Showing posts with label Lying. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lying. Show all posts

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Tom Brady: Caught Lying About Floyd Mayweather Friendship?

As expected, Floyd Mayweather defeated Conor McGregor Saturday night in a fight that was far more entertaining than it had any right to be.

Of course, now that his career in the ring is over, Mayweather will likely spend the rest of his days engaged in the other kind of battle he’s become famous for.

No, we’re not talking about the many incidents of spousal abuse he’s been arrested for over the years.

We’re talking about the odd, passive-aggressive verbal sparring between Floyd and random celebrities that seems to take up much of the boxer’s time.

The most high-profile example in the past year saw Floyd getting dissed by former friend Justin Bieber, who decided to cut ties with the Money Man as a result of Mayweather’s ungodly ways.

(Strip clubs and Moet don’t jibe with the Biebs’ newly Bible-thumping lifestyle.)

Now, Floyd is in a tift with another talented, but widely-despised pretty boy.

And amazingly, he’s found a frenemy who might be even more universally-disliked than Bieber.

Asked about his celebrity friends in a recent interview, Mayweather stated that he and Tom Brady are pretty much besties.

“That’s a close friend of mine. Tom Brady is a very, very close friend,” Mayweather said.

“An unbelievable guy with unbelievable talent…he’s a great guy. Actually, Tom Brady texted me yesterday.”

In case you didn’t get the point that he and Tom are bros for life, Mayweather continued:

“We have a cool friendship. He texted me and asked me ‘How’s everything going?’ And I texted him back: ‘Everything is cool, how you doing? How’s the family?’ And he said, ‘Everything is going A-OK."”

Wow, sounds like they’re pretty tight.

Unless, of course, you ask Tom Brady about his supposed BFF.

Fortunately, that’s just what a pair of Boston radio hosts did this week, and the results were hilariously awkward.

After repeating that he’s only met Floyd “a couple of times,” Brady responded with a curt “no” when asked if he and Mayweather are friends.

“No, I met him a couple of times,” Brady said, clearly dying to move on to a new topic.

“I think he’s a great fighter. That was a great fight the other night.”

We hate to side with Floyd on … well, on anything, really, but Mayweather is probably telling the truth here.

TMZ is reporting that Floyd was spotted video conferencing with Brady during a press conference just before his fight with McGregor.

For boxers, every fight is one of the biggest days of their life, so if they’re video chatting with you the night before, you’re probably more than just some dude they met a couple times.

In all likelihood, the Patriots QB is just trying to manage his public image after the debacle that ensued last summer when the world learned that Brady and Donald Trump are friends.

Anyone who watched the Deflategate press conference knows old Tom Terrific isn’t the most media-savvy guy on the planet but watching that guy who used to make inappropriate comments about your wife at cocktail parties become the most powerful man in the world is enough to teach anyone a lesson.


Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Amber Portwood: LYING About Introducing Daughter to New Boyfriend?!

As you may have heard, Amber Portwood has a new boyfriend.

In the past, that sentence might have been filled with a sense of foreboding, as Amber hasn’t always had the greatest taste in men.

But this time, it looks as though the Teen Mom: OG star may have finally learned from her mistakes.

Shortly after Portwood broke up with Matt Baier, she became involved with a man named Andrew Glennon.

Glennon is a producer on We TV’s Marriage Boot Camp, the show that Portwood and Baier were filming at the time of their breakup.

Baier left the set ahead of schedule and a few weeks later, the world learned that Amber and Andrew were an item.

While we tend to not trust a word that comes out of Matt’s mouth, it’s not hard to see why he’s under the impression that Amber cheated on him with Andrew.

But that’s a conversation for another time.

What we’re focusing on today is the question of whether or not Amber has introduced her new boyfriend to her 8-year-old daughter, Leah.

Recently, several TM:OG fans took to social media to mom-shame Amber about introducing so many father figure-types to her daughter.

“I only brought Matt in and we were together over 3 1/2 years,” Amber replied (as though she needs to defend herself to these people).

Obviously, Amber is free to introduce her child to whomever she pleases.

But it seems she’s experiencing some shame over how many men she’s brought into Leah’s life, as she may have felt the need to lie about introducing Glennon to her daughter.

Around the same time that Amber got into her little Twitter tiff, Andrew posted a photo from a recent car show to his Instagram page:

As The Ashley’s Reality Roundup noticed first, Leah can be seen to the right of the car.

So did Leah lie when she said Matt is the only one one of her boyfriends who’s met Leah?

Or did she quickly decide that to toss out her rule about only introducing her daughter to men she’s been with for a long period of time?

Either way, it’s a bit sketchy.

We hate to say it, but Amber may have more in common with Matt than we thought.

Watch Teen Mom: OG online to relive Amber’s tumultuous past.


Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Briana DeJesus Blasts Baby Daddy: STOP LYING!

Briana DeJesus has had no end of conflict with her baby daddies, and it’s not because of her super hot cameraman.

Recently, Briana put Luis Miguel on blast for still accepting checks from MTV when he hasn’t shown up for their newborn daughter.

This time, Briana’s taking aim at Devoin Antin, father of her daughter, Nova, and it’s for something a little similar.

As you know if you watch Teen Mom 2 online, Briana DeJesus’ luck with men and particularly her luck with baby daddies is kind of the worst.

Before the birth of her daughter, Stella, Briana broke up with the baby’s father, Luis Miguel, who had been cheating on her.

(Because he’s such a class act!)

Which of course was a only part of what prompted her recent rant about deadbeat baby daddies.

During that rant, however, Briana specifically raged against (among other things) appropriating photos of her daughters and sharing them as if the men themselves had taken them.

You know, to make it seem like they’d been around for their children, basically.

Devoin Antin, however, has clearly not been listening.

Devoin shared this photo of his daughter, Nova, and Nova’s teacher, Ms. Knight.

He captioned it:

“Nova And Ms.Knight. Let’s bring home all the certificates and medals.”

Briana went off in the comments:


(This picture was from Briana’s Instagram page, shared days earlier)

Clearly, Devoin just wants to make people think that he’s an attentive parent or whatever.

Briana had recently taken a jab at him on Twitter for recently showing up to spend time with Nova.

“Amen, he’s only been around more bc of MTV lol.”

Apparently his motivations were sadly transparent.

Devoin also shared a cropped version of this photo of Nova, captioning it “child” after a star emoji.

This photo is from Briana’s sister’s Instagram, and Devoin just zoomed in ever-so-slightly, cropping out Nova’s shoes in the process.

Briana hasn’t blasted him for that, specifically, just yet.

But we’re sure that it’s only a matter of time.

Imagine how sad that must be — to pretend that you’re in your child’s life so that strangers will praise you.

Even when your lies are easily proven to be false.

(We’ll say this — Devoin hasn’t technically claimed in either photo that he was there; he just strongly implied it and let followers assume what they will)

To be fair, though, Devoin has spent time with Nova, as this (genuine) photo from his Instagram illustrates.

So, you know, Devoin has at least met his daughter.

Which would put him ahead of Luis Miguel, at least.

But you know what? Teen Mom 2 is built on drama.

That’s why Briana DeJesus was brought on board this season.

And she is absolutely delivering.


Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Ezekiel Elliott Accuser to Cops: "He Busted the Side of my Jaw," RB Claims She"s Lying

Ezekiel Elliott’s accuser told police the NFL running back got extremely violent with her on multiple occasions — including one instance where he “lost control” and busted the side of her jaw — but Zeke says she’s straight-up lying and he can…


Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Derick Dillard Accused of Exploiting Duggars, Lying About Missionary Certification (Exclusive)

In the three years since Derick Dillard married Jill Duggar, the couple has seemed to build a life and start a family together with remarkable ease.

But now it seems that the road traveled by the Dillard family hasn’t been as smooth as we were led to believe.

If you’re a fan of all things Duggar, then you’re likely aware that Jill and Derick have spent much of their life as a married couple performing missionary work in Central America.

But while their intentions may have been honorable, the couple’s time in El Salvador has generated a fair amount of controversy, much of it having to do with the fact that Jill and Derick are not licensed missionaries.

As a result, they’re not sponsored by any church or recognized by any regulatory body, and they’ve been forced to rely on dubious means such as solicited donations from fans in order to fund their trips.

Worse, the Dillards dishonesty on the matter may be putting the health and welfare of others at stake.

Despite previous claims to the contrary, Jill is not a certified midwife, and Derick never completed the necessary certification work required by the Southern Baptist Convention or the International Missions Board.

Now, an insider who was formerly close to several members of the Duggar family exclusively tells The Hollywood Gossip that the Dillards’ deceptions are no secret within their inner circle, and many who know them best are highly suspicious of their motives.

“They go on a mission, they’re not sponsored by any church whatsoever, and they go, and they solicit money from people, they ask for donations,” our source says.

“Of course, they have money coming from Counting On, but Derick, to my knowledge, has never had a job.”

The insider goes on to say that he harbors doubts about the Dillards’ intentions, as well as with regard to who’s really funding their time in Central America:

“[Derick] is not an ordained missionary. They more or less just go over there on their own, and I’m wondering if TLC isn’t footing the bill just for coverage. Just so they have something to sell,” he adds.

“I just wonder what the reasoning for it is. Are they doing it for capital gain? Ever since I’ve learned so much about Jim Bob and how he truly is, I second guess everything.”

Our source adds that his questions about Derick’s motives in performing unlicensed missionary work have led him to wonder if the father of two is an opportunist who’s seeking to take advantage of the Duggars’ wealth and fame.

Describing Dillard as a “mooch” who seems to have no interest in full-time employment, the insider says that Derick seems to have no trouble with the perception that he’s freeloading on his in-laws 

“Derick is just hanging on to someone’s shirttails,” the tipster says.

“Disgusts me. They used to be pretty well thought of.”

Coming on the heels of yesterday’s report about Jim Bob Duggar clashing with his other sons-in-law, the news about Derick seems to indicate that internal strife within the Duggar family is more widespread than initially thought.

Currently, the Dillards are at home in Arkansas, as Jill welcomed her second child just last month.

They say they have no immediate plans to return to Central America, but have every intention of continuing to perform missionary work abroad.

The couple has yet to publicly address the controversy over their lack of proper training.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Friday, August 4, 2017

Kailyn Lowry SLAMMED by Baby Daddy Chris Lopez: Is She Lying?!

Honestly, when it comes to Kailyn Lowry’s third pregnancy, we don’t know a whole lot of information.

We know that it feels like she’s been pregnant for a million years, but that she should be having the baby literally any minute now.

We also know that there may have been a little bit of overlap in her marriage to Javi Marroquin and her relationship with this new baby daddy, Chris Lopez.

But, most of all, we know that there’s a good chance she could be raising this baby all on her own.

She’s said as much many, many times — in a recent episode of Teen Mom 2, she explained that “He doesn’t want his name on the show” because “he doesn’t want his other hoes to know about me!”

She also said that “It’s such not a solid situation I don’t want to discuss any of it on TV.”

According to numerous reports, he’s not interested in having anything to do with Kailyn or their child, and there’s a good chance he won’t even be in the delivery room for the birth.

Then, in a post on her blog written in April, Kailyn explained that “I think I’m most worried about the changes ahead, but also that I will have this baby 24/7 by myself with no help.”

“I’m going to be a single parent from the beginning!”

So throughout her pregnancy, she’s made it pretty clear what’s up, right?

According to Chris himself, not so much.

The guy has been pretty silent throughout Kailyn’s pregnancy — it’s clear that he sincerely does not want anything to do with Teen Mom fame — but he did open up on Twitter earlier this week.

“I’m so tired of these sources, insiders, bloggers, ENTERTAINERS smfh,” he wrote.

Which is fair, because if he’s as private as he seems to be, this whole situation must not be easy for him. That’s why you really have to consider things before you impregnate reality stars.

Then, the day after that tweet, he wrote “Just seen that dumb ass show.”

“That sh-t is all for tv,” he added, before finishing with “Ppl shouldn’t talk about things they really don’t know about lol.”

So he could be talking about a couple of things here.

One, he may have finally gotten tired of all the deadbeat dad stories and decided to stand up for himself in a few vague tweets.

Or two, he may have been responding directly to statements Kailyn made about him on Monday’s episode of Teen Mom 2.

In one scene, she told Jo Rivera that her doctor had told her that she couldn’t have anymore children.

“I was told I was going to have to go through fertility treatment and IVF,” she explained. “Even now I’m nervous I’m going to have another miscarriage.”

And so with that information, she essentially said that she went on to have unprotected sex with Chris, because why not, right?

“He knew I wanted a baby,” she said. “He’s a big boy. He knows how to pull out.”

Which is probably true, but it’s still a ridiculous statement to make. It seems like conceiving a child should require a little more thought than “pull out if you want to, friend.”

Besides, Kailyn has been pregnant at least six times — she had an abortion in high school, then she had Isaac, then Lincoln, then two miscarriages, then this new baby.

It seems like she could have taken a precaution or two.

But hey, it sure will be interesting to see how everything plays out, right?


Thursday, August 3, 2017

Jeremy Calvert Admits to Lying About Leah Messer on Teen Mom 2!

Jeremy Calvert … well, no one would ever accuse him of being the most charming guy, we’ll say that.

Actually, we’ll say that and so, so much more.

Because the thing is that Jeremy Calvert is really a gross individual. We’ve seen it on Teen Mom 2, we’ve seen it on social media, we’ve seen it basically every time he opens his mouth anywhere.

But, according to some new statements from both Jeremy and his ex-girlfriend, Brooke Wehr, he’s even more awful than we knew.

And that’s because, in this week’s episode of Teen Mom 2, he just straight up lied to Leah Messer.

In the scene in question, Leah and Jeremy had a nice little FaceTime chat in which he explained to her that Brooke broke up with him.

As he told her, one day he just “came home to all my sh-t just being everywhere” because Brooke “lost her sh-t.”

The issue, according to Jeremy, was that Brooke randomly decided to go through his phone records and discovered that he’d had a 35 minute call with Leah, and she became suspicious.

The phone call was totally innocent — it was about their daughter’s enrollment in preschool — but Jeremy insisted that Brooke simply wasn’t having it.

“Why does she feel that way about me?” Leah asked, obviously hurt and confused, but he told her that he didn’t know.

So basically his story was that Brooke is a little crazy and a lot jealous, and that she couldn’t handle him talking to the mother of his child so she lost her mind.

Convenient, right?

In this story, Jeremy didn’t do anything wrong, Brooke is unreasonable, and he’s just a good dad in a bad situation.

But, as we all know, that’s not exactly how things seemed to go down.

And thankfully, Jeremy is big enough to admit it in a statement he made to Real Mr. Housewife.

“The episode you saw on Monday,” he explains, “Brooke came off as crazy, which she isn’t at all. It was all my fault during that time.”

“Also the reason we broke up wasn’t because of me and Leah talking for that long about Addie’s preschool stuff. It was over me talking to a different girl. Period.”

Which, obviously, isn’t even remotely new information — we’ve known for a while now that Jeremy cheated on Brooke more than once.

It’s pretty weird that he even thought he could get away with lying about it on the show.

Jeremy insists that the breakup “had nothing to do with the way me and Leah co parent for our child and communicate. Just would like to address the correct version of what happened.”

“That was all talked about, but was edited out of the episode last night.”

Ah, of course, the tried and true “MTV edited my footage to make me look bad!” excuse.

Still, he owns up to his mistakes, saying “I basically lied to make myself look better than what I truly did. Which I shouldn’t have done but I did so now I’m trying to set the record straight.”

“And also she never through my sh-t every where and didn’t lose her sh-t like I stated in that episode.”

Brooke has also taken to her Instagram account to refute the way things went down on the show — she confirms that the breakup “had absolutely nothing to do with Leah.”

“Leah’s name was never brought up … Him and I had never even had an argument that even involved her name.”

She also explains that the reason she and Jeremy got into that fight was because he was talking to another girl for 35 minutes, and he had her name in his phone under “Tim.”

The fight definitely did happen, “but that wasn’t about Leah at all, and it definitely had nothing to do with Addie going to school at all.”

Brooke adds that “I just felt like that needed clarified because that whole entire conversation” on the show, “from the beginning to the end as complete bullcrap. All of it was a lie.”

Hasn’t Jeremy ever heard that quote about weaving all those tangled webs?


Monday, July 31, 2017

Lil Duval Doubles Down, Says Transgender Woman Lying Would Cause "Psychological Damage"

Lil Duval is doubling down on saying a transgender woman would be “dying” if he found out she’d deceived him — but he also insists he has no problem with gay or transgender people. The comedian was on “TMZ Live” Monday to address the protests…


Lil Duval Doubles Down, Says Transgender Woman Lying Would Cause "Psychological Damage"

Lil Duval is doubling down on saying a transgender woman would be “dying” if he found out she’d deceived him — but he also insists he has no problem with gay or transgender people. The comedian was on “TMZ Live” Monday to address the protests…


Joanna Krupa ex Romain Zago Testifies: Her Vagina Smells GREAT! Brandi Glanville is LYING!

Imagine going through seven years of school to become a lawyer … only to work an entire legal case about alleged genital odor.

That’s right — it’s time for another update about the actual court case in which Joanna Krupa is suing Brandi Glanville for claiming that her vagina stinks.

This time, it’s not Brandi Glanville testifying about Joanna Krupa’s vagina … it’s Joanna Krupa’s ex, Romain Zago. And he had a lot to say.

Yeah, it’s time for an update in the stupidest slander case that we’ve heard of in a good, long while.

Presumably, as her ex, Romain Zago would be the closest thing to an expert in how her genitals smell.

(Though some people have unbelievable hangups about oral sex, so you never know)

The two filed for divorce only a few days before the deposition, but apparently it’s an incredibly amicable divorce.

In the deposition obtained by TMZ, Romain Zago tells Brandi Glanville’s lawyer in no uncertain words that he disagrees with Brandi’s, um, olfactory observation:

“If you want to know the answer to this stupid comments from your client, (Joanna’s) vagina smells amazing.”

In case anyone doubted his sworn testimony, he added an oath:

“And I swear on God, Jesus, my father, my brothers.”

We’re sure that all of the parties that he just named would have preferred to just be left out of this discussion.

Romain also compared Joanna’s genital odor to other women.

“Better than any other woman in the world.”

That’s … high praise.

That’s also the weirdest high praise that we’ve ever heard.

As you might recall, Joanna Krupa is suing Brandi Glanville for $ 15,000 for apparently insulting her good name in what we’d call the most ridiculous feud … except that most feuds are similarly ridiculous.

We have to imagine that both women have spent at least that much already on legal bills.

It seems like Joanna is after vindication in court that her vagina doesn’t smell bad.

Instead, she’s just going to forever associate herself with Brandi’s comment, which may or may not have been accurate.

Joanna’s a beautiful woman — does she really want to forever be “the Real Housewife who sued to prove that her vagina isn’t smelly” in people’s minds?

Because that’s what she’s going to get, no matter how this case ends.

So … do we need to talk about genital odor in general, here?

Everybody’s genitals have some sort of smell. They’re supposed to.

Vaginas are self-cleaning, but sometimes their pH balance can get a little messed up.

The result can be a change in odor (and discharge).

Just a few things that can mess up pH balance:


-exposure to a penis

-soap or bodywash

But there are a few things that require treatment can mess with genital odor, such as yeast infections.

That shouldn’t be a source of shame — at least 75% of adults with vaginas will have at least one yeast infection in their lifetimes.

There are simple creams to treat these, but in the mean time, odor might change a little.

As to whether or not this was behind Brandi Glanville’s comments about Joanna Krupa … we have no idea.

This might be an expensive exchange for Brandi Glanville, but considering how unpleasant Brandi’s other feud is, this must be an almost welcome distraction.

Seriously, Brandi has accused LeAnn Rimes of trying to steal her life.

Being sued in court over something so ridiculous should feel like a vacation after all of that.

So far, the only person who’s coming out of this case looking good is Romain Zago with this testimony.


Monday, July 10, 2017

Lena Dunham"s Dog-Trainer Defends Her Against Accusations of Lying, Abandoning Dog

Lena Dunham has been accused of craving negative attention and going out of her way to fish for it. If that really is the case, she’s getting her wish.

Remember how Lena Dunham may have abandoned her dog Lamby and lied about the reason, stirring up all sorts of ire from dog-lovers and decent human beings everywhere?

Well, she has at least one person defending her decision. Bear with us, but … there’s a chance that Lena did the right thing here. 

So, as you may recall, months after rehoming her dog, Lamby, Lena Dunham announced that she’d done it.

It’s hard to imagine rehoming a pet, because they’re part of your family.

Like, you don’t give up your kid for adoption when they’re 8.

(Not voluntarily, anyway)

But Lena gave a reason.

She claimed that Lamby had serious aggressive behavior.

Many adopted dogs don’t come from great backgrounds, so behavior can be an issue.

But Lena says that even after having Lamby for so long, the problem behaviors — which included biting — hadn’t gone away.

“Lamby suffered terrible abuse as a pup that made having him in a typical home environment dangerous to him and others — we needed to be responsible to ourselves, our neighbors, and especially our beloved boy.”

The thing is that the shelter from which Lena adopted Lamby said that Lamby wasn’t “crazy,” and also that he was put up for adoption because the previous owner “didn’t have enough time” for him.

That doesn’t preclude a history of being abused, but it doesn’t quite match her claims either, you know?

Matt Beisner, owner of the Zen Dog, is a dog-trainer whose help Lena sought.

And Lena Dunham’s dog-trainer is backing up her story.

Beisner described Lamby as “really aggressive” and not wanting to be touched.

“He didn’t want to be touched and he didn’t want to be handled.”

That part’s not so unusual for unfriendly dogs dealing with strangers, but it gets weirder.

“When he came to us, there were days where we had to carry his crate out to the yard and open it to let him come out because we couldn’t safely put our hands near him to get a leash on him to walk him.”

That’s unusual.

(Like, I was a dog-walker for some rescue dogs who had for sure had horrible backgrounds in a previous home, and that’s unusual)

Beisner was even able to specifically address the shelter’s claims that Lamby wasn’t “crazy.”

“The dog that we see in the shelter is often not the dog that we see in the home.”

That makes sense, of course.

Being in a shelter must be terrifying.

Being in a new home is strange and full of uncertainty, but that fear usually goes away with time.

“And often the dog in the home on day one is different than the dog that we see at the six-month mark.”

Unfortunately, that’s true.

Sometimes “getting comfortable” in a new environment means trying to exert dominance or whatever caused Lamby’s biting behavior.

Lena Dunham might actually be on the up-and-up with this one.

We’re not saying that we’d take Beisner’s word for it completely.

He is, after all, someone whom Lena once paid.

It’s no leap to suggest that he might have extra motives to remain in her good graces (plus he’s getting publicity).

But it’s hard to see him going to People and lying.

He has a professional reputation to maintain.

So, while maybe he might avoid blaming Lena for not being sufficiently accommodating or not coming to him earlier or whatever … if he says that Lamby was extraordinarily aggressive in a way that wasn’t going to be fixed living with Lena, we believe it.

If Lamby really is in such a great place now, maybe it’s for the best.

Some dogs need specialized environments and we guess that Lena was able to get him that.

We hope that this doesn’t discourage other people from adopting dogs.

Because dogs are wonderful.

And dogs in shelters don’t deserve to have to stay there when they could have loving homes and join someone’s family.

Sure, some might come with baggage — some don’t like men, for example.

(There are plenty of humans with that same baggage and it comes from experience in both cases)

But most of them adapt to their new homes and learn to trust their new humans.

It’s just that Lamby and Lena Dunham clearly weren’t meant to be.

Maybe now we can go back to worrying about Lena’s next huge tattoos or whatever else she does when she wants more attention.


Friday, July 7, 2017

Lena Dunham: Accused of Abandoning Dog, Lying About Reason Why

Another week, another random Lena Dunham-related controversy.

At this point, you Lena drama is as predictable as the tides, and it always seems that just as she’s putting one mini-scandal behind her, another rushes in.

Part of this is the Internet’s fault, as social media users routinely lose their minds over molehill-caliber stuff like not liking Lena’s latest tattoos.

But, of course, a big part of it is Lena’s fault, as she routinely courts controversy by saying and doing problematic sh-t, and then turning around and seeking sympathy from the ultra-PC recreational outrage crowd whenever it suits her.

It’ been going on for years, and lena is certainly not the first born-rich celebrity who can’t comprehend that the public will occasionally voice displeasure with her, and sometimes it’s best to just shrug it off, rather than making things worse with a lame explanation.

Particularly when that explanation contains statements that are easily exposed as lies, and may lead to a press investigation that will expose myriad other lies.

This one had to do with Lena’s former dog, Lamby.

We say former dog not because Lamby has died … though she’s hopefully gone to a better place.

You see, after four years of ownership and despite an income that allows for ample dog walkers, god psychologists, dog accupuncturists, and dog yoga instructors, Lena decided Lamby had become too much of a burden and gave Lamby away.

She explained the decision in a lengthy Instagram post in which she basically pinned the blame for her dog’s “aggressive behavior on previous, abusive owners that don’t exist … and the staff at one of the most highly-regarded anumal shelters in the country.

“After four years of challenging behavior and aggression that could not be treated with training or medication or consistent loving dog ownership, Lamby went to live at an amazing professional facility in Los Angeles,” Dunham wrote.

“Lamby suffered terrible abuse as a pup that made having him in a typical home environment dangerous to him and others- we needed to be responsible to ourselves, our neighbors and especially our beloved boy.”

Some have offered kudos to Lena for finding a professional facility to care for Lamby, instead of just returning him to the shelter, but she adopted from a no-kill shelter and promised to return the dog and not re-home it.

But even if you’re under the mistaken impression that Lena deserves praise for finding Lamby a new home, just about everything else that she wrote is suspect at best, slanderous at worst.

This is far from the first time that Dunham’s fitness to own a dog has been questioned, but this time the main source of controversy isn’t her lack of training ability but the fact that Lena appears to have flat-oit lied about Lamby’s history of abuse.

Not surprisingly, the shelter responded with a statement clarifiying that Lamby was not abused, did not have three additional owners, and had no history of aggressive behavior.

“We checked the records for Lamby,” said spokesman Robert Vazquez.

“He was ‘owner surrendered, not enough time,’ so we do not know where she got ‘multiple owners that abused the dog.’”

Vazquez continued:

“When she adopted the dog from us, it wasn’t crazy,” Vazquez continued.

“I have pictures of the dog loving on Lena and her mom, which is weird if the dog was abused. It wouldn’t be cuddling with her or be in the bed with her ‘boyfriend’ in the pages of Vogue.”

He also points out that Lamby frequently accompanied Lena at work and on film and talk show sets.

The Vogue comment refers to a 2013 issue of  the magazine, in which Lena can be seen lying in bed with Lamby. (Look at that adorable little psycho!)

In the same article accompanying the incriminating photo Lena made the apocryphal claim that Lamby had been passed around amongst multiple abusive owners:

Dunham claimed the dog had had “three other homes, three other names, but now he’s mine mine mine.”

Again, this appears to be a lie.

Naturally, Dunham took to Instagram to furhter explain the mess … and dug herself a deeper hole:

“It’s come to my attention that the staff at the shelter where I adopted Lamby have a very different account of his early life and behavioral issues than I do,” she wrote.

While I’m sorry to have disappointed them … I would never say an unkind word about the staff of BARC, what they do is amazing and life saving for these animals- but we have different accounts of Lamby’s behavior and they were not present in my home nor did they live with him for an extended period.”

In case you can’t stomach another long-winded excuse for sh-tty behavior, Lena basically said, “I’m not calling the shelter staff liars … but yeah, they’re totes lying.”

Proving that there’s no situation she can’t make worse, Dunham has since bought – not adopted – two young poodles.

We guess after spending so much time on set with his daughter, she decided to attend the Brian Williams School of Scandal Management.


Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Johnny Depp: Caught Lying to Police About Amber Heard Abuse?

Johnny Depp isn’t having the greatest 2017.

Now, everything is relative, and Depp still owns a private island, so it could be a lot worse, but it seems as though the actor’s personal life and financial future are unraveling at the same that his box office popularity has hit the skids.

These days, Depp is broke by Hollywood standards, having squandered the truly astonishing amount of cash he raked in from the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise and a number of other successful films.

The revelations about Depp’s wild spending have mostly come from an increasingly contentious lawsuit against his former management group, TMG, who’s defending itself against claims of mishandling Johnny’s funds.

The stories of Depp’s lavish spending (Dude doesn’t even deny spending $ 30,000 a month on wine.) are mostly good for a laugh, but there’s darker stuff coming out of the court documents filed by TMG, as well.

As you’ve likely heard, Depp was accused of physically assaulting Amber Heard during the former couple’s messy, high-profile divorce.

(Yes, Johnny has spent a LOT of time in court recently.)

The folks at TMG claim they were kept abreast of just about everything that went on in Depp’s personal life, and not only are they claiming that Heard’s allegations are legit, they’re also dropping some new bombshells their clients handling of the situation.

Court documents filed this week, Depp’s management team  “was informed well after the fact through communications with various house staff and security that Depp had been extremely volatile and sometimes ‘gotten physical’ with Heard.

“Mandel was also later informed that Depp had violently kicked Heard during an incident that took place in or around 2014.”

The documents also seem to confirm the authenticity of text messages Heard sent to a friend in which she describes the abuse she endured from Depp:

“Depp and his long-time assistant publicly denied the messages and outrageously accused Heard of manufacturing them,” reads one filing.

“TMG is informed and believes that Depp knew full well that the text messages were genuine, but pressured and berated his assistant to falsely challenge the texts publicly.”

In some of the most damning papers so far, TMG claims that Depp lied to unspecified “authorities” regarding an investigation involving his family:

The docements claim that while he was being “interviewed by public authorities relating to a serious and troubling issue involving his family … [Depp] knowingly lied to public authorties in several respects in connection with these matters” and his actions “marked lack of concern for certain serious family issues.”

When a TMG employee approached Depp about “certain cash expenditures that were related to a serious family matter,” the manager was told by Depp to “mind his own f–king business.”

We’re beginning to think Depp’s current public image woes go a lot deeper than his choice of film projects.


Monday, June 5, 2017

Mehgan James: BUSTED Lying About Rob Kardashian Relationship!

Last week, we reported on rumors that Rob Kardashian is dating Mehgan James, a reality star best known for her time on VH1’s Bad Girls Club.

Several media outlets seemed certain that the relationship was the real deal and that Rob and Meghan had been seeing each other on the down-low for months.

As more details rolled in, however, the situation became increasingly sketchy.

Eventually, Rob himself took to social media to deny that he’s dating Mehgan, insisting that he’s never even met the troubled 27-year-old.

“Wait reading online about some chick I’m dating Megan something,” Rob tweeted.

“Not true never even met or heard of her before.”

The dual takeaways from this tweet seem abundantly clear:

1. Someone needs to introduce Rob to our old friend Mr. Punctuation, and 2. he’s legitimately not hooking up with Meghan.

After all, Rob isn’t one to deny that he’s sleeping with a hot, young, semi-famous woman unless there’s really just no shred of truth to the rumor.

So how did news of this phony couple spread so far so fast?

Well, it seems Mehgan may have had a hand creating the false impression that she and Rob are an item.

At first, James pretended she was just as shocked by the situation as everyone else.

But a new report from TMZ accuses her of spreading the rumor herself in an effort to boost her public profile.

Sources close to the situation say that James and her team reported the fake relationship to a number of tabloids and media outlets, so as to help the aspiring model accumulate a larger online following.

The sad thing is, the ploy seems to have been effective.

Mehgan’s Instagram following has doubled – reaching a total of more than 800,000 – in the week since news of her alleged relationship with Rob first broke.

Judging by the comments on some of her pics, however, she’s already experiencing some backlash from her ill-conceived publicity stunt.

Sources say Rob’s baby mama, Blac Chyna, is especially disgusted by the situation, and we don’t blame her.

After all, if you’re gonna use Rob for fame, the least you could do is go an actual date with the guy!

That’s just common decency.


Sunday, June 4, 2017

Kris Jenner to Caitlyn Jenner: QUIT LYING!

You know the drill by now: Caitlyn Jenner released her memoir, The Secrets of My Life, she talked a lot of trash about her whole family, and nobody is into it.

We"ve seen the whole sad thing play out for a while now, on Keeping Up with the Kardashians and in various interviews.

Kris Jenner is especially upset with Caitlyn, because by many counts, she"s the biggest villain in the book.

Caitlyn wrote that Kris knew that she was transgender from the beginning but that she forced her to stay in the closet, and that she wouldn"t let her spend her own money.

Kim, Khloe and Kourtney have all spoken out in support of their mother, and so has Kendall Jenner.

Each and every one of them has said the same thing: that Caitlyn isn"t being truthful.

And in this new sneak peek for tonight"s episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Kris is not holding back about her feelings.

In the clip, Kris and Kim are talking about the book — Kim seems to be the only one in the family who"s read the entire thing.

As Kim tells Kris, "She has her thoughts and you have your thoughts, and that"s fine. But I do feel like there"s a way to tell your side of the story without being so negative."

"Like everything is always your fault," she says to Kris, who agrees.

Kim brings up Caitlyn"s claims that Kris took all her checks, and that seems to be one topic that really fires her up.

As Kris explains, Caitlyn "never paid a bill from 1972" until, presumably, they divorced and she became single.

She says that, in the book, Caitlyn writes that all of her Keeping Up with the Kardashians paychecks "went to Kris."

""Went to Kris?"" she begins. "How about "it went to the mortgage and the insurance and education"?"

Kris also says that when she began dating Caitlyn, she asked how her last marriage ended, and Caitlyn "weaves this elaborate story."

"Cait could have told me the story that she writes about in her book, which is "gee, Linda got so angry and nasty that Cait had to tell her about her gender dysphoria.""

"Why wouldn"t you have just told me what happened with Linda so at least I could make my own decision if I wanted to get married to someone who really wanted to be a woman?" she asks.

Meanwhile, Kim is not in the mood to beat around anymore bushes, and says that Caitlyn "just literally started three families with three different people and f-cked everyone over."

Kris adds that Caitlyn can"t handle that, so she made her the scapegoat.

Watch all the drama unfold in the video below:

Kris jenner to caitlyn jenner quit lying

Monday, May 15, 2017

Duggar Family: Lying About Kids" TV Habits?

If you watch Counting On online, you know that the Duggar family enforces a very strict set of household rules, many of which pertain to media consumption.

Yes, despite the fact that they’ve made a fortune from their reality TV shows, the Duggars are extremely protective with regard to the way their children use the Internet and watch television.

Duggar kids aren’t allowed to have social media accounts until they’re married, and as far as television goes, if it doesn’t star Jesus or a claymation dog talking about Jesus, it’s pretty much off limits.

Or perhaps we should say that was the case, as these days it looks like Jim Bob and Michelle are enforcing a considerably more lax set of rules.

Prior to the Josh Duggar sex scandals that cost them a fair amount of parenting cred, the Duggars were happy to share their child-rearing techniques with an army of disturbingly loyal fans.

Some rules were better known then others (girls are forbidden to wear pants and forced to stick to skirts; no physical contact beyond “side-hugs” is permitted before marriage), and there’s one that left many Duggar obsessives deeply confused.

Michelle and Jim Bob say they don’t allow “worldly” influences such as television in their home.

The couple says they got rid of their TV early in their marriage and found that they were happier without it.

They gave television another try a few years ago but got tossed it a second time after feeling that they were becoming “addicted” to watching it.

Jessa Duggar says her generation has followed suit, and that while she occasionally watches TV shows online, she and her husband Ben Seewald do not own a television.

The weird TV phobia has long been viewed as one of the most Ned Flanders-y and hypocritical aspects of the strict Duggar dogma, but the family says they stand by their decision despite the appearance of mixed messages.

Which is why so many fans were surprised to see the above photo of 7-year-old Josie Duggar has so many fans confused.

At first glance, it’s just a simple photo of Josie holding a small puppy.

But some eagle-eyed fans were quick to point out that Josie is wearing a shirt emblazoned with a character from the Nickelodeon series Paw Patrol.

“Interesting she has a Paw Patrol shirt on. I would have thought that’d be way too worldly,” one fan commented.

Some hypothesized that it may have been a thrift store find, while others pointed out that the shirt appears to be brand new.

Of course, this is a photo on the Duggars’ Facebook page, so there was more than just one controversy.

One fan pointed out that Josie appears to need braces (In fairness, she claimed to be an orthodontist.), while others expressed concern for the dog:

“I really dislike any child playing dress up with small dogs,” wrote one follower.

“Little breeds have such delicate bones and should never be carried around by children!”

We’re beginning to think the real reason the Duggars don’t allow media in their home is that they dislike the constant reminders that they’re less than perfect.

Maybe the White House should employ a similar strategy!
