Showing posts with label Laughs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Laughs. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Kevin Hart Just Laughs Off Resurfaced Cheating Allegations as Eniko Parrish and Torrei Hart Feud!

Remember way back in 2014 when we mentioned the possibility that Kevin Hart cheated on Torrei Hart with Eniko Parrish? Rumor was that Kevin cheated on his now ex-wife by dating his current wife before they split.

Eniko made a post that seemed to confirm, mathematically, that her relationship with Kevin started with her as his mistress. Torrei was not pleased. It was a mess.

Kevin Hart’s response to the whole debacle? Literally just laughing it off.

This mess started up again when Eniko Parrish, Kevin Hart’s current wife, posted to Instagram to celebrate her and Kevin Hart’s wedding anniversary.

She’s since deactivated comments on the post, which tells you how bad things got.

See if you can spot which part of her message raised the alarm.

“8.13.16. I’m Grateful to God everyday for putting us together. When it’s real, no love/bond can ever be faked nor broken. My partner in life, My other half that makes me whole, My SOULMATE.”

Well, that’s just the usual romantic stuff, right?

“Thank you for always keeping a smile on my face.. I love you more everyday. 8 years together..1 year married..Forever to go! #HartilyYours. Happy 1 year anniversary babe! We made it!”

Did you catch it?

She says “8 years together.” 

Kevin Hart and his ex-wife, Torrei Hart, only divorced 6 years ago.


Obviously, commenters pointed out that the numbers didn’t add up, and that’s when Eniko started replying to defend herself.

And she didn’t try to brush it off as a typo, which is absolutely what we would have advised her to do.

“Their marriage was broken way before I came in the picture.. They were separated living in separate homes. I was never a secret.”

Isn’t that what a lot of mistresses say and believe?

Eniko also said that the initial cheating rumors that we mentioned were Torrei’s doing, “[because] she wanted to play the ‘victim’ and not own up to her wrong doing as well.”

Eniko even claims that Kevin Hart was seeing other women, but that Torrei felt animosity towards her because her relationship with Kevin had “stuck.”

“I never wrecked any home.”

We would point out that, you know, sometimes one spouse has multiple affairs of a sexual nature that the other spouse ignores because he always comes home to her … until one day he doesn’t because he’s fallen in love.

Falling in love is different and can hurt way more than some tangled sheets in a hotel room.

You know who took notice of all of this? Torrei herself.

And she commented.

“Eniko sweetheart normally I don’t feed in to this, but when you addressed me directly, you forced my hand to respond.”

Oh dear, she brought out “sweetheart” right off the bat.

In this context, folks, it is not a term of endearment.

“We have made successful strides to become a loving co parenting family, but you have now left it open for my character to be questioned. You, Kevin, and I know the truth.”

Oh boy.

“Either respond truthfully or don’t respond at all.”

Eniko deactivated all comments on that post, but the post is still up — with those 8 years proudly on display for anyone to see and do the math.

It’s an interesting choice.

Kevin Hart responded on his own Instagram, because obviously he noticed the whole thing.

“Going to be honest with you people, I’m at a point where I can’t even be shocked anymore. All I do is laugh man.”

It sounds like his thinly veiled ire is directed, not at his wife or his ex-wife, but at the initial commenters who pointed out what the math indicated.

“Even after writing a book, a very good book, about my life in great detail … [it’s] still not enough?”

Plugging and praising his own book there was almost Trumpian, but not quite.

“Even after talking about my life in my stand up specials, a lot of stand up specials, you actually see me grow as a man through my stand up specials, still not enough?”

He still didn’t, you know, actually address anybody’s allegations or talk about his wife for ex-wife. That’s probably wise.

“This will act as nothing but material for your boy.”

So … we may hear his take on this eventually, we guess.


Friday, August 4, 2017

LeBron James Laughs Off Haters in New Shirtless Workout Video

Here’s the latest installment of the LeBron James Challenge … courtesy of LeBron James!! LBJ posted yet another shirtless workout vid Friday morning … vibin’ out to Meek Mill’s new “Wins & Losses” album. This time, the King raps, sings and…


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Abby Lee Miller Laughs it Up About Going to Prison

Abby Lee Miller’s putting a good spin on going to prison … free rent!!! The former “Dance Moms” star was yukking it up with the paps Monday night leaving Craig’s … and we gotta say, she looked pretty damn chill for someone who is 1 day away…


Thursday, July 6, 2017

Brandi Glanville Says Smelly Vagina Jabs Come with Territory, Laughs Off Joanna Krupa Suit

Brandi Glanville had carte blanche to criticize or poke fun at Joanna Krupa’s genitals … at least that’s what Brandi claimed under oath. Brandi was deposed in the infamous smelly vagina lawsuit filed by Joanna — and told Joanna’s lawyer…


Tuesday, May 30, 2017

T.I. Laughs Ass Off at His Crew"s Footrace in Bev Hills Streets (VIDEO)

T.I. finally witnessed the showdown that’s been building for weeks — between 2 of his homies — and it left him laughing his ass off!! The rapper was leaving Crustacean Sunday in Bev Hills when his crew decided it was time to settle a dispute…


Friday, May 5, 2017

Warriors Coach Mike Brown Laughs Hysterically At Lonzo Ball"s $500 Shoe (VIDEO)

It’s safe to say Mike Brown will NOT be shelling out $ 500 for Lonzo Ball’s sneakers. The Golden State Warriors assistant coach was asked about the ex-UCLA star’s debut ZO2 shoes after Thursday night’s win over the Jazz … and his…


Friday, April 14, 2017

Kelly Rowland Laughs Off Fur Protest at Book Signing (VIDEO)

Kelly Rowland was unfazed by the fur protest that hijacked her book signing, showing no signs she’ll change her wardrobe. Kelly landed at LAX Thursday and only chuckled when our photog asked about the animal rights protest Wednesday at a New Jersey…


Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Charlie Murphy"s Famous Friends Remember the Laughs

Charlie Murphy’s legacy of being a seriously funny guy is being remembered in all sorts of ways by his friends including Chris Rock, Gabrielle Union, MC Hammer and many more … We just lost one of the funniest most real brothers of all time .…


Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Bill Cosby Laughs It Up Outside Sexual Assault Hearing (PHOTO GALLERY)

Bill Cosby’s hanging on to his sense of humor, apparently, as his sexual assault trial gets closer — ‘cause he was laughing it up Monday outside court. Cosby was chuckling with his lawyers as they left the Montgomery County Courthouse. He was there…


Monday, March 27, 2017

Cuba Gooding Jr. Lifts Sarah Paulson"s Dress, She Laughs But Fans Don"t (PHOTO + VIDEO)

Cuba Gooding Jr. lifted up Sarah Paulson’s dress during an “American Horror Story” event, and while they both laughed it off … some fans think he crossed the line. The co-stars were doing a panel discussion in L.A. when Sarah turned to greet…


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Blac Chyna Wants Full Custody of Dream; Kris Jenner Laughs

Remember back when Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna were really going strong, and we all thought for sure that they’d make it?

… Oh, wait, that never happened?

Their relationship was always dramatic and unhealthy and ridiculous, and it was a miracle it lasted as long as it did?

Oh yeah, that’s right.

But while no one ever thought that Rob and Chyna would stand the test of time, we didn’t want to imagine that they’d get into some big, nasty custody battle over their three-month old baby, Dream.

Unfortunately, it looks like that’s how things are going to go down.

We heard last month that “If Rob and Chyna can’t come to an understanding on a fair custody arrangement for Dream,” then Kris Jenner would “fight tooth and nail for Rob to get full custody.”

And, well, the fight is coming.

According to a source close to Chyna who spoke with Radar, Chyna is definitely planning on going for full custody.

“Dream is her child,” the source says, “and she wants to have her all of the time. She can have supervised visits with Rob but Chyna is the main parent.”

The issue is that “She doesn’t think Rob can ever get his sh-t together,” which on one hand, is definitely fair.

But on the other hand, Rob is still her father, and it’s undeniable that he’s been pretty much living for her since she was born.

While Chyna seems to be certain that Dream belongs with her and only her, “She’s afraid of fighting Kris in court. Kris has money and power, and Chyna doesn’t think she could win against all of that.”

Also, “She really wants to do more of their show so she’s afraid that if she does too much to fight the family that she will have her money from that cut off.”

it sounds like Chyna has good reason to be afraid — a Kardashian insider is also speaking out, and if Chyna wants a custody battle, then that’s what she’s going to get.

“Kris thinks that the fact that Blac Chyna wants to go after full custody of Dream is just hilarious,” the source claims.

“She would obviously never allow that to happen. Kris’ lawyers are way too powerful!”

We’re sure that Kris has some mighty powerful lawyers, but Chyna also shouldn’t underestimate Rob, who’s made it exceedingly clear that being a father is his number one dream job these days.

He seems to enjoy being a dad even more than he enjoys making designer socks.

What we’re saying is that he won’t give up custody easily, and with Kris and his huge, famous family on his side, Chyna may not be ready for the fight that’s coming her way.

It would be some delicious drama, if it wasn’t for that sweet, innocent baby in the middle of it all.


Friday, July 22, 2016

Tiffany Trump: "Like a Bird" Song Resurfaces; Internet Laughs Heartily

If you’re like most Americans, by now you probably think you know just about everything there is to know about the Trump family.

Donald’s three oldest children are widely believed to be the architects of his astonishingly successful campaign.

Ivanka’s speech at the RNC was considered by many Republicans to be the highlight of the convention.

Some insiders have gone so far as to claim that if it weren’t for the influence of Ivanka and her brothers Donald Jr. and Eric, there would be no Trump candidacy at all.

But despite all the scrutiny of the Trump kids in recent months, there’s been little focus on his youngest two children, Tiffany, 22, and Barron, 10.

Obviously, they’re not exactly hidden from view:

Tiffany’s Instagram page earned her some popularity on social media long before her father began amassing political clout.

And her speech at the RNC wasn’t quite as well received as Ivanka’s, but she did an admirable job of portraying her father as human who’s capable of any emotion other than seething rage.

But Tiffany has aspirations that have nothing to do with her father’s political campaign.

Sure, she recently graduated from University of Pennsylvania with degrees in sociology and urban studies, but there was a time when Tiffany had more glamorous career goals in mind:

The heavily auto-tuned gem above is Tiff’s 2011 single “Like a Bird,” which apparently recorded with two other “artists,” hilariously named Sprite and Logic.

The studio magic knob is cranked up so high that it’s tough to tell what Tiff is crooning about, but the Internet has had a field day with lyrics like:

“You’re cute and you’re tweeting me/Baby you go beep beep beep,” and “We living it up/Shine like aluminum foil in the club.”

Sounds like the Trump campaign should’ve just chilled and let Tiff write her own speech.

That way she could’ve hit us with pearls of wisdom like, “Diamonds are so shimmery/Special things uncover me.”

Poetry, y’all.

Tiffany Trump: "Like a Bird" Song Resurfaces; Internet Laughs Heartily

If you’re like most Americans, by now you probably think you know just about everything there is to know about the Trump family.

Donald’s three oldest children are widely believed to be the architects of his astonishingly successful campaign.

Ivanka’s speech at the RNC was considered by many Republicans to be the highlight of the convention.

Some insiders have gone so far as to claim that if it weren’t for the influence of Ivanka and her brothers Donald Jr. and Eric, there would be no Trump candidacy at all.

But despite all the scrutiny of the Trump kids in recent months, there’s been little focus on his youngest two children, Tiffany, 22, and Barron, 10.

Obviously, they’re not exactly hidden from view:

Tiffany’s Instagram page earned her some popularity on social media long before her father began amassing political clout.

And her speech at the RNC wasn’t quite as well received as Ivanka’s, but she did an admirable job of portraying her father as human who’s capable of any emotion other than seething rage.

But Tiffany has aspirations that have nothing to do with her father’s political campaign.

Sure, she recently graduated from University of Pennsylvania with degrees in sociology and urban studies, but there was a time when Tiffany had more glamorous career goals in mind:

The heavily auto-tuned gem above is Tiff’s 2011 single “Like a Bird,” which apparently recorded with two other “artists,” hilariously named Sprite and Logic.

The studio magic knob is cranked up so high that it’s tough to tell what Tiff is crooning about, but the Internet has had a field day with lyrics like:

“You’re cute and you’re tweeting me/Baby you go beep beep beep,” and “We living it up/Shine like aluminum foil in the club.”

Sounds like the Trump campaign should’ve just chilled and let Tiff write her own speech.

That way she could’ve hit us with pearls of wisdom like, “Diamonds are so shimmery/Special things uncover me.”

Poetry, y’all.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Woman Wears Diaper, Laughs Over "Raw" Side of Motherhood

Amanda Bacon is a brand new mother.

The North Carolina resident gave birth on Wednesday, sharing a photo soon afterward of her newborn child.

But, as cute as the baby featured below clearly is, she wasn’t meant to be the focus of this particular image.

Instead, Amanda wants you to look at the background. Look at the grown woman, who is topless and wearing a diaper.

This is a side of motherhood that not many women are willing to open up about.

Amanda, however, opened her affiliated caption by writing that this is a glimpse as “motherhood uncensored.”

She went on to explain her motivation behind posting the very candid picture.

“I’m sharing this picture because it’s real,” wrote Amanda, adding:

“This is motherhood; it’s raw, stunning, messy, and freaking hilarious all rolled into one. Having a baby is a beautiful experience, and the realities of postpartum life aren’t spoken enough about. And definitely not photographed enough.

“Some people probably find this uncomfortable, but why?

“I seriously don’t get it! It’s probably because this part isn’t talked about.

“We all should try and educate, empower and embrace every aspect of childbirth, including moments like this. And do it while having a sense of humor.

“Nothing says welcome to motherhood like an adorable squishy baby, and a giant mom diaper.”

And for those wondering?

“Edit: My husband didn’t post this. He doesn’t even have Facebook. I did,” Amanda concluded.

Bacon’s honest Facebook message and photo has resonated with over 117,000 people who shared the photo and over 95,000 folks who left comments.

“Way to go,” one person wrote. “Congrats on your little one. Never discussed but always suffered. You go momma let the world know.”


Friday, June 17, 2016

Justin Bieber Falls Through Trap Door on Stage, Internet Laughs Its Ass Off

We don"t think we need to tell you that this past week has been one of the saddest and scariest in recent memory.

Some truly horrific things happened; many are grieving and others are outraged.

Fortunately, Justin Bieber is here to provide a bit of much-needed (albeit unintentional) moment of levity.

During a concert in Saskatoon, Canada last night, the Biebs was doing one of his swaggy struts when he accidentally fell through a trap door.

It was like when Taylor Swift welcomes a celebrity to the stage, except Justin"s surprise guest was gravity.

The Biebs is unharmed, so it"s okay to laugh.

In fact he reacted to the situation with his signature blend of douchiness and swag:

"Good thing I"m like a cat and landed on my feet," Justin told the corwd. "That scared the fuck outta me!"

Oh, just own it and join everyone else in having a laugh, Justin.

No humblebrag can save your ego after that tumble.

Usually when Justin embarrasses himself, it just means that his efforts to win Selena Gomez back have once again fallen flat.

So it"s nice of Justin to provide us with a bit of comic relief that"s not also kinda depressing. 

Justin"s fans showed up for a concert and they got a freakin" comedy show on top of it.

He"s the most clumsy-ass hardest-working man in show business!

Check out the clip below to see the Biebs" fall from grace:

Justin bieber falls through trap door on stage internet laughs i

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Demi Lovato Laughs Off Nicki Minaj Side-Eye, Apparent Shade

Demi Lovato is an advocate for body confidence and someone who tries to use her own experiences to help others overcome substance abuse issues.

In other words: she doesn’t have time for petty celebrity feuds.

Especially when it’s unclear whether or not those celebrity feuds even exist.

Shortly after the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Costume Institute Gala in New York City on Monday, Nicki Minaj shared a photo on Instagram of herself, Lovato and fashion designer Jeremy Scott.

The latter designed the gowns both stars wore on the red carpet of the Manus x Machina: Fashion in an Age of Technology–themed event.

Because the rapper tagged Scott, but did not mention Lovato in the photo, buzz has circulated online over whether or not Minaj was throwing shade at her fellow artist.

How did Demi respond to the incident?

First, she jumped on Snapchat and seemingly hinted at Minaj’s slight via a funny-filtered selfie and a caption that read:

“When you aren’t mentioned in a post but didn’t do s–t to the person.”

Later, the “Confident” crooned posted a picture of Minaj throwing some serious side-eye her way and made it clear that she didn’t exactly have a blast at the 2016 MET Gala.

“This picture pretty much summed up my first and probably last met,” she wrote as a caption, adding a number of hashtags, including “#whatsgood,” the amazing line Minaj used against Miley Cyrus in their onstage showdown at the 2015 Video Music Awards

A photo posted by Demi Lovato (@ddlovato) on

But Lovato then updated her Instagram message to insist that she really could not care less about whatever Nicki Minaj thinks or does.

“Some of y’all need to learn how to take a joke,” she wrote.

“I’m obviously laughing at the fact that 1. I look incredibly awkward and 2. That the shade being thrown in this picture actually gives me life.”

We don’t exactly think this alleged feud has any legs.

However, a couple other controversies did come out of the Gala:

But, hey, Beyonce’s less famous sister did not shove anyone in an elevator this year.

So that’s progress, you know?

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Andy Samberg Opens The 2015 Emmy Awards With Music And Plenty Of Laughs With Jokes About Donald Trump, Paula Deen, And MORE!

Well that was certainly a mouthful!

Andy Samberg is hosting the 2015 Emmys, which means things got started off with PLENTY of laughs as he named as many shows as he possibly could with a hilarious musical number!

The SNL alum then went on to talk about the diversity amongst all of the candidates, which naturally led him to make a couple of jokes at Donald Trump and Paula Deen‘s expense!

But then things got a bit heated as Andy brought up his beef with fellow comedian Amy Poehler! Who knew they were even feuding??? LOLz!

Ch-ch-check out the hilarious opening (above)!