incident:

While filming the movie LAbyrinth in Los Angeles, Depp decided to take over directing a scene set on an actual city street, even going so far as to cast two of his friends in significant roles.

It went about as well as you would expect:

“Johnny’s friends were in the scene, and it just turned into way more than it should have been,” a production insider on set tells Page Six.

Sources say the day went long, and the shooting permit expired, but Depp refused to stop filming.

When a location manager informed director Brad Furman that the scene needed to wrap immediately, Furman responded, “Tell that to Johnny Depp!” 

One crew member decided to do exactly that, approaching Depp and telling plainly, “This is the last shot.”

At that point, Depp – who, according to the witness, had been “smoking and drinking all day on set” – became irate and started shouting at the crew member.

“He was 6 inches away, yelling, ‘Who are you? You have no right!’”

When the crew member calmly attempted to defuse the situation, Depp reportedly swung on him, landing a “weak blow” to the ribs that had little effect.

But Depp didn’t stop there, of course.

He allegedly continued to berate the crew member and challenge him to fisticuffs, at one point bellowing, “I’ll give you $ 100,000 to punch me right now!”

Depp’s camp has yet to comment on the situation, but his 

“Johnny Depp is a consummate professional, great collaborator and a supporter of other artists,” he said in a statement.

“He always treats the crew and people around him with the utmost respect. Movies can be stressful, and nonevents often become exaggerated. We all love stories — there isn’t one here.”

This is just the latest in a long line of professional entanglements for Depp who’s currently being sued by his former management team after alleging that the group brought him to the brink of bankruptcy.

The firm says Depp’s financial issues have more to do with his $ 30,000 a month wine habit.

We’re no legal experts but that sounds like a solid argument.


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Alex Templeman, Becca Kufrin Suitor, Accused of Assault... and Battery!

As reality TV fans know all too well, Becca Kufrin had to deal with a jerk during her run on The Bachelor.

(Yes, Arie Luyendyk Jr., we’re looking at YOU.)

But now that the new Bachelorette has gotten over her very public humiliation at the hands of Luyendyk, we’re now forced to ask and wonder:

Is she about to deal with a violent jerk?!?

With the premiere of Becca’s Bachelorette season just a few weeks ago (May 28 at 8/7c on ABC!!!!!), Radar Online has obtained legal documents from Dekalb County Court in Georgia, a suitor on upcoming episodes named Alex Templeman is accused of some pretty terrible behavior.

Specifically, he’s accused of “committing an unprovoked physical attack on the plaintiff with his fists, therefore committing battery” against a friend named Salvatore Nappo.

This alleged incident took place on July 3, 2017.

Nappo was friends with a woman Templeman was dating at the time, 

“Templeman and Nappo belong to a circle of friends,” the report states, adding in more detail:

“He was making derogatory comments to him over text and then he brutally assaulted him.

“He got the hell beat out of him. He busted open his eye socket, leaving it fractured. His nose was busted up pretty bad.”

Radar has also obtained a couple of these text messages, one of which we’ve shared below:

radar texts

“Only degenerate I know of is the biggest f–kboy in ATL and scumbag. Your boy,” writes Alex in one message, going on to claim that Salvatore has been “bad mouthing him.”

When asked why he hated the plaintiff, Alex replies:

“Bc he’s a scumbag. Out for himself. After about a year of hanging out with him I’ve thrown in the towel.”

Salvatore is claiming he suffered serious bodily injury from Alex’s attack and is seeking $ 2.5 million to cover medical expenses.

Templeman – who is a 31-year-old project manager from Atlanta – has denied the allegations and says he was acting in self-defense.

He has also asked the court to dismiss the case, which is still pending.

capn colgate

The real question here, of course, is how Templeman and his past got through ABC background checks.

We’re not saying he’s guilty of all that’s alleged here, but one would still think the accusations on their own would be enough to prevent Templeman from being selected as a suitor.

Just how far will he go on Becca’s season?

Visit our section of The Bachelorette spoilers to find out.

Elsewhere, producers may have dropped the ball by also bringing on a suitor named Lincoln… who is known for dropping his pants at the wrong time.

He has a reputation for pooping on the floor, is what we’re saying.

“I saw this guy with his pants around his ankles, with toilet paper on the ground, and he’s going to the bathroom on the toilet paper,” a source told Life & Style recently.

(Really, we’re not making this up.)

Continued this insider:

“I kind of double took and couldn’t really understand what I was seeing. Either the next day or the day after that I walk in and he’s doing it again, and I’m like ‘You got to be kidding me.’

“When I told my buddies they were like, ‘What?’ they didn’t believe me so I snapped a picture from when you walk in… just to kind of prove it to them — not knowing that the guy is going to be on a TV show two years later.”

Well… okay then!

Good luck, Becca.

You may need it.


David Eason Accused of PUNCHING Stepson Kaiser Griffith!

David Eason has never been a favorite with Teen Mom 2 fans, but somehow, he keeps finding ways to become even less popular.

In fact, he might be the most hated baby daddy in the show’s history – which is really saying something.

Eason was fired by TM2 producers back in February after launching a homophobic tirade on social media.

Despite the fact that he no longer appears on camera, however, David still plays a major role in Jenelle Evans’ storylines, and he manages to keep sinking to new lows in the estimation of the show’s fans.

On last night’s Teen Mom 2 season premiere, David pissed off millions of viewers in absentia when he was accused of punching his 3-year-old stepson Kaiser Griffith.

“He told me David punched him one time,” the boy’s father, Nathan Griffith, claimed.

“It does seem he has tendencies to be a violent person.”

And Griffith wasn’t the only one accusing of Eason of abusing his youngest stepson.

Jenelle’s mother – Barbara Evans, who has primary custody of her grandson Jace – stated that she’s also caught wind of David being violent with Kaiser.

“I’m pissed off. Jace tells me the other day Kaiser pulled his diaper down and had poop and David got mad and was spanking him so hard,” she said during last night’s episode.

“Jenelle says it’s a lie. Jenelle always protects the man she’s with. She’s putting this guy again over her children.”

Jenelle, of course, was quick to deny the allegations:

“He doesn’t touch the kids like that,” she said.

“David punches Kaiser in the face. He plays around! That’s what Kaiser means. She’s taking this out of proportion. Everything is fine and everyone else thinks it’s not.”

We suppose it’s possible that there was some confusion over Kaiser’s account of what happened at home.

But it seems less likely that his 8-year-old brother would have trouble describing the situation clearly.

Note that Jenelle has been quick to dismiss comments made by Kaiser, but hasn’t addressed Jace’s remarks.

We’re not saying that that necessarily means Eason is abusing his stepchildren.

But nothing that we’ve seen in his behavior gives us any reason to doubt that David has violent tendencies.

This is, after all, the same man who has unleashed shocking barrages of verbal abuse at poor Jace right in front of MTV camera crews.

Does everyone who verbally berates their children necessarily abuse them physically as well?

No, but being caught doing the former makes us much more likely to believe you’re capable of the latter.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more shocking behavior from the Evans-Eason household.


Cardi B"s Security Accused of Met Gala Beating

Cardi B’s security team allegedly attacked an overzealous fan Monday night outside NYC’s Met Gala … TMZ has learned. Law enforcement sources tell us the fan was trying to get an autograph from Cardi as she left a post-Gala event — which she…


Friday, May 4, 2018

Thomas Ravenel, Southern Charm Star, Accused of Sexual Assault

Thomas Ravenel, the lead cast member on Bravo’s Southern Charm, is under investigation for sexual assault.

According to People Magazine, which broke this disturbing story, real estate Ashley Perkins alleges that the reality star took advantage of her mother back when she went on a date with Ravenel in 2015.

Parker says her mother and Ravenel met on the dating app Tinder in October of the aforementioned year and then went out on Christmas Day, about two months later.

“We lived in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina. He was going to pick her up and they were going to go out for drinks. She agreed to that.” Parker tells People, adding that she did not witness the alleged incident.

She continues as follows:

“I helped her get ready – she wore a diamond tennis bracelet on her wrist. Her wrist was fine when she left the house.

“He left her voicemail saying he got lost on the way to pick her up. I thought he sounded a little inebriated.”

Parker, pictured below with her mother, says Ravenel “changed plans” from the original date agreement as soon as her mom got into his car.

He suggested they go see a home he had just had renovated and she agreed.

perk mom

(We should note at this point that Southern Charm airs on Bravo and follows a bunch of rich and spoiled people around. It premiered in March of 2014.)

Once inside the home, Ravenel reportedly poured his date a small glass of wine.

Upon entering the nanny’s room in the residence, Ravenel “he turned on” my mom, Parker says,detailing her allegations this way:

“He pushes my mom onto the nanny’s bed, grabs her wrist with one hand, then he starts trying to pull her pants off. And she’s like ‘No, no, no, stop.’

“He stuck his fingers inside of her vagina as well as her anus.

“She told me that he held her hands back with one arm and then pulled his penis out and shoved it in her face.”

After her mother screamed “YOU’RE A RAPIST,” Ravenel leaped out, “out of his trance,” Parker says, and left the room.

After the alleged attack, Ashley claims Ravenel told Debbie “to get yourself an Uber.”

However, Debbie convinced Ravenel to drive her home because she had never taken an Uber before, and he proceeded to berate her on the way there.

Parker explains that her mom was acting very “withdrawn” until finally confessing to her daughter what had transpired.

According to Ashley, Debbie contacted a friend who was an attorney and described the alleged situation. He advised her to get legal help, she says.

Parker says they hired Gloria Allred (who has declined comment) and agreed with Ravenal in “mediation” for a settlement of $ 200,000.

Parker and her mom now live in Florida.

She says she has come forward to serve as an inspiration for other victims of sexual assault.

“This is bigger than my mom. This is bigger than me. I would like to let… other women know that Thomas is not invincible,” Ashley concludes to People.

“Or even just women who are against powerful men and think they can’t do anything. I want them to know, you can. I would like to see him off of Bravo.

“I would like for my mom not to have to worry about flipping on the television and seeing his smug mug, flaunting his lifestyle around. It’s bigger than us now.

“I’d like to see some good come out of the ugly.”

In response to these charges, a lawyer for Ravenel says:

My client enjoys a certain degree of fame and unfortunately has become – unfairly – a target for an individual who has, in my opinion, dubious motivations.

Ravenel, who was sentenced to 10 months in jail on federal cocaine distribution charges in 2007, has starred on Southern Charm since its premiere in 2014.

He shares four-year-old daughter Kensie and two-year-old son Saint with ex-girlfriend Kathryn Dennis.


Monday, April 30, 2018

Mercedes-Benz Accused in Lawsuit of "Fake Recalls"

Mercedes-Benz is following the lead of fake news by its unspoken policy of “fake recalls” … so customers claim in a new lawsuit. The auto giant is being sued for allegedly issuing recall notices for the premature deployment of airbags, which by…


Friday, April 27, 2018

Tom Brokaw Accused of Sexual Misconduct by Former NBC Staffers

The #MeToo Movement may have nailed another reporter.

Months after Matt Lauer and Charlie Rose each saw his careers come to an end due to some damning allegations, Tom Brokaw has now been accused of sexual misconduct.

The veteran journalist and former host of the NBC Nightly News faces claims from a pair of ex-co-workers, both from incidents that allegedly took place in the 1990s.

First, per The Washington Post, comes a detailed account from Linda Vester.

She says that, while working as a reporter for NBC on “Weekend Today” in 1994, Brokaw once asked her to have a drink with him.

She responded “I only drink milk and cookies” at the time.

Hours later, however, Vester tells the aforementioned newspaper that Brokaw called her New York City hotel room around 3 a.m. and told her to order the milk and cookies … because he was coming over.

When Brokaw arrived at her door, he tried to kiss her, Vester claims, jerking her head in his direction.

But she resisted.

Vester also says Brokaw grabbed her from behind and tickled her waist in front of her colleagues in Denver, Colorado.

The Washington Post also published an allegation from a second woman, who asked to remain anonymous, claiming that Brokaw acted inappropriately toward her around this same time.

This woman worked as a production assistance at NBC News when she alleges Brokaw took her hands and put them under his jacket against his chest.

He then invited her to his office, insinuating he wanted the pair to engaged in some kind of sexual activity.

She says she left the network to go work someplace else after these events occurred.

Both women say they did not report the allegations when they transpired out of fear of Brokaw’s power at the network and how he could bring down their careers.

Brokaw has been married since 1992 and has five children.

This is what he said in reply to Vester’s claims:

I met with Linda Vester on two occasions, both at her request, 23 years ago because she wanted advice with respect to her career at NBC.

The meetings were brief, cordial and appropriate, and despite Linda’s allegations, I made no romantic overtures towards her at that time or any other.

He also denied acting in the sort of manner described by the second woman above.

Back in November, Lauer was fired from the Today Show for what the network called “inappropriate workplace behavior.”

He actually just spoke out again on Thursday, acknowledging in a statement that he has “acted inappropriately,” but denying “any allegations or reports of coercive, aggressive or abusive actions.”

NBC itself is yet to respond to this story about Brokaw, or to a larger story run by The Post that outlines a lack of institutional control when it comes to sexual harassment.

Brokaw works as a contributor at the network.

We’ll keep readers apprised of more news regarding these allegations against Brokaw when or if it breaks.


Tom Brokaw Accused of Sexual Harassment by 2 Women

Tom Brokaw is being accused of making inappropriate and unwanted advances in the workplace … allegedly on 2 women in separate incidents in the 1990s. One of the women, Linda Vester, claims the veteran broadcast journalist and former anchor of NBC…


Thursday, April 26, 2018

Kim Zolciak: Accused of Homophobia AND Racism!

As previously reported, Kim Zolciak has said goodbye to The Real Housewives of Atlanta.

But a couple of people close to the reality star have now spoken up and made it clear:

They wish they could say good riddance to Kim Zolciak!

First, Tracy Young – a DJ who used to make love to Zolciak – referred to her ex-girlfriend as a “liar” and as “homophobic” after their romance was referenced by Kandi Burruss, who alleged the two had an intimate relationship during a vacation to the Bahamas.

Zolciak denied this relationship ever took place.

And Young has roasted her for it.

“She’s a liar, because she denied what went on and the reunion brought it all back up,” Young told Page Six TV, adding:

“Kim and I were in a relationship for about eight months. She said she wanted to marry me. She asked me to have a baby with her.”

We reported on Zolciak and Young being an item way back in March of 2010, before Kim married husband Kroy of course.

Zolciak and Young met when the latter was remixing the TV reality star’s single “Tardy for the Party” in 2009.

(And she still wanted to date Kim? Fascinating!)

On a previous episode of The Real Housewives of Atlanta, Zolciak opened up to NeNe Leakes about her relationship with Young, seeming to confirm it happened.

“Love has no gender,” she said. “I had a connection with her.”

She later joked:

“I’ve been chasing dick since I came out of the womb, so NeNe’s not believing the fact that I went to the other side for a minute.”

Young didn’t hold back her opinion on Twitter yesterday, either.

“She’s homophobic!” Tracy screamed to anyone who would listen on social media.

homphobia tweet

Zolciak has said the relationship was a “one-time deal” and wrote on her blog:

“I never thought I would come to see her as a liar, and a fame obsessed coat tail rider … That chapter of my life is done with!”

Elsewhere, meanwhile, Marlo Hampton tells TMZ that Zolciak is also racist for saying Leakes lives in a “roach nest.”

This is a reference to a rather epic and hilarious argument between the enemies on Twitter a few weeks ago.

Following Sunday night’s reunion, which you can watch below, Hampton explains that, in the black community, roaches are synonymous with poverty.

Therefore, Kim’s comment is an implication you’re living in the projects, which certainly isn’t the case for NeNe, who resides in gorgeous Atlanta-area home.

Finally, to close this update on all things Kim Zolciak, Us Weekly confirms that production has been stopped on her spinoff, Don’t Be Tardy.

She’s apparently VERY upset over the way she was ganged up on during the aforementioned reunion.

“Kim and her team have halted all production for Don’t Be Tardy while her lawyers have been working around the clock to investigate and deal with the final episode of the Real Housewives of Atlanta reunion,” a source says.

A second insider adds:

“Kim has pulled the plug on filming. She’s very upset about the entire situation.”

We’re not sure what the reunion has to do with Don’t Be Tardy, except that both shows air on Bravo.

Might Zolciak be so upset that she’s thinking of leaving the network entirely and/or filing a lawsuit of some kind?

Stay tuned!
