Showing posts with label Feud. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Feud. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

"Bachelorette" Star Jean Blanc Demands Colton Apologize After "Tell All" Feud

The guy who said Colton Underwood was “acting like a pussy” despite never being in one on ‘The Bachelorette: Men Tell All’ says an apology is warranted … FROM Colton! We spoke to Jean Blanc — one of Becca Kufrin’s suitors this season…


Monday, July 30, 2018

Samantha Grant Trashes Chrissy Teigen as "Pudgy Airhead," Ignites Greatest Feud of Our Time

Samantha Grant has gone ahead and really done it now.

The estranged half-sister of Meghan Markle has spent the past year or so attacking her famous sibling, going after the new Duchess for ignoring their father and for essentially abandoning her family.

In Samantha’s very misguided opinion, that is.

About a week ago, for example, Samantha – who is 17 years older than Meghan and who did not grow up in the same household as Prince Harry’s better half – Tweeted the following:

Act like a humanitarian, act like a woman. If our father dies, it’s on you Meg.

How lovely, right?

A few days after Grant penned these kinds words to Markle, the pair’s father gave yet another interview to yet another British publication.

And, yet again, Thomas Markle absolutely BLASTED his daughter, accusing Meghan of cutting him off and holding a grudge against him for skipping her wedding and actively taking credit for everything Markle has accomplished.

This is not even hyperbole.

“What riles me is Meghan’s sense of superiority,” Thomas said to The Daily Mail, adding over this past weekend:

“She’d be nothing without me. I made her the duchess she is today. Everything that Meghan is, I made her.”

Markle has most remained silent while having her name endlessly dragged through the mud by her relatives.

But Chrissy Teigen could no longer sit idly by after reading Thomas’ latest insult-filled Q&A.

It’s unclear whether Teigen even knows Markle, but the former model has become well known for honest, open and hilarious approach to social media.

She’ll basically write anything, about any topic, at any time.

Heck, she once publicly told husband John Legend he could no longer bang her doggy style.

So… into the Markle-infested waters did Teigen wade on Sunday, Tweeting in response to Thomas’ ridiculous interview:

“this guy…this guy sucks. what is wrong with him? let your daughter be happy, please. this is embarrassing.”

Naturally, this set off Samantha Grant, who is constantly looking for any opportunity she can find to make headlines.

“So this pudgy airhead… who knows nobody in the family is opening her pie hole?” wrote Grant on her private Twitter page, concluding of her dad and of Chrissy:

“This guy” is our father and deserves a lot of respect. You are the one who sucks.”

We can’t help but wonder whether Donald Trump ghost wrote this Tweet for Samantha.

Teigen has not yet responded to Grant.

She may not do so because Grant is not worthy of anyone’s time and is just desperately trying to milk her 15 Minutes of Fame for as long as humanly possible.

But Teigen has never exactly been afraid of a fight, having taunted Donald Trump to the point that he recently blocked her.

We sort of hope she ignores Grant, but we sort of hope she goes all Chrissy Teigen on her as well.

Stay tuned!


Danielle Bregoli and JoJo Siwa FEUD on Twitter!

Every photo of JoJo Siwa contains the sort of forced exuberance that you expect to see from an adult actor on a TV show aimed at preschoolers.

In the mean time, everything about Danielle Bregoli seems to be the culmination of every parent’s nightmare. She’s an amalgam of personality problems and it’s making her rich

It’s not a surprise that these two are feuding. It’s just a surprise that it’s taken this long.

This feud between 15-year-old girls began when a grown adult woman decided to take to social media to post a lengthy rant about why one was better than the other.

“I’ve seen people make fun of this girl many times because ‘she’s acting too young,"” writes a woman named Nicole.

“I don’t know too much about her,” the woman writes of JoJo. “But all three of my girls love her.”

She’s 15 years old and a face of Nickelodeon,” the post continues. “She also is a spokesperson for Michael’s Arts and Crafts store.”

“There are GROWN WOMEN on some of her posts who are trashing her because of the way that she acts.”

After decrying this, this grown woman then goes on to trash a different 15-year-old girl for the way that she acts.

Danielle Bregoli JoJo Siwa Feud 01

Nicole whines about Danielle Bregoli, who “has publicly disrespected her mother, danced half-naked on the internet, dressed like she’s grown, etc.”

Many would point out that all of those activities are very age-appropriate for a high schooler.

“I would much rather have girls love JoJo,” she writes. “Than ‘Bhad Bhabie."”

The woman then writes a line that has only ever been used by bad people: “And people wonder why the kids these days act the way they do.”

“People like JoJo are made fun of for being young while people like ‘catch me outside’ girl makes [sic] millions being a delinquent.”

In and of itself, that sounds like a woman who is trying to defend a teen girl against unwarranted trolling (while also making some mostly fair criticisms of another teen girl).

JoJo Siwa — or whoever runs her social media accounts — boosted this post, adding her own words:

“This post means so much to me,” the JoJo Siwa tweet reads.

“Thank you Nicole for writing this! I love being a positive role model,” she writes. “And I want everyone to know it’s ok to be a kid and to not worry about growing up so fast!”

The tweet concludes: “To everyone who supports me, I LOVE YOU!”

Danielle Bregoli vs JoJo Siwa

Would you care to guess who didn’t particularly care for … any of this?

Danielle Bregoli herself quoted JoJo’s tweet, adding a few choice words of her own.

“Suck my dick,” Danielle tweeted. That’s a fair and, frankly, age-appropriate response to seeing another girl your age boost a post dedicated to bashing you.

JoJo hadn’t said anything directly bad about Danielle at that point — she’d just promoted a post that did.

After Danielle’s tweet, that changed.

“Exactly my point,” JoJo writes while quoting Danielle’s tweet.

JoJo Siwa vs Danielle Bregoli

We’ve definitely been hard on Danielle in the past, because, well, she did very much become famous because of her delinquent behavior.

But she’s turned unfortunate circumstances into a success story — and she’s still a literal child. That’s impressive.

Danielle Bregoli is breaking records with her music, and was nominated for 2018 Billboard Music Award for Top Rap Female Artist earlier this year.

JoJo is also a success story, absolutely, but while it is never appropriate to harass her with comments about her appearance, we should be honest.

Danielle’s behavior — awful and occassionally criminal though it may be — is wildly more age-appropriate than JoJo’s.

JoJo’s look is clearly designed to appeal to a certain demographic — young children and their easily scandalized parents.

Danielle is appealing to people within her own age range, and it’s working. Part of that is because Danielle reads like an authentic teenager and not as a cartoonish caricature.

We’re sure that JoJo will one day be able to shed this look and live as herself. For now, she’s a minor and she’s making money by catering to kids. Whatever makes her happy.

But she should know that one can accept a compliment without agreeing with insults aimed at someone else.


Briana DeJesus vs. Ashley Jones: Teen Mom Feud EXPLODES on Twitter!

When the Teen Mom franchise first premiered on MTV, it focused on the relatable struggles of far-flung, mostly small-town young women as they faced the challenges of new motherhood.

These days, the show has taken on a very different tone, due in large part to how famous its stars have become.

Gone are the days when the OG moms and their successors struggled with finances and career frustrations.

As the ladies of Teen Mom became wealthy and well-known their financial and family issues gave way to a different sort of conflict as the stars began to publicly lock horns with another.

Briana DeJesus and Ashley Jones are the latest moms to clash on social media, and it"s looking like we may be in for the franchise"s most epic feud to date.

Here"s what we know so far about this epic clash of the titans …

1. Innocent Beginnings

Briana dejesus a selfie

It all started with a single tweet. On Saturday night, Briana sent this message out to the world: “I f-ckkkkkkkeddddd uppppppppp.”

2. Cryptic Words

Briana d pic

It’s still not quite clear exactly what Briana meant by that, but one fellow MTV star was quick to chime in with her interpretation.

3. Ashley Sounds Off

Ashley jones photo

“By f-cking Javi,” Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant star Ashley tweeted in reply to Briana’s mysterious remark.

4. Kail Gets Involved

Kail gets involved

Naturally, Bri’s original rival, Kailyn Lowry, couldn’t resist expressing her approval of Ashley’s comments.

5. Talking Trash

Ashley jones pic

At first, Briana didn’t respond, so Ashley kept baiting her by clashing with fans who stepped in to defend DeJesus.

6. Making Herself Clear

Ashley jones modeling

“I’m referring to her fuxking her co workers / friends ex husband,” Evans tweeted to one fan who dared to defend Bri. “Good try tho. I’m unbothered. Also. This tweet was to @_BrianaDejesus. Not you. Don’t like it. SCROLL.”

View Slideshow

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Jill Duggar and Lauren Swanson: Unexpected Feud Alert!

It’s only been a few weeks since Lauren Swanson married Josiah Duggar, but it seems the newest member of reality TV’s favorite fundamentalist family is already clashing with her in-laws.

Yes, it seems the latest Duggar wedding didn’t quite go according to plan — and Lauren may feel that one of Josiah’s many siblings is partially to blame.

Jill Duggar-Lauren Swanson

The speculation that Jill Duggar and Lauren Swanson are not exactly getting along began when Jill posted a link on her Instagram page promising “New pics and videos up! link in bio!!”

Jill promptly deleted the link without explanation, leading fans to theorize that she was instructed to do so by Lauren.

Of course, pics and videos from the wedding are everywhere on the internet.

So why would Lauren lay the smackdown on Jill in such public fashion?

Well, that’s where this story gets interesting.

As we said earlier, Josiah and Lauren were not able to get hitched without a hitch.

In fact, it sounds like the wedding was more or less a disaster.

Guests described the event as a “chaotic,” disorderly affair that seemed to have been thrown together at the last minute.

Now given how many times Josiah and Lauren’s wedding date changed, it’s possible that it was thrown together at the last minute, but that’s a conversation for another time.

At this point, you might be thinking:

So the wedding was a mess. What does that have to do with Jill?

Well, possibly nothing. But possibly everything.

Jill is the oldest married Duggar woman of her generation.

As such, she assumes certain responsibilities, among them — you guessed it — assisting with wedding planning.

In the past, Jill has proven up to the task, but this time it seems she may have dropped the ball.

Another theory holds that Jill rushed to post the pics so that she could cash in on the ensuing traffic.

You see, Jill quit Counting On after her husband, Derick Dillard, was fired from the show last year.

Since then, money has been tight around the Dillard household (as will happen when you have two kids and no income) , and some fans think Jill tried to score a little extra cash by being the first to link to her brother’s wedding pics.

It’s also possible that TLC put the kibosh on Jill’s efforts, as they no longer have a working relationship with Jill.

Whatever the case, it’s an interesting situation.

Duggar feuds are nothing new, but a newcomer like Lauren coming after an OG like Jill?

Now, that could make for some entertaining television.


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Alex Rodriguez vs. Michael Strahan: Unexpected Feud Alert!

What does the most-hated man in the New York sports world have in common with one of its most-beloved figures?

Well, as it turns out, they’re both on TV, and they both can’t stand each other!

A-Rod and Michael Strahan

Yes, according to Radar Online, Michael Strahan and Alex Rodriguez are locked in a heated competition for airtime.

“Alex Rodriguez is everywhere!” an insider tells the site.

“Michael is feeling overshadowed — even though he’s six-foot-five!”

Yes, it seems Strahan is concerned about the possibility of Rodriguez edging him out as the TV world’s most in-demand former athlete.

Apparently, Michael was okay with Alex calling baseball games but now feels the disgraced ex-Yankee is trampling on his turf.

Sources claim Strahan was not happy when Rodriguez landed a spot on ABC’s Shark Tank and was seriously pissed off when the boyfriend of Jennifer Lopez was hired by Good Morning America.

Strahan, of course, has been a regular on GMA since 2016, and it seems he feels the show simply isn’t big enough for two retired jocks.

“Michael was irate,” a source spilled.

“He immediately felt threatened that Alex is being groomed to replace him.”

Part of the problem, it seems, is that Strahan and Rodriguez have remarkably similar personalities:

“They both have massive egos,” the insider says.

“Michael is seething that all anybody talks about is A-Rod.”

In addition, Strahan reportedly doesn’t believe the scandal-plagued Rodriguez deserves a second shot at stardom.

“Michael can’t believe the image renovation Alex has gotten on TV,” the source claims.

“He used to be hated. Now Michael is telling pals Alex is set to replace him!”

Frankly, we have a hard time believing this story.

Not because of how chill Strahan seems on TV.

Any seasoned media vet can fake a persona, and the man obviously has a competitive streak inside him, so it’s not hard to imagine him clashing with a younger up-and-comer.

No, the reason we’re not buying that Strahan feels threatened is that dude is on TV more than Big Bang Theory reruns.

We literally have no idea how the hell he sleeps.

The man is up at 5 am for Good Morning America; he films random crap like $ 100,000 Pyramid in the afternoons, and all football season he has to pretend to laugh at Terry Bradshaw’s jokes while doing Fox’s NFL pre-game show.

Besides, even if Strahan and A-Rod are really in direct competition with one another, at least they can both take comfort in the fact that they’re not Joe Buck.

Truly, there’s no worse fate than that.


Saturday, June 30, 2018

Farrah Abraham Vs. Drita D"Avanzo: HILARIOUS New Feud Alert!

That Farrah Abraham, always getting into trouble with that big, silly mouth of hers!

Except this time, Farrah made have run that mouth about the wrong person.

Seriously, she really messed up this time.

OK, so are you familiar with Drita D’Avanzo? She was on Mob Wives, she was friends with the legendary Big Ang, and she’s known for having a bit of a temper.

Like, she was arrested a couple of years ago for beating her neighbor over a parking spot. Drita does not play around.

Anyway, Drita and Farrah appeared together at the opening of an Atlantic City club on Thursday night, and afterwards, Farrah took to her Instagram to rant about the experience.

In a live video, she explained “I normally don’t do joint appearances because to be honest, I am done with other quote unquote reality people.”

“I feel like they’re either hung up on drugs, drinking, f-cked up, unprofessional, just f-cking nasty pieces of sh-t on earth.”

It’s funny, because Farrah is most definitely in the category of “reality people,” and there are many of her peers that would likely call her “f-cked up, unprofessional, just f-cking nasty pieces of sh-t on earth.”

But that’s a conversation for another day.

Without saying Drita’s name, Farrah siad “You have someone show up and like talk to the owner about how you couldn’t send her her freaking money at my dinner table because she didn’t want to eat together, but then she can’t even do the photos for the club, she can’t meet anymore, she can’t talk to anyone, then she just disappears!”

“Here’s my vibe,” she continued. “If you can’t be professional to show up to work, don’t cry to other people when you have no money, no work, no nothing … because you are nothing.”

“I’m sorry, if you are replaceable in the workforce, no one wants to hire you — that’s not everyone’s fault, that is your fault.”

She told her followers that “I had to release this, because I am done. I don’t even know why they even shared my night with someone who is a has-been.”

“I’m like, give me a break, it’s either you’re nice, you’re amazing, you have a good work ethic, or stay the f-ck out of my way!”

Again, it’s funny, because she’s never nice or amazing, right? Is she honestly this delusional?

Well, yes.

But that’s what happened when Farrah met Drita.

And when Page Six reached out to Drita for a comment on what Farrah had said, the Mob Wives star said “I’m going to slap the sh-t out of that Mr. Ed-looking f-cker.”

You’re already living for this feud, right?

Drita also said that she wasn’t too clear on who Farrah is, and that she thinks she’s “an unemployed porn star.”

She “doesn’t care if she’s a hooker,” but still, “she f-cked with the wrong person.”

She repeated those comments in a video she shared on Instagram last night:

It seems like in the time between the interview and the Instagram video, she figured out that Farrah’s famous for being on Teen Mom OG, but she still thinks that later “she became a hooker or some sh-t.”

But that doesn’t bother her — she explained that what does bother her is that Farrah was nice to her face, and then later “ripped me to shreds.”

“I don’t know who you dealt with in the past,” Drita said, “but you got the wrong motherf-cker.”

“I no longer assault anybody, because the last time someone tried to test me they ended up putting me in jail. You’re not worth it.”

“However,” she added, “I might have to make an exception.”

It’s at this point that you really start to appreciate how badly Farrah messed up, right?

For what it’s worth though, Drita did say that “I’m not gonna closed fist punch your face in, I’m gonna open hand smack the f-ck out of you, straight up, on sight. Just so you know.”

Small miracles, huh?

If you’ve already gotten so invested in this amazing new reality star feud, don’t worry — we have one more bit of news!

Farrah saw Drita’s comments about her comments, and she addressed her on Twitter directly, writing one of her most aggressive word salads yet!

“F-cking low class trash dusted up nobody show up and work you have no work ethic and act like a criminal say what you want about me so you feel better about how pathetic you are!” she tweeted.

“Use me for press haha your a loser go get a real job my lawyer will be contacting you Psycho.”


She also tweeted “Dinner & Atlantic City was fabulous I hope the clown fixes her drug problem & her abusive relationship.”

“Girl I’m rootin for ya but have self control & don’t threaten my safety such a bad look on top of not working no wonder you don’t get paid.”

Can’t wait to see what happens next!


Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Jimmy Fallon Roasts Donald Trump Mercilessly After Twitter Feud

After Jimmy Fallon tried to walk back some of his 2016 friendliness towards Donald Trump, the POTUS let him have it on Twitter. 

Specifically, Trump demanded that Jimmy Fallon "man up" and not apologize for humanizing Trump during a critical election year.

Fallon responded by donating to a group working to help immigrants. He also went after Trump in a monologue. Watch!

Jimmy fallon tussles donald trumps hair

So, Jimmy Fallon expressed regrets for that shameful incident in which he had Donald Trump on as a guest during the 2016 election.

At the time, Fallon ruffled Trump"s hair as if Trump were just some eccentric reality star and not a clear and present danger to American ideals and freedoms.

Trump saw Fallon"s regrets and, as he is want to do, flipped out on Twitter. So Jimmy Fallon responded in his monologue.

"Before we begin," Fallon tells his audience. "I just wanna give a shout out to our show’s number one fan — the President of the United States!"

Picking up on his intention, the audience applauds — something that you"re not likely to hear Trump elicit outside of one of his infamous rallies.

Fallon slash trump

Jimmy sets the stage.

"As you may have heard last night," Fallon says, explaining the premise. "The President of the United States went after me on Twitter."

"So Melania, if you"re watching, I don"t think your anti-bullying campaign is working."

Melania"s proposed bullying campaign has been a source of many jokes, even before she shared that it was called "Be Best."

It seems that Melania doesn"t really care.

"When I saw that Trump insulted me on Twitter," Fallon explains. "I was gonna tweet back immediately, but I thought, "I have more important things to do.""

That line, of course, is just a set-up for his punchline.

"Then I thought, "Wait, shouldn"t he have more important things to do?!"" Fallon exclaims. "He"s the president! What are you doing? Why are you tweeting at me?"

Many have lamented that Trump spends so much time on Twitter. But that pales beside his record-breaking time spent golfing.

Jimmy fallon with donald trump

"Crazy," Fallon says. "The President went after me on Twitter. It"s pretty much the only thing I have in common with NFL players."

Trump has, of course, been famously critical of football players who kneel in protest of rampant anti-black violence.

"In response," Fallon says, reiterating what he had already tweeted. "I made a donation in Trump"s name to the Refugee And Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services."

RAICES is an organization that many see as the perfect counter to Trump"s preference of placing refugees, asylum seekers, and others who cross the border in internment camps.

"Or RAICES," Fallon says, leading up to his next joke. "When Trump heard that, he was like: "I love RAICES, they"re my favorite peanutbutter cup.""

Jimmy fallon golden globes promo pic

Fallon then proceeds to deliver some mild burns to Trump.

"A new poll found that 58 percent of Americans think President Trump is intelligent," Fallon cites.

Sorry if that statistic crushes the final vestiges of anyone"s lingering faith in humanity or the American public.

Fallon jokes: "In response, Trump was like, "Ok, what did the other 58 percent say?""

Fallon then moves on to poking fun at Trump"s lack of geopolitical savvy.

"And today at the White House, Trump met with the King and Queen of Jordan," Fallon says. "Which got awkward when Trump thanked the King of Jordan for giving us Michael."

That line refers to Michael Jordan, a famous baseball player.

Fallon then went on to make quips about Sarah Huckabee Sanders getting asked to leave a restaurant and then about Trump"s angry Twitter response that better resembled a Yelp review.

Jimmy fallon on his show

Is Jimmy Fallon especially funny? Not in this monologue.

(You can enjoy the monologue because of its politics without finding it to be a laugh riot)

Should he be forgiven for his hair-ruffling humanization of Donald Trump during such a critical election year? Probably not, but history will be the judge.

But it is definitely not appropriate for the President of the United States to use his position to attack comedians. Or restaurants. Or political rivals. Or, you know, people with brown skin.

Considering that Trump locked up a couple thousand kids in cages and called for Samantha Bee to be fired, his attack on Fallon was relatively mild.

Good for Fallon for using the opportunity to donate to a good cause, though. He deserves credit for that.

Jimmy fallon roasts donald trump mercilessly after twitter feud

Monday, June 25, 2018

Kate Middleton vs. Meghan Markle: Royal Feud Alert!

It’s been over a month since Meghan Markle married Prince Harry, and by all accounts, she’s adjusting to her new lifestyle quite nicely.

And it seems she’s doing so without any assistance from the only person on the planet who can truly identify with her situation.

Yes, there was a time when Kate Middleton showed Meghan Markle how to dress for official engagements and otherwise helped to prepare her for life as a royal.

But now, it seems those days are done.

At least that’s the dubious claim being made by the gossip site Closer Weekly.

The site claims that shortly after the wedding, Kate stopped viewing Meghan as a friend in need of advice, and started looking at her as an adversary.

“Meghan learned everything from Kate. But since the wedding, Kate feels like Meghan has barely made any effort with her and is more interested in impressing [Queen Elizabeth],” a source claims.

“In all fairness, Meghan has been busy. But Kate feels like she’s put a lot of effort into their friendship and hasn’t gotten much in return.”

Yes, according to the informant, Kate feels that she and Meghan are in direct competition for the Queen’s affection.

And it’s for that reason that Kate has stopped offering guidance to her former friend.

“She’s a nice person and doesn’t want to see Meghan fall flat on her face, but at the same time she’s cut back on giving her advice,” the insider reports.

The source claims the feud was apparent to royal-watchers during the recent Trooping the Color event.

Meghan was “dress-shamed” for wearing a shoulder-baring ensemble that many traditionalists felt was inappropriate.

Those who claim to know the family best say there was a time when Kate would have warned Meghan about the criticism she would have received.

Now, it seems those days are done. 

“She could have saved Meghan from embarrassment. But she didn’t say anything,” the source claims.

If that’s true, that’s some Regina George-level passive-aggressiveness from Kate, and we applaud her for it.

One insider says the real issue isn’t that Kate is worried about losing her spot as the Queen’s favorite, but rather that she feels betrayed by Meghan, whom she had previously thought of as one of her best friends.

These days, the source claims, Kate and Meg are “barely on speaking terms” and the entire royal family can feel the tension.

“Kate feels left out. [Kate] spent years working on her image as ‘the perfect royal,’ and Meghan is stealing her thunder,” the tipster claims.

“The popularity contest has caused a lot of friction at the palace.”

The source adds:

“Since marrying into royal life, Kate no longer has many friends. She really relied on Meghan as a pal and feels utterly betrayed and dropped by her [best friend].

“She hasn’t confronted Meghan yet, but Meghan can sense something is up. Meghan has gone through enough petty drama with her family. She doesn’t need it from her friends”

Well, at least Meg’s royal life isn’t as boring as it appears from the outside.


Monday, June 18, 2018

Charles Barkley Gives Worst Possible Right Answer On "Family Feud"

If your fly was open at church, what would you use to cover it up?!  Guarantee your answer is BETTER than the one Charles Barkley gave on “Celebrity Family Feud”! Chuck — along with his cohosts from “Inside the NBA” — took on a team from…


Thursday, June 7, 2018

Ex-"24" Star Eric Balfour"s Neighbors Shut Down by Judge in Nasty Feud Case

Eric Balfour scored a huge win in court when a judge denied his neighbors’ request for a restraining order. Eric — who starred in “24” and “Six Feet Under” — got the word Wednesday after the the request was denied in court. As we previously…


Monday, June 4, 2018

Megyn Kelly vs. Hoda Kotb Feud Heats Up at NBC!

When Megyn Kelly made the move from Fox News to NBC last year, everyone involved seemed well aware that they were in for an awkward transition.

But in all likelihood, no one had any idea of just how messy things would get.

Kelly has struggled to find an audience at her new network, and it seems it’s not just viewers that she’s struggling to connect with.

From the start of her time at NBC, reports of Kelly’s “diva-like” behavior have been circulating non-stop.

Insiders say she’s been alienating her co-workers since day one, and talk of firing Kelly is not uncommon in the NBC boardroom.

Yes, it seems Kelly hasn’t won anyone over in her first year at NBC, but there’s one co-worker who really isn’t buying what Megyn is selling.

In the wake of the Matt Lauer sex scandal, Hoda Kotb has emerged as the closest thing the Today franchise has to a rising star.

She’s taken Lauer’s place as one of the anchor’s of the programming block’s most popular segment and won over innumerable viewers.

And yet she’s still being paid less than a third of Kelly’s yearly salary.

Sources at the network tell In Touch Weekly that Hoda has made no secret of her disdain for Kelly, and the mutual enmity was on full display at the recent NBC Upfronts.

“Hoda and Savannah were standing close to each other and laughed as they exited the stage while Megyn fell back behind them,” said one onlooker at the press event.

“Hoda’s star has risen while Megyn’s has fallen,” the insider adds.

“She’s ready to exercise her newfound power by telling [Megyn] to get with the program. The feud has turned nasty.”

Yes, it seems Kotb’s issues with Kelly’s salary and personality are dwarfed by her concerns about the effect the former Fox News firebrand is having on the Today show brand.

“She’s the ultimate team player,” the source says of Kotb, adding that she’s widely regarded as “one of the kindest, most welcoming, and nonjudgmental people in show business.”

The insider concedes that Kotb is bothered by the fact that she makes a mere $ 7 million to Megyn’s $ 23 million, but her main issue is the fact that Kelly’s ratings have plummeted 11 percent in her first year as part of Today.

“She’s taken the high road publicly,” the insider says of Hoda.

But Kotb’s been at NBC long enough to know that what’s bad for one segment of Today is bad for the entire franchise.

So when asked by her bosses for an honest assessment of Megyn’s performance, Hoda offered exactly that:

“Megyn’s just not cutting it,” the source says bluntly.

“The top brass at NBC wanted to know where they went wrong with Megyn, and they’ve asked certain staffers what they should do,” the insider adds.

“Hoda was honest. She said it’s a likability problem. Megyn’s not relatable.” 

Despite what’s being described as a steadily escalating feud, both sides are reportedly keeping things civil in the workplace.

“Hoda and Megyn remain cordial to each other on camera, but they barely speak to each other once they’ve stopped rolling,” said the source.

“And Savannah is squarely on Team Hoda. It’s not looking like the tension will let up anytime soon between these three.”

Sounds like this situation will get uglier before it gets better.

Hey, if ratings continue to be an issue, maybe center a reality show spinoff on the backstage drama at Today?

We know we’d be tuning in!


Friday, June 1, 2018

"Jersey Shore" Angelina Pivarnick Dishes on JWoww Feud

‘Jersey Shore’ outcast Angelina Pivarnick’s made her return and, even though it got a little nasty with the crew, she says they went out on good terms … until JWoww started running her mouth again. Angelina tells TMZ … despite a heated…


Thursday, May 10, 2018

Katy Perry to Taylor Swift: WTH? We"re in a Feud Again!

As it turns out, peace in the Middle East may be easier to achieve than peace between Katy Perry and Taylor Swift.

Earlier this week, the celebrity gossip world was stunned to discover that Perry had reached out to Swift on the day of her Reputation Tour kick-off in order to extend an olive branch.

We mean this literally.

According to an Instagram video shared by Swift, Perry sent her long-time foe an actual olive branch, along with a note.

The items were filmed by Swift inside her dressing room, with the artist giving followers a look at just a snippet of Perry’s message.

“Hey Old Friend – I’ve been doing some reflecting on past miscommunications and hurt feelings between us,” it opens, with other recognizable pieces including how Perry is “deeply sorry” and wants to “clear the air.”

FINALLY, right?

This feud between two of the most successful solo artists in recent music history was ignited over five years ago.

While never totally and/or completely confirmed by either side, it appears to stem from Swift’s belief that Perry stole a couple backup singers from her back in the day.

The one time Swift did open up about the rivalry, she did not call out Perry by name.

But she did explain that tension centered around “business” and that another singer did something “horrible” that involved trying to “sabotage” an entire tour.

Perry, meanwhile, has gone on record as saying Swift attempted to “assassinate my character.”

It’s been an entertaining, passive aggressive back-and-forth that we’re sad to see come to an end…

… except The Daily Mail now says the rivalry isn’t actually over!

An insider tells the British newspaper that a new issue has arisen, and it’s hilariously connected directly to Perry’s aforementioned mea culpa.

Katy expected that Taylor would post something about it, but she didn’t expect the actual letter to go on social,” says this source, alleging that Perry is peeved that Swift went so public with the note and olive branch.


Because, based on what we can see in Taylor’s Instagram footage, it makes it appear as if Perry is taking all the blame and is acknowledging that the whole beef was her fault.

Adds this individual:

“The thing is, you can only see part of what Katy wrote and it looks like she’s taking sole responsibility for the entire feud.

“Without context, it looks like she’s taking the blame for everything and obviously there’s a lot more to it than that.”

This is so great. We really hope this report is true.

We really hope Perry’s attempts to make peace with Swift actually had the opposite effect and now things are worse than ever.

It would just be hilarious, right?

We’re not gonna take a side here, but Katy has clearly been the one trying for awhile now to calm everything down.

“I am ready to let it go,” she said on The Thrive Global Podcast last year, adding:

“I forgive her and I’m sorry for anything I ever did, and I hope the same from her … I love her, and I want the best for her. And I think she’s a fantastic songwriter.”


Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Katy Perry Actually Sends Peace Offering to Taylor Swift, Is "Deeply Sorry" for Feud

Swish, Swish Bish has turned into…

My Bad, Taylor!

In a move that took many music and celebrity gossip fans by surprise, Katy Perry penned an open Instagram Stories letter to long-time rival Taylor Swift on Tuesday, just hours before the latter kicked off her “Reputation” stadium tour.

Perry and Swift, of course, have been engaged in a passive aggressive rivalry for years.

Neither has spoken much about it directly, but each has seemingly referenced the other in songs and in various interviews.

The beef goes back about half a decade and was allegedly ignited due to Perry’s stealing of a couple Swift backup dancers for one of her own international tours.

“She did something so horrible. I was like, ‘Oh, we’re just straight-up enemies.’ And it wasn’t even about a guy!” Swift told Rolling Stone of the subject of the track “Bad Blood” in 2014, never actually saying Perry’s name.

Added Taylor in this revealing exchange:

“It had to do with business. She basically tried to sabotage an entire arena tour. She tried to hire a bunch of people out from under… So now I have to avoid her. It’s awkward, and I don’t like it.”

We’ve loved it, however.

The feud has been a blast to speculate over and cover.

But now it’s come to an end?

Evidently so.

“Hey Old Friend – I’ve been doing some reflecting on past miscommunications and hurt feelings between us,” Perry wrote in a letter we can see parts of via a Swift Instagram video.

The letter is partially obscured, but it also appears to say Katy is “deeply sorry” and wants to “clear the air.”

Included along with the letter, which was actually mailed to Swift, is a literal olive branch.

Panning over the gift in her dressing room in response, Swift says on social media:

“I just got to my dressing room and found this actual olive branch. This means so much to me.”

This is quite the departure for Perry, who tried to use her negative back-and-forth with Swift to promote her last album.

About a year ago, Perry said Swift tried to “assassinate my character” and didn’t sound anywhere close to someone willing to issue a Mea Culpa.

But then Swift released ALL of her songs on streaming music the same day Perry’s album dropped and Katy perhaps realized she was in way over her head.

Her album sales tanked, Swift was viewed as the Queen of Passive Aggression and here we are now.

Granted, it’s also possible Perry just wants to make up with Swift for personal reasons, not because she feels she’s been bested by her foe in the music world.

“I am ready to let it go,” Perry told Thrive CEO Arianna Huffington last summer, adding:

“I forgive her and I’m sorry for anything I ever did, and I hope the same from her … I love her, and I want the best for her. And I think she’s a fantastic songwriter.”

So we guess the action Perry took on Tuesday has sort of been a long time coming.

Perry added last year that she thinks she and Swift could put their differences aside and be “representatives of strong women.”

“Maybe I don’t agree with everything she does and she doesn’t agree with everything I do, but I just really, truly want to come together in a place of love and forgiveness and understanding and compassion,” the singer said.

Fair enough.

We’re willing to believe Perry is being sincere and we’re now hoping to see these two take the stage peacefully together at some point.

That would be fun to see, wouldn’t it?

Heck, perhaps an album of duets?!?

Okay, maybe now we’re aiming too high.

But in a polarizing country, where it seems like no one can get along, it’s nice to see Perry and Swift setting an example for the rest of us to follow.


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Taylor Swift Accepts Olive Branch from Katy Perry to End Feud

Taylor Swift and Katy Perry’s longstanding feud is apparently water under the bridge, because Katy sent a literal olive branch … and it looks like Taylor accepted. Tay posted a short vid showing off a gift she just got from Perry, with the caption…


Sunday, May 6, 2018

"Family Feud" Contestant Say Kill Ex-Wife Who Says You Have Teeny-Weeny

Ever see something that was hysterical and super troubling at the same time? Steve Harvey posed this question to the folks on “Family Feud” … What would you do to an ex-wife who said you had a teeny-weeny? The answers were all whack, much…


Friday, May 4, 2018

Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert: Their Feud is Nastier Than Ever!

Miranda Lambert is dating Evan Felker, a man who is still married. And Blake Shelton is gloating, shading his ex for being “exposed” as an alleged homewrecker.

A couple of industry insiders dish on the resurgence of this explosive feud.

And it doesn’t sound like Miranda’s going to quietly put up with Blake’s attacks for much longer.

Now, Life & Style spoke to a few insiders on this explosive Blake and Miranda feud.

For starters, a source confirms that Blake’s cryptic subtweet was exactly what everyone thinks — aimed at Miranda facing “karma” for past alleged misdeeds.

“Make no mistake — it was a direct shot at Miranda.”

It sounds like Blake is filled with schadenfreude at the moment.

“Blake is reveling in Miranda’s humiliation now that she’s been accused of having an affair with a married man.”

This is personal for Blake, for the same reason that he divorced her in the first place.

“Because he believes she cheated on him.”

The industry insider assures Life & Style that, even though they’ve been apart for yeras, the feud between Blake and Miranda “is still on”

Blake reportedly “believes some things never change.”

In this case, it sounds like he’s believing that a cheater never changes their stripes.

And apparently Blake believes that Miranda is the same person she always was, which allegedly includes “what he sees as Miranda’s twisted relationship antics.”


The insider shares that Blake, even though he played his divorce well enough that the Country community sided with him and he even managed to land Gwen Stefani with his sob story, feels like he’s been villainized.

“Blake was always made out to be the bad guy after he filed for divorce and sent Miranda packing from Oklahoma.”

Literally packing — reports claimed that she just came home to find her belongings outside of their house.

Nonetheless, Blake apparently feels that Miranda has “played the victim.”

And now he thinks that she’s getting exactly what she deserves.

“Blake believes that if she’s embarrassed now over allegations that she ran off with another woman’s man, it’s sweet justice.”


Calling this “justice” sounds a little odd to a lot of fans, especially considering that Blake has admitted that he fell for Miranda while he himself was still married.

Another industry insider sums it up pretty succinctly: 

“He’s a hypocrite.”

They continue, pointing out that:

“Miranda still fiercely denies she cheated on Blake or had anything to do with the breakup of Evan’s marriage.”

And she’s apparently ready to hit back.

“Don’t expect her to sit back and take the disses for long.”

It’s only a matter of time until she retaliates.

“She’s going to return fire on Blake.”

It sounds like, as predicted, these exes are going to war.

Another source elaborates on their ongoing feud, even though it’s been three years since they split.

“Both Blake and Miranda were deeply shaken by their divorce, and it doesn’t look like they’ll ever get over it.”

Sometimes, you move on. Sometimes, you don’t.

“They’ll be trading insults, put-downs, and breakup songs for a long time to come.”

Well … this could at least be good for their music careers, we suppose.
