Showing posts with label Lindsay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lindsay. Show all posts

Friday, December 1, 2017

"Bachelorette" Winner Rachel Lindsay Throws Engagement Party

Rachel Lindsay’s officially in engagement mode. The ‘Bachelorette’ winner threw a huge engagement party Thursday with her fiance Bryan Abasolo, the guy she gave her final rose to on the reality show. The couple’s party was held at a fancy crib…


Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Ben Affleck Introduces to Lindsay Shookus to Jennifer Garner!

There’s awkward, and then there’s … well, just about everything Ben Affleck does these days.

The Batfleck is living proof that you can be a world-famous, wildly successful millionaire, and something of an incorrigible f-ck-up at the same time.

It would almost be endearing. Ya know, were it not for all the groping and whatnot.

These days, Ben is dating Lindsay Shookus, a relationship that’s done wonders for his mental health and well-being–if you ask Ben Affleck.

Insiders say many others are somewhat less enthused about Shoofleck pairing, including Ben’s long-suffering ex-wife, Jennifer Garner.

The problem, it seems, is not that Jen doesn’t like Lindsay, but rather that she feels Shookus might be a bad influence at a time when Ben should really be focusing on self-improvement and maintaining his relationship with his children.

Sources say Ben and Lindsay enjoy drinking together, which is a problem, as Ben’s been in and out of rehab several times.

Just before getting romantically involved with Shookus, he had reportedly informed Jen that he’d put the plug in the jug for good.

Following his most recent stint in treatment, Ben has apparently sworn off the sauce again, but insiders claim Garner is understandably still skeptical of his new relationship.

Because Ben only makes good decisions when he’s in the director’s chair, he apparently decided the best solution to this was to arrange a sit-down between Lindsay and Jen.

We assume the idea to spend the afternoon with his ex-wife and current girlfriend came to Ben during a shaky, sweaty rehab nightmare, and the guy is clearly a believer in making his dreams come true.

According to OK! magazine, the meeting took place Saturday afternoon at Jen’s home.

“Ben and Lindsay looked so happy to finally be making their relationship legit with Jen,” a source tells the tabloid.

“They’ve had to tiptoe around and Jen has resisted having the kids hang out with Lindsay,” the insider adds.

“Ben was dressed up and seemed to really want to make a good impression on Jen–like, how clean and healthy he looks. Lindsay looked a little nervous, but was getting support from Ben.”

This is a man who presumably has a form-fitting Batman costume in his closet, yet he apparently doesn’t rock it when he’s trying to make a good impression?

We’re rooting for you, Ben, but you might be beyond hope, bruh.

But hey, maybe he was afraid that any reminder of Justice League’s less-than-stellar reviews and box office returns would cause him to lapse into Sad Affleck mode.


Monday, November 27, 2017

Britney Spears, Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan 11-Year Anniversary

Paris Hilton paid homage to a photo that blew up the Internet 11 years ago today. Back in the day it was all about Britney Spears, Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan … Kim Kardashian was just a supporting player. Paris posted the…


Thursday, October 26, 2017

Ben Affleck & Lindsay Shookus: Moving In Together?!

It’s been three months since we first learned that Ben Affleck and Lindsay Shookus are dating, but there are many who believe the couple has been together much longer than that.

In fact, according to one persistent rumor that’s plagued the actor and the SNL producer from the start of their relationship, Ben started dating Lindsay while he was still married to Jennifer Garner.

We have our doubts about that one, as it would mean that Ben and Lindsay kept their relationship on the down-low for a full year after he and Garner separated, which seems impossible.

Ben’s notoriously secretive about his personal life, so we may never find out exactly when he started hooking up with Lindsay, but whatever the case, these two are definitely at the “serious” stage of their relationship.

How serious are they, you ask?

Well, it looks as though Affleck and Shookus are soon to purchase a pricey piece of real estate together.

Yes, according to TMZ, Ben and Lindsay have been house shopping, and an $ 18.5 million property in Santa Monica seems to have caught the couple’s eye.

Witnesses say Affleck and Shookus spent more than an hour touring the home, and she was spotted leaving the property with a spec sheet in her hand.

In order to fully appreciate the significance of this news, you have to understand that in Southern California, buying property together ranks above adopting a dog and just below adopting a child on the spectrum of commitment gestures.

We’ve been hearing rumors about Ben and Lindsay getting engaged for months now, but we mostly dismissed them.

After all, Ben can barely commit to a superhero project, and getting married is a slightly bigger deal.

But if these two are buying a house together, all bets are off.

Granted, Lindsay doesn’t fit the mold of a typical Affleck significant other (She’s neither famous, nor named Jen.), but perhaps this is the dawn of a new era in Ben’s life.

Of course, there’s still the minor problem of the fact that Lindsay is based out of New York, and Ben seems to have no intention of leaving LA.

But maybe Affleck can pull some strings and have SNL relocated to the West Coast.

The guy’s effing Batman, and “live from Los Angeles” has a decent ring to it.


Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Ben Affleck and Girlfriend Lindsay Shookus Go Home Shopping

Ben Affleck was house hunting … no big surprise since he’s apparently in the market after moving out of the family home, but what’s interesting is that he brought his girlfriend along for the ride. Ben and Lindsay Shookus were all over the west…


Thursday, October 19, 2017

Lindsay Lohan: Where Were These #MeToo Stories When I Was Abused?!

Hey, remember a hot minute ago when Lindsay Lohan rushed to Harvey Weinstein’s defense, shamed his wife for leaving him, and suggested that because Weinstein had never assaulted her, these multiple other actresses must be lying?

That was what you call a “bad take.”

Well, Lindsay isn’t done commenting … unfortunately. 

We remember Lindsay Lohan’s history with domestic violence all too well. As with so many aspects of Lindsay’s life, she deserved so much better.

There was an alarming photo of Lindsay’s injured leg shared early in 2016 along with a somewhat cryptic message.

At the time, the world didn’t even know which person she was vaguely alleging of having done it.

It wasn’t until months later that Lindsay Lohan finally accused Egor Tarabasov of domestic violence.

Alarmingly, she said at the time that no woman should stay with a man who hits her if he refuses to apologize, as if abusers don’t apologize all of the time and as if an apology for something so vile could change anything.

But fans from all around the world read the harrowing tale. Lindsay, who had already been so much — from her awful parents to her child stardom — should never have had to endure domestic abuse.

No one should.

Fans only grew more worried when Lindsay Lohan sported a tremendous bruise on her arm around that same time.

And all of this was after Lindsay cried out for help after Egor allegedly tried to strangle her.

She revealed that she ultimately realized that you can’t stay in a relationship just for love, and she’s absolutely right.

That is why fans were so, so disappointed in Lindsay Lohan’s response to the Harvey Weinstein scandal. At first, you remember, he was accused of being a serial harasser.

That was before women came forward and accused him of being a serial rapist, as well.

But sexual harassment is a big deal all on its own. And it impacts millions of women every single day.

Many fans were crushed by Lindsay’s support of Weinstein.

(When his own wife leaves him, maybe it’s well past time to give him the benefit of the doubt)

Just because Weinstein had never invited Lindsay, personally, to come and shower in front of him isn’t exactly proof that he never did that — or worse — to other women.

Apparently, Lindsay Lohan saw the reactions as accusations that she isn’t pro-woman.

And, yeah, that was at least part of the response.

She posted and deleted a defense of herself … and included a very accusatory tone.

Her initial caption read:

“Whatever anyone says, I am FOR #womenempowerment as if most women in America cared how I was abused by my exfiancé… when not one person stood up for me while he was abusing me…”

She seems to be ignoring countless people who posted concern for her and condemnation of her (now former!) fiance.

(I know that I certainly wrote about it at the time)

“You could only imagine what it feels like to come out as a #strongwoman BUT, acknowledge this, we all make our own choices and wake up in our own beds in the morning.”

That line does not make much sense. At all.

“I prefer to go to my home and wake up alone. #BESTRONG let us not blame anyone as #karma will always takes its toll. #womensrights”

Note that her first hashtag reads “be strong,” not “best rong.”

So … Lindsay spiraled into incoherence in a way that we normally expect from people who are still mastering English and are not native speakers.

But you know what? Anyone can find that their thoughts didn’t quite translate to paper.

In any case, Lindsay Lohan deleted that original caption and replaced it.

The Mean Girls star and tabloid legend has changed her tune … up to a point.

At the very least, she’s much more succinct and no longer seems to be trying to shame the women of America.

“Whatever anyone says, I am FOR #womenempowerment #strongwoman #BESTRONG #karma will always takes its toll. #womensrights”

We guess that, to Lindsay, she saw a fan response but not a massive movement that she now sees in the wake of the Weinstein scandal.

Maybe that rubbed her the wrong way. Maybe she was just being defensive and trying to deflect.

Honestly, we don’t even know if poorly Lindsay herself could tell us why she says some of the things that she does. Let’s cut her some slack.

Remember that, in her own way, Lindsay is sharing a #MeToo story.

“Whatever anyone says, I am FOR #womenempowerment #strongwoman #BESTRONG #karma will always takes its toll. #womensrights”


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Lindsay Lohan Defends Harvey Weinstein: His Wife Should Stand By Him!

Since news broke of Harvey Weinstein being accused of sexual harassment, there have been a number of truly bad takes on it. Donna Karan blamed the victims, wondering if they were "asking for it" by … existing as women, or something.

Others have tried to politicize the scandal because of Weinstein"s history of being a political donor — which, like so many political attacks, is an absurd reach.

But the worst response of all to the myriad of accusations against Harvey Weinstein might have come from Lindsay Lohan. And we have the now-deleted video.

Oh no, Lindsay Lohan.

As we all know by now, Harvey Weinstein has has been accused by multiple women of sexual harassment. From creepy propositions for which he promised to boost their careers to an alleged fondness for exposing himself to reluctant or downright unwilling women, the stories were gross.

And these allegations came on the heels of decades of rumors. It"s pretty clear that it was an open secret, but that he had too much power in Hollywood for people to move against him.

That"s almost as chilling as his alleged actions.

Then came the report that Harvey Weinstein raped at least three women. There are audio recordings of him coaxing one actress to sit and drink and watch him while he showered.

He"s been fired from his own company and condemned left and right, even by people who had once remained silent.

In the wake of this scandal, Georgina Chapman is leaving Harvey Weinstein after 10 years together. The couple has two young children, and Georgina Chapman says that she is putting her role as a mother first.

She also asks for privacy at this time, which makes a lot of sense. We can"t imagine how you"d try to explain what"s happening to a couple of young children.

This is, unfortunately, where Lindsay comes in.

In the now-deleted video that you"ll see below, Lindsay Lohan speaks in a voice that — and we don"t say this to be mean — is a little difficult to understand.

"Hi, I’m in Dubai….I feel very bad for Harvey Weinstein right now. I don’t think it’s right what’s going on."

You know what, as judgey as I am about anyone vacationing in Dubai (they have medieval laws; look at their cool buildings on the internet but don"t give them money), that pales in comparison for someone having actual human sympathy for Harvey Weinstein in light of all of the current news.

Lindsay puts up an angelic emoji with the name "Harvey," which is — in the context of what we"ve been hearing this week — enough to turn your stomach.

And her statements get worse:

"Georgina needs to take a stand and be there for her husband."

That"s right — somehow, Lindsay thinks that Georgina Chapman is doing the wrong thing by removing herself and her children from the presence of an accused sexual predator.

And then you start to realize why Lindsay appears to believe that Weinstein is innocent, as she states:

"He"s never harmed me or did anything to me. We"ve done several movies together. I think everyone needs to stop; I think it"s wrong. So stand up."

The old he-didn"t-do-it-to-me line isn"t exculpatory. Maybe he liked Lindsay as a person or maybe her career was already strong enough that he didn"t want to make a move. Or maybe she wasn"t his type.

If so, it sounds like Lindsay must believe that there"s some vast conspiracy against Harvey Weinstein for literally no good reason. Or maybe she hasn"t put that much thought into it.

As with Kanye West declaring "Bill Cosby innocent!" on Twitter, this looks like a case of someone"s judgment being impaired by paranoia … or something.

We guess that it"s no real surprise that she"s still supporting Weinstein.

Lindsay Lohan is a sweet girl, but she has a disturbing history of defending at least one other famous wealthy man who"s been accused of sexual assault by multiple women.

Actually, one in the past had even bragged about it in an infamous recording.

Lindsay Lohan has defended Trump, calling criticisms of him and his administration "bullying," so in that context, it isn"t a real surprise that she"d also defend Weinstein.

But it"s still sad. Lindsay might not be the out-of-control party girl that she was a decade ago, but she still seems so lost.

But we need to be fair to Lindsay Lohan.

Rose McGowan, one of Harvey Weinstein"s most relentless critics (she is a treasure, you guys) has tweeted, asking people to not be too harsh on Lindsay Lohan.

"Please go easy on Lindsay Lohan. Being a child actor turned sex symbol twists the brain in ways you can’t comprehend."

Rose makes a very fair point, there.

And we know that we said that Lindsay"s was the worst take on this situation, but Sebastian Gorka, accused member of a European Neo-Nazi organization and former White House advisor to Donald Trump, tweeted something even worse:

"THINK: If Weinstein had obeyed @VP Pence"s rules for meeting with the opposite sex, none of those poor women would ever have been abused."

He"s referring to Mike Pence"s much-lampooned unwillingness to be around women without his wife present, even at something like a working lunch. 

So this particular take, which suggests that Georgina Chapman is somehow responsible for her husband"s behavior because they were both individuals, is worse than Donna Karan"s initial statement or Lindsay Lohan"s or the two combined.

Sexual assault happens because a person is a predator. Not because he lacks a babysitter.

Anyway, take a look at Lindsay Lohan"s worrisome video for yourself:

Lindsay lohan defends harvey weinstein his wife should stand by

Lindsay Lohan"s "Parent Trap" Napa Property Spared From Wildfires

The Napa estate Lindsay Lohan schemed her way into “The Parent Trap” has miraculously been spared by wildfires in Northern California … at least for now. Staglin Family Vineyards — portrayed as Dennis Quaid’s “Parker Knoll” in the movie — is…


Friday, October 6, 2017

TMZ Live: Lindsay Lohan: Senator Takes Drunk Dig

ON TODAY’S SHOW Nene Leakes At War With Kim Zolciak! Music Festivals: Future Threats Of Violence Donald Trump Mocks Puerto Rico  Sheryl Crow: Gun Laws Need To Change 


Lindsay Lohan, Senator"s Snarky Drunk Dig to Trigger Lawsuit

Michael and Dina Lohan plan to sue a U.S. senator who conjured up Lindsay’s drunken past to lash out at a CEO. The incident went down at a congressional hearing Wednesday as the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee grilled…


Thursday, September 28, 2017

Rachel Lindsay: Oh Yeah, Vanessa Grimaldi and I Hated Each Other

Vanessa Grimaldi won Nick Viall’s heart and hand on The Bachelor — well, until they broke up, anyway. But the thing about winning a competition is that some people make friends along the way, and others make enemies.

It’s been rumored for a long time that Rachel Lindsay was among the enemies that Vanessa made. Or, at the very least, that the two of them didn’t get along.

This week, Danielle Lombard confirmed that the two didn’t like each other. And Rachel Lindsay is providing even more details.

So, earlier this week, the stunningly beautiful Danielle Lombard did a Reddit AMA.

(AMA means Ask Me Anything, by the way)

You’d expect the standard questions about Danielle Lombard and Dean Unglert and, you know, their whole love triangle mess in Paradise.

But remember, Danielle Lombard didn’t make her Bachelor debut on Bachelor in Paradise. That’s … well, that’s not how it works.

There have been rumors for ages that Rachel and Vanessa got along about as well as two wet cats in a burlap sack.

Danielle basically confirmed it:

“Vanessa called Rachel something that was extremely derogatory. From what I heard it was bad. Vanessa had to be separated for the rest of the show.”

Obviously, that is vague but ominous.

Like, Danielle did a great job of not filling in the blank with a word that she’d heard in rumor form.

If Vanessa Grimaldi had used a slur, for example, she probably should have been removed from the show immediately.

(Rachel Lindsay was the first-ever black Bachelorette, and remember that there was even a racist contestant within her own season)

Naturally, everyone wanted to know what exactly was said, but Danielle was relying upon hearsay even to tell that much.

She didn’t want to put words into anybody’s mouth.

Thankfully, Rachel Lindsay was willing to at last break her silence on the conflict.

In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, Rachel Lindsay shares exactly what went on between her and Vanessa.


“One thing I know about Danielle [Lombard] is that she’s not a liar.”

That’s a great way to start off.

“But I do want to set the record straight on what happened between Vanessa and I.”

That should be “Vanessa and me,” but that’s beside the point.

“Being in the Bachelor mansion is a true test of your character. It’s a high-stress, low-sleep situation, and I learned all I needed to know about Vanessa during that time.”

We can only imagine.

Rachel says that she avoided Vanessa in order to avoid drama, but that it didn’t quite work out and that Vanessa pulled her aside and confronted her.

“Vanessa told me that I used ‘aggressive’ tones with her, and I was very upset by that.”

If you’re not aware, words like “bossy” and “aggressive” are thrown at black women as a way of exploiting stereotypes. People using those words usually hope to make the women shut down and be quiet out of fear of “confirming” stereotypes. It’s a hateful thing.

There’s no telling if Vanessa was aware of this, but Rachel certainly was.

“There are so many stereotypes placed on African-American women.”

And as for that “derogatory word” we heard about …

“She called me a ‘bully’, and for her to use that phrase was offensive to me. She had no examples to match it. … I also felt as a special education teacher who works with children, she was using the word frivolously.”

That’s certainly a derogatory word to call someone, but it’s thankfully not a slur.

(That is an odd way for someone who should know better to talk … but some people are very different at work than they would be on reality television)

When Rachel Lindsay spoke to Vanessa about her behavior, Vanessa didn’t apologize but instead doubled down.

“She told me, ‘No, you’re a bully, and I told Nick that."”


“This was an assassination on my character. After I’ve faced uphill battles for my entire life and worked to prove myself in my career. I told Nick, ‘I’m going to let bygones be bygones."”

That was the right attitude. If she’d tried to make trouble, maybe she wouldn’t have landed her role as the Bachelorette. Maybe she wouldn’t have ended up with Bryan Abasolo.

She mentions that she waited until now to share this because of that gig, but also because Vanessa and Nick were engaged. Obviously, things have changed.

And now we know.


Thursday, September 21, 2017

Rachel Lindsay and Bryan Abasolo: Spin-Off Series in the Works?!

Rachel Lindsay and Bryan Abasolo already seem out of love … or, at least, seem to be playing up their affections for the camera.

But that doesn"t mean that they"re canceling their plans to marry, even if they haven"t quite set a date yet.

They are making some plans, though — which leads people to wonder if Rachel and Bryan have a spin-off reality series in the works.

Rachel Lindsay shocked fans to their cores when she dumped Peter Kraus in the season finale of The Bachelorette.

She looked massively torn up about it, and left Peter in a sobbing heap.

It was hard to watch, even for those of us who knew that it was coming.

The fact that she ignored good sense and her own family and choose Bryan Abasolo was hard for a lot of people to process.

Since then, Rachel"s choice has been overshadowed by the injustice of Peter Kraus not being the next Bachelor.

Because, ultimately, it"s Rachel"s life to live and she gets to choose her fiance. She chose Bryan Abasolo.

We don"t have to understand, we just need to realize that it"s her life and that maybe she"s looking for different traits than most viewers.

And you know, Rachel seems happy enough.

At least, Rachel and Bryan are still together. That"s more than we can say for a lot of Bachelor couples.

In this clip below, in which Wendy Williams doesn"t appear to be able to keep things straight between Peter Kraus and Bryan Abasolo and mixes up their professions, Rachel has some news.

It"s not, like, her big announcement. This is a detail that she slips in, almost as if it"s incidental or an afterthought.

Wendy asks Bryan Abasolo (after he joins them on the couch) whether he"s going to continue being a chiropractor.

(This is after she jokes about his job, but … that"s Wendy Williams, for you)

Bryan mentions that he"s taking a break from it at the moment but will get his chiropractor"s license to practice in California, which is where they"re going next.

Rachel Lindsay mentions that she plans to get her law license in California.

Wendy Williams casts a little doubt on that.

Wendy points out that many people go on reality television for the purpose of finding out if they can be successful television personalities.

Rachel clearly has what it takes, so now that she and Bryan have tested the waters, they might go on reality television again.

Like, say, in a spin-off.

Wendy then asks them, point-blank, if they plan to have their wedding on camera.

They both admit that it"s a possibility, that they haven"t ruled it out.

(We told you ages ago that Rachel Lindsay is already planning her wedding, right down to who isn"t invited, and that cameras might be there)

Other couples from the Bachelor franchise haven"t had the most success when cameras follow them around for every moment of their new relationship.

But while Lauren Bushnell and Ben Higgins broke up because they couldn"t communicate honestly with each other and be on camera at the same time … maybe that won"t be the case for Rachel and Bryan.

Not because true love conquers all, but … kind of the opposite.

If their engagement is, at this point, a business arrangement so that they can both seek fame and fortune as a reality couple … cameras wouldn"t hurt that relationship one bit.

We don"t know that this is the case, but since the two were described as acting like business partners except when the cameras are rolling … you have to wonder.

A reality spin-off really does sound like the only explanation for why they"d willingly move to California. 

And they didn"t exactly deny it in this video:

Rachel lindsay and bryan abasolo spin off series in the works

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Rachel Lindsay and Bryan Abasolo: Already Out of Love?!?

We hope you’re sitting down for this.

We hope you aren’t operating any heavy machinery.

We hope you’re prepared for your jaw to go crashing to the floor.

Okay, here we go…

Rachel Lindsay and Bryan Abasolo may not get married after all.

We know this is an unexpected possibility for two people who met on reality television and who got engaged after a bunch of exotic dates in front of ABC cameras, but a Life & Style source swears it’s true.

Speaking to this tabloid, the anonymous insider says he or she spotted Rachel and Bryan at a recent New York Fashion Week event and, well, they looked anything but smitten.

Rachel and Bryan looked more like business partners than a couple,” the witness tells the magazine of The Bachelorette stars, adding:

“They didn’t show any kind of affection. I’m shocked they haven’t officially ended things yet.”

The onlooker says Lindsay and Abasolo played up their supposed romance any time a camera was in sight, but then dropped all pretending once they thought they were alone.

“It looked like a contractual relationship, where they had to go through the motions,” writes Life & Style.

Considering the very (VERY!) low success rate of couples that meet on The Bachelor or The Bachelorette, this isn’t exactly stunning.

But Lindsay and Abasolo have made a point to gush over each other more than the usual tandems that emerge from these programs.

Addressing his fiancee just over a month ago, for example, Abasolo wrote the following on Instagram:

“Every single day literally gets better and better with you and reaffirms that God placed you in my path for a reason…

“What shines above all else is the deep love, loyalty, respect and admiration we have for each other and that’s what will continue to carry us through into our future.”

Lindsay, who became the first African-American to be named The Bachelorette, also couldn’t help but write very nice things about her chosen man on social media earlier this summer.

“Bryan you have shown me a love that I’ve never had before. You’ve challenged me in ways I could have never imagined,” she praised, concluding:

“Thank you for always taking the high road and thank you for loving me unconditionally.

“I love you with all of me @thebryanabasolo and more than I could ever define to you! I am so excited to spend forever with you.”

How sweet, right?

Nope, more like how FAKE, this new report alleges.

Do you believe in Rachel and Bryan’s love?

Do you think these two will get married? Vote below:


Lindsay Shookus: ACTUALLY Pregnant With Ben Affleck"s Baby?!

It’s been two months since we first learned that Ben Affleck and Lindsay Shookus are dating, and surprisingly, the couple has been pretty open about their relationship status.

They haven’t made any official announcements, because that’s just not how the Batfleck rolls, but they’re certainly not hiding their romance from the tabloid press.

Affleck and Shookus attended the Emmys together on Sunday night, and while they didn’t walk the red carpet together, Ben reportedly stood up and cheered when she won an award for her work on Saturday Night Live.

So either Ben and Lindsay are moving pretty fast by the standards of two recently divorced people, or there’s some truth to the rumors that they started dating while they were both still married.

Either way, it’s a relationship that has the rumor mill churning non-stop.

There have been near-constant rumors that Ben and Lindsay are secretly engaged, so perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised that some gossip outlets already have the couple taking an even bigger leap together.

Both Radar Online and several tabloids reported this week on rumors that Lindsay is pregnant with Ben’s baby.

“There have been whispers that she might be pregnant with Ben’s child, and that’s why they decided to reveal they were together,” says one insider.

Obviously, the couple has not confirmed any of these reports, and they should probably be taken with several grains of salt.

We’re not saying that Lindsay is definitively not pregnant with Ben’s baby, but the rumors don’t exactly jibe with reports that Ben and Lindsay are drinking heavily

We doubt Ben would publicly fall off the wagon by getting hammered with his pregnant girlfriend.

The man’s had his issues over the years, but he’s not Charlie Sheen.

We’re inclined to believe that Ben and Lindsay are headed for the altar eventually, but we imagine they’ll take things rather slowly.

After all, they both have kids, and they’re both newly divorced.

Plus, for now, it seems like they’re just enjoying being single.

It’s hard to balance a newborn and a bender.

Plus, there’s that whole laying off the sauce for nine months while you’re pregnant thing, and that doesn’t seem to fit with Ben and Lindsay’s current lifestyle.


Lindsay Lohan Stuns Fans, Sparks Plastic Surgery Rumors With "New Face"

Lindsay Lohan has gone through a number of changes over the years.

We’ve seen her transform from a Disney child star to a tabloid trainwreck to a Angelina Jolie aspirant who might also be a spy for the Turkish government.

While her latest metamorphosis might not be as bizarre as that last one (Seriously, how is there not more talk about her possible espionage?), it’s still throwing fans for a loop:

That’s LiLo at a Madrid Fashion Week last night, and as you can see, she looks a little … different.

Lindsay’s face has changed almost as much as her persona over the years, but never this quickly in this short a period of time.

Naturally the plastic surgery rumors are have been flying fast and furious on social media in the hours since these pics went public.

Lohan’s fans are hoping she’s just the victim of some botched temporary filler work, while her detractors …

… Well, her detractors are having a bit of a field day.

“OMG like wtf. what is wrong with lilo’s face??” one fan tweeted.

“I am literally on my knees praying for lindsay to not let another needle near her face,” remarked another.

The consensus seems to be that Lindsay went under the needle, not the knife, and thus, her face should eventually return to normal.

Evan so, the social roasting has been particularly brutal:

“OK question for lindsay. are you making that face on purpose or is that eyebrow the result of bad botox?” wrote one Instagram follower.

“omg that brow tho. maybe it’s just me but I think 31 is a little too young for all these fillers,” commented another.

Not surprisingly, the actress (if we can still call her that) has yet to respond to the rumors about her transformation.

This isn’t the first time rumors about Lohan getting plastic surgery have circulated online, but we’ve never been confronted with such clear visual evidence.

Here’s hoping Lindsay will cool it on the fillers going foward.’

That Mean Girls sequel is never gonna happen if Cady’s face is frozen in a permanent expression of horror.

(It’s never gonna happen anyway, but we like to offer LiLo some encouragement from time to time.)


Monday, September 18, 2017

Ben Affleck & Lindsay Shookus: We"re Award Show Official!

There are many stages of celebrity relationships.

It starts with the tabloid rumors and pap-dodging parking lot dashes, in which the lovebirds remain ten feet away from one another, like that’s gonna fool anyone.

After that comes the “we know you know, and we’re cool with it” stage, which is where Ben Affleck and Lindsay Shookus have been all summer.

The new-ish couple spent surprisingly little time attempting to hide their relationship.

(Unless of course, the rumors about Ben and Lindsay hooking up while they were both still married are true, in which case, they did an impressive job of keeping things on the DL for several years.)

There’s been no grand announcement, because Ben’s just not that type of dude, but at this point, Ben and Lindsay are clearly in a serious relationship, and they’re making no effort to hide it.

And last night, they reached a new tier that’s reserved only for the most committed and/or thirstiest celebrity couples.

That’s right – Ben and Lindsay are Award Show Official.

Yes, the 2017 Emmy Awards were held last night, and Lindsay, a producer on Saturday Night Live, took home a trophy for one of the evening’s 43,000 categories.

Of course, it’s not really news when a producer of late night sketch shows that have been on since the dawn of time wins an award that no one outside of the industry cares about.

It is news, however, when her date for the evening is none other than the Batfleck.

Witnesses who attended the ceremony said that Ben was in attendance as Lindsay’s date, but he did his best not to upstage her.

Yes, though he’s no stranger to giving acceptance speeches himself, this award cycle has seen Ben assuming a supporting role.

He was on hand when his brother, Casey Affleck, won the Oscar for Best Actor back in February, and last night, he showed his support while Lindsay took home the prize for Outstanding Achievement In We’re Legally Obligated to Give Lorne Michaels One of These Every Year.

Interestingly, it was right after the Oscars that Ben checked into rehab, so this was probably his first sober award show.

Good for him.

Of course, we’d be lying if we said we weren’t a little disappointed by the fact that he didn’t get drunk and go off on Sean Spicer backstage, but we’ll get over it.


Monday, September 11, 2017

Ben Affleck & Lindsay Shookus: Boozing It Up In Her Hometown?

It’s been several months since we first learned that Ben Affleck and Lindsay Shookus are dating, and it seems the couple is very much enjoying the heady rush that accompanies the start of a new relationship.

(There are those who believe Ben and Lindsay’s relationsip isn’t all that new, but that’s a discussion for another time.)

Already, there have been claims that Ben and Lindsay are planning a wedding.

Other insiders have insisted that Affleck and Shookus can’t wait to have a baby together.

As usual, it seems as though the tabloid media is rushing things just a smidge, but Ben and Lindsay do seem to be quite smitten with one another.

They’ve already survived the first big hurdle of their relationship with Ben resisting the urge to morph into Sad Affleck over the fact that Lindsay’s hometown Bills have claimed the top spot in the AFC East ahead of Ben’s beloved Patriots.

But there are other challenges that lie in wait — and Affleck’s drinking might be chief (no pun intended, Ben) among them.

According to photos and multiple eye witness accounts, Ben is hitting the bottle again, just months after completing a stint in rehab.

Though she’s concerned for the father of her children, Jennifer Garner reportedly believes that Ben’s drinking is Lindsay’s problem now.

Unortunately, it doesn’t seem that Shookus has any interest in helpong Ben to stay sober.

It’s certainly not her responsibility to do so, but it seems that Ben is unlikely to stay clean or even keep his boozing somewhat under control when his new girlfriend is doubling as his drinking buddy.

Affleck and Shookus have already been spotted sipping wine at L.A. hotspot Craig’s and leaving a Maine liquor store with their arms loaded with bottles.

Sources say that over Labor Day weekend, the couple hit Lindsay’s hometown, where they presumably washed down their chicken wings with large quantities of Canadian beer.

Last weekend, Ben and Lindsay were spotted walking the streets of Manhattan (she’s a producer for Saturday Night Live) looking considerably worse for wear.

In contrast, Garner was in Texas helping with the relief effort in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.

It’s easy to say she’s winning the divorce from a PR perspective, but we have no way of knowing how many bartenders Ben helped with his generous tipping.

It’s about time someone took a moment to recognize this country’s real heroes.


Friday, September 8, 2017

Ben Affleck & Lindsay Shookus: Wedding on the Way?!

It’s only been a few months since the world learned that Ben Affleck and Lindsay Shookus are dating, but it’s possible the couple has been together much longer than that.

In fact, it’s widely believed that Ben and Lindsay started hooking up while they were both still married to other people.

You’d think the experience would leave them both a little cynical about the concept of marriage, but apparently Ben and Lindsay can’t wait to do it all again.

According to the latest issue of In Touch, Affleck and Shookus are already planning a wedding.

In fact, the tabloid claims, they’d be further along in the process were it not for the fact that while they’re both legally separated, they’re still technically married to their first spouses.

But while Ben and Lindsay may not be able to tie the knot just yet, it seems they’re enjoying the process of planning a wedding together.

“Ben knows Lindsay’s the one,” a source tells In Touch.

“They plan to tie the knot as soon as their divorces are finalized.”

Understandably, Ben and Lindsay’s former significant others aren’t quite as thrilled about the idea.

Noting that Garner “isn’t in any hurry to help Ben move on with his life,” the insider stated that both divorces are expected to take awhile,” in part due to the fact that both Garner and Lindsay’s ex, Kevin Miller, are  

“Ben hasn’t told Jen about wanting to marry Lindsay… as she’d likely freak out and tell him it’s too soon,” says the source.

Considering there are three kids and tens of millions in assets involved, Ben and Jen’s divorce was always going to be a messy, protracted affair.

And we’re guessing reports about Ben’s eagerness to re-marry aren’t inspiring Jen to speed things along.

Regardless, Affleck and Shookus are reportedly deep into the planning process.

“They both agree that it would be a very small affair,” the informant claims.

“They don’t want a church wedding, just an intimate gathering, a few friends.” 

The source helpfully adds:

“They both think that their second marriage will be the one that lasts.”

Uh … we’re guessing they felt that way about their first marriages, too.

At least we hope they did.


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Dean Unglert: SHADED by Rachel Lindsay Over Bachelor in Paradise Breakup!

Dean Unglert went from everyone’s blue eyed dream to making a lot of people upset on Bachelor in Paradise. Why? Well … love triangle shenanigans, basically.

Those shenanigans came to an end on Monday night’s episode with a breakup that didn’t really make anybody happy.

Among the people who responded were Rachel Lindsay, Dean’s own ex, who tweeted some serious shade in his direction.

Remember when Dean Unglert said that he made an ass of himself in Paradise?

Well … he’s as good as his word.

Until this week’s episode, Dean had been juggling both Danielle Lombard and Kristina Schulman

And yeah, we get it — Bachelor in Paradise is all about figuring out who, if anyone, is right for you.

Dating the first person you see might not be the best plan.

There’s also an argument to be made that people aren’t necessarily well-suited for monogamy, but we’ll get to that in a moment.

Because, though Kristina came across as sympathetic and she and Dean seemed to have a real connection (while Dean also hooked up with Danielle and Danielle didn’t restrict herself exclusively to Dean, either), Dean ended up choosing Danielle.

A lot of fans were crushed.

Some of them were rooting for Dean and Kristina.

A lot of them were rooting for Kristina to find happiness.

Others were just rooting for Dean to stay the endearing, precious boy they’d seen on The Bachelorette.

So there was a lot of disappointment. All around.

As we mentioned, Rachel Lindsay — who competed alongside Kristina Schulman for Nick Viall’s hand on The Bachelor before becoming the Bachelorette and finding love … or whatever … with Bryan Abasolo, threw some shade at Dean over the whole affair.

She tweeted this:

“Never settle @kristinaschulma ….love you girl.”

She followed that up with a kissing emoji.

You may notice that she doesn’t mention Dean by name.

But her “never settle” message is a reminder that they now have two exes in common, and a diss against Dean.

Rachel is implying that Dean isn’t worthy of Kristina, and that Kristina — like Rachel — could do better.

Maybe so.

It may have also occurred to you that Rachel Lindsay has a whole lot of nerve tweeting anything at anybody about breaking up with the wrong person.

She’s kind of an expert on the subject, but that’s not the same as being an authority on which breakups are smart or not.

Sorry if we’re not going to take romantic advice from the woman who chose a guy who says whatever she wants to hear and left Peter Kraus a sobbing mess.

For his part, Dean Unglert posted this to Instagram:

His heartbreaking caption?

“You were out of my league.”

A friend of mine DMed this post to me as soon as she saw it to make sure that I had seen it, because there are a lot of feels to be had.

Honestly, we think that Kristina and Dean just got swept up in it all.

Dean, in particular, was basically on the rebound after making it almost to the very end of The Bachelorette.

Like, Rachel Lindsay met his dad. He wasn’t just on for a few episodes to get his name out there.

As we mentioned, monogamy isn’t right for everyone.

For some people, it’s the only way for them to have a relationship.

For others, it’s unnatural and monogamy culture — and especially the idea that there’s exactly one person out there who’s right for you — is horrifying.

There are a lot of successful polyamorous relationships, and with social acceptance, that is growing.

We’d love to see a Bachelor series with an emphasis on polyamory, but we’re sure that it will take years before enough viewers are open-minded enough to tune in.

On such a show, maybe this love triangle wouldn’t have been so devastating. Maybe it would have just been, you know, a normal triad.

If that would work for all three of them, anyway.

Not everybody’s cut out to be polyamorous.

We think that, within the Bachelor Nation, Dean can get past this.

Dean is, after all, a young guy who’s openly admitted that he has more maturing to do.

And that was before he went on Bachelor in Paradise.

Dean is not going to be the next Bachelor, but we’d love to see him on the next season of Bachelor in Paradise.

And maybe, in a couple of years, after he’s had his “redemption arc” on camera, he could make an amazing — and still quite young — leading man.

And, for what it’s worth, we wish Kristina Schulman the best.
