Showing posts with label Protesters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Protesters. Show all posts

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Michael Kors Event Interrupted by Anti-Fur Protesters Chanting and Taunting

Michael Kors’ friendly fashion chat was busted up by a pack of angry protesters who rushed the stage, surrounded the designer, then chanted wild animal noises at him. Kors had just started a chat with Alina Cho at The Met Wednesday night in NYC…


Saturday, June 17, 2017

Pro-Trump Protesters Interrupt "Julius Caesar"/Donald Trump Play in Central Park, One Arrested

A pro-President Trump tag team of protesters disrupted the production of “Julius Caesar” — where Caesar is portrayed as Donald Trump and stabbed to death. Laura Loomer, who works for an alt-right website, crashed the stage Friday night and shouted…


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Patti LaBelle Suffers Sneak Attack from Anti-Fur Protesters (VIDEO)

Patti LaBelle got a taste of what Kylie Jenner and Kelly Rowland experienced when anti-fur protesters pulled a photo op sneak attack on her. Patti was signing copies of ‘Desserts LaBelle’ at a Barnes & Noble Tuesday in NYC. The…


Monday, April 24, 2017

TMZ Live: Kylie Jenner: Accosted By Animal Rights Protesters

ON TODAY’S SHOW Mel B: Three-Way Fiasco Lady Gaga: Queen Of Coachella Kenny G: Midair Surprise  Lil Wayne Gets Drink Thrown At Him Onstage


Saturday, April 15, 2017

Tax Day Rallies Result in Crazy Fight Between Trump Protesters and Supporters in Berkeley (VIDEO + PHOTO)

Donald Trump protesters and supporters have come to blows in Berkeley, California on Tax Day … and the fight videos are completely nuts. A group of anti-Trump protesters marching for Tax Day — in an effort to get the president to release his…


Ryan Lochte "Dancing with the Stars" Protesters Pay Thousands to Avoid Criminal Prosecution

The 2 protesters who bum-rushed Ryan Lochte during his live season premiere of “Dancing with the Stars” have cut a deal to avoid time behind bars … but it cost them a fortune. Sources tell us the judge and the L.A. City Attorney’s Office dropped…


Thursday, April 13, 2017

Kelly Rowland Book Signing Crashed By Fur Protesters (VIDEO + PHOTO)

Fur protesters snuck up on Kelly Rowland at her book signing by pretending to be fans, then did a 180 and chanted she has blood on her hands. Kelly was putting her Jane Hancock on copies of her new mom guide, ‘Whoa, Baby,’ Wednesday night at a…


Sunday, February 5, 2017

Super Bowl Cops Brace for Trump Protesters, Marijuana Lovers

The Houston Police Department is expecting the worst outside the Super Bowl and is ready to combat a wave of Prez Trump protesters making noise about disrupting the game. Our law enforcement sources say officers, in uniform and undercover, will…


Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Shia LaBeouf"s Trump Protesters Can"t Get Pieceful with Pizza Joints

Shia LaBeouf’s “He Will Not Divide Us” protest is driving a serious wedge between protesters and the local pizza parlors.  We’re told pies have been the go-to grub for Shia’s followers at the Museum of the Moving Image in Queens. We’re told…


Ronda Rousey Road Tripped to Standing Rock ... Gave Supplies to Pipeline Protesters (PHOTO)

Ronda Rousey got political last week — with a secret run to the Standing Rock Indian Reservation to help protesters fighting against the Dakota Access Pipeline project. The UFC star teamed up with fellow Olympic judo athlete Pauline Macias…


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Jesse James: Women"s March Protesters Are Selfish! Sandra Bullock Cheated on Me!

Millions of women marched around the world last weekend in support of civil rights and in opposition to U.S. President Donald J. Trump.

Millions more were impressed that their sisters, and brothers, of all ethnicities took to the streets to stand up for what they feel is right.

Jesse James was not one of those people, and here’s why.

While many were marching or celebrating women’s marches across the nation and planet, James shared an alternate take on the protests.

“Just Imagine if ALL these women cared as much about the homeless and Vets in this country as they do about Themselves,” he wrote.

So basically, marching for equality is purely self-aggrandizing?

That was his implication, at least in the eyes of many people online, who took issue with the idea that this is somehow a selfish action.

If James meant that marching in the name progress and helping real, suffering people in need are not the same thing, he is correct.

On the flip side, the protests are designed to raise awareness and enact change on behalf of such people, and hardly self-serving.

Either way, Twitter lit James up after the fact, and HARD.

The tweet gained more than 4,000 retweets and 8,000 likes in less than 24 hours, but Sandra Bullock’s ex also received a lot of backlash

Some of which involved Bullock herself, oddly enough, after more than a few angry commenters brought up up his past with the actress.

“@FreeJesseJames just imagine if people like you cared enough for your spouse not to cheat on her” one follower tweeted at him.

Surprisingly, James responded to that person as such:

“Ahhh cheating goes both ways sweetie. Just because you got all teary eyed at some actress. Doesn’t mean she won’t cheat on her husband.”

Whoa. Did he just accuse Bullock of infidelity too!?

Jesse James and Bullock divorced in 2010, after he was exposed – and eventually confessed to – cheating on her with a number of women.

Among the most notable was Michelle McGee.

“There is only one person to blame for this whole situation, and that is me,” he said at the time, seemingly owning all of those actions.

“It’s because of my poor judgment” alone, the former Monster Garage star said, “that I deserve everything bad that is coming my way.”

“This has caused my wife and kids pain and embarrassment beyond comprehension and I am extremely saddened to have brought this on them.”

“I am truly very sorry for the grief I have caused them,” he concluded, adding, “I hope one day they can find it in their hearts to forgive me.”

James’ implication this week tells another story.

Did Bullock really cheat on him as well? Or was this more of a general dig at his ex-wife, and fans who love her because of her career?

It’s unclear, but fans were taken aback by Sandra being invoked at all, considering the then-unrelated nature of the discussion at hand.

After another Twitter user responded by dredging up another part of James’ past that came to light around the same time as the scandal:

“Also aren’t you like a neo nazi lmao.”

James fired back at that commenter as well, saying, “Yea totally… Except that African American baby I adopted in 2009… but yea total Nazi.”

Jesse and Sandra had started the lengthy adoption process for Bullock’s son Louis Bardot together before their unexpected breakup.

Bullock ended up finalizing the adoption solo.

What do you think of James’ comments?

Totally out of line, or less outrageous than they seem at first glance if you consider his true intentions and thoughts about vets and the homeless?

As far as his dig at Sandra, do you think she is less than perfect as well? Or was he simply stating that people don’t know the full story?

Hit the comments below to discuss!


Monday, January 23, 2017

PETA Rolls Out Protest Flyers for "A Dog"s Purpose," Recruiting Protesters (PHOTOS)

PETA’s first official protest poster against “A Dog’s Purpose” barks out its mission statement … “For Dog’s Sake, Don’t See This Movie.” We got our hands on the literature PETA just created for its planned nationwide picketing of theaters where…


PETA Rolls Out Protest Flyers for "A Dog"s Purpose," Recruiting Protesters (PHOTOS)

PETA’s first official protest poster against “A Dog’s Purpose” barks out its mission statement … “For Dog’s Sake, Don’t See This Movie.” We got our hands on the literature PETA just created for its planned nationwide picketing of theaters where…


Sunday, January 22, 2017

Herschel Walker Says Protesters Need to Give Trump At Least a Day (VIDEO)

Herschel Walker has a message for people protesting President Trump not one day into office … GIVE HIM THAT DAY … AT LEAST ONE! We got the All-American out Saturday at II Pastaio in Bev Hills, where he says while it’s good for protesters to get…


Herschel Walker Says Protesters Need to Give Trump At Least a Day (VIDEO)

Herschel Walker has a message for people protesting President Trump not one day into office … GIVE HIM THAT DAY … AT LEAST ONE! We got the All-American out Saturday at II Pastaio in Bev Hills, where he says while it’s good for protesters to get…


Donald Trump To Protesters, If You"re So Upset Why Didn"t You Vote?

Donald Trump sent 3 different messages to America via Twitter re: Saturday’s protests 1.   You sat on your hands. Trump said, “Watched protests yesterday but was under the impression that we just had an election!  Why didn’t these people…


Friday, January 20, 2017

Donald Trump Inauguration Protesters Won"t Go Hungry Behind Bars

Protests are raging on in Washington D.C. where, so far, more than 90 people have been arrested … but when it comes to meals, they might wish they protested in a different city. We got the menu for several jails in the major U.S. cities where…


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Donald Trump Inauguration Protesters Will Get Free Lawyers if Arrested

Lawyers are ready to represent demonstrators who get arrested for protesting Donald Trump’s inauguration … TMZ has learned. The Partnership for Civil Justice, the National Lawyers Guild, D.C. Law Students in Court and other orgs have a game plan…


Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Andy Cohen Advises Trump Inauguration Protesters to Take a DEEP Breath (VIDEO)

Donald Trump haters and protesters up in arms over the inauguration need to remember one very important thing … BREATHE … according to Andy Cohen. Mr. ‘Watch What Happens Live’ and ‘Real Housewives’ was at LAX when he broke down the start of…


Thursday, November 10, 2016

Celeb Anti-Trump Protesters -- We Reject The President-Elect!!! (VIDEO)

Celebs were out in full force at anti-Donald Trump protests Wednesday night. T.I., Meek Mill, Mark Ruffalo and ‘SNL’ star Taran Killam all put their mugs on cam during the show of un-support in NYC. The crowd marched through Times Square,…
