Showing posts with label She's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label She's. Show all posts

Friday, August 17, 2018

Kailyn Lowry: PROOF That She"s Back with Chris Lopez?!

Kailyn Lowry’s relationship with Chris Lopez has been such a roller coaster ride, hasn’t it?

It’s honestly been a little exhausting, and we’re not even the ones in the relationship.

Of course, there hasn’t been an actual relationship for most of the time we’ve known Chris existed, has there?

From what we’ve heard, Kailyn met Chris in college, and they were friends for a while before they started hooking up.

And even though Kailyn became pregnant in late 2016, she and Chris never really had any great romance — she said on Teen Mom 2 that he had another girlfriend at the time.

Also on the show, we watched her struggle quite a bit with how uninvolved Chris seemed to be during the pregnancy.

She’d call him to invite him to appointments, and he wouldn’t show, and then when she was on vacation and was hospitalized for possible preeclampsia, he ignored her calls.

But when their son, Lux, was finally born, he did show up at the hospital, and he even took them home from the hospital.

He helped out for a bit, but before too long, he was gone again.

In this season of Teen Mom 2, Kailyn has accused him of being an “Instagram dad” — of just being around enough for pictures to share on social media so he looks good.

She also dealt with a bit of a custody battle with him over Lux.

It’s been very, very messy.

However, there’s been some evidence lately that things are actually good between these two now, despite everything.

More than good, even.

Speculation began a few weeks ago when Kailyn was tweeting about Lux’s first birthday party — at one point, she wrote “I was going to have a Coco theme party for Lux but Chris and I decided to change it last minute.”

That means they planned their son’s birthday party together, and as we saw in the photos she shared, Chris even showed up to the party.

They sure have come a long way, huh?

But of course, attenting their kid’s first birthday party together could just be good co-parenting, right?

It doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re together.

No, some other posts she’s made recently do more to prove that.

This week, Kailyn shared a video on Instagram of her oldest son, Isaac, walking into his newly redecorated room, looking all precious and excited.

In her caption, she thanked Chris, which seems weird, right?

Other people thought so, too, and in a Q&A, also on Instagram, one of her followers asked her “Why did Chris help with Isaac’s room?”

“I guess the better question is why wouldn’t he have helped?” she responded.

… No, the better question is definitely the first one. It doesn’t make sense for Chris to work on Isaac’s room, Isaac isn’t his kid and, unlike Javi Marroquin, he never got that close to her other children.

As far as we can tell, the only reason that Kailyn would just assume Chris would help with things like that would be if they’re together again.

And in another answer in a Q&A, she pretty much confirmed it.

This time, someone asked “What’s your sex life like?”

“Only if it’s w you babyyyyy,” she replied.

And she tagged Chris.

How much more proof do we need that Kailyn and Chris are giving things another go?

Looks like she may make things work with her one true love after all!


Monday, August 13, 2018

Justin Bieber: I"m Not Rushing to Marry Hailey Baldwin, But She"s the One!

It’s been over a month since Justin Bieber proposed to Hailey Baldwin. That was when the two hotties, who had until very recently been exes, became engaged.

Though reports have said that Justin and Hailey are already making wedding plans, a new report says that these two aren’t racing towards the altar.

But we do have a ballpark estimate of when they are likely to get married.

Sources close to Justin Bieber tell TMZ a few illuminating facts about the Biebs and his relationship with fiancee Hailey Baldwin.

First and foremost, even though these two had barely started dating against before Justin popped the question, that doesn’t mean that they’re racing towards the altar.

The insider tells TMZ that they’re not planning on actually tying the knot until 2019.

The insider says that this isn’t an issue of them being unsure abou their upcoming nuptials.

TMZ compares the delay to how Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth might never get married, because they feel like the engagement is enough.

Sources also told them that this thing between Justin and Hailey was allegedly more intense than the public realizes.

“Justin’s been in love with her for a long time,” an insider tells TMZ.

“So,” the source explains. “This didn’t just come from out of the blue.”

In fact, TMZ has been told that Justin and Hailey have reunited … and then broken up again … multiple times without the knowledge of fans.

We believe that.

Of course, sources also tell TMZ that the public is totally wrong in their belief that the Biebs was fixated on Selena Gomez for all of this time.

These insiders close to Justin are claiming that Justin’s really had his heart set on Hailey, not Selena, for the past few years.

HollywoodLife looked at this and asked the question that’s on the mind of many fans after reading this: did Justin hook up with Hailey while he was with Selena?

It’s difficult to picture Hailey being a part of that.

But it sounds like, at the very least, Justin was allegedly pining after Hailey during his months-long reunion with Selena.

Now, all of this is very sweet and makes it sound like Hailey was always Justin’s first choice and like Selena was, at best, some sort of distraction.

But … while we absolutely believe that some very reliable sources close to the Biebs made these claims, are they true?

Or are they just what Justin wants the world to believe?

Call us conspiracy theorists, but we cannot help but wonder if maybe Justin is deliberately pushing this narrative in the hope that it reassures Hailey that she’s not just a runner-up.

At the very least, he might be trying to convince his fans that he’s not another Arie Luyendyk Jr. and that Hailey was always his true love.

That said … a lot of people can and do convince themselves that the person to whom they propose is the only person they’ve ever really loved.

The term cognitive dissonance gets misused more often than it gets used properly, but it’s a real psychological phenomenon and it really can lead people to believe new things based upon their most recent words and actions.

So if Justin is telling his close buddies that he’s always believed that Hailey’s the girl for him, he may very well believe it — despite his lengthy and also very recent history with Selena Gomez.

Many fans have noted that Justin seduced Hailey just like how he seduced Selena.

And it of course did not go unnoticed that he only reconnected with Hailey after Selena broke things off.

But regardless of all of that, it’s comforting to hear that Justin and Hailey aren’t racing to the altar.

Next year sounds like a fine time for them to tie the knot.

… Assuming that they last that long.

Some of us, after all, are betting that Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson last longer.

But only time will tell.


Friday, August 10, 2018

LeSean McCoy"s Ex-GF Says She"s "Healing" After Violent Robbery

LeSean McCoy’s ex-girlfriend, Delicia Cordon, says she seems to be healing up after the violent attack at the Georgia home last month … but says she’s still dealing with the emotional trauma.  “Just to update those who expressed concern,…


Thursday, August 9, 2018

Iggy Azalea Now Says She"s NOT Dating DeAndre Hopkins

Sooooo … change of heart?? One day after Iggy Azalea publicly confirmed her relationship with NFL star DeAndre Hopkins … Iggy is taking it back — now saying she’s very much single. Iggy was a guest on Y100 radio in Miami on Wednesday and played…


Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian: Getting Back With Scott Disick Now That She"s Done With Younes?!

As you may have heard, Kourtney Kardashian and Younes Bendjima called it quits earlier this week.

The news didn’t come as too much of a shock, as frankly, Younes held on considerably longer than anyone expected him to.

He was a rebound guy who somehow made the transition into serious boyfriend.

He deserves credit for his staying power, but we doubt that either side is terribly upset about the inevitable unraveling of this relationship.

Interestingly, news of the breakup comes right on the heels of some intriguing comments that Scott made about his feelings toward Kourtney on the latest installment of Keeping Up With the Kardashians.

The episode saw Disick speculating about a possible future with the mother of his children.

We always said we would try to get back together when we were like 40. So she’s got a couple years,” he remarked to Khloe Kardashian.

Of course, Disick is still dating Sofia Richie these days, so fans who are eager for a reconciliation may not want to get their hopes up too high.

“Everyone thinks that Scott is going to drop Sofia and run back to Kourtney, it is not going to happen, at least right now,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online.

Yes, it seems the Lord is quite pleased by the news of Kourtney’s breakup, but not because he’s hoping to win her back.

“Scott was a bit bummed when he found out that Kourtney broke up with Younes, but at the same time he also found it hilarious because in his head that means he won,” the insider claims.

Sure, it’s incredibly petty and childish, but do we really expect anything else from Scott?

The good news is, if you rightly believe it would be a terrible idea for Scott and Kourtney to get back together, then you can breathe a sigh of relief.

“Scott and Sofia are living together now and they are quite serious,” says the source.

“He is very happy and in love with Sofia right now.”

And it seems unlikely that Scott would dump Sofia for a woman twice her age with three kids.

Did we mention how childish this dude is?


South Carolina Woman Drives Drunk, Says She"s Too "White" to Get Arrested

A resident of Bluffton, South Carolina was pulled over for reckless driving last Saturday morning and arrested on a number of charges.

This, despite the fact that she was white.

That statement may seem like a ridiculous non-sequitor, but it was actually the argument used by Lauren Elizabeth Cutshaw at the time over her run-in with the law.

As documented by The New York Post, the 32-year old was caught by police officers blowing through a four-way stop sign at 60 miles per hour around 1:45 a.m. on August 4.

With eyes described in the official report as bloodshot and glossy, Cutshaw told the cops that she had only two glasses of wine.

But she was allegedly slurring her words and there was a strong scent of alcohol emanating from the vehicle.

“I mean, I was celebrating my birthday,” Cutshaw told the cops when they asked her how big the glasses were for her pair of drinks, according to the report.

This is a rather aburd excuse for two reasons:

  1. Her birthday is on August 9. 

  2. One’s birthday is not an excuse for breaking the law.

But this seemingly typical arrest has gone viral for a different reason.

Cutshaw gave the officers what she believes were perfectly reasonable explanations for why they shouldn’t place her under arrest. To wit:

She maintained perfect grades during all of her school years… she was a cheerleader … she was a member of a sorority.

Oh, and also:

“I’m a white, clean girl,” Cutshaw said, according to the report.

For some reason, however, this defense did not mean anything to the arresting officers.

When the officers asked what, exactly, Lauren meant by this announcement, she replied:

“You’re a cop, you should know what that means.”

(Translation: You guys only shoot and harass black people. So come on! Give me a break!)

What did mean something to these authority figures?

The fact that Cutshaw failed sobriety tests; and that a breathalyzer showed that her blood alcohol at the time was .18 percent (the legal limit in South Carolina is 0.08 percent).

The report actually cited Cutshaw’s “white” remark, noting: 

“Making statements such as these as a means to justify not being arrested are unusual in my experience as a law enforcement officer and I believe further demonstrate the suspect’s level of intoxication.”

And also of her white privilege.

In the end, Lauren was booked on charges of speeding, disregarding a stop sign, simple possession of marijuana, driving under the influence and possession of drug paraphernalia.


Fans Rush to Kourtney Kardashian"s Defense: She"s Hotter Than Kim!

If you have brothers or sisters, there have probably been times when you felt as though you were in competition for your parents’ affection of attention.

Of course, few families have known sibling rivalries as intense as the Kardashians’, as Kim and company are vying for the love of not only their mother but their millions of fickle fans, as well.

We’re sure it can be a lot of pressure at times, which may help to explain Kim’s unfortunate comments on Sunday night’s Keeping Up With the Kardashians season premiere.

In a scene that’s gained a modicum of viral infamy in the days since it first aired, Kim referred to Kourtney as “the least exciting to look at” among her siblings.

It’s a harsh comment under any circumstances, but it’s particularly cutting in the Kardashians’ world, with its constant emphasis on appearances and fashion.

Quite understandably, Kourtney did not take the comment well, and her feud with Kim spilled over onto social media as the episode aired.

To make matters worse, Kourtney recently broke up with Younes Bendjima, which means she’s more in need of support ever.

Thankfully, her fans were happy to provide it … and to roast Kim a bit for good measure.

“I thought we’d all BEEN in agreeance that Kourtney is the hottest sister?? I know I sure have,” tweeted one Kourt-supporter.

Some seethed with rage, tweeting things like:


And as you can see, B-list celebs like Devon Sawa made their feelings known as well.

This thing reached the point where folks with zero interest in the Kard clan felt the need to sounded off the issue.

“I could not give less of a shit about the Kardashians but lets get one thing straight. Kourtney is the hottest one and that’s always been the case,” wrote one irate tweeter.

Hopefully, all of this has given Kourt a bit of a self-esteem boost.

Sometimes it’s only our darkest hours that we learn who are true friends are … or at least who pervs out to out Instagram selfies.


Kailyn Lowry Shades Jenelle Evans: She"s a TERRIBLE Mom!

Last month, Jenelle Evans’s youngest son Kaiser celebrated his birthday.

Evans posted photos of the big day, but fans took issue with the fact that the bulk of the celebration … at a daycare facility.

Based on the comments on Jenelle’s pic, it seems her followers were spilt on the question of whether or not that’s an acceptable way to celebrate a toddler’s birthday.

Some say it’s perfectly fine — after all, what preschooler doesn’t want to be showered with attention by a couple dozen of his peers?

Others, however, thought the move was Jenelle in a nutshell — a lazy gesture that’s documented for social media in order to give the impression what she’s a doting mom.

“Not a fan of JE, but why on earth are we judging people’s parenting at all, let alone based on b-day parties?”

(Editor’s note: It’s perfectly acceptable to judge Jenelle Evans’ parenting, as she’s awful at in roughly 99.999 percent of the time.)

Anyway, as is usually the case with Jenelle, she had more detractors than supporters, and one of them was none other than her longtime Teen Mom 2 castmate, Kailyn Lowry.

Kailyn celebrated her son Lux’s birthday, and she basically pulled a reverse- Jenelle.

Kail went all out for the party and even posed with Lux’s dad, Chris Lopez, for the trio’s first-ever family photo.

Of course, this is 2018, a time in which everything that everyone does is subjected to intense scrutiny and criticism, so it should come as no surprise that Kail was also roasted online.

Fans accused her of “over-celebrating” for Lux, as she never hosted such a massive shindig for her older sons.

Many fans came to Kail’s defense and that, boys and girls, is how Ms. Lowry once again found herself butting heads with the Carolina Hurricane.

At one point in the discussion, Kail retweeted the following comment:

“There has been a lot of discussion about how @KailynLowry has ‘forgotten’ she has two other kids, or went so extra for Lux’s bday but never did the same for the other boys.

“Guys give her a break, she didn’t pull a JE and take them to daycare with Walmart cupcakes. She’s a good mom.”

Jenelle has yet to respond, but we’re guessing she’s less than thrilled, as is far from the first time that Kail has criticized her parenting.

Following Jenelle’s road rage incident, Kail — like pretty much else who watched the show — remarked that Jenelle is an absolute psychopath for putting her child’s life at risk in such a reckless fashion.

The jury may still be out on Wal-Mart cupcakes, but surely we can all agree that stuff like that makes Jenelle an unfit mom.


Friday, August 3, 2018

Selma Blair Says She"s Still Into James Gunn But Not Twitter

Selma Blair says James Gunn is a good man who told a few stupid jokes a decade ago, and his haters are looking at him though a 2018 lens which just ain’t right. We got Selma at LAX Thursday afternoon and she explained why she quit Twitter over…


Demi Lovato"s Assistant Screamed "She"s Dead!" As Bodyguard May Have Saved Her Life

Demi Lovato was in such dire condition when she OD’d her assistant thought she was dead, and one of her bodyguards may have saved her life … TMZ has learned. Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ, the bodyguard somehow knew there was an emergency…


Thursday, August 2, 2018

David Eason SLAMS MTV For Hiring Lindsay Lohan: She"s Worse Than Farrah!

It’s been almost six months since David Eason was fired by MTV, but apparently, Jenelle Evans’ repugnant husband is still pissed about being unceremoniously kicked to the curb.

In fact, pretty much every time the network makes a major personnel decision, Eason takes to social media to throw a public temper tantrum.

When Bristol Palin joined the cast of Teen Mom OG, David whined on Facebook in embarrassing fashion.

So it should come as no surprise that he has much to say about MTV’s decision to partner up with one of the most infamous “actresses” on the planet.

In case you haven’t heard, Lindsay Lohan is set to star in a new reality show about her nightclub in Mykonos, Greece.

Sources say the series was inspired by Vanderpump Rules, and Lindsay will preside over the proceedings in the fashion of that show’s titular star.

Of course, Lisa Vanderpump is a successful businesswoman with decades of experience as a club owner, and Lindsay Lohan is what would happen if you injected a bloated liver with a newly-discovered strain of super-herpes, but we digress.

Anyway, David is not happy about his former home network’s decision to work with Lindsay.

“WOW! Lindsay Lohan,” David wrote on Facebook.

“MTV sure does love the drama. Great way to get some views, put the craziest person you can find on her own program!”

He went on to rag on Lindsay for her past substance abuse issues and compare her to one of the network’s most notorious former stars:

“I’m such a bad person but you go hire Lindsay??? WTF, that girl is gonna run off with your gear and sell it for cocaine!” Eason wrote.

“I mean everyone has their ups and downs in life but that’s more downs than ups! She will be MTVs new Farrah, only worse!”

Well, David would know all about a life that’s “more downs than ups.”

His own prodigious list of deep valleys includes such ignominious low-lights as marrying Jenelle Evans, doing drugs with her while she was pregnant, and having CPS called to his home 20 times in a single year.

Oh, and let’s not forget Eason’s homophobic tirade that got him fired from Teen Mom 2.

But please, David, tell us more about how Lindsay Lohan is the worst.

Compared to you, she’s an upstanding pillar of the global community.

If it weren’t sad to the point of being tragic, it would actually be impressive that you’ve managed to make Lindsay freakin’ Lohan look good.


Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Common Backs Serena Williams, "Yes, She"s Being Discriminated Against"

Common is strongly siding with his ex-GF, Serena Williams – telling TMZ Sports someone is trying to “take her down” by drug testing her more than usual … and it’s all because she’s a black woman.  Hours before we spoke with…


Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Jenelle Evans Road Rage Incident, Other Driver Says She"s Lucky to Be Alive

Jenelle Evans didn’t know who the hell she was dealing with in her road rage incident when she whipped out her gun, and she’s lucky she didn’t get her head blown off … so says the other driver. Robert Robinson Jr. — the guy in the truck in the…


Cris Cyborg Says She"s Open To Fighting Ronda Rousey In WWE

Ronda Rousey vs. Cris “Cyborg” Justino – the super fight that never happened — could still be a possibility … just not in the UFC. TMZ Sports talked to Cyborg at the airport in L.A. on Sunday … and asked her about the…


Monday, July 23, 2018

Corinne Olympios Says Sacha Baron Cohen Interview Doesn"t Prove She"s a Liar

Corinne Olympios says her interview with Sacha Baron Cohen – where she advocates grenades for kids — is no reflection on her character, instead it only proves he strong-arms folks into looking stupid. The ‘Bachelor’ alum was fully duped on…


Corinne Olympios Says Sacha Baron Cohen Interview Doesn"t Prove She"s a Liar

Corinne Olympios says her interview with Sacha Baron Cohen – where she advocates grenades for kids — is no reflection on her character, instead it only proves he strong-arms folks into looking stupid. The ‘Bachelor’ alum was fully duped on…


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Siblings: She"s Gonna Die Young AND She"s Gonna kill Our Father!

Generally, when someone is being a bit too dramatic, we say something along the lines of “they’ve been watching too many soap operas.”

But in the case of Meghan Markle’s bonkers siblings and their weird conception of royal life, we guess … they’ve been reading too much Shakespeare?

Yes, apparently, the Markle family is convinced that all royal marriages result in bloodshed and premature death.

Why do they feel that way?

Well, the short answer is that they’re certifiably batsh-t psychotic.

The long answer has to do with Princess Di, Nelson Mandela, and Meghan’s complicated relationship with her father, Thomas Markle.

Buckle in, because it looks like Samantha Grant and Thomas Markle Jr. may have achieved the impossible and found a way to outdo themselves in the insanity department.

The latest round of craziness began with a letter that Tom Jr. wrote to Queen Elizabeth II … as though she hasn’t had to deal with enough Americans blowhards this week.

Obviously, 92-year-old monarchs have nothing better to do than read letters from unemployed nobodies, but amazingly, it seems QE2 has no intention of responding to Thomas’ ridiculous ravings.

“Meghan’s dream was to be a princess someday like Diana,” reads the bizarre missive obtained by Radar Online.

“It would also be sad to see Meg’s dreams broken if she were to fail in her new position and disappear from the royal family.”

Yes, Thomas went full “veiled Mafioso threat” right out of the gate:

That’s a nice childhood dream you have. Would be a shame if it were to … result in your untimely death.

“Diana died because she refused to toe the royal line,” Thomas continued.

“Meghan is another loose cannon who keeps thumbing her nose at royal protocol … We fear this can only end in heartbreak and disaster — just like Diana!”

The exclamation point really drives the point home and makes Thomas seem like a very stable individual.

But hey, at least Thomas is (pretending to be) concerned for Meghan’s safety.

Sister Samantha Grant (who goes by Samantha Markle these days because she now has dollar signs for pupils), is just openly filled with seething rage toward Meghan.

In case you haven’t heard, today marks what would have been Nelson Mandela’s 100th birthday.

Meghan participated in a ceremony paying tribute to the iconic South African leader, and now Samantha is pissed, because apparently Meghan should be more focused on paying tribute to her own father, who is totally still alive and recently skipped the royal wedding.

“How about you pay tribute to your own father?!” Markle wrote in one tweet.

“Enough is enough. Act like a humanitarian, act like a woman. If our father dies, it’s on you Meg!”

Obviously, Sam was just getting warmed up, and she went on to proclaim that she “was right” about Harry:

“Glad you have so much time to gallivant around paying tribute to others while ignoring your own father!” Grant tweeted.

“How cold can you be and look in the mirror? Harry? I guess I was right.” 

Serious question: Has the word “gallivant” ever been used by someone who’s not awful?

Samantha, as you may recall, has been trying to cash in on Meghan’s fame ever since the world learned that the former actress was dating Prince Harry.

Sam planned to pen a tell-all memoir about Meghan, but publishers lost interest when they realized she hasn’t had any contact with Meghan in over a decade, and is completely unhinged.

So apparently, Sam has decided to vent her feelings for free on Twitter.

There are times when we think everyone should just ignore her crazy ass until she goes away.

But then we’re honest with ourselves, and we admit that there’s no way we can look away from such an amusing trainwreck.


Monday, July 16, 2018

Paris Hilton Says She"s Also Self-Made Like Kylie Jenner

Paris Hilton – whose great-grandfather started the globally-recognized Hilton hotels — says she’s also self-made. We got Paris arriving at LAX over the weekend and wanted to get her take on Kylie Jenner after Forbes said she’s set…


Robert Griffin III"s Wife Training For 2020 Olympics, She"s Faster Than Me!

Robert Griffin III says his wife wears the (track) pants in their relationship … ‘cause Grete Šadeiko is not only making a run at the 2020 Olympics — she blows him away in races!! We got the adorable couple — and their cute 1-year-old…


Saturday, July 14, 2018

Kate Upton Announces She"s Pregnant

Kate Upton is catching what seems like the wave these days … she’s pregnant!!! Kate just announced she’s having baby … posting this pic Saturday from Miami. She married Houston Astros pitcher Justin Verlander last November.  They dated for…
