Showing posts with label Texts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Texts. Show all posts

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Craig Strickland"s Wife Shares Final Texts from Husband, Pays Tribute to Late Singer

As an endless array of people have noted over the past few months on Twitter, 2016 was maybe the worst year in recorded history for celebrity deaths.

It ended with Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher, but it started with Craig Strickland.

The country singer was reported missing in late December of 2015 and his body then turned up days later, a few miles away from where he and a friend had planned to go duck hunting in Ponca City, Oklahoma.

It appears as though Strickland died from drowning after a storm blew through the area and his boat capsized.

Now, a year after his passing, Strickland’s wife has paid tribute to her husband in moving fashion.

Wrote Helen Strickland at the time, shortly after her husband’s corpse was discovered.

“It was truly such a blessing the day we found Craig,” she wrote on Instagram.

“We were finally able to find some kind of peace knowing he was with his Heavenly Father. God showed us then, and continues to show us, that He takes care of his children.

“While the pain is great that we carry, our Lord will carry the burden if we choose to let Him.”

Fast forward 12 months and Helen has returned to social media to share another special message in Craig’s honor.

It’s a screen capture of the final text message exchange between the couple.

“I remember receiving these last texts from him before talking for the last time on the phone,” Helen wrote along with the following photo.

“I’m so thankful God gave me the blessing of getting to say and hear the words ‘I love you’ to/from him just moments before he and Chase got in their 10ft flat bottom boat.”

Helen went on to give thanks to God for helping her through this unspeakable tragedy.

“A year later, I can testify to God’s goodness and the gift of love that He pours out to those in pain,” she added today.

“Sometimes His gifts of love aren’t what we want or expect – for example, our savior Jesus Christ coming as a baby. But in the end, God’s way is always better than what we want for ourselves.

“God is good, and His ways are perfect – I trust that.”

It’s worth noting that a foundation has been set up in Strickland’s honor.

Fans of late artist can donate to scholarships in his name. For more information, visit

In conclusion, Helen touched on the lessons she has learned from losing her husband.

Losing Craig was not what any of us desired; but as [Randy] told me — when we get sad, we can think of all the ways God will bless others through Craig’s story.

What a wonderful and humbling reminder that God has chosen Craig’s family to help others.

At the closing of this year, I am thankful for God’s gift of life.

And one day, I will be so excited to sit with Craig and our Father in heaven, as we tell Craig about all the opportunities his family had to share the love of Christ with hurting people all over the world because of his testimony. What a gift of love that will be.

May he rest in peace.


Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Grandma Texts Wrong Teen, Invites Him to Thanksgiving Anyway

Grandparents and technology really do not mix.

At least not when it comes to efficiency.

When it comes to hilarity, however, and even the warming of one"s heart, the following grandmother and the teen she accidentally texted about Thanksgiving make for the perfect combination.

Prepare to laugh and maybe even shed a tear over the following story…

1. This is Jamal Hinton

Jamal hintonthis is

Jamal is 17 years old and lives in Phoenix. He spoke to BuzzFeed News about the tale you’re about to read and explained that he recently/unexpectedly made a new “friend” via text message.

2. How It All Began…

How it all began

About a week before Thanksgiving, Jamal accidentally got included in a group text from an unknown number, which expounded on Thanksgiving dinner plans that included others named “Amanda” and “Justin.” Hinton was confused. He asked who the sender was and she replied “your grandma.”

3. MY Grandma?!?

My grandma

Jamal remained confused. He askd for a picture… and received one!

4. I’m Sorry, But…

Im sorry but

… Jamal explained to this nice woman that she was not his grandmother. She had made a mistake with her text message.

5. Nice to Meet You!

Nice to meet you

Hinton took it all in stride and responded with his own selfie to prove his idenity. He also asked if he could still have a seat at her table on Thanksgiving, to which the very kind lady replied: “Of course you can.”

6. The Story Goes Viral

The story goes viral

Jamal says that he’s very much serious and will happily attended this Thanksgiving meal if the invitation still stands. As you can see here, Twitter is very excited about this new friendship.

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Monday, October 31, 2016

Rob Kardashian Drops Racial & Homophobic Slurs in Shocking Texts

Last week, we learned that Rob Kardashian is being investigated for allegedly threatening a man named Pilot Jones.

The texts were sent in response to rumors that Blac Chyna cheated on Rob with Jones, and that Jones is the father of her baby, who’s due to be born in early November.

Chyna took to social media to shoot the rumors down in brutal fashion.

Many accused her of gay-bashing Jones, but it turns out that Rob had already gone much further in the language that he used to describe Blac’s alleged cheating partner.

In text messages obtained by TMZ, Rob threatens and harasses Jones, accusing the man of lying about having an affair with Blac in order to drum up publicity and help boost his music career.

While Rob probably won’t face any criminal charges, as investigators have determined that his language is too vague to constitute an actual threat of physical violence, his use of racist and homophobic slurs is sure to damage his reputation.

Below are some of the most shocking texts published today:

“And u fa—t ass bitch this is ROB and u did the most DISRESPECTFUL s**t ever by releasing pics and a story to a pregnant Woman who is 17 days from having a baby!”

“This is my Wife and you about to get your ass beat by every Mexican in LA including me.”

“U f–ked with the wrong Woman and the wrong dude.”

“I hope you religious cuz after I beat your ass with about 30 Mexicans u better hope God lets u into heaven.”

“Its a wrap for u and after we beat your ass we will all be good and never contact Chyna … u pu–y ass n—a.”

“Don’t ever come for me and my wife ever U corny ass n—a”

Jones presented the texts to the LAPD as evidence that he had been threatened by Rob.

However, investigators found that he had incited Rob in the past and may be guilty of harassment himself.

In all likelihood, neither party will face any charges, and if there’s any legal culpability at all, it will be decided in civil court.

Unfortunately, the world has now seen a very ugly side of Rob, and no judge can strike that from the record.


Thursday, October 27, 2016

33 Hilarious Texts Sent to the Wrong Number

We"ve all been there. But hopefully, not quite this bad.

Know the feeling of abject horror when you realize you sent a text to the incorrect person? The people in this gallery can relate … and then some.

The worst occasions of texts sent to the wrong people occur when it"s regarding something truly personal, not just a harmless stray thought.

Or, when we don"t even realize that we"ve just sent the erroneous text message until the unintended recipient brings it to our attention.

In these cases, both are the case. Enjoy …

1. Tonight is the Night!

Tonight is the night

Dad won’t be ignoring this, we’re guessing. Sorry Kyle.

2. Friend Zoned

Friend zoned

It’s hard to get back into the romantic mindset after you eff up like this.

3. WTF Arnie

Wtf arnie

The fact that Arnie was ready and willing to do this at the drop of a hat raises so many questions.

4. Okay, I Deserved That

Okay i deserved that

Jeremy owned it after the fact at least?

5. Surprise!


At least Joey loves her?

6. Semper Fi

Semper fi

Even under the most bizarre circumstances, you gotta salute those who fight for our freedom.

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Thursday, September 1, 2016

Rob & Chyna Trailer: Twerking, Tears and Texts!

We"re not sure what to believe about Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna at this point.

On one hand, the couple is covering the latest issue of People Magazine, gushing over each other and looking totally in love.

Then, on the other hands, they are fighting, yelling at each other and questioning their future as a couple.


Evidence that all is not peaches, cream and roses inside the Chyna and Rob relationship is on full display in the following trailer for Rob & Chyna.

With the premiere of this program set for September 11, E! has given us our first extended look at what"s on tap.

And it isn"t pretty.

Well, some of it is pretty, such as when we get a glimpse of some serious bikini Twerking at one point.

But a bulk of this preview features Rob and Chyna at each other"s throats.

"Yo, who is hittin" your phone over and over?" Rob asks Chyna as he looks through her cell phone in one scene.

As you can imagine, she does not react very kindly to this invasion of privacy.

"Why do you wanna keep going through my phone like you don"t trust me?" the pregnant star asks her fiancé.

"I just don"t get why you even care!" Rob responds.

Later on, Chyna screamed at her impending baby daddy, asking Rob why the heck he is still "texting bitches."

From there, we get talk about Depression with a capital D, as Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner both try to offer some expertise on their loved one and his relationship.

Chyna also receives a talking-to, which results in may tears being shed by the reality star.

In another scene, Scott Disick gets all profound.

In another scene, Rob and Chyna enjoy family time with her son, King Cairo.

And in another scene, the couple visits Chyna"s old strip club.

The promo ends with Chyna asking Rob a very important question:

"You really wanna spend the rest of your life with me?"

What does he say? Will these two make it? Will you tune in to find out?

Check out the extra long and very special trailer now:

Rob and chyna trailer twerking tears and texts

Rob & Chyna Trailer: Twerking, Tears and Texts!

We"re not sure what to believe about Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna at this point.

On one hand, the couple is covering the latest issue of People Magazine, gushing over each other and looking totally in love.

Then, on the other hands, they are fighting, yelling at each other and questioning their future as a couple.


Evidence that all is not peaches, cream and roses inside the Chyna and Rob relationship is on full display in the following trailer for Rob & Chyna.

With the premiere of this program set for September 11, E! has given us our first extended look at what"s on tap.

And it isn"t pretty.

Well, some of it is pretty, such as when we get a glimpse of some serious bikini Twerking at one point.

But a bulk of this preview features Rob and Chyna at each other"s throats.

"Yo, who is hittin" your phone over and over?" Rob asks Chyna as he looks through her cell phone in one scene.

As you can imagine, she does not react very kindly to this invasion of privacy.

"Why do you wanna keep going through my phone like you don"t trust me?" the pregnant star asks her fiancé.

"I just don"t get why you even care!" Rob responds.

Later on, Chyna screamed at her impending baby daddy, asking Rob why the heck he is still "texting bitches."

From there, we get talk about Depression with a capital D, as Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner both try to offer some expertise on their loved one and his relationship.

Chyna also receives a talking-to, which results in may tears being shed by the reality star.

In another scene, Scott Disick gets all profound.

In another scene, Rob and Chyna enjoy family time with her son, King Cairo.

And in another scene, the couple visits Chyna"s old strip club.

The promo ends with Chyna asking Rob a very important question:

"You really wanna spend the rest of your life with me?"

What does he say? Will these two make it? Will you tune in to find out?

Check out the extra long and very special trailer now:

Rob and chyna trailer twerking tears and texts

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Wife Texts Husband Crazy $hit He Says in His Sleep

God bless “LongTitlesMakeMeHappy."

An Imgur user whose real name is Aiden, this individual apparently talks in his sleep.


And his wife has take to jotting down the funniest things he says while getting his ZZZZZs, occasionally sending them to him as a text message.

Thankfully for the Internet, Aidan has since screen-shotted a bunch of these messages and shared them online.

Prepare to laugh hilariously in 3… 2… 1…

1. What About the Cats?!?

What about the cats

We really hope that person isn’t planning to harm any cats.

2. Beware of Shipments

Beware of shipments

Just… beware.

3. Belgians Are So Lucky

Belgians are so lucky

They get to be Belgium all the time!

4. So Much Better Than Grade 12

So much better than grade 12

You really dodged a bullet there, honey!

5. Give Me Back My Medals!

Give me back my medals

How dare you do this to me?!?


Smash time

It’s getting close. It’s almost here!

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Friday, April 1, 2016

Adam Lind Accidentally Texts Nude Photo to Jenelle Evans Instead of Chelsea Houska, Sh!tstorm Ensues on Twitter!

Back in February, graphic photos of Adam Lind having sex with a former girlfriend leaked online, causing the famously short-tempered Teen Mom 2 star to flip out and demand that the pics be deleted from social media.

You might think that the incident would’ve taught Lind to be a bit more cautious with his racy selfies. You would be wrong:

Not only has Lind been posting nude photos online, he’s been texting them to his ex Chelsea Houska. Or at least trying to, anyway…

Moments ago, Chelsea’s co-star Jenelle Evans tagged Houska in a tweet that was initially thought to be a joke:

“Hey @ChelseaHouska tell your dude Adam Lind to stop sending me dick pics,” Evans wrote. “I can see why you cut his ass loose. Looks like those steroids are having some BAD side effects LOLOLOLOLOL!!!”

Houska replied:

“Adam is not my dude. If he’s sending you dick pics that’s between the two of y’all!”

The ladies went back and forth with Chelsea mostly keeping her cool, but eventually implying that she thinks Jenelle is lying (a fair assumption, as Jenelle lies about everything).

That’s when things got really ugly:

“Bitch I will post your baby daddy’s shriveled-ass ‘roid dong right here just to prove I ain’t lying,” Jenelle tweeted. “I have 1.2 million followers and they’re all about to be busting out their magnifying glasses.”

Lind hasn’t tweeted since 2011, but someone must have alerted him to the goings-on, because he intervened just as it seemed that Jenelle was about to show his man bits to the world:



The situation is shocking not only for the feud it appears to have kicked off between Jenelle and Chelsea, but also because it seems that we just discovered the big (or should we say small) reason that Adam Lind is so angry all the time.

Surprising stuff – or at least it would be, were it not for the fact that this is just a really long April Fool’s joke! HA!

Watch Teen Mom 2 online at TV Fanatic for some actual drama.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Bristol Palin: Read Her Heartbreaking Texts to Ex Dakota Meyer

They called off their wedding in 2015, roughly six months before their daughter, Sailor was born in December.

Now, Dakota Meyer is fighting for a custody agreement with Bristol Palin that will allow him to see his daughter more frequently.

Daily Mail obtained text messages (published for court records) between Palin and Meyer, who served in the Marines, in which the Alaska native wanted her ex to see Sailor more regularly.

“I want you to be a part of her life, from the bottom of my heart I do,” Palin wrote. “There’s nothing on my end holding you back Dakota.  I want you (and your family) to be in her life as much as possible. It’s not about us, and I don’t care if you hate me, put it aside and put her first.”

“I don’t hate you Bristol,” Meyer responded.  “I have no reason too [sic] but my hands are tied when I legally have no right to a child that is mine.”

Meyer, who had to undergo a paternity test when he filed for joint custody and child support, is trying to move things along so that he can see his daughter.

His visitations, however, are limited since Palin is breastfeeding the infant, and the court rules in the mother’s favor since it’s in Sailor’s best interest.

“Yea i don’t want to miss anything either and being busy will never be what keeps me from seeing Sailor,” Meyer wrote to her in another exchange.  

“Hopefully everything gets worked out soon and I can be in her life.”

Meyer will see his daughter for the first time on March 19th, according to court records.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Tyga: Texts With Molly O"Malia Were Just About Music!!!

This is becoming way too “He Said, She Said.”

After an OK! cover story claimed that 14-year-old singer Molly O’Malia was coming between Tyga and Kylie Jenner, celebrity F-list lawyer Gloria Allred held a press conference to accuse the rapper of harassing her client via text message.

O’Malia is suing the magazine’s editors for failing to sufficiently pixelate her photo, making it easy for Jenner fans to learn her identity and harass her.

The whole thing also makes Tyga look like a complete creep.

“The truth is that Tyga contacted me first,” O’Malia told reporters.

“He direct messaged me on Instagram. I knew [who] he was, but I was surprised that he was contacting me.

“I began to feel uncomfortable when he asked me to FaceTime with him. He asked me to FaceTime three times, but I didn’t do it.

“Because of my discomfort, I stopped responding…I’m speaking out today because I don’t want what happened to me to happen to any other young girl.”

Tyga’s reps retaliated, claiming that their client reached out for strictly professional reasons.  He was interested in signing O’Malia to his record Label, Last King Records, and TMZ got ahold of a text that O’Malia wrote to Tyga, lying that she was 17.

The reason for a Facetime request was so that Tyga and his team could “talk business with O’Malia and watch her sing. 

At no point in time did O’Malia state that she felt “uncomfortable” about their interaction, the 26-year-old’s reps stated.

Last night, O’Malia started a new Twitter account.  “Moving on from the drama,” her bio read.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Kylie Jenner: "Devastated" By Cruel Texts From Tyga, Source Says

Last month, it was widely reported that Kylie Jenner and Tyga had broken up.

Shortly thereafter, Kylie and Tyga got back together, but their relationship has never been the same, and it now seems that Kyga isn’t long for this world.

Following the reconciliation, reps for the couple revealed that Kylie and Tyga would be distancing themselves from one another in order to maintain their individuality in the public’s eye and protect their respective brands.

It was widely assumed that the idea was Kylie’s, and an irate text that Tyga sent her recently seems to confirm that

“Tyga’s shaking his head that Kylie and her family saying he’s bad for her brand after he learned that her lip kits haven’t made it to customers,” a source tells Hollywood Life.

“He sent Kylie a scathing text that said, ‘So I’m bad for your brand but you and your mom ain’t sending people their lip kits. Lol. Smh.’ To say Tyga’s upset is an understatement.

“He’s hurt. She literally blew him off at every turn last week and he hasn’t gotten over it. He doesn’t know how much fight he’s got left in him.”

Yes, Kylie allegedly ripping off her lip kit customers has led to criticism that she’s trying to do too much too soon as a businesswoman, and Tyga’s decision to hit her where it hurts could mean the end of their already troubled relationship:

“Kylie was livid Tyga sent her a mean spirited text message, and [she] shared it with all her sisters,” the insider says. “She couldn’t believe he could be so cruel. Every one of the girls were terribly upset by it, especially Kourt.”

“Kourtney thought it was a downright ugly message and told Kylie she doesn’t need to be with someone who’s not supportive,” the source says.

“Kourt’s never liked them together and this message, for Kourt at least, is the final nail in the coffin. She told Kylie to break it off with him immediately, and that she could do better – a whole lot better.”

Yeah, once you start pissing off her sisters, you can pretty much kiss Kylie goodbye.

Better get back to rapping, or whatever it is you claim you do for a living these days, Tyga.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 11 Episode 5 Recap: Lions, Tigers & Texts, K Bai

On Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 11 Episode 5, Khloe hoped to find solace at the Black Jaguar White Tiger Foundation in Mexico City.

Meanwhile, Kris discovered that Kim is the most impolite house guest EVER.

I’m not sure if it’s because she’s now arty or if we should blame it on pregnancy hormones, but Kim’s overall demeanor in last night’s episode was super rude.

Kim was short with her mother, whose back she’s always had in the past.  I would blame her attitude on the Khloe and Lamar divorce drama, but this show is always edited out of order, so how am I to know?

Speaking of which, I don’t think that Kris gave Lamar Khloe’s new phone number to stir the pot.  Kris knows that the situation is way too delicate to do any sort of meddling, and I think it’s pretty great of her to still be in touch with Lamar.

I say that carefully, because her daughter fought tooth and nail to keep the marriage together before finally deciding to file for divorce.  

Kris is stuck between a rock and hard place; Lamar has no extended family to lean on, but Khloe is her daughter.

Kim could give two figs about Kris’ compassion, though.  She’s taken it upon herself to get involved, and she’s going to get Kris on that stake and light the match herself, if it’s the last thing she does.

Oh, and she’s living at her mom’s.

I can’t even talk about Kylie because she’s been replaced by a wax figure.

Corey Gamble is really trying to ingrain himself into the Kardashian fold.  He expresses his love for the girls as his “kids” (Kourtney is a year old than he is), and just really rubs it in that he wants to be part of the family.

Corey’s kind of annoying.

As always, you can follow the link to watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online and hit the comments below to discuss all this kraziness.