Showing posts with label Knew. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Knew. Show all posts

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Joanna Krupa, I Knew About Harvey Weinstein a Decade Ago

Joanna Krupa says she was warned more than a decade ago about Harvey Weinstein getting sexually aggressive with actresses, and she made a conscious decision to stay away. We got Joanna Thursday in WeHo and asked if she had any experiences with the…


Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Donald Trump Told Veterans" Widow "He Knew What He Signed Up For," Senator Claims

On Monday, President Donald Trump hosted a press conference in the White House Rose Garden that was bizarre even by the currnent administration’s incredibly lofty standards of absurdity.

For one thing, Trump responded to sexual assault allegations against him by barking his “fake news” mantra at the assembled media.

Of course, that’s the president’s standard response to accusations and criticism.

What followed, however, no one could have predicted, and no, we’re not talking about the fact that Trump and Senator Mitch McConnell chose to hold hands as they left the dais.

In one of the more bizarre and outlandish lies of his presidency, Trump alleged that other previous presidents did not contact the widows of fallen servicemen, as he himself had.

“If you look at President Obama and other presidents, most of them didn’t make calls,” Trump told the press.

“A lot of them didn’t make calls. I like to call when it’s appropriate.”

Of course, hundreds of military widows have since come forward to refute that claim, affirming that they did indeed receive phone calls from President Obama after their husbands were killed.

In the wake of an ambush from ISIS-affiliated forces in Niger that left four dead, it seems Trump did indeed contact the widow of at least one of the fallen, but far from offering comfort, it seems his remarks only deepened her suffering.

Congresswoman Frederica Wilson (D-FL) says she was present when Trump contacted the widow of La David Johnson, a Green Beret who was killed in the attack.

Her account of Trump’s conversation with Myeshia Johnson is genuinely appalling:

“Basically he said, ‘Well, I guess he knew what he signed up for, but I guess it still hurt,"” Wilson told Don Lemon on CNN last night.

Naturally, Trump was quick to tweet his incendiary response to the allegation:

“Democrat Congresswoman totally fabricated what I said to the wife of a soldier who died in action (and I have proof). Sad!”

“I have proof, too: this man is a sick man,” Wilson responded on CNN this morning. 

She added that Johnson’s widow “broke down” after her call with Trump.

“When she actually hung up the phone she looked and said, ‘He didn’t even know his name,"” Wilson says of her time in the Johnson home.

Myeshia Johnson has yet to speak publicly about the incident, and the president has yet to offer the “proof” he promised in his tweet.


Friday, October 13, 2017

Angie Everhart Says Harvey Weinstein Masturbated In Front of Her and Everyone Knew

Angie Everhart just told a stunning story on TMZ Live … she says Harvey Weinstein broke into the room where she was sleeping on a yacht, held her at bay and masturbated … she told everyone about it afterward, but no one cared. Angie says the…


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Rose McGowan Blasts Ben Affleck for Denying He Knew About Weinstein

Ben Affleck is flat out lying if he wants people to think he didn’t know about Harvey Weinstein … at least according to Rose McGowan who says she told Ben face-to-face. Shortly after Ben issued his first comments about…


Rose McGowan Blasts Ben Affleck for Denying He Knew About Weinstein

Ben Affleck is flat out lying if he wants people to think he didn’t know about Harvey Weinstein … at least according to Rose McGowan who says she told Ben face-to-face. Shortly after Ben issued his first comments about…


Friday, September 22, 2017

WWE"s Charlotte Flair: I Knew My Dad Would "Kick Out" Of Coma

Ric Flair’s daughter, Charlotte Flair, tells TMZ Sports she knew her father would “kick out” after a medical emergency left him in a coma … and says he’s doing MUCH better now.  Charlotte says her father has finally been cleared…


Sunday, September 3, 2017

Tupac Shakur Knew Who Killed Him According to New "Snapped" Documentary

Tupac Shakur knew who killed him but his murder remains unsolved because the Las Vegas PD never wanted to solve it … according to a new 2Pac special, and TMZ has the exclusive first clip. Pac’s getting his own ‘Snapped: Notorious’…


Friday, August 18, 2017

Arnold Schwarzenegger: I Knew Real Nazis, They"re Burning In Hell

Arnold Schwarzenegger has a message to the Neo-Nazis — YOUR HEROES ARE LOSERS and they’re all rotting in hell.  “I knew the original Nazis, because you see, I was born in Austria in 1947,” Schwarzenegger said in a brand new video directed at…


Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Post Malone on Iverson: BIG3 Knew What It Signed Up For

Allen Iverson’s never been a choir boy — and that’s why Ice Cube and the BIG3 shouldn’t have been shocked when he blew off a game last month in Dallas, so says Post Malone.  Of course, Post is the rapper behind “White Iverson” — and has said…


Monday, June 19, 2017

DeMario Jackson Wouldn"t Have Hooked Up with Corinne If He Knew She Had a Boyfriend

DeMario Jackson says he wouldn’t have hooked up with Corinne Olympios if he knew she had a BF … this from the guy who got kicked off “The Bachelorette” for having a GF. DeMario was out Sunday in L.A. when a pap asked if he would have…


Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Kim Kardashian: THIS is When I Knew My Marriage to Kris Humphries Was Over

In footage from the Kim Kardashian sex tape, the world’s most famous reality star spreads her legs open wide for Ray J.

Similarly, in a sit-down with Andy Cohen on Bravo this past Sunday night, Kim Kardashian opened her mouth and discussed a different past relationship, one nearly as notorious as the dalliance that producer her amateur porn.

We speak, of course, about Kim’s marriage to Kris Humphries.

The ex-Playboy model was married to the mediocre power forward for a total of 72 days before she announced the union was over.

Humphries challenged various aspects of the marriage in court, actually claiming he was duped by Kim into exchanging vows for what she always knew was a sham relationship.

As a result, the divorce was not finalized for over a year.

But it was pretty much over from the beginning, Kim told Cohen on the latest installment of Watch What Happens Live.

“I knew on the honeymoon it wasn’t going to work out,” Kardashian admitted this week for the first time.

How could she possibly have known that?

Or, better to ask, why did she get married in the first place if she knew so quickly that it wasn’t going to last?

“At the time I just thought, ‘Holy shit, I’m 30-years-old – I better get this together. I better get married,’” she confessed, attempting to explain:

“I think a lot of girls do go through that, where they freak out thinking they’re getting old and all their friends are having kids. So, it was more of that situation.”

We guess that makes some sense.

But the theory that Kim simply wanted to benefit financially from the wedding (she made a rumored $ 10 million from selling the video and photographic rights to various outlets and tabloids) before getting the heck out of it ASAP also makes some sense.

Asked which Keeping Up with the Kardashians spinoff she likes least, Kim mentioned Humphries and replied as follows:

“When Kourtney and I did New York because I was in that awful cry face with that last marriage I had. That whole situation was just really hard for me.”

Kim, of course, has moved on. Far, far, far, far on.

She just celebrated her three-year anniversary with Kanye West and has two kids to show for it.

Make fun of her all you want, but Kardashian seems legitimately happy and in love.

Which is more than she can say about her mother and step-father.

When asked by Cohen about how things are these days between Kris Jenner and Caitlyn Jenner, Kardashian was refreshingly honest.

She initially said there was a “zero percent” chance the estranged ex-spouses would ever speak agaib.

But then she modified her response.

“I would say two percent,” she said. And those are Kendall and Kylie. That’s their percentage. All fair, I think.”

In other words: Kris and Caitlyn may chat again at some point in the future because they are both parents to two relatively young women.

We’ll see, of course. Two percent is a pretty low percentage.

But it’s two percentage points higher than Kim and Humphries ever speaking again.


Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Chris Soules Knew Victim Killed in Hit and Run Crash: Report

Earlier today, we reported that former Bachelor star Chris Soules was arrested after fleeing the scene of a fatal car accident.

Soules was immediately taken into custody after being chased down and apprehended by local police in his Iowa hometown.

He appeared before a judge in Buchanan County Court this morning and was released on $ 10,000 bond pending trial.

It may be quite some time before we find out what the legal system has in store for Soules.

But whatever the outcome in court, Soules will undoubtedly carry the burden of his actions for the rest of his days.

According to sources close to the case, Soules drove his Chevy pickup truck into the back of a tractor being driven by 66-year-old Kenneth Mosher.

Now, a relative of Mosher’s named Richard Roepke is speaking to Radar Online and revealing for the first time that Soules was well acquainted with the victim and his family.

“Everyone around here is in shock,” Richard Roepke told Radar moments ago.

“He knew them, they’re neighbors. We’re feeling very sad, everyone knows Chris’ family.”

Roepke added that while he feels sympathy for the Soules family, he believes Chris should be punished for his involvement in Mosher’s death.

“Chris has created his own problems,” Roepke stated.

“This is life changing for him. He has to deal with it himself. This isn’t the direction his family wanted him to go in.”

Roepke went on to state that he believes Soules’ “mistake” is the result of a generational inability to accept responsibility.

“It’s Chris’ age and generation, it’s not right,” Roepke said.

“It was huge mistake. That will haunt him for the rest of his life.”

One of the questions that Roepke would like to see answered during Soules’ trial is whether or not the former reality star – dubbed “Prince Farming” during his time on The Bachelor – knew that Mosher was dead when he left the scene of the accident:

“We’re trying to figure out why he left the scene,” Roepke said.

“This is something he has to share and the rest of us can only speculate. He may have known Kenny was already gone at that point. What was going through his head? It is a bad day.”

Following Soules’ arraignment this morning, his attorney issues a statement saying that the 35-year-old “was devastated to learn that Kenneth Mosher passed away. His thoughts and prayers are with Mr. Mosher’s family.”

We’ll have further updates on this story as more information becomes available.


Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Caitlyn Jenner to Kris: You Knew I Was Trans From DAY ONE!

We’re still nearly two weeks away from the release of Caitlyn Jenner’s memoir, but at the rate things are going, there won’t be many bombshells left for the big day.

Earlier this week, we learned that Caitlyn has undergone gender reassignment surgery, a move she previously stated she didn’t plan to make.

Yesterday, we found out that she believes Robert Kardashian knew O.J. Simpson was guilty of double murder, but fought to make sure his friend beat the charges anyway.

You might think it would be hard to top those revelations, and well … you would be right.

But that’s not gonna stop Cait and her publishers from gunning for that number one bestseller title by spilling more tea all over the Internet.

Today’s bridge-burner might not compare to alleging a dead man helped engineer the trial of the century in order to get back at Cait for marrying his ex but it’s still pretty good.

And as a bonus, it’s just as likely to piss off the Kardashians.

First some background:

Over the past year, the main source of conflict between Caitlyn and Kris Jenner has been Kris’ insistence that Caitlyn lied about her transition when she first came out, by telling the press that Kris had been informed of her decision, when in reality the Kard clan momager found out the same way as the rest of the world.

Now, Caitlyn is flipping the script and insisting that it’s Kris who’s been misleading the public:

“I told her there had been a woman inside me all my life,” she writes, adding that she was downright baffled when Kris claimed to have been kept in the dark:

“On Keeping Up With the Kardashians she shed copious tears in coming to grips with it. Given what she saw, the whole reaction seemed a little puzzling then and seems puzzling now.”

Caitlyn says she doesn’t need to recall a specific conversation in order to prove that Kris knew the score from day one.

In fact, she insists there’s no way Kris didn’t know, as Caitlyn’s transition into Bruce began well before she even met Kris:

“I told her I had been in hormone therapy for roughly the past four and a half years before stopping six months earlier,” Caitlyn says, noting that she had begun to develop “womanly curves” by the time she started dating Kris.

“It was obvious that the effect of the hormones had cause something — two somethings to be exact. To me they were the development of breasts, size 36B.”

Caitlyn says that after years of disagreements, Kris conceded, but only if Caitlyn agreed to play the role of Bruce around their friends:

“Eventually Kris and I do reach an understanding — take Caitlyn on the road — but she is not to play in our home or hometown,” she writes. “End of discussion.”

Given that there’s already major tension between Caitlyn and the Kardashian sisters (especially Khloe) we’re guessing this memoir won’t do much to mend fences.

People tend to get touchy when it comes to accusing their moms of being transphobic liars and telling the world that their dead dads protected a murderer.

Go figure.


Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Caitlyn Jenner: Robert Kardashian KNEW O.J. Simspon Was Guilty!

Caitlyn Jenner’s new memoir doesn’t hit stores until April 25, but the former excerpts from the former Olynpian’s tell-all are already sparking major controversy.

Yesterday, we learned that Caitlyn has undergone gender reassignment surgery, a step she previously stated she didn’t plan to take.

Many assumed that the revelation was meant to convey that her memoir would be filled with similar revelations about herself, but no new dirt on the Kardashian family, possibly for legal reasons.

Now we know that’s not the case, as Radar Online has obtained a new excerpt of the book, and this one throws some major shade at a member of the family who’s been elevated to god-like status in the years since his death.

While it was widely known that Kourtney, Kim, and Khloe’s father, Robert Kardashian, Sr., was a friend of O.J. Simpson’s many didn’t realize how deep the Kardashian-O.J. connection went until it was featured in FX’s miniseries about Simpson’s infamous murder trial.

So perhaps it’s not surprising that Caitlyn felt the need to address her indirect connection to O.J. in her book.

At one point, she quotes Robert Kardashian as saying, “I would’ve been okay with it if they had gotten him in the first trial.” 

“The implication was obvious that he believed O.J. was guilty,” Jenner adds.

Caitlyn goes on to speculate that Robert may have helped his friend beat the charges as a way of exacting revenge on Kris Jenner for divorcing him.

“I wonder if it was his way of saying to her what I think she was saying to him when she married me: a big f–k you,” she writes.

Later in the book, Caitlyn offers her own feelings on O.J. and as you might’ve guessed, she’s not exactly a fan:

“He was the most narcissistic, egocentric, neediest a–hole in the world of sports I had ever seen, and I had seen a lot of them,” Jenner writes.

She goes on to put an even finer point on it, writing:

“I believe he got away with two savage murders.”

Caitlyn says the trial was a hugely divisive matter in the Kardashian-Jenner household, as Kim and company sided with their father, while Kris and Caitlyn (then Bruce) firmly believed that Simpson was guilty.

“See, I told you he didn’t do it!” Kourtney allegedly told her mother on the day the verdict was revealed.

Cailtyn says she sat down with her stepdaughter and that just because he was acquitted by a jury, that doesn’t mean he didn’t commit the crime.

She forbade Kourtney and her sisters from ever mentioning O.J.’s name in the house.

We think it’s safe to say that anyone who was worried Caitlyn’s book would be lacking in the drama department can officially rest easy.


Monday, March 20, 2017

Secret Service Theft Caught On Surveillance Video and Thief Knew What He Was After

The thief who swiped a Secret Service agent’s laptop targeted the agent in question and knew exactly what he was after … law enforcement sources tell TMZ. Our sources say the thief — whom they say is a man — was caught on surveillance…


Tuesday, January 31, 2017

"The Bachelor" Digs THREE Black Women! Who Knew? (VIDEO)

Nick Viall is 5 weeks in and something cray is happening on “The Bachelor” — 3 black women are still in the running, and at least one is becoming a fan fave! Rachel kinda killed it on Monday night’s episode, by all accounts … doing a sexy…


Thursday, January 26, 2017

Jax Taylor: I Knew Scheana Marie Would Get Divorced!

On many, if not most reality shows, the drama comes off as staged and scripted for the sake of the audience.

The reason we get that impression, is because that’s usually, quite literally the case.

If you watch Vanderpump Rules online, however, you probably gets the impression that the employees and ex-employee of SUR would be guzzling pump-tinis and making entertainingly bad decisions even there were no camera crews on hand.

As with Jersey Shore before it, the show often reaches a sort of fever-pitch insanity that’s nearly impossible to fake.

And while we know some of the cast members are sitting on a stack of headshots and maybe even a few IMDb credits, we seriously doubt they’re that good at acting.

Adding to our belief that the Vanderpump keeps it realer than most (every reality series takes some liberties with actual events) is the fact that the conflicts don’t end when the cameras turn off.

Just this month we’ve seen Stassi Schroeder slam Lala Kent on Twitter, clash with Kristen Doute over whether or not it’s okay to praise Melania Trump’s fashion choices, and defend Brittany Cartwright’s mother after felt to many fans like an unsettlingly homophobic episode.

But today’s clash of the SUR staff doesn’t involve Stassi at all, but instead pits Jax Taylor against the former Scheana Marie Shay.

As you may have hears Scheana recently got divorced from Mike Shay after less than two years of marriage.

That particular drama hasn’t even played out on the show yet, but naturally, her castmates are already offering their opinions.

“I think she just loved the idea of marriage so much that she just wanted to get married when there were so many red flags,” Jax recently told The Daily Dish in a surprisingly blunt assessment of the situation.

“She was in love, she wanted to get married, she thought [marrying] her high school sweetheart would be the thing to do, and it wasn’t.”

He was equally frank when asked if he thought the marriage would last:

“I thought it would happen sooner,” he added.

“I kind of knew that Scheana and Shay was gonna end. I hate to say that because I love Scheana very much, and I do, I love Shay, I think he’s a great guy, but [they were] just polar opposite.”

Jax is making the same observation that many others have voiced with regard to Sheana and Shay’s clashing type-A vs. type-B personalities, and he seems to be more concerned with giving his honest two cents than with throwing shade.

The same can’t be said for Internet hack comic Nicole Arbour who talks smack about Scheana like it’s her job these days, which in a way it is, as it’s basically her last-ditch effort at remaining relevant.

Like we said, the drama never stops with this crew.

And we wouldn’t want it any other way…

Okay, we’d get rid of Arbour, but that’s it.


Monday, January 2, 2017

Donald Trump Knew Hillary Would Lose When Fireworks Cancelled

Donald Trump knew he was going to be the next President when Hillary Clinton 86’d her fireworks show. Trump just tweeted, “I thought and felt I would win big, easily over the fabled 270 (306). When they cancelled the fireworks, they knew, and…


Monday, October 24, 2016

Jared Fogle -- Ex-Wife Sues Subway ... They Knew He Was a Pedophile

Subway knew Jared Fogle was a pedophile more than a decade before he was arrested … so claims his ex-wife in a new lawsuit. Kathleen McLaughlin says in new legal docs — obtained by TMZ — back in 2004, a senior exec at Subway received a complaint…


Saturday, April 16, 2016

12 Stars Who You Never Knew Appeared on Reality TV

Reality television has produced plenty of douchebags over the course of its inglorious history. See Gosselin, Jon.

But it has also produced a couple Emmy winners and some very respected A-Listers.

No, really! See for yourself below…

1. Aaron Paul

Aaron paul

Yup, that’s the former Breaking Bad star on The Price is Right. He made it all the way to the final round way back in the day!

2. Beyonce


The Queen did not always reign supreme. Look at her here during an appearance on Star Search!

3. Bethenny Frankel

Bethenny frankel

Long before she was a Real Housewife and before she sold a single skinny cocktail, Bethenny was a contestant on The Apprentice: Martha Stewart.

4. Britney Spears

Britney spears

You likely know that Britney Spears was a member of The Mickey Mouse Club. But here’s a photo of her also appearing on an episode of Star Search.

5. David Giuntoli

David giuntoli

David Giuntoli is now a lead cast member on NBC’s Grimm. But he first appeared on TV on MTV’s Road Rules. It’s true!

6. Elisabeth Hasselbeck

Elisabeth hasselbeck

Yup, that’s Fox News host Elisabeth Hasselbeck during her time in The Australian Outback on Survivor.

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