Showing posts with label Better. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Better. Show all posts

Sunday, June 10, 2018

"Top Gun" Sequel Better Have Female Pilots, Says Congresswoman

“Top Gun: Maverick” better get with the times and feature some women in the cockpit, or it’s a HUGE step backward … according to the first female Air Force fighter pilot to fly into combat, aka Rep. Martha McSally. We got the Arizona…


"Top Gun" Sequel Better Have Female Pilots, Says Congresswoman

“Top Gun: Maverick” better get with the times and feature some women in the cockpit, or it’s a HUGE step backward … according to the first female Air Force fighter pilot to fly into combat, aka Rep. Martha McSally. We got the Arizona…


Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Queen Elizabeth II to Meghan Markle: You Better Have a Son!

It’s been less than three weeks since Meghan Markle and Prince Harry got married, but the couple isn’t wasting any time when it comes to the business of starting a family.

We’ve known from the start that Harry and Meghan want to have kids ASAP, but now the issue is somewhat complicated by those stodgy Brits and their dodgy rules about inheritance.

You see, when Harry and Meg tied the knot they were granted the titles of Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

This is one of those customs that no one understands but has been observed for since time immemorial regardless.

Those titles were created specifically for Harry and Meghan, and as far we can tell the sole reason is that “Prince and Prince’s Wife” just doesn’t have much of a ring to it.

Anyway, there have been lots of jokes about the pressure on Meghan to give birth to a male heir, but the royal family is such an absurd institution that her kids may actually be punished if they dare to commit the unpardonable offense of lacking ding-dongs.

Yes, People magazine confirmed this week that if Harry and Meghan only have daughters, the girls will not inherit the Sussex title.

Yet again, no one at Buckingham Palace could give you a satisfying explanation for why this is.

But you can bet several people would look at you like a blithering dolt for asking about it.

The news doesn’t come as much of a shock, because wangs are of the utmost importance in the Brit’s peerage system.

But like so much of the news you hear about in 2018, it does make you want to go, “Really?! That’s still going on?”

Of course, rule changes are not unheard of, and it’s anyone’s guess who will be occupying the throne by the time Harry and Meghan’s currently-non-existent kids reach adulthood.

Queen Elizabeth II is 92, so unless she turns out to be a cyborg — as we’ve long suspected — then it will probably be Prince Charles, Prince William, or someone else entirely.

Will means the current system could be tossed out the window entirely.

On a lighter note, QE2 has entirely turned her back on Meg and Harry.

In fact, she gave them a freakin’ country house as a wedding gift this week.

Stuff like that really softens the blow of your kids not being granted some meaningless title.

It’s an absurd conversation for to even be having at this point, as Harry and Meghan might not even have daughters.

And even if they do, Suits: The Next Generation will probably be a massive hit on the USA Network today by then, which means the girls probably won’t be hurting for work.


Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Serge Ibaka Says LeBron Doesn"t Own Raptors, We Gotta Be Better!

Serge Ibaka has a plan to stop the yearly butt kicking his Toronto Raptors get from the Cavs — don’t worry about LeBron, worry about ourselves.  For the last 3 years straight, Bron’s Cavs have bounced the Raptors from the playoffs — the last…


Serge Ibaka Says LeBron Doesn"t Own Raptors, We Gotta Be Better!

Serge Ibaka has a plan to stop the yearly butt kicking his Toronto Raptors get from the Cavs — don’t worry about LeBron, worry about ourselves.  For the last 3 years straight, Bron’s Cavs have bounced the Raptors from the playoffs — the last…


Monday, May 21, 2018

Taylor Swift Gives Post Malone Major Props For His Song, "Better Now"

Taylor Swift’s shaking off critics who compare her to a “drunk turtle” — and serving up big compliments to Post Malone for one of his hits. The superstars came face-to-face backstage Sunday night at the Billboard Music Awards, and she…


Taylor Swift Gives Post Malone Major Props For His Song, "Better Now"

Taylor Swift’s shaking off critics who compare her to a “drunk turtle” — and serving up big compliments to Post Malone for one of his hits. The superstars came face-to-face backstage Sunday night at the Billboard Music Awards, and she…


Saturday, May 19, 2018

Royal Wedding Dress Debate: Who Wore It Better?

On Saturday afternoon, it finally happened.

As documented in detail, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry got married in London.

The former Suits actress and the son of Princess Diana said “I Do” in front of hundreds of guests in attendance at St. George’s, not to mention thousands lining the street outside and millions watching at home.

But we’re not here right now to talk about those two romantic words.

We’re here to discuss four equally famous words:

Who. Wore. It. Best.

The subjects in this case are the two Royal Brides from the past decade, Kate Middleton and Mrs. Markle.

The former, of course, tied the knot with Prince William back in 2011 in an event whose anticipation we never thought could be topped until today.

At the time, the Duchess of Cambridge wore a lovely lace Alexander McQueen gown designed by Sarah Burton, the fashion house’s creative director.

The now-legendary gown featured long lace sleeves, a v-neckline and an extremely long train.

Kate’s dress was also composed of French Chantilly lace and English Cluny lace throughout the bodice, skirt and underskirt.

Here. Take a look below in order to refresh your memory:

Markle, meanwhile, went with Givenchy.

She donned an ensemble by the fashion house’s creative director Clare Waight Keller.

It featured a boat neckline bodice, long sleeves and a sheer cascading veil adorned with lace trim.

The delicate veil was actually made from silk tulle and it included a trim of hand-embroidered flowers in silk threads and organza.

Check it out here:

Both women looked gorgeous. Stunning. Beautiful in every way possible.

About this there can be no debate.

But let’s be honest now: While the world is standing up and applauding Meghan and Harry on their big day and wishing them the very best of luck, they’re also engaged in a different kind of debate.

It’s the kind summed up by the quartet of words we jotted down above:

Who wore her Royal Wedding Dress best, Middleton or Markle?

Go ahead and vote the poll below to make your opinion known:

Fashion Face-Off!

You must pick one: Who wore her Royal Wedding Dress best, Meghan Markle or Kate Middleton? View Poll »

It’s worth noting that Middleton’s dress grew to be so iconic and so memorable that H&M designed a similar version that retails for the affordable price of $ 299.

Will Markle’s gown create such demand?

Will designers be lining up to essentially copy it and offer it at a discount to the masses?

It’s far too early to say.

However, this much we can state with certainty:

Prince William and Prince Harry are both very lucky men. They married stunning women with terrific fashion taste.

Everyone here is a winner in the broad sense of the word… but only one of these brides can be a winner in the specific sense of this post.

So we ask again: Which Royal Wedding Dress do you like best?


Friday, May 18, 2018

Jennifer Aniston to Justin Theroux: You Better Not Be Banging Selena Gomez!

It’s been three months since the world learned Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux have separated, and while both parties claim the split was amicable, their behavior during that time tells a different story.

Despite frequent rumors that Aniston is back together with Brad Pitt, there’s been no definitive indication that either party has moved on – and that might be by design.

Justin, Jen, Selena

Neither Jen nor Justin has come out and confirmed that they’re dating someone new, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re both still single.

In fact, Jen’s not the only one who’s been the subject of persistent rumors regarding an alleged rebound fling with an A-lister.

For several weeks now, rumors that Justin is dating Selena Gomez have been circulating on social media.

The whole thing seems very far-fetched, especially considering the fact that Justin is 21 years Selena’s senior.

But according to Hollywood Life, Jen has been considering the possibility that there’s some truth to these reports.

And she’s very, very unhappy about it:

“Jennifer is upset over the dating rumors swirling around her ex and Selena,” claims a source close to the actress.

“It hurts Jen to think that Justin would move on already,” the insider adds.

“To think of him with anyone else, especially someone so young and that Jen has a personal relationship with like Selena, is painful for her. Jen doesn’t want to think about it and definitely does not believe it.”

And it seems Selena isn’t the only potential rebound partner that Jen is concerned about these days:

“Jennifer is tired of hearing about all the women Justin may be dating since there split,” the source continued.

“From Emma Watson to Selena, Jen is furious over every picture she sees of her ex with another pretty face out in New York. Jen won’t believe any of the rumors until she hears from Justin himself that he is involved in a new relationship.”

Yes, it seems Jen is concerned that Justin is running around Manhattan sleeping with everything with a pulse, a la Joey Tribbiani.

We’re of the opinion that the only way for Jen to exact revenge is for her to engage in a high-profile fling with Brad.

Actually, we have no idea if that would bother Justin or not.

We’d just like to see Jen engage in a high-profile fling with Brad Pitt.

Give the people what they want, you two!


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Hulk Hogan: "You Better Vote for Kane," He"s a Smart Dude

Another huge star is going to bat for WWE’s Kane on election day … this time, it is Hulk Hogan who says the man behind the red mask is a REALLY smart dude and would be a great mayor.  “You better vote for Kane or he’ll hit you with…


Vanessa Trump to Aubrey O"Day: I Can F-ck My Husband Better Than You Can!

We have an update on the phone call Vanessa Trump allegedly placed to Aubrey O’Day back in 2012.

You remember that one, right?

The one we reported about back in March, which supposedly transpired after Trump learned O’Day had been sleeping with her husband and she literally called her out on the affair?

At the time, we quoted sources that said Vanessa Trump had her children on the phone, something that seemed a bit inappropriate and out of line.

However, we’ve now learned new information about this supposed phone call…

… and it’s even more stunning!

According to Page Six sources, Vanessa went full on “gangster” when confronting the former Danity Kane artist about the relationship she had with Donald Trump Jr.

Meaning what, exactly? Great question!

After discovering emails between her husband and O’Day, Vanessa dialed up Aubrey and “said some extremely unladylike things to her,” this outlet claims.

We don’t know the exact specifics, but the call “involved the usually demure Vanessa comparing her and childless O’Day’s bodies and sexual capabilities in violently graphic terms,” The New York Post writes here.

At the time of this affair, Vanessa and Donald Jr. had two kids together and Vanessa was pregnant with a third.

They now share five total children.

Based on what this insider alleges, we can only assume Vanessa was telling Aubrey that she can satisfy her man in bed better than O’Day can.

Which is great, you know? It’s important to have confidence in oneself.

But previous reports have claimed that the relationship between Donald Jr. and O’Day was not some lustful fling.

The stars supposedly talked about starting a family together.

Wrote Us Weekly at one point:

“Don told Aubrey he wanted to have a baby with her. They were trying for one.”

This would seem to imply that it didn’t matter back then whether Vanessa was more adventurous between the sheets than O’Day.

There were actual feelings involved between the singer and the son of the current President!

Of course, neither Donald Jr. nor O’Day has commented on this affair, which we heard took place between 2011 and 2012, around the time O’Day was a contestant on Celebrity Apprentice.

It ended, allegedly, after Donald Trump Sr. learned what was going on and told his son to cut it out.

A few days before news of the affair went viral, Vanessa and Donald Jr. announced the end of their marriage.

It wasn’t related to the O’Day romance, of course, considering the couple recovered from that infidelity and stayed together for nearly six more years.

This is what the couple said upon announcing its divorce:

After 12 years of marriage, we have decided to go our separate ways. We will always have tremendous respect for each other and our families.

We have five beautiful children together and they remain our top priority. We ask for your privacy during this time.

Did we also mention O’Day wrote a song about Trump?!?

Listen to it here:


Monday, April 30, 2018

Meghan Markle to Prince Harry: You Better Lose Some Weight Before the Wedding, Tubby!

We’re just weeks away from the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, and it seems that in some ways, the final weeks of preparation resemble the run-up to a regular old peasant wedding.

Granted, there are far more dudes who look like playing cards come to life reading from scrolls and whatnot, but anyone who’s had a hand in planning a wedding will recognize much of what Harry and Meghan are going through.

Harry and Meghan have sent out the invitations; her dress has been designed by a designer whose name is being kept secret for some reason …

They’ve even participated in one of the most enjoyable parts of the wedding planning process – snubbing family members who were behaved douchily over the years.

“Meghan has completely changed Harry’s diet. She’s got him juicing and he has lost at least half a stone, which is a lot for someone as skinny as he is.”

On this side of the pond, “losing half a stone” sounds like the result of a very painful kidney condition, Brits know that that means Harry lost about seven pounds.

The insider went on to reveal that Meg spared no expense when it came to splurging on a juice-making machine:

“They have bought a top-of-the-range juicer and she has him on fruit and veg smoothies. She’s also weaning him off meat.”

While it’s hilarious that the source felt the need to clarify that Harry and Meg sprung for a high-end juicer, the rest of this report seems pretty credible.

We doubt Meg really cares about Harry’s wedding day appearance, but there’s good reason to believe she’d be worried about his health.

Apparently, throughout his bachelor days, Harry’s diet was downright Trumpian.

Burgers, pizza, and KFC were said to be his personal favorites, proving once again that British cuisine is the worst, and Gordon Ramsay is so angry because deep down he never had a decent meal until he came to America.

So there’s an irony in the fact that Harry is marrying an American with a reputation as a passionate foodie, but she’s got hm off red meat and onto kale smoothies.

What’s the point of being married royalty if you can’t rock a Henty VIII waistline and walk around with a turkey leg in one hand and a goblet of mead in the other?

If Harry keeps doing regular shmoe stuff, he’s gonna mess up all our fantasies about trading places, a la The Prince and the Pauper.


Matt Serra Says KO"ing GSP Was Better Than Any "Rocky" Movie

Matt Serra says his SHOCKING TKO of Georges St-Pierre at UFC 69 in ’07 was the real-life version of a Rocky movie — ONLY BETTER … ‘cause he knocked GSP’s ass out! Serra — who’s gonna be inducted in the UFC Hall of Fame in July –…


Monday, April 23, 2018

Kailyn Lowry to Jenelle Evans: You Better Watch Yourself, Bish!

We hope Kailyn Lowry and Jenelle Evans are in line to receive some sort of bonus from MTV, because they’ve both gone beyond the call of duty in terms of entertaining Teen Mom 2 fans with a bit of extracurricular drama that’s playing out on social media rather than television.

Of course, when you love your work, you don’t mind taking it home with you, and Jenelle loves nothing more than being a ginormous pain in the ass to her far more level-headed co-stars.

The latest insanity began when David Eason commented on a photo of Leah Messer’s daughters with an unprompted critique of one of the girls’ appearances.

Yes, David thought Leah’s 8-year-old daughter was wearing too much makeup, and for reasons that defy explanation, he decided to say so on Instagram.

Needless to say, it didn’t go over well.

Pretty much everyone who saw the comment reacted with some variation on “WTF is wrong with this guy?” and of course, that caused Jenelle to lose her mind.

Evans not only defended her husband, she went nuclear on his critics, especially Leah, with the batsh-t argument that David had every right to bully a little girl, because that little girl’s mom once said something sort of mean about him on a podcast.

This led Kailyn Lowry to defend Leah by pointing out once again that Jenelle is a hypocritical crazy person who can dish it out, but can’t even come close to taking it.

“Let’s first start by saying that Jenelle creates her own drama and then blames everyone else,” Lowry told Radar Online.

Kail went on to reveal that Jenelle’s temper-tantrum-followed-by-pity-party pattern is one that her co-stars are sadly all too familiar with.

“There have been multiple times over the years where Jenelle will remove herself from set or have a meltdown resulting in not being in pictures or whatever,” Lowry said.

“Then she will throw a fit saying we bully her or didn’t include her.”

Kailyn went on to claim that Jenelle’s alliance with Briana DeJesus has less to do with any rapport between those two and more to do with Evans’ desire to have someone on her side in her ongoing war with 

“When they added a fifth girl who has beef with people, Jenelle immediately ‘has her back,’ which is cool. Do that. But then don’t turn around when Chelsea, Leah, and I have been close the whole time.

“Of course we are going to have each other’s backs,” she added.

Kailyn concluded with a word of warning directed at Jenelle:

“I’m not going to think twice if you talk about their kids,” she wrote. “Keep the kids out of it.” 

Solid advice. Which means we’re guessing Jenelle won’t follow it.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more reminders of just how bonkers Jenelle truly is.


Sunday, April 22, 2018

Verne Troyer is Hopefully in a "Better Place," Mike Myers Says

Over the past few hours, many people who knew Verne Troyer well have reacted to the sad news of his passing.

As previously reported, Troyer died on Saturday at the age of 49.

The tragic development came mere days after many outlets also reported that Troyer had been hospitalized due to excessive drinking and what many believe had been a suicide attempt.

No cause of death had been revealed at the time of this writing.

Of all the tributes posted on Troyer’s honor, however, the most noteworthy and heartbreaking comes from Mike Myers.

The 54-year old co-starred with Troyer in the Austin Powers franchise, portraying Dr. Evil to Troyer’s Mini-Me. It was the role for which Troyer would forever be best known.

“Verne was the consummate professional and a beacon of positivity for those of us who had the honor of working with him,” Myers said in a statement obtained by Entertainment Weekly on Saturday.

He added:

“It is a sad day, but I hope he is in a better place. He will be greatly missed.

Troyer’s major acting break came in 1999 due to the role of Mini-Me in Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me.

He reprised this role in the 2002 sequel, Austin Powers in Goldmember.

The actor had reportedly battled alcoholism for years and had checked into rehab on several occasions.

Alas, he never received the help he so badly needed.

Said Troyer’s family in a statement on Saturday afternoon:

“It is with great sadness and incredibly heavy hearts to write that Verne passed away today. Verne was an extremely caring individual.

“He wanted to make everyone smile, be happy, and laugh. Anybody in need, he would help to any extent possible.”

On April 2, Troyer – who was born with achondroplasia dwarfism and listed at 2’8″ – was rushed to the hospital for a “reported poisoning.”

The Los Angeles City Fire Department confirmed to People Magazine that they were called to the actor’s North Hollywood home and that Troyer was “extremely upset, drunk and suicidal” at the scene.

We expect more to be revealed about his cause of death in the days ahead.

For now, a statement on Troyer’s Instagram page concludes as follows:

During this recent time of adversity he was baptized while surrounded by his family. The family appreciates that they have this time to grieve privately.

Depression and Suicide are very serious issues.

You never know what kind of battle someone is going through inside. Be kind to one another. And always know, it’s never too late to reach out to someone for help.

Over the past few years, Troyer became known for his appearances in reality television.

The troubled actor had stints on Celebrity Juice, Celebrity Wife Swap, and The Surreal Life.

May he rest in peace.


Sunday, April 15, 2018

UFC"s Zabit Is "Much Better Version of Bruce Lee," Says Khabib"s Manager

Bruce Lee’s the most legendary martial artist to ever live … but UFC rising star Zabit Magomedsharipov is already EVEN BETTER than him — so says his manager.   We got Ali Abdelaziz fresh off Zabit’s savage Fight of the Night victory at…


Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Kendra Wilkinson Is in a Better Place After Filing for Divorce

Last week, Kendra Wilkinson seemed to tearfully confirm a divorce.

Since then, a look at divorce documents has shed further light on how her once-happy marriage to Hank Baskett has come to an end.

There is good news, however: Kendra is reportedly doing better than she has in a long time.

On April 6, after what has been characterized as months of “hype,” Kendra filed for divorce after nearly 9 years of marriage.

However, sources tell Us Weekly that Kendra Wilkinson is “in a much better place” now that she’s signed the documents.

That’s a euphemism that people often use after someone has died, but it may be appropriate now that her marriage has come to a tearful end.

Kendra’s BFF is Jessica Hall, as Kendra on Top viewers are likely aware. And apparently Kendra has been relying upon Jessica for emotional support during this difficult time.

“Jessica is helping Kendra move on.”

Of course, Kendra has also been going on little adventures — even hitting the slopes to snowboard away from her problems.

“Kendra feels free and wants to let loose a little bit and just have a good time!”

The source continues to explain why, as stressful as divorce can be, things are getting better for Kendra now that it’s official.

“She’s been really unhappy and felt uncomfortable in the marriage.”

Sometimes, the greatest emotional agony and turmoil comes before a major decision is made.

Once you’ve made it official, it’s a huge weight off of your shoulders and you can breathe a sigh of relief.

In this case, it looks like the “weight” that was burdening Kendra was repeated conflicts with Hank.

“They have been fighting a lot.”

That is so sad.

Just a couple of weeks into the year, Kendra revealed that 2018 has been the hardest year of her life

So yes, she has been suffering.

In light of what we now know about how her marriage to Hank has fallen apart, this is not surprising.

In divorce papers, Kendra listed the date of separation as … January 1 of 2018.

So yes, we can understand why, just days later, she was struggling and miserable.

We should point out that just because Kendra is happier now that the divorce is in writing doesn’t mean that she and Hank are living separate lives now.

First of all, they are still linked — and will always be linked — by their two children, 8-year-old Hank IV and 6-year-old Alijah.

Second of all, as Kendra recently made clear, they’re still going to see each other for various functions.

On Monday, the two were joined by their children from the Netflix premiere of Lost in Space.

(Fans will remember Kendra’s bizarre music video from a couple of years back. The new Netflix series does not look like a hot mess, however)

Some fans, though they’re glad that she’s in a better place, worry that Kendra is experiencing the calm before the storm.

It’s not uncommon for people to feel visceral relief upon signing divorce papers, only to learn that it’s just a brief intermission of peace before the divorce turns sour.

Let us all hope, for their sakes and for the sakes of their children, that Kendra and Hank can keep things amicable even as they begin to decide things like custody arrangements and division of property.

Together or apart, parents should always put the well-being of their children first.


The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 8 Episode 17 Recap: Better Latex Than Never

The Berlin trip came to a grinding halt on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 8 Episode 17, but did you really think it was going to end without a shred of drama?

If so, then you clearly don’t know the Bravo shows follow a distinct formula: When the drama is drying up, take the cast members on vacation and throw as many obstacles in their way as possible. 

The result? The women will return home with a whole lot of unresolved feelings and some things to talk about at the reunion.

Now, we’re not saying we will be remotely excited by the reunion because if it’s anything like this tired old season, we’re going to have to give the next season a hard pass. 

When the episode opened, the cast was on the final day in Berlin.

Lisa Rinna and Dorit (who’s still trying to imply she’s one of most significant forces in the clothing industry) embarked on a spa day in which they opened up once again about the argument that should never be spoken about. 

That’s one of the fundamental issues with The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 8: the arguments are being rehashed to the point viewers think they’re in Groundhog Day. It’s ridiculous. 

While the two ladies rehashed away, Kyle and Teddi went to the zoo, but they could not go inside with Erika, who was fashionably late.

It turned out, she was sick, but she did help them get closer to the animals, so that should be praised. 

The ladies went about their day it was becoming increasingly obvious there was going to be another bust-up between Teddi and Erika.

The daggers the pair were throwing each other were rather hilarious, and there’s no telling what Erika would do to prove a point. 

If looks could kill, we think it’s fair to say Erika would have found herself meeting her biggest match yet. While Teddi may have seemed passive when she first appeared on the show, she quickly adapted to the environment she put herself in by signing up for the show. 

The producers don’t package thick skin and a guide about how to navigate the shark-infested waters in the Bravolebrity welcome pack. 

We later found ourselves on an evening boat ride with the women, but as usual, Erika was nowhere in sight, and she turned up late again. 

When she showed up, she was wearing a red latex top that was typical for this kooky singer who wants all eyes on her when she enters a room.

The ladies were happy to see Erika, but as the alcohol flowed, Erika got more and more annoyed with Teddi. 

“I have one issue,” said Erika to Teddi in front of the women, adding: “Pretend. Amnesia.”

The two women started a whole lot of back and forth, but Erika seemed stuck on the pedestal and did not want to be called a liar on TV. 

“I don’t care how I talked to you, you called me a liar,” Erika continued in the fiercest tone. 

But something happened, and Teddi literally pooped her pants. We’re kidding about that last part, but Dorit even stepped in to defend Teddi. 

Teddi admitted that something about Erika freaked her the eff out, and it was enough to get Erika to drop the whole thing. Somehow, we’re not convinced. 

What do you think of the way Erika acted? Is she bullying Teddi?

Hit the comments. 

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills continues Tuesdays on Bravo. 


Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Amber Portwood Throws Shade at Farrah Abraham: We"re Better Off Without Her!

It’s been almost five months since Farrah Abraham was fired from Teen Mom OG as a result of her continued refusal to quit performing in live-streaming sex shows.

We still don’t know what the show will look like without the famously unpredictable Farrah, but her number one rival Amber Portwood says fans can expect the TMOG to come back stronger than ever.

Amber spoke out on life after Farrah in an interview with In Touch this week and to the surprise of absolutely no one, she’s not exactly fiending for more Abraham in her life:

“We’re doing good without Farrah,” Amber told the tabloid this week.

Yes, it seems filming is under way, and Amber feels the whole process is going more smoothly without 

Of course, TMOG is unlike most other reality shows in that the cast spends very little time under the same roof, and their storylines mostly take place in separate states.

So it’s not not like Amber can really say for sure if the show will suffer in Farrah’s absence.

But apparently, the response she’s been seeing on social media leads Portwood to believe that fans are mostly in favor of the decision to kick Abraham to the curb:

“We still have our fans and some of them are really happy about it, so I can’t knock that,” Amber said.

Farra, of course, strongly disagrees:

“You could take all the girls on all the series, but none can bring or do as much as I do for the series,” she told Us Weekly in response to recent rumors that she would be replaced by Mackenzie McKee.

The crazy part is, Farrah might be right:

The most famous clash between Amber and Farrah came during a reunion show taping in 2016, when the ladies famously almost engaged in a physical altercation.

Things calmed down a bit in the months that followed, but there’s still a good deal of tension between the former co-stars.

Earlier this year, Farrah went off on the subject of Amber’s pregnancy, accusing her of pretending that it was a surprise and receiving a bonus from producers for getting knocked up:

Amber, just f–king admit you planned your pregnancy. Lmao this is so pathetic,” Abraham tweeted.

“F–K TEEN MOM! Enjoy the bonus for your new kid and pay your child support!”

We’re sure some fans are happy to see Farrah go – but it won’t be easy to find a replacement that can bring that level of drama.

Watch Teen Mom OG online to remind yourself just how bonkers the Farrah years could get.


Friday, April 6, 2018

Jay-Z: I"m a Better Person After Cheating on Beyonce

Like most of America, we’re all still reeling with the knowledge that someone bit Beyonce … and reveling in the mystery of who it might have been.

But long before someone tried to start the Beyhive version of the apocalypse, someone else wronged Beyonce. Her husband, Jay-Z, famously cheated on her.

In a brand new interview, he’s opening up about the work that he put in to try to make things right.

Netflix has a series titled My Next Guest Needs No Introduction.

David Letterman hosts it. One such guest who needs no introduction is Jay-Z. Even if he weren’t the most famous rapper in the world, his wife is a pop singer who is so widely revered that she’s almost been deified.

Letterman’s own affairs are almost as notorious as Jay-Z’s.

While Letterman didn’t write a confessional album about his adultery and while he also didn’t have his sister-in-law clean his clock in a famous elevator video, he was known for having affairs with members of his own staff.

He opens with that, and mentioning that he feels that he’s a better person now after going through all of that.

Which Letterman then uses to segue into his question to Jay-Z, asking if that “rings a bell.”

It does, Jay-Z more or less says.

“I want to have the emotional tools that it takes to keep my family together.”

That’s a very intelligent way of phrasing that.

“And much like you, I have a beautiful wife who’s understanding and knew I’m not the worst of what I’ve done.”

Well, let’s not go comparing Beyonce’s beauty to that of other women. Pretty sure that several Greek tragedies start that way.

“We did the hard work of going to therapy and you know, we love each other, right?”

Therapy can work wonders, for individuals and for couples. Just because it’s not for everyone doesn’t mean that it’s not helpful for most people.

“So we really put in the work.”

Jay-Z continues his answer, speaking of his relationship with his wife.

“Like you, I like to believe we’re in a better place today.”

That’s wonderful to hear.

But he says that he and Beyonce are “still working and communicating and growing.”

Marriage’s challenges evolve with time, which is why relationships that once worked beautifully can fall apart over time.

In some ways, it almost sounds like Jay-Z is saying that he’s a better person than he’d have been if he hadn’t cheated on Beyonce.

(But that sounds like a chicken-and-egg situation, since surely a worse Jay-Z would have still cheated)

It’s not just that Jay-Z doesn’t want to lose his wife. He doesn’t want to fracture his family, which now includes three children, over something like meaningless sex.

He risked all of that, and spoke about it pretty directly in his confessional album, 4:44.

Jay-Z does agree with Letterman’s sentiment, saying that he feels like a better person now.

He says that he is “proud of the father and the husband that I am today because of all the work that was done.”

That’s wonderful.

On a slight pivot, Jay-Z talks about his troubled relationship with Kanye West.

“That’s my brother. We’re beyond friends.”

Does that mean that the feud between Jay-Z and Kanye is over? Not necessarily.

“And, like your little brother, things happen sometimes.”

He then asks Letterman if he has any siblings and if they’ve ever had a falling out, to which Letterman replies: “I’ll let you know when it’s over.”

“Exactly!” Jay-Z says. “It’s exactly like that. That’s your sibling forever.”

That’s very illuminating. And, among celebrity feuds, very unique.
