Showing posts with label Prove. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prove. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Amber Portwood: Does This New Evidence Prove She"s Back on Drugs?!

If you’ve been a fan of Teen Mom OG for a while — or even if you just loosely follow reality TV gossip — you’re probably very familiar with Amber Portwood’s history with addiction.

But if you’ve somehow missed that tragic saga, know this: it was bad.

Real bad.

Going all the way back to her episode of 16 and Pregnant, things weren’t looking great for her. Even then, she didn’t exactly get along with her baby daddy, Gary Shirley.

She also admitted then that she never wanted to be a mother, so, you know … that wasn’t the best revelation.

Then, when Teen Mom began, we saw Amber struggle so hard in pretty much every aspect of her life. She couldn’t seem to get through a day without a breakdown.

We also saw her beat Gary more than once, and then there were all the very questionable parenting choices she made, like the time she let some guy she’d met at Walmart who had just gotten out of prison change baby Leah’s diaper.

As the seasons went on, her situation kept getting worse and worse, until finally she went to rehab.

Then, she said that she was going “for anger control issues and depression,” but later she revealed that pretty much every time she was on TV, she was high.

Eventually she went to prison, even opting to stay there after being given the chance to go to rehab.

She’s been out a few years now, and even though she’s definitely made some bad choices along the way — for example, Matt Baier — it really seems like she’s managed to stay clean.

 … Or has she?!

Over on Reddit, Teen Mom fans are speculating over Amber’s appearance in a recent episode. To be more specific, they’re speculating on the size of her pupils.

One user shared this screenshot of Amber alongside a screenshot of her cousin, and honestly, her pupils are pretty huge here.

If you’re new to the world, pupil size can be an indicator that someone is partaking in a wide variety of drugs — enlarged pupils like hers here are common with some substances, tiny pupils are common with others.

Considering Amber’s history, it’s easy to see an image like this and jump to the worst conclusion.

But if you just consider everything else, you may be able to come to a different conclusion.

As many Reddit users pointed out, Amber was on a few medications at this point to treat her mental health issues. Those kinds of medications will often cause changes in pupil size.

On top of that, she’s got those beautiful pale blue eyes, so with the contrast in color between her iris and her pupil, any change in size is going to be extra noticeable.

And on top of that, the kinds of drugs she liked back in the day are the kinds that make your pupils smaller, not larger like this.

There are many things that could affect her pupils, and obviously her psych meds are the most likely culprit.

Look, Amber has made plenty of mistakes over the years, and she continues to mess up time and time again. But ever since getting out of prison, it really does seem like she’s been able to stay clean.

Can’t we just let her have that?


Monday, November 20, 2017

Deepak Chopra Says Trump"s LaVar Ball Tweets Prove He"s Sick, Unfit as Prez

Donald Trump’s Twitter hate against LaVar Ball and others is proof that he’s sick and unfit to be president — so says alternative medicine guru Deepak Chopra. “I feel he’s in a lot of pain and suffering. He probably never got…


Sunday, November 19, 2017

Jenelle Evans: Does This Photo Prove She"s Being Abused?!

For the past … well, for pretty much the entirety of their relationships, there have been rumors that Jenelle Evans is being abused by David Eason.

These rumors keep popping up for many, many reasons.

So many reasons.

One, David is no stranger to be accused of such atrocities. In court documents, his ex claimed that he pushed her down while she was pregnant, and that after she gave birth, he choked her.

Two, Jenelle has never been in a relationship that didn’t involve abuse in some way, not in the history of Teen Mom 2.

Three, we’ve seen David be extremely controlling on the show, to the point where some viewers feel comfortable referring to his behavior as emotional abuse.

Four, David has officially been accused of abusing Jenelle’s son, Kaiser, in court documents filed by Kaiser’s grandmother. Not only that, but her other son, Jace, has allegedly told his therapist that he’s scared of David.

Five … no, OK, look, we could list reasons and instances all day, we really could, but let’s just get to the point already.

Lots of people are concerned that David could possibly be abusing Jenelle, and some eagle-eyed Teen Mom fans think they now have photographic evidence of this.

Jenelle shared that photo above a couple of days ago to show off one of her lipsticks — she just debuted her new makeup line, JE Cosmetics.

Unfortunately, not too many people focused on the makeup.

Instead, they focused on the way Jenelle seems to have heavily filtered the photo — and those red marks on her chest.

If you look closely, you can see that there’s a lot of discoloration from her neck down to her collarbone, and there’s even what could be the hint of a bruise just below her collarbone.

Her nose seems to be a bit discolored, too.

A few people were so dedicated to the downfall of David that they did some editing magic in an attempt to remove some of the many, many filters from the photo.

In doing this, the marks appeared darker and much more noticeable — though that could be because of different filters, not necessarily because these are definitely bruises.

Even without the filtering tricks though, many of Jenelle’s followers were immediately suspicious of this photo.

“Is it just me or does her neck look bruised?” one person asked — many people told her that no, it wasn’t just her.

“What are those red marks on your neck??” another person questioned. “Did David do that to you hmmmmm…”

Yet another of her followers asked about the red marks, wondering if it was “an allergic reaction to your makeup or to David’s hands.”

“She always bruised somewhere,” someone claimed, and another stated that she “used a filter to cover up the marks seems like.”

But while there were many haters willing to believe the worst, there are some actual Jenelle fans who were willing to explain away the issue.

“You’re kidding right?” one of those fans said. “I get red marks like that on my chest all the time from anxiety. Which she suffers from as well!”

“Omg she probably just itched herself,” another proposed. “I get red like that too when I do that … lort, full on NCIS in these comments.”

So what’s really going on here? It’s hard to say.

Could those marks be from a scratch or anxiety or a million other innocent, non-concerning reasons?

Of course.

But could it also be something more sinister?

Well, that’s the main concern with Jenelle these days, isn’t it?


Thursday, November 9, 2017

Greg Hardy to Dana White: Keep Watching Me, I"ll Prove I"m UFC Ready

Greg Hardy’s got a message for Dana White on the heels of his 32-second KO debut — “keep an eye on me” … “‘cause you’re gonna want me in the UFC eventually.” “I’m here to prove whatever I need to prove,” Hardy told TMZ Sports. “I’m…


Saturday, October 21, 2017

Trump to Release Secret JFK Documents that Could Prove Conspiracy

Next week could prove to be a seismic event in our nation’s history, because Donald Trump just announced he will release document our intelligence agencies have fought fiercely to keep secret relating to the assassination of President John F.…


Friday, August 25, 2017

Usher: She Can"t PROVE I Gave Her Herpes! But I"m Not Denying That I Have It ...

Even though Usher was exposed by a hotel staffer who witnessed one of his alleged hookups, it looks like he’s still fighting his accusers.

Usher stands accused of basically giving out herpes like the world’s worst party favor, and he has tens of millions of dollars on the line.

He’s now refuting the claim of a woman who says that he gave her herpes. Curiously, he isn’t quite denying that he has herpes.

Okay, so the story goes like this:

Allegedly, Usher engaged in an ongoing sexual fling with a Georgia woman who, very understandably, has remained anonymous.

The two were having unprotected sex when, reportedly, there was a greenish discharge from Usher’s penis.

(Sorry; that’s gross)

Usher apparently assured the woman that he did not have an STI, though it’s reported that he was in fact diagnosed as an asymptomatic carrier for herpes several years ago (like, back around 2010).

Basically, an asymptomatic carrier is someone who carries a virus without having to feel the effects.


So, he’s accused of deceiving her about his diagnosis and then continuing to have sex with her while knowing that he was putting her at risk.

She says that she came down with a fever and aches and then painful blistered blossomed on her genitals.

That sure sounds like the herpes virus to us, folks.

She is suing him. After learning that he previously paid a woman about $ 1 million in a settlement for the same thing, she increased her requested amount to $ 20 million.

That’s a lot of money.

Though some would question if you can put a price on a life ruined by an incurable disease.

Others have spoken out, accusing Usher of having herpes and endangering them with risk of infection.

Well, TMZ reports that Usher has responded to the lawsuit. Basically, he says that she has no proof.

According to court documents, Usher’s team notes that the anonymous Georgia woman doesn’t mention having been tested for STIs before hooking up with Usher.

Therefore, they argue, a previous sexual partner could have given her herpes.

TMZ didn’t touch on this, but we should note that we don’t think that herpes can be traced through DNA in the same way that, say, specific mutations of HIV can be connected.

However, antibody levels can be tested in order to approximate how long ago a person was infected.

So you can identify a timeframe through testing, but you need more information to identify the partner who gave it to you.

After they’ve suggested that this woman is so promiscuous that somebody else could have given her herpes, Usher’s team makes it worse.

They go on to basically shame the woman for engaging in unprotected sex, saying that she “assumed the risk” of herpes just by doing that.


That slut-shaming argument is grosser to us than the story of green discharge oozing out of Usher’s penis.

Interestingly, Usher’s legal team didn’t try to present the simplest possible argument.

They could have nipped all of this in the bud with: “This lawsuit is bogus because Usher doesn’t have herpes.”

The court could order STI screening and they could all be on their way.

But Usher’s attorney’s make no such claim, which strikes some as close to an admission that Usher has herpes.


Thursday, July 13, 2017

19 Tweets That Prove Parenting Can Be Fun (Sometimes)

Being a parent can be tough.

It can be challenging. It can be stressful.

But it can also be a downright delight, especially when you log in to Twitter and share various thoughts about your kids and your role in the universe on social media. 

The following mothers and fathers deserve full props for having done just this over the past few weeks…

1. Welcome to Trump’s America

Welcome to trumps america

The kids are, sadly, learning about it quickly.

2. Kids Really Force You to Think

Kids really force you to think

About the most random things, but whatever!

3. I… I Don’t Know

I i dont know

My kid is a genius!

4. Silly, Silly Parent

Silly silly parent

Must I explain everything to you?

5. She Better Not Be Alergic

She better not be alergic

But at least we’ll learn one way or the other pretty quickly.

6. They Even Make Paying the Bills Fun

They even make paying the bills fun

Okay, not “fun,” per se. But still.

View Slideshow

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Kim Kardashian: I Can PROVE I Wasn"t Doing Cocaine!

When we saw this, we absolutely cracked up. (Ugh, cocaine pun not intended)

Just yesterday, Kim Kardashian denied that she does coke via Twitter, all because of what some social media sleuths spotted on her Snapchat. She said, at the time, that it was just candy.

Well now Kim"s changed her story a bit, and she"s posted a series of Snapchat videos that build up to a dramatic reveal of what Kim now says looked like cocaine. We hope that you enjoy the video below as much as we did. You"re welcome.

Kim kardashians snap that fueled coke rumors

We worry when people have too many explanations for why they"re innocent, you know?

You usually want to find just one believable explanation and stick with it.

But, first, a quick refresher:

Because there"s been a lot of news between yesterday and today.

Kim Kardashian took to Snapchat to promote her products, because of course she did.

That"s who she is.

After spotting what looked like two lines of a suspicious white powder reflected in the mirror behind Kim, some followers began to wonder if Kim had slipped up and shown a couple of lines of unsnorted cocaine on the countertop behind her.

And the rumors spread.

Kim kardashian sells beauty

As you may recall, we didn"t find this scenario super likely.

First of all, Kris Jenner didn"t raise her children to clumsily expose hard drug use to the world.

Oh, they all have some minor social blunders from time to time.

But of all six of her brood, only Rob Kardashian can be honestly said to be bad at social media.

And then there"s Kim"s general disposition.

Technically, yes, she"s maybe dabbled at smoking weed in the past.

But she"s now a married mother of two.

And she also claims to not even like the taste of alcohol.

(She probably needs to order some tastier drinks, but whatever)

Kim kardashian stuns in white

Kim caught wind of the rumor, and yesterday she tweeted out her denial, and claimed that what appeared to be white powder was candy.

She even named the candy store — Dylan"s Candy Shop.

But it was later, in her Snapchat videos, that she walks people through 

"Okay, guys, I just got back to my hotel room, and look at this table: Same position — it is still there!"

She is, of course, referring to the pair of white streaks that look an awful lot like a suspicious white powder.

After some gentle parenting, Kim holds up evidence that she really did go to Dylan"s Candy Shop.

"So, we did go to Dylan"s Candy Shop. I did think that it was our pixie sticks."

Note that past tense — she now has a new explanation.

(Anyone else getting flashbacks of that one weirdo in middle school who would try to snort pixie sticks? What a waste of sugar)

Kim kardashian talking

The next part zooms in on Kim"s proposed explanation.

But you know what?

We don"t want to spoil the surprise.

For the record, even though she changed her story, we totally believe her.

(After seeing this, we realize that if they ever reboot Matlock, Kim would be an amazingly inspired casting choice for the titular character)

But this whole thing is super funny.

We hope that you get a laugh out if it, because we sure did.

And it sounds like Kim did, too.

Kim kardashian i can prove i wasnt doing cocaine

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Amelia Earhart: Photo May Prove Pilot Survived Final Flight

If you’re like most Americans, the story of Amelia Earhart is one that you’re familiar with, but never devoted much serious thought to.

It’s a narrative that’s first introduced to most of us in grade school:

Earhart was an aviation pioneer and the first woman to make a solo flight across the Atlantic, but her life was cut tragically short during a failed attempt to fly around the globe. 

The circumstances surrounding Earhart’s disappearance remain mysterious, but it’s been widely assumed that she died in a crash after running out of fuel.

Now, 80 years after the famed pilot’s disappearance, a controversial photo is raising questions about the accuracy of that assumption.

The image – part of a new documentary produced by the History Channel and former FBI assistant director Shawn Henry – is being presented as evidence that Earhart did not die in a crash or as a castaway.

Instead, Henry claims, Earhart was held captive by the Japanese after crash landing her plane on a remote island in the South Pacific.

The photo, he says, shows Earhart surrounded by her captors.

Amelia Earhart

“This absolutely changes history,” Henry tells People magazine.

“I think we proved beyond a reasonable doubt that she survived her flight and was held prisoner by the Japanese on the island of Saipan, where she eventually died.”

Henry notes that the Japanese likely did not realize they were imprisoning a famous pilot, and they “may have believed” that Earhart and her navigator, Fred Noonan, were American spies.

The theory that Earhart died in captivity has been espoused by numerous Earhart buffs over the years, but Henry claims this is the first photographic evidence that supports that notion.

The image has been analyzed by a digital forensic who confirmed that it hasn’t been retouched, as well as a facial recognition expert who says it’s “likely” that the seated woman in the photo is Earhart.

Earhart Newspaper

But there are some skeptics who insist that even if Earhart is the woman in the photo, the image proves nothing about her disappearance.

Ric Gillespie, owner of an organization dedicated to solving the Earhart mystery, says Earhart would not have had enough fuel to reach the Marshall Islands, where the photo was taken.

He also points out that her alleged captors in the image are not carrying guns, and do not appear to be behaving in any sort of menacing fashion.

Amelia Earhart: The Lost Evidence premieres on the History Channel on Sunday, July 9.


Monday, June 26, 2017

Bobbi Kristina Brown"s Family: We Want a New Autopsy to Prove Nick Gordon"s Guilt!

With Nick Gordon’s arrest for domestic violence and investigators building the case for Bobbi Kristina Brown’s death considering that arrest to be evidence, it looks like he’s going to have some prison time in his future.

But the question of how much will depend on prosecution and on evidence, and a new report suggests that Bobbi Kristina’s family is willing to pull out all of the stops to make sure that he goes away.

Even if that means exhuming Bobbi Kristina’s body for a new autopsy.

According to RadarOnline, Bobbi Kristina’s family wants an exhumation and a second autopsy to make sure that any and all evidence needed for Nick Gordon’s arrest and conviction is found.

“I think they should exhume Bobbi Kristina’s body, and make a determination as to the fact that Nick Gordon murdered her. He was responsible for her death!”

That comes from a family source, RadarOnline reports.

Unfortunately, even though Bobbi Kristina’s still-grieving family may not want to accept it, autopsies don’t always yield conclusive answers.

Even when autopsies definitely show that someone was murdered, that doesn’t mean that they contain evidence that points to the killer.

This isn’t some decades-old cold case dating back to before DNA could be sampled from a few epithelial cells.

Bobbi Kristina died on July 26th, 2015 … after spending 6 months in a coma.

And that was after being found unresponsive in her bathtub, which was massively suspicious.

An extended hospital stay and the bathwater itself would have made an autopsy much less helpful.

We have to remember that, at the time, the priority was the attempt to save her life.

If someone were buried immediately after death, there’s sometimes some bruising that wouldn’t show up right away that might be found with an exhumation and autopsy.

Six months after the events that caused someone’s death, though … if that’s your best autopsy, then no later autopsies are going to yield much, unless we wait a few decades for forensic tech that’s currently science fiction.

We know that they’re hurting over this, but this would put them through more suffering and wouldn’t bring them any of the closure that they seek.

And we can’t see it helping the case against Nick Gordon.

The claims from this family source get a little more intense from there.

“The new case demonstrates Nick’s pattern of abuse against women. His father was abusive. His grandfather was abusive. It’s in his DNA! That’s why he can’t stop!”

Okay, to be clear, there’s no evidence that genetics work that way.

Addiction struggles or anger issues could certainly have powerful genetic factors.

But if there’s a domestic violence gene, science has yet to prove it.

(We’re oversimplifying genetics, we know, since genes themselves can simply be active or inactive at different times to different effects, but still)

We’re not arguing that Nick Gordon doesn’t have a horrifying pattern of behavior.

We’re just suggesting that genes probably aren’t the primary factor here.

If somebody comes from a line of abusers and is abusive himself, it’s probably a learned behavior.

A lot of abusive parents are that way because they were raised in abusive households.

(Though they wouldn’t use that label for their parents any more than for themselves)

Similarly, a lot of partner-abusers learned that behavior from a parent.

There are things that can help put Nick Gordon behind bars.

Obviously, his current arrest is a major part of that.

Nick Gordon’s latest alleged victim sees clear parallels to Bobbi Kristina and says that she could have died the same way.

It’s worth noting that her case — she talks about being held down and beaten until she thought she might die, only escaping because she managed to hit him with a candlestick and run, bleeding, to his mother for sanctuary — is its own thing.

Like, that kind of monstrous assault that she describes deserves the most severe penalties that the justice system can offer, and then some.

We shouldn’t look at her case exclusively as evidence for Nick Gordon’s eventual murder trial (which we don’t know will even happen).

That said, authorities are building their case and carefully reviewing evidence related to Bobbi Kristina’s death.

Nobody wants a repeat of OJ Simpson or Casey Anthony or George Zimmerman or … well, the list goes on.

Nobody wants a deadlocked jury like with Bill Cosby, either.

That means building a solid case with great care.

It also means not rushing things — it’s not unusual for a case to take years to build.

We totally understand that Bobbi Kristina’s family is eager for justice.

Just as millions of fans and admirers are, but infinitely more personally.

But we all need to keep in mind that rushing through things won’t bring her justice.

Patience, folks.


Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Water Slide Viral Video Is Legit and Glide-On-Water Guy Can Prove It!

That water slide viral video is the real deal according to the guy who pulled it off … and he told us exactly how he perfected the gravity-defying move. The guy’s name is Rolando Johnson … a 21-year-old lifeguard at Pirates Island…


Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Jenelle Evans: I Can PROVE Barbara Is Keeping Jace From Me!

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you know that the bitter feud between Jenelle Evans and her mother, Barbara, seems to have started the day Jenelle entered the world and shows no signs of letting up any time soon.

Barbara has custody of Jenelle’s oldest son, 7-year-old Jace, and Jenelle has been spent the past several years fighting for the right to raise the boy in her home full-time.

In fairness, for much of that time, Jenelle wasn’t fit to take care of a house plant, much less a human being.

These days, however, Jenelle has cleaned up her act to a surprising degree.

Sure, she’s still prone to flying off the handle now and then.

(They don’t call her the Carolina Hurricane for nothing.)

But she’s made some remarkable progress since her days as the Teen Mom trainwreck everyone knew and barely tolerated.

And yet, Babs persists in her unwillingness to surrender custody of Jace.

TM2 fans are divided on the issue, with many arguing that Babs is better able to provide a stable home life for Jace.

Others believe Jenelle when she claims that Barbara is in it for the fame, holding on to the boy so that she’ll remain on the show and continue receiving those hefty MTV paychecks.

The battle is being waged not only on camera, but on social media, where Jenelle has the clear upper-hand over her much less tech-savvy mother.

But while she usually has no qualms about going in on Barbara to prove a point, Jenelle seems to realize she went too far with a recent Instagram post.

Last night, she uploaded this screenshot of a text conversation, but deleted it just moments later:

Jenelle-Barbara Texts

“Jace is staying home we r going to the beach with Gabe and Atlas tommorrow [sic] u have had him 3 weeks in a row … maybe next week,” Barbara tweeted to Jenelle.

Not surprisingly, Jenelle isn’t thrilled with her mother’s argument, and she fired back:

“No I didn’t I’m his mother and he should be with me full time not “just for 3 weeks on weekends”. This isn’t fair, but not surprising, you saying this to me.

“You only let me have him when its convenient for you like when you need to go out of town or have me watch him. It’s ridiculous.”

If nothing else, these texts show us that Barbara really needs to turn on auto-correct and stop texting like she’s rocking a flip phone.

Also, Jenelle’s messages are going out green?

We know you’re getting paid, Babsy.

Time to invest in an iPhone, homegirl!


Monday, April 24, 2017

Mel B"s Ex-Nanny Files Pics to Prove She"s No Homewrecker (PHOTO GALLERY)

Mel B’s ex-nanny has dozens of photos to back her claim she wasn’t just the hired help, and the singer seduced her into three-way sex with Stephen Belafonte. We broke the story … Lorraine Gilles filed a defamation lawsuit against Mel for saying…


Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Michael Irvin Says Video Will Prove My Innocence ... "Nothing Happened"

Michael Irvin says he did NOT sexually assault a woman at a Florida hotel — and claims his legal team has video evidence that will prove his innocence.  TMZ Sports broke the story … a 27-year-old woman accused Irvin of sexually assaulting…


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

John Daly Calls BS On The Rock ... You Hit 490 Yard Drive? Prove It. (VIDEO)

John Daly says he ain’t buyin’ The Rock’s claim that he smacked a 490 YARD drive during a recent golf outing … telling the movie star straight-up: PROVE IT!  After The Rock posted a yoked out pic of him on a golf course boasting about…


Monday, March 20, 2017

Dana White -- Greg Hardy"s Not On Our Radar ... Must Prove Himself First (VIDEO)

Dana White ain’t exactly saying “never” when it comes to Greg Hardy possibly fighting in the UFC … but the ex-NFL star has to prove himself in some “serious fights” before he gets a look.  Hardy — who was a beast in the NFL — has…


Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Kendall Jenner, Bella and Gigi Hadid Prove Modeling Really Is Rocket Science (VIDEO + PHOTO GALLERY)

Kendall Jenner, Bella and Gigi Hadid just proved modeling does require some brains — or at least planning a modeling show with a rocket launch does. The 3 of ‘em were in Paris this week strutting around with Chanel gear on, and with a giant…


Thursday, March 2, 2017

Justin Trudeau Was Always This Hot, Young Pics Prove It (PHOTOS)

O Canada! Your PM is sooo hot!! Ridiculously hot pics of young Justin Trudeau show he was way more fit to be a god than Prime Minister. The Internet is rightfully losing its collective mind over these shots of JT from back in the day when…


Friday, February 24, 2017

Amber Rose Has Receipts to Prove She Owns Ace of Diamonds (VIDEO)

Amber Rose isn’t sweating the lawsuit accusing her of lying about buying Ace of Diamonds strip club because she’s getting a trademark to back her up … TMZ has learned. According to docs, Amber formed a corporation called Ace of Diamonds,…


Amber Rose Has Receipts to Prove She Owns Ace of Diamonds (VIDEO)

Amber Rose isn’t sweating the lawsuit accusing her of lying about buying Ace of Diamonds strip club because she’s getting a trademark to back her up … TMZ has learned. According to docs, Amber formed a corporation called Ace of Diamonds,…
