Showing posts with label Said. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Said. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Maisie Williams Shuts Down Sexist Headline: See What She Said!

Maisie Williams for ALL the wins, people.

The Game of Thrones actress has been featured prominently on Game of Thrones Season 6, but that’s not why we’re singing her praises right now.

Instead, we’re giving mad props to Williams for her response to an openly sexist newspaper headline from earlier this week.

It stemmed from an event the young star attended over the weekend, one that raised money for an important cause.

But did The Daily Mail focus on this cause? Did it talk about the reasons why Williams a masquerade ball?

Nope. It took aim at her outfit instead. Here is the headline:

other headline

Because Maisie Williams is totally awesome, though, she didn’t take this slight sitting down.

She didn’t remain silent in response to being called out for not wearing a bra.

She went ahead and re-Tweeted the sexist remark, offering up an alternative for what the newspaper could have written in its place:

maisie tweet

HA! We love it.

This isn’t the first time Williams had spoken out against sexism, either.

Consider her awesome take on the idea of feminism in general. Is she all for it? Sort of, but…

M. Williams meme

Like we said above: Maisie Williams for ALL the wins.

Instead of saying someone is a “feminist,” let’s all go in the opposite direction and use the term “sexist” for anyone who is somehow opposed to women being equal to men.

Okay? Okay!

Glad we had this conversation.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Wendy Williams Said WHAT About Taylor Swift?!?

Wendy Williams is officially obsessed with Taylor Swift.

Over the past several months, the irritating talk show host has gone after the singer on multiple occasions, laying into Swift left and right for no apparent reason at all.

In May, she referred to Swift as a bitch.

Prior to that, Williams labeled Swift the Queen of Mean.

Now, in the wake of Swift breaking up with Calvin Harris, Williams has once found an opening for her random, unfounded insults against the artist.

In the following clip from her awful program, Williams at first claims that Harris only stared dating Swift to become more famous.

She then says that the DJ helped make Swift “cool” for once.

From there, Williams reiterated how Swift is "a secret mean girl" and "super corny," only to then get really down and dirty when it comes to Taylor.

Wendy told her audience that one of her team members informed her that "as soon as [Swift] takes off those clothes, there"s nothing going on but a boy."

What? Huh? We"re not even sure what that means.

Is Williams simply saying that Swift is flat-chested? Or is she going farther and saying Taylor has a penis?

We assume Williams herself doesn"t even know.

She just figured it sounded controversial and opinionated, so…. hey! Why not say it?!?

That"s pretty much the only reason why Wendy Williams ever says anything.

Wendy williams goes off on taylor swift again

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Bethenny Frankel Said WHAT About Black Women?!?

According to a woman in attendance at Rent The Runway’s and UBS’s Project Entrepreneur, Bethenny Frankel made some rather inflammatory remarks on Saturday night in New York City.

It’s worth noting that there’s no recording of the event.

So we’ll need to just take Mary Pryor’s word for what was said on stage by The Real Housewives of New York City cast member… and hope that she’s either lying or there was some kind of misunderstanding.

Because this is some pretty damning stuff.

“I was stunned when Frankel implied that women should have sex with men in exchange for capital,” Pryor Tweeted in summariazing the event.

“I was offended when she expressed some kind of kinship with black women because she’s ‘loud.’

“And I was taken aback when she advised those of us in the room to get business advice to hire a white man as the face of our companies.”

IF Frankel did imply any of these things, it’s pretty terrible.

“For @Bethenny to insist that a young, Black female founder ‘Find a white guy’ to rep her biz is a racial microaggression,” continued Pryor, who said she tried to fight back against Bethenny but got shouted down.

She addedd that she was shocked the organized did not issue a Mea Culpa, writing:

“For #PEIntensive16 to not issue an apology to the women of color in the room that were offended by her statement bothers me.

“I am tired of being asked to be present in the room for female founders events & have my voice SHUT DOWN.”

While not acknowledging exactly what Frankel did or did not say, Project Entrepreneur did later come out with the following statement:

We understand that guests were offended during our Day 1 luncheon, following remarks made by our speaker. This was not our intention and is contrary to our goals. We apologize to our guests.

We launched Project Entrepreneur to champion all women. We thank those of you who candidly spoke out and welcome this important dialogue. We look forward to continuing to empower women entrepreneurs as they build their businesses.

Doesn’t bode very well for Bethenny, does it?

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Wendy Williams Said WHAT About Kesha?!?

Someone really has to take a microphone away from Wendy Williams.

Like, as soon as humanly possible.

The talk show host was asked this week about the situation involving Kesha, as that singer broke down in tears last week after a judge denied her request to break her contract with Dr. Luke.

Kesha alleges that the producer abused her for 10 years, often plying her with drugs and alcohol in order to take advantage of her sexually.

Following the legal rejection, countless celebrities showed social media support for Kesha, with Taylor Swift even donating $ 250,000 to her fellow artist.

But Williams sounded a very different tune in the segment we’ve shared above.

“Unfortunately, business is business, and it sounds like it’s fair,” Williams said of the court’s decision “If everybody complained because somebody allegedly sexually abused them … contracts would be broken all the time.”

Sure. True.

In an inarticulate manner, Williams is just saying here that one needs evidence if one is going to win a case in court.

Which is obvious, but not exactly scandalous or inaccurate.

Then Williams said the following, however:

“Kesha’s no spring chicken. I mean she’s, like, 30 years old? …

“So she wasn’t stupid 10 years ago and neither was her mother when the sexual abuse – alleged sexual abuse – started. Why weren’t they rolling camera on it?”

Pardon you, Wendy Williams?

Why didn’t Kesha set up cameras to record Dr. Luke’s alleged raping of her?

We somehow never thought to ask that.

It’s one thing, of course, to simply state that sexual abuse is a serious charge and a court needs sufficient evidence to rule in the favor of an accuser.

But it’s a far different thing to put that accuser on blast, as Williams does here, making it clear you don’t believe her story and turning the tables around to blame her in some way for what you (and only you) view as a past mistake. 

In conclusion, Wendy Williams is such a horrible human being.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Donald Trump Said WHAT About Ted Cruz?!?

We really have no idea at this point why we"re surprised by any of the words that come out of Donald Trump"s mouth.

Remember what Trump said about Mexicans? What he said about women? What he said about one woman in particular being on her period when she interviewed him?

Still… there was Trump in New Hampshire on Monday evening, one night before that state"s Presidential primary, talking about opponent Ted Cruz.

At one point, the topic turned to waterboarding and how Cruz hesitated during the last Republican debate in saying he would used this enhanced interrogation technique on terrorists.

Trump, conversely, made it clear he would bring it back and also do much "worse" to enemies of the United States.

While acting all shocked over Cruz"s viewpoint, Trump overheard a woman in the audience refer to Cruz in a very specific, very derogatory manner.

He could have ignored the comment. He could have just kept right on with his speech.

But this is Donald Trump, people.

He made a big show out of what the woman said and then he repeated what the woman said, sarcastically castigating her for referring to Cruz as "pussy," while, of course, referring to Cruz as a "pussy" himself in the process.

It was a pretty amazing moment, even for Donald Trump, and it"s worth watching the incident unfold.

We promise that you"ve never seen anything like it in politics before.

Donald trump said what about ted cruz

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Bethenny Frankel Said WHAT About Kmart Employees?!?

Bethenny Frankel is in a bit of hot water at the moment for doing her best Donald Trump impression. 

The reality star, who can see these days when you watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills online, went on a Twitter rant against Kmart employees, clearly irritated with the staff members’ inability to speak her native language.

“Wow @Kmart has 2 registers open w 5 other employees standing around & two speak no English whatsoever,” Frankel wrote on social media, adding:

“Shoes are sapatos right?”

(NOTE: Frankel misspelled the Spanish word “zapatos,” which means “shoes.”)

The mother of a five-year old girl named Bryn added:

“Not even attempting kids’ snow boots in spanish.”

As you might expect, Frankel’s diatribe caused quite a stir within the Twitter universe.

“Wow bethenny never took you as a racist,” one follower replied, while another offered up an even harsher assessment:

“What a bitch!”

In related news, Frankel also just signed a deal to have her Skinny Girl products – including her skincare line and newly released gluten-free bars – be sold exclusively at Walmart, pretty much the prime competition for Kmart.

So aside from offending folks with her anti-Spanish rant, she may not have wanted to publicize the fact that she was shopping at Walmart’s closest competitor.

Overall, not Bethenny Frankel’s finest few moments.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Ricky Gervais Said WHAT to Mel Gibson at the Golden Globes?!?

Following his controversial monologue to open the 2016 Golden Globe Awards, we asked whether or not Ricky Gervais went too far.

And we can think of one person who would most definitely answer in the affirmative.

In his most awkward (and funniest!) moment as host of the Golden Globes on Sunday evening, Gervais was tasked with introducing Mel Gibson, an outcast in Hollywood after past drunken tirades against Jews and women.

He was making an appearance at the ceremony, however, to present a trailer for best drama nominee Mad Max: Fury Road because he starred in the original version of that film franchise.

Gervais, of course, tackled these famous Gibson scandals head-on, referencing the star’s wasted behavior, along with jokes he made at the actor’s expense at host in 2010.

“I wasn’t judging him, but now I find myself in the awkward position of having to introduce him,” Gervais said. “I blame NBC for this terrible situation.”

In his best quip of the night, Gervais added:

“Mel blames, we know who Mel blames.”

As for Gibson?

“Mel has forgotten all about it, that’s what drinking does,” continued Gervais, who then searched for something nice to say about the alleged woman beater and concluded:

“I’d rather have a drink with him than Bill Cosby.”

Once Gibson arrived on stage (to tepid applause), he got in a shot of his own, saying immediately of Gervais:

“I love seeing Ricky every three years because it reminds me to get a colonoscopy.”

But it’s safe to say the comedian had the last laugh.

Beer in hand, he returned to the stage, sidled up to Gibson and asked:

What the f-ck is sugar tits?

That would be a reference to what Gibson supposedly screamed at a female police officer after getting arrested for drunk driving in 2006.

And this would be how Alan Cumming reacted upon Gervais bringing this topic up in front of millions of people:

Simply amazing all around.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Kate Middleton Pregnant Again, Because The Tabloids Said So!

If breaking news like this come from a magazine in the supermarket checkout line, then it has to be true.

Kate Middleton Pregnant, According to Life & Style

LIfe & Style‘s cover declares that the Duchess of Cambridge is pregnant with her third child.

Her Royal Highness and the Duke of Cambridge, the reports claims, told their family over the holidays.

“Prince Harry couldn’t contain is excitement and was jumping up and down and cheering,” an insider revealed.

“Kate and William have always wanted to have a large family.

“But they didn’t think they would be expecting baby No. 3 quite so soon.”

Pregnancies so close to one another happen all the time, and Catherine is no exception.

However, unless it’s coming straight from Kensington Palace via a lovely press statement, it’s just gossip.

Speaking of which, how fun was that cover of OK! Magazine declaring the Queen handed William and Catherine her crown?  And a coronation is scheduled for this spring!

Goodness, me.  What a busy season the Cambridges will have.

JK this is all bullsh–

The pregnancy report is on the latest attempt to get a “scoop” on a royal birth, something the tabloids have been doing since the couple married in 2011.

So, mom, if you’re reading this, Kate isn’t pregnant.  I don’t know what the sex is because the story isn’t true.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Justin Bieber Said WHAT About Underage Girls?!?

Excuse us, Justin Bieber?!?

You said WHAT?!?

The 21-year old artist took to the stage inside The Danforth Music Hall in Toronto on Monday to perform An Acoustic Evening With Justin Bieber.

It was an intimate setting for a concert, and Justin used the opportunity to casually chat with fans on occasion.

But one of those occasions has now gone viral, for the skeeviest of reasons.

“Who’s 13? We got any 14-year-olds?” Bieber asked attendees at one point.

When many cheered in confirmation, Bieber continued:

“Uh, so… 14…,” he began to say before using his fingers to add four to 14 and concluding: “Four more years until you’re 18.”

In other words: four more years until these fans are of legal age to have sex with Justin Bieber.

The singer then smiled and called himself out by saying, “Too much, Justin.”

Gee, you think?!? You think it’s too much to basically hit on 14-year old girls in attendance at your show?!? Sheesh, bro.

Bieber has clearly had the opposite gender on his mind for a couple weeks now.

He randomly (and, again, sort of shadily) shared a photo of a brunette beauty on Instagram a few days ago and asked followers to help him identity her.

Prior to that strange move, Justin posted multiple throwback photos of himself and Selena Gomez, including one from 2012 in which he’s holding hands with his famous ex-girlfriend.

Gomez has been spotted on multiple recent outings with Niall Horan, fueling romantic rumors between the stars.

So that may explain why Bieber is looking to move on.

But that most definitely does NOT explain why he’s trolling concert crowds for potential future hook-ups. Gross, dude. Just…. gross.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Khloe Kardashian: Doctors Said Lamar Had "Four Hours" To Live

You have to hand it to Khloe Kardashian for being honest about Lamar Odom"s recovery.

Today"s Natalie Morales filmed an interview with Kardashian at her LA home, in which she revealed the initial hours of Odom"s  October 13th hospitalization

“They told me that he had four hours. It’s a horrible call to get,” Kardashian told Morales.

Odom had been found unconscious at a Nevada brothel after ingesting Herbal Viagra and cocaine.  

“Getting to the hospital and knowing he’s in a coma and having to run these tests and make medical decisions — it’s terrifying.

“You have to make risk and reward decisions like ‘Okay, well, there’s an 80 percent chance we do this operation, he may pass away, but also if we don’t do it, there’s a 90 percent chance he’ll pass away.’

"Like just having to make these executive decisions is really hard, I think, on anybody.  So it was definitely probably one of the most emotionally stressful times ever my life.” 

Kardashian"s life was put on hold, forcing her to make serious decisions for Odom"s benefit.

“I was expediting the divorce prior, and I’m still separated with him, but I’m just not expediting them anymore,” Kardashian told Morales.

“There was no reason for it. And also, [it’s] in his will that I’m always the medical adviser. And it was just — he had no one else to make these decisions for him."

Doctors told Kardashian that Odom was "nowhere in the clear,"” she said. 

“They think, like, within a year and a half to two years that, mentally, he might be fully recovered. But they don’t know.” 

Khloe kardashian recalls lamars overdose in candid interview

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

18 STUNNING Celebrity Confessions: Who Said What?!?

We hope you"re sitting down for these, people.

We hope you"re prepared.

We hope your jaw is ready for the impact of the fall its about to take when it hits the floor.

Because what follows is a list of stunning celebrities confessions that left us reeling back when they first went public… and which still leave us in shock all this time later:

1. I have HIV…

I have hiv

Charlie Sheen confirmed this rumor via an exclusive interview with The Today Show. He finally came clean after years of being blackmailed by friends and prostitutes.

2. I took steroids…

I took steroids

Yes you did, Lance Armstrong. Following years of adamant denials, Lance Armstrong finally revealed the truth in a 2013 interview with Oprah.

3. I smoked crack…

I smoked crack

Rob Ford made this confession after talk circulated that a videotape existed of the Toronto Mayor… well… smoking crack. His exact quote will go down in history: “Yes, I have smoked crack cocaine. Probably in one of my drunken stupors, probably approximately a year ago.”

4. Okay, I DID have sex with that woman…

Okay i did have sex with that woman

After denying any sort of inappropriate touching with Monica Lewinsky, Bill Clinton made a televised address to the nation, admitting to an “improper physical relationship” with his intern. The House of Representatives voted to impeach the president for perjury, but he was subsequently acquitted.

5. I’m gay!

Im gay

Of course Ellen DeGeneres is gay, right? No big deal! Try telling that to the comedian when she went public with this announcement in 1997.

6. I consider myself a woman…

I consider myself a woman

Caitlyn Jenner made her gender transformation official when she told Diane Sawyer in April 2015 that she views herself as a woman.

View Slideshow

Monday, November 9, 2015

10 Things Kim Kardashian Actually Said to Vogue

Wait… what?!?

Did we hear that correctly?!? What, exactly, did Kim Kardashian say in a Vogue-sponsored podcast in November of 2015?

We"re so glad you asked! Scroll down for some of the most absurd words to come out of this large-breasted star"s mouth…

1. She Once Flew to Paris Just for Cheesecake

Stern kim kardashian

“I don’t like cheesecake but the cheesecake at Hotel Costes…It’s heaven. I flew in, maybe a couple months ago, just to have a last hoorah of all the food that I’m not going to be able to have for a while. And I get there, and they tell me they didn’t have it. And I was like, ‘You don’t understand! I leave tomorrow!’ I think I flew for one night…And they got it and it really made my day.”

2. She Does More Than Just Pose Naked for Her New App

She does more than just pose naked for her new app

“It’s not an easy job. There’s so much work put into it, more than people I think even realized. So I’m proud that they’ve been doing so well.”

3. Her Pregnancy Diet Includes…

Kim kardashian pregnant shot

“Every morning I have egg whites and avocado and a piece of toast. And for lunch I love a salad, and then dinner it’s usually a risotto or a pasta.”

4. She Has a Sweet Tooth, Not a Turkey Tooth

Kim kardashian pregnant at the vmas

“I actually don’t love Thanksgiving food, isn’t that weird?. I don’t love it all. I love the tradition and I love hanging out with the family, but I don’t really love the food so I never get tempted really. But around Christmas time I love the sweets and all of that.”

5. She Loves Instagram, But…

Kim kardashian instagram selfie

“It’s pretty crazy once you don’t post something… you get into that mode and things are going on in your life. It’s almost as if it never happened because you didn’t post it. Like, people didn’t believe my sisters graduated from high school because we didn’t post about it!” (NOTE: That’s not why we didn’t believe it, Kim.)

6. More Selfies are Coming!

Kim kardashian selfie book photo

“I’m going to do a holiday edition [of my selfie book] with just a new picture on the cover. And there might be a few more photos on the inside.”

View Slideshow

Thursday, October 29, 2015

North West to Paparazzi: I Said No Pictures!

The following video is both hilarious and depressing.

It"s hilarious because it features a two-year old girl, wearing a tutu and walking across the parking lot to enter the building for ballet class.

She"s surrounded by a group of photographers, snapping away wildly as if this is anything remotely worthwhile, only to snap right back at them with the following quote:

I said no pictures.

Yes, you tell "em, North West. Amazing.

But it"s depressing for all the same reasons we just listed above.

It would be one (still pretty lame) thing if these so-called journalists were trying to get shots of Kim Kardashian because, sadly, the public does have an appetite for Kim Kardashian.

But she wasn"t there. North was being led into class by a nanny. 

So this poor toddler can"t live any kind of normal life, not at any time, not when simply attending the kind of class all little kids attend, without cameras being shoved in her face.

Is this just the price of fame? Should we not pity a child whose parents are rich and famous and who will grow up without ever wanting anything?

Sure, plenty of kids around the world have it a lot worse off than North West. We can"t trying to claim otherwise.

But go ahead and view this footage. Look at that adorable, poor child, waddling around in her tutu and having to deal with a bunch of adults who have nothing better to do with their time than stand around in a parking lot… take pictures of a child… and sell those pictures to the highest bidder.

North is cute and hysterical here. But the situation still gets us down.

North west to paparazzi i said no pictures

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Is There A Jennifer Lopez Sex Tape On The Horizon?! Ex-Husband Said To Be Shopping Tape From Their Honeymoon — Details HERE!

This would be so awful!

Jennifer Lopez married Ojani Noa back in 1997 — the couple only made it a year — but now nearly two decades later the end of that marriage may catch up to her in the worst way!

Related: J.Lo Proves She’s Always Been Perfect With This #TBT!

According to reports, Noa and his business partner Ed Meyer are shopping around private home videos of the couple, taken during their honeymoon and elsewhere in their private life.

Apparently, Meyer believes they have found a way to legally make the sex tape public, telling reporters:

“We are going to produce a DVD and also have a streaming release of the J.Lo home video footage. There is revealing video of her with a lack of clothing and in sexual situations, especially in the hotel footage from the honeymoon.”

Disturbingly, Meyer also alluded to some kind of bad blood between his squad and Lopez:

“The videos contain salacious material and are going to shock her fans. We have unfinished business.”

Unfinished business?! From a one-year marriage that is only coming out now almost 20 years later?! Come on, man!!

Seems like somebody ought to just let it go, instead of shop a two-decade old sex tape, but we’ll see what happens… what do U think??

[Image via Dimitri Halkidis/Ivan Nikolov/WENN.]

Friday, September 25, 2015

Selena Gomez Proves She"s Still A Justin Bieber Fan As She Applauds Ex For His Recent Comeback! See What She Said HERE!

Selena Gomez is nothing but proud of Justin Bieber!

On Thursday, the former Disney darling sang praise for ex-boyfriend amid his current musical comeback. Aww!

Related: Selena Gomez Teases Cleavage & Thigh With This Sexy LBD In London!

She stated:

“While people were writing that I was stupid for being in [the relationship], this is what I always saw in him. I’m like, duh!”

Huh. We never thought of it that way. In case you forgot, Selly G and the What Do You Mean singer had quite the on-again/off-again relationship between 2011 and 2014.

During that time, the Biebs got himself into quite a bit of trouble — but seems to have gotten his career back on track without any major hiccups.

Still, the starlet relayed that she always saw the potential inside the 21-year-old.

Even though Miz Gomez’s experience with her former flame was certainly a tumultuous one, she doesn’t regret it one bit.

She continued:

“It’s all part of my story. I’m growing and changing. I was in a relationship, and I was being managed by my parents, and I was still under Hollywood and Disney, and I was being held to this expectation of being the good girl.”

Well, you’ve definitely come into your own Selena. LOVES it!

In fact, this isn’t the first time the brunette beauty’s mentioned her ex in a revealing interview. Earlier this month, the Good For You performer shared that she’d always “love” the Canadian artist and even hinted that a reunion with JB wasn’t completely out of the question. Whoa!

Who can blame her — does anyone EVER forget their first love?

Nonetheless, the Wizards of Waverly Place alum has since surrounded herself with her powerhouse friends and reinvented her sound, for her upcoming album Revival, in her post Bieber/Disney life.

Bestie Taylor Swift noted:

“In the last two years, I’ve seen Selena start to make her career her own. She’s separated her opinion out and prioritized it above anyone else’s. Her childhood was defined by working hard, with the major business decisions primarily being made by others. The coolest part of watching her grow up has been seeing her gradually take the creative reins and start to steer the ship.”

What a beautiful display of female friendship. Claps all around.

Girl, just know that we think you’re totally killing it right now. Keeping doing U Selena!

[Image via Will Alexander/Ivan Nikolov/WENN.]

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Local News Accidentally Uses Holocaust Symbol For Jewish Holiday Story! See What The Station Said About The "Oversight"!

Someone is getting fired!

Local Chicago news station WGN sparked controversy online after using a symbol of Nazi abuse for their Yom Kippur story!

On Tuesday, the news station was highlighting the Jewish holiday — where Jews fast and atone for their sins.

Related: Seth Rogen Is Throwing James Franco A… BAR MITZVAH?!

But viewers understandably took offense upon noticing that the image used for the story was of the yellow Star of David badge — which Jewish people were forced to wear during the Holocaust!

This unfortunate error sparked outrage on Twitter, as users wrote to the news station:

WGN swiftly apologized, saying they regrettably “failed to recognize” the offensive symbol, and are “extremely embarrassed.” The following statement was issued on their website:

“Last night we ran a story to recognize Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement. The artwork chosen to accompany the story came from a graphics image bank. Regrettably, we failed to recognize that the image was an offensive Nazi symbol. We are extremely embarrassed and we deeply apologize to our viewers and to the Jewish community for this mistake. Ignorance is not an excuse. Please know we are reviewing our in house policies and changes have already been made to make sure a hurtful oversight like this never happens again. Thank you for your understanding. We promise to do better.”

Sounds like WGN needs to update their graphics image bank before Hanukkah starts! Check out the clip (below) to see the fail!

[Image via YouTube.]

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Jennifer Garner Is "Less Stressed" After Split With Ben Affleck But Might Be A "Long Time" Before She Moves On — See What A Source Said HERE

We feel for ya girl!

Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck news has been EVERYWHERE since they made their divorce announcement back in June.

Since then we’ve heard everything from rumors of Ben’s affair with the Hollywood couple’s nanny, his drinking and gambling problem, the couple going to therapy, and learning they’ll never, ever, ever get back together!

As sad as this situation is, it’s always great when we start to hear about the healing process, and it sounds like the 43-year-old actress has already started that to some extent.

Related: Last Man On Earth Co-Stars January Jones & Will Forte Have Broken Up!

A little over a week ago, Miz Garner showed signs she was getting things back to normal as she stepped out to take part in a telecast. Our suspicions weren’t too far off either as it seems a source has revealed she’s doing a bit better, even if dating someone may not be in the cards anytime soon.

The source said:

“Jen is doing well. She’s still adjusting to a new normal, but seems more accepting of the separation.”

They go on to say that it’s true that she’s “taking a little bit more time to herself” but that she also “seems less stressed” as a result.

We think that taking some time to relax and get comfortable with your current situation so you can move forward is definitely a step in the right direction even if the source reveals that:

“She can’t even imagine dating. It will probably be a long time before she is able to move on romantically.”

Even though we know they’re not going to reconcile, we’re happy that both Ben and Jen are putting their kids first. Just this last weekend they spent a little bit of time together as a family.

What do you think? Is Jen on the road to recovery or do you think that spending so much time with Ben might be holding her back?

[Image via WENN.]

Monday, September 21, 2015

Will Amy Schumer"s Emmy Win Trump THIS Risqué Onstage Moment With Madonna As The "Best Night" Of Her Life?! See What She Said HERE!

What a night!

Amy Schumer may have just had the best night of her life on Sunday after she took home her first Emmy for Outstanding Variety Sketch Series for her show, Inside Amy Schumer!

However, there is still one evening that may even trump her recent win.

ICYMI: Miz Schumer recently joined Madonna onstage for a little grinding session during the Material Girl’s Rebel Heart Tour! LOVES it!

Related: Amy Schumer Finds A Way To Keep Cool On The Emmys Red Carpet

And it seems the blonde beauty loved her mid-concert, cameo appearance as much as we did — since she labeled it the “best night” of her life. Fierce!

Prior to her win, she shared with EXTRA:

“Well, first of all, I had no idea I was going back on stage and I’m, like, drinking and sweating and her show’s amazing and they’re like, ‘Go dance with her.’ Then, all of a sudden, there I’m bent over — and if I had a nickel for every time that’s happened — but it was the best night of my life, getting to dance on stage with Madonna!”

AH-Mazing! We love Amy’s impromptu spirit — though we have a feeling that the frisky onstage moment with the Queen of Pop has just been demoted. HA!

Regardless, it’s been quite the summer for the Trainwreck star. Not only did the starlet cement her A-list status with her summer blockbuster, but she also acquired a new BFF in the Oscar winner, Jennifer Lawrence. We couldn’t dream up a better duo!

On her bestie, she noted:

“She’s awesome, she’s the best. We met this summer and just, like, really hit it off, and we started writing a script together and it was going well so we wrote a movie.”

We’re too excited! Unfortunately, the highly anticipated comedy won’t even start shooting until NEXT year. Blerg.

Nonetheless, what do you think Amy’s most excited about?! Are U Team Madonna or Team Emmys??

SOUND OFF in the comments (below)!

[Image via Apega/WENN.]

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Candace Cameron Bure Reacts To The Nurse Controversy On The View — We"ve Got The Deets On What She Said!

She would’ve been so interesting on this topic!

Candace Cameron Bure wasn’t on the panel the day hosts from The View made their controversial comments about nurses, but now we at least know how Candace would’ve handled it had she been there!

Related: Advertisers Keep Pulling Out From The View After The Controversy!

Speaking out at a pre-Emmys party, Candace said of the nurse controversy, and whether she dodged a bullet by missing it:

“I did dodge a bullet although I wish I were there because I would have had some other words to say, which were how much I appreciate nurses. We couldn’t do what they do. Doctors couldn’t do what they do without the nurses. I’m so appreciative and grateful of nurses. I kind of let [the ladies] sort it out because you don’t want to come in and go ‘Oh, I’m going to be the hero and the good person over all of this’ because I think it was an unfortunate mistake. They were trying to make a joke that didn’t quite go over well in the talent department and it wasn’t to say that nurses aren’t talented.”

There is one thing that she liked, though — bringing nurses on to make amends after the controversy hit! Candace said:

“I’m glad they brought all of the nurses back on and they gave an apology to them and they celebrated them and that’s exactly what they should have done. I wish I were there and I could of genuinely apologized to them and told them how much I appreciate them because I truly mean it. I’ve been with so many nurses and I understand what they go through,” she explained. “I’ve said sometimes a nurse is the only ray of sunshine that you see in a day when you’re at a hospital.”

Well there you go! Wanna see it all in real time? Ch-ch-check out the video of the interview (below)!

What do U think about Candace’s take on the controversial nurse comments??

[Image via E!]

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Cara Delevingne SLAMS Game Of Thrones Star Richard Madden For His Recent Shade Against Her — But Did He Really Mean What He Said?!

The shade just keeps on coming!

ICYMI: On Tuesday, it was reported that Games Of Thrones actor Richard Madden SLAMMED Cara Delevingne by calling her “unprofessional” for her behavior during a cringe-worthy interview with Good Day Sacramento. Yikes!

However, the model turned actress refused to take the blunt comments lying down. In fact, in response to the Cinderella actor’s remarks, the blonde beauty took to Twitter to defend herself. FIERCE!

Related: Cara Delevingne Gets Naked To Sell Some Lipstick

She wrote:

Whoa! Tell us how you really feel girl.

The British celeb then retweeted:

HA! Do we smell a celebrity feud brewing??

Nonetheless, in an inneresting turn of events, the 29-year-old has since retracted his statements on the social media site following Miz Delevingne’s call out.

He posted:

Hmm, something doesn’t add up here for us. Being “misquoted” is a pretty easy scapegoat — WE KID!

But we have a feeling these two aren’t going to collaborate on any major projects in the near future. LOLz!

Regardless, now that Richard’s apologized, we bet the Suicide Squad starlet will probably listen to her bestie Taylor Swift and just Shake It Off.

What do U think?! Was Cara justified in her response to Richard?

SOUND OFF in the comments (below)!

[Image via Brian To/Joe/WENN.]