Showing posts with label COSTUME. Show all posts
Showing posts with label COSTUME. Show all posts

Monday, October 30, 2017

Gwyneth Paltrow: Her Halloween Costume is Actually Good!

Drop what you’re doing and look at Gwyneth Paltrow’s Halloween costume. No, we’re not kidding.

If you haven’t seen the box office-topping 1995 crime-thriller, Se7en, then … well, beware. 22-year-old spoilers around.

Regardless, you need to see this.

Again, Gwyneth’s costume contains a movie spoiler, so be warned.

Though, to be fair, this particular movie spoiler is from 1995 and is old enough to drink.

We can talk about why it’s funny and why people don’t really root for Gwyneth’s costumes to be great in a moment.

But … you deserve to see this photo.

Twitter funny-man Patrick Monahan (not the guy from Train) tweeted: 

“It is with a heavy heart that I report that Gwyenth Paltrow’s Halloween costume owns.”

It is with similarly heavy hearts that we must absolutely confirm this.

Just look:

(The unnecessarily handsome guy with her is her boyfriend, Brad Falchuk, whose writing projects include … most of the stuff that you know Ryan Murphy for)

Okay, so, if you immediately got this, good for you and for your ’90s movie memory.

If not, let us refresh your memory.

(Or, again, potentially spoil a pretty epic crime thriller for you)

Way back in the year 1995, Gwyneth Paltrow was in Se7en alongside then-boyfriend Brad Pitt.

(And Morgan Freeman and Kevin Spacey)

Well, at the end, Gwyneth’s character’s head ends up in a box. The question “what’s in the box” comes up among the characters, and the answer was … yeah. Super unpleasant.

It’s a very famous scene and Gwyneth’s costume being a callback to it is great and shows a better sense of humor than most people imagine her having.

As for the reason that people don’t necessarily root for Gwyneth Paltrow to do things that are funny or likeable, well …

Normally, this would be because of overexposure.

Like, people get sick of a star being everywhere, so they decide to hate them.

Either something comes up (like a minor scandal) and people use it as an excuse to turn their resentment at seeing a celebrity everywhere into hate, or … people just hate them anyway.

In Gwyneth’s case, though … there might be some elements of overexposure or whatever.

But a lot of people are tired of her and her Goop.

Contrary to what she thinks, people don’t just hate her because she’s a woman, but because she peddles “alternative remedies” that have been famously blasted by doctors as ineffective and even dangerous.

Please go to real doctors instead of sticking rocks up your vaginas, folks.

Because of that and the way that Gwyneth talks — talking about “consciously uncoupling” because apparently “breakups” are too pedestrian or mainstream or whatever — she can really rub people the wrong way.

It’s nice and refreshing to see her displaying a down-to-earth sense of humor.

There are other famous films with famous spoilers that actors could potentially parody as Halloween costumes.

One that comes to mind is the spoiler from The Usual Suspects, though hopefully Kevin Spacey will just stay home this Halloween, considering the circumstances.

Gwyneth Paltrow’s controversies are much less serious, though.

It’s nice to see this side of Gwyneth every now and then.

Because she’s usually so full of … Goop.


Tomi Lahren Actually Thinks This Costume is Patriotic

Tomi Lahren is a conservative commentator who thinks it"s very easy to respect your country:

Just deck yourself out in the colors of the flag, right?

WRONG, many critics have pointed out after taking a look at Lahren"s costume below.

So wrong, in fact, that the outspoken Republican is actually violating the code of the U.S. Flag and acting in a very inappropriate manner.

Scroll down for a look at the costume and the ensuing backlash:

1. Wrote Lahren as a Caption to This Photo:

Tomi lahren halloween costume

“Oh LA get ready to find your safe spaces! What am I? Well if you’re a conservative, I’m American AF. If you’re a lib, I’m “offensive.” Let’s go. #TeamTomi #halloween #MAGA #Merica #makeHalloweenGreatAgain.”

2. Controversy Over the Flag

Controversy over the flag

As you likely know, there’s been a major controversy for weeks about this topic, considering many NFL players are kneeling during the national anthem, a significant offense to critics.

3. So, Lahren is Clearly Honoring America, Right?

So lahren is clearly honoring america right

Many people would say so. Others would say this is a pathetic case of exploition and a million times worse than kneeling for the national anthem. The U.S. Flag Code? It would state what you see above.

4. Yes, There’s a Flag Code

Yes theres a flag code

If we’re really debating this, why not look up some facts on the matter, right?

5. The Internet Was Quick to Point This Out

The internet was quick to point this out

It’s almost like folks took pleasure in doing so.

6. She Seemed to Sort of Acknowledge SheWas Wearing It in Ironic Fashion?

She seemed to sort of acknowledge shewas wearing it in ironic fa

But #hypocrite does feel like the right hashtag,

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Kim Kardashian Gets Called Out for "Offensive" Aaliyah Costume

There’s a fine line between paying respect and being offensive.

And many Internet users think Kim Kardashian just crossed it.

The reality star has always embraced Halloween nearly as much as Heidi Klum, often dressed up in multiple costumes every year.

Just consider ALL THESE PHOTOS of the A-Lister as a mermaid, as Anna Wintour and even as a version of herself.

This year, Kardashian appears to have chosen a theme for her various looks: music.

She was spotted out at a party all decked out as Cher on Friday, for example, with best friend Jonathan Cheban doing his best Sonny Bono impression.

Sort of random, but definitely harmless, right?

Folks are not saying the same about Kim’s latest ensemble.

The Keeping Up with the Kardashians mainstay posted a picture of herself dressed as the late artist Aaliyah in a glimmering bra and large rhinestone choker Sunday, captioning the sexy video as follows:

“Baby Girl Aaliyah.”

The beloved R&B singer was killed at the age of 22 in a plane crash and it’s certainly a bit strange for Kim to actually base a costume around this dead star.

As far as we know, Kim was not especially close to Aaliyah, who passed away in 2001, and, what else can we say… it’s just odd to dress up like a late celebrity, isn’t it?

Especially when you try to be all sexy and seductive in the costume, as Kim is clearly attempting here. 

We’re not alone in this assessment, either.

Considering Aaliyah was also African-American, critics have jumped all over Kardashian for what they consider to be cultural appropriation.

This is a charge that has been leveled in the past against Kendall and Kylie Jenner and it means that someone isn’t respecting another culture…

… he or she instead is exploiting it for his or her own selfish purposes.

“Legend or not Aaliyah is a black woman and you’re not. It’s offensive and you shouldn’t push this limit,” wrote one Twitter user in response to this outfit.

Others were equally direct and harsh:

To be fair, however, Kardashian does have her defenders.

Writes one person:

“Kimberly Kardashian West looks great dressed as Aaliyah. THAT is how you pay respect without doing Blackface. Great job @KimKardashian!”

And another:

“The people mad that Kim K. dressed up as Aaliyah only know the chorus to One In A Million. Shut Up. Stop Being Bitter.”

Where do you stand?

Is Kardashian honoring Aaliyah? Offending her memory? Or just being very strange with this costume choices?


Sunday, October 29, 2017

Gwyneth Paltrow Spoils Ending of "Se7en" with Head-in-Box Halloween Costume

If you’re reading this, it’s too late to not know Gwyneth Paltrow loses her head in the movie ”Se7en” … but it’s not too late to get a kick out of her Halloween costume. Gwyneth posted a photo Sunday of her costume this year — and it’s a…


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Anne Frank Halloween Costume Elicits Internet Outrage

Anne Frank is probably the most famous Holocaust survivor of all-time.

The young girl gained notoriety after her diary was published in the wake of her death, as millions of people learned how she hid from the Nazis between 1942 and 1944 when Germany occupied the Netherlands as part of World War II.

She was eventually discovered and died in a concentration camp.

In other words: Anne Frank is a hero.

But one way NOT to honor her struggle would be to sell an ensemble on labeled as "World War II Evacuee Girl Costume."

In general, the Holocaust really isn"t something that ought to be reduced to such a cheap stunt.

Yet that"s exactly what this online retailer went ahead and did, much to the shock and anger of the Internet…

1. Here’s the Costume

Heres the costume

On, you can pretend as if YOU were killed in the mass murder of Jewish people simply by wearing a blue dress, green beret and a messenger bag for $ 24.99.

2. This is the Actual Product Description

This is the actual product description

“We can always learn from the struggles of history! Unfortunately, World War II shook the world in a way that no one could have foreseen. It showed us what true and mettle were. It also created some unexpected heroes, where even a young girl like Anne Frank with nothing but a diary and hope could become an inspiration to us all. We can learn from someone like that!”

3. Ready, Internet?

Ready internet


4. Super Uncool

Super uncool

That is a super understatement.

5. What. The. Actual. Eff.

What the actual eff

We really can’t say it much better ourselves.

6. This is from the Anti-Defamation League’s St. Louis Branch:

This is from the anti defamation leagues st louis branch


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Anne Frank Center Disgusted by Anne Frank Halloween Costume, Glad It"s Pulled

Some genius thought Holocaust victim Anne Frank would make one helluva Halloween costume for kids — but the institution named for Anne is just glad the company behind it got a clue. Eventually. Online retailer rightfully…


Friday, September 29, 2017

Kevin Hart Gets A Whipping in Chicken Costume On Set of New Movie

Kevin Hart’s been ruffling feathers lately with his cheating scandal but Thursday it was him who got his feathers ruffled while hilariously dressed in a chicken costume for his new flick. Hart’s been filming “Night School” in L.A. and during…


Thursday, September 28, 2017

Tiffany Haddish"s Halloween Costume Is So Money!!!

Tiffany Haddish’s banking on slaying with her Halloween costume this year. We got Tiffany at LAX and knowing how hilarious she is, we figured she had something great brewing with all the Halloween parties fast approaching. Pretty obvious she’s been…


Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Bella Thorne Debuts Halloween Costume: The Sexy Weed Doctor Is In!

It’s a tired joke at this point, but Halloween really has gone from a time when parents get dragged around the neighborhood by cranky toddlers in shoddy Marvel masks to a holiday that’s mostly focused on drunk people wearing underwear and cat ears in public.

And for that, we thank it.

Of course, for social media celebrities, the Halloween season starts earlier every year, and this year it looks like the divine Ms. Bella Thorne is first out of the gate with a costume that conveys her profound understanding for what makes the internet tick:

Yes, that’s Bella dressed as … some sort of sexy employee at a weed dispensary?

A sexy stoned Mortal Kombat character?

A sexy tribute to the politicians are helping to lower our nation’s appalling incarceration rate by decriminalizing cannabis?

We’re not sure, but we know there’s weed involved, and we’re guessing the website she ordered it from described it as “sexy.”

Bella captioned the pic, “Hi, indica? Or sativa?”

Which basically translates to, “I’m not just wearing the costume to rack up likes; I legit smoke weed.”

And that’s about it for context.

We know from Bella’s time with Scott Disick that she’s not much of a drinker, and apparently she’s planning to advertise her love for the jazz cabbage on Halloween night.

Or is she?

These days, it’s not unusual for the young folk to rock pick up multiple Halloween costumes with an eye on going out multiple nights.

Hence, Bella’s … sexy red rabbit thing costume.

Frankly, we have no idea what’s going on here, but that’s okay.

Revealing Halloween costumes are like Christopher Nolan movies.

You don’t have to completely enjoy them to appreciate them.

All that really matters these days is that Bella is done with Scott Disick.

She could run around in February in a form-fitting burlap sack and call it a sexy 1920s hobo costume, and we’d be cool with it.

In fact, we’re kind of hoping that happens now.


Friday, May 5, 2017

Britney Spears" VMAs "Slave 4 U" Costume Hits eBay, Plus 6 Others (PHOTO GALLERY)

Britney Spears’ old costumes are about to net one of her superfans $ 1 million … or at least that’s the hope of the collector who’s unloading 7 vintage Brit looks. The crown jewel of Dana Proctor’s collection is the iconic outfit Brit wore…


Tuesday, January 3, 2017

The Bachelor Season Premiere Recap: Jumping the Shark Costume

It’s that time again, THGers and Bachelor Nation.

The Bachelor Season 21 is underway, starring none other than the all-too-familiar (and controversial) franchise pass-around Nick Viall.

While The Bachelor spoilers offer some detailed hints about the outcome of this season, Monday’s premiere offered our first TV glimpse …

Following back-to-back runner-up finishes on The Bachelorette in 2014 and 2015, and a stint in Paradise in 2016, Nick is back yet again.

Seeing him in the starring role for the first time may please Bachelor Nation … or not. But either way, it will get people talking for sure.

Is the fourth time the charm? Can he emerge from The Bachelor with his (mostly) rejuvenated reputation intact – and will he find love?

We can’t speak to that, but as we said, the OUTCOME OF THE ENTIRE THREE-MONTH SEASON is available by following the link above.

Hey, you don’t really know who Nick picks and if spoilers are right until the finale, right? And it makes the whole thing more fun to watch.

Anyway, whether you’re a Bachelor spoilers junkie or not, proceed for the recap of Monday’s premiere and an analysis of Nick’s options …

Even Nick can’t believe he’s really doing this again as The Bachelor Season 21 Episode 1 begins with the obligatory flashback filler.

The obligatory shower montage was followed by his sister – and former stars Chris Soules, Sean Lowe and Ben Higgins – giving advice.

At least we know that this contrived nonsense is somewhat authentic by the razzing Sean and Chris give Nick, because how can you not.

Anyway, getting down to the main event:

Rachel Lindsay is the first woman out of the limo, and you know the beautiful African-American attorney didn’t receive that honor by accident.

Josephine, meanwhile, brought Nick a hot dog and asks him to “lady and the tramp it.” These intros are getting weirder by the season.

Another early entrant, Corinne Olympios, is already being built up as the gorgeous model who rubs everybody the wrong way in the mansion.

Except Nick. She will rub him right. Oooh.

Sarah wore sneakers and ran up to Nick so he wouldn’t feel like the only “runner-up” this year, for the best Nick “in” joke of the night. 

Alexis came out of the limo dressed up as a shark, which she either believes is a dolphin or claims to in order to get maximum air time. 

Time will tell whether that strategy worked.

Perhaps most compellingly, Liz Sandoz, who was Bachelor alum Jade Roper’s maid of honor at her wedding to Tanner Tolbert, is here.

Obviously, Nick railed Liz at the wedding, then never called her, and wasn’t aware she was cast on his season of the show until now.

That’s as hilariously awkward as it gets.

After a chat with Chris Harrison, Nick remembers Liz, and isn’t thrilled that she pulled this stunt instead of just getting his digits from Jade.

In an over-the-top production stunt, Jasmine brought Neil Lane with her to make her limo entrance, which likely gave Nick some PTSD.

Vanessa Grimaldi, for her part, caught Nick’s eye from the beginning, both for obvious reasons and for the fact that she’s so multilingual.

After the limo intros, there’s the first impression rose on the line, and the tension is rising as a number of ladies know they have a chance.

Others, meanwhile, are likely out the door.

Corinne then cemented her status as the Bachelor contestant all the other girls make voodoo dolls of when she stole Nick away for a kiss.

All the women obviously freaked out over this, but Nick did not give her the first impression rose as she was all but certain he would do.

Who did he bestow it upon instead?

Rachel, the first out of the limo. Aww. 

He likes her “aura” and other things. Already, we’re starting to see some big contenders emerge, and she’s clearly one of them.

On the flip side, we’ve forgotten about half of their names. Not a good sign for that half of the field of 30 women who arrived.

Before we get to the Rose Ceremony, there was some unfinished business between Nick and Liz, who he eventually confronted.

She was pleasantly surprised that he remembered her. Nick was … unpleasantly surprised that Liz was surprised about this.

Nick never said that he was intimate with her; Liz was the one who kept repeating that. No making love to Andi Dorfman redux.

Liz insisted she wasn’t there for the notoriety, but Nick hit back with the ultimate dig, questioning if she came on this for the “right reasons.”

Would she survive the elimination portion of the night?

All we know is that Alexis, still in her shark costume, has already won. And she got a rose, which could not have been more deserved.

Not including Rachel, here’s a list of Who’s In … 

Vanessa, Danielle L., Christen, Astrid, Corinne, Elizabeth, Jasmine G., Raven, Kristina, Danielle M., Sarah, Josephine, Lacey, Taylor, Alexis, Hailey, Whitney, Dominique, Jaimi, Brittany and Liz …

… and Who’s Out:

Olivia, Angela, Lauren, Briana, Ida Marie, Jasmine B., Michelle and Susannah.

Follow the link to watch The Bachelor online and discuss in the comments who you think will make it to the hometown dates – and beyond.


Sunday, December 11, 2016

Kylie Jenner Puts on Christina Aguilera Costume to Kiss Christina (VIDEO)

Kylie Jenner played dress up by putting on much LESS clothing, and it was all for Christina Aguilera. Sorry, Tyga. KJ made an encore appearance in her Xtina costume at Aguilera’s 36th birthday party Saturday night. Kylie dressed like Christina from…


Sunday, December 4, 2016

Donald Trump -- Costume Partying with Superwoman (Shhh! It"s Kellyanne Conway)

Kellyanne Conway lifted Donald Trump all the way to the White House, but there’s one thing even Superwoman couldn’t do — get the Prez elect into a costume. Trump’s campaign manager slipped into a tight and leggy Super outfit herself for a “Heroes…


Monday, October 31, 2016

Halloween Costume Clash: Which Kardashian Wore It Best?

A slight damper was placed on Halloween this year for the Kardashians and Jenners.

Why? Because Kim Kardashian did not get dressed up and hit the town.

Over the years, Kim had rocked some memorable Halloween costumes, sometimes more than one per holiday.

But she’s still recovering from the trauma of this month’s armed robbery in Paris, avoiding the press and the public in general. We don’t blame her.

Fortunately, Khloe Kardashian, Kourtney Kardashian and Kylie Jenner stopped up their costume games in Kim’s absence over the weekend.

First, there was Khloe, who stirred up quite a literal Storm on Saturday night, going to a party dressed as the X-Men character made famous by Halle Berry.

She also made out big time with boyfriend Tristan Thompson at a party.

Then there was Kourtney, who has never been married…

… and maybe we now know why!

Because if this is Kourtney’s idea of wedding fashion, then not even Scott Disick would be desperate enough to exchange vows with her:

Finally, Kylie hearkened way back to the days of Christina Aguilera.

And we know what you’re thinking: these are the days of Christina Aguilera.

But we’re talking about old school Christina Aguilera. The 2002 version of Christina Aguilera. The Dirrrty version of Christina Aguilera, the sexy artist who sky-rocketed to fame due to one of the sexiest music videos in recorded history.

Isn’t that right, Kylie?

So there you have it.

There you have your options.

Which of these sisters wore her 2016 Halloween costume best?

And the Winner is?

Khloe, Kourtney or Kylie? Which member of this famous family dressed the best for Halloween in 2016? View Poll »

Compare. Contrast. And vote above.

And then take a look below at many, many other outfits donned by other famous people for Halloween this year:


LeBron James -- Dropped $5k On Costume ... Martin Lawrence Approves

LeBron James has proven yet again that he’s serious about his Halloween costumes … he dropped $ 5k to make sure his “Martin” inspired look was LEGIT for the Cavs’ party … TMZ Sports has learned. LBJ hit up Teheran Jones from Exclusive Game…


LeBron James -- Dropped $5k On Costume ... Martin Lawrence Approves

LeBron James has proven yet again that he’s serious about his Halloween costumes … he dropped $ 5k to make sure his “Martin” inspired look was LEGIT for the Cavs’ party … TMZ Sports has learned. LBJ hit up Teheran Jones from Exclusive Game…


Khloe Kardashian & Tristan Thompson -- Hardcore PDA ... At Cavs Costume Party (VIDEO)

The Cleveland Cavaliers had their annual Halloween party Sunday night … and it was nothing short of epic … with several HUGE talking points that need to be addressed:


Khloe Kardashian & Tristan Thompson -- Hardcore PDA ... At Cavs Costume Party (VIDEO)

The Cleveland Cavaliers had their annual Halloween party Sunday night … and it was nothing short of epic … with several HUGE talking points that need to be addressed:


Saturday, October 29, 2016

Katy Perry Slays Halloween in Hillary Clinton Costume!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year.

No, the real most wonderful time.

Forget Christmas — Halloween is where it’s at. Scary movies, candy, and Katy Perry in an extremely elaborate Halloween costume. What could be better?!

And yes, you heard right: Katy Perry went to a party last night in what surely has to be the best costume of this year.

She posted that photo on Instagram with a hilarious “I’m with me” hashtag — she’s the greatest.

As you can see, Katy really went for it with this costume. She found a killer pantsuit, obviously, and the wig is so on point, but she also had her makeup team come through with some impressive prosthetics.

She shared little glimpses from her transformation on Snapchat, including this pic that will surely haunt your dreams for the rest of your life:

And you know Katy was kind enough to share a full body shot, too:

It seems important right now to mention that, although we don’t have photos yet, Katy’s boyfriend, Orlando Bloom, accompanied Katy to this party as Donald Trump.

Orlando Bloom. As Donald Trump.

Best holiday ever.

Anyway, here’s Katy-as-Hillary enjoying some pizza:

At one point, she even twerked with Kendall Jenner.

Yes, really.

The special moment was captured on Snapchat by the Kardashian’s favorite hairstylist, Jen Atkins.

As Katy twerked on Kendall, she even made a very wonderful joke about “locking down the Kardashian vote.”

While Katy’s costume is obviously incredible, it’s also a costume with a message.

Katy’s been very vocal about her views on Hillary Clinton — spoiler: she loves her very much — and she even performed at the Democratic National Convention in July.

In a speech at the convention, Katy explained that “Both my parents are pastors and staunch Republicans.”

“I didn’t finish high school,” she said. “Unfortunately, I don’t have a formal education, but I do have an open mind and I have a voice.”

“I’m asking you to have an open mind, and to use your voice, because on November 8th, you’ll be just as powerful as any NRA lobbyist.”

“You’ll have as much say as any billionaire, or you can cancel out your weird cousin’s vote.”

“Here’s how I’m going to use my voice: I’m going to vote for Hillary Clinton. I love Hillary.”

And we love you, Katy.

Never change.


Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Kim Kardashian Robbery: Halloween Costume Sparks Outrage

It’s been just over a week since Kim Kardashian was robbed at gunpoint in Paris, and the story shows no signs of leaving the headlines any time soon.

It doesn’t help that there are new reports that the robbery was exposed as fake in recently leaked footage that appears to show the reality star calmly FaceTiming just moments after she was allegedly bound and gaged.

Then there are the stories over the public’s reaction to Kim’s terrifying ordeal…

As with anything Kardashian-related there were jokes aplenty on social media in the days after the robbery took place.

Some fellow celebs expressed outrage over the fact that so many saw fit to make light of Kim’s victimization.

For the most part, their pleas for empathy fell on deaf ears, as thousands expressed their belief that Kim brought the theft on herself by making a living flaunting her wealth in a world full of have-nots.

Many didn’t see Kim as a particularly sympathetic figure to begin with, and reports that the robbery was an inside job orchestrated by a member of her inner circle, or possibly even altogether staged, haven’t helped her situation.

Now, online retailer Costumeish has hit Kim with the ultimate low blow in the form of a costume that turns her horrifying ordeal into a punchline:

Technically, it’s a “Parisian Heist Robbery Victim Kit” that’s currently selling on the site for $ 69.95, but clearly, it’s based on the latest Kim scandal.

The members of the Kardashian-Jenner clan are no strangers to controversial Halloween garb.

Last year a Caitlyn Jenner costume stirred up controversy in the weeks leading up to the holiday.

Even after Caitlyn gave fans permission to wear the costume, many still decried it as distasteful at best, transphobic at worst.

We doubt Kim will be offering her fans a similar pass.

The 35-year-old mother of two is currently suing the website Media TakeOut, alleging that it published three erroneous articles accusing her of staging the robbery.

We’re guessing a partier bound and gagged as part of a misguided joke is the last Kim wants to see on Halloween night.

Thus far, the site selling the costume has not responded to any media requests for comment.
