Showing posts with label Fault. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fault. Show all posts

Friday, May 5, 2017

"Revenge of the Nerds" Star Admits "Psychotic Breakdown" But Near-Fatal Crash Was Wife"s Fault

“Revenge of the Nerds” star Robert Carradine admits being in a psychotic state when he slammed into a semi-truck head-on that nearly killed him and his wife … but he claims it’s HER fault because she cut off his meds. Robert says he…


"Revenge of the Nerds" Star Admits "Psychotic Breakdown" But Near-Fatal Crash Was Wife"s Fault

“Revenge of the Nerds” star Robert Carradine admits being in a psychotic state when he slammed into a semi-truck head-on that nearly killed him and his wife … but he claims it’s HER fault because she cut off his meds. Robert says he…


Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Phil Simms Says Son Misreported Tony Romo News, "Probably My Fault"

Phil Simms says reports he was blindsided by the news he was being replaced by Tony Romo is completely false … and it’s awkward since it was his own son who reported that in the first place.  Here’s the deal …  right after CBS made…


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Kim Kardashian: It"s My Fault I Got Robbed!

Back in October, Kim Kardashian was robbed at gunpoint while staying at a hotel in Paris.

The thieves absconded with more than $ 10 million in jewels and evaded capture for weeks.

Now, several members of what’s said to be a sophisticated crime ring have been apprehended, but the mystery of how such a daring heist was pulled off is still far from solved:

Many remain under the impression that Kim’s robbery was an inside job.

It’s not hard to see how they arrived at that conclusion, as the thieves were clearly privy to information not only about Kim’s whereabouts, but about the valuables with which she was traveling.

Sources say that for weeks after the robbery, the 36-year-old mother of two was convinced that someone within her inner circle had betrayed her.

Now, however, Kim seems to be entertaining a different possibility – and accepting the fact that she’s partially to blame for the events of that fateful night.

On next week’s episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, Kim discusses the robbery with her sisters, and admits for the first time that her social media posts likely triggered and facilitated the crime.

“What I think happened now after like thinking about it so much is that there was probably a group of guys that were following us the entire trip,” Kim says.

“I was Snapchatting that I was home and that everyone was going out,” she recounts.

“So I think they knew [bodyguard Pascal Duvier] was out with Kourtney and that I was there by myself.”

Kim adds that she believes her Snapchat posts alerted the thieves to a “window of opportunity”:

“They had to have known we were leaving that day,” she adds.

“They had this window of opportunity and just went for it.”

She also says she was aware that she was being watched, but was unconcerned, possibly as a result of the fact that she attracts obsessed fans wherever she goes:

“If you wait across the street you can see the lights on because we’re the first floor, so they must have been told we were the first floor,” she tells her sisters.

“They definitely were watching. So I turned the lights off and went upstairs.”

Reps for E! say Kim’s recollection of the robbery is one of the most harrowing scenes she’s ever filmed.

Watch Keeping Up With the Kardashians online to get caught up in time for this week’s intense drama.


Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Chelsea Houska: It"s Not My Fault Adam Lind is a Bad Father!

It’s a good thing Chelsea Houska has so many good things in her life.

Otherwise, she might have literally imploded from the knowledge that she once dated a douchebag like Adam Lind, and that she’s connected to him for life.

If she didn’t have her adorable and loving husband, Cole DeBoer, her darling daughter, Aubree, and that precious baby boy on the way … well, we don’t really want to think about it.

Adam Lind is just a whirlwind of grossness and garbage and shame, isn’t he?

And though he’s said many times that he’s quit Teen Mom 2 because they’ve been so mean to him by showing footage of him being an absent father, he’s still torturing us with his presence.

Will the horrors never cease?!

For this latest bit of nonsense, we’ll be touching on Adam’s appearance on Monday’s brand new episode of the show, specifically the bit where he complained yet again about how he’s portrayed.

On the show, Adam wouldn’t let the MTV crew in his house to film because the poor little dear was napping.

When he finally let them inside, he got right into some complaining, because, bless his heart, they never show him being Father of the Year to little Aubree.

The producers argued that he never lets them know when he does things with Aubree, so how could they film it?

A logical argument, sure, but Adam’s not about logic. His stance was that Chelsea should be the one to tell them, or that they should somehow know all on their own.

Does it make sense? No.

But hey, that’s Adam.

Luckily, Chelsea was able to find the humor in the mess that is this dude, because after the show aired, she tweeted about it.

“Wait…..” she wrote. “How would I inform MTV that he is going to do something, if I have absolutely no idea he’s doing it…? Um….”

“I’m suppose to tell them,” she continued, “even tho I would have no idea he’s doing it. Also, that’s the 1 time he’s been there for something.”

Chelsea’s father, the supremely lovable Randy Houska, also got in on the Adam-bashing, tweeting “How in the hell would @ChelseaHouska know if he went to something?”

When some unreasonable Twitter users pressed him, saying that Chelsea knows when Aubree is with Adam, Randy pointed out that it’s “not her job to call MTV.”

And obviously, it’s really, really not

Chelsea doesn’t owe Adam anything, and really, Adam shouldn’t even be worried about how he looks on television.

He should be worried about, oh, let’s see … maybe being a good parent for the sake of his kids?


Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Gov. Gary Johnson -- Hey, Hillary Fans ... It"s Not My Fault You Took the "L"

Hillary Clinton supporters looking to blame Gov. Gary Johnson for jacking her votes are “fundamentally flawed” in their thinking … according to Johnson’s team. Angry Clinton voters have been shouting it from rooftops since late…


Gov. Gary Johnson -- Hey, Hillary Fans ... It"s Not My Fault You Took the "L"

Hillary Clinton supporters looking to blame Gov. Gary Johnson for jacking her votes are “fundamentally flawed” in their thinking … according to Johnson’s team. Angry Clinton voters have been shouting it from rooftops since late…


Friday, August 19, 2016

Keira Knightley Wears Wigs, And It"s All Hollywood"s Fault!

Keira Knightley’s follicles have been through hell for movie roles, so much so that she now wears wigs.

Knightley doesn’t mind though, she assured UK’s InStyle.

When asked about the biggest risk she’s taken with her looks, Knightley didn’t hesitate with her answer.

“I have dyed my hair virtually every colour imaginable for different films,” she said.

“It got so bad that my hair literally began to fall out of my head! So for the past five years I’ve used wigs, which is the greatest thing that’s ever happened to my hair.”

Knightley is most well known for her period dramas, and of course, the Pirates of the Caribbean films, all of which required the British actress to take on different looks.

The good news is that the birth of her daughter, Edie in May 2015, brought a special gift.


“I have naturally crazy, curly hair, and since I’ve had the baby it’s become 10 times thicker,” Knightley said.

“So now I’ve been finding quite a lot of dreadlocks.

Tangle Teezer is the only thing that works for detangling my dreadlocks. It gets rid of the kinks without snagging my hair out. I also use conditioner every two or three days. 

“My skin has also become significantly drier with age, so I moisturise and I try to drink as much water as possible,” she continued.

“Aside from that, my teeth are always brushed, and I use lip balm.

“My new approach is, ‘Do what you can remember, and don’t worry about it too much."”

Shockingly, Knightley’s porcelain skin wasn’t always so perfect.

“I didn’t do anything with my skin until I started getting acne, at which point I did everything possible to get rid of it,” Knightley recalled.

“I tried a million products, but none of them worked. I had bad skin up until I was 25. I later learned that it was more about diet and hormonal changes.”

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Jon Gosselin: Quitting T.G.I Friday"s, All Our Fault

Before yesterday, Jon Gosselin was happy working the grill at T.G.I. Friday’s.

Well, now he’s going to quit.  Why?  Because we’re all a bunch of jerks for revealing his job.

TMZ first reported that Gosselin was part of the kitchen staff at the Lancaster, PA franchise, accompanied by a selfie Gosselin took with two other employees.

It’s believed that one of Gosselin’s co-workers sold the story (and photo) to the media outlet.

Gosselin had reportedly been working there for a few months before being found out, and yesterday morning he tweeted his disappointment (which has since been deleted) at TMZ, and the internet in general.

Gosselin was furious that a job he was “passionate” about was being used as tabloid fodder.  AND he was donating his paycheck to charity.

“I’m not going to work there anymore because now the trust and the teamwork is gone,” Gosselin told 103.7 in Dallas on July 20th.

“Now someone took a picture of me and sold it … Now I gotta leave a job I was passionate about.”

The restaurant’s general manager, Scott Trompeter told Page Six how much he liked having Gosselin as an employee.

“He works here because he likes to cook,” Trompeter said. 

“He cooks during the day for me and sometimes here and there.  He’s done a great job the last couple of months.  He’s part of my Friday’s family.”

As of today, the restaurant’s rep told Page Six that Gosselin hasn’t yet left Friday’s.

“His employment with us as a team member is in good standing,” the rep said.

Trompeter confirmed that Gosselin does indeed donate his check to charity.

“Every week,” Trompeter said, adding that the 39-year-old former reality star works 7-8 shifts, three days a week.

Gosselin does, however, make time for DJ gigs, which he tries to do at least once a month.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Josh Duggar on Sexual Assaults: Not My Fault!

Earlier this week, In Touch reported that Josh Duggar may soon offer a televised apology during an appearance on his siblings’ TLC reality series.

That rumor was quickly debunked, as the network issued a statement assuring fans that Josh would not appear on Jill & Jessa: Counting On during the upcoming second season or at any time.

Many Duggar fans breathed a sigh of relief, but their joy at being spared further Josh BS may be short-lived.

You see, In Touch has come out with another report about Josh’s “canceled” appearance on the show, and this one is somehow more troubling than the first.

A source tells the tabloid that Josh will never be issuing an apology for his crimes.

But not because he knows his words would fall on deaf ears.

No, this insider claims that Josh refuses to beg forgiveness for the simple reason that he doesn’t feel he did anything wrong.

“One thing you probably won’t hear is that he’s actually sorry, as he believes that external forces were to blame for his behavior,” says the source.

Yes, Josh is really falling back on the old “devil made me do it” excuse.

Must be the kind of thing they teach in faith-based sex addiction rehab.

If that’s his way of thinking it’s probably for the best that Josh won’t be making any cameos on Counting On.

We can’t imagine a grown man going on TV and claiming that it’s not his fault hw molested his sisters and cheated on his wife would go over very well.

Even someone as delusional as Josh can recognize that.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Piers Morgan to Jennifer Aniston: It"s YOUR Fault You are Judged!

On Tuesday, Jennifer Aniston published an essay in The Huffington Post that finally addressed the endless array of pregnancy rumors about her on the Internet.

Aniston wrote that she’s “fed up with the sport-like scrutiny and body-shaming that occurs daily,” noting how harshly tabloids treat females in particular.

No, the actress emphasized, she is not pregnant and she has never been pregnant.

But speculation over the state of her womb was just the symptom of a larger problem, she wrote.

“The objectification and scrutiny we put women through is absurd and disturbing,” said Aniston, adding:

“The message that girls are not pretty unless they’re incredibly thin, that they’re not worthy of our attention unless they look like a supermodel or an actress on the cover of a magazine is something we’re all willingly buying into.”

Praise for the column has been nearly universal, with husband Justin Theroux making it clear that THIS is why Aniston is his crush.

Elsewhere, Melissa McCarthy told Entertainment Tonight that she agrees “one hundred thousand billion percent” with Anisto, while Sophia Bush said the following:

YES to this #WCW to #JenniferAniston, & her frank, smart, vulnerable article on body shaming for HuffPo… 

Judging another person’s body, assuming you are allowed to weigh in on their worth, their ‘beauty,’ or that you deserve to determine a lack of their beauty IS harmful. Not just to me, to all of us.

So there you have it.

All hail Jennifer Aniston, right?

Not quite.

In his own essay published by The Daily Mail, Piers Morgan acknowledged a few of Aniston’s points, but also somehow turned the tables and blamed the actress for having her body judged.

“My dear Jennifer, if you’re so fed up with having your body judged, stop trying to make it look so Photoshop-perfect on magazine covers,” Morgan wrote.

He continued:

“There’s another reason why the media objectify and scrutinize famous women, and why little girls get confused about beauty and body image. It’s this:

“Female stars like Jennifer Aniston deliberately perpetuate the myth of ‘perfection’ by posing for endless magazine covers which have been airbrushed so much that in some cases the celebrity is virtually unrecognizable…

“If she really wants to make a difference to this ugly process, she can start by getting a tiny bit uglier herself and letting us see what she REALLY looks like on a magazine cover.

“Then the little girls she’s so worried about can know exactly what they are aspiring to be.”

Wow. Well… okay then.

Morgan has a decent point somewhere in here.

Young women are absolutely influenced by magazine covers and the less celebrities are Photoshopped, the more people can see how everyone has imperfections, the better. For sure.

But Morgan’s point can exist alongside all of Aniston’s points. Her words don’t ring any less true just because of this Photoshop counter.

Moreover, telling a woman that she is to blame for having her body judged because she ought to make herself “uglier” is just… very, very, very uncool.

We’ll let Chrissy Teigen take it from here: 

Piers Morgan to Jennifer Aniston: It"s YOUR Fault You are Judged!

On Tuesday, Jennifer Aniston published an essay in The Huffington Post that finally addressed the endless array of pregnancy rumors about her on the Internet.

Aniston wrote that she’s “fed up with the sport-like scrutiny and body-shaming that occurs daily,” noting how harshly tabloids treat females in particular.

No, the actress emphasized, she is not pregnant and she has never been pregnant.

But speculation over the state of her womb was just the symptom of a larger problem, she wrote.

“The objectification and scrutiny we put women through is absurd and disturbing,” said Aniston, adding:

“The message that girls are not pretty unless they’re incredibly thin, that they’re not worthy of our attention unless they look like a supermodel or an actress on the cover of a magazine is something we’re all willingly buying into.”

Praise for the column has been nearly universal, with husband Justin Theroux making it clear that THIS is why Aniston is his crush.

Elsewhere, Melissa McCarthy told Entertainment Tonight that she agrees “one hundred thousand billion percent” with Anisto, while Sophia Bush said the following:

YES to this #WCW to #JenniferAniston, & her frank, smart, vulnerable article on body shaming for HuffPo… 

Judging another person’s body, assuming you are allowed to weigh in on their worth, their ‘beauty,’ or that you deserve to determine a lack of their beauty IS harmful. Not just to me, to all of us.

So there you have it.

All hail Jennifer Aniston, right?

Not quite.

In his own essay published by The Daily Mail, Piers Morgan acknowledged a few of Aniston’s points, but also somehow turned the tables and blamed the actress for having her body judged.

“My dear Jennifer, if you’re so fed up with having your body judged, stop trying to make it look so Photoshop-perfect on magazine covers,” Morgan wrote.

He continued:

“There’s another reason why the media objectify and scrutinize famous women, and why little girls get confused about beauty and body image. It’s this:

“Female stars like Jennifer Aniston deliberately perpetuate the myth of ‘perfection’ by posing for endless magazine covers which have been airbrushed so much that in some cases the celebrity is virtually unrecognizable…

“If she really wants to make a difference to this ugly process, she can start by getting a tiny bit uglier herself and letting us see what she REALLY looks like on a magazine cover.

“Then the little girls she’s so worried about can know exactly what they are aspiring to be.”

Wow. Well… okay then.

Morgan has a decent point somewhere in here.

Young women are absolutely influenced by magazine covers and the less celebrities are Photoshopped, the more people can see how everyone has imperfections, the better. For sure.

But Morgan’s point can exist alongside all of Aniston’s points. Her words don’t ring any less true just because of this Photoshop counter.

Moreover, telling a woman that she is to blame for having her body judged because she ought to make herself “uglier” is just… very, very, very uncool.

We’ll let Chrissy Teigen take it from here: 

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Nick Gordon: Bobbi Kristina"s Death Was Her Own Fault!

Bobby Brown has been extremely vocal about what – in fact, who – he thinks killed his daughter Bobbi Kristina.

In fact, in an interview with Robin Roberts earlier this month, he pinned the deaths of not only Bobbi Kristina, but of his ex-wife Whitney Houston, on Nick Gordon.

“I know exactly what happened to my daughter,” Brown told Roberts. “The same thing that happened to my daughter is what happened to Whitney.”

“There’s only one person who was around on both occasions.”

He was, of course, referring to Gordon, who was Bobbi Kristina’s fiance and Houston’s unofficial adopted son.

Both Houston and her daughter eerily drowned in the bathtub after overdosing on drugs, and Brown thinks it’s no coincidence.

Gordon has denied killing Bobbi Kristina in the past, and is doing so again, claiming that Brown is being unfair in accusing him and that the women ultimately brought on their own demise.

“Do I wish I could’ve done more? Of course. My God, the guilt is horrible,” Gordon told The Sun.

“But to say I was the cause of their deaths just because I was there simply isn’t fair.”

Recalling Bobbi Kristina’s death, he said he tried desperately to save her when he learned she was passed out in the tub.

“I had no idea she was in the bath until I heard a friend scream. I raced upstairs and gave her CPR,” he said.

“She wasn’t breathing so I gave her mouth-to-mouth,” he continued. “Three minutes in she spat out some water and that motivated me to keep going.” 

“It was the hardest and saddest thing I have ever done.”

Bobbi Kristina was taken to the hospital and remained in a coma for six months before she died at the age of 22.

“What happened to Krissy was Krissy’s own doing, sad as it is,” Gordon said ultimately.

“Krissy wasn’t only my fiance, she was my best friend, my sister. We just fitted together. In a lot of ways, she was like her mom,” he added.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Kris Jenner to Kim Kardashian: We"re Gonna Get Canceled and It"s YOUR FAULT!

When Kim Kardashian’s sex tape made her an instant Internet celeb back in 2007, many predicted that the big-bootied celebutante would be another Paris Hilton-esque flash in the pan.

Now, nearly a decade later, not only is Kim still going strong, her siblings are so damn famous that there’s a good chance you know more about their day-to-day activities than you do about the lives of your own family members.

No one could’ve predicted that the the Kardashians would climb to the top of the reality show heap and stay there for this long – well, no one except for Kris Jenner.

If one single person can be credited with the continued success of the Kardashian empire, it’s Mama Kris.

Some have even suggested that Kim’s sex tape was Kris’ idea, part of her master plan to indelibly imprint the name “Kardashian” on the public consciousness.

If Kris really has been masterminding this thing from the start, then it’s hard to argue that she’s anything less than a marketing genius.

Unfortunately, Kris’ only clients are her own kids (and their significant others) and the public doesn’t stay fixated on any one thing for very long.

Ratings for Keeping Up With the Kardashians have been steadily declining for the past three years, and it’s beginning to look as though a serious case of Kardashian fatigue is setting in across the nation.

Kris’ solution? Go back to the beginning and give the people what they want:

“Kris has ordered Kim to help her save the show by bringing the drama,” a family source tells Radar Online.

“She saw how the ratings drop was tied to the fact that Kim has been largely absent from the plot this season.

“Kris has put Kim on a mission and offered her a extra million or two if she will be on every episode this upcoming season,”

The problem, Kris believes, is that viewers are just plain bored with the rest of the family, and like baby boomer fans at a rock group’s reunion tour, they just want Kim to play the old stuff.

“Kris knows that viewers are just really over and bored with all the Khloe and Lamar drama, as well as the Kylie Jenner coverage,” says the insider.

“She also knows that Kourtney cannot save it now that Scott is not an explosive asset.”

Suddenly all that talk of a new Kim Kardashian sex tape makes a lot more sense.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Justin Bieber: It"s Taylor Swift"s Fault Selena Gomez Won"t Take Me Back!

Over the past few weeks, it’s become clear that Justin Bieber is trying to win Selena Gomez back.

It’s an unexpected development, not only because the couple has broken up so many times in the past, but also because Bieber seems to be enjoying the single life as much as humanly possible.

But as Selena once told us in song form, the heart wants what it wants.

Unfortunately, in this case, it looks like Justin is being heart-blocked by Selena’s bestie, Taylor Swift.

“Justin knows Taylor doesn’t like him and never will and the feeling is mutual, but he is smart enough to know not to say anything in public or on social media because he knows all the scrutiny he’d endure,” a source close to the situation tells Hollywood Life.

“He never expects to be her friend and is not looking to be her friend. He blames Taylor for some of his issues with Selena and that will never go away.”

Yes, the Swift-Bieber feud has been going on for years, and it shows no signs of letting up.

We’d say Justin is just being paranoid, if he thinks Taylor is encouraging Selena to stay single, but there’s a very good chance that’s exactly what’s happening.

Actually, that’s not quite true. 

Ms. Swift is probably fully supportive of Selena dating Charlie Puth – or anyone who’s not Justin, for that matter.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Jenelle Evans: It"s Nathan Griffith"s Fault I Got Arrested!

Back in August, Jenelle Evans was arrested for assault after allegedly throwing a glass at the new girlfriend of her baby daddy, Nathan Griffith.

Jenelle is fighting four court cases at once right now, so it’s not surprising that she attempted to reach a plea deal to avoid going to court over the charges.

According to Radar Online, however, Jenelle’s attorneys were unable to reach an agreement with the prosecution, and the Carolina Hurricane will now be forced go in front of a judge on April 22.

Not surprisingly, Jenelle’s lawyers are blaming the whole altercation on Griffith and his girlfriend, Jessica Henry, and they’re using the most recent episode of Teen Mom 2 as evidence.

“It’s evident, after watching Ms. Henry’s statement on the latest Teen Mom 2 episode that she and Nathan have ulterior motives for prosecuting Jenelle,” Evans’ attorney Amy Loving told the website.

“We wholeheartedly believe they went to Jenelle’s home with the intention of causing conflict. Nathan was told multiple times not to bring Jessica to Jenelle’s residence and they both chose to ignore her request.”

It’s unclear what specific scene Loving is referring to, but it’s most likely the one in which Jenelle was weirdly traumatized by the realization that Henry cut Kaiser’s hair.

Despite the fact that they plan to use the show as evidence, Evans’ lawyers say they’ll seek jurors who have nbever watched Teen Mom 2, because, ya know…then they’d realize Jenelle is a psycho.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Ian Somerhalder: It"s Nina Dobrev"s Fault The Vampire Diaries Faces Cancellation!

The Vampire Diaries has enjoyed a successful run thus far, but with the departure of a main character, that success is waning.

Season six saw the departure of one of the show’s main characters, Elena, played by Nina Dobrev.  Her reason for leaving was to pursue film opportunities.

“I always knew I wanted Elena’s story to be a six season adventure, and within those six years I got the journey of a lifetime,” Dobrev told fans via Instagram in 2015.

Season seven of the CW series was moved to Fridays, perhaps one of the worst days of the week for a show to air (with the exception of a few).  Since it’s season premiere, ratings have fallen, and rumor has it that Dobrev’s ex-boyfriend, Ian Somerhalder is not happy.

Celebrity Dirty Laundry reports that Somerhalder blames his ex for the dip in ratings, and it’s speculated that Dobrev left the show because she didn’t want to be around Somerhalder and his wife, Nikki Reed (the couple married last April).

Reed reportedly moved to Georgia while Somerhalder filmed TVD, which made for some awkward interactions on set (again, this is speculation).

Dobrev, however, addressed the rumors that she had bad blood with the couple last May.

“When I heard about the wedding, I thought it was beautiful,” Dobrev told E! News of her ex and Reed.

“They look happy and I am happy and so I don’t see why there should be a problem with that. The drama is in the media, it’s not with us. But of course, we’re on a teen drama show, everyone’s going to look for drama.

“If there’s no drama, there’s nothing to write about. I just ignore it.”

The show hasn’t commented anything in regards to ratings, a series finale and whether or not Dobrev will return to mark the end of the show that put her on the map.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Kim Kardashian: I Creep On Snapchat And It"s All Jonathan Cheban"s Fault!

He’s really hip with the kids, that Jonathan Cheban.

Snapchat has been around for awhile, but it wasn’t cool until the Chebs (username: JonathanCheban1) showed Kim Kardashian.

Yesterday, the two besties were in New York and decided to have a discussion about the app in the back of a chauffeured car.

“Jonathan is the reason why I have a secret snap,” Kardashian explained in a series of videos.

“And I only lurk and stalk people.”

Kardashian went on to describe her Snapchat routine, which involves watching the lives and times of others while Kanye West sleeps soundly beside her.

“Kanye was snoring in the bed next to me,” she quipped, then backtracked because the image of West snoring is one he’d probably like to keep private

“Not really snoring, passed out.”

Cheban recently defended his friendship with Kardashian in a super-painful interview with New You.

“People are like, oh, you just hang out with Kim all day. No, I’m working on 39 businesses. It drives me nuts,” Cheban said.

“I’ve been working since I was a kid. I had my own company when I was 23 years old, worked with Diddy and J. Lo and Mariah and did a million events with them.”

Stop being so obsessed with their friendship, ok?

“I get asked all the time, ‘Come on our radio podcast!’ I’m not going on a podcast for five people so that you can use what I said and pull out a Kim statement and then put it in the media,” Cheban said, rolling his eyes.

“When you are best friends with the most famous girl in the world, it’s like being best friends with Marilyn. People are infatuated and obsessed.”

How to keep calm whenever Chebs opens his mouth:

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Iggy Azalea: It"s My Label"s Fault My Career Sucks!

Remember Iggy Azalea?

She reached “Ice, Ice Baby” levels of success in the summer of 2014, only to hit “everything else Vanilla Ice has ever done” lows in the months since. 

It’s hard to believe now, but there was a time when Iggy was thought by many to be the future of hip hop.

Now, she’s basically seen as an industry-wide punchline/cautionary tale, making headlines only when she feuds with a superior rapper or cancels her first nationwide tour due to lack of interest.

Of course, the 25-year-old Aussie blames just about everyone but herself for her status as a one-hit wonder.

In the past, Iggy has said she’s a victim of racism, and even pointed the finger at Britney Spears for sabotaging a single they recorded together.

Obviously, no one bought any of it, so now, Iggy is resorting to a buck-passing tactic that’s been a favorite of failed artists for decades.

Yes, she’s breaking out the old “It’s my label’s fault!” excuse.

Iggy took to Twitter last night to launch a rant against her label Virgin/EMI for failing to help her promote her upcoming album, the very 90s-ish named, Digital Distortion:

“Bad news update:” Iggy tweeted. “My record label Virgin/EMI seems to feel the response to my viral record “zillon” wasnt good enough & im not allowed a video.”

“I felt like it was dope so, whatever. [Label president] Ted Cockle doesnt wanna see me shine. what can i say.

“If all else fails ill just drive around LA and play my new album really loudly every monday from 4-6pm hahaha.”

Yes, publicly slam the people who put you on the map, Iggy. What can go wrong? Excuse us while we pop some popcorn and get comfortable.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Scott Disick: Relapsed! Partying With Tyga! All Kourtney"s Fault!

When your baby mama starts doing it with a 21-year-old, you can be forgiven for a less-than-pleased reaction.

Such is reportedly the case for Scott Disick, who more or less has to sit by while Kourtney Kardashian and Justin Bieber hook up.

Celebrity Dirty Laundry claims that Scott is distracting himself by hanging out with Kylie Jenner’s boyfriend, Tyga, whom the site deems a “bad influence” on Scott.

In Touch was told by an insider that Scott has been hiding his drinking from Kourtney,” the site reports. 

On December 6th, Scott was having himself a grand old time while out on the town, and was a “total mess.”

The source said that at one point, the father-of-three “pushed his crotch into a girl’s face.”

Meanwhile, Bieber is L-O-V-I-N-G what this new romance is doing for his self-esteem.

“He has had a huge ego boost from hooking up with Kourt. It’s been going on for a few months,” a source told People Magazine.

“He is used to being swooned by young girls that have nothing else going on. Kourt is a hot mom with a career.

“He brags about how hot she is.”

Both parties are just having fun, the source added, and don’t see this as anything more than a fun hook-up.

Bieber is reportedly happy while the whole thing lasts, and can’t believe that Kourtney “would go for him.”

Believe it, Biebs.

“Even if she is using him to get back at Scott, he couldn’t care less,” the source said.  

“It’s just one of those things where it makes Kourtney feel good about herself. It’s not serious at all,” the source added, pointing out that Bieber has know the Kardashian/Jenner family for awhile.

“This young guy is into her, he thinks she’s hot and she’s older. She just wants to have fun.”