Showing posts with label Asks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Asks. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Paul Ryan Asks Congressman"s Son to Please Stop Dabbing

Paul Ryan was placed in an awkward situation on Tuesday.

Because Donald Trump Tweeted out some incoherent lie that made life more challenging for the Speaker of the House?

No. (Well, yes, probably, but that"s pretty much a daily occurrence at this point.)

In this instance, however, we’re referring to the swearing-in of Kansas Representative Roger Marshall yesterday and the situation Rya was placed in when Marshall"s son decided to Dab for the camera.

Yes, Dab.

Ryan was clearly unfamiliar with this dance move, looking at the teenager with confusion and eventually asking him stop doing whatever the heck he was doing.

“Do you want to put your hand down?” the newly re-elected Speaker said to the young man. “Are you going to sneeze?”

Yes, that"s it, the boy basically replied.

After the photograph was snapped, the dabber can be heard telling Ryan: “Don’t worry about it.”

Marshall later joked on Twitter that his son was "grounded," while Ryan wrote the following on social media:

"Just finished swearing-in photos. Nearly 300 members. Countless cute kids. Still don"t get what dabbing is, though."

It"s safe to say we didn"t see this controversy coming!


Paul ryan gets confused by dabbing politicians son asks him to c

Monday, December 19, 2016

Rob Kardashian Apologizes to Blac Chyna, Asks for Prayers

Rob Kardashian has issued an apology, made a vow and asked for your prayers.

All in the course of a couple Instagram posts.

Over the weekend, Kardashian and Blac Chyna appeared to break up for the 978th time, although this split was scripted in especially impressive and creative fashion. 

FIRST, Chyna claimed someone hacked into her Instagram account, leaking damaging emails and text messages that included her slamming Rob as “fat” and “lazy.”

Other exchanges hinted strongly that Chyna was going to dump Rob some time next year, after securing a trademark on the last name “Kardashian” and laughing all the way to the bank.

We’ve posted several screen shots from Chyna’s alleged hacking throughout this story.

Such as…

supposed Chyna tweet

The story then goes that Rob got very angry at Chyna for her leaked insults and plans to dump him… and she responded by taking the couple’s baby girl and simply leaving him.

Kardashian made major headlines on Saturday night when he filmed himself all alone inside his home, telling Snapchat viewers that he was a “broken” man as a result of Chyna’s actions.

Since then, Chyna has posed online with a rumored new love interest and Rob has sworn that this is not yet another Kardashian-related publicity stunt.

He said on Sunday that the split is real.

chyna message

Oh, and Chyna’s mom spoke out, slamming Kardashian and saying he needs therapy.

So, really, we’re talking about your basic 48 hours for a couple that needs to generate ratings for its E! specials and its E! reality series.

And now Rob has jumped on Instagram once again to issue a heartfelt apology, while also expressing his love for Blac Chyna and claiming he’ll actually take Tokyo Toni’s advice.

“This weekend I was in an emotional bad place and did some things that embarrassed myself and my family,” Kardashian wrote in an Instagram post on Monday, adding:

“I apologize and I’m seeking help to deal with my flaws/issues. Please pray for me and I’m sorry @blacchyna. You are a great mother to our child and I love you.”

Now, IF we’re supposed to believe that Chyna was really hacked… and IF we’re supposed to believe that she sent people emails bashing her fiance and confessing that she plans to leave him…

… then we have no idea why Rob would be apologizing.

Might these two have gotten so trapped in their own web of lies that they can’t even keep track any longer of which fake storyline they’re tying to tell to the public?

Along with the Mea Culpa issued above, Rob shared an adorable picture of daughter Dream Kardashian and promised to be the best parent he can be to the one-month old.

“I am going to get better for you Dream. You are my life and gave me a new start on being a better me. Love you,” he captioned the following image.

And this is where things just get sad.

If Rob and Chyna want to play a million games with each other and/or with the media and/or with their followers, fine. Whatever. So what? That’s how this family has rolled for years.

But there’s now a child involved.

There’s nothing funny or entertaining about Dream’s parents breaking up every week; or pretending to break up every week; or whatever the heck you choose to believe about this story.

There’s also nothing funny about Rob turning to religion and exploiting people’s belief system.

You want us to pray for you, Rob Kardashian?!? Allow us to pose a question in response to that request.

chyna exchange

Another allegedly leaked Blac Chyna text exchange. Harsh, isn’t it?



Friday, September 2, 2016

Son Asks for Cake That Features a Cow Giving Birth, Actually Gets It

Kids have a variety of interests.

Some are into trains. Some are into sports. Some love Sesame Street. Others can’t stop talking about Frozen.

Benz Packard, a resident of Saskatchewan, Canada, may be in an adorable and unique class by himself.

The four-year old celebrated a birthday this summer, asking his parents for an unusual cake in the process.

See, Benz likes to spend time at his aunt and uncle’s farm.

He helps milk cows there, he helps collect eggs, he hangs out with animals of all kinds.

So when mother Jamie Packard asked her son what kind of cake he would like for his birthday, he replied with what seemed like a very logical answer:

He wanted a cake that featured a cow giving birth.

No, really. This is what he asked for, as detailed (and pictured!) by Jamie in a Facebook post that has gone viral.

calf cake

“For the last couple of months, Benz has been asking for a “cow having a calf” cake for his birthday,” Jamie wrote in her post.

“We tried out best to persuade him [otherwise], in fact I overheard Tyler say to Ben, “a Thomas the Train cake would be cool… would you like Mom to make one for your birthday?”

What did Benz think of this suggestion?

I don’t even watch Thomas the Train, he said.

“We tried,” Jamie continued.

“So there I sat, Google imagining “Cow having a calf cake” and guest what, there were zero results, surprise, surprise!

“So as I’m moulding rice crispy squares into little hooves I’m thinking to myself, no Mother is ever really prepared for this kind of stuff.

“And as I’m applying cherry pie filling as afterbirth, I found myself thinking… Thank goodness it’s only family coming to this party!”

This is simply amazing.

It may be our favorite story ever.

It’s definitely our favorite story ever about a mother baking an unusual cake for her son.

Of all the cake recipes out there, this one, yes, takes the cake.

For other examples of cakes that have been WAY, WAY out there, scroll down and scroll all around the following photo gallery.

Incredibly, there’s more animal vagina in the children’s cake above than any of the dessert items below:

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Couple Asks Wedding Guests If They Want to Eat a Child

Look, it’s really difficult to plan a wedding.

We get that.

You have to pick out a dress… and a location… and rings… and flowers… and by the time you get to the invitation, you may very well be sick of the entire thing.

So we understand that some engaged couples may not want to proofread these items. They just want to mail them and be done with it.

But, well, that means the above mistake could possibly be made.

Yes, one boyfriend and girlfriend accidentally (we assume… we hope!) asked their wedding guests if they want beef for dinner; pork for dinner; or a child for dinner.

They would also like to know if this child you want to eat is under 12 years old.

As you might expect, the Internet has quite enjoyed this snafu.

It went viral on Reddit and on Imgur, prompting responses that are funnier than anything we could think of. To wit:

RSVP responses

Some couples out there do like to have purposely fun with their invites, of course.

For example, the betrothed twosome behind the card below want to know if you’ll “Enthusiastically Attend,” “Regretfully Decline,” “Regretfully Attend” or “Enthusiastically Decline.”

We love it.

attend or decline?

The RSVP request that follows, meanwhile, takes this same concept one step further.

It offers those same four options, along with “Will Decline to Response But Ultimately Attend.”

How many married couples out there right now are nodding along while smiling?

So many brides and grooms have been there.

funny rsvp

But no couple in history can top what the following man and woman did with their wedding invitation.

It calls out people who bring a date despite not being told they could… it asks whether you are an ex-boyfriend of the bride… it wonders whether you plan on hooking up with a groomsman.

It’s amazing and perfect and hilarious in every conceivable way.

best RSVP ever

So the engaged pair who inadvertently inquired about whether guests want to eat a child can take some solace at least.

Perhaps their guests had seen these previous RSVPs and just thought the couple was joking.

Not in any sort of humorous way, granted, but it’s better to be unfunny than lazy, right?

And definitely better to be unfunny than cannibalistic.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Kim Kardashian Brags Over Waist, Asks: Don"t I Look Photoshopped?

Kim Kardahian is just trolling us at this point.

There’s no other explanation.

For months, Kardashian has been desperate to lose all the weight she gained during her second pregnancy.

She’s been talking about it non-stop, she’s been saying how difficult this task is, she’s been setting a horrendous example for new mothers around the world by focusing so very much on her figure.

And this has taken place while other famous new mothers have send inspiring messages that contrast with that of Kardashian.

Anne Hathaway, for example, penned an Instagram post this week that reads as follows:

“There is no shame in gaining weight during pregnancy (or ever). There is no shame if it takes longer than you think it will to lose the weight (if you want to lose it at all).”

She added: “Bodies change. Bodies grow. Bodies shrink. It’s all love (don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.)”

After that, Blake Lively appeared on an Australian morning program and was given a compliment over her bikini-ready body.

But she used this opportunity to make plea similar to the one made by Hathaway.

“You don’t need to be Victoria’s Secret ready right away because you just did the most incredible miracle that life has to offer,” Lively said of the pressure on women to shed pounds after giving birth.

Practically speaking directly to Kardashian, she concluded:

“You gave birth to a human being! So I would really like to see that celebrated [instead of the subsequent weight loss.”

Damn right, Anne and Blake!

Let’s compare this to what Kardashian has had to say on the matter, shall we? 

In a series of Snapchat videos on Wednesday, Kim stood inside a department store and bragged over her miniscule figure.

In the most obnoxious way she possibly could.

“You guys, doesn’t my waist look Photoshopped?” she asked while wearing a fitted little black dress and admiring herself in a mirror.

“It’s so crazy! It’s getting small!”

How can anyone watch this video and not want to slack the living heck out of Kardashian?

This is the same person who actually told fans to pray for her weight loss in April.

“It’s a challenge,” she said at the time. “We just got back from our family vacation and every day, we were up early working out.”

Yes, Kim was complaining about the “challenge” of getting up early to hit the gym during a vacation to a five-star resort in Vail, Colorado.

Kim wrote the following as a caption to this rage-inducing footage:

#kim #kimkardashian #kimkardashianwest #kimksnapchat #kimksnapchats #kimkardashiansnapchat #kkw #girls #beauty #london #paris #milan #newyork #la #miami #atlanta #snapchat #kimye #glam #beauty #makeup #kuwtk #fashion #style #ootd #yeezy

Kardashian also shared a Snapchat photo on Wednesday of her weight on the scale (124.6 pounds), revealing that she’s just four pounds from her goal weight.

We have no idea why anyone would care about this.

Nor we are telling Kim not to lose weight if she wants to. We’re just telling her to shut the eff up about it.

On August 8, she wrote a blog entry that talked about her goals about giving birth on December 5:

“I was motivated, but it was tough!.

“It isn’t easy to just bounce back. I was so jealous of women who had these cute little baby bellies and would gain 25 pounds — and then, a few weeks after giving birth, somehow look exactly like they did before they were pregnant …

“That’s not me.”

Hey, Kim: You should instead be jealous of Hathaway and Lively, two women who had a baby and now have enough perspective to not care so much about getting back to any kind of old weight.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Kim Kardashian: Toddler Asks "Why Are You Famous?"

Out of the mouths of babes.

Kim Kardashian recorded her dinner conversations with a young man from the other night, and the topic at hand was all too relevant.

Sid, son of Kardashian"s best friend, Allison Azoff, asked Kardashian why she was on a bunch of magazines.

"I don"t know! Because I like magazines!" Kardashian answered.

The conversations were filmed on Snapchat by Azoff, further proof that nothing is candid when it comes to the Kardashians.

"Are you famous?" Sid pressed on.

"Am I famous? Um, I don"t like to use that term, but…"

Yes, Sid.  She is famous.

"How are you famous?" he asked.

Kardashian paused for a moment, figuring out the best way to answer that question, given her audience.

 "That"s up for question, too!" she said.

To which Azoff chirped, "She"s got a big booty!"

That, and a sex tape.  And a mobile game that is second only to Pokemon Go in terms of popularity.

In fact, the latter has not only increased Kardashian"s level of fame, it"s made her a ton of money as well.

So much money that she made the cover of Forbes Magazine, which highlights "the new mobile moguls."

The game, Kim Kardashian: Hollywood has made the reality star $ 45 million.

"It"s such a proud moment for me as an entrepreneur to feel recognized by being on the cover of such a prestigious business magazine," she wrote on her app (which requires a monthly access fee).

"I do believe that when you set goals and work hard, you can achieve whatever you want.

"I remember always seeing Forbes magazines in my dad"s office and never even dreamed it would be me on the cover. I"m so proud that they have given me this tremendous honor."

Call her every name in the book, but you have to hand it to a girl who managed to turn a sex tape into a media empire.

Oddly enough, we still can"t answer Sid"s question.

Kim kardashian toddler asks why are you famous

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Salad Expert Asks TV Host If He Wants His Butthole Licked

Kelly Schafer is the owner of 7 Greens Detroit Salad Company, a company that specializes in healthy eating.

She appeared Monday on Fox 2 Detroit in order to show viewers how to spice up their greens for National Salad Month.

Yes, May is National Salad Month. We"ll forgive you if you didn"t know that previously.

We"ll also forgive you if you forget it as soon as you watch the following video.

Because Schafer somewhat distracts folks from her cause upon asking an unexpected question of co-host Jason Carr, who wanders over to Carr and co-host Deena Centofanti toward the end of their segment.

"Everybody loves a yoga girl, right, Jason?" Schafer says immediately to a confused Carr.

"That"s right," Carr replies… because what else is he going to say on live television?

From there, Carr figured it was the right time to ask a very personal question:

"Now I know you want me to toss your salad too, don"t you?"


Also: What?!? Where did that come from?

Centofanti tried to change the topic, only for Carr to quip that her joke "never gets old."

We"re pretty sure it does, though.

If you"re on a program to promote healthy eating, you might want to avoid any talk about other people"s buttholes. That"s just our opinion.

Watch the very awkward exchange for yourself:

Salad connoisseur just wants to know if tv host wants his buttho

Salad Expert Asks TV Host If He Wants His Butthole Licked

Kelly Schafer is the owner of 7 Greens Detroit Salad Company, a company that specializes in healthy eating.

She appeared Monday on Fox 2 Detroit in order to show viewers how to spice up their greens for National Salad Month.

Yes, May is National Salad Month. We"ll forgive you if you didn"t know that previously.

We"ll also forgive you if you forget it as soon as you watch the following video.

Because Schafer somewhat distracts folks from her cause upon asking an unexpected question of co-host Jason Carr, who wanders over to Carr and co-host Deena Centofanti toward the end of their segment.

"Everybody loves a yoga girl, right, Jason?" Schafer says immediately to a confused Carr.

"That"s right," Carr replies… because what else is he going to say on live television?

From there, Carr figured it was the right time to ask a very personal question:

"Now I know you want me to toss your salad too, don"t you?"


Also: What?!? Where did that come from?

Centofanti tried to change the topic, only for Carr to quip that her joke "never gets old."

We"re pretty sure it does, though.

If you"re on a program to promote healthy eating, you might want to avoid any talk about other people"s buttholes. That"s just our opinion.

Watch the very awkward exchange for yourself:

Salad connoisseur just wants to know if tv host wants his buttho

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Kanye West: $53 Million in Debt, Asks Mark Zuckerberg to Invest in Him!

We had reached a point where we thought there was nothing Kanye West could say that would shock us anymore.

We were wrong.

Of all the things that have come out of his fingers (because he tweets, you know), we never expected this:

Kanye tweet - debt

Wait. What?

Is this a joke? Kanye doesn’t typically act the comedian, and the tweet didn’t have much of a humorous ring to it. 

However, he posted it just prior to his appearance last night on Saturday Night Live, so maybe he was attempting to be funny? If so, he really isn’t good at it.

Just before posting the confounding message, Kanye tweeted:

Kanye dance tweet

Also a departure from Kanye’s typical ego-driven tweets, which normally contain self-aggrandizing language about his genius or brutal takedowns of critics.

Then, as we’re scratching our heads trying to make sense of it all, Kanye issues a plea to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg:

Kanye Zuckerberg tweet

Kanye greatest artist tweet

Okay, well that last one sounds like Kanye at least.

Still, it’s hard to believe this man is broke. Kanye’s a successful musician and charges ridiculous prices for items in his Yeezy clothing line, plus he’s married to Kim Kardashian, whose estimated net worth is $ 85 million.

The rapper certainly has a reputation for living large, and we’re sure his grand spectacle of a fashion show last Thursday cost a pretty penny – word has it he hired 1,200 extras to appear in the event, not including the models.

Could this be part of the reason he and Kim have been fighting of late? We can’t imagine the image-conscious reality star is pleased with her husband divulging information about their finances like that.

The obvious joke would be to quote a line from Kanye’s most famous song, “Gold Digger,” but we’ll resist.

Kanye’s made us hate him on numerous occasions, but we do hope he figures out this mess – or his tweet was in jest.

What do you say, Zuckerberg? 

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Nicki Minaj Revisits Miley Cyrus Feud, Asks in Rap Remix: What"s Good?!?


It’s time for round two between Nicki Minaj and Miley Cyrus.

If you’ll recall, back in August, Cyrus called out Minaj in an interview with The New York Times, saying the rapper was “not too kind” and “not very polite.”

Miley then hosted the MTV Video Music Awards… Minaj won a trophy… and she ended her acceptance speech as follows:

“And now, back to this bitch who had a lot to say about me the other day in the press: Miley, what’s good?”

Responded a stunned Cyrus on stage:

“Hey, we are all in this industry and we all do interviews and say sh-t. Nicki, congratuf–kinglations.”

Minaj was then caught on camera angrily mouthing: “Don’t play with me b-tch!”

Let’s relive that awkward exchange, shall we?!?

Now that you’re all caught up, fast forward to Thursday and the release of Nicki’s remix of Yo Gotti’s “Down In the DM.”

Raps Minaj on the track:

He said, ‘Kylie, what’s good?’/ I said, ‘Miley, what’s good?’ / I said, ‘Could you pay my bills like O’Reilly, what’s good?

So nothing too new, in terms of Nicki insults, but a revisiting a feud some actually believed was manufactured four months ago.

Cyrus, however, should not feel too special.

She isn’t the only artist referenced in the song.

Minaj also disses Drake for the “little memes” he posted while feuding with her boyfriend, Meek Mill, and thanked “Queen” Beyoncé for praising her.

Whose side are you on in the apparently everlasting Nicki Minaj-Miley Cyrus feud?

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Lil Boosie Reveals Cancer Diagnosis, Asks Fans For Prayers

Rapper Lil Boosie made a bombshell revelation on social media moments ago, revealing that he was recently diagnosed with kidney cancer.

“I need all my fans to pray for me,” Boosie – who also goes by Boosie Badazz, and whose real name is Torrence Hatch – wrote on Instagram.

“Doctor just told me I have cancer on my kidneys prayer is power that’s why I’m letting yall know prayfaboosie.”

Boosie, who released his first album back in 2000, is only 33 years old but has reportedly been suffering from diabetes for several years.

He did not offer any information regarding the stage or severity of the cancer.

Throughout his long career, Hatch has gained as much attention for his legal woes as for his music. 

Boosie was sentenced to eight years in prison for drug smuggling back in 2011.

He qualified for early release in 2014 and famously claimed that he wrote 1,018 songs while he was locked up.

While mainstream success has eluded Boosie, the rapper has gained a loyal cult following over the years and even heads his own record label, Bad Azz Entertainment, which he founded in 2008.

We’ll more have updates on Boosie’s condition as more information becomes available. 

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Kim Kardashian Asks for Pregnancy Prayers. Here"s Why...

Kim Kardashian really wants a $ 1 million push present.

But here’s what Kim Kardashian does NOT want: to deliver her upcoming baby via C-section.

“I’m writing this blog while up at 4 A.M., a little anxious for my delivery as I’m entering into my 36th week of pregnancy,” the Keeping Up With the Kardashians star wrote in a blog post titled Heads Up!

She went on to explain why she was unable to fall asleep:

“I’ve surrendered to the placenta issues and actually haven’t been thinking too deeply about them lately. However, my latest concern is that my baby is breech, meaning he’s in the wrong position for childbirth. His head is still up and it’s supposed to be down.

“He was supposed to turn by 32 weeks. So now, I will have to get a C-section.”

Or will she?!?

Kim wrote this blog as a stream of consciousness, correcting herself nearly as soon as she typed that sentence.

“I’ve learned that you actually can deliver a breech baby and I feel fortunate that my doctor Paul Crane is one of the few doctors that still does this. They just don’t even teach it anymore.

“Paul was my mom’s doctor and delivered me! So I know I’m in the best care.”

Hmmm… what does it say about Kim that we can’t wondering whether this entire blog entry was just a paid advertisement for Paul Crane?

Kardashian is due to give birth on Christmas Day.

But due to these complications, there’s been talk that she may have to move her due date up.

Kardashian says she’s “doing everything” she can to turn the child around, from lying upside down to icing her belly in certain spots.

She can’t go to her mom or her sister (Kourtney) for advice because neither has faced this situation before… and she’s scared.

“Please wish me luck and pray the baby turns!” Kim concluded. “This whole delivery gives me anxiety, not gonna lie. I hope the baby turns and all goes well but I’m prepared for anything!”

That’s fair overall.

We can’t pretend to know how it must feel to be Kim Kardashian right now and we do with her the best with her pregnancy.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Kate Middleton Asks William: "How Much Do You Love Me?"

Oh Em Gee, are these two the cutest.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge paid a visit to Wales today for a series of engagement to help promote mental wellness.

It"s a cause the couple has championed all over the UK, encouraging others to erase the stigma of mental illness, especially in young people.

During a visit to Towers Residential Outdoor Education Center, William and Catherine got kitted up for a bit of abseiling.

William was first to go down the nearly 40-foot wall, and Catherine was in charge of giving him slack.

Aware that the future monarch"s well-being was in the hands of his wife, a guide joked to Catherine, "is the insurance good?"

Everyone had a laugh, and Catherine asked her prince, "William, how much do you love me" as she continued to guide him safely to the ground.

"I"m quite enjoying this actually, for once I"m in control," Catherine quipped, according to a Press Association report.

Good show!

The Cambridges are slightly competitive with one another (they"ve admitted that Scrabble games end up a big fight).  Catherine told others there that if William was going to try anything at the center, then so would she.

"Catherine said, "not that we are competitive but if he does that I"m going to have to do that", and she did," national chairman of Mountain Rescue England and Wales, Mike France told the paper.

Earlier in the day, William and Catherine were greeted by huge crowds in Caernarfon, Wales, as well as some massive bubbles.

"I"m particularly impressed with the giant bubbles," William told officials who awaited his and Catherine"s arrival.  "George would be absolutely obsessed by that.

"I will have to get one of those for Christmas."

Wales faces a high suicide rate, so the attention being paid to mental wellness is key in helping improve lives.  

Kate middleton asks william how much do you love me

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Scheana Marie Asks Fans Not to Bash Her Troubled Marriage

If you watched Vanderpump Rules Season 3 Episode 4 last night, you know that there’s some serious trouble in paradise for newlyweds Scheana Marie and Doormat McGee Mike Shay.

Just months after walking down the aisle, Scheana tearfully confessed to her co-workers (and boss, because traditional workplace rules don’t apply at SUR) that Shay moved out of their apartment and hadn’t spoken to her in days.

Sadly, it seems as though Shay is suffering from serious substance abuse issues, as Scheana revealed to Lisa that he drinks heavily and pops up to five Vicodin pills a day.

We imagine it was a difficult episode for Scheana to watch, and before it got underway, she asked that fans refrain from any sort of haterism:

“Tonight is a very emotional #PumpRules episode for me,” Scheana tweeted. “I ask that you kindly keep your negative opinions to yourself.” 

A reasonable request, but that didn’t stop folks from accusing Scheana of pretty serious hypocrisy:

As you may recall, Scheana slept with Eddie Cibrian while he was still married to Brandi Glanville.

There have been no rumors of infidelity in Scheana and Shay’s relationship, but it is a bit ironic that Scheana is pleading for sympathy and compassion when it comes to her own marriage, despite having fairly recently played an active part in destroying someone else’s.

Perhaps it would be different if Scheana had apologized to Brandi, or even shown the slightest remorse for sleeping with her husband, but instead she’s gloated about it on several occasions.

None of that means that Scheana deserves her current situation, but hopefully the image of a smugly grinning Brandi briefly flashed through Mrs. Shay’s mind as she composed that tweet.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online from more contradictory behavior from TV’s most hypocritical cast.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Khloe Kardashian: Lamar "Never Asks Why" He"s In The Hospital

Khloe Kardashian talked candidly about Lamar Odom’s condition during her recent appearance on Ellen.

The former NBA star was hospitalized on October 13th in Nevada after he was found unconscious at a brothel.

Khloe has barely left his side, save for a few personal and professional engagements.  Odom has since been transferred to Cedars Sinai in Los Angeles, but he’s still not fully aware of the extent of his injuries.

“We tell him that he had a brain injury, but we can’t tell him how that brain injury was caused, because that will set him back,” Khloe explained to Ellen DeGeneres.

“He never asks why he’s here. He doesn’t ask,” she said.

“He’s really confused a lot — sometimes he knows who the president is and his birthday, and sometimes he thinks he’s 26, and I say I bet you wish you were 26, so do I!”

The reality star, who is also promoting her book, Strong Looks Better Naked, said she is putting off their divorce not because there’s a chance they’ll get back together, but because he needs someone to look out for him.

“I’m there helping him and I love him and I’ve always loved him, and that will never change,” she said.

“I just feel like it’s a really insensitive thing to fast forward a divorce.

“He’s a fantastic person who deserves support and love and for someone to be by his side and for me I’m that to him. “

Khloe’s appearance on Ellen airs Monday, November 16th.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Jimmy Kimmel Asks Kids: Can A Woman Be President?

Sometimes if you need a straight answer on something, you turn to children.  

Children don"t sugarcoat things, so they were the perfect focus group to test out the notion of a female taking the oval office.  This is exactly what Jimmy Kimmel, inviting two girls and two boys to discuss their thoughts on putting a lady in the white house.

One kid, Jayden emerged as the class clown (I use that term loosely, as Jayden was unimpressive).  He wasn"t keen on the idea of a female president, nor was he much for education.  Basically, Jayden bothered me.

After Kimmel took the temperature of the room, he invited presidential candidate Hillary Clinton into the room.  Everyone but Jayden recognized Clinton, which was to be expected.  

Clinton, ever the good sport, asked the children what they would like to see change with a new president.  The answers were primarily about free stuff, or "handouts," as Kimmel pointed out.  One kid wanted free food at restaurants, while another wanted free toys from stores.

Jayden requested that he not be required to go to school.  Ever.  His reasoning was that he was smart enough to teach himself.

Both Kimmel and I would like to see where young Jayden is in 20 years.



Jimmy kimmel asks kids can a woman be president

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Frightened Koala Asks for Hug, Is Cutest Animal EVER

We really don"t want to exaggerate here. And we definitely don"t want to get your hopes too far up.

But the following piece of footage may be the most adorable thing ever shared in the history of the World Wide Web.

It features a baby koala who is not cranky, like some others of his kind, but instead is clearly frightened on her first day as a resident of Symbio Wildlife Park in New South Wales.

Fortunately, she finds a tree to climb up briefly at the outside of this video. And then she finds a human.

Watch now as she also climbs up the human"s leg, simply looking for a hug and some reassurance that everything is gonna be okay.

Does it get any more precious?!?

Frightened koala asks for hug is the cutest animal ever