Showing posts with label Apologizes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Apologizes. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

MLB"s Josh Hader Apologizes For N-Word, Anti-Gay Tweets, "I Was Immature"

MLB All Star pitcher Josh Hader has apologized for all of the insanely offensive tweets on his timeline — including multiple attacks on gay people and use of the N-word — explaining, “I was immature.” Back in 2011 and 2012, the…


Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Reuben Foster Suspended for Weapons and Weed, Apologizes for "My Mistakes"

49ers star Reuben Foster was just hit with a 2-game suspension for his 2018 arrests involving guns and weed — and issued a statement apologizing for his “mistakes.” Foster recently pled no contest to misdemeanor possession of an assault weapon…


Thon Maker Apologizes for Crazy Brawl, We Need Better Security

Thon Maker is suggesting that CRAZY basketball fight this week could have been prevented if there was better security in the stadium — insinuating officials should be breaking up fights, and not players. Maker — who plays for the Milwaukee…


Thursday, June 28, 2018

Jameis Winston Apologizes for Uber Sexual Assault, Blames Alcohol

Jameis Winston has broken his silence on allegations he sexually assaulted an Uber driver in 2016 … and now says he’s “eliminated alcohol from my life.” Moments after the NFL formally suspended him for 3 games over an incident in which a female…


Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Katherine Heigl Apologizes After Controversial Graveyard Photoshoot

Katherine Heigl made a mistake. And, unlike many celebrities who have been called out for mistakes, she"s not dismissing criticism as "haters" and "trolls."

She"s owned her error and apologized, thanking her fans for what they said.

This is the way to do it, folks. Take a look:

Katherine heigl 02

Katherine Heigl shared her post-baby body just months ago and earned praise.

But when she shared humorous photos of various tombstones and other grave markers from a trip to a cemetary, fans were quick to point out that making light of the dead was not in great taste.

See, she had posed alongside these grave markers and shared the images on social media, along with funny captions.

(Remember, some of those people probably have real, living descendants who remember them and won"t see the humor in your posts)

So Heigl took to Instagram video to apologise.

"Hey everybody," Heigl says. "So I’m in the car driving home from my family time in Buffalo." 

It seems like a shame to go to Buffalo in the summer and miss the city"s legendary snow, but oh well.

Katherine heigl sunset in toronto

Heigl continues, saying: "and I noticed on my Instagram page that the post I posted earlier was getting a lot of reaction."

Instead of turning off comments or doubling down, as so many would have done, she listened.

Heigl kept an open mind "and I realized you guys are right and that was not appropriate and was disrespectful and I’ve taken it down."

It"s true! The only remainder of the humorous posts is a video of her husband, Josh Kelley, on his page as he pretends to walk hand-in-hand with a ghost.

(Some might consider it irreverent, but it"s not about any specific tombstones, so it"s fine)

Josh kelley graveyard gif

The actress then explains, for anyone who missed the discourse, why her previous posts were insensitive.

"But somebody commented," Heigl says. "And … was kind of just saying they didn’t think it was an appropriate thing to do."

That person (whose name she can"t remember at the moment) also guessed her motive.

Heigl says that this commenter called her out, but knew "that I was probably trying to make a hard moment lighthearted and that’s exactly what I was doing."

Graveyards can be emotionally challenging to visit.

On top of the more obvious grief, sometimes seeing a grave for the first time can make something much more real than it is.

It definitely makes sense that she was tried to lighten her own mood.

Katherine heigl 01

"It’s kind of a heavy thing to go and visit my loved ones’ graves," Heigl explains. "And I decided to try to find some moments of levity and humor and didn’t realize how inappropriate I was being."

Really, the only inappropriate part was putting that levity on Instagram.

"So I deeply apologize," Heigl continues. "And I thank you guys for understanding that sometimes I don’t think things through clearly enough."

That can happen to any one of us, any day of the week. Most of us just don"t have millions of fans who will instantly see our mistakes.

Heigl then thanks her fans: "And I am grateful for your input and for kind of giving me a head’s up when I’m maybe going too far."

That is such a good response.

"And thank you," Heigl adds. "For forgiving me."

Katherine heigl 03

Heigl continues her message in a second video, which we merged with the first in this post for your convenience.

"Next time," Heigl says. "I will be more thoughtful about other people’s feelings and not just my own."

It"s great to look after your own feelings! But while social media is wonderful, some things are just a little too insensitive to share.

"Anyway," Heigl continues. "I hope you’re all having a wonderful Sunday."

She addresses this with the perfect attitude — a combination of friendliness and sincerety.

Heigl adds: "and again, thank you for kind of stepping up and saying something."

It can be so easy, she knows, to be obsequious on social media when speaking to celebrities.

Heigl concludes: "and bringing something to my awareness that needed to be brought."

Katherine heigl at the 2014 emmys

In case you"re wondering why Heigl is earning praise for her simple apology, you have to remember that the celebrity bubble tends to reinforce the idea that there are people who just want to tear them down.

When Khloe Kardashian feels outraged when fans give her advice, that"s part of it.

Some celebs will get defensive and double down on their negative actions or statements.

We could easily imagine someone posting funny photos from a cemetary and then responding to criticism with "What? Are we not allowed to take silly pictures with the Great Pyramids? They"re giant tombs!!" or something like that.

While celebrities are right to ignore trolls, not every criticism comes from a "hater."

Heigl should be commended for knowing how to parse the difference and read comments with an open mind.

Also? Can we just add that those glasses are such a great look on her.

Jessica biel son

Katherine heigl apologizes after controversial graveyard photosh

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

"Riverdale" Star Charles Melton Apologizes for Fat-Shaming Comments

“Riverdale” star Charles Melton is apologizing and blaming immaturity for some really heinous fat-shaming comments he made that have come back to haunt him. Melton is addressing the now 6-year-old tweets that have gone viral after someone…


Friday, June 8, 2018

Julian Edelman Apologizes for PED Test, "I Don"t Know What Happened"

New England Patriots WR Julian Edelman is breaking his silence about his positive PED test … saying, “I am very sorry.” “I don’t know what happened,” Edelman said in a statement. “I’ve taken many, many tests obviously over the course of my career,…


Friday, June 1, 2018

Garrett Yrigoyen Apologizes: I"m SUPER Sorry I Got Caught!

Not every suitor on The Bachelorette is a prince. Sometimes, as you know if you follow The Bachelorette Spoilers, creeps make their way onto the show.

Recently uncovered screencaps of Garrett Yrigoyen’s horrifying social media activity has a lot of the Bachelor Nation decrying him as a bigot.

Now, Garrett is issuing an apology. Is it good enough?

Garrett Yrigoyen had “liked” a series of images on Instagram. Among them were images mocking immigrants, mocking trans women, fat-shaming women, and promoting conspiracy theories about survivors of the Parkland shooting.

Now that he’s been caught, Garrett took to social media to post an apology.

“To those who I have hurt and offended: This is all new to me.”

That’s not an apology, but it could be the start of one.

“I went on the Bachelorette for the adventure and possibility of falling in love, not fame.”

That sounds an awful lot like he’s sorry that his activity was exposed, right?

“I did not know what to expect once the show aired.”

He does apologize, after a fashion.

“I am sorry to those who I offended and I also take full responsibly for my ‘likes’ on Instagram that were hurtful and offensive.”

While some would have appreciated phrasing that doesn’t appear to cast blame on those who were offended, he did say that he is sorry.

“garrett_yrigs12 was my former Instagram handle and I decided to take it down and start fresh.”

His new handle is gy_yrigoyen.

He says that he remade his Instagram, giving himself a social media blank slate, because:

“I have learned an extremely valuable lesson and am taking steps to grow, become more educated, and be a better version of myself.”

He then says that this has been a wake-up call.

“I am not perfect, and I will never be anywhere close, but now I will always be more informed and aware of what I am liking and supporting, not just on Instagram, but in life.”

Well, it’s good that he’s thinking about it, at least.

“I never realized the power behind a mindless tap on Instagram and how it bears so much weight on people’s lives.”

He again seems to be blaming the people impacted by his activity rather than himself, but perhaps this is simply how he writes. (We all have peculiarities in our writing styles)

“I did not mean any harm by any of it.”

He says that simply because he enjoys memes about unabashed cruelty towards entire demographics of people does not mean that he’s a bad person.

“My Instagram ‘likes’ were not a true reflection of me and my morals.”

Furthermore, it sounds like Garrett did not enjoy people referring to him as a bigot.

“I am not the negative labels people are associating me with.”

He claims that people who know him in person don’t see him that way.

“For those who do know me, I am a sincere, genuine, loving, light-hearted, open-minded, and non-judgemental individual.”

He prefers to describe himself as affable.

“I like to make new friends with anyone I meet and want everyone to find their happiness …”

He thinks that others should take his experience to heart when they are on social media.

“Let my mistakes be a lesson for those who mindlessly double tap images, memes, and videos on any social media content that could be many things including hurtful, degrading, and dehumanizing.”

Though she is noted for her left-leaning views, Becca Kufrin defended Garrett in the wake of his scandal.

“I want viewers to be open to everyone, and I want them to go through this season with me and watch my love story unfold with all of these men.”

Last season had a racist suitor. We suppose that it’s no surprise that this season seems to have an everything-ist.

“I did things in the past that I’m sure wasn’t the best thing, but I just want people to stay open-minded to everyone.”

Either Becca is just very nice (she is), or she’s going out of her way to back up Garrett.

“I can’t fault on anyone for what they believe and who’s to say that anyone is truly what they believe in if they just double tap.”

Doesn’t that depend upon what they believe? There’s a difference between having a stance on immigration and laughing at the idea of a brown-skinned child being tossed over a wall.

“I can’t speak to that because that’s just not me. I am a strong woman and I do believe in certain things, but again, that’s what’s so great about our country — everyone is entitled to their own opinions.”

Garrett’s story of his social media scandal being a wake-up call that led him to rethink things and become a better person is nothing short of incredible.

But some fans took the comments to suggest that it is literally incredible. As in in-credible, not credible.

The posts that he seemed to enjoy so much transcend political opinions and, as bloggers such as Reality Steve noted, cross the lines of what is considered basic human decency.

One of the worst posts that he “liked” labeled the survivors of the February 14 Parkland shooting as “crisis actors.” It has not even been four months. 

He would have had to have made a total personality turnaround in a very short time.

Has becoming famous and being held responsible for his abhorrent opinions made Garrett into a better human being overnight?

Or has he simply become embarrassed that he was exposed?


"Bachelorette" Contestant Garrett Apologizes for Liking Hateful Memes

‘Bachelorette’ contestant Garrett — the suitor who got Becca’s first impression rose on Monday’s season premiere — is the latest to jump on the apology train this week … in his case, for liking bigoted memes. Garrett Yrigoyen spoke up Thursday…


"Bachelorette" Contestant Garrett Apologizes for Liking Hateful Memes

‘Bachelorette’ contestant Garrett — the suitor who got Becca’s first impression rose on Monday’s season premiere — is the latest to jump on the apology train this week … in his case, for liking bigoted memes. Garrett Yrigoyen spoke up Thursday…


Thursday, May 31, 2018

Samantha Bee Apologizes for Calling Ivanka Trump a "Feckless C-nt"

Samantha Bee is known for playing dirty.

But the comedian now admits that she played a bit too dirty in her recent critique of Ivanka Trump.

Allow us to explain…

In a segment that aired on Wednesday’s edition of her Comedy Central talk show, Full Frontal, Bee attacked the First Daughter for her inability to put a to stop her father’s immigration policies.

Ivanka recently came under extreme fire for sharing an Instagram photo of herself and her son, a move she made amidst nationwide outcry over the separation of undocumented children from their parents.

“My [heart],” Trump wrote as a caption to this sweet, albeit tone deaf and poorly-timed, photo:

In response to this image, along with growing questions over how the current administration handled immigrant parents and their kids, Bee said the following yesterday:

“Let me just say, one mother to another, do something about your dad’s immigration practices, you feckless cunt!.

He listens to you.

“Put on something tight and low-cut and tell your father to fucking stop it. Tell him it was an Obama thing and see how it goes.”Y

Yeah. Bee very much went there. See it here for yourself:

Moreover, Bee went there (dropping the C-Word AND implying that President Trump is attracted to his own child) the same week that Roseanne Barr slammed a former black White House aide as an “ape” and saw her sitcom get canceled as a result.

Therefore, many Conservaties are calling out the media for a double standard.

Why has Roseanne been dragged so hard, yet so little has been said about Bee?

Why did ABC axe Roseanne Season 11, yet Time Warner and TBS have not uttered a single critique of Bee?

“Compare ABC’s reaction to Roseanne Barr’s tweet w TBS’s non-reaction to Samantha Bee and you’ll see a double-standard in action,” Tweeted George W. Bush advisor Ari Fleischer, adding:

“There’s no uprising against Bee. Why? Because she is liberal.  Because the MSM protects Obama and his aides, but not Trump. The hypocrisy is sickening.”

Adds Megyn Kelly:

“This is disgusting. How is this acceptable? And how are we expected to take any of these publications seriously if they gleefully repost something like this at the same time they (rightfully) condemn @therealroseanne?

“You know the saying Love is Love? Well Hate is Hate.”

We’re not sure if this is an exact comparison, of course.

Roseanne has a history of saying racist things. And she dropped a very general and pretty darn random epithet on Valerie Jarrett.

Bee, conversely, basically just used bad language to describe Ivanka for one specific reason.

Still, however, Bee has offered an apology, Tweeting this afternoon:

I would like to sincerely apologize to Ivanka Trump and to my viewers for using an expletive on my show to describe her last night. It was inappropriate and inexcusable.

I crossed a line, and I deeply regret it.

Will this mark the end of the issue?

Probably not.

It seems impossible to believe that Donald Trump won’t chime in with an opinion, while the White House itself has denounced the remark via press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

She wants action taken against the Comedy Central host:

“The language used by Samantha Bee last night is vile and vicious,” she said, adding:

“The collective silence by the left and its media allies is appalling.

“Her disgusting comments and show are not fit for broadcast, and executives at Time Warner and TBS must demonstrate that such explicit profanity about female members of this administration will not be condoned on its network.”


Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Roseanne Barr Takes Racist Shot at Barack Obama Adviser, Quickly Apologizes

Roseanne Barr says she’s done with social media … just hours after she fired off a racially charged tweet at a former adviser to President Obama. Roseanne’s random tweet late Monday night said, “muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a…


Thursday, May 24, 2018

Jason Bateman Apologizes for Totally Disrespecting Jessica Walter

Arrested Development may truly be the funniest show in television history.

But there was nothing funny about Jason Bateman’s behavior during a recent interview with his co-stars.

Talking with the New York Times, the topic of Jeffrey Tambor’s on-set behavior was raised in a discussion that included Tambor himself, Bateman, Jessica Walter, Will Arnett and Alia Shawkat.

(Tambor quit the show Transparent amidst allegations of sexual misconduct and has admitted in the past to at least one tirade aimed at Walter during the filming of Arrested Development.)

“Not to belittle it or excuse it or anything, but in the entertainment industry it is incredibly common to have people who are, in quotes, ‘difficult.’ … And what you learn is context,” Batemn said, in an attempt to defend Tambor.

He continued:

“You learn about character and you learn about work habits, work ethics, and you start to understand. Because it’s a very amorphous process, this sort of [expletive] that we do, you know, making up fake life.

“It’s a weird thing, and it is a breeding ground for atypical behavior and certain people have certain processes.”

This was already a tough start, with Bateman labeling Tambor’s inappropriate remarks to Walter as merely “atypical” and simply a part of the acting process.

But making matters so much worse?

Walter was right next to him!

And he was interrupting her while she was fighting back tears in relation to what transpired with Tambor, according to the Times.

“That doesn’t mean it’s acceptable,” Shawkat jumped and said. “And the point is that things are changing, and people need to respect each other differently.”

Maintaing her composure as best she could, Walter finally got a chance to speak:

“[In] almost 60 years of working, I’ve never had anybody yell at me like that on a set and it’s hard to deal with, but I’m over it now,” she said, acknowledging that Tambor has apologized and she has chosen to let it go.

But Bateman wasn’t finished somehow.

He repeated his sentiment, saying:

“What we do for a living is not normal, and therefore the process is not normal sometimes, and to expect it to be normal is to not understand what happens on set.

“Again, not to excuse it, but to be surprised by people having a wobbly route to their goal, their process – it’s very rarely predictable.”

As you might expect, Bateman has been SLAMMED for these comments; for not just trying to mansplain away Tambor’s behavior…but to do it in front of his victim.

bate backlash

Faced with this very deserved backlash, Bateman issued a mea culpa this morning that reads as follows:

Based on listening to the NYT interview and hearing people’s thoughts online, I realize that I was wrong here.

I sound like I’m condoning yelling at work. I do not. It sounds like I’m excusing Jeffery. I do not. It sounds like I’m insensitive to Jessica. I am not.

In fact, I’m horrified that I wasn’t more aware of how this incident affected her.

I’m incredibly embarrassed and deeply sorry to have done that to Jessica,” Bateman continued via Twitter. “This is a big learning moment for me.

I shouldn’t have tried so hard to mansplain, or fix a fight, or make everything okay.

I should’ve focused more on what the most important part of it all is – there’s never any excuse for abuse, in any form, from any gender. And, the victim’s voice needs to be heard and respected. Period.

I didn’t say that and instead said a bunch of other stuff and not very well. I deeply, and sincerely, apologize.

This is, thankfully, a very good and thorough apology.

But come on, men!

This really isn’t very hard.

We need to do better.


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

"Racist Rant" Lawyer Aaron Schlossberg Apologizes, Says He Loves Diversity

Aaron Schlossberg — the attorney who threatened to call ICE on Fresh Kitchen employees who were speaking Spanish — says ya got him all wrong, America … he actually LOVES diversity and immigrants! One week after he became public enemy #1,…


Patrick J. Adams Apologizes for Perceived Bullying Attempt

Patrick J. Adams is typically a social media superstar.

The former Suits star is usually applauded for his sweet and/or funny messages, such as what he wrote to/about Meghan Markle the day before her Royal Wedding to Prince Harry.

This is what he said:

Going to bed now and thinking a lot about the strange surreal and wonderful day my friend Meghan is going to have tomorrow.

Meghan – wherever you are – we are so grateful to be here to watch you both take this monumental step together. Love deeply and live well.

Like we said: totally sweet, right?

(Adams starred for seven seasons on Suits opposite Markle; he played her love interest, Mike Ross, and his character married her character on the latest season finale.)

Patrick J. Adams tweet1

Now, however, Adams has been forced to issue an apology after an unusual incident that took place while he was in England for his good friend’s nuptials.

It’s a bit confusing, but follow along below…

Over the weekend, following the lovely ceremony and reception, Adams and his his wife, Pretty Little Liars alum Troian Bellisario, headed to the airport to catch a flight out of London.

While there, the actor shared a photo on Instagram of a sleeping woman who he says body shamed him and Bellisario, including with it the following caption:

“She reads her paper. See’s picture of me and Troian from wedding. ‘My God. What a terrible photo of you.’ I look over. ‘Really. I kind of like that photo. What do you think is wrong with it?’

“She pauses. ‘Well, you’re just so….chunky."”

“She laughs and falls asleep. I photograph her sleeping. And….scene. #royalwedding.”

Patrick J. Adams insta

Sort of a weird exchange, but the woman is the one who body-shamed Adams and Bellisario, right?

We suppose Adams could have taken the highest road and simply ignored the insult, or at least not made it public, but we didn’t interpret this caption as an attempt to bully the woman.

Others, however, did.

The USA Network star has therefore deleted the post and issued a lengthy Mea Culpa.

“Yesterday I posted a photo of a woman who did some casual body shaming of my wife and I in the airport,” Adams began his caption, which went along with the following image.

“My intention was solely to put a face to the people who think that sort of glancing commentary is necessary, helpful or funny. Some of the comments on the post instead said I was being a bully and should have taken the ‘high road’ (some also doubled down on the body shaming. Thumbs up guys!)

“I thought it over and agreed and took it down, not because I felt the woman was right or fair or undeserving of being called out but because any sense of being a bully or lashing out felt wrong.”


Adams had A LOT more to say on the topic.

He was understandably upset about the way he was being labeled and felt a need to respond in detail.

So we’ll hand the floor over to the actor…

I’m no bully. What that woman said to us was offensive and unnecessary but I should have told her she was rude and out of line and left it at that. I’m sorry I didn’t.

I was too shocked and annoyed and Canadian – so I avoided the confrontation. Again, I’m sorry. Now if you see the original post on any media outlet just know that they are choosing to take a relatively small indiscretion and make it worse. Not for me.

Because I promise you once I hit post on this message it will be out of my mind forever. But it will make whatever bullying or embarrassment I might have caused for that woman far worse for a far wider audience.

Now -this has obviously taken up far too much of our time and of the precious internet space that we need so much. Sorry about that. But let’s just finish with a quick summary.

1. Don’t talk shit about the way people look. You have no idea what’s going on with them and your commentary will always make their day worse not better.

2. If someone does. Don’t use the internet to settle scores. Tell them right to their face and in public that they’re part of the problem and not the solution.

3. Believe pretty much nothing you read in magazines. Good or bad. The machinery runs on misfortune and oversimplification.

4. Be cool to yourself and others at every opportunity. Life is too short for all of this. Thx for reading. Now back to our lives…

Pretty much the perfect reply, right?

Aside from not understanding this woman’s “chunky” comment (just look at the lovely couple above), we don’t really understand why Adams received grief for his post on the matter.

But he likely made the right choice here to just end the debate and be the bigger man.

Kudos to you, Patrick.


Friday, May 18, 2018

YouTube Star Nicole Arbour Apologizes for Appropriating "This Is America"

YouTube star Nicole Arbour finally realizes her timing was total crap when she released her version of “This Is America” … and she’s apologizing to Donald Glover – aka Childish Gambino. We got Nicole at The Laugh Factory on…


Thursday, May 3, 2018

Gigi Hadid Apologizes for Vogue Italia"s "Blackface" Cover

Gigi Hadid is issuing a mea culpa for what many fans perceived to be her in blackface on the new cover of Vogue Italia … even though she’s not taking any of the blame. Gigi posted a statement in reaction to a ton of backlash she and Vogue…


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Ronnie Magro Fights with Girlfriend, Apologizes for Jackassery

When Jersey Shore returned after a VERY long hiatus, we figured we"d be talking about Ronnie Ortiz-Magro again.

But not like this.

The muscle-bound reality star has been making headlines all week for an extraordinarily ugly and personal spat with girlfriend Jen Harley.

Making matters especially disturbing between these two?

They welcomed a daughter into the world mere weeks before blowing up at each other.

And we mean BLOWING UP at each other.

Scroll down for a closer look at what has gone wrong between Ronnie and Jen, along with a video of the parents nearly coming to physical blows.

This is legitimately ugly stuff. That poor baby girl…

1. New Parents

Ronnie ortiz magro girlfriend

Ronnie and Jen got together in July of 2017 and seemed excited to become parents in early April 2018 to a girl named Ariana. Heck, Ronnie, often known forhis extreme temper, sounded like a changed man when his daughter was born.

2. He Actually Said This Upon Becoming a Father:

Ronnie ortiz magro kisses baby bump of jen harley

“You live your life not ever really knowing the meaning of true love until you have a child. True unconditional love… I understand when everyone said you’ll understand ‘when you have a child of your own or when you become a parent.’ I know I have still tons to learn but I’m excited for this new journey & chapter in my life with my beautiful girlfriend & my daughter.”

3. But Then?

Oh f ck

Oh man. Buckle up and prepare to wince. It was three weeks after Jen and Ronnie gushed over their baby girl when things turned UGLY.

4. It Started with a Sex Tape


Not between Ronnie and Jen; between Jen and an ex-boyfriend, prompting Ronnie to GO OFF on Instagram and ask: “If your significant other keeps sex videos of their ex, shouldn’t they show enough respect to delete them, esp after being in a new relationship for over a year?”

5. Can’t Turn a Hoe Into a Housewife

Ronnie fightpic

As you can see above, this is what Ronnie actually said… about his newborn’s mother! It would be a funny line to include in a Jersey Shore script, less so when it applies to your real-life baby mama.

6. Harley’s Comeback?


It was pretty good, if you also ignore the context: “You can’t turn a coke head into a father.”

View Slideshow

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Josh Allen Apologizes for Racist Tweets, "Young and Dumb"

Josh Allen — one of the top QBs in the NFL Draft — is apologizing for dropping the n-word on Twitter years ago … saying he was “young and dumb.” The tweets surfaced Wednesday night … one day before the draft — and Allen had posted them to his…


Friday, April 20, 2018

NY Gym Apologizes to Jermell Charlo, Insists They"re Not Racist

Jermell Charlo has gotten an apology from the upscale NY gym he was kicked out of on Thursday night — but the gym insists he was NOT racially profiled.  As we previously reported, Charlo — a world champion boxer — was turned away from Life…
