Showing posts with label member. Show all posts
Showing posts with label member. Show all posts

Friday, February 23, 2018

Tekashi69 Arrives in Texas, Gang Member Immediately Arrested at Airport

Tekashi69 is still dodging ass-whoopings — the latest one was nearly at the San Antonio airport, but cops were on scene this time to arrest a gang member who threatened the rapper. As we reported, Tekashi’s Thursday night concert in San…


Thursday, January 25, 2018

Duggar Family Member Speaks Up Against Family Church!

The Duggars are controversial about so much more than just that they have a whole lot of kids. They have many controversial beliefs about women, children, faith, homeschooling, and society. Oh, and pants.

Though the Duggars are famous, they’re not the only members of their congregation. They’re not the only believers in the Institute in Basic Life Principles.

Well one member of the Duggar family is finally speaking out against the IBLP. And she’s not mincing words.

Amy Duggar, the Duggar cousin who’s taken steps to escape the almost feudal culture in which she was raised, tweeted:

“I have to be honest, and true to myself by tweeting this.”

That’s a good mindset for tweeting.

“I do not support Bill Gothard and the Institute of Biblical [sic] Life Principles in any way, shape, or form.”

That’s a powerful statement.

“I find his ‘teachings’ extremely questionable.”

Amy is not the only one. Not by a long shot.

Bill Gothard is the founder of the Institute in Basic Life Principles. For years, the now-disgraced minister instructed the Duggars in matters of faith.

Remember how Josh Duggar got his totally legit “counseling” from Bill Gothard after, infamously, Josh molested a number of young girls, including several of his own sisters?

Well, Bill Gothard stepped down from his position at the IBLP in 2014 after multiple accusations of sexual harassment.

Oh, and molestation.

It sounds like he’s not the best guy to let around your kids, but also not the best guy to try to talk to Josh about Josh’s own terrible crimes. 

Amy Duggar then goes on to clarify what she believes.

“I am a Christian.”

That shouldn’t be a shocker to anyone.

“I believe in God’s good Grace and freedom to be ourselves!”

That’s a huge part of what many Christians consider to believe the message of the gospel and the teachings of the New Testament.

“God gave us emotions, personalities, and He wants us to live our best life.”

Finally, she adds: “Legalism is the opposite of what my Bible teaches.”

Legalism, by the way, is when Christian fundamentalists place the Old Testament teachings referred to as the Law of Moses in a higher position than gospel teachings, requiring adherents to follow strict guidelines in how they live their lives.

And, specifically, legalism is the term applied to beliefs that place obedience to strict laws regarding lifestyle as seemingly more important than the usual accept-Jesus-as-your-savior method of attaining salvation described in the New Testament.

So, if her focus is on the New Testament (which, though I’m not going to tell anyone how to practice their faith, makes sense coming from a Christian), then yeah, legalism is the opposite of everything her beliefs stand for.

It ties into that Jeremy Vuolo quote about how he doesn’t believe that God saves people’s souls in order to make them wear skirts.

InTouch Weekly interviewed a former IBLP member, Rebecca Ishum, who describes exactly what it’s like within that fringe organization.

“I was conditioned to believe anything that anyone in authority told me without question.”

Scary, but standard for fringe organizations often characterized as cults.

“Because of that, I internalized all of the teachings and brought them back home with me. So, for example, there are a lot of physical requirements with IBLP.”

Most religious folks would say that that spiritual requirements are the priority, but it’s not so for IBLP.

“The physical requirements weren’t enforced to that degree at home (I wore shorts as a kid), but by the time I got home from my time in the training center, I was wearing skirts all of the time because I had been told that I was immodest otherwise, and I didn’t want to cause myself to be raped.”


“There is a lot of victim- and women-blaming in that cult.”

We’re glad that Amy Duggar got out and is living her best life, especially after her rough childhood. We just wish that we could say the same for literally every other Duggar daughter trapped in this dangerous cult, most of the sons, and every other member of the IBLP.


Sunday, December 31, 2017

Tamar Braxton Attacks Dream Member Melissa Schuman as "Thirst Bucket"

Tamar Braxton is slamming a member of the girl group Dream who claimed Tamar’s estranged husband abused her … Tamar thinks she’s a “thirst bucket” who is just out for attention. Tamar set her sights on Melissa Schuman, who said Saturday Vincent…


Friday, December 8, 2017

Tupac"s Outlawz Member, E.D.I. Mean, Objects to Penis Pic Sale

Tupac in his prime might’ve been down to have a pic of his junk out in the public — but not a 46-year-old Pac had he survived … which is just one reason his pal doesn’t want it sold.  We spoke to Outlawz member E.D.I. Mean about Pac’s ex-GF…


Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Ex-Boston Anchor Speaks Kevin Spacey Alleged Sexual Assault on Family Member (LIVE STREAM)

A former Boston TV news anchor is moments away from holding a news conference to share details alleging Kevin Spacey sexually assaulted an 18-year-old family member … and TMZ will be streaming live. Heather Unruh – who will be flanked by…


Kevin Spacey, Former TV Anchor Says 18-Year-Old Family Member "Sexually Assaulted"

A former Boston TV news anchor is about to hold a news conference, pointing the finger at Kevin Spacey for allegedly sexually assaulting an 18-year-old family member. Heather Unruh’s story is different because of the timing.  We’ve learned the…


Thursday, November 2, 2017

"Westworld" Season 2 Filming Suspended After Cast Member Suffers Medical Emergency

Filming for season 2 of “Westworld” has been suspended after a cast member suffered a medical emergency … TMZ has learned. A rep for HBO tells us that filming at one of the show’s two units has been temporarily halted after a cast member with a…


Sunday, October 15, 2017

Ex-Pussycat Dolls Member Calls Out Group as a "Prostitution Ring"

Kaya Jones made some waves on Twitter late last week.

Who is Kaya Jones, you may be wondering?

She’s a former member of the all-girls singing group The Pussycat Dolls… although she’s here to to take issue with saying this group really had anything to do with “singing”

Or at least with the concept of making any kind of meaningful art.

“My truth. I wasn’t in a girl group. I was in a prostitution ring,” Jones Tweeted, adding:

“Oh & we happened to sing & be famous. While everyone who owned us made the $ .”

To be clear, Jones is NOT saying she and her fellow artists charged money to have sexual intercourse with anyone and that her managers acted as actual pimps.

Not in the traditional sense of the term prostitution, that is.

But no one cared about her well-being and she was only asked to sing material others put in front of her, while executives raked in the cash she helped earn.

“How bad was it? People ask – bad enough that I walked away from my dreams, my bandmates & a 13 million dollar record deal,” Jones Tweeted.

“We knew we were going to be #1.”

The Pussycat Dolls were founded by choreographer Robin Antin in 1995.

Among their many rotating members over the years, the most famous is likely Nicole Scherzinger.

You may remember the group for such hits as “Don’t Cha”, “Buttons” and “Stickwitu.”

They broke up in 2009, but Billboard ranked the Pussycat Dolls as the 80th most successful musical act of the 2000s, as they spawned merchandise opportunities, spin-off girl groups and reality programs.

Without mentioning Antin by name, Jones called out the “den mother” of the group during her social media diatribe, writing:

“I want the den mother from hell to confess why another 1 of her girl group girls committed suicide? Tell the public how you mentally broke us.”

This is almost certainly a reference to G.R.L. singer Simone Battle, who killed herself in September of 2014.

Simone Battle took her own life in 2014. May she rest in peace.

“To be a part of the team you must be a team player,” continued Jones of what she and other members were told.

“Meaning sleep with whoever they say. If you don’t they have nothing on you to leverage…Yes I said leverage.

“Meaning after they turn you out or get you hooked on drugs they use it against you. Correct. Victimizing the victim again.”

The singer went on to compare herself to a member the armed forces.

“That’s why I have so much respect for our military. I’ve been through [war]. But my scars you can’t see. At least real war is honest.

“Why don’t we report it? Because we were all abused! I personally have been warned if I tell I will…you know end up dead or no more career.”

It’s unclear why Jones has spoken out about these alleged issues now, but it’s safe to assume she is responding to the controversy surrounding Harvey Weinstein and all the women he harassed.

However, Asia Nitollano, an ex-member of the Pussycat Dolls, who was briefly in the group in 2007, jumped on Twitter and strongly denied everything Jones claimed in her rant.

“Who is Kaya Jones? Lol She was not apart of The Pussycat Dolls the recording group so I do not know her.

“If she was in the Vegas show then I know nothing about that nor have I ever heard such a thing.

“But judging from google she looks like she just wants her 15min of fame. (Side note… it says she’s a Trump supporter… but yet she’s Canadian, which means her vote doesn’t count!!!! )

“Same with this comment about The Pussycat Dolls; she wasn’t in the group so her opinion doesn’t count!!!!””


Monday, October 9, 2017

Nene Leakes Tells Audience Member She Hopes She Gets Raped By Uber Driver

Nene Leakes held nothing back in lashing out at a heckler … telling the female audience member she hoped she’d get raped by an Uber driver on her trip back home. Leakes was performing standup at a show in Oakland Saturday night and the crowd…


Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Kate Middleton: Slammed as "Disgusting" By Member of Parliament!

It’s only Tuesday, but it’s already been one hell of a painful week on this side of the pond.

Fortunately, we can now take some comfort in the fact that we’re not the only civilized nation that elects leaders who go out of their way to spew childish insults at one another.

We kid. There’s really nothing fortunate about this situation; we’re just looking for any reason to be positive this week.

Anyway, as you may already know, the entire world is in a constant state of near-financial panic these days because we live in the hellscape known as 2017.

As a result, it’s a bad time for public figures to indulge in ostentatious displays of wealth.

(Well, except for in America, where we’ve been known to elect leaders who have 100 percent had sex with a high-end escort covered in gold paint, like in that Bond movie. We’re not naming names, but … ya know.)

Of course, the rules are always different for the members of the Royal Family, who have spent the past several been ballin’ so hard motherf–kers want to abolish the archaic institution.

The Royals often draw comparisons to the Kardashians and other celebrities who enjoy what many believe are unearned spots high atop the hog, while the rest of us are down here suckling on pig teat.

One big difference, of course, is that the Royals are taxpayer funded, while the Kards amassed their fortune the old-fashioned way – peddling sex tapes and ludicrously overpriced lipstick.

We say all of this merely to point out that there are legitimate arguments behind the idea that royalty should be done away with in the UK, or at least that those who enjoy noble titles should have their spending severely curbed.

But Member of Parliament Emma Coad didn’t make one of those legitimate arguments.

No, she just called a pregnant woman disgusting.

Coad is a longtime Royal-hater, who was previously best-known for questioning Prince Harry’s fitness to serve in the military, despite the fact that his commanding officers assured her that he was as well-trained as anyone else.

Now, she’s decided to further guarantee that she’ll eventually be pelted with rotten produce by slamming Kate Middleton as “disgusting.”

The insult came during a screed in which Coad lambasted the Duchess for spending 170 pounds (approximately $ 225) on a dress.

“That’s a food bill for a family of four. That’s absolutely outrageous,”

First of all, what sort of Marshall’s-ass clothing is this woman buying that she’s disgusted by a $ 225 dress?

Secondly, is she not aware that Kate is pregnant with her third child, and said to be experiencing a number of painful complications.

Publicly denigrating a woman in such a condition would be as insensitive as blaming hurricane victims for their own horrific plight after you refused to provide aid their entitled to.

For shame, people of England. 


Friday, September 8, 2017

Floyd Mayweather"s TMT Member Roughs Up Fan, Police Report Filed

One of Floyd Mayweather’s giant TMT members roughed up a fan as the boxer left a famous chicken joint in Hollywood — and now police are involved … TMZ Sports has learned. It all went down outside the legendary Roscoe’s House of Chicken and…


Wednesday, August 23, 2017

"Blacks for Trump" Guy an Ex-Cult Member, Once Charged for Conspiring in Murders

The guy with the “Blacks for Trump 2020” sign at the President’s Phoenix rally is an ex-cult member … who was once charged with conspiring in 2 murders. Michael Symonette was once a member of the Yahweh ben Yahweh cult, led by…


Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Duggar Family: Did One Member Just Come Out in Favor of LGBT Rights?!

Being in the Duggar fertility cult means following a host of deeply fundamentalist beliefs espoused by Jim Bob Duggar, setting men back by decades and women back by a couple of centuries at least.

But the best-laid plans of domineering patriarchs don’t always work out, and it seems almost inevitable that some of the Duggars will break free of their family’s oppression and form their own ideas.

Well one members of the Duggar family is shocking fans — and appears to be warming to the idea of LGBT rights.

Derick Dillard isn’t a Duggar in name or by birth, but he’s undeniably part of the Duggar clan.

As far as that group goes, Derick can come across as almost likable — despite having cut his hair — though his likability may just come from being compared to the likes of Josh Duggar and Jim Bob Duggar.

It’s easy for anyone to look good in that context, you know? But he seems to be an okay guy.

Derick and Jill have been dedicated to their missionary work — which was controversial even among people who think that missionary work is an acceptable thing to do.

Derick and Jill also dedicated parents and generally part of a very conservative subculture.

Which is why this apparent deviatin on Derick’s part sent shockwaves through fans of Counting On.

Richard Grenell, a long-serving spokesman for the United States at the UN, tweeted.

“No one should be fired for being gay. And no one should be fired for being a Christian. We should be able to work through these issues.”

He’s absolutely right, of course.

Don’t get us wrong, because Grenell tweets a lot of absolute nonsense (honestly he tweeted praise about Trump making a “fast and bold move” on foreign policy and it’s like reading something from a parallel universe where Trump isn’t an evil living trashcan fire).

But “No one should be fired for being gay. And no one should be fired for being a Christian,” is a pair of statements with which most people should be able to agree.

Of course, one of those is a real thing that happens all of the time with zero legal reprocussions in many states. The other is so rare that it’s weird that he’d bring it up.

(It’s kind of like hearing a news report about a series of car thefts and tweeting: “Those monsters shouldn’t steal people’s cars! Also, graverobbing is awful.” Maybe he was just trying to appeal to his followers who might hesitate about his first sentence)

One person who liked that tweet, which acknowledged gay rights (admittedly just about the bare minimum in terms of anti-discrimination, but still), was Derick Dillard.

To say that some people were surprised was an understatement.

While it’s not unusual for Ben Seewald to clash with Jim Bob Duggar over theology, you don’t usually think of Derick as being a “radical” by Duggar standards.

And yes, for these folks, acknowledging even basic human rights for LGBT folks is considered radical.

So “liking” that tweet might be a big deal.

(And yes, likes and favorites are publicly visible on almost every social media platform)

Some fans still don’t think that Derick is necessarily deviating from fundamentalist beliefs or supporting LGBT rights.

There were three sentences in that tweet, and Derick may have been focusing on the second.

“And no one should be fired for being a Christian.”

That’s not exactly an epidemic, and anti-discrimination laws tend to include religion already, but we have to remember that for some conservative Christians and especially for fundamentalists, there’s an emphasis on “persecution” and the need to believe that they’re oppressed.

(For the record, there are absolutely places where Christians are oppressed, but in the US they are 70% of the population and hold majorities in every branch of government at every level, and their God is literally mentioned in the Pledge of Allegiance)

So there’s a chance that Derick was not only glossing over the first sentence, but expressing his religiously conservative beliefs.

Still, plenty of conservatives — including Richard Grenell, the man who wrote that tweet — are warming to the idea that gay people exist and might even be treated like people.

Derick Dillard is relatively young and has traveled beyond the isolation of Arkansas.

It’s probably easy for the LGBT community to seem frightening to people who don’t watch television or ever meet people who don’t share their exact same views.

Maybe Derick has seen enough of the world to know better.

One way or the other, it would be nice to see him address the subject of that tweet.


Thursday, June 29, 2017

Teen Mom Crew Member: Here"s Why We Let Ryan Edwards Drive High

If you watch Teen Mom online you know that the most recent season finale featured one of the show’s most controversial scenes to date.

Viewers were shocked to see Ryan Edwards driving to his own wedding while visibly intoxicated.

MTV has issued a statement on the incident, but the network has failed to adequately respond to fans’ questions about why it allowed such a dangerous scene to take place.

Now, a crew member who was present during the notorious incident is speaking out on condition of anonymity and defending the potentially deadly decision to let Ryan get behind the wheel:

“The reason the producers didn’t stop Ryan from driving after he was seen nodding off is because the producers would not have been able to see him nodding off,” the anonymous crew member tells The Ashley’s Reality Roundup.

“That footage (and almost all car footage) is captured on Go-Pro cameras installed on the dashboard. We do not have a live feed to watch the cast in their car, despite what some viewers think. We do not have live eyes on them the whole time we’re filming them.

“That footage is captured and watched a few days later after the producers/crew get home from the shoot. It’s edited in later. When things happen in the car, we don’t know about it until the cast tells us, or when we watch the footage later on.”

He went on to throw some mild shade at Mackenzie, insinuating that she may have made the situation worse by turning off the dash cams in the car:

“In the case of Ryan, he or Mackenzie would have had to alert us  to watch the footage ASAP,” the crew member said.

“We wouldn’t have seen it happen as it was filmed. Obviously, Mackenzie unplugged the GoPros, which isn’t really allowed, but we wouldn’t even know she turned them off until later when we watched the footage.”

“People think that the production crew is just looking for footage that will get the best ratings, no matter what and that is not true at all,” the source added.

“We really do care about the safety of the cast and other people. A lot of these people on the show are our friends.”

The crew member went on to point out that even if the production staff wasn’t concerned with Ryan’s safety, workers still would have prevented him from driving for legal reasons:

“Even if you take the human decency element out of it, we care because it’s our butts on the line if something happens,” he said.

“The show would have been absolutely liable had Ryan gotten into an accident or something while filming, even if the producers were not aware that he was under the influence.

“It doesn’t matter, we are still liable. They would be risking their jobs and possibly be liable personally for allowing that to happen.”

Thousands of fans have expressed outrage on social media, and it seems unlikely that they’ll be satisfied by MTV and the production crew’s comments on the incident.

Fortunately, Edwards checked into rehab shortly after the scene was filmed.

Only time will tell if the uproar will change the way the Teen Mom franchise is filmed going forward.


Saturday, June 17, 2017

The Met & Lincoln Center Sued After Employee Allegedly Karate Chops Audience Member

The Met and Lincoln Center hired a wannabe Karate Kid who laid down a couple brutal strokes on a woman trying to enjoy the ballet … so she claims in a new lawsuit. Linda Kirsch claims back in June 2016 she was enjoying a performance…


Thursday, June 15, 2017

"Bachelor in Paradise" Cast Member Saw Hookup, Claims Corinne Was "Very With It"

Corinne Olympios was topless in the pool with DeMario Jackson and so aware of her surroundings, she greeted a cast member walking by, showing no signs of distress — but Corinne’s attorney isn’t buying it. Sources close to the “Bachelor in Paradise”…


Monday, May 29, 2017

Ying Yang Twins Member Kaine Appears Drunk at Little Rock Show (VIDEO)

Kaine — one half of the hip hop duo Ying Yang Twins — had some trouble shaking it like a salt shaker … because he could barely stand up. The rappers were performing at The Rev Room in Little Rock, Arkansas Sunday night … when a shirtless…


Friday, May 12, 2017

Pentatonix Losing a Member, Continuing Summer Tour

And then there were four … Five-person a capella group Pentatonix is about to lose Avi Kaplan … who announced his departure Friday morning in video posted on the group’s Facebook page.  Avi says he’d been struggling to keep up…


Friday, May 5, 2017

Australian Parliament Member Laughed So Hard At "Veep" He Almost Died ... For Real (VIDEO)

Australian Parliament member Graham Perrett says the combination of sushi and HBO’s “Veep” almost killed him, and he has the scars to prove it. Perrett was sitting at home with his wife watching season 6, episode 1 when he laughed so…


Friday, February 17, 2017

Amy Duggar Reveals The Family Member Who Abused Her: Watch!

Amy Duggar has been extremely open about the traumas she faced in her childhood during her time on Marriage Boot Camp.

One of the most horrific stories she"s told involves a certain family member grabbing her by the throat and lifting her up to the ceiling.

She"s been hesitant to reveal exactly which member of her large family did the terrible deed … until now.

In this sneak peek for tonight"s brand new episode of Marriage Boot Camp, Amy is revealing not only who grabbed her by the throat — she"s also revealing why he did it.

And her story is more heartbreaking than we could have imagined.


According to Amy, her father is the family member who got physical with her.

"My dad was like, "Amy, did you brush your teeth?"" she recalls. "And I was like, "Yeah, Daddy""

"And he was like "No you didn"t." And he picked me up by the throat, all the way up to the ceiling. He was like "You will brush your teeth." And I was scared sh-tless."

Amy revealed that not only did her own father choke her because he thought she lied about brushing her teeth, but that once he even tried to run her over with a car.

Watch Amy discuss her horrific childhood in the video below:

Amy duggar reveals the family member who abused her watch