Showing posts with label Bizarre. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bizarre. Show all posts

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Amber Portwood Reveals Bizarre, Troubling Details of Her Pregnancy

Amber Portwood is really, truly pregnant with her second child

It looks like we’re really doing this thing.

The whole thing is just so confusing, because Amber’s always made it clear that she didn’t plan on having more children.

She’s said that the medication she takes for her mental illnesses would make it impossible for her to have a healthy pregnancy, because of the side effects the fetus would suffer.

And also because it simply wouldn’t be a good idea for her to be off those meds for nine months.

On top of that, she said all the way back on her 16 and Pregnant episode that she never planned on being a mother at all, so there’s that.

But at this point, it doesn’t really matter what she said or what she planned on, because she’s pregnant with this dude she’s only known for a few months and that’s just the way it is.

Like we said, we’re really doing this thing.

In a new interview with Us Weekly, Amber gives all sorts of details about her pregnancy: how far along she is, what she’s been craving, how father-to-be Andrew Glennon is dealing with it all.

She even addresses the issue of her medication — turns out she just stopped taking it a few months ago.

To be more specific, she stopped taking it a few months ago when she broke up with Matt Baier, to see if her issues stemmed from mental illness or being so closely involved with a great big douchebag.

“I wanted to see if I was just unhappy because of the things that were going on in my life,” she explains. “I needed to see where I was in my head and it’s a beautiful thing because I just feel better.”

“I feel happier and not so depressed.”

It’s worth mentioning that Amber’s said she suffers from borderline personality disorder and that she’s also bipolar — it’s not exactly a situation in which she may have felt depressed because of a bad relationship.

It’s also notable that with this timeline, she stopped taking her meds right around the same time that she started posting those truly bizarre Instagram videos in the middle of the night.

But sure, this is fine. This is all fine.

Amber admits that “When I first found out I was a little scared,” which is obviously totally natural.

“I don’t know what to expect,” she adds. “Having a new baby is new likes, new wants, new needs, so it’s very nerve-racking.”

About telling her family, she says “I was nervous. Obviously it’s non-traditional. Usually parents want you to be married first and things like that.”

“But you know me, if I didn’t do things the way I did, I wouldn’t be me.”

Too true.

As for Andrew, he of the multiple restraining orders, Amber says that he’s “very excited” and that he’s “already thinking about the future.”

“He’s already talking about reading baby books,” she says.

He’s not reading them yet, but he is talking about reading them. So.

“I’m very blessed,” she says, “and just happy that we’re starting this journey together, and can’t wait to see where we’ll be in a year, so I’m very excited.”

She’s two months along right now, so in a year she and Andrew will have about a five-month-old baby. How weird is that?

Speaking of weird things, Amber is already having some pretty wacky cravings: for example, she’s been eating sandwiches containing peanut butter, cheese, crackers, and pickles.

“Some people are probably going to be like, ‘ewww,"” she acknowledges. “But when I first found out I was pregnant, I really had a craving for that.”

“My brother made it up when we were young. It’s probably the weirdest craving I’ve had. That and chocolate milk.”

But don’t think she’s out there in Indiana, shoveling peanut butter, cheese, and pickle sandwiches in her mouth — she says that “Andrew is very adamant on making sure that I’m eating nothing but fruits, veggies, meats and organic foods.”

Sure, eating healthy foods is a great thing to do, especially during pregnancy, but when you combine that controlling little tidbit with the rest of Andrew’s history, it sounds a little like a red flag, right?

Not that it matters. Amber’s in way too deep now to run.

On a sweeter note, she says that while she’ll be “happy with whatever,” she’s hoping for a boy this time around — and so is her daughter, Leah.

“But I swear, to me, it’s a joy having a baby at all,” she adds.

We really, really hope that’s the case, and that Amber turns out to be a wonderful mother this time around, happy and healthy and just 100% good.

We’re not going to hold our breath though.


Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Rob Kardashian & Blac Chyna Both Allege Drug-Fueled Violence in Bizarre Lawsuit

Yesterday, we reported that Blac Chyna is suing the entire Kardashian family, claiming that Kim and company are responsible for the cancelation of her short-lived E! reality show.

But her main target will always be her former fiance, Rob Kardashian, whom she claims was an abusive partner and a negligent father during their time together.

Now, Blac’s latest allegations against Rob are sure to do even further damage to his already badly-battered reputation.

In documents filed yesterday, Chyna claims not only that the Kards conspired to get E! to get cancel her series, she also says they exploited a painful domestic violence incident that occurred last year.

Just a few days before Christmas of 2016, police were called to the home that was then shared by Rob and Chyna.

Both parties offered conflicting versions of what had transpired, but multiple witnesses (uncluding Kris Jenner’s ex Corey Gamble) affiemed that it was Blac who attacked Rob, not the other way around, as she claimed.

Now, Blac is making sure the incident is addressed in her latest lawsuit, but it seems the Kardashians have no interest in backing down.

In yesterday’s scathing filing, lawyers for Blac (real name Angela White) offer a harrowing account of the violent encounter between Chyna and Rob:

“When Ms. White told defendant Rob Kardashian that he could not speak like that in front of her son, he claimed, ‘I can say whatever the f–k I want,"” read documents obtained by Radar Online.

“Ms. White then used her phone to call King’s father, Tyga, when Rob Kardashian immediately grabbed the phone from her hand and violently knocked her to the ground.”

According to the filing, Chyna then attempted to hide in her bedroom, but “Rob Kardashian lost all control and tore the hinge’s off Ms. White’s door.”

Once inside the room, Rob allegedly “ransacked” Chyna’s closets and “threw her belongings into disarray.”

“Rob Kardashian’s domestic abuse of Ms. White was a truly terrifying experience,” Blac’s lawyers write.

“Ms. White suffered pain and difficulty walking for days as a result of Rob Kardashian violently knocking her to the ground.”

The suit goes on to allege that Rob frequently threatened to commit suicide as a means of manipulating Chyna.

Despite the damning allegations, however, it looks as though the Kardashians have no interest in settling out of court.

The family remains steadfast in its assertion that Blac was the instigator, and Kris Jenner is reportedly planning a countersuit.

“We have witness statements and other evidence which will demonstrate conclusively that it is Chyna — not Rob — who is the violent and aggressive abuser,” says Kardashian lawyer Shawn Holley.

When told about Holley’s remarks, Chyna’s attorney Lisa Bloom remarked, “There’s no excuse for domestic violence.”

We’ll have further updates on this story as more information becomes available.


Friday, October 6, 2017

Harvey Weinstein Quotes Jay Z, Threatens NRA in Bizarre, Rambling "Apology"

Well… this is one way to deal with sexual harassment allegations.

On Thursday afternoon, The New York Times published a bombshell article in which it quoted multiple women who claimed Harvey Weinstein took advantage of them in various inappropriate ways.

According to this report, the veteran film producer has settled eight separate sexual misconduct claims over the years.

Ashley Judd is among the women who have issued complaints against Weinstein.

She’s now on record as saying Weinstein answered his hotel room door in 1997, while Judd was shooting the movie Kiss the Girls, and asked if he could either massage her or if she would watch him take a shower.

We know, right? EWWWWW.

In response to this multitude of claims against him, Weinstein basically acknowledged his many decades’ worth of lewd behavior.

“I appreciate the way I’ve behaved with colleagues in the past has caused a lot of pain, and I sincerely apologize for it,” he said, adding at the time:

“Though I’m trying to do better, I know I have a long way to go.”

Fair enough, we guess.

What else could he really say in the face of these allegations?

We now have the answer.

In a follow-up statement, clearly written without the help of a publicist, Weinstein opened by blaming the era in which he started his career for how he acted toward the opposite sex.

“I came of age in the 60’s and 70’s, when all the rules about behavior and workplaces were different. That was the culture then,” the producer said.

“I have since learned it’s not an excuse, in the office – or out of it. To anyone.”

Okay, fine. 

If Weinstein had stopped there, we wouldn’t even be writing this right now.

But he didn’t stop there.

“Though I’m trying to do better, I know I have a long way to go. That is my commitment,” he added.

“My journey now will be to learn about myself and conquer my demons. Over the last year I’ve asked Lisa Bloom to tutor me and she’s put together a team of people.

“I’ve brought on therapists and I plan to take a leave of absence from my company and to deal with this issue head on. I so respect all women and regret what happened.”

For the record, Lisa Bloom is a lawyer who specializes in representing celebrities seeking some kind of payday.

She sat alongside Blac Chyna this summer, for example, during her revenge porn case against Rob Kardashian.

It’s unclear how she has been acting as a “tutor” to Weinstein.

Weinstein then wrote this:

Jay Z wrote in 4:44 “I’m not the man I thought I was and I better be that man for my children.”

The same is true for me. I want a second chance in the community but I know I’ve got work to do to earn it.

For the record: Jay Z did not rap these words.

What he did rap was this:

“And if my children knew/I don’t even know what I would do/If they ain’t look at me the same/I would prob’ly die with all the shame.”

From there, Weinstein – inspired, we suppose, by this week’s Las Vegas shooting – turned his attention to… the National Rifle Assocation?


“I’ve decided that I’m going to give the NRA my full attention. I hope Wayne LaPierre will enjoy his retirement party.

“I’m going to do it at the same place I had my Bar Mitzvah. I’m making a movie about our President, perhaps we can make it a joint retirement party.”

Finally, after touting his progressive bona fides in this manner, Weinstein wrapped it up.

“One year ago, I began organizing a $ 5 million foundation to give scholarships to women directors at USC,” he wrote, concluding:

“While this might seem coincidental, it has been in the works for a year. It will be named after my mom and I won’t disappoint her.”

We’ve got a feeling it’s way too late for that.

Mrs. Weinstein is likely quite disappointed in her son already.


Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Mass Murderer Stephen Paddock, Brother Off the Rails in Bizarre Interview

The brother of mass murderer Stephen Paddock lost it Tuesday during a bizarre, rambling interview. Eric Paddock spoke with CBS News and broke down, unable to talk for a time, before his thoughts about his brother meandered.   He says his…


Monday, October 2, 2017

Mike Tyson"s Bizarre Personal Treasures Surface At NC Thrift Shop

Time for Mike Tyson to listen up … because if he wants some of the personal (and bizarre) items he USED to own back, TMZ Sports has a way for Iron Mike to recover his crap. What kinda stuff are we talking about here? Autographed porn covers (S/O…


Mike Tyson"s Bizarre Personal Treasures Surface At NC Thrift Shop

Time for Mike Tyson to listen up … because if he wants some of the personal (and bizarre) items he USED to own back, TMZ Sports has a way for Iron Mike to recover his crap. What kinda stuff are we talking about here? Autographed porn covers (S/O…


Monday, September 11, 2017

Jill Duggar: SLAMMED By Fans For Posting Bizarre Photo of Son

Jill Duggar is no stranger to criticism.

The first Duggar daughter to get married and start a family of her own, Jill has taken considerable flak for the unortohodox fashion in which she and her husband, Derick Dillard, have chosen to raise their children.

Much of the uproar surrounds the missionary work that Jill and Derick have performed in El Salvador.

It seems like a strange source of controversy — after all, who could get upset about a young couple helping the less fortunate? — but Jill and Derick weren’t entirely truthful about their time in Central America, and their deceptions may have put many at risk, including their own children.

Jill and Derick were never licensed missionaries, which means they were never trained for life in an impoverished village.

Taking young children along on such an excursion is risky under any circumstances, but it’s especially dangerous without proper training.

Add to that the fact that Jill and Derick ignored Zika virus warnings and got pregnant with their second child shortly after returning o the States, and it’s not hard to see why fans often call the young couple’s responsibility into question.

The latest controversial move by Jill and Derick pales in comprison to their actions in Central America, but nonetheless, it’s being taken by many as evidence that the young parents are in over their heads.

It has to do with the seeming innocuous photo above.

Jill posted it to her Instagram page over the weekend, with a caption reading: 

“We had such a great time at our friend’s place the other day @farmlandadventures Thanks for having us out!”

In other posts, Jill indicated that the children enjyed a petting zoo, a hay ride, and a walk through a corn maze.

And how could anyone take issue with such an innocent day of family fun?

Well, believe it or not, the complaints have to do with the tortilla in young Israel’s hand.

It seems on-lookers who witnessed the Dillard’s family day noticed that the tortilla was frequently placed on baby Samuel’s head, presumably in order to pervent sunburn.

Upon hearing this, some fans criticized Jill for forcing her son to wear food on his head instead of a hat, while others applauded her for improvising.

“No, you can’t find a baby hat on a farm but you can use common sense and be prepared. When you take 2 babies out for the day in the open when it’s obviously very warm and sunny, you pack hats hats and sunscreen, warm clothes in case the weather turns, even if you don’t end up needing them,” wrote one irate fan.

“Sorry but a tortilla? Really? Imagine how hot that would get, his head would be fried.

Another pointed out that this is far from the first instance in which Jill has demonstrated questionable parenting habits:

“She also thinks that feeding a growing and active toddler cold tomato sauce right out of the can is appropriate. There are pictures of that, too – not just one time but at least on two separate occasions,” the commenter wrote.

“That’s why I said she’s not the brightest bulb. She thinks that people won’t notice abuse and neglect – or she thinks that because she’s a DUGGAR!”

Far be it for us to defend Jill, as we agree that some made some highly dubious decisions in the years since she became a mom, but this situation seems more than a bit overblown.

Folks, let’s save our torilla related outrage for the times when they fall apart, spilling the contents of out Cheesy Gorditas into our laps.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most famous family.


Tuesday, July 25, 2017

T.J. Miller Comes Across as Massive Douche in Bizarre Interview

T.J. Miller is one of the stars of the upcoming Emoji Movie, and he’s got some thoughts to share the on effect of artists on the prevailing zeitgeist in Western capitalist societies.

Okay, Miller is also a standup who’s probably best known for his roles in Silicon Valley and Deadpool, but we couldn’t resist that opening sentence.

Miller recently quit Silicon Valley and made a point of igniting the Bridge to Relevance behind him, both insulting the intelligence of the show’s writers and expressing his disgust at his co-stars for not doing enough to prevent the election of Donald Trump.

Because, ya know, Thomas Middleditch, Kumail Nanjiani, and Martin Starr all weild a tremendous amount of political clout.

We guess it’s not surprising behavior coming from a guy who thinks the answer to the political strife in this country is to physically attack people who disagree with him.

Miller continued his amusingly un-self-aware career suicide this week with a thoroughly bonkers and unintentionally amusing interview with Vulture.

The only way to really do justice to Miller’s interview is to present his comments unedited, followed by our reactions, all of which will start with the word “dude,” because, seriously … dude:

On Women Not Being Funny: “They’re taught to suppress their sense of humor during their formative years,” Miller told Vulture. “Women want to be treated as equals, and we want feminism to be a thing, but it’s really difficult when every woman makes the same point about her vagina, over and over.

“I think shock value works well for women, but beyond that, there’s no substance. I want to see what else there is with such complex, smart creatures.”

Dude, it’s not the entire gender’s fault that the only female comic you’ve ever seen is Amy Schumer.

On Wanting to Be Lindsay Lohan: “After the election, I realized that there was a gap. Nobody right now is publicly the Lindsay Lohan–train wreck–but–not–quite person. If I’d just said it was an honor to work on ‘Silicon Valley’ and was thankful to Alec Berg, I would have disappeared. Instead, by being just a little authentic, I infected the news cycle. 

Dude, if Lindsay Lohan is your PR idol, then you need to take several steps back and re-evaluate WTF it is that you’re trying to accomplish.

Offerring a Hilariously High-Minded Justification For Selling Out: “My goal is to distract people from the tragedy of the impermanence of everyday life. And I can do that best by oversaturating the market … In the American Zeitgeist, you have to recognize that there is no Zeitgeist.”

Dude, stop throwing around words like “zeitgeist” so damn much. You’re promoting The Emoji Movie.

On … We Don’t Even Know: “There’s no point in moderation. Every American’s job in this capitalist society is to consume content. If nothing means anything, then anything can mean everything.”

Dude, just … what?

The whole thing is worth a read.

At one point, Miller informs the interviewer that he “tricked” him into answering nicer questions, like he’s some steampunk goggle-wearing pick-up artist enveloped in a cloud of vape smoke.

Be sure to enjoy every unhinged word, because we get the feeling T.J. Miller interviews won’t be a thing for much longer.


Monday, July 24, 2017

Bill Cosby Accuser Chloe Goins Busted in Bizarre Jail Parking Lot Incident

Bill Cosby accuser Chloe Goins could be in a heap of trouble after she was arrested on two felonies, and the lead-up to the bust is bizarre … TMZ has learned. The San Diego County District Attorney’s Office tells TMZ … Chloe was…


Thursday, July 13, 2017

Kendall Jenner Gets Restraining Order Against Man Proposing Marriage, Sending Bizarre Letters

Kendall Jenner’s being flooded with letters from a fan who claimed to love her at first, but then turned bitter, angry, and she thinks … dangerous. According to new docs … a California man named Thomas Hummel has been incessantly professing his…


Kendall Jenner Gets Restraining Order Against Man Proposing Marriage, Sending Bizarre Letters

Kendall Jenner’s being flooded with letters from a fan who claimed to love her at first, but then turned bitter, angry, and she thinks … dangerous. According to new docs … a California man named Thomas Hummel has been incessantly professing his…


Thursday, June 29, 2017

Donald Trump Slams Mika Brzezinski, Sparks Bizarre Twitter Feud

Just about every day since he became president, Donald Trump has started his morning by taking to Twitter.

Trump’s messages to his nearly 33 million followers are frequently hostile and confusing, but the president may have topped himself with today’s shocking and seemingly unporvoked attack on Morning Joe host Mika Brzezinski.

With no context provided, Trump launched a tirade against Brzezinski and her co-host, Joe Scarborough, claiming that the MSNBC personalities unfairly criticize him on air as a result of a social grievance:

“I heard poorly rated @Morning_Joe speaks badly of me (don’t watch anymore),” Trump tweeted.

“Then how come low I.Q. Crazy Mika, along with Psycho Joe, came… Mar-a-Lago 3 nights in a row around New Year’s Eve, and insisted on joining me. She was bleeding badly from a face-lift. I said no!”

What Brzezinski’s possible plastic surgery procedure has to do with Morning Joe’s coverage of the Trump presidency is anyone’s guess, but the baffling nature of the tweet hasn’t stopped … Sarah Huckabee Sanders from defending the president’s actions.

Sources who have spoken to Sanders report that she’s arguing the tweet was part of Trump’s effort “to push back” and “fight fire with fire,” adding that the president “won’t be bullied by liberal media.”

For her part, Brzezinski responded with a reference to Trump’s most famous anatomical shortcoming:

Mika Brzezinski Tweet

The 50-year-old political commentator posted the above photo sans caption … and obviously, this is a case in which no explanation is necessary.

But while Brzezinski effectively clapped back at the president without using words, many others have come to her defense with scathing condemnations of Trump’s appalling tweet.

“It’s a sad day for America when the president spends his time bullying, lying and spewing petty personal attacks instead of doing his job,” reads a statement issued by MSNBC.

“Mr. President, your tweet was beneath the office and represents what is wrong with American politics, not the greatness of America,” tweeted Senator Lindsey Graham.

Speaking through her press secretary, Melania Trump defended her husband with an argument similar to Sanders’, claiming that the president is under constant attack and is merely responding in kind:

“As the First Lady has stated publicly in the past, when her husband gets attacked, he will punch back 10 times harder,” Stephanie Grisham stated on the first lady’s behalf.

This is far from the first time that Trump’s Twitter account has been a source of controversy, but such a brazen personal attack on a media personality from a sitting president is thoroughly unprecedented.

Trump has yet to personally respond to the uproar over his latest insult.


Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Jay Mohr Drops N-Bombs In Bizarre Boosie Badazz Twitter Rant

First Bill Maher, now another white comic is dropping the n-bomb — this time, it’s Jay Mohr who used the word twice in a Twitter rant about rapper Boosie Badazz.  Mohr was reacting to an interview Boosie did describing how he witnessed fellow…


Jay Mohr Drops N-Bombs In Bizarre Boosie Badazz Twitter Rant

First Bill Maher, now another white comic is dropping the n-bomb — this time, it’s Jay Mohr who used the word twice in a Twitter rant about rapper Boosie Badazz.  Mohr was reacting to an interview Boosie did describing how he witnessed fellow…


Friday, May 26, 2017

"Alaskan Bush People" Star Matt Brown Gets 9 Staples After Bizarre Accident

“Alaskan Bush People” star Matt Brown needed 9 staples in his head after an explosion in his fridge landed him in the hospital. Our sources in Alaska tell us the accident happened Tuesday night in Matt’s Hoonah, AK crib. Apparently, he’d filled…


Monday, May 15, 2017

Katy Perry: Slammed For Bizarre "Bon Appetit" Video

With lyrics like "spread me like a buffet" and "hope you"ve got some room for the world"s best cherry pie," it"s no surprise that the video for Katy Perry"s "Bon Appetit" features lots of skin and visual innuendo.

What is surprising is the fact that the effect is less arousing than revolting.

The song was controversial from the start, due to Katy"s decision to collaborate with Migos.

Many don"t buy the hip hop crew"s apologies for past homophobic comments, and Katy – a longtime supporter of the LGBT community – is being called out as hypocritical.

Anyway, if you thought the uproar might cause Katy might play it safe in the video, you were sorely mistaken.

This is really one of those clips that has to be seen to be believed, but here are some highlights to watch out for:

-Katy making "O" faces while being kneaded and stretched into dough.

-Katy being covered in vegetables for some reason.

-Katy having a braid chopped off like it"s about to be sent off with a ransom note.

-Katy being tossed into a pot of boiling water.

-Katy ditching the food motif to turn into an exotic dancer who performs for Migos.

Whoops, looks like we just described the whole video.

We"d say there"s really no reason for you to watch it now, but we can think of at least two:

Katy"s boobs are prominently featured throughout the clip.

Sure, they"re often covered in various foodstuffs, but you"ll get over it.

Katy perry slammed for bizarre bon appetit video

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Easy D: Donald Trump Tweets Bizarre Phrase, Twitter Has Field Day

Social media can be a cruel mistress.

The same sites that create kings (or presidents, as the case may be) can tear them down in an instant (or at least let people make fun of them when they say something dumb).

As you may have heard, former Celebrity Apprentice host Donald Trump enjoys posting the occasional tweet, and these days he focuses primarily on defending his controversial Muslim ban.

(And occasionally slamming Nordstrom for no longer partnering with his daughter, because beefing with a retail chain is totes presidential.)

We can only assume President Bannon left Donnie unattended for a few minutes today, because he sent out a bizarre tweet incorporating the phrase "EASY D!"

As you can imagine, Twitter had a field day. Take a look:

1. EASY D!

Easy d

The President of the United States tweeted this today. He was promptly and justly roasted for it.

2. Easy D, Defined

Easy d defined

One of the many possible definitions of the phrase “Easy D.”

3. In Search of Easy D

In search of easy d

Tomi might be the only person on the Internet more thin-skinned than the Donald. So naturally, she frequently gets the meme treatment.

4. Eazy D

Eazy d

Most folks went the dick joke route, but some pointed out that Donnie’s phrase brings to mind a founding member of NWA.

5. Straight Outta Trump Tower

Straight outta trump tower

Was the president paying tribute to Eazy-E? Only Donnie knows for sure.

6. Donnie and the D

Donnie and the d

Just when you thought this photo couldn’t get any more disturbing…

View Slideshow

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Donald Trump: Bizarre Work Habits, Love of Bathrobes Revealed

Obviously, Americans no longer hold elected officials to the lofty moral or intellectual standards of our forefathers, and we suppose that’s to be expected.

However, we don’t think it’s too much to ask that American presidents not favor the same attire and work habits of Jeffrey “The Dude” Lebowski.

Yesterday, the New York Times published a scathing piece about the president’s unorthodox schedule and the haphazard fashion in which his team is running the White House.

Not surprisingly, Trump and company have already slammed the criticism as “fake news.”

That’s the Donald’s way of responding to just about every negative report about his disastrous executive orders, his glaring lack of experience, the fact that he’s basically allowed Steve Bannon to take over as president, etc.

In fairness, in this case, the Trump team doesn’t really have much choice other than to pretend their the victims of a vast media conspiracy, because if the Times report is true, the nation’s future is basically in the hands of your sophomore year dorm-mate.

According to the Times, Trump basically enjoys three things:

Television, bathrobes, and chillaxin’.

The report claims that Trump is thoroughly enjoying the bachelor life (It now looks as though Melania Trump will not move to D.C., as was originally planned.), clocking out and donning his presidential bathrobe at 6:30 every evening.

According to the Times, Trump then spends the evening watching television and complaining about media personalities who criticize him.

Sadly,t his is all in keeping with what we already know about Trump’s evenings.

We already know that despite frequent boasts about his intellect, the president doesn’t read books, but consumes television shows voraciously.

It’s a curious habit, as TV seems to only further outrage Trump.

Trump tweets about SNL on a regular basis, and was reportedly so infuriated with Melissa McCarthy’s portrayal of White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer on this week’s show that for once, he actually decided to keep his rage to himself.

This may all sound like a collection of harmless quirks (though recent polls have shown that most Americans would prefer that trump stop tweeting altogether) but Trump’s absence in the Oval Office is already said to be having a significant on his administration’s agenda.

White House sources say that Trump’s truncated work days have allowed Bannon (who reportedly puts in 80-hour weeks) to seize control.

Tellingly, Bannon was the first to speak out on the allegations of haste and disorder within the Trump administration:

“We are moving big and we are moving fast,” Bannon said. “We didn’t come here to do small things.”

Spicer has denied the reports of his boss’ indolence, claiming that Trump doesn’t even own a bathrobe, to which we say:

How can a man own a chain of luxury hotels but not a single bathrobe?

You have to start being more selective with your BS, Seany.



Saturday, December 24, 2016

Vin Diesel"s Brazilian Reporter Was Into Him After Bizarre Interview

Vin Diesel may not have crossed the line with the Brazilian reporter over whom he salivated, because she seemed down with it. Vin’s chitchat with Carol Moreira seemed super creep at first blush … but check out the video we got afterward –…


Monday, December 19, 2016

50 Cent Accused of Child Abuse After Posting Bizarre Video

50 Cent hasn"t exactly been killin" it in the life choices department lately, and his parenting in particular has drawn a tremendous amount of criticism in recent months.

Back in October, 50 threatened to kill his son Marquise on Instagram.

Now, he"s drawing fire for a video in which he appears to punch his youngest "son," Davian, in the head.

We had to put that in quotes because Davian isn"t really Fiddy"s son, but rather a young fan whom the rapper says he "treats like a son."

We guess that would be a good thing, were it not for the fact that in Curtis Jackson"s world, treating someone like a son means pummeling them in the head.

The rapper posted the clip below on Instagram with a caption reading:

"Getting my young bull ready."

Ready for what? The concussion protocol?

Fif doesn"t appear to be hauling off and hitting Davian full-force, but it bears repeating that he makes contact with the kid"s head multiple times, at one point hitting him so hard that he bumps into the wall behind him.

Mr. Cent has long been a boxing aficionado, often commenting on the sport on social media, and even feuding with Floyd Mayweather and other fighters.

(Floyd and 50 have buried the hatchet, but the rapper has since taken to throwing shade at Bernard Hopkins.)

So we understand that he takes a genuine interest in the sport, and this isn"t just an excuse to knock an 11-year-old around.

Still, it might be time for 50 to hire a coach for the kid.

We"re sure he can afford it.

50 cent accused of child abuse after posting bizarre video