Showing posts with label Sarah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sarah. Show all posts

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Sarah Silverman Says "NRA Would Love Nothing More Than to Divide Us"

Sarah Silverman is railing against the NRA and laying blame at its feet for unnecessarily dividing our country when it comes to gun control. We got Sarah at LAX Wednesday and asked if she thinks America will finally do something about gun…


Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Kim Cattrall Drags Sarah Jessica Parker Over Sex and the City 3

Ding! Ding! Ding!

It is totally on between Kim Cattrall and Sarah Jessica Parker.

For real this time.

Throughout the filming of Sex and the City the HBO television show and then Sex and the City, the two mediocre movies, there had always been chatter that these two actresses did not get along very well.

Which is fine.

Not all co-stars need to be best friends forever.

But the claws have now officially come out in the wake of Parker telling Extra that plans for a third film in the franchise have officially been scrapped.

“We had this beautiful, funny, heartbreaking, joyful, very relatable script and story,” she told the entertainment news outlet, adding:

“It’s not just disappointing that we don’t get to tell the story and have that experience, but more so for that audience that has been so vocal in wanting another movie.”

(Note: Have they, really?!? Sex and the City 2 has a score of 16% on Rotten Tomatoes.)

Amidst talk that Cattrall was the one to squash the follow-up flick due to various production demands, the veteran actress sat down with Piers Morgan on the program “Life Stories” to address any and all diva-related chatter.

Her general response?

I’ve never been on board for Sex and the City 3… and Parker sort of sucks!

“At this very moment it’s quite extraordinary to get any kind of negative press about something that I’ve been saying for almost a year of ‘no’ that I’m demanding or a diva,” Cattrall told Morgan, adding:

“And this is really where I take to task the people from Sex and the City and specifically Sarah Jessica Parker, in that I think she could have been nicer.”

So there you have it.

After all this time, that’s the first admission from either Cattrall or Parker that they aren’t exactly on each other’s Christmas lists.

“I really think she could have been nicer,” Cattrall reiterated in her interview. “I don’t know what her issue is. I never have.” 

Cattrall went on to explain that she was approached in December about the possibility of Sex and the City 3… and that it simply never appealed to her.

“This isn’t about more money, this is not about more scenes, it’s not about any of those things,” she said.

“This is about a clear decision, an empowered decision in my life to end one chapter and start another. I’m 61. It’s now.”

Fair enough, right?

And it’s not as if Cattrall is even against a third movie. Go ahead and make it without me, she happily tells the cast and crew!

“I want them to make the movie, if that’s what they want to do,” she said.

“It’s a great part. I played it past the finish line and then some and I loved it, and another actress should play it. Maybe they could make it an African-American Samantha Jones or a Hispanic Samantha Jones?’

“I’ve moved on. This is what my 60s are about. They’re about me making decisions for me, not my career. For me.

“And that feels frickin’ fantastic.”


Friday, September 15, 2017

Ari Fleischer Says Sarah Huckabee Sanders Got it SOOOO Easy!!!

Former Press Secretary Ari Fleischer says his former job is a walk in the park … which means Sean Spicer, Anthony Scaramucci and Sarah Huckabee Sanders missed the memo. We got W’s former mouthpiece Wednesday leaving Michael’s in NYC, and he was…


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Sarah Stage: Still Think I Photoshop? Watch Me Work Out!

Fitness mom Sarah Stage still has a six pack at 8 months pregnant. In fact, every day she gets closer to the 9 month mark.

Though we"re sure that this, too, will bring in more criticism and controversy from mommy-shamers and body-shamers alike, Sarah Stage has posted a couple more updates.

And one of them is an exercise video showing exactly how she keeps those rock-hard abs. And yes, you can watch that video below.

Sarah stage bathing suit photo

Sarah Stage is such an inspiration.

Different pregnancies impact bodies differently.

(Actually, different bodies are designed to carry weight differently whether they"re pregnant or not — one gene turning on or off can make a world of difference between two people with similar diets and similar exercise habits)

It"s not that many people are likely to follow in her lead and try to keep a six pack throughout their entire pregnancy.

But … for many people who might struggle with their weight or with exercise or who tell themselves that getting a six pack of rock hard abs is just impossible, Sarah Stage represents hope.

After all, if she can do the "impossible," then someone who doesn"t have a fetus releasing hormones into their bodies and exhausting them for months on end might have a chance.

Sarah stage almost 9 months

Sarah Stage shared this mirror selfie last week.

She"s still, technically, 8 months along.

At present, she"s well into her third trimester. That 9 month milestone will be here before we know it.

She still looks absolutely incredible.

We used to marvel at "basketball pregnancies" — you know, those pregnancies where, like, a mom in the neighborhood doesn"t even look pregnant from behind, and when she turns around, she just looks like she"s stuffed a basketball up under her shirt.

Later, those can look less like basketballs and more like watermelons, but in general, these women"s figures hardly change.

Recently, Sarah Stage defended herself against accusations of photoshoping her abs.

We think that it"s safe to say that she chooses flattering angles and probably sucks in and tightens her abs before she snaps these photos.

We"d dare you to find anyone who doesn"t, unless they"re deliberately trying to take a "before" pic.

The video that we have for you below should wash away all doubt.

Sarah stage pic

In the video below, Sarah Stage can be seen exercising with her son.

She is expecting a second boy, and has expressed excitement about having two sons.

Sarah Stage first reached viral fame with that first pregnancy, whens he also had rock-hard abs and displayed them throughout.

At the time, she didn"t get to exercise with her adorable little son.

She"s clarified that she doesn"t work out like this just to maintain her appearance, but for health reasons.

But … let"s be honest. Nobody"s checking her Instagram with disbelief over her good health.

Sarah stage eight months pregnant

Anyway, we wish Sarah Stage all of the luck in the world.

She should be meeting her new baby within the next several weeks, we would imagine.

We hope that she has an easy time giving birth — her health is great, obviously, and this isn"t her first baby, so it shouldn"t be a problem.

More than anything, we hope that she doesn"t have to have a C-section.

With her abs, through which they"d have to cut … that life-saving operation sounds like a nightmare.

Sarah stage still think i photoshop watch me work out

Friday, August 25, 2017

Sarah Stage: I Don"t Photoshop These Abs!

People love to body-shame Sarah Stage, who doesn’t let pregnancy come between her and her six-pack of rock-hard abs.

Even when Sarah Stage reveals her pregnancy weight, people want to jump on her case and say that she can’t possibly be healthy.

But now people are attacking her from a different angle — claiming that the fit mom just edits her photos to look that way!

Sarah Stage made headlines in 2015 for her minor baby bump and clearly defined six-pack abs.

She delivered a healthy baby boy.

This year, she’s been making headlines again for, yet again, flaunting her killer abs throughout her pregnancy.

She’s due in October, which is getting closer and closer.

(We’re almost in September, you guys)

As you can see, she looks amazing for a woman 31 weeks into her pregnancy.




She’s only gained 18 pounds from her pregnancy, but we don’t have any reason to believe that this is an unhealthy weight.

Some people balloon up during pregnancy, and others just look like they’re smuggling a balloon under their shirts.

It mostly has to do with genetic predispositions, of the mother but also of the baby daddy (a lot of pregnancy’s less pleasant experiences are the result of the fetus hijacking the body)

Though, in Sarah Stage’s case, her insane workouts (even while pregnant) are obviously a major factor.

Recently, some fans spotted Sarah Stage out and about, wearing a pair of mom jeans and a billowy, comfy shirt with what looked like a more “normal” baby bump.

Not the sort of baby bump that you’d expect to see at 31 weeks, but more than you see in the white bikini photo that we showed you above, which was shared the same day that Sarah was spotted.

People started to whisper that maybe she uses photo editing software, because a lot of people are shockingly unable to grasp that makeup and posing have a massive impact on how somebody looks.

Sarah’s representative responded to the accusations by shutting them down:

“Sarah would never Photoshop any photo.”

Some fitness models might resort to photoshop, but that could ruin their reputation — so why risk it?

“She shares her images with her audience to embrace all different body types and her pregnancy. She’s been shamed through both pregnancies. She’s trying to put her journey out there to encourage others.”

She’s working to reduce body-shaming. We shouldn’t shame women for being large or small, when pregnant or not pregnant.

Specifically, on Sarah being spotted wearing normal clothes, like a human, her rep dismissed it pretty handily:

“This goes to show that Sarah is just a regular mom, on the go, wearing comfy clothing as she runs errands.”

Consider this: who out there has ever taken a bikini photo without sucking in their gut, or angling to look the best that they could?

Some people, probably.

But not, as a rule, fitness models.

Their abs are their moneymakers.

We have a feeling that Sarah Stage doesn’t do her bonkers workouts just to fake it for the camera.


Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Sarah Stage, the Six Pack Mom, Reveals Her Pregnancy Weight!

Some women gain weight during pregnancy and never seem to be able to shake it — because pregnancy literally restructures your body, some more than others, all depending on your biological predispositions.

And then there’s Sarah Stage, the “Six Pack Mom” herself, a fitness model who looks the part — even 31 weeks into her pregnancy.

Would you care to guess how much she weighs while pregnant? Because you don’t actually have to guess.

Sarah Stage isn’t the only “fit mom” out there.

What we have to remember is that genetic predispositions from both parents are at play with pregnancies.

In many ways, how a pregnant person’s body is impacted by pregnancy has less to do with their own fitness and more to do with the demands that their fetus makes upon their body.

(Seriously, human pregnancies give way more power to the fetus than the pregnancies of many other mammals, but that’s a whole other conversation)

Some people swell up, gaining a huge amount of weight in their torsos and faces.

That weight may or may not go away after they give birth.

(Sometimes, even with exercise, it doesn’t go away — some physical changes that take place during pregnnacy are basically permanent)

Others barely see any changes in their bodies, and just look like they’re smuggling a basketball under their clothes.

And then there’s Sarah Stage and her tiny baby bump.

She’s in a whole other league of women who are typically fitness models.

She’s so physically fit that she’s been body-shamed, in 2015 and also this year with this pregnancy, over her visible abs and how little she’s “showing” of her pregnancy.

To be clear, just as a woman who puts on dozens and dozens and dozens of pounds while pregnant doesn’t deserve to be body-shamed, a woman who gains only a little weight doesn’t, either.

Different bodies work in different ways, folks.

(And those same women gaining or not gaining weight without being pregnant should also be free from criticism because their weight is none of anyone’s business, of course)

But we can still be amazed and perhaps a little shocked at this report on Sarah Stage’s weight, shared over Instagram:

Don’t worry, she’s not going to make you do math — she’s not a monster.

Sarah Stage weighs 137 pounds, which is not much at all, especially for such a muscular woman.

Especially for a pregnant muscular woman.

So far, throughout this entire pregnancy, the Six Pack Mom has only gained 18 pounds.

That’s only three pounds for each of her six abs, though obviously the weight is a little more, you know, baby-oriented.

Honestly, some people have mild pregnancies like that.

(Off of the top of my head, I know that my grandmother’s pregnancies were almost that mild)

Some look at this and worry if she’s malnourishing her baby or something, but … that’s a huge leap to make.

18 pounds is enough for a baby of a healthy weight, plus a placenta and amniotic fluid.

It doesn’t leave a lot of room for error or whatever, but unlike humanity’s ancestors, people in modern times don’t need to pack on weight in case food suddenly becomes scarce.

We’re not dependent upon the migration patterns of bison for our meals. Grocery stores exist.

We’re not suggesting that anybody try to emulate Sarah Stage’s physique, pregnant or otherwise.

Like most things, it’s not for everyone.

But please don’t freak out or, worse, mom-shame someone for looking like themselves even when they’re about to pop out a tiny human.


Thursday, August 17, 2017

Sarah Stage: Eight Months Pregnant with a Six Pack!

Get ready to have your mind blown!

Because Sarah Stage, the fitness model with the impossibly tiny baby bump, is now eight months pregnant … and she’s sharing bikini pics.

You weren’t ready, were you?

That’s seriously what Sarah looks like in real life right now, in her third trimester.

There are many women who have trouble moving when they’re as pregnant as she is now, let alone pulling on a bikini that shows off their abs.

Speaking of which, how on earth does this woman have a six pack right now?!

As we’ve discussed before, this just seems to be the way Sarah’s body works. She had a similarly tiny baby bump during her last pregnancy, and she gave birth to a big, healthy baby boy.

This time around, she’s got the same little bitty bump, and according to updates she’s shared, this new baby is just as healthy.

She may be so small during pregnancy because she’s so fit, and her strong abdominal muscles are better at keeping that uterus hidden.

Her uterus may also be tilted in a way that prevents her from growing a great big bump like most women get.

But, either way, it’s obvious that she’s taking care of herself and her unborn child, despite what the haters say.

And, as it turns out, Sarah has a message for those haters …

In a new post she made to Instagram, she wrote “As I’m nearing #8months I’ve wanted to share what’s on my mind.”

“Since I’ve announced my second pregnancy, I’ve had certain ‘Instagram medical experts’ tell me what I should and shouldn’t do.”

“And while I find some of the comments hilarious,” she admitted, “I choose to only listen to my OBGYN and of course I also listen to MY body.”

It’s actually pretty amazing that she’s able to laugh at the comments she gets, because people are astoundingly terrible to her.

Like, there are many, many people who actually tell her that she’s killing her baby, either by starving it or crushing it with all her exercise.

“Instagram medical experts,” indeed.

“If something feels off, I don’t do it!” Sarah continued. “I always do what’s best for my growing baby and put him first!”

“It’s a proven medical fact that continuing exercising while pregnant has many health benefits for you and baby.”

It’s true: doctors typically advise pregnant women that it’s fine to keep up with the level of exercise you were doing before pregnancy, provided you feel comfortable doing it.

And since Sarah makes a living by being fit and exercising, it’s easy to imagine that doing some home workouts is fine for her.

She continued her message with “There are also some people who assume that since I am exercising while pregnant, that I’m obsessed with how I ‘look."”

But meanwhile, over in reality, “I’m obsessed with maintaining a healthy lifestyle that will give my baby and myself the best possible quality of life.”

And since this woman is wonderful, she added “Alternatively, I don’t judge anyone who chooses not to be active while pregnant etc. as it’s their own life.”

“I’m just sharing my pregnancy journey and appreciate the positive support from most of you.”

She really does seem like a gem, right?

Thanks for everything, girl!


Thursday, August 3, 2017

Sarah Stage: See Her INSANE Workout at Seven Months Pregnant!

Isn"t it so fun that Sarah Stage is pregnant again?!

Remember, we had such a fun time during her last pregnancy — the one with the mysteriously missing baby bump.

In case you"re not familiar with her, Sarah is a model who"s super into fitness, and during her first pregnancy in 2015, she got a lot of attention for her bump.

Or lack thereof.

Even when she was well into her third trimester, her stomach was tiny, and so many people were sure that her pregnancy was severely unhealthy.

But the haters were wrong: she gave birth to a healthy, good-sized baby boy, and he"s still healthy and thriving today.

It was a wild and crazy ride, and now that Sarah is expecting her second child, it"s happening all over again.

She"s been sharing selfies featuring her bump, which is still barely noticeable at seven months, and she"s been getting all sorts of horrific comments.

But, as she proves in this new video, she"s not letting the hate get her down.

In the video, she shows off her current workout routine, and in her caption, she explains it all — including her opinions on her naysayers.

"#7months pregnant & feeling great," she began. "I"m not sticking to at-home exercises."

She explained that she"s doing a routine from her fitness e-book 2-3 times a week, and that she"s "stopped doing crunches since I"m in my #thirdtrimester."

"Our bodies are truly incredible & I feel blessed to be able to grow another healthy baby inside of me!" she added.

"I choose to stay positive & I represent anyone who has dealt with doubters, trolls & bullies. It feels great to prove ignorant people wrong & even better to know that all you have to do is believe in yourself and trust your own instincts."

And that"s a lovely little message, right?

But still, she still got so many negative comments.

"You aren"t 7 months," one person informed her. "Your tummy would be bigger."

Another theorized that "Her babies must come out small and weird."

"Please do your research with working out this much with being 7 months pregnant," another person wrote. "I"m not trying to be mean but I hope the baby is okay. You"re really really skinny."

But the point is, just like it"s always been, that obviously Sarah knows her body better than we do.

She was this small with her last pregnancy and her son was very healthy, so why do people feel the need to bring her down?

Whatever the reason, go ahead and watch this girl — who, again is seven months pregnant here — show off her workout in the video below:

Sarah stage see her insane workout at seven months pregnant

Friday, July 21, 2017

Sarah Stage: Fitness Model Shows Off TINY Baby Bump!


Remember Sarah Stage, the fitness model who astounded the world a couple of years ago with her very, very tiny baby bump?

Even in the days right before she gave birth to her son, her bump was extremely small, and somewhat hidden by her abdominal muscles.

People were outraged by her photos, because as they said, there was no way she could have a healthy baby while looking the way she did.

But they were wrong: Sarah did give birth to a healthy baby, a boy named James who weighed in at 8 pounds and 7 ounces.

It was a crazy time, and she really did get so much hate for her selfies.

And now it’s happening all over again … because she’s pregnant with her second child!

Here’s what she looks like today:

Just to be clear, that is a photo of a woman who is six months pregnant with her second child.

Six. Months. Pregnant.

You can just barely see a bump, and really it’s not so much a bump as it is a little bulge behind her abs.

And, just like last time, people on the internet simply cannot believe it.

“Are you seriously 6 months pregnant?” one person asked. “Is the baby okay??”

“I’m not hating, I’m just confused,” another wrote. “I’m just hoping that the baby and you are healthy.”

“Wtf how?” someone commented. “How is this female pregnant? The baby is going to come out dented!!!!”

(She’s six months pregnant in the photo above, too, by the way.)

And in addition to the confusion, there was a whole lot of criticism.

“She’s not pregnant,” a stranger on the internet assured the rest of the comment section. “And if she is her baby is either gonna be born premature or very under weight.”

Someone else exclaimed “I feel sorry for your baby! You’re way too selfish and do not deserve to have one!”

One person actually wrote “You are a f-cking sick bitch and you damage your babys healthy if you ever are really pregnant. Get some psykhiatric help for yourself!”

Also, in a disgusting but sadly unsurprising show of how awful social media can be, several people actually told Sarah that her baby is dead because she’s too thin to support a healthy pregnancy.

(Six months here, too, and with her healthy toddler!)

Go ahead and take a moment to sit with your disappointment and shame for humanity. It’s OK.

It’s just sad because obviously Sarah here simply doesn’t carry her babies like many other women do.

She’s very, very fit, and it’s clear her ab muscles are strong, which plays a role in how her baby bump looks.

There’s also a chance her uterus is positioned in a way that keeps her from showing as much as other people think she should.

And just in case you’re still a little concerned about that baby in there, she shared a photo from an ultrasound she had done just yesterday.

“Doctors appointment went great today,” she captioned the photo. “Baby is weighing a little over 2lbs with a strong heartbeat and huge hands lol.”

If she’s 26 weeks pregnant and her baby weighs a little over two pounds, then that’s right on track.

Plus, you know, we have a feeling Sarah and her doctors know more about her pregnancy and health than people who spend their free time bashing a pregnant stranger online.

We’re sure that come this fall, she’ll give birth to another big, healthy baby.

Congrats, girl!


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Sarah Hyland Nudes Hacked AGAIN!

This is just awful.

Sarah Hyland, the beautiful Modern Family actress, has had her personal photos hacked, which means that there are once again nude photos of her circulating on the internet.

The worst thing about this is that it’s happened before. …

Sarah Hyland’s shown serious sideboob before to show off a tattoo, but that was her choice.

This is different.

This happened to Sarah Hyland once before, in 2014.

This time, the pictures appear to show Sarah Hyland topless (and bottomless) while wearing a robe that covers basically nothing.

Some celebrity nude hacks reveal celebs in some serious sex acts, but this isn’t a case of Sarah Hyland “getting off easy” — this is a violation.

We don’t yet know the origins of the hack or who might be behind it, but we hope that investigators are able to get to the bottom of things.

Sarah Hyland deserves that much.

And she wasn’t the only one in these photos. …

At least one of the photos is said to feature a topless Sarah Hyland kissing her ex-boyfriend, Matt Prokop.

You might remember that she was granted a three-year restraining order against Matt Prokop after revealing that he had choked her, threatened to burn down her home and also threatened her dog.

It was reportedly part of abusive behavior that had gone on for years.

Monstrous but sadly not surprising. Abuse is no rare thing.

(At least Matt Prokop isn’t as popular as Johnny Depp, or maybe he’d still have hordes of people trying to defend him)

These days, Sarah Hyland is dating hottie Dominic Sherwood, known for his role in Taylor Swift’s “Style” music video and best known for his role as Jace Wayland (or, arguably, Jace Herondale — it’s complicated) on the Freeform supernatural drama series, Shadowhunters.

Things seem so, so much better for Sarah Hyland these days.

Sarah Hyland is 26, an adult by any standard.

(Arguably not a grown-up, since that really begins around 30 … or so … but that’s not a knock on her)

For this hack, which appears to have happened yesterday, as with every hack, trolls are going to come out of the woodwork to claim that it’s somehow her fault.

“If you don’t want your nudes to leak, don’t take them,” is usually the general gist of what they say.

That’s victim-blaming, usually with a heavy dose of slut-shaming.

Having something doesn’t entitle others to steal it from you and share it with the world.

We somehow doubt that those trolls would argue that it’s somehow the owner’s fault if their television or jewelry is stolen.

Nudes, stolen from a phone or computer or private social media account or ripped form the cloud, are no different.

Hell, even actresses who have gone nude for roles deserve privacy for their personal photos. How much you show of your body should always be your choice.

If a porn star’s nudes are stolen, it’s still a crime.

Sarah Hyland’s now had to deal with anorexia rumors, two hacks of her nudes, and a horrifyingly abusive relationship.

That’s more than enough for anyone.

Whatever drives people to punish celebrities for existing by obtaining and releasing their nudes to the public, it needs to stop.

Sarah Hyland has reportedly vowed legal action against anyone who publishes these ill-gotten goods, so we hope that this will be enough of a deterrent before too many people see her nude.

One of the only sources of consolation in these cases is that real nudes are often lost among the endless photos with poorly photoshopped images of celebrity faces on bodies that are clearly not their own.

But that’s a small comfort.


Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Dep. White House Press Sec. Sarah Huckabee Sanders Clashes with Reporter Over "Fake News"

Sarah Huckabee Sanders went on the attack over “fake news” — citing the CNN debacle — then got raked over the coals by a White House reporter. The Deputy White House Press Secretary chastised CNN over its retracted story … which connected…


Friday, June 2, 2017

Farrah Abraham & Simon Sarah: Engaged?!

Earlier today, we told you about unconfirmed reports that Farrah Abraham is pregnant with Simon Saran’s baby.

We’re always skeptical of rumors that seem to have originated in an Instagram comment thread, and Simon has already revealed in an interview that Farrah’s definitively not knocked up.

But if you think that’ll prevent the spread of more wild rumors about her love life, then you don’t know the Internet!

Abraham and Saran are currently in Jamaica, where they’re celebrating Farrah’s 26th birthday.

Yes, it may seem like Farrah’s been irritating mankind since the advent of television, but in reality, she’s only just now entering her late 20s.

Anyway, it seems that last night Simon decided to foot the bill for once, and he treated Farrah to a candlelit dinner on the beach on  Montego Bay.

Prior to the meal, Simon set the mood by leading Farrah down a curiously dong-shaped lighted pathway.

Fans could be forgiven for the thinking the moment was leading up to a proposal.

In fact, many of them jumped to that conclusion, despite the fact that the clip ended with no such climax.

Farrah bought her own engagement ring almost a year ago, so we guess it’s understandable that fans would be eagerly seeking out hints that Simon is looking to pop the question.

Simon didn’t help matters by responding to the rumors with an obnoxiously coy response.

“This was just her birthday surprise,” he wrote in response to the comments.

And that would’ve been fine, if he hadn’t added a winking smiley face emoji at the end.

But if you know Farrah, you know that she’s not the type to hide big news from the public.

In fact, she doesn’t hide anything from the public.

This is a girl who Snapchats brushing her teeth and openly muses about her daughter’s sex tape.

There is absolutely no way that Farrah would get engaged and not immediately take out ads in every major newspaper in America.

We’re sure Simon will eventually succumb to the pressure and put Farrah’s own ring on her finger, but it almost certainly didn’t happen in Jamaica last night.

Watch Teen Mom online to relive every moment of the ridiculousness that is Simon and Farrah’s relationship.


Thursday, May 25, 2017

Sarah Hyland Blasts Anorexia Rumors, Sets Record Straight

Sarah Hyland would like your attention, please.

The Modern Family actress (who, yes, starred in that Dirty Dancing remake as well… but let’s not talk about that ever again) took to Twitter on Wednesday in order to shoot down a rumor that’s been making its way around the Internet for months now.

Does she have an eating disorder?

Quite simply, no, Hyland responds below.

But she goes into great personal detail in explaining why this chatter needs to stop.

“I’d like to address something that has not only been brought up on Twitter but has been heavily discussed by all of you in my Instagram comments,” Hyland wrote at the outset of a long post.

It continued:

“That something is my weight. I normally don’t comment on things like this because it draws attention to those trying to spread negativity but I’m here to explain a few things and spread love.

“Here goes…I haven’t had the greatest year. Maybe one day I’ll talk about it but for now, I’d like my privacy. I will say this year has brought a lot of changes and with that, physical changes.”



The 26-year old, who has been a series regular on Modern Family since its first season in 2009, added:

“I have been told I can’t work out. Which, for me, is very upsetting. I am an activist for activity (and for eating junk food in bed but it’s all about balance right?).

“I love to be outdoors. I love to be strong. (I’ll be using that word a lot). Strength is everything. Being strong has gotten me where I am. Both mentally and physically.

“I am not a fan of ‘being skinny’ which many of you have told me that I am too much of. ‘Eat a burger, your head is bigger than your body and that’s disgusting’ and you’re right! I should eat a burger!

“Cause they’re f–king delicious! But guess what. I do And again, you’re right. No one’s head should be bigger than their body but considering I’ve basically been on bed rest for the past few months, I’ve lost a lot of muscle mass.

“My circumstances have put me in a place where I’m not in control of what my body looks like.”



The main message Hyland wanted to send to followers is that she is NOT promoting an unhealthy lifestyle.

Not at all. She’s all for eating lots of food and she’s all for different body shapes and sizes.

“I write this because I’ve been accused of promoting anorexia in, ironically enough, an anti-bullying post. And I want young girls to know that’s not my intention.”

We don’t know for certain what has been going on with Hyland.

But she backed out of presenting at the 2017 SAG Awards due to her health.

And she shared here that she’s “working hard to maintain my weight by eating as much protein as possible and continue to be strong and healthy. There’s no need to worry.

“I’ve been down before and I’ll probably be down again in my lifetime but I’m steadfast and solid and will conquer my obstacles.”

Back in 2012, Hyland revealed that she had undergone a kidney transplant from her father after a lifelong battle with kidney dysplasia.

We really hope she’s doing okay right now.

As a concluding message to fans in this case, Hyland wrote the following:

Laugh. Love. Be happy. Support your peers. Love. Work hard. Be Confident. Love. Adopt puppies! Tell your mum you appreciate her. Love. Love. Love.

Perfectly said, right?

We applaud Sarah Hyland for this update and wish her nothing but the very best.


Thursday, April 20, 2017

Kid Rock, Ted Nugent, Sarah Palin Hang With Trump, Mock Hillary

It’s a strange time to be an American.

We continue to provide the world with a number of crucial exports, such as Springsteen songs and Seinfeld reruns, but we’re in danger of losing our most cherished delusion and being forced to confront the reality that we don’t actually hold a position of respect and authority in the global community.

Part of the problem is that we went from a president who hangs with Beyonce and Kendrick Lamar to this guy:

Yes, that’s Donald Trump chillin’ with the biggest celebrities who will admit to voting for him. (Sorry, Scott Baio.)

The good news is that the phenomenon of aging, Trump-voting rockers in dumb hats seems to be mostly limited to the Detroit area.

The bad news is literally everything else about this photo.

Gaining the approval of celebrities might be the only thing more important to Donald Trump than convincing the world that his penis is actually quite adequate in size, so the fact that the best he can do in terms of famous friends is Kid Rock, Ted Nugent, and Sarah Palin means there’s probably a MOAB headed for Hollywood at this very moment.

Fortunately for Donnie, he was able to find playmates who share his obsession with his former rival:

Nugent uploaded the above photos to his Facebook page, along with captions such as this bonafide gem (*kisses finger tips like an Italian chef*):

“So today is the 242nd anniversary of The Shot Heard Round The World is it! Well well well looky looky here boogie chillin’, I got your Shot Heard Round The World right here in big ol greazyass Washington DC where your 1 & only MotorCity Madman WhackMaster StrapAssasin1 dined with President Donald J Trump at the WhiteHouse to Make America Great Again!”

He later added that the group dined on “incredible lobster salad & lampchops! UltraYUM!”

For our readers who aren’t fluent in Ted Talk, we think Nugent is trying to say that he got separated from his tour group and ate part of a lamp.

For some reason, he’s very excited about the whole thing.

We kid, of course.

Donnie is just enjoying having some friends over to his new place while his wife remains semi-permanently out of town, and we don’t blame him.

It gets lonely in the Oval Office.

Steve Bannon never wants to watch old DVDs of The Apprentice, and Jared Kushner always messes up the chorus of “Bawitdaba.”


Donald Trump Invites Kid Rock, Ted Nugent and Sarah Palin to Oval Office (PHOTOS)

Donald Trump held a super-conservative celebrity summit Wednesday night, mugging with Kid Rock, Ted Nugent and Sarah Palin. The pic was snapped in the Oval office during a dinner visit. The trio plus Ted’s wife and Kid’s fiancee showed up and got…


Monday, March 27, 2017

Cuba Gooding Jr. Lifts Sarah Paulson"s Skirt, Gets Slammed For Sexual Harassment

Sigh. Just when we thought Cuba Gooding Jr. was flawlessly executing one of the most surprising comebacks in recent memory, he goes and does something like this.

Cuba joined his American Horror Story: Roanoake co-stars for a PaleyFest panel over the weekend, and for some reason, he thought it would be a good idea to hoist Sarah Paulson’s skirt as she welcomed Kathy Bates to the stage.

Yeah, we wish there were some context to make that act seem even slightly less insane, but there isn’t.

For reasons that will continue to defy explanation and common sense, Cuba Gooding Jr. decided to sexually harass his co-star in front of an audience of hundreds.

Paulson and Gooding are friends, and those in attendance say she quickly brushed the incident off (after recoiling in horror upon realizing a man was lifting her skirt in front of hundreds of onlookers, of course), but none of that makes this even remotely okay.

Let’s say Gooding and Paulson are number one besties, and they playfully engage in this sort of behavior behind closed doors.

This would still be wildly inappropriate behavior on Gooding’s part.

If he were a greeter at Wal Mart and he behaved this way with one of his co-workers, he would be fired on the spot.

There’s a good chance that Paulson was was appalled and baffled by Gooding’s behavior as the rest of us, but downplayed her disgust simply because she wasn’t sure of what else to do.

We may never know for sure, but even if she was cool with it, what Cuba did on that stage is 700 kinds of not okay.

Sadly, this is just the latest in a recent string of questionable behavior from Gooding.

Last year, Gooding’s wife, Sarah Kapfer, filed for divorce after 20 years of marriage.

Rumors that Gooding had driven her to the brink with years of heavy drinking and erratic behavior seemed to be bolstered in the final years of their relationship, particularly when police issued a warrant for Gooding’s arrest after he allegedly assaulted a bartender in New Orleans.

Shortly thereafter, a very intoxicated Gooding unleashed a string of expletives at an award show, an incident that seemed funny at the time, but is a bit troubling when viewed in hindsight.

We don’t pretend to know exactly what’s going on with Gooding, but here’s hoping he gets the help he needs.


Cuba Gooding Jr. Lifts Sarah Paulson"s Dress, She Laughs But Fans Don"t (PHOTO + VIDEO)

Cuba Gooding Jr. lifted up Sarah Paulson’s dress during an “American Horror Story” event, and while they both laughed it off … some fans think he crossed the line. The co-stars were doing a panel discussion in L.A. when Sarah turned to greet…


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Sarah Fowlkes: Texas Teacher Who Banged Student LOVING LIFE in Smoking Hot Mug Shot

Texas teacher Sarah Fowlkes, 27, is accused of having improper sexual relations with a student, a minor who was just 17 years old.

Not that it seems to bother her all that much, based on her mug shot:

“Yeah, girl! Way to get that D!” – Sarah to herself above.

We kid, obviously, but one has to wonder how any individual – no matter how photogenic – is in that kind of mood while getting arrested.

For a sex crime, no less. Just bizarre. In any case …

A warrant was issued for her arrest for an alleged improper relationship with the male student, according to CHS Austin affiliate KEYE-TV.

The Lockhart Police Department confirms that Fowlkes is accused of engaging in said conduct with a student at Lockhart High School.

Lockhart Independent School District administrators learned of the alleged romance on March 10, just prior to the school’s spring break.

Authorities said that they determined through a series of interviews that Fowlkes had in fact engaged in sexual contact with the student.  

The victim’s name has not been released, as he is underage.

“It shocked me, especially since I used to go here,” River Morgan, a 2016 Lockhart High School graduate, said regarding the scandal.

“I just feel like the teacher should know better than to do that,” Joe Chapa, another 2016 grad, told the Austin station that broke the story.

Parents picking up students at Lockhart High School this week said they were surprised and disappointed, in the understatement of all time. 

Some said that the social media age doesn’t help matters.

While it’s not an excuse, the easy online interaction between teachers and students makes it challenging to keep relations professional.

“I feel like it makes it easier for an accidental relationship like that to happen,” Chapa said. “I think maybe there’s not as much of a distance.”

“It should be much more professional.”

Superintendent Susan Bohn emailed Lockhart High School parents on Monday to notify them of Fowlkes’ arrest and suspension, writing:

“Lockhart parents entrust their children to us every day, and it is something we do not take lightly. Student safety is the district’s most important priority.”

“As soon as we learned of the report, we acted swiftly to involve law enforcement and CPS to conduct a thorough investigation.”

“The district does not and will not tolerate any improper communication or contact between a teacher and child,” Bohn added.

Fowlkes has been with the district since 2014.

According to her bio on the high school’s website, she taught anatomy (Did she ever! Too soon?), physiology and environmental systems.

She previously taught third and fifth grade, but “Fowlkes will not return to the school district” in any capacaity, Bohn said in her statement. 

According to reports, Sarah Fowlkes celebrated her birthday along with her husband of four years before turning herself in to the authorities.

Hey, you might as well enjoy it while it lasts, right? Perhaps that explains the carefree, blissful mood in her booking photo above. #BirthdayVibes

She was booked into the Caldwell County Jail.


Sarah Palin Removes Kaepernick Article from Website ... "Not Her Opinion"

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Sarah Palin Says Kaepernick"s Meals On Wheels Donation Is Shameless "Political Stunt"

Sarah Palin ain’t impressed with Colin Kaepernick’s $ 50,000 donation to Meals on Wheels … labeling the move as a cheap “political stunt.” The former Alaska governor just put her seal of approval on an anti-Kaep article posted on her website,…
