Showing posts with label REFUSING. Show all posts
Showing posts with label REFUSING. Show all posts

Friday, January 13, 2017

Jenelle Evans: REFUSING to Film Teen Mom 2?!

If you follow any of them on social media, you know that the ladies of the Teen Mom franchise all threaten to quit the show on a regular basis.

Their complaint is usually about how they’re portrayed to audiences, and no one has griped about the way Teen Mom 2 is edited more than Jenelle Evans.

According to Jenelle, fans see her as a short-tempered, irrational, unfit mother simply because she show’s producers craft narratives out of whole cloth and cut the episodes to make her appear that way.

We guess the judge who decided to grant custody of Jenelle’s first son to her mother, Barbara Evans, must be a big of the series!

Anyway, Jenelle threatens to quit about once a month.

Obviously, she’s bluffing, because she’s about to be a mother of three, and there’s no way she’s about to enter the workforce for a tenth of her current salary at this point in her life.

But apparently the threat of being forced to get a real job isn’t enough to keep Jenelle from biting the hand that feeds her.

Jenelle reportedly brought filming to a stand still recently, when she refused to continue shooting:

“Jenelle refused to film until they changed the way they were doing things,” a production source tells Radar Online.

“She told producers that they capitalize on all her drama and she was sick of it.”

The source claims problems arose when Jenelle saw a promo for an upcoming episode that depicted her in a negative light.

“In the promos for the show, they always show happy moments for the other girls with their kids, but she said if it was a promo involving her it’s all drama and stuff that makes her look bad,” says the insider.

“So Jenelle put her foot down. She had a huge fight with the team and told them she was not going to film anything else. She was ready to walk away from the show.”

Sounds to us like Jenelle doesn’t quite understand what makes the show popular.

Complaining that producers focus on her drama too much is like Kim Kardashian complaining about people looking at her butt.

Drama is what made you famous, Jenelle!

Amazingly, it seems her tantrum was actually effective:

“She was so mad. She said they never show any of the good peaceful stuff or give her ANY positive time at all,” says the insider.

“Jenelle made them rearrange editing. So the last two episodes have been better for her.

“She even made them delete some of the things that had been put on social media that were negative about her. She just refused to film until they fixed some things.”

On-set spats are so common on Teen Mom and Teen Mom 2 that unlike other reality shows, the franchise regularly features its producers on camera.

Usually they’re just talking the girls down during some sort of crisis, but sometime they’re getting assaulted by Farrah Abraham.

However, despite frequent altercations, as far as we know, this is the first time one of the girls actually affected change by throwing a fit.

Jenelle may have just set a dangerous precedent.

And we may be in for some seriously boring installments of Teen Mom 2.


Thursday, December 15, 2016

Angelina Jolie: Refusing to Allow Brad Pitt to See Kids on Christmas?

We all laughed when Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin announced their intention to “consciously uncouple,” which seems to be celeb-speak for “have sex with other people while still taking vacations together.”

But at least that breakup wasn’t a constant source of sadness, like what’s going on between Gwyneth’s ex, Brad Pitt, and his estranged wife, Angelina Jolie.

Yes, as you may have heard Angelina filed for divorce from Brad back in September, and in the ensuing months, the former couple has made their onscreen counterparts in Mr. & Mrs. Smith look like a loving and devoted husband and wife.

The main bone of contention in Pitt and Jolie’s ugly legal battles has been custody of their six children, which stands to reason, as Pitt was investigated for child abuse following a September 15 incident aboard a private jet.

No charges were filed, but whatever took place between Pitt and eldest son Maddox that day was disturbing enough to Jolie that she moved out and took the kids that same week.

These Pitt gets supervised visits with his kids on a schedule chosen by Jolie and a family therapist.

Us Weekly is reporting that he’s requested additional visits during the holiday season, but has thus far been denied.’

The magazine claims to have obtained an email in which Pitt requests extra 30- to 60-minute visits with his kids and a “step-up in connection” over the holidays.

In a somewhat hostile response, Jolie’s lawyer, Laura Wasser, shot back that Pitt does “not seem to have any regard for what the children’s therapists feel is in their best interests.”

In an email sent on December 1, Wasser cautioned Pitt that continued requests for unsupervised visits could lead to “costly, ugly, protracted and public court battles.”

So for now, at least, it seems Brad won’t be spending the Christmas with his kids.

Earlier this month, Pitt requested an emergency hearing to prevent Jolie’s team from leaking information to the press.

It’s unclear what the outcome was, but the leaks do appear to have slowed down.

And given the Grinchiness of this particular story, we’re doubting that it comes from Team Angie. 


Johnny Depp: Refusing to Finalize Amber Heard Divorce Deal?

Back in August, Johnny Depp and Amber Heard reached a settlement after one of the ugliest celebrity divorce battles in recent memory.

However, like every other development in the bitter breakup, the deal was quickly revealed to be more far more complicated than it initially seemed.

Ironically, the trouble started when Heard vowed to donate her settlement cash to two charitable organizations.

Some saw the move as an effort to wring some good from a bad situation.

Others viewed it as a giant middle finger to Depp and those who claimed she had leveled abuse allegations in order to score a larger settlement.

In what was perceived by many as an effort to call Heard’s “bluff,” Depp offered to donate directly to the charities himself, rather than cut a check to his ex so that she could pass along the seven-figure gifts.

Before the deal was approved, Depp went ahead and paid out the first installments of the plan to the ACLU and the Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles, the two charities selected by Heard.

Heard’s lawyers viewed the move as an effort to rob her of positive press coverage and score a massive tax write-off for Depp at the same time.

Now, the deal is back in court to be subjected to another round of wrangling.

Thus far, only the first round of $ 200,000 payments has been received by either charity.

New legal documents obtained by E! News reveal that Heard penned a declaration to the court, intended to clarify that she feels Depp is solely responsible for the fact that the cash has not been delivered to its intended recipients

“When Johnny learned that I planned to donate my entire marital settlement to charities, Johnny purported to satisfy his obligation to pay me by supposedly paying the charities I selected instead of me,” Heard writes.

“He also claimed that I violated the confidentiality provisions of the [Deal Point Memorandum] by announcing that I was donating my settlement to charities.”

She adds:

“In fact, I made those donations in good faith and I was responding to the leaks by Johnny’s agents bragging that I had settled for substantially less than a reported, earlier offered sum and attempting to label me a gold digger.”

The actress goes on to accuse Depp of planting defamatory tabloid stories in order to damage her career.

Depp has yet to respond to Heard’s latest allegations.


Friday, July 1, 2016

Johnny Depp: Refusing to Answer Questions About Amber Heard, Selling Property Ahead of Divorce

Johnny Depp is currently touring the US with his fantasy camp rock band, the Hollywood Vampires, which means he’s sitting for promotional interviews for the first time since news of his ugly divorce from Amber Heard went public.

(Apparently even Depp realized there was no saving the box office blackhole that was his new Alice in Wonderland abomination.)

So what are the morning shock jocks of America asking the screen icon-turned-scarfed-out Keith Richards wannabe?

Well, we know they’re not asking about Amber Heard.

Thus far, Depp has discussed nothing but the band, upcoming gigs, and that old chestnut about how he was actually a musician long before he became an actor, dontchaknow.

Naturally, this is being taken as a sign that the actor’s people have informed his interviewers in advance that he will not be talking about his current legal woes.

Depp issued a statement about the divorce not long after Heard requested a temporary restraining order against him, and now it looks like that will be his last word on the matter.

We’d say maybe he should encourage his buddies to stop talking about it too, but that seems unlikely.

But while Depp won’t be mumbling any insights into his shattered marriage from beneath a tattered cowboy hat, his actions have been speaking volumes.

Depp recently auctioned off two paintings from the artist Jean-Michel Basquiat for several million dollars.

Naturally, there were rumors that he sold the paintings to pay for his divorce, but obviously that’s ridiculous, as Disney continues to back dump trucks full of money up to his house on a daily basis.

It is possible, however, that Depp is selling off items that he doesn’t want Heard to get her hands on in the settlement.

It’s what any self-respecting pirate – or semi-washed up wealthy aging hipster – would do.

Johnny Depp: Refusing to Answer Questions About Amber Heard, Selling Property Ahead of Divorce

Johnny Depp is currently touring the US with his fantasy camp rock band, the Hollywood Vampires, which means he’s sitting for promotional interviews for the first time since news of his ugly divorce from Amber Heard went public.

(Apparently even Depp realized there was no saving the box office blackhole that was his new Alice in Wonderland abomination.)

So what are the morning shock jocks of America asking the screen icon-turned-scarfed-out Keith Richards wannabe?

Well, we know they’re not asking about Amber Heard.

Thus far, Depp has discussed nothing but the band, upcoming gigs, and that old chestnut about how he was actually a musician long before he became an actor, dontchaknow.

Naturally, this is being taken as a sign that the actor’s people have informed his interviewers in advance that he will not be talking about his current legal woes.

Depp issued a statement about the divorce not long after Heard requested a temporary restraining order against him, and now it looks like that will be his last word on the matter.

We’d say maybe he should encourage his buddies to stop talking about it too, but that seems unlikely.

But while Depp won’t be mumbling any insights into his shattered marriage from beneath a tattered cowboy hat, his actions have been speaking volumes.

Depp recently auctioned off two paintings from the artist Jean-Michel Basquiat for several million dollars.

Naturally, there were rumors that he sold the paintings to pay for his divorce, but obviously that’s ridiculous, as Disney continues to back dump trucks full of money up to his house on a daily basis.

It is possible, however, that Depp is selling off items that he doesn’t want Heard to get her hands on in the settlement.

It’s what any self-respecting pirate – or semi-washed up wealthy aging hipster – would do.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Lamar Odom: Refusing Rehab, Spiraling Out of Control, Sources Say

Last time we checked in on him, Lamar Odom was talking about his recovery with fellow addict and longtime friend Scott Disick in a moving scene from Keeping Up With the Kardashians.

To hear him talk, it sounded as though Odom was eternally grateful for a second chance at life after suffering 12 strokes and spending several months in the hospital following a drug overdose back in October.

Unfortunately, those closest to the former NBA star say he seems to have forgotten the lessons he learned on his hard road to recovery.

Odom has been spotted drinking in Los Angeles-area bars on more than one occasion recently, and while the 36-year-old’s brush with death was not caused by alcohol, many believe his casual boozing is symptomatic of a larger problem.

Now, several media outlets are reporting that family and friends have been pressuring Odom to check into rehab, but the estranged husband of Khloe Kardashian has reportedly assured them that he has no need for treatment.

Odom’s loved ones are reportedly worried about the fact that he’s been spending time with the friends who landed him in trouble in the first place.

In his exchange with Disick, Odom agreed that one of the hardest parts of sobriety was cutting ties with all the bad influences in his life.

Odom lost two friends to overdoses not long before he nearly died himself, and Khloe Kardashian reportedly made him promise that he would no longer associate with the came crowd after his near-fatal overdose.

The fact that Khloe is now filing for divorce is being taken by many as an indication that Lamar failed to keep that promise.

Insiders say that while it’s too late to save her relationship with Odom, Khloe is currently in the process of planning an intervention for Lamar.

The Kardashian-Jenner clan has long been a sort of second family to Lamar, and those closest to him believe that they’re the only ones who can convince him to seek treatment.

Here’s hoping the beloved athlete-turned-reality-star will finally get the help he needs.

Watch Keeping Up With the Kardashians online to relive Khloe and Lamar’s many ups and downs.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Nick Cannon REFUSING to Sign Mariah Carey Divorce Papers: Why??

Nick Cannon and Mariah Carey are STILL married, everyone.

Technically, that is.

Even though Mariah became engaged to James Packer in January and sports a gargantuan 35-carat diamond engagement ring the business mogul gave her.

The scoop is that Mariah has been beseeching her ex Nick to sign off on the divorce papers, but he keeps stalling and won’t say why, reports TMZ.

It’s kind of odd, because Nick was the one who filed for divorce in 2014, but it seems he’s having a change of heart.

Sources have told the site that he really just doesn’t want to let Mariah go.

Everything’s been settled – including the property deal and custody arrangement for the couple’s kids – so all that’s missing is Nick’s John Hancock to make the divorce official.

Understandably, Mariah is frustrated and wants to move forward with her fiance, but sources say Nick is making that difficult.

Since the split, all has appeared amicable between the former flames.

When Mariah announced her engagement, Nick wished the couple well and even shared a hilarious meme poking fun at himself on Instagram.

Nick Cannon reacts to Mariah

In the caption, Nick wrote:

“Ha! This made me laugh out loud for real!!! HILARIOUS! #AllLove Congrats to @MariahCarey and James! May God Bless Your Future Union… #GreatPeople #GreatCouple”

Additionally, when the couple split, he vowed never to utter a bad word about his ex and mother of his children.

“I will never say anything negative about @MariahCarey. We are forever a family rooted in love,” he promised.

So why won’t he sign? Smells like something’s going on behind the scenes that hasn’t come out yet.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Joy-Anna Duggar: Refusing to Get Married?!

Joy-Anna Duggar is only 18 years old, but if you watch Jill & Jessa: Counting On online you know that there’s already been plenty of talk about the spunky tomboy starting a family.

In the clip above, Joy-Anna sheepishly tries to avoid the topic of courtship, while her brothers get a tad creepy when discussing how they would react to a potential mate:

“For me, he would almost have to be a perfect guy,” says Jedidiah, 17. “And he would go through a lot of testing!” 

“I think if guys come around, they’re going to have to get through a few guys – I’m talking about me and Joseph,” 19-year-old Josiah says.

“If a guy shows up to court Joy, there will definitely be a lot of us standing back a little bit, kind of checking him out.,” adds Joseph, 21.

It’s enough to put a girl off of the whole idea of dating altogether, and it seems that may be exaclty what’s happened in Joy-Anna’s case.

There’s buzz on the Internet that Joy-Anna’s reluctance to talk about her love life on camera is no accident.

Apparently she’s just as shy on the subject when she’s not filming, and many in the Duggars’ inner circle believe she might take after her older sister Jana.

For the uninitiated, Jana is 26 and unmarried, a fact that’s genuinely surprising given the Duggar family’s belief that women are basically put on Earth in order to have babies.

Her strict parents don’t seem to have an issue with it, as Jana (the so-called “Cinderella Duggar) plays an essential role in keeping life on the Duggar compound running smoothly, primarily by cooking and cleaning for her younger siblings.

Some believe her parents are essentially giving up on Jana as a lost cause and turning their attention to young Joy.

Sources say Joy-Anna isn’t being pressured into courtship just yet, but she can expect her family to begin nudging her into starting a family in the next couple years.

There’s obviously a bit of a double standard going on, as no one seems concerned about Jana’s twin brother, John-David, and the fact that he’s still single, but that’s life on the Duggar compound for you.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Jenelle Evans: Refusing to Let Nathan Griffith See Kaiser?!

As you may already know, Jenelle Evans can be a somewhat unreasonable person at times.

And by “somewhat unreasonable,” we mean Jenelle is currently involved in four court cases, including one in which she’s been accused of assaulting her baby daddy’s new girlfriend. 

So it should come as no surprise that Evans’ custody battle with Nathan Griffith isn’t exactly going smoothly. 

In addition to the fact that she had Griffith arrested for larceny after he borrowed a car that’s registered in his name, Jenelle is now reportedly refusing to allow her ex to see their son, Kaiser.

According to Radar Online, just yesterday Jenelle failed to drop Kaiser off at Nathan’s house for Easter so that the father and son could spend part of the day together as planned.

Instead, she posted the above photo of herself, her kids and her new boyfriend, David Eason, celebrating the holiday at Eason’s parents’ house.

“He was with David’s family,” a source told Radar when asked why Kaiser didn’t spend any part of the holiday weekend with his father.

Jenelle captioned the above phoro:

“It’s not what we have in life, but who we have in our life that matters.” #Family #HappyEaster2016 Outfit by @fashionnova use promo code “XOJENELLE” for 15% Off your next purchase.”

Because nothing says family bonding like using pics of your kids to endorse an online clothing store.

Jenelle’s custody hearing is scheduled to begin on April 4. We’re sure she’ll bring coupons.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Kim Kardashian: Refusing to Help Kanye West Pay Off His Debt?!

Among the most interesting tidbits to emerge from Kanye West’s recent series of social media meltdowns is the fact that the rapper is somehow $ 53 million in debt.

It seems that Kanye spent most of the money investing in his Yeezy fashion line, and if you think that sounds like a lot of cash to blow on fugly sneakers and sweatpants with torn knees – well, you’re right.

Like his clothing, ‘Ye’s investment strategy is full of holes. Perhaps that’s why no one is willing to bail the man out – including his own wife.

For years, we’ve been hearing that Kim and Kanye keep their money separate, but now it seems like Kim is even more serious about not getting sucked into Kanye’s financial nightmare than we thought.

“Kim refuses to help Kanye get out of debt because she does not want to be involved in his money situation,” says one insider.

“Kanye spends money like it grows on trees.”

As anyone who’s heard the Kim and Kanye divorce rumors knows, the money crisis is beginning to take a toll on the Wests’ marriage:

“The tables have turned this past year financially between the two of them, and it is making Kanye very angry and resentful,” says the source.

“He’s also asked Kris for money but no one is willing to hand over $ 50 million to him, especially in his current state of mind.”

Yes, it seems that unlike the major banks of his wife’s ass – Kanye is not too big to fail.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Josh Duggar: REFUSING to Let Danica Dillon Drop Her Lawsuit?

After weeks of publicly claiming that he had paid her for sex on multiple occasions, Danica Dillon sued Josh Duggar for sexual assault in November.

Dillon claimed that Duggar manhandled and verbally abused her during their encounters, leaving feeling as though she’d been raped.

She filed a civil suit requesting $ 500,000 in damages for the physical injuries and emotional trauma she’d allegedly sustained.

Dillon’s lawyers – like most who followed the case – seemed to be under the impression that Duggar would be eager to settle the case out of court in order to prevent the details of the accusations from being made public.

Instead, it seems that after months of public humiliation, Josh is happy for the opportunity to defend his reputation.

First, his lawyers petitioned the court to make Dillon prove she’d had sex with Josh by corroborating certain details of her story.

(Josh continues to maintain that he’s never even met Dillon.)

Now, in one of the cases most shocking turns yet, Dillon has decided to drop the suit – but Josh isn’t having it.

According to TMZ, her attorneys approached Duggar’s lawyers looking to have the case thrown out with the option to refile at a later date. 

Josh’s lawyers rejected the offer, and it seems they won’t settle for anything less than total victory.

The attorneys want Dillon to surrender her right to refile, as well as to publicly apologize and retract the accusations she made on social media.

Dillon has reportedly refused, and sources tell the website that she and her lawyers believe Josh will regret being so stubborn.

The case almost certainly now proceed to trial, where Josh and Danica will tell two very different stories.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Rob Kardashian: Refusing to Leave Bedroom, Binge-Eating Fast Food Following Diabetes Diagnosis

It’s been almost two weeks since Rob Kardashian was diagnosed with diabetes, and it seems that despite some stern warnings from doctors, the 28-year-old reality star has no intention of changing his lifestyle.

According to Radar Online, not only has Rob refused rehab, he’s over-indulging like never before, and family and friends are beginning to fear the worst.

One insider claims that Rob has holed up in his bedroom in Khloe Kardashian’s Calabasas home and appears to have no intention of leaving.

Worse, he’s reportedly been receiving constant deliveries of the kind of food that resulted in his current state. 

“He’s been eating everything fattening and unhealthy in sight‑ burgers, fries, pizza, fried chicken, potato skins, burritos, enchiladas and chips,” says the source.

The insider adds that Rob has continued in his shocking over-consumption of alcohol, soda and Red Bull energy drinks.

Rob’s loved ones are obviously concerned, but according to the source, Rob has no intention of complying with their requests to seek professional treatment.

In fact, Rob has reportedly turned down an offer of $ 1 million from Kris Jenner to go to rehab.

Insiders say the bribe came from a place of desperation as Rob is currently a ticking time bomb.

“His pancreas is basically not functioning,” a source revealed last week. “He also has kidney problems. He’s very, very sick.”

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Rob Kardashian: Out of Hospital ... Refusing Rehab?!

Keeping up with the Kardashians star Rob Kardashian is now back home after being hospitalized with diabetes this week, insiders report.

Is the troubled celeb refusing further treatment, though?

While the 28-year-old is home safe, many fear that he will quickly fall back into his old habits, and refuse the help he so dearly needs.

Will this serve as a wake-up call for Rob Kardashian, or just another warning sign he missed in what has become a sad, slow decline?

“Rob does not want to see anyone and he has made that very clear to the whole family,” an insider close to the famous family reports.

“He is not answering calls or returning [texts].”

The only person that can see him is Khloe, whose house he lives in, and who posted a melancholy Instagram photo in his honor.

Even Khloe has struggled to get through to him as his deteriorated, and his entire family is concerned he will keep shutting them out.

Especially at a time like this, it’s worrisome.

“Of course Rob is scared right now and he should be,” the source told Radar, adding that the situation is worse than you think.

“His health is the worst it has ever been and, diabetes aside, he has mental health issues that seem to be at the center of this.”

“Everyone is urging him to go to rehab, whether it be a physical rehabilitation rehab or a drug program,” the insider added.

They’re currently at a loss, because, “the kid needs help and if he does not get the help he will not be around to see 2017.”

No one wants that. Time to man up, Rob.

We know it’s not that simple, but you’ve got a huge support system and so much going for you in life. Don’t just waste it bruh.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Kendall & Kylie Jenner: Feuding, Refusing to Work Together, Source Says

Sure, Kendall Jenner turned 20 today, but, as anyone with brothers or sisters knows, you’re never too old for a little sibling rivalry.

Radar Online is reporting that Kendall and Kylie Jenner avoid each other at all costs these days, as no room is big enough to accommodate both of their massive egos.

Things have apparently gotten so bad that the sisters are nixing plans for a Kendall and Kylie reality show, because they simply can’t stand working with one another.

“Kendall is just not having it anymore!” says one insider. “She does not want to be a part of this spin-off because Kylie is trying to make it all about her.

“More and more, she thinks that Kylie’s complete intent with this is to turn it into the ‘Kylie show guest-starring Kendall.’”

Some might say Kendall is just being paranoid, but we think cause to be concerned.

As sales figures from their recently-launched apps and subscription-based sites proved, Kylie is now the most popular member of the Kardashian-Jenner family. 

Many sources say the formerly shy 18-year-old’s ego has swelled up right along with her lips, and she reportedly runs with a crowd of yes-women who apparently rub Kendall the wrong way.

“Kylie and Kendall run with such completely different crowds and Kendall really feels that mixing their two lives into one is going to be near-impossible,” the insider says.

“Simply put, most of her friends cannot stand to be around Kylie’s crowd…Kendall’s model friends actually refer to her younger sister’s friends as ‘ratchet fame whores!’”

Harsh words! And pretty ironic, coming from a member of the Kard clan…

Monday, November 2, 2015

Lamar Odom: Refusing Rehab! Blaming Hookers For Drug Overdose!

Lamar Odom is reportedly in denial that he has a real drug problem and needs a prolonged stint in rehab, despite Khloe Kardashian’s urging.

Kardashian insists that as his hospital discharge approaches, which could be as early as 10 days from now, Odom’s next move should be rehab.

Regardless of whether reports of Odom begging for drugs in the hospital are legitimate, a stubborn Odom refuses to admit that he has a problem.

Instead, he feels the prostitutes are to blame for the substance abuse that caused 12 strokes and left him on a brink of death just a few weeks prior.

“Lamar will be released from the hospital in the next ten days,” a source told Radar, but that does not mean he’s recovered from his massive overdose.

While the former NBA star will not need a kidney transplant, “it’s uncertain if he will go to a facility to continue physical rehab, or do it as an outpatient.”

And therein lies the 10,000-pound elephant in the room.

“Khloe told Lamar that after he was released from the hospital, he would need to go to rehab for substance abuse addiction,” says an insider.

“Lamar balked and said no way. Blaming the hookers for his overdose, Lamar is still insisting he doesn’t have a drug problem. He is still in denial.”

Surprising, given that Odom lost close friends Jamie Sangouthai and Bobby Heyward to drug-related deaths this summer alone, but denial is potent.

According to insiders, the loss of both of his friends, and of his relationship with Kardashian, drove him down a dark path earlier this year.

The prostitutes at the Love Ranch brothel simply pushed him over the edge, or so his narrative would have you believe. Do we believe it, though?

It sounds like Khloe has her reservations, for sure.

She’s reportedly decided that Odom will not live with her when he leaves hospital, at least not until he shows that he’s recovered in every sense.

“Khloe has made it clear, Lamar won’t be staying with her. He has a loft in downtown Los Angeles, and there are other options that can be explored.”

Think she made the right move calling off the divorce?

Monday, October 12, 2015

Jenelle Evans: Refusing Meds for Head Injury, Worried She"ll Get Addicted, Source Claims

Last week, we reported that Jenelle Evans suffered a head injury when she fell in her driveway after returning home from a night out.

Given Jenelle’s history of drug addiction, many fans were concerned that the Teen Mom star’s fall was the result of a relapse.

Fortunately, it seems that Jenelle is still committed to staying sober. In fact, Radar Online is reporting that Jenelle has refused any prescription pain medications for fear that she’ll get hooked.

“Jenelle is in pain and taking Tylenol for it,” says one insider. “She didn’t get any medicines and didn’t want any.”

“She still can’t open her jaw all the way to eat,” the source says. “Jenelle feels like she broke her jaw and she also still has stitches in. It’s all scabbed up now.”

The source adds that Jenelle fell to her knees before her face hit the pavement.

“The bruise on her knee is horrible,” the insider says. “It covers her entire knee.” The source adds that Jenelle is in rough shape, but she’s healing on schedule.

Apparently, one bright spot throughout the ordeal has been Jenelle’s new boyfriend, David Eason.

“He’s a huge help,” the source says of Eason. “He cleans and cooks — even after working all day.”

Yes, Jenelle Evans is in a stable relationship and turning down drugs. We guess people can change!

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Newlyweds Charge Couple $75 For Missing Their Wedding — But They"re Refusing To Pay! Who Do YOU Side With?

A Minnesota woman had to skip out on a friends’ wedding at the last minute — and she says she was charged for it!

Jessica Baker and her husband RSVP’d “yes” to the invitation — that stated that no children were allowed at the ceremony.

But when her mother had to cancel her babysitting duties at the last minute on the day of the wedding, Baker had no choice but to miss the celebration!

Related: That Homophobic Pizza Place Just Got Tricked Into Catering A Gay Wedding!

A few weeks later, Baker received a bill for the meals that she and her husband didn’t get the chance to eat. They were charged $ 75.90 for two “herb-crusted walleye” orders, plus tax and service charges!

The bill came with a note that read:

“This cost reflects the amount paid by the bride and groom for meals that were RSVP’d for, reimbursement and explanation for no show, card, call or text would be appreciated.”

Wow, we guess the honeymoon ended FAST for the newlywed couple!

While some commenters are siding with the bride and groom, editor of Minnesota Bride magazine Sarah Baumann Rogers says that charging a guest for their food is definitely not proper wedding etiquette! She explained:

“Under no circumstances should you choose to follow up after the fact…kind of questioning why they couldn’t attend or much less sending a bill.”

Baker said she has no plans to pay, and we can’t say we blame her.

Weddings are expensive, but if a guest is unable attend due to reasons out of their control, it’s not their responsibility to pick up the bill, right?

Whose side are YOU on? Decide for yourself (below)!


[Image via KARE-TV/Facebook.]