Showing posts with label Banks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Banks. Show all posts

Monday, March 6, 2017

Azealia Banks Pisses Off Judge in Boob Biting Case

Azealia Banks is a wanted woman after failing to show up in court for her now infamous boob biting case … TMZ has learned. Azealia was supposed to be in an NYC courtroom Monday, but never showed up, and we’ve learned a bench warrant was issued…


Monday, February 27, 2017

Azealia Banks Sides With Remy Ma, Slams Nicki Minaj!

If you’re a hip hop fan, by now you’ve probably heard (or at least heard about) “Shether,” Remy Ma’s scathing diss track directed at Nicki Minaj.

The Remy vs. Nicki beef goes back several years, but for most of that time, Remy was behind bars, not dropping bars.

As such, the feud is just now reaching its long-delayed climax, and since Azealia Banks can smell beef a mile away, it was only a matter of time before she got involved herself.

Not surprisingly, Banks is siding with Remy, and she’s doing so with the sort of brash social media trash talk that keeps her semi-relevant.

Banks has feuded with Minaj in the past, just as she’s feuded with … well, just about every other working rapper, and now she’s reigniting the beef.

Yesterday, she came after Nicki with a social media rant that ranks among her most unhinged (which is really saying something):

“I bet nick will do something pussy and try to call the cops on remy. She’s evil enough to try and set remy up like that,” tweeted Azealia.

“Soon you’ll be knocking on my door trying to buy pieces of your soul back. Lol KEEP IT UP. Give me more more energy Onika, I will suck you dry.”

Onika is Nicki’s real first name, and we assume all the soul-stealing and energy-sucking references have something to do with Azealia’s witchcraft practices.

Yes, Azealia practices witchcraft – sacrificed chickens, and all.

Naturally, Ms. Banks didn’t stop there:

“She’s wants me to retaliate but I’m smart enough to never interrupt my enemy while they are making a mistake. Perfect timing,” she continued.

“I literally just put her energy in a bottle. I’ll pull the bottle out and sprinkle it on one of the FANTASEA tracks. Thank you Nicki Minaj for the free energy! I will be bottling it up and using it for FANTASEA!!!!!”

Nicki has yet to respond to Remy’s diss track, which means she’s vulnerable at the moment, and of course, Banks couldn’t resist the opportunity to get some jabs in.

Unfortunately for Azealia, Nicki’s probably in the studio right now putting the final touches on an absolute murder weapon of a verse.

And now she has more than one name on her hit list.

The best Banks can hope for now is that Nicki will decide such an insignificant target isn’t worth her time.


Friday, February 24, 2017

Azealia Banks to Lana Del Rey: Leave Donald Trump Alone!

At this point, it’s hard to be surprised by anything that Azealia Banks says, does, or tweets.

Azealia feuds with just about everyone who crosses her path, especially those who dare to criticize President Donald Trump.

Yes, for reasons that aren’t particularly clear (even/especially to her) Azealia is a huge Trump supporter.

In fact, she’s so hardcore in her beliefs that Banks went off on Rihanna last week for speaking out against Trump’s controversial Muslim ban.

“This is all stupid and wrong. Is she even American??? Can she even vote???” Banks tweeted, and if she’d only squeezed in the words “cuck” and “snowflake,” she would’ve perfectly captured the tone of the typical irate Trump troll.

Azealia is black, a woman, an artist, a young person, a supporter of the LGBTQ community, and (we’re just guessing, considering the way her career has kind of bottomed out) a non-millionaire – which makes her a member of a half dozen groups that aren’t particularly well-represented aboard the Trump Train.

Of course, she also sacrifices chickens in her apartment as part of her witchcraft ceremonies, so pointing out inconsistencies in Azealia’s political ideology is a bit like calling Charles Manson crazy for pouring the milk in his bowl before the cereal.

Anyway, like her bestie Milo Yiannopolos, Banks was suspended from Twitter for doing what she does best (read: trolling the entire planet), but she’s back now, and it seems she’s already making up for lost time.

This story comes to us courtesy of the Lana Del Rey fan page, Planet Del Rey, which claims that Azealia has turned on her former friend Lana Del Rey for jokingly (we think) threatening to take Trump down with witchcraft.

Lana posted a tweet asking fans to find “ingredients” online and use them “at the stroke of midnight.”

We’re old and easily confused by both hip young Millennials and social media, so we would’ve thought that Lana was organizing a good old-fashioned Meth cook-off.

But Lana fans insist it was some sort of sly reference to bewitching the Donald, and apparently Azealia didn’t care for it one bit:

“Leave that motherf-cker alone,” Banks allegedly tweeted.

“You witches are only going to make Trump stronger. *rolls eye* hashtag. White girl magic.” 

She added:

“No shade I will go toe to toe with these white witches because Hillary Clinton losing was a major loss for white feminism.”

She later confirmed that she was referring to Lana in response to a fan’s query.

The tweets appear to have been deleted, but as you can see, Planet Del Rey came equipped with receipts.

We’d say this all seems a tad ludicrous, but this is Azealia Banks we’re talking about.

The woman once started a feud with the entire country of Australia, seemingly just for her own amusement.

Ya know, now that we think about it, we’re starting to understand her love of Trump …


Sunday, January 29, 2017

Rihanna and Azealia Banks: Feuding HARD Over Trump!

Don’t look now, but Azealia Banka is being a rude, aggressive, highly questonable troll!

On second thought, go ahead and look. After all, if you looked away every time Azealia Banks decided to be awful, you’d never get anything done.

Yes, Azealia has a long, long history of being the worst.

But this latest little mess she found herself in?

It’s pretty darn bad, even for her.

It all started when Rihanna, like so many people this weekend, felt the need to speak out about Donald Trump’s executive order that many are referring to as the Muslim Ban.

“Disgusted!” she tweeted. “The news is devastating! America is being ruined right before our eyes! What an immoral pig you have to be to implement such BS!!”

So that’s all fine, obviously, and a sentiment that many, if not most, of us share. But Azealia disagreed. Of course.

“No,” she wrote in response. “This is all stupid and wrong. Is she even American??? Can she even vote???”

And she’s partially correct: Rihanna isn’t American, she’s from Barbados, so she can’t vote.

She can, however, show compassion and some common human decency. Maybe that’s where Azealia is confused.

But whatever the reason for Azealia’s issue with Rihanna, she continued her little rant over on Instagram.

There, she wrote “As far as Rihanna (who isn’t a citizen and can’t vote) and all the rest of the celebrities who are using their influence to stir the public, you lot REALLY need to shut up and sit down.”

“Stop chastising the president. It’s stupid and pathetic to watch. All of the confused people confuse other confused people.”

She added “Hoping the president fails is like getting on an airplane and hoping the pilot crashes.”

Oh, and for what it’s worth, Azealia believes “The ban on muslims is a precautionary measure.”

Rihanna fired back with a photo of herself pouting her lips, writing in the caption “the face you make when you a immigrant.”

She added the hashtags “stay away from the chickens,” “I heart nuggets,” and “save our hens,” referencing Azealia’s recent scandal in which she bragged about slaughtering chickens in her closet.

You know that crazy Azealia wasn’t about to let that go — she reposted Rihanna’s caption and added this mess:



At this point, Rihanna realized she was done dealing with Azealia’s brand of hateful insanity, so she shared this photo:

She captioned it “The face you make when you screaming in an empty room.”

Azealia is still going at it though. She even invited Rihanna over to her apartment for some homemade chicken nuggets!

In closing, Rihanna is a queen, Azealia Banks is terrifying, and why is any of this happening?


Thursday, January 19, 2017

Azealia Banks to Donald Trump: PLEASE Let Me Perform at Your Inauguration!

Azealia Banks has never really delivered on her early promise as a hitmaker (In fact, she has has yet to attain “one hit wonder” status.) 

Even so, she’s managed to remain relevant by starting fights with vastly more famous celebrities and genuinely behaving like a  person who’s been given a platform despite having flushed her meds several weeks ago.

Amazingly, despite the fact that she’s been screaming for attention in new and increasingly batsh-t ways for several years now, Azealia still has the power to surprise us.

Take, for example, the video she posted last month, in which she revealed that she’s a witch who sacrifices chickens in the closer of her New York City apartment.

We don’t think anyone was that coming.

And then there are Ms. Banks’ political views.

During the election the rapper’s followers were shocked to learn that Azealia is a Trump supporter.

It’s surprising in the sense that she’s expressed liberal views in the past, but so much when you consider the fact that Azealia is an angry racist.

Then it makes perfect sense.

Anyway, Banks is pissed – pissed! – that Trump’s inauguration is being headlines by 3 Doors Down and some woman who came in second on America’s Got Talent, and she would like to personally make the entire country say “Who?” by taking the stage herself:

“Saw the entertainment line for the inauguration it made me very upset. This is an EPIC moment in modern history and it should def be celebrated in style"” Banks wrote on Facebook yesterday.

“I would love to perform at the inauguration.”

Most of Azealia’s fans reacted with confusion (the guy who commented, “The devil is in this post” seemed to just about sum up the consensus), but Banks has at least one fellow Z-list Trumpeter in her corner.

Noted professional troll Milo Yiannopoulis commented that Banks is his “first, second and only choice” to perform at the inauguration.

Azealia, demonstrating the political acumen that’s made her sought-after voice of reason in troubled times, replied:

“Me and you in the front row looking MAAAAD cute omg we would break the internet.”

And people thought Trump wouldn’t bring our country together.

Already, he’s uniting bigots with nothing in common but their hatred and insecurity!


Thursday, January 5, 2017

Azealia Banks: Banned From Facebook, Exiled to MySpace

At this point, we think it’s safe to say Azealia Banks’ rap career never quite took off like it was supposed to.

“212” was, ever shall be the jam, but that was … years ago, and it wasn’t exactly a mainstream hit.

Since then, Banks has become more famous for her feuds than for her music and her wildly erratic behavior that for her music.

In the past year alone she’s beefed with Russell Crowe, Kanye West, Kendrick Lamar, Jay Z, Iggy Azalea (probably justified), and the entire continent of Australia (possibly related).

Banks was banned from Twitter after tweeting shockingly bigoted comments about people of Middle Eastern descent during a bizarre tirade targeted at Zayn Malik.

And now, it looks like she’s been booted from the web’s other biggest social media platform.

At some point last night, Banks Facebook profile disappeared from without explanation.

No cause has been given by either the site or Banks (though we must admit, we have yet to check her LiveJournal page), but if we had to guess, we’d say the ban probably has something to do with the following video that Banks posted last week:

Oh, you should be warned that the above clip is NSFAHBE (not safe for any human being ever).

If you already clicked on it, um … sorry!

It shows Banks cleaning up blood and feathers from what she claims is “three years’ worth” of chicken sacrifices carried out as part of her practices in witchcraft.

“Real witches do real things,” Banks gleefully tells the camera as she refers to power wash the poultry gore from her floors and walls.

Not a necessary chore for most NYC residents.

Of course, the final straw for Mark Zuckerberg may have been a racist rant targeted at her Brazilian followers that Banks posted last night:

“When are all of these third world freaks going to stop spamming my page with broken English over things they know nothing about?” Banks wrote.

She continued:

“I’m the queen of the Internet. This stuff is all so effortless. Sheesh.

“How I manage to make international news from the comfort of my toilet seat is honestly beyond me. I’m not even doing anything … at all.” 

We’d say Banks’ days of making news from the toilet appear to have come to an end, but you can’t keep a good psycho down.

See ya on MySpace, Azealia!


Friday, December 30, 2016

Azealia Banks Sacrifices Chickens, Posts the Bloody Aftermath on Snapchat

Azealia Banks" music career hasn"t taken off quite like it was supposed to, but when it comes to celebrity feuds, no one can top the perpetually thirsty Ms. Banks.

Banks has feuded with Iggy Azalea, Nicki Minaj, Kanye West, Jay Z, Hillary Clinton supporters, and just about everyone else who"s ever crossed paths with on her social media.

Most recently, Banks beefed with Russell Crowe in what we thought would be 2016"s most epic battle of the douches.

But this time, the rapper may have run afoul of some folks who are arguably more psychotic than she is.

We"re talking, of course, about the folks at PETA.

You see, last night, Banks shared a disturbing revelation on Snapchat:

It seems that for the past three years, she"s been sacrificing chickens in the closet of her New York City apartment.

“The amount of crap that is about to come off my floor right now guys, oh my god," Banks told the camera.

"Three years worth of brujeria. Yes, you know I got to scrape all this sh-t up. I got my sand-blaster and my googles. It’s about to go down."

Yes, Banks claims to be a witch, who sacrifices chickens in order to … well, we"re sure she has her reasons.

Obviously, lots of folks are crying foul (no pun intended) and claiming that the video is fraudulent, but we fully believe she"s this crazy.

But for the good chicken population, we"d like to point out to Ms. Banks the obvious flaw in her methods:

Azealia, you"re famous, but you"re not rich enough to pay someone to power wash the chicken blood off your floor.

Clearly, your magic isn"t having much of a positive effect on her life.

Azealia banks sacrifices chickens posts the bloody aftermath on

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Azealia Banks Goes OFF on Nicki Minaj in Epic Rant

Azealia Banks is having quite the, um – interesting? – day on social media.

Earlier today, Banks joked about having a miscarriage in a Facebook rant that’s since been deleted.

Obviously, that earned the eternally-thirsty rapper some of the attention she so desperately craves, but obviously it wasn’t enough.

If you’re familiar with Ms. Banks’ career, you know that she’s less well-known for her music (though “212” is admittedly the jam) than for her hilariously melodramatic beefs with other celebrities.

Previously, Azealia has feuded with Iggy Azalea, Kanye West, Jay Z, and just about anyone else who has ever rapped, listen to rap, wrapped a present, or used the phrase “it’s a wrap.”

So we suppose it was only a matter of time before Azealia set her sights on the self-proclaimed queen of hip-hop, Nicki Minaj.

Check out the (since deleted) Facebook rant that Azealia posted to her Facebook page, in which she reveals that she’s working on music with Nicki’s ex, Safaree Samuels, and otherwise goes off on her fellow emcee:

“Nicki girl… now listen. Don’t start throwing shade cause you miss Safaree and know that I’ve actually made a BANGER with him.

“Don’t get mad, get even. Slim down a bit (especially in your neck and arms). Decrease the butt just a bit (I’ve seem your butt make some really expensive dresses look really cheap) and STOP WEARING SPANDEX AS AN OUTFIT FOR F–KS SAKE.

“Also stop calling yourself the queen of rap. Queens don’t wear spandex sweety. Marketing genius yes but your cheap made in China perfume smells like car freshener and your beverage tastes like kitchen cleaner.

“McDonalds sells a lot of burgers but no one is telling McDonald’s that they’re the pinnacle of cuisine and taste. This is true of you.”

She goes on to argue that not only did Nicki rip off Lady Gaga, she was at her best when she was stealing Gaga’s look:

“I don’t understand why you are so impressed with yourself.

“Do yourself a favor and image search gaga 2011 and pick that back up! The “real” Nicki is not as interesting as Gaga knock-off Nicki.

“In 2017 I hope you find some new inspiration and decrease your butt implants you would honestly look SOOOOO much better if they were just 150 cc smaller.”

It’s actually not the first round of the ongoing Azealia vs. Nicki feud, but it’s definitely the most brutal.

Astonishingly, Nicki has yet to fire back, but you can bet it’s coming.


Azealia Banks: I Suffered a Miscarriage! LOL!

Azealia Banks is a riot, folks.

Actually, let us amend that statement:

Azealia Banks may cause an Internet riot as a result of what appears to be a joke she just made online about having a miscarriage.

Confused? Intrigued? Confused AND intrigued… and already annoyed? Scroll down and we’ll explain.

On Tuesday morning, Banks took Facebook followers by surprise when she said very plainly that she just suffered a miscarriage.

The singer had made no previous mention of even being pregnant, but she wrote the following on her official page a few hours ago:

“So I’ve just had a really major life event happen and I want to talk about it because this wouldn’t be an Azealia Banks page without loads of oversharing right?

“Anywho, I’ve just had a miscarriage and am pretty taken aback by it all and really confused and in shock and guilty and a bit depressed and like a failure and and [sic] very ashamed.”

This would typically be the point in a story such as this where we express sympathy for the subject.

Especially after Banks seemed to be genuinely shaken up by the experience, asking for advice from women who could relate.

“Has anyone else had this same experience who cares to share some words of wisdom or words of anything regarding this topic,” she asked, adding:

“The self-loathing bit is a real struggle for me at the moment so share any words here. They will be greatly appreciated.”

Continued the controversial artist:

I feel really stupid because I think I’m so big and bad an in control and In this situation I’m so powerless and when I first saw the embryo I felt this full spirit around me and was looking down at this little bean in horror/amazement and now I just can’t NOT have an awareness of this person and wont stop feeling like any and everything I’ve ever done in my life or want to do is pointless.

However, Banks – who is no stranger to saying some truly outlandish things – made this confession not long after slamming frequent rival Nicki Minaj.

When one follower questioned the timing of the miscarriage admission, Banks replied:

“Do you want to see a picture of the mess?”

She provided no such picture, but she does appear to have deleted the entire miscarriage thread, virtually laughing over how she’s “not the same person” anymore.

Azealia Banks joke

Banks then made it pretty clear that she made up the entire miscarriage thing because… umm… she has some very serious mental issues?

Is there any other reason why anyone would ever joke about such a sensitive topic?

“Hope you Lot got your screenshots. It’s all jokes guys. Calm down and enjoy the holiday,” Banks wrote as a follow-up on Facebook.

Hilarious, right?

(No… wait: wrong. So very, very messed up and wrong.)

banks fb post

“HOPEFULLY the tabloids don’t get tacky about this Azealia Banks headline. I’ve had a real rough 2016. I honestly need a break from the public crucifixion,” Banks later added on Facebook for some reason.

We have no idea what it manes to “get tacky” about a headline.

But any time a celebrity jokes about having a miscarriage, you better believe we’re going to call her out over it.

“This is a women’s health issue that many others may or may not be able to relate to. Please don’t fuck UP an opportunity for clear, open and beneficial discourse between WOMEN,” Banks also wrote, making even less sense.

banks joke

We guess we shouldn’t expect much from someone who once told Iggy Azalea to kill herself.

But we somehow didn’t think that even Azealia Banks was capable of lying about a miscarriage.

We’d love to see her make this same so-called joke to any one of the following celebrities.

Do you think they’d find it funny?


Sunday, October 23, 2016

Russell Crowe & Azealia Banks -- Cops Hit Wall with Surveillance Video

Azealia Banks and Russell Crowe are back to square one — he said, she said — because we’ve learned the surveillance cameras at the Bev Hills Hotel missed the entire confrontation. Law enforcement sources tell us they’ve combed through…


Saturday, October 22, 2016

Azealia Banks Actually Apologizes to Someone!!!!!

Azealia Banks is officially more mature than Donald Trump.

The controversial singer just issued an actual apology to an actual person she had previously offended.

We’ll give you a few minutes to let this shocking news sink in…

Back in May, Banks went on as vicious of a rant as she’s ever gone on before.

The target of her wrath was former One Direction singer Zayn Malik.

It all started because Malik released his music video for the track “Like I Would.” Banks believed the song too closely resembled her single “Yung Rapunzel.”

And that’s all it took for Banks to GO OFF.

In epic fashion, even for Azealia Banks.

“@zaynmalik dude, I make better music than you. Simmer down with that fake white boy rebellion and that wannabe beiber swag,” she wrote.

And then she got very racist, adding the folllowing insults:

lol u a bitch n*gga for even responding like that. Keep sucking this yung rapunxel d*ck u hairy curry scented bitch. imma start calling you punjab you dirty bitch.

You a dick rider for real for real. Ride this dick until the wheels fall off Punjab.

You were only apart of 1d to draw brown attention. You are and ALWAYS will be a TOKEN to the UK.

@zaynmalik still doesn’t change the fact that your mother is a dirty refugee who won’t be granted asylum. LOL @ZAYNMALIK IS A F*GGOT.

Yes, Banks wrote all of these things. It was bad.

Incredibly, however, after accusing Russell Crowe of assault this week, Banks realized she had to take some responsibility for her own actions.

So she wrote Malik an apology.

“Dear Zayn, There are no words that can fully express how sorry I am. Recent events have taught me the importance of taking accountability for ones actions.

“I want and need to say I am sorry, I was wrong,” Banks began.

After detailing how her outburst this spring was caused by an unrelated tweet she mistook as a personal attack, she acknowledged her mistake.

She continued as follows:

“As a black woman, in America, I sometimes forget that there are words and comments that hurt other communities. At times, I am so consumed by my own struggle, and the struggle of my race, that I forget to consider the hardships other minorities continue to endure.

“Coming from an ethnicity that is largely discriminated against does not warrant a license to use derogatory, abusive terminology nor does it give me the right to make hurtful remarks.”

The artist then said she was to all those who were affected by her words.

“I apologise not only to you, Zayn, but to all those I hurt and offended. I am not cruel, nor am I heartless or vindictive.

“There is a lot of love in my heart and there is good in my soul. What I did was wrong and I am committed to becoming a better person.”

Concluded Banks:

“Throughout my transgressions you remained a gentleman and I applaud you for displaying class and maintaining a level head. The world could learn a lot from you and I hope you can find room in your heart to accept my sincerest apologies.”

The unexpected letter comes mere days after Banks demanded an apology from Crowe due to their alleged altercation last weekend.

She claims that the Oscar-winning actor “called me a n—-r, choked me, threw me out and spat at me.”


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

TMZ Live: Azealia Banks: Breaks Her Silence on Russell Crowe Incident

ON TODAY’S SHOW Tobey Maguire: Single & Hangin’ with Bieber’s Ex Tyga Breaks Down Over Kylie Jenner Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Bus Nightmare Eminem Goes Off on Donald Trump SKYPE US TMZTVSHOW TWEET US Tweet to @TMZLIVE


Azealia Banks -- Here"s What Really Happened With Russell Crowe (VIDEO)

Azealia Banks is sticking to her story — that Russell Crowe choked her, spit on her and called her the n-word over the weekend … and adds her so-called pal, RZA, essentially has no balls in Hollywood.  We got Azealia in Century…


Monday, October 17, 2016

Russell Crowe: Azealia Banks Threatened to Stab Me!

Over the weekend, we reported on an unexpected beef between Russell Crowe and Azealia Banks, two people who aren’t exactly known for their level-headed conflict resolution skills.

In the sort of lengthy social media screed for which she’s become known, Banks detailed a shocking confrontation with Crowe that allegedly took place in front of several witnesses.

“I went to a party at Russell Crowe’s suite, at which he called me a n-gger, choked me, threw me out and spat at me,” Banks wrote on Facebook Sunday morning.

“The men in the room allowed it to happen. I feel terrible today.”

Appalling allegations, to be sure.

Today, however, several witnesses have come forward to claim that the incident didn’t happen at all as Banks described, insisting that she was the one who threw a tantrum, while Crowe remained surprisingly calm.

Sources tell TMZ that Crowe invited several friends over to his Beverly Hills hotel room Saturday night to have dinner and listen to music.

One of those guests was Wu Tang Clan impresario the RZA, who brought Banks along as his plus-one.

The trouble began when Banks began openly mocking Crowe’s music selections, but witnesses say the notoriously volatile actor kept his cool.

Reportedly upset when her outburst failed to get a rise out of her host, Banks began dropping racial epithets and referred to Crowe and another male guest as “boring white men.”

“You would love it if I broke my glass, stabbed you guys in the throat, and blood would squirt everywhere like some real Tarantino s–t,” Banks allegedly said at one point.

It’s not surprising that Banks’ version of events is being contested, both because A-listers on Crowe’s level always have someone to get their back, and because Banks has a reputation as a bit of a violent psychopath with a rather shaky relationship with the truth.

In the past year, Banks has threatened to kill her rivals on Twitter, gone on vile racist rants in public forums, and made shocking claims that later turned out to be total BS.

Of course, none of that is to say that she’s lying in this case. 

Banks has been accused of slandering other celebs in the past, but it’s worth remembering that Crowe has a history of violent outbursts.

It may be quite some time before we find out what exactly went down in Crowe’s hotel suite on Saturday night.

In related news, Quentin Tarantino is reportedly thrilled that his name is now synonymous with cartoonish bloodshed.

He just likes to be acknowledged!


Russell Crowe -- Tosses Azealia Banks From Suite ... Witnesses Say She Made Bloody Threat

Russell Crowe bounced rapper Azealia Banks out of his hotel suite when she turned into the “plus one” from hell and threatened to cut his guests and watch them bleed … according to multiple witnesses. The bizarre incident went down Saturday night…


Sunday, October 16, 2016

Azealia Banks: Russell Crowe Attacked Me!

So hey, are you completely disgusted and disappointed and disenchanted with the world?

If you are, then congrats on your keen understand of how much everything sucks.

And if you’re not, well, then prepare to say goodbye to the last little bit of hope you’ve been clinging to, because it’s about to run away screaming.

OK, Azealia Banks, right?

She’s a rapper, but she’s better known for being absolutely terrible.

Earlier this year, she called Zayn Malick, the former One Direction member who also happens to be from a Pakistani family, a “hairy, curry-scented bitch” and a “f-ggot.”

She’s gone after Iggy Azalea time and time again, even going so far as to say “let me just kill this bitch.”

So those are some really horrific racist and homophobic remarks paired with a death threat — and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

It’s really unfortunate that Azealia’s chosen to build her career on being awful, and that’s for many reasons.

And right now, the biggest one is that it means many people won’t believe her harrowing new story.

In a Facebook post that she made earlier today and promptly deleted, Azealia claims that Russell Crowe attacked her.

And the details are just horrific.

“To recap my night,” she wrote, “I went to a party at Russell Crowe’s suite, at which he called me a n-gger, choked me, threw me out and spat at me.”

“Last night was one of the hardest nights of sleep I’ve had in a long time.”

“The men in the room allowed it to happen. I feel terrible today.”

In another heartbreaking Facebook post, she wrote “And just weak as f-ck man. I want to f-cking die.”

“Just feel so low and mishandled and alone and f-cking depressed right now,” she added. “I wish I had someone to beat him up for me.”

As of now, Russell hasn’t addressed Azealia’s claims, and it’s hard to imagine that he will.

We don’t know what exactly happened, obviously, but it’s worth noting that while Azealia has a history of being seriously offensive, she doesn’t have a history of lying.

Especially not about something so serious.

Whatever went down at that party, we hope Azealia feels better soon. Regardless of the awful things she’s said in the past, no one deserves to feel so low.


Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Elizabeth Banks Mocks Donald Trump: He Stole My Hunger Games Entrance!

Last night, history was made.  But that didn"t stop the crown inside the 2016 Democratic National Convention from having a little fun.

While Scott Baio and Antonio Sabato Jr. buried themselves at the RNC, the very opposite happened to the celebs who were invited to speak last night.

Elizabeth Banks made her mark last night when she took the stage, mimicking Trump"s over-the-top entrance with hand gestures and a slow, deliberate walk as Queen"s "We Are The Champions" played.

It was awesome.

“Some of you know me from ‘The Hunger Games,’ in which I play Effie Trinket ― a cruel, out-of-touch reality TV star who wears insane wigs while delivering long-winded speeches to a violent dystopia,” Banks told the crowd.

“So when I tuned in to Cleveland last week, I was like, ‘Uh, hey ― that’s my act!’”

It was nothing short of brilliant.  Banks had nearly every one of Trump"s obnoxious moves down, to the point where it even made the GOP nominee speechless.

Well, speechless in the sense that he didn"t directly address it in one of his many tweets about last night.  He did, however, manager to insult the convention overall, like any grown-up running for president would do.

"I hate to say it, but the Republican Convention was far more interesting (with a much more beautiful set) than the Democratic Convention!" Trump tweeted.

"The Democratic Convention has paid ZERO respect to the great police and law enforcement professionals of our country. No recognition – SAD!" he also posted, as Banks shared a selfie with two Philadelphia police officers on the social media platform.

Lena Dunham, America Ferrara, Meryl Streep were only a few big names to publicly throw their support behind Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee and the first woman to ever be nominated for president.

Elizabeth banks mocks donald trump he stole my hunger games entr

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Azealia Banks Defends Decision to Bleach Skin: I"m Still Black!

The very outspoken Azealia Banks is usually going on the offensive, dissing other stars left and right about whatever"s pissing her off today.

But now the rapper is playing defense after she took a hit from fans about her decision to bleach her skin.

Followers came down on her in June when they noticed her skin tone in recent pics appeared significantly lighter.

It was later revealed that Banks, who has been vocal about racism against dark-skinned blacks in the past, used the skin bleaching product Whitenicious to modify her complexion.

"I love how she"s the one talking about blackness all the time and now she bleaches her skin," lamented one fan.

Banks recently addressed the criticism in a 21-minute Facebook Live video, which was just deleted as we wrote this post. (Luckily, BeBoxMusic captured a small clip of it, seen below.)

“I don’t really think it’s important to discuss the cultural significance of skin bleaching anymore,” Banks told fans.

“Just as black people in this world, you assimilate, and there are things you accept, not just out of necessity but things become norm because they just happen all the time.”

So… she did it because it happens all the time?

She compares the decision to that of any woman who opts to alter her appearance.

"Its a deeper conversation into a woman"s right to choose, a woman"s choice," she said.

"What"s the difference between getting a nose job and changing your skin color?"

In 2015, Banks tweeted about the difficulties of being a dark-skinned woman and how it has affected her personally.

"The treatment I get for being a dark skinned woman just makes me want to lay down and die sometimes," she wrote.

"They hate us, they treat us like dogs, then turn around and ask why we’re mad. I don’t care what anyone says: men in general despise dark skinned women."

Of course, Banks" Twitter account was suspended in May after she (ironically) went on a racist, homophobic rant against singer Zayn Malik.

She concludes by basically telling fans to chill.

"I don"t think that me rubbing on some f**kin" bleaching cream or some cake soap is gonna be the end of the revolution, guys."

Watch a clip of the rant below:

Azealia banks defends decision to bleach skin im still black

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Azealia Banks Apologizes for Racist, Homophobic Attack on Zayn Malik

Earlier this week, terrible human Azealia Banks went on a sickening Twitter rant against Zayn Malik.

Among other things, she called him a “token brown boy,” a “curry scented b*tch” and a “f*ggot.” Oh, and she referred to his mother as a “dirty refugee.”


The shocking tirade led to a suspension of her Twitter account, and the internet rejoiced with the hashtag #AzealiaGotSuspendedParty.

She was also dropped from an upcoming London music festival.

Apparently recognizing that her bigotry might actually cost her some money, the rapper has now issued an apology on Instagram.

Read her message in full:

“Now that the immediacy of the infamous incident has worn off, I’ve had sometime to decompress & take a more rational assessment of things.

“I want to extend my sincerest apologies to the world.

“Employing racial/sexist slurs/stereotypes in attempt to make fun of or degrade another person or group is absolutely unacceptable and is not fair or fun for anyone.

“Allowing my anger to get the best of me, I’ve managed to insult millions of people without reason.

“And for that I give my deepest apologies.”

Banks’ PR team likely breathed a sigh of relief and tried to get some much-needed sleep after she posted it yesterday.

A few hours later, in a separate comment, she hilariously attempted to defend her “curry” insult by calling it a “dumb nyc joke about cabs smelling like curry” and reasoning, “I personally really enjoy curry and cook with it often.” 

Then today, she posted more crap that calls into question the sincerity of her apology.

She re-grammed a comment from a fan who wrote, “I like Azealia because she doesn’t care she says whatever the f**k she wants to say when she wants to without a fear in her body.”

The fan went on to bring up Skai Jackson’s comments, who after reading Banks’ attack on Malik, tweeted, “Azealia Banks needs to simmer down a little” and “When a no hip having 14 year old has more class than you. Worry about your career. Get one.”

In the caption, Banks wrote, “Yes. The child is a coon in training @skaijackson

Azealia Banks Instagram racism

And her PR team collectively choked on their Sunday brunch. 

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Azealia Banks Twitter Account Suspended Due to Rampant Racism and Homophobia

Twitter has managed to do the one thing no celebrity has yet been able to do:

Shut Azealia Banks up.

Following a rampage in which she went off on Zayn Malik via a firestorm of hateful insults that questioned his skin color… his religion… and his sexual preference, Banks has seen her Twitter account get temporarily suspended.

Those who visit the account for @AZEALIABANKS will now be redirected to a page that reads: “Account suspended.”

A message there explains why:

This account has been suspended. Learn more about why Twitter suspends accounts, or return to your timeline.

This news has hilariously caused “#AzealiaGotSuspendedParty” to start trending on Twitter.

Of course, anyone who has been following the celebrity gossip world over the past few days is well aware already of why Banks has gotten the social media boot.

In response to her belief that Malik copied portions of her work for his latest music video, Banks called Malik a “bitch n-gga” on Tuesday.

She also said he was the “token brown boy” in One Direction, that his mother is a “dirty refuse” and that he’s a giant “f-ggot.”

These messages got Banks fired from an upcoming London music festival and led many on Twitter to start calling for her account to be suspended.

They also led 14-year old Skai Jackson to slam Banks, putting the artist in her place by saying she has no class and no career.

“Fix ur life,” Jackson wrote to Banks. ‘I’m sure my mom did a wayyy better job then yours did! You give black woman a bad name. I’ll be praying for you.”

The only surprising thing here is that it took Twitter so long to actually kick Banks off.

She has bashed the gay community in general in the past, while she’s also gotten into absurd beefs with Beyonce, Kim Kardashian, Lady Gaga, Pharrell and Iggy Azalea.

Who has Banks NOT gone after? 

That may actually be a shorter list than who she has gone after.

We’ve made an attempt to compile the latter below: