Showing posts with label You're. Show all posts
Showing posts with label You're. Show all posts

Monday, April 2, 2018

Jenelle Evans to MTV: You"re NOTHING Without Me!

Say what you will about Jenelle Evans, the woman knows how to get what she wants.

She might alienate her family and fans and jeopardize her livelihood in the process of getting what she wants, but in the end, it’s a safe bet that the Carolina Hurricane will come out on top.

In the wake of news that her husband, David Eason, had been fired by Teen Mom producers, many hoped that Jenelle would be next on the chopping block.

And indeed, there were times when it seemed as though Evans was practically daring her bosses to cut her loose.

Eason was fired after hurling homophobic slurs at fans who suggested he may want to delete a photo of Jenelle shooting a gun that was posted just hours after the Parkland, Florida school shooting that claimed 17 lives.

So what does Jenelle do?

Why, she joins the NRA in order to piss off her haters, of course!

Not exactly damage control behavior, and many thought Jenelle’s boasting about joining the controversial lobbyist group would lead her employers to give her the ax.

Last week’s news that Jenelle was refusing to film scenes for the upcoming season of Teen Mom 2 led to rumors that she would finally be finding herself on the unemployment line.

However, now it seems that her gambit may have paid off.

“A crew was down there to film her this week, and she kept ditching,” a behind-the-scenes source tells The Ashley’s Reality Roundup.

“She would set it up and then not come to the shoot. The crew flew home today without having filmed any footage with Jenelle.”

And what exactly is Jenelle demanding?

Well, for starters, she wants MTV to continue bankrolling Eason’s travels and other expenses, despite the minor detail that he’s no longer appearing on the show.

“Jenelle knows that MTV will not film David anymore and there’s no chance of them hiring him back but she still wants them to cover the expenses for him– pay for him to go on trips and stuff, even though he won’t be filmed,” a second source tells The Ashley.

“For instance, she wants them to agree to fly David to the reunions and events and cover his expenses, even though he won’t be attending the reunions or going on-camera.”

The insider adds that Jenelle is “using her newly-hired lawyer” to negotiate on her behalf and has caused major production delays due to her refusal to film.

Sounds like the sort of thing that would serve as the last straw for producers, but amazingly, it looks like Evans has the upper hand.

“Jenelle’s stalling is holding up the production of the season,” the source says. 

“They can’t get it ready and edited and everything until they get footage of Jenelle for the last few episodes. A bunch of the crew that went out [to North Carolina] to film is over her wasting their time.”

Insiders say the situation came to a head on Friday evening when Jenelle finally agreed to film after a tense round of negotiations.

“I filmed all day yesterday. Now you know. Happy?” Evans tweeted on Saturday morning.

Production sources say the move came after a camera crew returned to her house and then sat idle for most of Friday, as she stuck to her guns until nighttime.

Like we said, the girl is nothing if not stubborn – and it seems to be working for her.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more of Jenelle’s bonkers behavior.


Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Gary Shirley to Amber Portwood: Sorry for Admitting You"re a Bad Mother!

Amber Portwood and Gary Shirley never really had the greatest relationship, but they do share a daughter, Leah, so they pretty much have to get along with each other for the rest of their lives.

Think about that for a second, being forced to deal with Amber for all the rest of your days …

It"s no wonder Gary snapped, right?

In last night"s episode of Teen Mom OG, he had some pretty harsh things to say about her — harsh, but true.

Amber didn"t take it well, so no surprise there, but what was surprising was that Gary took the time to apologize to her on Twitter for everything he said during the episode.

Because again, what he said was true.

Here, let"s just review everything, and you can see if you think Gary needed to apologize, OK?

1. A Bad Match

Amber portwood and gary shirley in therapy

OK, so Amber and Gary were always terrible together, from the very first moment we ever saw either of them on Amber’s 16 and Pregnant episode. They just don’t get along well. Even in their happiest moments, there was always some issue — remember when he tried to propose and she got mad because he didn’t use the exact words she wanted to hear?

2. SMH

Amber portwood gary shirley shirtless

These two broke up, got back together, got engaged, then broke up again more times than we can even count, and it took Amber going to prison to really end things for good between them.

3. Hey, Kristina!

Kristina anderson and gary shirley

While Amber was incarcerated, Gary met Kristina, who he went on to marry and have another child with. Kristina became the mother figure that little Leah never really had. Everyone loves Kristina.

4. Shame, Shame

Gary shirley of teen mom

Gary did lead Amber on a bit during this time though — he didn’t make it clear to her when he was in prison that their relationship was over, and he strung her along when she got out. But through it all, he was always a good father to Leah, and that’s what we’re talking about here.

5. Choices

Amber portwood with leah

Meanwhile, Amber chose to stay in prison, away from her young daughter, instead of going to rehab, and when she was back home, she chose to get involved with creepy Matt Baier instead of rebuilding her relationship with her kid.

6. Tsk Tsk

Amber portwood black and white selfie

She mentioned trying to get custody of Leah back a few times, but then never really talked about it again. And in the time that she’s been out of prison, she hasn’t seemed to make seeing her at all that much of a priority.

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Friday, March 23, 2018

Zlatan Ibrahimovic Takes Out Full Page Newspaper Ad For L.A. Galaxy Fans, "You"re Welcome"

Zlatan Ibrahimovic wants all of L.A. to know it’s a privilege to have him grace the Galaxy with his presence … taking a full page newspaper ad to tell fans “you’re welcome.” News became official on Thursday that the Manchester United superstar was…


Thursday, March 22, 2018

Kylie Jenner to Critics: You"re Just Jealous of My Body!

Kylie Jenner does not care what you think.

The 20-year old new mother shocked many fans on Instagram two days ago when she snapped a selfie.

This on its own, of course, is the opposite of shocking.

It’s only shocking when Jenner goes an hour or two without snapping a selfie.

However, this self-portrait featured Kylie in a waist trainer, a ridiculously stupid and completely useless piece of apparel that she and her sisters have pushed on the public for years.

The siblings get paid to pretend as if this item helps them lose weight, setting a horrible example for followers around the world and proving they only care about money.

We’ve slammed, bashed and mocked the Kardashians for waist training for years.

But Kylie has now taken this bad role modeling to a new low, considering she gave birth six weeks ago and is trying to tell folks that using a frickin waist trainer will help them shed pregnancy weight.

Just consider her caption to the following image…

my girl @premadonna87 hooked me up with the @waistgangsociety snap back package. #ad waistgang has the BEST quality snap back products.

make sure you get your package & follow @waistgangsociety to join & keep up the journey together. tag us in photos, and head over to NOW!

Use code (Kylie) for an exclusive discount & I can keep up with your progress. #waistgangsociety #waistgang #fitness #whatwaist

A Texas-based OGBYN told Us Weekly afterward that this garment “puts harmful compression to the abdomen. It has a temporary result that is no different than anything too tight around skin.”

In other words: it doesn’t work. D’uh!

Jenner may be proud of her post-baby body right now, but she achieved nothing of substance with this asinine waist trainer.

We’re not the only ones to state this opinion, but Radar Online claims Jenner only has one message for her critics.

Kylie has been getting so much hate from everyone over the fact that she is ashamed about how fat she got while pregnant,” an insider tells this gossip website, adding:

“Honestly, she couldn’t really care less what people think.

“She believes that everyone is just jealous that she is able to get so skinny so fast and they are not!”

Yup. That’s totally it.

That’s always the case when a celebrity is criticized; haters must be jealous, right?

What other explanation could one ever have for thinking badly of a star and/or her actions?!?

Jenner, of course, disappeared from the spotlight during her pregnancy.

Numerous reports suggested that she was embarrassed about the pounds she packed on, assuming she would receive flak for it because she’s made a living by sharing so many sultry selfies.

Kylie basically based her self-worth on her appearance, which is very unfortunate.

She then gave birth on February 1 and reportedly became immediately obsessed with regaining her bikini body.

“Kylie really believes that she needs to have a hot body for her job and it’s really sad how much emphasis she is putting on this,” Radar concludes.

We agree. It’s totally sad.

But if she wants to actually accomplish this goal, we have one a piece of advice for her:

Take off the dang waist trainer!


Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Ozzy Osbourne Suing AEG: You"re Making Me a Slave to Staples Center

Ozzy Osbourne is suing AEG, claiming the entertainment group is essentially blackmailing him to perform at the Staples Center … or else. Ozzy is scheduled to perform at the O2 Arena in London, but AEG has a giant string attached … they won’t let…


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Donald Trump to Rex Tillerson: You"re Fired!

If you’re having trouble keeping track of all the White House departures in recent weeks, fear not – we’re sure Donald Trump has no idea what the hell is going on, either.

The latest to earn a tombstone in the growing pet cemetery at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is none other than former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who was 86’ed by the president in a meeting that surely concluded Trump’s famous catchphrase.

We’re referring, of course, to “Oh God, Russia really has me the balls. We’re all screwed, like really so much more bigly screwed than anyone realizes.”

Ha! Classic Donnie!

News of the Tillerson’s termination was first reported by The Washington Post and confirmed by Trump on Twitter this morning:

“Mike Pompeo, Director of the CIA, will become our new Secretary of State. He will do a fantastic job!” Trump tweeted with his usual bravado.

He added that this is totally a win for diversity, too, you guys:

“Thank you to Rex Tillerson for his service! Gina Haspel will become the new Director of the CIA, and the first woman so chosen. Congratulations to all!”

With no diplomatic experience and a career spent entirely in the private sector, Tillerson was a controversial pick when he was selected by Trump back in December of 2016.

Of course, this is the Trump administration we’re talking about, so the choice was upstaged by a larger controversy before lunch that same day.

Throughout his time as the nation’s top diplomat, Tillerson repeatedly locked horns with Trump, at one point speaking for most of the country when he derided the president as a “f–king moron” during a meeting with top officials.

After the meeting, Tillerson held an awkward press conference in which he praised the president’s intellect.

Notably, he never denied calling Trump a moron.

Adding to the hilarity of the situation, Trump later suggested that he and Tillerson “should compare IQ tests.”

“And I can tell you who is going to win,” the President of the United States quipped.

Throughout his tenure, Tillerson clashed with Trump on the question of how best to handle North Korean hostility.

It’s not yet known if Tillerson’s departure is in any way tied to Trump’s recent decision to meet with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un.

Rexy, we hardly knew ye.


Thursday, March 8, 2018

Conor McGregor Claps Back at 50 Cent, You"re Old & Have Man Boobs!

Welp, that didn’t take long – Conor McGregor just fired back at 50 Cent for claiming he cheated on his GF … saying the rap star should pull out his old man boobs to celebrate women’s day. “Get your tits out for the lads, ladies,” McGregor…


Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Duggar Fans Slam Joy-Anna: You"re Too Young to Be a Mom!

Earlier this week, Joy-Anna Duggar welcomed her first child.

As is always the case with this sort of thing, millions of loyal Duggar fans responded to the news with such giddy glee that one might have thought it was their family that had recently expanded.

But in several important ways the public reaction to Joy’s birth announcement was different from what we saw when her older sisters became moms.

For starters, Joy’s pregnancy was controversial from the start, due to rumors that she got pregnant before her wedding to Austin Forsyth.

The Duggars are staunchly opposed to premarital sex, and the revelation that Joy got pregnant out of wedlock would be disastrous to the wholesome public image they’ve worked so hard to cultivate.

Many suspected that Joy was misleading the public, and they expected to give birth well ahead of schedule.

When she delivered little Gideon Martyn Forsyth approximately 39 weeks after getting married, however, those theories were swiftly torpedoed.

But that doesn’t mean the haters were willing to admit defeat and offer reluctant congratulations to Joy and Austin.

Instead, they switched gears to a different line of criticism.

These days, the Duggar-obsessed corners of social are filled with laments for Joy’s lost youth.

Yes, some feel that at 20 years of age, Joy is far too young to be a mother.

Others find it ludicrous that Joy and Austin were never permitted to spend time alone together until their honeymoon.

Do they have a point? Of course! 

The latter argument is particularly valid, and the Duggars’ approach to courtship often sounds like something out of dark dystopian fiction.

But what’s done is done, and maybe these days, Joy-Anna needs support more than anything else.

“Too bad y’all couldn’t have gotten to really know each other before you brought a baby into the world. You said yourself you were never alone until your wedding night,” wrote one fan on the Forsyths’ shared Instagram page.

“That’s just not a good thing. Marriage and parenting is hard work but your marriages is so important. I think it’s just irresponsible of you.”

Poor joy. Hasn’t even lived her life yet,” another commenter remarked.

“God love her, she looks so so young and absolutely exhausted,” wrote a third follower.

It’s certainly true that Joy looks exhausted these days, but it’s important to add – she also looks quite happy.

Watch Counting On online for more on the strange, brief courtship of Joy and Austin.


Friday, February 16, 2018

Nipsey Hussle Bros Down w/ James Harden, You"re an L.A. Legend!

You can tell James Harden was genuinely touched when Nipsey Hussle called him out in the middle of an L.A. street last night … and bragged about his success right to our cameras.  Hussle is an L.A. native — loves the city — and couldn’t be…


Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Tyron Woodley Leaves Voicemail for Nate Diaz, "I Heard You"re S**tting Yourself"

Forget calling him out, Tyron Woodley called Nate Diaz directly today — and left him a voicemail telling him to sign a fight contract so they can get it on at UFC 226.  It all went down on the “TMZ Sports” TV show (airs Wednesday night on…


Monday, January 29, 2018

Hank Azaria Sues Co-Op Board, "You"re Shakin" Me Down!!!"

Hank Azaria’s trust is suing the the board of a luxury co-op where he lives, claiming they’ve been totally unreasonable in blocking his attempt to renovate his unit. The voice of multiple ‘Simpsons’ characters claims in a new lawsuit he set out…


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Tyron Woodley to Nate Diaz: You"re a Bum, I"ll Fight You Right Now!

Tyron Woodley says Nate Diaz calling himself “The Real Champ” is an absolute joke … and if he’s really serious about coming back, they can throw hands RIGHT NOW. Tyron just had shoulder surgery 5 weeks ago, but he’s dead serious … explaining…


Tyron Woodley to Nate Diaz: You"re a Bum, I"ll Fight You Right Now!

Tyron Woodley says Nate Diaz calling himself “The Real Champ” is an absolute joke … and if he’s really serious about coming back, they can throw hands RIGHT NOW. Tyron just had shoulder surgery 5 weeks ago, but he’s dead serious … explaining…


Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Wendy Williams to Megyn Kelly: You"re Just a Ratings Whore!

Following a random and very rude rant against Jane Fonda, Megyn Kelly is getting dragged through the angry mud on social media.

And also on television.

By a fellow daytime talk show host, in fact.

On Tuesday’s edition of her self-gratifying program, Wendy Williams focused her ire on the former Fox News anchor, whose move to NBC last year has not exactly gone according to plan.

Kelly has had trouble finding an audience for her hour of TODAY, which may explain why she went hard after Fonda on Monday.

Because Fonda did not appreciate Kelly asking her about her past plastic surgery procedures during an appearance last year, Kelly blasted the actress yesterday as a hypocrite and a troublemaker.

She even went all the way back in time and brought up Fonda’s protests against the Vietnam War as proof of… something, we guess.

That Fonda likes to stir up trouble? It’s unclear.

The speech absolutely reeked of desperation, as noted by many social media users who could not believe what they were witnessing.

To wit:

Because it’s the only thing she knows how to do on air, Williams offered up her two cents regarding the Kelly vs. Fonda feud during her Hot Topics segment today.

“Why are you fighting with her, Megyn Kelly? Is your show still on?” Williams taunted, adding that Kelly was clearly “fishing for ratings” via this stunt.

The thing is, of course, Williams is right.

We despise writing those words, but they ring true.

Still… should Wendy Williams call anyone out for any sort of ratings ploy?

This is the same woman who, just a couple weeks ago, said Kylie Jenner’s baby would be ugly and who slammed Oprah as fat.

Those were just the latest examples of Wendy fishing so hard for ratings and attention that she might as well have filmed the episodes from the Deadliest Catch boat.

In this case, Williams went on to say that Kelly was far too new to the daytime talk show “genre” to bring up the topic of plastic surgery with Fonda.

She seems to think such a personal line of questioning must be earned.

“Here’s my thought, Jane does look great, she’s 80 years-old,” said Williams, adding:

“Stevie Wonder could see that’s not a natural 80, but my thought with that is, Megyn is brand new to this one-hour talk format thing and she’s trying to warm up and do some of the stuff that I do…

“She’s trying to be entertaining and light hearted, and they gave her a boat load of money to do it… It’s just not working out.

“As a conversationalist with a show, I can tell you, one of the things you don’t do when you first meet somebody is zoom in with questions like that.”


Can both women please be wrong in this scenario?

We don’t need to actually choose a side, do we?

Kelly can be a polarizing, conservative ex-Fox News anchor who is failing miserably in her attempt to go mainstream…

… While Williams can be a cruel, opinionated blowhard whose only “skill” is tossing out uninformed hot takes on a daily basis.


Please tell us this is right. We can’t actually pick a winner in this dumb feud.


Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Farrah Abraham SLAMS Amber Portwood: You"re the Worst Mom!

Farrah Abraham won"t be winning any mother of the year awards anytime soon, and yet when it comes time to fire a shot at one of her Teen Mom OG rivals, insulting their parenting is always her favorite tactic.

For the past year, the Farrah vs. Amber Portwood feud has been raging like a wild fire, and it doesn"t look like we"ll be seeing a truce at any point in the near future.

This means, of course, that Farrah has been attacking Amber"s parenting at every opportunity.

And this week, she launched one of her most brutal tirades yet…


1. Happier Times

Farrah abraham amber portwood kids

Believe it or not, there was a time when Farrah and Amber got along. Obviously, those days are long gone…

2. The Fight

Farrah abraham and amber portwood fight

Amber and Farrah squared off at the Teen Mom OG reunion show in 2016, and while they weren’t exactly besties in the months leading up to the altercation, afterwards they were full-blown enemies.

3. Shots Fired!

Farrah on instagram

In recent months, Farrah has talked every kind of trash imaginable to Farrah. She’s insulted her appearance, and congratulaed her ex, Matt Baier, after he and Amber broke up.

4. Amber Fires Back

Amber portwood farrah abraham

Amber has talked some smack of her own, accusing Farrah of being an alcoholic and a cokehead.

5. The Queen of Mean

Farrah abraham in greece

But Amber is simply no match for Farrah when it comes to issuing crushing takedowns. Say what you will about Ms. Abraham, the woman knows how to talk trash.

6. Hitting Where It Hurts

Farrah abraham siriusxm 2013

In her latest tirade, Farrah hit Amber where she’s most vulnerable, echoing recent viewer criticisms in brutal fashion…

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Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Larry Nassar"s Victims Speak In Court, Here"s Why You"re a Scumbag

It’s finally time for the victims of disgraced ex-Team USA Olympics doctor Larry Nassar to give their impact statements in court … where they will tell him to his face why he’s a piece of human garbage.  Nassar sexually assaulted more than…


UFC"s Francis Ngannou Blasts Stipe Miocic: Keep Whining ... You"re Dead!

UFC star Francis Ngannou says it’s “bullsh*t” Stipe Miocic is complaining about not being promoted enough before UFC 220 … and he’s putting the heavyweight champ on notice. “The UFC not gonna fight for him,” Ngannou told TMZ Sports. “The…


Sunday, January 7, 2018

Evan Rachel Wood: You"re No Monster for Not Wearing Black at Golden Globes

Evan Rachel Wood says it’s great that people want to wear black to the Golden Globes, and those who don’t want to … well that’s great, too. We got the “Westworld” star at LAX Friday and asked her about actors who will wear black in support…


Friday, January 5, 2018

Rob Gronkowski Roasts Tom Brady: You"re Nothing Without Me!

Not even Tom Brady was spared from Rob Gronkowski’s comedy crosshairs in his Showtime stand-up special … with the Patriots tight end joking TB12 would be a Super Bowl loser without Gronk! It’s all in good fun … but still pretty funny to hear…


Rob Gronkowski Roasts Tom Brady: You"re Nothing Without Me!

Not even Tom Brady was spared from Rob Gronkowski’s comedy crosshairs in his Showtime stand-up special … with the Patriots tight end joking TB12 would be a Super Bowl loser without Gronk! It’s all in good fun … but still pretty funny to hear…
