Showing posts with label Miscarriage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Miscarriage. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Gabrielle Union Reveals Heartbreaking Miscarriage Struggles

Gabrielle Union has opened up about something very personal and very sad:

Her struggle to get pregnant.

In excerpts from her book, "We"re Going to Need More Wine," the actress reveals that she has tried and failed to start a family via various fertility treatments.

Union allowed People Magazine to publish these excerpts and she spoke to the publication about this heartbreaking issue.

Scroll down for more…

1. Union Married NBA Star Dwyane Wade in 2014

Gabrielle union and d wade

She helps take good care of the player’s kids from his previous marriage, but says she and Wade want a child of their own.

2. A Cycle of Pain

Gabrielle union in yellow

“I have had eight or nine miscarriages,” the 44-year old writes in the memoir. “For three years, my body has been a prisoner of trying to get pregnant — I’ve either been about to go into an IVF cycle, in the middle of an IVF cycle, or coming out of an IVF cycle.”

3. A Candid Admission

Gabrielle union in black

Union has discussed her need for fertility treatments in the past. But this is the first instance of her delving into her miscarriages.

4. She Said This in 2015:

She said this in 2015

“So far, it has not happened for us,” Union told Redbook. “A lot of my friends deal with this. There’s a certain amount of shame that is placed on women who have perhaps chosen a career over starting a family younger. The penance for being a career woman is barrenness. You feel like you’re wearing a scarlet letter.”

5. And Then This a Few Months Later:

And then this a few months later

“I think TV shows and films kind of make [out that] the frigid, single-focused career woman, that her career is the root of all problems in her life. That’s just not the case. Fertility is an issue, period. Having a career is not the price you pay for any ill.”

6. Love Still Conquers All

Dwyane wade and gabrielle union honeymoon photo

Union writes that she and Wade “remain bursting with love and ready to do anything to meet the child we’ve both dreamed of.” They aren’t giving up.

View Slideshow

Monday, August 14, 2017

Vienna Girardi Suffers Miscarriage of Twin Daughters

Vienna Girardi has made a heartbreaking announcement.

The former Bachelor suitor – who earned a proposal on Season 14 from Jake Pavelka, but split from the reality star several months later – revealed on Facebook that she has suffered a miscarriage.

Girardi had been pregnant with twins and was 18 weeks along when the tragedy hit.

She broke this exciting news to fans back in early June.

“On Aug 3rd, I went in for an ultra sound bc the Perinatologist notice one of my twins had more fluids than the other which was the first sign of TTTS(Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome) this is when one twin takes more nutrients than the other,” Girardi explained, adding:

“They said that it did look like it had improved over the last week though.”

She proceeded to go into more sad detail about what happened:

“Unfortunately, that was not the case and that evening my water broke due to the amniotic sacs rupturing. I spent the next 2 days in the hospital trying everything to save them.”


Girardi wrote that physicians told her she would have to deliver the children or risk losing her own life – at just 18 weeks, though, the twins had “a very slim chance under 5%” that they would survive.

“So as any mother would do I did everything to save them but their hearts stopped beating on day two which is also when I went into septic shock with 104 fever,” she tragically continued.

“My little angels went to Heaven on Aug 5th and I was rushed into the OR for emergency surgery and was in the ICU for 4 days.”

We truly cannot imagine what this must have been like for Girardi.

We cannot imagine what she is going through right now.

Girardi lives in Orlando and is engaged to Todd Allen.

After lying in bed for days and mourning her loved ones, she made the brave choice to donate the twins to science in the hopes that scientists will one day learn more about TTTS.

“This was the hardest decision I have ever had to make in my life but I knew my little girls were in Heaven already and the pain I feel I would never want any mother to ever feel.”

She concluded as follows:

“I don’t know why this happened and I pray the Lord gives me strength to understand why he needed my little girls,” she concluded.

“RIP My Sweet Angels. Your mommy will never forget you and I loved you both with my entire heart.”

Girardi’s rep Richard Harlow told People Magazine that his client hosted a gender reveal party just four days before the tragedy took place.

She nearly died.

“Her heart is heavy,” Harlow says.

“Having cried with her, I can honestly say this is one of the worst things I’ve experienced with my close friend and client of 7 years.

“It’s a devastating experience. She wants everyone to know how much she loved her little babies.”

Please join us in sending nothing but the best wishes to Vienna Girardi.


"Bachelor" Winner Vienna Girardi Announces Miscarriage of Twins

“Bachelor” winner Vienna Girardi announced tragic news this weekend about the miscarriage of her twin daughters. Vienna — who won  Jake Pavelka’s season of “The Bachelor” in 2010 – took to Facebook Sunday to reveal she suffered a…


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Woman Fakes Pregnancy, Miscarriage Following Gender Reveal Party Shooting

We’ve written about plenty of bizarre hoaxes and viral stories over the years, but this is a new one. According to a shocking report:

An Ohio woman who said she suffered a miscarriage after being shot at her own gender reveal party lied about being pregnant.

Incredibly, this may not even be the first time Cheyanne Willis has faked a pregnancy … or lied to police. More on that in a minute, though.

On July 8, Willis, 21, was shot in the thigh at the party.

Her cousin Autum Garrett was shot and killed at the event held to announce Willis’ baby’s gender. Seven others were shot and injured.

The bizarre part is that police said their investigation into the shooting is being derailed by the alleged hoax involving Willis’ pregnancy. 

At this point, the extent of the alleged hoax is unclear.

It is not known why Willis would lie, which statements to the police were false, if any, and if there is any connection to a previous incident.

Willis, who looked visibly pregnant at the party in Facebook photos, led police to believe she lost the baby in the hospital after the shooting.

In a viral 2014 incident, a 21-year-old filmed Willis surrounded by a group of people savagely taunting, beating and attacking her.

In the video, which appeared on Facebook, Willis’ head is being shaved and the words “I got my ass whooped” scrawled on her forehead.

Willis’ then-boyfriend Quincy Gardner and Cheyenne Fischer were charged with robbery for stealing from her but were never prosecuted.

A police report shows the suspects were identified, but no charges were filed for harassment or assault a result of the alleged attack.

Willis was hospitalized with a concussion and black eye.

“’I am scared to leave my house still,” Willis told the Daily Mail days after the alleged attack, which is under renewed scrutiny at present.

Online, her friends have come forward saying Willis not only staged the new incident, but that she has lied before about being pregnant.

They claim she created a fake Facebook account, now deleted, with pregnancy photos as well as photos from her gender reveal party.

Meanwhile, another Facebook account associated with Willis was flooded with comments about her alleged involvement in other hoaxes.

Descriptions of her alleged drug use are prevalent.

In one post, Willis is shown with her 14-year-old niece alongside drug paraphernalia. All of this has been revealed in the last few days.

As for the July 8 shooting, police offered no official explanation when they announced Monday that she was not pregnant at the time.

In a statement, the police did not elaborate but confirmed that they “have been given information we have found to be false.”

“Hours and days have been wasted following leads known to be lies when they were provided to our officers,” the department added.

“From the very beginning of this investigation, we have met significant resistance that is uncommon from victims of crime wanting a resolution.”

The shooting did occur, however. According to police, at least two suspects entered the home where Willis hosted the party on July 8.

About a dozen people were in the home when the attackers opened fire, though Willis’ fiancé was outside talking to a neighbor at the time.

No arrests have been made in the case.


Friday, July 14, 2017

Jamie Otis and Doug Hehner Honor Son Lost to Miscarriage, One Year Later

One year ago, Jamie Otis and Doug Hehner had a tragic miscarriage four months into the pregnancy.

The Married At First Sight stars grieved and mourn and shared their loss with the world.

Now it’s a year later, and while they are excited to be expecting again, they haven’t forgotten their son who would have been, Johnathan.

We see a photo of the two of them standing by Johnathan’s memorial tree in their backyard, but it’s the heartfelt caption that really hits home for fans of the family and for those who understand their loss.

In an emotional message, punctuated by emojis, Jamie Otis took to Instagram to share how she and her husband are feeling, one year later.

“A year ago from today was our last full day pregnant with our first born son.”

Calendar dates can be wonderful for birthdays and anniversaries; for remembering a loss, they can be cruel.

“Johnathan was delivered on July 13th, 2016 at just 17 weeks, 1 day. He was way too little to survive outside the womb.”

That must have been agonizing in ways that most of us cannot even imagine.

Though we have seen Jamie and Doug in that hospital photo, seeing and feeling are different things.

“I remember feeling so helpless – there was nothing I could do to help my baby.”

That’s every parent’s nightmare.

“I swore to myself, to my hubby, to God, to my baby boy, and to ANYONE who would listen that I’d never let him just be forgotten.”

She’s really keeping that promise.

She also talks about coping mechanisms, which are important to have and also important to share with others who might need them.

“I blogged a lot to help cope with the loneliness; to numb the pain.”

No matter how loving and supportive a spouse and family might be, a miscarriage hits home in ways that most people can’t understand or provide comfort for.

“I will forever be thankful & I’ll never forget the countless Frans – and even strangers – who reached out to me to offer love & support.”

“Frans,” as in fans who are friends or like friends.

It’s cute.

And then she talks about the memorial.

“…I planned ways to honor our angel baby’s short, sweet life.”

There are a lot of ways to do that.

“One of the ways I wanted to remember him was by planting a tree for him & watching it grow.”

That will only grow more meaningful as the years go by.

“Now that we finally have our own home and our own backyard we can plant that tree. We researched and found a tree that blossoms all summer long.”

That’s absolutely beautiful.

She then invited fans and followers to join her in keeping her son’s memory alive, last night but also always.

Everybody grieves and mourns in their own way.

We’re sure that part of Jamie looks forward to the day that the hardest thing that she has to do is confront body-shamers.

It’s not for us — or anyone — to say if someone’s grieving too little or too much.

(Besides, you don’t know what’s going on internally)

But in Jamie’s case, it looks like she’s found a good balance and a healthy way to cope and to move forward with her life.

And such a sweet, tasteful way to immortalize her son’s memory.


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Melissa Rauch: Big Bang Theory Star Opens Up About Miscarriage

In a moving essay published by Glamour today, Big Bang Theory actress Melissa Rauch both announced that she is pregnant and revealed that she suffered a miscarriage.

In the candid piece, the 37-year states that she is overjoyed by the prospect of becoming a mom, but continues to struggle with the fear of losing another pregnancy.

“Here is the only statement regarding my pregnancy that doesn’t make me feel like a complete fraud: “Melissa is expecting her first child,” Rauch writes.

“She is extremely overjoyed, but if she’s being honest, due to the fact that she had a miscarriage the last time she was pregnant, she’s pretty much terrified at the moment that it will happen again.”

The actress adds:

“She feels weird even announcing this at all, and would rather wait until her child heads off to college to tell anyone, but she figures she should probably share this news before someone sees her waddling around with her mid-section protruding and announces it first.”

With humor and admirable frankness, Rauch went on to write that she was filled with conflicting emotions in the months following her first pregnancy, often experiencing pangs of grief when friends would announce that they were starting families.

“It’s not that I wasn’t happy for these people, but I would think, ‘Why are these shiny, carefree, fertile women so easily able to do what I cannot?"”

She adds:

“And then I’d immediately feel guilt and shame for harboring that jealousy—one might call this “the circle of strife.” (A song I imagine is somewhere deep in the extended director’s cut of The Lion King.)”

Rauch opens up about the ways in which the loss of an uborn child is unique and requires a unique kind of mourning:

“What I realized, though, is that because this kind of loss is not openly talked about nearly as much as it should be, there really is no template for how to process these emotions,” she writes.

“You’re not necessarily going to a funeral or taking time off from work to mourn, but that doesn’t change the fact that something precious has been unexpectedly taken from your life.”

Rauch concludes the essay with a message of support to other women have endured what she’s endured:

“So, to all the women out there who are dealing with fertility issues, have gone through a miscarriage or are going through the pain of it currently, allow me to leave you with this message: You are not alone. And, it is perfectly OK to not be OK right now.”

Important words from a strong woman.

Read Rauch’s entire essay here.

And as always, you can watch The Big Bang Theory online anytime at TV Fanatic.


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Keshia Knight Pulliam"s Divorce, Ed"s GF Allegedly Asked About Miscarriage Drugs

A friend of Keshia Knight Pulliam’s estranged husband says Ed Hartwell’s girlfriend made an ominous request about something to “cause a miscarriage” during Keshia’s pregnancy. The friend, Damia Ward-Henley, made the revelation in new court docs…


Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Azealia Banks: I Suffered a Miscarriage! LOL!

Azealia Banks is a riot, folks.

Actually, let us amend that statement:

Azealia Banks may cause an Internet riot as a result of what appears to be a joke she just made online about having a miscarriage.

Confused? Intrigued? Confused AND intrigued… and already annoyed? Scroll down and we’ll explain.

On Tuesday morning, Banks took Facebook followers by surprise when she said very plainly that she just suffered a miscarriage.

The singer had made no previous mention of even being pregnant, but she wrote the following on her official page a few hours ago:

“So I’ve just had a really major life event happen and I want to talk about it because this wouldn’t be an Azealia Banks page without loads of oversharing right?

“Anywho, I’ve just had a miscarriage and am pretty taken aback by it all and really confused and in shock and guilty and a bit depressed and like a failure and and [sic] very ashamed.”

This would typically be the point in a story such as this where we express sympathy for the subject.

Especially after Banks seemed to be genuinely shaken up by the experience, asking for advice from women who could relate.

“Has anyone else had this same experience who cares to share some words of wisdom or words of anything regarding this topic,” she asked, adding:

“The self-loathing bit is a real struggle for me at the moment so share any words here. They will be greatly appreciated.”

Continued the controversial artist:

I feel really stupid because I think I’m so big and bad an in control and In this situation I’m so powerless and when I first saw the embryo I felt this full spirit around me and was looking down at this little bean in horror/amazement and now I just can’t NOT have an awareness of this person and wont stop feeling like any and everything I’ve ever done in my life or want to do is pointless.

However, Banks – who is no stranger to saying some truly outlandish things – made this confession not long after slamming frequent rival Nicki Minaj.

When one follower questioned the timing of the miscarriage admission, Banks replied:

“Do you want to see a picture of the mess?”

She provided no such picture, but she does appear to have deleted the entire miscarriage thread, virtually laughing over how she’s “not the same person” anymore.

Azealia Banks joke

Banks then made it pretty clear that she made up the entire miscarriage thing because… umm… she has some very serious mental issues?

Is there any other reason why anyone would ever joke about such a sensitive topic?

“Hope you Lot got your screenshots. It’s all jokes guys. Calm down and enjoy the holiday,” Banks wrote as a follow-up on Facebook.

Hilarious, right?

(No… wait: wrong. So very, very messed up and wrong.)

banks fb post

“HOPEFULLY the tabloids don’t get tacky about this Azealia Banks headline. I’ve had a real rough 2016. I honestly need a break from the public crucifixion,” Banks later added on Facebook for some reason.

We have no idea what it manes to “get tacky” about a headline.

But any time a celebrity jokes about having a miscarriage, you better believe we’re going to call her out over it.

“This is a women’s health issue that many others may or may not be able to relate to. Please don’t fuck UP an opportunity for clear, open and beneficial discourse between WOMEN,” Banks also wrote, making even less sense.

banks joke

We guess we shouldn’t expect much from someone who once told Iggy Azalea to kill herself.

But we somehow didn’t think that even Azealia Banks was capable of lying about a miscarriage.

We’d love to see her make this same so-called joke to any one of the following celebrities.

Do you think they’d find it funny?


Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Amber Portwood: So About Those Miscarriage Rumors ...

Amber Portwood, bless her heart, has had a hell of a life so far.

She got pregnant at the tender age of 16, she’s dealt with substance abuse issues bad enough to send her to prison.

And the two most significant relationships of her life have been with Gary Shirley and Matt Baier.

It’s enough to make you weep for the girl.

But the most recent tragedy to befall Amber, according to rumors that began circulating back in August, was a miscarriage.

A Teen Mom gossip site claimed that a lawyer who worked with the show had spoken to them about Amber’s miscarriage, and the details were grim.

“The lawyer says a prescription drug addiction is the cause of the miscarriage,” the report stated.

“He also says Matt has been treating Amber horribly ever since it happened although he is the one who enables her problems.”

So not only did she suffer an alleged miscarriage, she suffered an alleged miscarriage because of alleged drug use.

What an alleged nightmare.

When the rumors first started making the rounds, Amber didn’t say much, but she did post a handy little Marilyn Monroe quote:

“When it comes down to it, I let them think what they want. If they care enough to bother with what I do, then I’m better than them anyway.”

Yeah, no.

So if the quote was Amber’s response to the rumors, it seems like her stance was “think what you want, I don’t care.” Which, interestingly enough, wasn’t so much of a denial as it was just sass.

But on this week’s episode of Teen Mom OG, Amber took creepy ol’ Matt Baier on Dr. Drew’s show specifically to discuss those rumors. And wow.

“It’s not true at all,” she said.

And there you have it.

About the prescription pill abuse rumor that went along with the one about the miscarriage, she said it’s also “not true at all.”

In fact, she tells Dr Drew that “you would be the first to call me out,” because you know Dr. Drew would be all over it if he suspected she wasn’t sober.

But then Matt jumped in to elaborate, and also to pretend that he’s famous for a reason that isn’t sad and sketchy.

“Dr. Drew, that’s actually the reason we wanted to come on,” he began his big important statement.

Seriously though, can’t you just feel the sleaze rolling off this guy?

“That’s the article that kind of pushed us over the edge,” he went on.

“Because when you start attacking the sobriety and talk about the loss of a child and say that a mystery Teen Mom lawyer is the source, that’s when we really decided to speak up about this stuff.”

“We’ve been quiet about this for about a year, and it kind of pushed us over the edge.”

Did you get pushed over the edge, Matt? Did you? Was there an edge that you got pushed over? So sorry, bro.

The issue, however, is that Matt has never been the most trustworthy guy, and we love Amber, but since she’s so deeply involved with this creep, it’s hard to trust her, too.

At this point though, we pretty much just have to take their word for it. So Amber is sober and she never had a miscarriage: take that little bit of sadness off the heap of heartbreak.

It’s getting pretty huge these days.


Thursday, September 8, 2016

Courtney Stodden Regrets Shaving Head After Miscarriage

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again – our hearts break for Courtney Stodden.

The 22-year-old reality star has chronicled her healing process from a July 2016 miscarriage, which left her and husband Doug Hutchison devastated.

“I love you my sweet angel,” Stodden tweeted to her unborn child after confirming the news.

“God is embracing you.”

Stodden decided to shave her head in early August in an attempt to start over, but she told Entertainment Tonight that doing so wasn’t as cathartic as she had hoped.

“I’m just feeling a little lost right now,” Stodden admitted.

“I thought shaving my head would give me some kind of relief from the pain I’ve been experiencing… but it hasn’t.”

Since shaving her head, Stodden has worn an array of wigs and turbans, and acted out on Instagram.  

She called out Brody Jenner for making fun of her on The Hills reunion, then slammed Selena Gomez while wearing a hot pink wig and carrying an unlit cigarette.

Stodden said she’s doing her best to get back to her old self.

“I’m wearing wigs in order to try and make myself feel like I used to feel before all of this stuff happened,” she revealed.

“I almost feel like I’m trying to find myself all over again… or maybe find myself for the first time in my life. I don’t know.”

Aside from shaving her head, Stodden purchased a Reborn Baby at the suggestion of her therapist, who explained that some women buy the dolls in order to overcome such heartbreak.

“I know it may seem a little strange but my therapist suggested that having him may help me cope with my loss,” Stodden told Instagram followers.

Stodden told Us Weekly back in May that she and Hutchison were forced to share their pregnancy news early.

“It’s a bittersweet time for me right now. I’m dealing with a lot of stress and emotions surrounding life and its ups and downs,” she explained.

“Doug and I weren’t planning on going public with this so soon. I’m only four weeks along in my pregnancy. But some things are out of your control.”

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Javi Marroquin: Kailyn Lowry"s Miscarriage Was Hard For ME!

Last year, Kailyn Lowry suffered a miscarriage shortly after learning that she was pregnant with her third child.

Shortly thereafter, Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin separated after three years of marriage.

Both parties have spoken publicly about the ways in which the miscarriage impacted their relationship and may have contributed to the end of their marriage.

But now, Marroquin is revealing for the first time that he believes the misplaced rage the couple directed at one another in the weeks following their tragic loss was the primary reason that they decided to call it quits.

“The miscarriage was a big thing,” Javi said in a recent interview with Radar Online.

“She always says I wasn’t there. I apologize to her all the time. I could see where she was coming from.

“I wasn’t there as a husband, as a father, as someone she could count on to cry on my shoulder.”

He added:

“I’ve never experienced that. I was just super excited for the baby and all that happened so it was rough for me.”

During the most recent season of Teen Mom 2, Javi opened up to Kailyn about his feelings following the miscarriage:

“I knew it was no one’s fault — it wasn’t your fault, and it wasn’t my fault. But it’s crazy — it’s like I needed someone to blame,” he said.

“That was part of the reason why me and you were fighting so much right after the miscarriage. I needed to blame somebody, and I was taking it out on you.”

At the time, he confessed that he wasn’t as supportive as he should’ve been.

But this new interview is the first time that Javi admitted he believes Kailyn failed to meet his emotional needs as well.

Are his comments shockingly insensitive or admirably honest?

We won’t weigh in, but we’re sure many TM2 fans will be offering up hot takes on social media.

These days, Marroquin is dating Nancy Gisell and taking lots of flak from fans for moving on so quickly after his divorce.

He maintains that the criticism is unwarranted, as he recently learned that Kailyn cheated while the two of them were still married.

At first, it looked as though these two would actually pull off a relatively civil divorce.

Now we’re being reminded that they didn’t end up on TM2 due to their deftness at avoiding drama.

We wish these two all the best, but it looks as though the road to amicable co-parenting may be a long and difficult one.

Hopefully, they can eventually sort things out for the sake of their son, Lincoln, as well as for Kailyn’s son Isaac, whom Javi has described as his “best friend.”

These two may never regain the title of the Teen Mom 2’s most stable couple…

But they can still be the show’s most responsible parents.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Courtney Stodden Cradles Fake Baby To Cope With Miscarriage

Our hearts broke all over again after watching Courtney Stodden play with a "reborn" doll on Instagram.

"Just received my reborn baby today! exciting," Stodden wrote.

"i know it may seem a little strange but my therapist suggested that having him may help me cope with my loss. #rebornbaby

A reborn doll, though fake, strongly resembles a human baby.  The "reborn" aspect refers to the process of creating the doll, and has been in practice since the late 1930s, according to Wikipedia.

Stodden suffered a miscarriage in July, two months after confirming that she and husband Doug Hutchison were expecting their first child together.

"It is with a heavy heart to inform you that last week Courtney Stodden suffered a heartbreaking miscarriage,” Stodden’s manager told People Magazine in a statement.

“Courtney and her husband, Doug, are at an emotional loss for words and are using this time to grieve with their close family and friends."

“Please respect their privacy as the couple try to cope with losing their precious baby and seek the support they both need."

2016 has been a tumultuous year for the 21-year-old, who appeared on Lifetime"s The Mother/Daughter Experiment: Celebrity Edition with mom, Krista Keller in hopes of repairing their relationship.

Being on the show ended up making things worse, since Keller wasn"t willing to own up to the fact that she fell in love with Stodden"s husband, describing it as an "emotional affair."

Since the miscarriage, Stodden has chronicled her journey towards healing.  Some of her behavior has been understandably erratic, but no more so than when she shaved her head and shared it on Instagram.

Stodden explained to followers that it was a symbolic gesture in honor of her "angel" that she lost.

Whether you agree with it or not, Stodden seeks support on social media, and followers have given her exactly that (with the exception of a few nasty comments here and there).

Time will heal your heart, sister.  You do you.

Courtney stodden cradles fake baby to cope with miscarriage

Courtney Stodden Cradles Fake Baby To Cope With Miscarriage

Our hearts broke all over again after watching Courtney Stodden play with a "reborn" doll on Instagram.

"Just received my reborn baby today! exciting," Stodden wrote.

"i know it may seem a little strange but my therapist suggested that having him may help me cope with my loss. #rebornbaby

A reborn doll, though fake, strongly resembles a human baby.  The "reborn" aspect refers to the process of creating the doll, and has been in practice since the late 1930s, according to Wikipedia.

Stodden suffered a miscarriage in July, two months after confirming that she and husband Doug Hutchison were expecting their first child together.

"It is with a heavy heart to inform you that last week Courtney Stodden suffered a heartbreaking miscarriage,” Stodden’s manager told People Magazine in a statement.

“Courtney and her husband, Doug, are at an emotional loss for words and are using this time to grieve with their close family and friends."

“Please respect their privacy as the couple try to cope with losing their precious baby and seek the support they both need."

2016 has been a tumultuous year for the 21-year-old, who appeared on Lifetime"s The Mother/Daughter Experiment: Celebrity Edition with mom, Krista Keller in hopes of repairing their relationship.

Being on the show ended up making things worse, since Keller wasn"t willing to own up to the fact that she fell in love with Stodden"s husband, describing it as an "emotional affair."

Since the miscarriage, Stodden has chronicled her journey towards healing.  Some of her behavior has been understandably erratic, but no more so than when she shaved her head and shared it on Instagram.

Stodden explained to followers that it was a symbolic gesture in honor of her "angel" that she lost.

Whether you agree with it or not, Stodden seeks support on social media, and followers have given her exactly that (with the exception of a few nasty comments here and there).

Time will heal your heart, sister.  You do you.

Courtney stodden cradles fake baby to cope with miscarriage