Showing posts with label Hiding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hiding. Show all posts

Friday, September 1, 2017

Usher Herpes Lawsuit Accuser Claims He Is Hiding His Assets For Judgement Day

The women who is suing Usher for allegedly giving her genital herpes believes the singer is fraudulently transferring all of his assets, so they can not be seized to satisfy the 20 million dollar judgement she believes she will get. The women only…


Usher Herpes Lawsuit Accuser Claims He Is Hiding His Assets For Judgement Day

The women who is suing Usher for allegedly giving her genital herpes believes the singer is fraudulently transferring all of his assets, so they can not be seized to satisfy the 20 million dollar judgement she believes she will get. The women only…


Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Gwen Stefani: Hiding Her Blake Shelton Baby Bump?!

Are you sick of hearing about all the Gwen Stefani pregnancy rumors yet?

Of course not — how could you be?!

Because, don’t forget, one day those rumors could finally be true.

And on that day, we’ll know that the world will soon be blessed with a precious little baby that is half Gwen Stefani, half Blake Shelton.

What a gift that would be, right?

But with all that being said, if you still can’t help but feel a little bit exasperated about all the many, many rumors, that’s normal.

For the past year or so, and especially for the past few months, it feels like we’ve been hearing that Gwen is pregnant every other day.

Every other minute, almost.

It’s exciting, but it’s also hurtful when time goes by and there’s no baby bump to be seen.

Except this time, for this particular rumor, that might not be the case!

According a source close to Gwen who spoke with Hollywood Life, “Gwen’s body language lately has been that of someone that is in the early stages of pregnancy.”

Meaning that “The way she has recently started to carry herself is the same as when she was carrying Apollo.”

“She is walking differently and holding her body differently, almost covering up or protecting her belly the exact same way she did last time she was pregnant.”

It sounds promising, doesn’t it?!

After all, Gwen has carried three children, it’s probably safe to say that the people close to her can tell the signs by now.

But there’s still more cuteness to hear about!

The insider also said something that we’ve been hearing for a while — if she is pregnant again, she hopes to have her first girl.

“She has always wanted a girl and she is really in love with Blake,” the source explained.

“She loves Blake and they are a perfect couple,” and “she would certainly be overjoyed to have his baby.”

Getting a little vague but still super precious, the source added that “Blake and Gwen are inseparable, they spend almost every night together and a baby might be on the way for the happy couple!”

It’s definitely possible — just earlier this month, we heard that Gwen has started using alternative medicine to help her conceive!

She’s allegedly been getting acupuncture, and she’s also said to be visiting with a Chinese herbalist with the goal of increasing her fertility.

She’s also been doing some hypnosis “because she knows there’s a huge mind-body connection and she’s got a good friend that swears that helped her get pregnant in her 40s.”

Though we already know getting pregnant in her 40s isn’t a big deal — she gave birth to her youngest child when she was 43.

So did the alternative medicine stuff work? Is she actually pregnant? Can be we expecting an announcement within the next few months?!

Unfortunately, only time will tell.


Friday, August 4, 2017

Mohamed Hadid Allegedly Hiding Nearly $600k to Avoid Paying Judgment

Mohamed Hadid successfully executed an elaborate scheme to hide nearly $ 600k he owes from a lawsuit he lost … so says the guy trying to collect the dough. Juan Carlos Gonzalez filed docs claiming Mohamed’s weaseling his way out of paying…


Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Josh Duggar Emerges From Hiding to Congratulate Jill on Baby: Watch!

It"s been over two years since the Josh Duggar sex scandals nearly brought down one of the most lucrative empires in the history of reality television.

Astonishingly, the Duggars survived the revelation of shocking sex crimes to be granted a second shot at TLC stardom.

Part of the deal they made with producers and potential viewers involved a promise that Josh would not appear on Counting On, and it was widely assumed he would continue to keep a low profile in general.

But now, it seems Josh is getting bored with hiding out in the basement, and he"s eager to hop back on the fame train.

As you may have heard, Jill Duggar welcomed her second child this week, and members of her massive family have been offering their congratulations online.

The latest kind words come from none other than the black sheep Josh himself, who recorded a short video message to Jill and her husband, Derick Dillard:

“Hey, congratulations Jill and Derick. We are so excited for you guys on your new arrival," Josh tells the camera while surrounded by members of his own ever-expanding clan.

From there, perhaps aware that no one wants to hear her husband speak, Anna takes over, saying:

“We are thrilled that Samuel Scott is here,” says Anna, “and the kids are excited to have another cousin to join the herd.”

She continues:

“We are so excited for you, and we look forward to all that God has in store for your little life Samuel.”

The clip marks a major step forward in the Duggars" efforts to reintroduce Josh to the public.

It wasn"t that long ago that the family was so eager to keep him out of the tabloid headlines that they would remove Josh in post-production if he happened to accidentally appear on screen.

Are we on our way to a very special Prodigal Son episode in which he"s welcomed back into the fold?

Watch Counting On online to find out!

Josh duggar emerges from hiding to congratulate jill on baby wat

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Crazy Video Shows Woman Hiding from Cops in Ceiling of Houston Hair Salon

Here’s something you don’t see every day — a woman running around in the ceiling like a squirrel on the loose … as cops yell at her to come down. Houston PD responded to a burglary call at Hall of Fame Hair Studio last week after the manager…


Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Kato Kaelin Says O.J. Simpson Should Go Into Hiding After Prison Release, But Not with Him

Kato Kaelin’s not expecting to hear from O.J. Simpson after more than 22 years, when he becomes a free man, but if he gets a call … he probably won’t answer it. The famed witness tells TMZ he thinks O.J. should go into hiding after his…


Thursday, June 8, 2017

Jinger Duggar: Hiding Baby Bump in Latest Photo?!

Back in November, Jinger Duggar married Jeremy Vuolo.

And naturally, the pregnancy rumors started flying almost immediately.

After all, Jinger is a Duggar, which means she’s been raised to believe that women have been placed on this planet for the sole reason of serving as breeding vessels.

So it’s somewhat surprising that nearly seven months after she and Jeremy exchanged vows, there’s still been no official confirmation that Jinger is knocked up.

Of course, there’s been plenty of speculation about Jinger hiding her pregnancy in her latest social media photos.

And why would a woman who’s been open about her plans to raise a brood of comparable size to the one she grew up in?

Because the Duggars have a new season of Counting On to promote, of course!

Weddings and pregnancy announcements are the Duggars’ bread and butter, and Instagram posts don’t always result in ratings bumps.

In order to fully cash in, the revelation needs to be made on TV, which might be why we get photos like this:

Jeremy posted that photo yesterday, along with a caption reading:

“Jinger and I couldn’t be more grateful for our dear friend Pastor Michael Mahoney of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, CA and his amazing family. We love you guys!”

Yes, Jinger and Jeremy are indoors in Califorina in June, and yet Jinger is going with the full Inspector Gadget-style trench coat.

Look, all of us who have been slacking on working on our summer bodies would love to rock four or five layers this time of year and not be questioned about it.

But when you’re a public figure who’s very likely knocked up, getting questioned about your attire is unavoidable.

We’re not saying with any certainty that Jinger is knocked up, but we can certainly see why other people might be saying that.

“Only the top [button] is buttoned. It’s a bun in the oven!” one fan commented on the photo.

“It’s very possible that Jinger could be expecting,” another stated bluntly.

The Duggars do a lot of things well, breeding chief among them. 

But as we’ve learned in the past, keeping secrets is not their strong suit.

Watch Counting On online to get caught up in time for next week’s season premiere.


Monday, May 8, 2017

Jinger Duggar: Hiding Pregnancy In New Photos?

There’s a lot of discord in the world today.

Americans are more divided than ever, and it doesn’t look as though our differences will be resolved any time soon.

The big issue, that’s tearing us apart as a nation, of course, is Jinger Duggar’s decision to wear pants.

We kid, of course, but believe it or not, Jinger’s choice of legwear is a major source of controversy amongst Duggar obsessives, with some praising the 23-year-old’s boldness, will others decry her abandonment of a cherished family tradition.

This is the extent to which new photos of the Duggars are scrutinized.

So perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised that some recent pics of Jinger have set off a new round of controversy.

Interestingly, in the latest images, Jinger is back to wearing a dress.

It seems she still rocks Jim Bob-approved garb when she’s with her family in Arkansas, perhaps to send the message that her father still holds a disturbing amount of influence in her life.

But some fans think Jinger’s return to floor-length skirts serves a more practical purpose.

For months now, rumors that Jinger is pregnant with her first child have been circulating on social media.

Eagle-eyed fans claim that Jinger has been concealing the visual evidence for weeks, and the Jinger Duggar baby bump watch is officially on.

Over the weekend, the family posted pics from Jinger’s latest visit to Tontitown … 

… and of course fans obsessed over what may or may not be a very early-stage baby bump.

“Jinger looks pregnant,” commented one fan.

“Does Jinger have a bump!” wrote another.

Others chimed in with the opposite opinion, insisting that folks are only seeing a protrusion because they want to:

“She doesn’t look pregnant at all. It’s the dress,” said one fan.

The debate over whether or not Jinger is knocked up will likely continue to rage until Jinger either confirms or denies the rumors, but the good news is, there’s consensus on one thing:

“Jinger’s looking really good these days. Stylish and on-trend. Makes such a huge difference when you can pick out your own clothes and not wear 10-year-old hand-me-downs,” wrote one Facebook fan.

So there you have it.

It looks like there is something that everyone can agree on.


Phaedra Parks Busting Out of Hiding After Divorce Drama (VIDEO)

Phaedra Parks is still legally married to Apollo Nida but that’s not stopping her from dancing on couches at the club dressed in head-to-toe lingerie. “The Real Housewives of Atlanta” star hit up the Banco Lounge in Atlanta for celeb stylist Jeremy…


Sunday, April 2, 2017

Taylor Swift: Did Bullies Force Her into Hiding?!

These days, if you hear anyone talking about Taylor Swift, your first reaction may be “Taylor Swift who?”

Well, not really. You’d probably roll your eyes and try to change the subject, but you see where we’re going with this.

Taylor’s been staying out of the spotlight for months now. Besides releasing that 50 Shades Darker music video with Zayn Malik and performing at Super Bowl pre-show, she’s pretty much been in hiding.

It’s worth noting that at that pre-show, she told the audience that “I’m only doing one show in 2017, and as far as I know, this is that show.”

She’s barely been on social media except to promote those couple of projects, and she hasn’t been spotted by paparazzi in nearly two months.

It’s a weird move for the biggest pop star in the world.

And now, thanks to a new report from Hollywood Life, we may know why.

An insider explains that Taylor “enjoys being connected with her fans but she also struggles with the negativity and bullies that she deals with whenever she reads Instagram comments.”

Girl, you’re a pro now. You know better than to read the comments.

Still, she’s “loving her break from social media.”

“She will be back to posting more regularly soon,” the source says, “but for now she is really appreciating detoxing and being unplugged from some of the negative energy online.”

While this is a solid theory and we can definitely believe that Taylor is having fun just living her life away from the spotlight, we imagine bullies aren’t the only reason she’s been keeping quiet.

Let’s not forget, the girl had a pretty horrific year last year.

You know, for Taylor Swift.

She broke up with Calvin Harris and hooked up with Tom Hiddleston very soon after, sparking cheating rumors and beginning the most embarrassing courtship of all time.

Critics and fans alike gave her the side-eye for how she behaved with him, and they broke up after a few months together.

Around the same time, Kim Kardashian released a certain series of recordings of a conversation between Taylor and Kanye West.

The recordings proved that Taylor had lied about Kanye asking her permission to rap about her in his song “Famous,” and they also proved that Taylor was playing the victim in their renewed feud.

Then, when election season was underway, she never spoke out at all about the candidates, causing many people to accuse her of being a “fake feminist” who only uses the movement when it can make her look good.

To this day, she still hasn’t said a word against Donald Trump, which, to many, isn’t OK.

So it’s probably safe to say that she’s waiting for a lot of those memories to fade before she tries to drop her next mega hit album, you know?

That’s the way the Taylor Swift game is played, after all.


Friday, March 24, 2017

Katherine Jackson Tells The Judge, Trent"s So Bad I"m Hiding Out in London

Katherine Jackson — or someone claiming to be Katherine Jackson — has doubled down in the family war, claiming again Michael’s cousin, Trent, has been stealing from and bullying the matriarch.  Katherine has been MIA for months after…


Thursday, February 23, 2017

Kris Jenner: Hiding Embarrassing Medical Problem?

Earlier today we reported that adult film company Vivid is promising new Kim Kardashian sex tape footage to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the video’s release.

Of course, the now-infamous clip didn’t just introduce Kim to the mainstream, it also made an overnight star out of her ambitious “momager,” Kris Jenner.

Despite what a surprising number of fans were hoping for, the lost footage does not show Ray J peeing on Kim, but this is 2017, so you still won’t be getting out of this day without a Kardashian-related pee story:

According to Radar Online, Kris Jenner is having difficulty, um … holding her water.

The Kardashians aren’t huge on privacy, so it shouldn’t come as much of a surprise that the family’s reality shows have mined Kris’ weakening bladder for comedic purposes.

But it seems the problem may be more serious than Kris and company are letting on:

“Kris had more ‘accidents’ recently than ever before and has to be extremely difficult of what she eats and drinks before going to public events,” a source close to the Kardashians tells Radar.

The insider (who is clearly a person Kris should stop sharing her secrets with) adds that the “pee-dicament” (Radar’s word, not ours) has been making creating difficulties in Kris’ family life.

Particularly with regard to her relationship with her grandkids:

“She’s been banned from jumping on their trampoline and swimming with them” says the source.

We learned this week that the aftermath of Kim’s Paris robbery will be featured on Keeping Up With the Kardashians, but hopefully the family draws the privacy line somewhere. 

But they’ve already demonstrated that if a medical problem might potentially provide a ratings boost, it’s fair game.

When Lamar Odom overdosed and wound up in a coma last year, the show captured his ensuing recovery, despite initial reports that  the hospital drama would remain off-limits.

Obviously, this situation isn’t quite as severe, and we’re sure it would be portrayed differently, but there’s something unseemly about getting laughs from a 61-year-old woman’s embarrassing medical issue.

Then again, this is Kris Jenner we’re talking about.

If E! offered her a check to do a two-hour special about her next colonoscopy, she’d be fasting before they got the contract drawn up.


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Stassi Schroeder Admits to Hiding Drug Use While Filming Vanderpump Rules

These days, Stassi Schroeder is once again the HBIC of her Vanderpump Rules chick clique.

But as long time fans of the show know, it took her quite a while to climb back to the top of the heap after being bumped from her spot in Season 3.

Now we may know what enabled Stassi to both act like such a boss and think it would be a good idea to date Jax Taylor when she first started on the show.

Turns out, as is usually the case when someone is crushing it in one aspect of their life and making colossally dumb decisions in all the others – Stassi was on drugs.

Specifically, she was on Adderall, which is pretty tame when you consider the quality and quantity of substances that must pass through SUR on a weekly basis.

The amount of cocaine that Jax Taylor puts up his surgically-altered nose on a daily basis probably could’ve eliminated the need for a props department on Scarface.

We’d rag on the dude for all the roids he takes, too, but if they’re helping maintain a constant state of rage toward James Kennedy, we’re all for it.

Anyway, we were talking about Stassi, here.

According to Radar Online, on the popular ADHD medication on an episode of her podcast.

She says it helped her through long days of filming when the show first began, but it wasn’t long before she realized she was overly fond of the drug.

“When I started season 3, I had just quit Adderall,” she said.

“I was like ‘I’m not gonna be good. I don’t know if I can actually do this without taking a drug.’”

Stassi says she’s glad she kicked the habit, but she’s not exactly a walking anti-drug PSA:

“I didn’t need it,” she said.

“None of my castmates needed it. But Oh. My. God… I was so skinny when I was on it, it was the best!”

Despite the TrimSpa-like effect on her figure, Schroeder says she wouldn’t exactly recommend Addies to folks who are looking to not hate life:

“So that’s that…it’s the worst drug I’ve ever taken, I swear to God,” Stassi told her audience.

“I feel like it’s worst than coke because you get so addicted to it because it’s a pill and so you think it’s okay. But it made me absolutely psycho and it made me depressed all the time.”

Well, we’re glad she was able to kick the habit.

After all, with Million Dollar Matchmaker in her future, she’s got plenty of reason to be miserable without the study buddies clouding her judgment.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online to try and catch Stassi in the act of slipping some crushed up pills into Lala Kent’s cran and vodka.


Friday, January 6, 2017

"Hollyweed" Sign Culprit In Hiding, Fears Arrest (PHOTO)

The guy who transformed the Hollywood sign into a beacon to stoners has gone underground … and he’s brought enough weed to stay in hiding for a while. Zach Fernandez — aka “Jesushands” — is lying low in an undisclosed location on the heels of…


Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Jill Duggar: Hiding Baby Bump in New Holiday Photo?!

Duggar Nation is wondering yet again if Jill Dillard is pregnant with her second child, thanks to a Dillard family photo posted on Instagram.

Rumors that Jill is pregnant are not new, we know.

Still, fans believe the 25-year-old looks different in a recent photo she posted on social media with Derick, his brother Dan and Dan’s wife: 

Jill shared the above pic with Israel, Derick, Dan, and Deena Dillard, writing, “Thank you for the wonderful Christmas celebration yesterday!”

The couples, along with baby Israel, were all smiles posing in front of the fireplace … and obviously, speculation turned to her womb.

Of the possibility that Jill Duggar is pregnant, one fan wrote, “She certainly looks it! Very early though. Probably why she hasn’t said anything!”

This is not the first time that Jill’s pics have sparked pregnancy rumors … this month. Remember Dillard hiding her baby bump (allegedly)?

Wearing what seemed to be a loose top during Thanksgiving, this picture sparked talk of a new addition to the Duggar family soon, too:

“Jill Duggar looks pregnant. Seems every pic I see she’s larger than the previous one,” a fan commented, perhaps imagining things.

Some Counting On fans predicted that Jill would be making the announcement in Season 3, and has been holding off until its premiere.

With little sister Jinger’s wedding and Jessa’s second pregnancy, perhaps Jill did not want to steal her sisters’ thunder with her news?

As for her appearance, some counter that Jill already had “wide hips” even before she got pregnant, and may still have her baby weight.

From her first baby, that is. Given that Jill had to have a C-section with Izzy, it can’t be easy shedding the pounds – not that it ever is.

If you watch Counting On online, you may remember that Anna Duggar, Josh’s wife, predicted that Jill having another baby was inevitable.

And imminent.

“It won’t be long before we’ll be like, ‘Wait a minute. I know you’re my nephew but what’s your name?’” Anna said, citing the baby boom.

“With Jess and Ben expecting again, and Jill and Derick probably gonna be expecting soon, and then Jinger and Jeremy getting married.”

Derick also told Jill that he wanted to try for a biological second child baby before 2016 ends. Time is obviously running short as of now.

While they have openly talked about adopting (albeit less so than Jessa and Ben), Derick insisted that their next child should be biological.

Fueling the baby talk is the couple’s “temporary break” from mission work that is starting to feel like a permanent move home from El Salvador.

“Jill could be pregnant,” says an insider close to the family, noting that the developing country “is a hotbed for the Zika virus.”

If she’s expecting baby number two, then her “priority should be keeping that little one safe,” the source says, and it’s hard to argue.

“Baby rumors have been surrounding Jill basically ever since Israel was born nearly two years ago, so this wouldn’t surprise us at all.”

Would it surprise you? Or is this all just a bunch of the usual Duggar Internet speculation that isn’t grounded in any sort of reality?

Discuss in the comments!


Monday, December 12, 2016

Irina Shayk"s Hiding Her Baby Bump, But Can"t Hide Cravings (PHOTOS)

Irina Shayk’s employing the oldest trick in the book — super baggy sweaters — to conceal what’s widely believed to be the baby in her belly, but her mouth is blowing the secret. Irina was out Sunday in L.A. with BF Bradley Cooper’s mom and…


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

TMZ Live: Gilbert Arenas: I"m Hiding My Cash From My Baby Mama!

ON TODAY’S SHOW Amy Schumer’s Beyonce Parody Gets Major Backlash Kendall Jenner’s Stalker Situation Gets Even Scarier  Justin Timberlake’s Major Voting Faux Pas Tom Hanks Shows Off His Rap Skills SKYPE US TMZTVSHOW TWEET US Tweet to @TMZLIVE


Friday, August 12, 2016

Amber Heard Breaks Law to Skip Johnny Depp Deposition! Is She Hiding Something?!

The ongoing Johnny Depp-Amber Heard divorce just took a turn for the highly unexpected.

After months of speculation and he-said, she-said, it looked as though both parties would finally be forced to give their sides of the story and court after they were summoned to give depositions last week.

Despite Amber’s claim that she has proof Depp was abusive during their relationship and the fact that she showed up to his lawyer’s office when she was scheduled to arrive, she never actually testified.

The reason, apparently, is that she was too upset to answer questions.

Depp’s attorney, Laura Wasser, says the actress spent the allotted time screaming and crying in an adjoining room.

Obviously, it’s possible that Heard was genuinely that upset by the prospect of being asked to recall details of what she says was an abusive relationship.

However, the move could wind up costing her dearly.

Heard was facing some tough questions, including inquiries as to why cops and staff at her apartment never saw the facial injuries that she claims were inflicted by Depp,

Her refusal to give a deposition – for whatever reason – could leave the judge in her case with no choice but to dismiss Heard’s domestic violence claims against Depp.

Amber was scheduled to try again this morning at 10 am PST, but considering she’s currently in London, it seems unlikely that she’ll be keeping the appointment.

Depp’s lawyers have requested that Heard be prohibited from testifying when the case goes to trial next week.

The couple is reportedly close to reaching a divorce settlement, but  – as is usually the case – they can’t agree on financial terms.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Hillary Clinton: Is She Hiding Her Health Problems?!

Coming off what’s been called the worst week of his campaign, Donald Trump finds himself polling well below Hillary Clinton both nationwide and in key swing states.

Of course, the Donald’s never been one to accept defeat lying down, so today he adopted a bold new strategy in his ongoing effort to close the electoral gap and claim the highest office in the land.

Though it’s Trump who would be the oldest president in the U.S. history if he were to be elected, the real estate mogul has adopted the risky tactic of suggesting that Clinton is physically and intellectually unfit for office.

The strategy seems to be prompted by a remark that Clinton made about her brain “short-circuiting” when she gave a factually inaccurate response to a question about her private email server.

Trump seized on the comment during a recent campaign trail event.

“She took a short-circuit in the brain,” the candidate said on Saturday night.

“She’s got problems. Honestly, I don’t think she’s all there.”

A number of conservative bloggers and media outlets ran with the idea, and the #HillarysHealth hashtag was soon trending in the most right-leaning corners of the Twitterverse.

No real evidence emerged that Clinton is suffering from any sort of secret health problem the photo below, which was taken back in February, quickly went viral:

“The questionable health condition of Hillary Clinton should be a major issue of the 2016 campaign,” wrote American Mirror editor, Kyle Olson.

“The latest evidence comes in the form of Clinton being helped up a set of stairs by multiple individuals outside what appears to be a home.

“The photos, published by Reuters and Getty, show the 68-year-old candidate with aides holding her arms as she ascends the stairs.”

The Trump campaign has yet to offer up any of its own evidence that Clinton is suffering from any sort of ailment, but the gambit may have been successful nonetheless.

Following a week in which he was criticized for kicking a baby out of a rally and accepting a Purple Heart medal offered to him by a wounded veteran, Trump needed to change the conversation in whatever way he could.

However temporarily, the #HillarysHealth hashtag accomplished that.