Showing posts with label Criticized. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Criticized. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Farrah Abraham: Criticized For MORE Inappropriate Photos of Daughter!

Farrah Abraham has never been on anyone’s Mother of the Year shortlist, but there was a time when she directed the majority of her crazy at the other adults in her life, sometimes attacking co-workers in wild bursts of “creative temperament.”

Sadly, now that Farrah’s daughter has reached the ripe old age of 7, it seems reality/porn star has turned her focus toward molding a mini-bestie in her own image.

That’s one of the Sophia “modeling pics” that Farrah has posted online in recent weeks, much to the chagrin of her many followers.

If you lost a lot of weight a few years back, and you were recently dismissed by the Subway corporation, you might not see the problem with a 7-year-old posing for such grown-up photos, but many on Farrah’s social media pages have expressed their discomfort.

Farrah being Farrah, she responded not only with more pics, but also with bieind-the-scenes video of a 7-year-old’s swimsuit shoot, because that’s something that anyone who doesn’t have go door-to-door when he moves to a new neighborhood has ever clamored to see:

As you might expect, the reaction to the above clip, was not exactly favorable.

Some choice comments include:

“She should be swimming with kids her own age,” one Instagram user commented. “Splashing. Playing Marco Polo. Something other than laying in a pool with cameras in her face. Poor Sophia.

“The grandma should step in. I’m a grandmother and if I saw this I would snap that kid up quick. This is out of control.”

“It’s not the kid, it’s the parent. She’s a moron.”

“Sad for this poor girl. She has no one to protect her innocence.”

So what is Farrah supposed to do, stop posting videos of Sophia that are clearly designed to outrage?

Yeah. Yeah, that’s exactly what she should do.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Jenelle Evans: HARSHLY Criticized For Latest Photo of Son Kaiser!

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, then you know Jenelle Evans isn’t likely to be nominated for any mother of the year awards anytime soon.

Of course, despite the many, many (many) valid criticisms of Jenelle’s parenting that TM2 fans have shared online over the year, over-zealous concern-trolls still feel the need to dig deep in their ongoing effort to tear apart literally everything Jenelle does:

Ms. Evans posted the above photo to Instagram yesterday, along with a caption reading:

“I’m pretty convinced my babies will always be water babies. Fine by me.”

In the interest of scoring some sweet, sweet family photo bucks, Evans added:

“My little man is always safe in his #PuddleJumper.”

And that’s what made her social media followers go off:

“No he’s not…That will not safe his life. That’s for kids learning to swim,” wrote one “fan.”

Remarkably, rather than just ignoring the remark, Jenelle decided to take the bait and jump right into bottom-feeder-infested waters.

“It’s Coast Guard Certified and actually has a weight limit on it. This keeps Kaiser up float on his back above water,” she replied, insisting that she’d “done her homework” on the Puddle Jumper.

From there, Evans supporters (a rare breed, but they’re out there) jumped into the fray to get the Carolina Hurricane’s back:

“Yeah it would. And plus, it’s a little river and he’s not alone,” wrote one.

“Hun, My children own them, and a ‘little river’ has a very strong current. If he went down, he’d go under in a heartbeat.”

Sigh. The remarkable thing is this isn’t even the first time Jenelle’s use of the Puddle Jumper has come under fire this summer.

To be honest, we’re not up on our Myrtle Beach maritime law (totes slept through that class in college), but if the kid is well supervised by grownups and is wearing some sort of flotation device, we think he’s probably safe.

More importantly, when it comes to Jenelle you’ve gotta pick your battles.

Focus on the times she ditches her kids to go on spring break, not the times she actually takes them on vacations.

Jenelle Evans: HARSHLY Criticized For Latest Photo of Son Kaiser!

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, then you know Jenelle Evans isn’t likely to be nominated for any mother of the year awards anytime soon.

Of course, despite the many, many (many) valid criticisms of Jenelle’s parenting that TM2 fans have shared online over the year, over-zealous concern-trolls still feel the need to dig deep in their ongoing effort to tear apart literally everything Jenelle does:

Ms. Evans posted the above photo to Instagram yesterday, along with a caption reading:

“I’m pretty convinced my babies will always be water babies. Fine by me.”

In the interest of scoring some sweet, sweet family photo bucks, Evans added:

“My little man is always safe in his #PuddleJumper.”

And that’s what made her social media followers go off:

“No he’s not…That will not safe his life. That’s for kids learning to swim,” wrote one “fan.”

Remarkably, rather than just ignoring the remark, Jenelle decided to take the bait and jump right into bottom-feeder-infested waters.

“It’s Coast Guard Certified and actually has a weight limit on it. This keeps Kaiser up float on his back above water,” she replied, insisting that she’d “done her homework” on the Puddle Jumper.

From there, Evans supporters (a rare breed, but they’re out there) jumped into the fray to get the Carolina Hurricane’s back:

“Yeah it would. And plus, it’s a little river and he’s not alone,” wrote one.

“Hun, My children own them, and a ‘little river’ has a very strong current. If he went down, he’d go under in a heartbeat.”

Sigh. The remarkable thing is this isn’t even the first time Jenelle’s use of the Puddle Jumper has come under fire this summer.

To be honest, we’re not up on our Myrtle Beach maritime law (totes slept through that class in college), but if the kid is well supervised by grownups and is wearing some sort of flotation device, we think he’s probably safe.

More importantly, when it comes to Jenelle you’ve gotta pick your battles.

Focus on the times she ditches her kids to go on spring break, not the times she actually takes them on vacations.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Jill Duggar: Criticized for Seeking Mother-in-Law"s Birth Mom on Twitter!

Jill Duggar is catching heat again.

This time, it’s got nothing to do with her trying to get pregnant while in El Salvador as the Zika virus runs rampant there.

Instead, she’s coming under fire for seeking out the birth mom of her husband Derick Dillard’s mother, Cathy, who was adopted.

Jill even sent out a plea to fans on Twitter, asking for help from anyone who might know of the woman’s whereabouts.

“Please help us find @cldilla birth mom. Anyone know Joyce Perry (DOB 12/9/1925)? Previously in TX, OK & PA. Israel would love 2 meet ggma!” she tweeted.

It may be worth noting that Jill and Derick’s son Israel is one, and likely doesn’t even understand what a great grandmother is.

In addition to the tweet, the couple also posted a notice on the Duggar Family Blog, announcing their search for Joyce Perry.

Fans, of course, deemed this public hunt inappropriate.

“Does CATHY want to know more about Cathy’s birth family?” wrote one reader. “If so, why not before now? Why now? I hope Jill & Derick aren’t turning up stones they should be leaving alone. This kind of venture can be full of pitfalls for everyone involved.”

Another fan chimed in:

“Okay…..this is strange. Maybe Cathy’s birth mother didn’t want to be known.”

Adding to the strangeness of it all is that Cathy had already tracked down her biological mother years ago, and noted the woman wanted nothing to do with her.

She made the admission after implying that her mom would’ve had an abortion if it had been legal.

“If abortion had been legal when I was born, I wouldn’t be here! Neither would Derick, Dan or Baby Dilly!” she tweeted, which prompted a fan to ask her to clarify.

“My birth mother whom I located when I was 27,” Cathy added. “She had put me up for adoption at birth and still didn’t want to meet me even then.”

It’s unclear the real reason that’s motivating Jill to find this woman, but we do know she and Derick have considered adopting a child of their own.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Justin Bieber: Criticized By PETA For Controversial Photo

They say a picture’s worth a thousand words.

We don’t know if that’s true, but this photo of Justin Bieber chillin’ with a tiger is worth at least one WTF?! and two clear observations:

  1.  Justin finally cut his dreadlocks, so the world can now get back to making fun of everything else about him.

  2. That tiger doesn’t look too thrilled to be there.

Not surprisingly, PETA is focusing on the latter aspect of the pic, which was posted to Bieber’s Instagram page over the weekend.

Apparently, the tiger was one of the attractions at an engagement party for Bieber’s father, because if there are no jungle beasts, how will people know you’re serious about getting hitched?

Anyway, as you probably know, PETA is not big on wildlife being held captive for the amusement of rich D-bags, and they’ve taken to social media to express their thoughts on the Bieber Boys’ fondness for using endangered species as status symbols:

“Justin Bieber is lucky not to have had his throat torn out by this stressed captive tiger,” wrote PETA representative Lisa Lange in a statement posted online today.

“We know he (Bieber) is drawn to animals, but this is the very worst way to recognize this interest because exotic animals are usually torn away from their mothers prematurely, beaten into submission by trainers, are often doped up to be docile, and are deprived of everything that’s natural and important to them.”

Apparently the situation is particularly egregious as it’s believed that the tiger is owned by Michael Hackenbeger, a trainer for Hollywood movies, who is currently under investigation for animal cruelty.

“The tiger who appeared at the Bieber party is identical to Robbie, a Bowmanville Zoo tiger we know is used for encounters with the public and was used in The Interview,” reps claim, adding that Robbie is thought to be one of the animals Hackenberger abused.

The organization says it also sent a letter to Bieber’s manager, Scooter Braun, encouraging the pop idol to set a better example for his fans:

“To people with huge influence like Justin Bieber, our message is simple: tigers are wild animals, not entertainers,” PETA says.

“People posing with wildlife don’t realize that a ‘once in a lifetime’ photo for them means a lifetime of misery for the animal,” the group said in a statement.”

Sadly, this is not the first time Justin’s treatment of animals has been criticized.

In 2013 Bieber adopted a pet monkey, which he was forced to turn over to German authorities when he attempted to take it on tour.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Chrissy Teigen Criticized for Leaving Baby, SLAMS Haters!

Chrissy Teigen has been a mother for about one week, and the mom cops are already issuing citations over her parenting choices.

The model committed the high crime of stepping out for dinner with her husband John Legend, but without her infant daughter.

The pair grabbed a bite at West Hollywood hotspot The Nice Guy, but the Twitterverse was anything but nice.

“The spotlight pull be strong,” wrote one user. “One week. Who wants to leave a one week old baby to go to a bar?”

Said another:

“She’s hitting the streets already???? Damn these so called celebrities want to show off so bad after giving birth.

“Spend bonding time with your baby and not let the nanny or babysitter raise them!”

Unbelievably, some critics were concerned about Teigen stinking up the establishment.

“You bleed a few weeks and the smell is horriffic!” wrote a third tweep. “Even with a shower you have an after birth smell. I would never leave my baby after a week!”


While some celebs might just brush off such nonsense, or not even read it at all, this is Chrissy Teigen we’re talking about.

She clapped back by posting screenshots of the shade-filled tweets and included a few messages of her own:

“I went to dinner. People are pissed. Good morning!” 

“‘I never wanted to leave my daughter, i love her, BUT THAT’S JUST ME"” – the passive aggressiveness is real!”  

“Talking about vagina smells in the comments. what in the.”

Dang, people.

Let the woman treat herself to a nice dinner after she spent nine months carrying the kid then several hours pushing it out. 

Luna was probably asleep by then, anyway. 

BTW, here’s what she looks like. Pretty stinkin’ adorable.

Chrissy Teigen Criticized for Leaving Baby, SLAMS Haters!

Chrissy Teigen has been a mother for about one week, and the mom cops are already issuing citations over her parenting choices.

The model committed the high crime of stepping out for dinner with her husband John Legend, but without her infant daughter.

The pair grabbed a bite at West Hollywood hotspot The Nice Guy, but the Twitterverse was anything but nice.

“The spotlight pull be strong,” wrote one user. “One week. Who wants to leave a one week old baby to go to a bar?”

Said another:

“She’s hitting the streets already???? Damn these so called celebrities want to show off so bad after giving birth.

“Spend bonding time with your baby and not let the nanny or babysitter raise them!”

Unbelievably, some critics were concerned about Teigen stinking up the establishment.

“You bleed a few weeks and the smell is horriffic!” wrote a third tweep. “Even with a shower you have an after birth smell. I would never leave my baby after a week!”


While some celebs might just brush off such nonsense, or not even read it at all, this is Chrissy Teigen we’re talking about.

She clapped back by posting screenshots of the shade-filled tweets and included a few messages of her own:

“I went to dinner. People are pissed. Good morning!” 

“‘I never wanted to leave my daughter, i love her, BUT THAT’S JUST ME"” – the passive aggressiveness is real!”  

“Talking about vagina smells in the comments. what in the.”

Dang, people.

Let the woman treat herself to a nice dinner after she spent nine months carrying the kid then several hours pushing it out. 

Luna was probably asleep by then, anyway. 

BTW, here’s what she looks like. Pretty stinkin’ adorable.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Jinger Duggar Criticized For Endangering 4-Year-Old Nephew

The women of the Duggar family are expected to start helping with household chores – including caring for their younger siblings – at a very young age.

In keeping with that tradition, 22-year-old Jinger Duggar has been helping with the young ones since she was little girl herself. Perhaps that’s why this photo caught so many fans by surprise:

That’s a shot of Michael Duggar, the 4-year-old son of Josh and Anna Duggar, asleep in the backseat of Jinger’s car during a shopping excursion.

The image was posted to the Duggar’s official Facebook page this afternoon along with a caption reading, “Look at this photo Jinger sent us! Seems like her little shopping buddy needed some rest!”

Seems harmless enough, but because everything the Duggars do stirs up controversy these days, several fans immediately went on the offensive.

The problem, it seems, is that Michael is not properly restrained according to Arkansas state law, which dictates that children under the age of 5 or weighing less than 60 pounds must ride in a car seat.

Naturally, the comments section on the photo has now devolved into a battleground with child safety advocates duking it out with the Duggar faithful:

“He should be in a high back booster or a harness,” wrote one commenter. “She probably wasn’t driving when the photo was taken but had to have been driving with him in that position. He wasn’t properly restrained. Period.”

“Even if he were in a backless booster and that booster is being hidden by the blanket in the photo, a backless/no back booster isn’t even an appropriate seat for a 5yo anyway,” another chimed in.

Naturally, these comments sparked the usual “know-it-all moms” blowback:

“1) she PROOOOBABLY wasn’t able to take such a perfect picture, from the driver’s seat, while driving. 2) if you say your child has.never done this, you’re lying. 3) they don’t need your safety advice,” one commenter wrote in Jinger’s defense.

The Duggars have been criticized for photos of their kids on numerous occasions in the past year.

In fact, this isn’t even the first controversy related to a car seat.

Some of it seems to come from a place of genuine concern; most of it is just the usual Internet outrage directed at some very low-hanging fruit, but as several commenters pointed out today, when it pertains to their kids’ safety, the Duggars should probably just take the advice.

Hilary Duff Criticized For "Inappropriate" Outfit on Instagram

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Monday, April 4, 2016

Gwen Stefani Criticized For Pregnancy Prank

Last week, Gwen Stefani observed April Fools’ Day by posting a fake pregnancy announcement on Instagram.

It seemed like a harmless enough (if somewhat lame) prank, but now the singer is facing some serious blowback from irate fans.

The comments section on the post are filled with outraged followers venting their frustration at what they feel was an insensitive move by Stefani:

  • “Not funny. Insensitive and immature, nicely done.”

  • You should never joke about a life. This is disrespectful to those of us with infertility issues or have lost a child. Find something else that would actually be funny.

  • This makes all women that have had miscarriages feel wonderful.

  • If this is a April fools joke then it is sooooo wrong because there are so many women that can’t get pregnant or if they get pregnant they have miscarriages, so saying that you are pregnant and not really be pregnant is just plain cruel and wrong.

  • Being pregnant isn’t a joke. So immature and insensitive.

Gwen responded by retweeting a tabloid article that claimed she was pregnant with Blake Shelton’s baby.

It seemed to be her way of saying that her joke was meant to satirize false media reports, but it appeared to leave most fans confused.

For his part, when asked by a fan how he feels about the angry comments, Shelton tweeted:

“I ignore self appointed do gooders who bitch and moan on social media. Try it. The world gets WAY better. “

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Michelle Duggar: Criticized For Spending During Family Financial Crisis

Earlier today, we reported that a friend of the Duggar family is claiming that Michelle was so distraught in the weeks following the sex scandals that shattered her family’s reputation that she “mourned” her son Josh as though he were dead.

Obviously, Michelle was mainly angry about Josh’s sexual misconduct, but like the rest of the family, she’s reportedly also upset by the fact that the 28-year-old cost his parents and siblings their livelihood, as the reality show that made them famous was canceled as a result of his actions.

With 19 Kids and Counting a distant memory, some of the Duggar siblings have returned to television with Jill and Jessa: Counting On, which recently kicked off its first full season on TLC.

Unfortunately for Jim Bob and Michelle, the show doesn’t pay as much as 19 Kids did, and the cash goes entirely to the Duggar children, not their parents.

Obviously, the parents receive some financial assistance from their kids, but they’re reportedly still struggling.

Now Star magazine is reporting that Michelle Duggar has been spending wildly in recent months, and drawing criticism from fans as a result.

The tabloid claims Michelle was spotted on a shopping spree with daughter Jennifer Duggar earlier this week, and fans have had some harsh words for the matriarch on social media.

Part of the problem is that the Duggars asked for donations in the months after Josh’s scandal, and now it seems that they’re having no trouble supporting their many children.

While Jim Bob is a successful businessman in his tiny hometown, many are wondering how the couple is getting by without the reality TV income they’ve admitted to relying on.

And if they’re no longer struggling – why haven’t they returned the funds donated by fans, or at least passed them on to a worthy charity?

Watch Jill & Jessa: Counting On online to see how the next generation of Duggars is moving on.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Leah Messer: Criticized For Denying Daughters Food on Teen Mom 2 Premiere

We’re only one episode into Teen Mom 2 Season 7, and already Leah Messer is being criticized by fans of the show.

Leah lost custody of her twin daughters last year after allegedly failing to get them to school on time on several separate occasions.

The hectic morning portrayed on the show may have made some viewers more sympathetic to Leah’s plight, but it also earned her a ton of criticism, as many fans on social media slammed the 23-year-old for her failure to properly feed her children in the morning.

“Since school starts at 7:15, it’s been really hard waking up early enough to get out of the door,” Messer said in a voice-over, as she rushed her three daughters out of the house.

“You’re always worried about everything else except for going to pick us up and giving us lunch,” 5-year-old Aleeah complained once they were in the car.

“I’m cold, and I don’t have nothing to eat. You never get us up for breakfast.”

“I’m not daddy and Miranda first of all!” Leah snapped, referring to Corey and his wife, Miranda Simms. “I’m not cooking breakfast when we already have to get up at 5 o’clock.”

The response on Twitter was swift and harsh, as many accused of Leah of being a negligent and uncaring mother.

It’s worth noting, however, that the twins are able to eat breakfast at school, a fact that Leah pointed out, but that most viewers ignored.

Even so, the sight of young children begging for food and being denied is a tough one to shake.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more of Leah’s questionable parenting decisions.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Jill Duggar & Derick Dillard: Criticized For Joking About Zika Virus

For the past four months, Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard have been in Central America with their 11-month-old baby Israel.

The couple is performing missionary work in an undisclosed nation (they’re believed to be in stationed in El Salvador), but while the Dillards are keeping mum on their exact location, they’re definitely living in a part of the world that’s being profoundly affected by the Zika virus.

Jill and Derick briefly returned to Arkansas last month, and it initially looked as though they planned to remain in the States in order to decrease their chances of contracting the mosquito-borne illness, which causes severe birth defects in the children of infected mothers.

The Dillards religious beliefs forbid them to use birth control, and rumors that Jill is pregnant with her second child have been circulating for several weeks.

To the surprise of many, however, the couple returned to Central America after spending just a few days in their hometown, presumably to film scenes for the upcoming TLC reality series Jill & Jessa: Counting On.

Now, some fans are concerned that Jill and Derick aren’t taking threat of contracting Zika seriously:

Derick recently posted the above photo, along with a caption that’s drawn criticism from many of his social media followers:

“I knew I could count on Walmart to have what I need to combat that Zika Virus! #beprepared #zika,” Derick wrote.

Derick is clearly joking, and that’s exactly what has some fans worried.

Those living in Zika hot spots have been advised to avoid getting pregnant for at least two years.

Even if the rumors that Jill is currently expecting turn out to be untrue, it’s very unlikely that the Dillards will go another two years without having a child.

Especially since the couple is almost certainly not heeding all the advice of health experts, it’s not surprising that Derick is being criticized for making flippant remarks about a very serious disease.

Here’s hoping he and Jill are taking their preventative measures more seriously than they seem to be.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Jill Duggar: Criticized For Putting Family at Risk

It’s been four months since Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard returned to Central America to complete the missionary work that they began in early 2015.

Last year, the couple was criticized for coming home ahead of schedule after accepting donations from fans and giving the impression that El Salvador would serve as their new home. 

Now, in a strange (but somewhat justified) reversal of public opinion, Jill and Derick are being criticized for staying in El Salvador despite the fact that doing so puts them at risk of contracting the dreaded Zika virus.

When news first broke that the virus was endangering the health of pregnant women and their babies throughout the region, there were rumors that Jill and Derick planned to return to Arkansas, thus cutting their missionary trip short for a second time.

Now, it looks as though they have every intention of staying put, even though it’s been widely reported that Jill is pregnant with her second child.

Jill and Derick have not confirmed the rumors, but they have yet to deny them.

Their silence on the matter – coupled with the fact that Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar recently made an unannounced visit to Jill and Derick in El Salvador – has led many to believe that the couple is in fact expecting a little brother or sister for baby Israel.

Naturally, fans have taken to social media to encourage Jill and Derick to return to the States, as Zika is known to cause birth defects in the children of infected mothers.

However, experts say that if Jill and Derick take the necessary precautions (such as sleeping with a mosquito net over their bed), they should be safe.

Even so, it’s not hard to see why fans of the couple might be concerned.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar: Criticized For Visiting Jill & Derick Dillard

Last week, we reported that Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar were in El Salvador to visit Jill and Derick Dillard.

The trip came as a surprise to fans who were under the impression that Jill and Derick had returned to Arkansas due to their fears about contracting the Zika virus.

Of course, these days it seems that everything the Duggars do stirs up controversy, and Jim Bob and Michelle’s trip to Central America was no exception.

In fact, this time there are multiple controversies surrounding what at first appears to be an innocent trip to visit family.

First, some irate social media users expressed their outrage over the fact that Jim Bob and Michelle took a trip without bringing all of their many, many children. 

“Wow Mom and Dad get to go on vacation? Who’s watching their children? Oh wait, they watch themselves smh,” wrote one fan on the Duggars’ Facebook page.

“Must be nice ma and pa can just take off and not to give a sh-t about all of their kids at home. THEY are useless parents,” wrote another.

Frankly, we’re sympathetic to Jim Bob and Michelle.

When you have so many kids that it would probably be cheaper to charter a private jet than to buy them all seats in coach, you might have to just leave them home sometimes.

Some fans weren’t upset about the fact that most of the brood was left in the States, but did feel that the Duggars were putting their kids at risk by traveling to an area of the world that’s fighting a virus about which little is known.

While the most commonly reported symptoms of Zika have involved birth defects in children of infected mothers, scientists have not ruled out the possibility that the illness could have damaging long-term effects on men, non-pregnant women, and children.

Many feel the Duggars unnecessarily put themselves and their massive brood at risk by traveling to El Salvador and promptly returning to their house full of children.

And then there’s the issue of why the Duggars chose to make a surprise, brief visit to Jill and her husband.

For weeks now, reports that Jill is pregnant with her second child have been circulating online, and the Dillards have done nothing to dispel the rumors.

Did the Duggars head to Central America to offer their congratulations in person?

It may be a while until we find out, but you can be sure the topic will be addressed when the family returns to television later this year.

In the meantime, there will no doubt be plenty of new Duggar scandals to keep the family in the tabloids.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Farrah Abraham: Criticized For Photo of Daughter Sophia

Farrah Abraham has made a number of questionable parenting decisions over the years, but few have outraged fans quite like her latest photo of 7-year-old daughter Sophia.

If you watched Teen Mom Season 12 Episode 7 this week, you know there was some controversy regarding Sophia’s “decision” to wear makeup at school.

Not content to simply piss off fans through television, Farrah tweeted the above photo as the episode was airing, along with a caption reading, “Don’t hate on #Hair #Makeup @MTV So cute.”

It seems a bit like Farrah is using her daughter to troll her social media followers, but maybe she just wanted to share her pride over her little girl’s first controversy on social media.

Whatever the case, people were not pleased. 

“Let your daughter be a child. She shouldn’t wear make up period,” wrote one commenter.

“Totally agree 100%, only wear it if she’s playing around at HOME!” wrote another.

Yes, it was the biggest Sophia moment since the girl slapped Farrah on an episode of Teen Mom.

And again, most of the criticism centered around the fact that Farrah seems more concerned with fame and being her daughter’s friend than with being a mom.

You can put makeup on her all you want, Farrah, it’s still gonna be at least a decade before Sophia is ready to get photographed at the hottest clubs with you.

Watch Teen Mom online to relive all of Farrah’s iffy parenting decisions,

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Jill Duggar Criticized For Sharing Photo of Bruised Baby Israel

Despite their best efforts, it seems there’s nothing the Duggar family can do to avoid controversy as one year gives way to the next.

Obviously, the Josh Duggar sex scandals are still fresh in the minds of many former fans, but lately Jill Duggar and her husband, Derick Dillard, have surprisingly been drawing almost as much criticism.

The latest dust-up concerns the above photo that was posted to the Duggar family’s official Facebook page last week.

As you can see, baby Israel David Dillard, a.k.a. Izzy, appears to be sporting a small bruise above his eye.

Duggar fans, obviously, are pouncing on the opportunity to point out what they see as further evidence of Jill and Derick’s negligent parenting. 

Obviously, kids bump and bruise themselves all the time, and this shouldn’t really be a big deal on its own.

With the response she’s been getting from her photos lately, though, you’d think Jill would know enough to just take a break from social media for a while. 

After all, it was just last month when Jill posted a photo of Israel in which he appeared to be sporting a different facial bruise. 

Followers attacked her both for the injury and for the fact that he was seated in front of non-baby-proofed electrical outlet.

Prior to that, Jill shared a photo that prompted curious, concerned fans to launch a series of bizarre conspiracy theories.

Regarding Derick Dillard’s changing appearance, Duggar Nation recoiled in horror and with a number of hypotheses.

One thing remains clear: Jill and Derick may want to put their phones down and focus on their missionary work for a bit.

Like we said, social media has not been Jill’s friend lately.

Really the only thing Jill can do now is step away from Instagram and Facebook until this trend of criticizing her every move dies down.

Is it fair? Not really, but we’re sure the Dillards are sick of the criticism, and rational discussion has no place in an Internet comment thread.

Trust us, Jill. Right now, someone is posting an all-caps, 1,000-word screed about this article without having read a single word of it. We feel your pain.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Kylie Jenner: Criticized By Black Lives Matter Movement?

Kylie Jenner has faced lots of criticism over the course of her career, but the reality star has never (to our knowledge) been accused of being a bigot.

That’s what makes the current controversy involving Kylie and the Black Lives Matter movement so confusing:

It all started when an image that purportedly showed an screen shot from Kylie’s Instagram page made the sounds online.

The photo showed an Instagram user accusing Kylie of being a “wannabe black girl” and asking what she’s done for the Black Lives movement.

A response from Kylie, allegedly captured in the photo, shows the 18-year-old responding simply, “I support Black Lives Matter.”

Many were confused when Kylie retweeted the viral image with a caption reading, “Btw…this is fake.”

After many fans took Kylie’s comment as an indication that she doesn’t support Black Lives Matter, she clarifiied things (somewhat) by tweeting:

“Not saying that’s what I don’t support.. It’s just fake.”

Needless to say, the whole thing is a bit confusing, but we think what Kylie is trying to say is that the alleged screen shot from her Instagram page is completely fabricated, including her statement of support.

However, while that response was fake, Kylie does support BLM…or at least she doesn’t not support it. Or something.

In any event, Kylie has been criticized for not taking the opportunity to make a stronger statement about the racial unrest in this country.

Given the amount of influence she holds over millions of young people, we hope she does so at some point.

But for now, if she wants to avoid further controversy, it might be best to just stick to the racy Instagram selfies that made her famous.