Showing posts with label Harassment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Harassment. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Mariah Carey, Security Guard Claims Sexual Harassment, Says She Also Called Him Nazi, Skinhead

Mariah Carey’s former security company has threatened to sue her … and the guy who owns the company says she constantly humiliated him by referring to him as a Nazi, a skinhead, a KKK member and a white supremacist.   Michael Anello’s…


Friday, November 3, 2017

Kevin Spacey Accused of Harassment By 8 House of Cards Employees

Earlier this week, fans were shocked by allegations that Kevin Spacey had sexually assaulted a fellow actor at a 1986 cast party.

After the accusation went public, Spacey attempted to deflect attention by coming out as gay, and man who have worked with the actor hinted that his harassment of Anthony Rapp was not an isolated incident.

Today, we’re learning more about Spacey’s scandalous past thanks charges levelled by 8 current or former employees of the Netflix series House of Cards.

For five seasons, Spacey has drawn rave reviews for his performance as conniving politician Frank Underwood on the show.

In response to the allegations against him Netflix not only canceled House of Cards, but called for an immediate halt to production on the show’s sixth season, which was filming at the time.

Now, several crew members who worked with Spacey on the series have issued stunning allegations about the 58-year-old’s behavior on set.

“I have no doubt that this type of predatory behavior was routine for him and that my experience was one of many and that Kevin had few if any qualms about exploiting his status and position,” said one staffer, who alleged that he’d been assaulted by Spacey.

“It was a toxic environment for young men who had to interact with him at all in the crew, cast, background actors.”

The former production assistant alleged that he was groped by Spacey while driving the actor to set.

“I was in a state of shock,” he told CNN.

“He was a man in a very powerful position on the show and I was someone very low on the totem pole and on the food chain there.”

In response to the latest allegations, Netflix issued a statement assuring users that execs had done everything in their power to assure that no further abuse takes place on the House of Cards set.

“Netflix was just made aware of one incident, five years ago, that we were informed was resolved swiftly,” said a rep for the streaming service.

“On Tuesday, in collaboration with MRC, we suspended production, knowing that Kevin Spacey wasn’t scheduled to work until Wednesday. Netflix is not aware of any other incidents involving Kevin Spacey on-set,” the statement continued.

On Thursday, Spacey checked into a treatment center to undergo therapy.

He has not responded publicly to this latest round of allegations.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Dustin Hoffman Apologizes for Alleged Sexual Harassment

Dustin Hoffman is apologizing for allegedly sexually harassing a 17-year-old intern back in 1985, but he’s not confessing to any wrongdoing. The 80-year-old actor addressed the claims of Anna Graham Hunter – the woman who claims…


Brett Ratner: Olivia Munn, 5 Others Accuse Director of Rape, Harassment

You may not be familiar with the name Brett Ratner, but if you’re a movie fan, you’ve almost certainly encountered his work.

In addition to directing the popular Rush Hour series and X-Men: The Last Stand, Ratner has produced more than 70 film and television titles as head of RatPac-Dune Productions, including The Revenant, Prison Break, and Horrible Bosses.

In other words, he’s nearly as successful as Harvey Weinstein–and it sadly, it seems the similarities between the two moguls don’t end there.

This morning, the LA Times published a scathing report in which six women–including prominent actresses Olivia Munn and Natasha Henstridge–accuse Ratner of sexual misconduct ranging from harassment to rape.

Henstridge recounts an incident in the early 1990s, in which Ratner reportedly forced her to perform oral sex.

“He strong-armed me in a real way. He physically forced himself on me,” she said. “At some point, I gave in and he did his thing,” she tells the newspaper.

Munn recounts a number of appalling incidents involving Ratner, including one that she first revealed several years ago.

In her 2010 memoir, Munn recalled an incident in which Ratner masturbated in front of her on a film set.

He then falsely claimed to have had sex with Munn and told the actress that he’s ejaculated on magazine covers with her photo.

“I’ve made specific, conscientious choices not to work with Brett Ratner,” Munn tells the Times.

“It feels as if I keep going up against the same bully at school who just won’t quit,” she adds.

“You just hope that enough people believe the truth and for enough time to pass so that you can’t be connected to him anymore.”

Actress Asia Argento, who alleges she was raped by Harvey Weinstein has tweeted about the connections between Ratner and the founder of the Weinstein Company:

“Weinstein himself crowned you king of the pigs, @BrettRatner. Looking forward to hear your lame excuses/apologies for your hideous crimes,” she wrote this morning.

Marty Singer, an attorney for Ratner, penned a letter to the Times, in which he states that his client “categorically” disputes the allegations against him.

“I have represented Mr. Ratner for two decades, and no woman has ever made a claim against him for sexual misconduct or sexual harassment,” Singer writes.

“Furthermore, no woman has ever requested or received any financial settlement from my client.” 

Ratner has not yet responded to the allegations personally.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Monday, October 30, 2017

"Bachelor" Producers Sued for Sexual Harassment by Production Assistant

The company that produces the ‘Bachelor’ franchise, along with several of its producers, has a sexual harassment case on its hands — a former employee now claims producers repeatedly asked her sexually invasive questions that she says had…


Friday, October 27, 2017

Selma Blair & Rachel McAdams Accuse James Toback of Sexual Harassment

Just a few days ago, 38 women came forward and accused director James Toback of sexual misconduct. 38 is an alarmingly high number.

The number of accusers has now grown to the hundreds.

Among Toback’s accusers are Rachel McAdams and Selma Blair, who are bravely sharing their harrowing stories.

In the wake of the Harvey Weinstein sexual harassment scandal, more and more people in Hollywood are sharing their #MeToo stories and feeling brave enough to speak up, and shatter the culture of silence.

One of the men accused of perpetrating a pattern of sexual misconduct in the entertainment industry is an Oscar-nominated director.

According to the initial allegations, James Toback uses similar tactics on different women.

He allegedly approaches young women if they aren’t sent to him and promises to boost their careers, citing what he did for Robert Downey Jr.

Once alone in a place like a hotel room, he reportedly becomes inappropriate, all under the guise of it just being part of the entertainment business.

He would reportedly try things like humping women’s legs, masturbating in front of them, and ask them unacceptable questions.

(In particular, based upon the accusations, he seems obsessed with talking about masturbation and fixated on women’s pubic hair)

The issue, of course, is that none of this was consensual.

These aren’t accusations of weird dates, these are accusations that he used the false pretense of work-related meetings to lure women to him, where he would then ambush them and coerce them — successfully or not — into playing their role in his twisted fantasies.

All of that is enough to turn your stomach, but there’s more.

As we said, hundreds of women have now reached out to say that they had experiences like those described with James Tomack.

And two big-name actresses, Rachel McAdams and Selma Blair, are sharing their stories with Vanity Fair.

Selma Blair says that she met with him to discuss Harvard Man, at a time when Selma Blair had filmed her famous role in Cruel Intentions but the film had not yet been released.

After Toback apparently refused to leave his hotel room to meet her in the restaurant, Selma went up to meet him. She describes how uncomfortable she became.

“He said, ‘Where are your parents?’ I was thinking, ‘Why is he trying to make me feel so uncomfortable?’ But I realize now he was really trying to figure out what support system I had. I answered him. My mother was in Michigan, and I had an estranged relationship with my father.”

Meaning no family support network in town to speak of.

“James said, ‘You know, I could have him killed.’ He sat back in his chair and said really confidently, ‘I do it all the time. I know people."”

That’s scary … and it will come up again.

“It was about 40 minutes in and he said, ‘Will you trust me? I cannot continue to work with you unless you trust me.’ He said, ‘I need you to take your clothes off. I need you to do this monologue naked."”

As ridiculous as that sounds, Selma was thoroughly intimidated at this point and ended up caving to his request. She says that then, of course, he started rubbing himself through his clothes … and asking if she would have sex with him.

She declined, but he didn’t seem impressed by her refusal.

“I felt trapped. I did not know how to get out and save face and not make a scene. Was I imagining it? He dropped some names [of actresses] that he did some really dark sexual things with.”

And there was an implied threat in that.

“These felt like lies and dark gossip and that he would add my name to the list. I went to leave and he got up and blocked the door. He said, ‘You have to do this for me. You cannot leave until I have release."”

“He said, ‘It’s O.K. I can come in my pants. I have to rub up against your leg. You have to pinch my nipples. And you have to look into my eyes.’ I thought, ‘Well, if I can get out of here without being raped …"”

No one should ever be put into this position.

“He walked me back to the bed. He sat me down. He got on his knees. And he continued to press so hard against my leg. He was greasy and I had to look into those big brown eyes.”


“I tried to look away, but he would hold my face. So I was forced to look into his eyes. And I felt disgust and shame, and like nobody would ever think of me as being clean again after being this close to the devil. His energy was so sinister.”

After that, Selma says, he reminded her that he could supposedly have people killed, and admonished her to keep quiet.

That didn’t stop Selma from telling her manager that Toback was “vile,” and warning her to note send any women to him again. But she didn’t tell the whole story, she says, to anyone except for two people.

Until now.

Rachel McAdams also shared her horror story in Vanity Fair.

She was a 21-year-old theater student at the time, and she was also auditioning for Harvard Man.

At the time, Rachel McAdams had her first TV job to film early the next day, but she eventually agreed to meet him that night. It could, after all, end up being her big break.

(Remember, this is before Mean Girls or The Notebook)

“Pretty quickly the conversation turned quite sexual and he said, ‘You know, I just have to tell you. I have masturbated countless times today thinking about you since we met at your audition."”

That … is not appropriate in a workplace environment. And yes, an audition or anything audition-related is very much a workplace environment.

Also … gross, dude.

Rachel says that he then had her read to him a number of seemingly unrelated passages — like reviews about his work.

(There’s no telling if he wanted to make sure that she was impressed, or if he … ugh, gets off on that)

“Then he went to the bathroom and left me with some literature to read about him. When he came back he said, ‘I just jerked off in the bathroom thinking about you. Will you show me your pubic hair?’ I said no.”

It sounds like, for whatever reason, Toback was less aggressive with her than he is accused of having been with Selma Blair.

“Eventually, I just excused myself. I can’t remember how long I was there. I felt like I was there forever. This has been such a source of shame for me — that I didn’t have the wherewithal to get up and leave.”

Countless other women didn’t. Few would, in that situation. Society trains us to be polite, innate survival instincts tell us to play along, and the man’s very real power to boost careers added even more complications.

“I kept thinking, ‘This is going to become normal any minute now. This is going to all make sense. This is all above board somehow.’ Eventually I just realized that it wasn’t.”

And Rachel acknowledges how fortunate she was.

“I was very lucky that I left and he didn’t actually physically assault me in any way.”

Even so, no one should have to endure that.

With hundreds of accusers having come forward, there’s no telling how many are keeping silent.

After all, reading a story or a woman who got away or said “no” enough times might actually be discouraging to a woman who did not, rather than liberating.

But it’s so important that women — and men — who have faced this kind of unacceptable sexual harassment and sexual assault continue to come forward so that predators can be dragged out into the light of day.

There can be healthy relationships between people who work in the entertainment, whether they’re casual or romantic. They might even be for personal gain.

They must always be truly consensual, however. Making someone feel cornered or trapped or afraid is a monstrous tactic.

If someone fears for their safety or their career if they say “no,” then it’s not consent.

And, basically, no one should ever do any of the thing that James Toback is accused of having done. Please.


Thursday, October 26, 2017

Rachel McAdams Details James Toback"s Alleged Sexual Harassment

Rachel McAdams had an incredibly creepy encounter with disgraced director James Toback … who she claims turned an audition into a very personal chat about his masturbation habits. Rachel says it happened when she 21. After meeting Toback…


Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Harvey Weinstein New Sexual Harassment Accuser to Appear with Gloria Allred (LIVE STREAM)

There’s yet another woman accusing Harvey Weinstein of sexual harassment … and TMZ will be streaming live when she comes forward to talk about the alleged incident. The new accuser is set to appear with her attorney, Gloria…


Chris Brown"s Baby Mama and Her Ex-Friend Resolve Harassment Beef

Chris Brown’s baby mama is walking away from one legal battle after working things out with the woman she claims made death threats against her. Nia Guzman and Shakur Sozahdah both ran to court earlier this month and got temporary…


Sunday, October 22, 2017

Director James Toback Accused of Sexual Harassment by More Than 30 Women

Director James Toback — famous for films like “Two Girls and a Guy” — has been accused of sexual harassment by over 30 women … this in the wake of Weinstein. The Los Angeles Times posted a story, in which 38 women accuse Toback of decades-long…


Friday, October 20, 2017

Sean Young Claims Barbra Streisand Shamed Her for Calling Out Sexual Harassment

Sean Young says she was the Rose McGowan of her day … getting shamed by Hollywood’s elite — like Barbra Streisand — when she dared to accuse Warren Beatty of sexual harassment. Sean was on KLBJ-FM in Austin Thursday and when they asked her…


Monday, October 16, 2017

#MeToo: Stars Share Stories of Sexual Harassment, Assault

Alyssa Milano and a host of female celebrities are doing what they can on social media to raise awareness about sexual harassment and/or assault.

In the wake of the troubling Harvey Weinstein rape allegations, and the ways in which Hollywood has appeared to cover the producer"s actions up, Milano has Tweeted a call-to-action.

She"s asking people to speak out about being sexually harassed or assaulted by replying to her tweet with the words "Me Too."

(According to Twitter, #MeToo has been tweeted nearly half a million times in the past 24 hours.)

Scroll down to see what we mean and to see who has joined in this campaign…

1. Let’s Band Together

Lets band together

This was the original post on Twitter. It explains it all.

2. Hilarie Burton

Hilarie burton

The former One Tree Hill star also made headlines when she forced Ben Affleck to apologize for groping her in 2003.

3. Lady Gaga

Lady gaga

The singer has been very open for years about having been sexually assaulted.

4. Rosario Dawson

Rosario dawson

Yes, her too.

5. Lea Thompson

Lea thompson

And her, too.

6. Sophia Bush

Sophia bush

This actress, too.

View Slideshow

Saturday, October 14, 2017

George Clooney: Accused of Sexual Harassment by ER Actress Vanessa Marquez?!

All the Harvey Weinstein news that’s been coming out for the past several days … it sure has been tough to stomach, huh?

Every single day — sometimes it feels like nearly every single hour — we hear new details about all the horrible things he’s done throughout his career.

A new woman comes forward with a new story, filled with new horrors, as if our faith in humanity wasn’t shaky enough these days.

And the stories aren’t even just limited to the crimes of Harvey Weinstein: tons of celebrities are feeling inspired to share stories of sexual harassment they’ve experienced throughout their careers, regardless of who the perpetrator was.

We’ve heard (or been reminded) of some pretty terrible tales about Ben Affleck, and actors like Terry Crews and James Van Der Beek have made it clear that men are victims of sexual assault in Hollywood, too.

But now we’re hearing a new story — one about George Clooney.

And it sure is a doozy.

Let’s think back, around 20 years ago, to a time when George was on a little show called ER.

For the first three seasons of the show, George acted alongside a woman named Vanessa Marquez, who played the role of Nurse Wendy Goldman.

Vanessa didn’t return for the fourth season though, and except for a few small roles here and there, she hasn’t acted since.

And that’s because, as she claims, she was blacklisted from the industry after speaking out about sexual harassment on the set of the show.

The whole thing began when George made a statement about Harvey Weinstein — the two had worked together extensively over the years.

In the statement, he called Harvey’s actions “indefensible,” and claimed that “I’ve never seen any of this behavior — ever.”

Vanessa discussed the matter on Twitter, where she wrote “B.S. Clooney helped blacklist me when I spoke up abt harassment on ER. ‘Women who don’t play the game lose career’ I did.”

She says that she’s been telling this story since it happened over 20 years ago, but since George Clooney is such a beloved actor, no one believes her.

“Clooney is doing pre damage control,” she theorized about his Harvey statements. “He has his own secrets and I know them!”

She called him a “predator” and a “hypocrite,” and said that “He’s not who he pretends to be,” he’s “a monster in his own way.”

As for the harassment she faced on the set of ER, she said that she experienced both sexual assault — she referred to what happened to her as “pussy grabbing” — and that things also got racial, and she heard “Mexican jokes EVERY day.”

“Happened to all the women,” she claimed. “They chose 2 b victims. I fought.”

To be clear, she never says that George was one of the people who harassed her on set, just that he was involved in blacklisting her after she brought the issue to light.

Many people are alarmed at this story, because there’s never really been any horror stories about George Clooney.

And George himself has already taken the time to address this story.

“I had no idea Vanessa was blacklisted,” he said. “I take her at her word. I was not a writer or a producer or a director on that show.”

“I had nothing to do with casting. I was an actor and only an actor. If she was told I was involved in any decision about her carer then she was lied to.”

“The fact that I couldn’t affect her career is only surpassed by the fact that I wouldn’t,” he concluded.

Vanessa, meanwhile, stands by her story.

What awful story are we going to hear next?


Friday, October 13, 2017

"Law & Order" Creator Dick Wolf, Culture of Sexual Harassment, Men are Pigs

Powerful men in Hollywood have been preying on women because that’s how lots of men are built … so says “Law & Order” titan Dick Wolf. We got Dick leaving Craig’s Thursday night and he’s not a bit surprised at the Harvey…


Amazon Entertainment Chief Roy Price Suspended Amid Sexual Harassment Claim

Amazon Studios President, Roy Price, has been suspended after facing allegations he sexually harassed the producer of one of his hit shows. Price is reportedly on a leave of absence effective immediately. Earlier Thursday … Isa Hackett — an…


Thursday, October 12, 2017

Harvey Weinstein"s Contract Allowed for Sexual Harassment

Harvey Weinstein may have been fired illegally by The Weinstein Company, a company that wrote a contract that said Weinstein could get sued over and over for sexual harassment and as long as he shelled out money, that was good enough for the…


Ben Affleck Accused of Groping Makeup Artist as Harassment Scandal Worsens

In the wake of reports that Harvey Weinstein sexually abused countless women during his decades at the top of the Hollywood hierarchy, countless high-profile victims have come forward to reveal that they were harassed and forced to keep quiet for fear of being blackballed.

If there’s a silver lining to be found in this massive black cloud of a scandal, it’s the fact that Hollywood’s culture of demeaning and victimizing young women is finally being brought to the public’s attention–and Weinstein isn’t the only abuser who’s now being taken to task.

As you may have heard, Ben Affleck condemned Weinstein and appalling misconduct in a statement issued earlier this week.

Many applauded the actor, who rose to mainstream fame with 1997’s Good Will Hunting, the Weinstein-produced sleeper hit that earned Affleck and co-star Matt Damon a pair of Best Original Screenplay Oscars.

But standing out in the chorus of praise were several voices calling out Affleck for blatant hypocrisy and some ugly misdeeds of his own.

The allegations started with actress and former MTV VJ Hilarie Burton who Affleck groped on the set of TRL back in 2004.

Burton even supplied video of the incident for those who called her account into question.

Shortly thereafter, a second incriminating clip resurfaced, this one apparently showing Affleck harassing a Canadian television host during a 2006 interview.

(The alleged victim in that case, Anne-Marie Losique, has stated that she was “not at all a victim” and that the incident was part of a “game” she and Affleck were playing “for the camera.”)

The allegations against Affleck are not nearly as severe as those against Weinstein, who now stands accused of raping Asia Argento when the actress was just 21 years old.

But the fact remains that new or forgotten evidence of appalling behavior on Affleck’s part keeps making the rounds on social media, and the actor is currently making the situation worse by keeping quiet.

The latest allegation comes from makeup artist Annamarie Tindler, who tweeted yesterday that Affleck sexually assaulted her in 2014.

“I would also love to get an apology from Ben Affleck who grabbed my ass at a Golden Globes party in 2014,” Tindler wrote.

“He walked by me, cupped my butt and pressed his finger into my crack … I guess he tried to play it like he was politely moving me out of the way and oops touched my butt instead of my lower back?” she continued.

Tindler added that while all of Affleck’s alleged victims experienced different forms of harassment, they all have one thing in common:

“Like most women in these situations I didn’t say anything but I have thought a lot about what I’d say if I ever saw him again,” she concluded.

Affleck has apologized for groping Burton, but has yet to address the other accusations that followed.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


James Van Der Beek Details Sexual Harassment by "Older, Powerful Men"

James Van Der Beek is here with a very important message to women around Hollywood:

You are not alone.

On the heels of the ongoing Harvey Weinstein saga – the veteran movie producer is accused of sexually harassing, like, every woman whose path he came across – Van Der Beek took to Twitter on Wednesday and revealing something very personal.

The actor strongly condemned Weinstein’s behavior… applauded the women who have shared their stories… and said he, too, has a sexual harassment tale to unfortunately pass along.

“For anyone judging the women who stayed silent, read this for perspective. Also for anyone brushing off harassment as “boys being boys…” the former Dawson’s Creek star said to open his series of Tweets.

He added:

“What Weinstein is being accused of is criminal. What he’s admitted to is unacceptable – in any industry. I applaud everybody speaking out.”

Van Der Beek is right, of course.

But he went on to detail just why he’s saying this and just why he can relate to these victims:

Because he’s add his private parts groped by Hollywood executives over the years.

“I’ve had my ass grabbed by older, powerful men, I’ve had them corner me in inappropriate sexual conversations when I was much younger…” the actor Tweeted.

As you can see above, he went on to say the following:

“I understand the unwarranted shame, powerlessness & inability to blow the whistle. There’s a power dynamic that feels impossible to overcome.”

Van Der Beek’s admission comes a day after Terry Crews also outlined an instance in which he was molested by a higher-up in Hollywood.

Ever since the explosive New York Times and New Yorker reports alleging Weinstein’s years and years of sexual misconduct, a multitude of actresses have come forward to share their stories about the producer.

These women included Gwyneth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie, Rose McGowan, Mira Sorvino, Asia Argento, Cara Delevigne, Lea Seydoux, Rosanna Arquette, Judith Godrèche, Tomi-Ann Roberts, Katherine Kendall and Dawn Dunning.

The scandal has engulfed many men, as well.

Not just Crews and Van Der Beek, who are earning praise for their thoughtful responses and candid confessions.

But also stars such as Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, who are accused of covering up for Weinstein’s inexcusable behavior.

In Affleck’s case, his own past of inappropriate touching has been brought to light.

This is a very ugly time in Hollywood.

But perhaps all this light being shed on the topic of sexual misconduct can start to put an end to it going forward.


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Ben Affleck: Multiple Sexual Harassment Videos Resurface Amidst Growing Scandal

It’s hard to think of a celebrity who’s been who’s been at once so unfathomably successful and so transparently troubled as Ben Affleck.

With two Oscars, several successful turns behind the camera as director, and a lucrative multi-feature gig as one of the most iconic characters in cinema, Affleck has the kind of career most leading men can only dream of.

And yet, it’s impossible to talk about the 45-year-old without mentioning the persistent dark side that seems to have plagued him at least since young adulthood.

We’ve seen Affleck struggle with alcoholism and endure a difficult divorce that considerable damage to his public image.

He’s been accused of cheating on his wife, gambling compulsively, and indulging in fits of rage indiscriminately.

And now, Affleck may be on the verge of most sordid scandal of his career thanks to a pair of newlt resurfaced videos that show the actoe engaged in some truly unsettling behavior.

On Tuesday night, fans were stunned by allegations that Affleck groped actress Hilarie Burton during an appearance on MTV’s TRL.

Now, video of the incident has emerged, and it’s every bit as unnerving as it sounds:

Yes, at 30 years old, Ben–who was already an established star in Hollywood–took it upon himself to “tweak” the breast of a 20-year-old up and coming media personality in front of a crowd and a camera crew.

Burton laughed off the encounter in the clip above, but she tweeted last night that she “laughed to keep from crying.”

Sadly, that’s not the only example of Ben engaging in egregious misconduct with a young female journalist.

The clip below, shot in 2004, shows Ben pulling a Canadian TV host into his lap and embracing her while encouraging her to do the remainder of the show topless and asking to see more cleavage.

Needless to say, the footage is upsetting, to say the least:

At the 4:00 mark, Ben also mocks people suffering from cerebral palsy. 

The footage was shot over a decade ago, but it’s worth noting that Affleck was 33 years old at the time.

Earlier today, Ben issued an apoplogy for the Burton incident, tweeting:

“I acted inappropriately toward Ms. Burton and I sincerely apologize.”

He has yet to respond to the uproar over the second clip.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Sunday, October 8, 2017

Harvey Weinstein Fired from The Weinstein Company Amid Sexual Harassment Allegations

Harvey Weinstein has been fired from his own company, admit allegations of chronic sexual misconduct. The Board of Directors of The Weinstein Company just issued a statement, “In light of new information about misconduct by Harvey Weinstein that…
