Showing posts with label Racist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Racist. Show all posts

Monday, October 9, 2017

Dove Apologizes for Most Ridiculously Racist Ad Ever

Dove is here to say its sorry.

The beauty company came under heavy fire late last week after for posting a Facebook ad in which a “dirty” African-American woman uses a bottle of Dove body wash to transform into a “clean” white woman.

This is very strongly the implication, at least.

dove bottles

In a third image from the ad, the white woman removes her shirt (and skin, we guess) to become an Asian woman.

As you might imagine, more than a small handful of Internet users took issue with this advertisement and its theme.

“This is gross. You think people of color can just wash away their melanin and become white? What were you going for, exactly? Your creative director should be fired,” wrote Angela Reinders on Facebook.

As screen shots of the ad made their way around social media, other confused and angry individuals chimed in.

“Are you joining the Trump administration now? WTF is that ad even supposed to mean?” Sonia Gupta Tweeted at the company.

On Saturday, Dove – which is owned by Dutch-British transnational consumer goods company Unilever – issued an apology on its Twitter account for the advertisement.

The mea culpa reads as follows:

“An image we recently posted on Facebook missed the mark in representing women of color thoughtfully. We deeply regret the offense it caused.”

The company shared a similar message on Facebook:

“Dove is committed to representing the beauty of diversity. In an image we posted this week, we missed the mark in thoughtfully representing women of color and we deeply regret the offense that it has caused.

“The feedback that has been shared is important to us and we’ll use it to guide us in the future.

It’s always confounding when this sort of thing happens because such an ad must have been cleared by a lot of people.

It’s not as if this can be written off by a single bone-headed decision.

dove tweet

This is not the first time Dove has received major race-related backlash for a questionable ad, either.

In 2011, a controversial poster depicted three women standing in front of a wall designated in “before” and “after.”

The “before” woman had dark skin… the woman in between had medium-toned skin … and the woman in front of the “after” photograph was white.

In this case, Dove sought to clarify, not apologize.

“All three women are intended to demonstrate the ‘after’ product benefit. We do not condone any activity or imagery that intentionally insults any audience,” a company statement read at the time.


But the damage has maybe already been done.

“Okay, Dove… One racist ad makes you suspect. Two racist ads makes you kinda guilty,” wrote a Twitter user yesterday, citing each of these ads from the last few years.

Others, meanwhile, remained aghast at the brand’s original intention with last week’s ad, as one person wondered:

“What exactly were yall going for?

“What was the mark . . . I mean anyone with eyes can see how offensive this is. Not one person on your staff objected to this? Wow. Will not be buying your products anymore.”

dove woman

What do you think of this scandal?

Does Dove deserve all the criticism it is receiving? Will you continue to use their products?

Or is this much ado over not very much?


Sunday, October 1, 2017

Michael Che Calls Trump "Cracker" on "SNL" ... Racist?

Michael Che called Donald Trump lots of things on “SNL” Saturday night, including a bitch, which is all fair game … but did he cross the line when he called Trump a “cracker.” Che went off on the Prez during Weekend Update over Trump’s handling…


Tuesday, September 26, 2017

British Flight Attendant Goes on Racist Rant About Nigerian Penises

Racism: it"s just a problem here in America! In fact, racism and especially white supremacy were more or less invented over in Europe. 

No, we"re not talking about football protests — we"re talking about a flight attendant"s supremely offensive rant about her Nigerian passengers.

As you"ll see in the outrageous video below, she singles out Nigerian men for their behavior, the way that they speak, … and their large, cumbersome penises.

British airlines 4

Sometimes people living in certain areas of Europe try to look down on racial tensions within the United States and point out how there seems to be less of that wherever they live.

Like, in Denmark or wherever.

One, in most of those cases, it"s because those countries are so overwhelmingly white that there very naturally won"t be that many conflicts. Having a racially homogenous nation should not be a source of pride.

Two, Britain really has no high ground on which to stand in that department.

A flight attendant from British Airways (which sounds like an airline devoted to, like, a trachea, but that"s neither here no there) is under fire and reportedly under investigation after a series of videos that she posted to social media.

She starts by complaining about her job, which is fine. If retail workers and flight attendants and anyone else in the service industry didn"t complain about their jobs online, they"d kill us all.

That"s why we have the internet. For them to vent.

The problem is that the nature of her complaints are hella racist. If she"d stuck to talking about food and having to work on Friday night, she"d be in the clear.

British airlines 3

This was posted to social media, so she"s addressing people who probably work 9-to-5 jobs or something similar.

"All right, so all of yous are there getting ready for your Friday night, getting in the pre-drinks, you know, as you do."

That"s a pretty ideal Friday night for most people, sure.

"And I’m here, getting ready to go to work, put on a yellow life jacket, point out the exits, hand out chicken or beef."

She"s talking about walking passengers through the motions by miming basic instructions, like they do before every flight. She even makes the gestures in the video.

And of course she brings up the very, very limited food options.

(I"m no vegetarian, but surely there"s something that"s neither chicken nor beef for those folks. Right?)

"What sort of Friday night is this for me?"

Well, not a fun one. But, like, she"s getting paid for it. It"s her job. I used to work on Friday nights, every single Friday. Sometimes, that"s life.

British airlines 1

But, unfortunately, her complaints extend beyond her job to her passengers.

To a very specific group of passengers.

"All the Nigerians are all going to be there like ‘Gimme Coca-Cola, give me beef. Why you have no beef left? I want beef.’"

She says all of that while mocking a Nigerian accent.

That"s a huge no-no on its own, folks.

Racist caricatures are not okay.

A lot of people don"t realize that, especially people who are good at impersonations and usually enjoy imitating someone"s voice.

Don"t do that to an entire race or ethnic group, folks.

Then it gets worse:

British airlines 2

"All the Nigerians are gonna be there asking for f–king upgrades because they haven’t got enough leg room because their BBCs are in their way. Big dicks like this swinging from side to side."

She is not referring to the BBC, like British news media.

She"s talking about "big, black cocks."

In case you"re wondering, yes, that"s absolutely racist, even if it seems like a compliment. Stereotypes like that are dehumanizing, even the ones that are supposedly positive.

She was trying to do a "funny" monologue to blow off steam. We get it.

It"s just not funny. As you can see.

British flight attendand goes on racist rant about nigerian peni

Friday, September 22, 2017

Shia LaBeouf Says It"s Fair Game to Call L.A. Bartender a Racist

Shia LaBeouf has a pretty simple response to the L.A. bartender who sued him after Shia called him a “f**king racist bitch” — tough noogies, dude. According to docs filed by Shia, and obtained by TMZ … his defense in the slander lawsuit is that…


Shia LaBeouf Says It"s Fair Game to Call L.A. Bartender a Racist

Shia LaBeouf has a pretty simple response to the L.A. bartender who sued him after Shia called him a “f**king racist bitch” — tough noogies, dude. According to docs filed by Shia, and obtained by TMZ … his defense in the slander lawsuit is that…


Xzibit Says Trump"s More Racist Than White Sorority Chicks Singing N-Word

Xzibit is defending the white sorority chicks who went viral for singing the n-word, because he says they’re small potatoes compared to what Prez Trump’s been spewing. When we got X to the Z at LAX Thursday he was willing to give the ladies of…


Sunday, September 10, 2017

"RHONJ" Cast Wants "Racist" Danielle Staub Edited Out of New Season

Some of the ‘Real Housewives of New Jersey’ want Danielle Staub edited out of the new season because they just found out about a racist rant she went on years ago … TMZ has learned. Cast members are demanding a meeting with producers after…


Thursday, September 7, 2017

Vegas Police Org. Rips Michael Bennett, Offended By "False Racist" Accusations

Nevada’s largest police interest group is calling out Michael Bennett — demanding the NFL take immediate action against the NFL star for “falsely” claiming they racially profiled him.  The president of the Las Vegas Police Protective…


Vegas Police Org. Rips Michael Bennett, Offended By "False Racist" Accusations

Nevada’s largest police interest group is calling out Michael Bennett — demanding the NFL take immediate action against the NFL star for “falsely” claiming they racially profiled him.  The president of the Las Vegas Police Protective…


Saturday, August 26, 2017

Meek Mill Wrongful Death Lawsuit Now Laced with Racist Allegations

Meek Mill insists he had nothing to do with 2 people dying outside the place he performed … and the venue claims the people suing are a bunch of racists. The rapper filed new legal docs defending himself in a wrongful death suit…


Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Kate Major Goes on Extremely Racist, Homophobic Rant During Psych Hold

Michael Lohan’s estranged wife, Kate Major, almost put Conrad Hilton’s rant against cops to shame … calling a black cop a “monkey” and a female officer a “dyke” … this after threatening to murder the officers. TMZ has obtained body cam and…


Thursday, August 17, 2017

Curt Schilling "Absolutely" Supporting Trump, He"s No Racist!

Curt Schilling is standing by his President — telling TMZ Sports Donald Trump is NOT a white supremacist and will continue to have his support. 


Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Lady Gaga Asks the Internet: Is Donald Trump Racist?

Donald Trump made it as clear as possible during an impromptu press conference:

He’s basically a Nazi sympathizer.

The President “went rogue,” according to government officials, veering off script about the country’s infrastructure and arguing with journalists in New York City about what transpired in Charlottesville, Virginia over the weekend.

(A short summary: White Supremacists gathered in town, chanting racial epithets and saying they were fulfilling the promises of Trump himself.

After counter-protesters showed up on the streets, a few arrests were made, things turned violent and one 32-year old woman was run over in a car by a neo-Nazi.)

On Saturday, Trump issues a terse statement that blamed “many sides” for the conflict.

After receiving a great deal of backlash from everyone with a pulse for his failure to specifically call out racism, Nazism or White Supremacy, the Commander-in-Chief followed up with a few short remarks on Monday that referenced these groups.

And then he essentially took it all back yesterday afternoon.

“There are two sides to a story,” Trump said from his podium, referencing both the neo-Nazis and the group that came together in protest of them.

He went on to say there were “a lot of bad people” among the counter-protesters, adding:

“You had a group on one side that was bad, and you had a group on the other side that was also very violent.”

Forget the “alt-right,” Trump shot back at a reporter, what about the alt-left?

“Do they have any assemblage of guilt?” he asked. “What about the fact that they came charging with clubs in their hands, swinging clubs? Do they have any problem? I think they do.”

The blowback to these stunning (even for Donald Trump) comments was swift and strong on Twitter, where critics slammed the President as “a racist” and accused him of sending a “dog whistle to white supremacists.”

Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke praised Trump for being “honest,” while even Fox News turned on him last night.

Kat Timpf said the press conference was “one of the biggest messes I’ve ever seen” and said she was wondering if she was watching “real life” as Trump rambled on about White Supremacy.

“It shouldn’t be some bold statement to say a gathering full of white supremacist Nazis doesn’t have good people in it. Those are all bad people. Period,” she added.

“And the fact that it’s controversial – I don’t know if I should just laugh so, I have too much eye makeup on to start crying right now. It’s disgusting.”

We’re a celebrity gossip website, of course, so here’s a look at what various celebrities said about Trump’s rant:

celebs v. trump

Of all the pointed critiques, however, Lady Gaga’s stands out for its simplicity.

“Do you think @realDonaldTrump @POTUS saying “both sides are to blame” in #Charlottesville makes him a racist supporter? Yes or no?” she asked her millions of followers, including a poll with the question.

She also wrote the following:

For the Black Community, tell us ways the non-racist white community who loves u can do better to help influence the country? #HowWeDoBetter

gaga poll

At this point, it’s almost a fair question to ask.

Donald Trump has been harder on Rosie O’Donnell than on modern day Nazis.

So with the Internet buzzing and Lady Gaga inquiring, we’ll go ahead and do the same.



Monday, August 14, 2017

Peter Cvjetanovic: Charlottesville Nazi Swears He"s Not Racist

If you’ve been anywhere near social media in the past three days, then you’ve no doubt heard about the horrifying events that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia over the weekend.

Bearing lit tiki torches (as though they’re not easy enough to make fun of without the Pier One props), dozens of white nationalists (read: Nazis) took to the streets in order to spread fear and racial hatred.

The protest soon turned violent, resulting in a shocking act of terrorism that claimed the life of counter-protester Heather Heyer and injured 19 others.

We know that James Alex Fields Jr. was the man who drove his vehicle into the crowd, killing Heyer, but not surprisingly, there’s been a concerted effort to put names to all of the hateful faces who helped create the tragic situation in Charlottesville.

The aptly-named Twitter account @yesyoureracist is spearheading a campaign to identify each of the citronella-scented bigots who assembled in Charlottesville to protest the proposed removal of a monument dedicated to Robert E. Lee.

Perhaps the most famous photo from the incident is the above shot that shows one young man holding his torch aloft and screaming his message of hate.

(The demonstrators reportedly chanted “white lives matter” and “Jews will not replace us.”)

The man has now been identified as 20-year-old University of Nevada, Reno student Peter Cvjetanovic.

Reached for comment, Cvjetanovic insisted that he’s not a racist, and offered up some BS about the importance of European culture as an explanation for his presence at the rally.

“I did not expect the photo to be shared as much as it was. I understand the photo has a very negative connotation,” Cvjetanovic said in an interview with Reno’s KTVN-TV

“But I hope that the people sharing the photo are willing to listen that I’m not the angry racist they see in that photo.”

He went on to justify his awfulness with the type of explanation that’s sure to put him up there with Martin Shkreli as one of the internet’s most hated villains:

“I came to this march for the message that white European culture has a right to be here just like every other culture,” Cvjetanovic said.

“It is not perfect. There are flaws to it, of course. However, I do believe that the replacement of the statue will be the slow replacement of white heritage within the U.S. and the people who fought and defended and built their homeland,” he added.

“Robert E. Lee is a great example of that. He wasn’t a perfect man, but I want to honor and respect what he stood for during his time.” 

Shockingly, Cvjetanovic had no comment with regard to his feelings on other generals who are most famous for wars they lost or the importance of preserving the cultures of continents that aren’t populated mostly by white people.

Thousands have called for Cvjetanovic to be expelled from the University of Nevada, but the school has yet to publicly respond.

Meanwhile, the troll who likely blames his persistent virginity on people with darker skin is standing by his beliefs: 

“I will defend tooth and nail my views as a white nationalist,” Cvjetanovic said. “I love my culture and will fight for it, but never in a violent way.”

We’re living in frightening times.

Stay safe out there, folks.


Tuesday, August 1, 2017

"Bachelorette" Rachel Lindsay Calls Out Lee Garrett for Racist Tweets on "Men Tell All"

Rachel Lindsay finally called out “Bachelorette” contestant Lee Garrett for racist and misogynistic tweets he put out before his time on the show … and he owned up to it. Rachel confronted Lee on Monday night’s “Men Tell All” episode before next…


Friday, July 28, 2017

Woman Goes on INSANE Racist Rant Against Muslims, Promptly Gets Fired

Look, we all know the world can be an ugly, awful, miserable place, full of hate and anger and just so many bad things.

But when you see it spewing all over the place in a Walmart parking lot in North Dakota, it still kind of takes your breath away, you know?

There"s been a horrific little video making the rounds lately of a white woman named Amber Hensley going off on three Somali women, and it"s … well, it"s alarming, to say the least.

As we said, it takes place outside of a Walmart in Fargo, North Dakota, with the Somali women sitting in their car and the white woman standing outside.

The video begins in the middle of an argument — one of the women in the car tells good ol" Amber that she"s "a racist person," and Amber replies that she"s "an American."

"What are you gonna do?" one of the ladies then asks her, and she gets up close to the window and says, with a crazy look in her eyes, "We"re going to kill you. We"re going to kill all of you f-cking Muslims."

Then, when they tell her they"re going to show the video with the threats to the police, she asks them "Do you think the police care?"

"Why are you in our country anyway?" she adds.

It"s just a really disgusting way for this woman to behave, and no matter what happened to cause the argument in the first place, her words are inexcusable.

But still, Amber is offering plenty of excuses.

In a statement she made to a local news station, this monster of a human said "I would first like to apologize for the horrible things I said to the two ladies at Walmart."

"It was not a Christian-like thing to do at all and wish I could take it back. I am terribly sorry."

But, she adds, if the entire conversation had been recorded, we would see that the altercation began because the women were parked too close to her car.

"When I asked her to move she refused," she claimed. "I asked her again and she swore at me calling me a fat bitch, to that I informed her I was a Christian and asked her if she knew who Jesus was."

The woman allegedly replied with "F-ck Jesus," and Amber said that "I lost it!"

"But," she admitted, "there are absolutely no excuses. I am in tears with regret and will take any form of punishment deemed fit."

And so far, she"s been punished by losing her job as a secretary for an accounting firm.

It"s just a depressing situation, because no matter what was said to Amber, nothing justifies the way she spoke to those women.

Watch the insane exchange in the video below:

Woman goes on insane racist rant against muslims promptly gets f

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

"Big Brother" Star Paul Abrahamian"s Mom Comes to Defense, He"s No Racist

“Big Brother” fans got the wrong idea about Paul Abrahamian’s “blackface” or “black mask” stunt … at least according to his mom. Paul’s ma tells us the point of her son’s plot — which he hasn’t actually pulled off yet — is to poke fun at,…


Thursday, July 13, 2017

TMZ Live: Shia Labeouf: Apologizes For Racist Rant!

ON TODAY’S SHOW Beachgoer Dies From Jet Blast Jersey Shore Reunion: It’s Happening! Rob Kardashian: Chyna’s Holding Jewelry Hostage! Bachelor In Paradise: Corinne Returns!


Rich the Kid Doesn"t Think Shia LaBeouf is Racist

Shia LaBeouf isn’t racist — even though he said VERY racist things to cops — we should just pass it off as a guy who’s super high … according to Rich the Kid. We got the New York rapper Wednesday in Bev Hills, and he was clearly…


Shia LaBeouf Apologizes for Being a Huge Racist

Last Saturday morning in Georgia, Shia LaBeouf was arrested for public drunkenness. 

This was not shocking, not even when we learned the actor lost his $ hit simply because a stranger refused to give him a cigarette.

However, how LaBeouf acted after he was approached by the police and taken into custody was unexpected, reprehensible and downright embarrassing…

… even for the very low bar set by Shia LaBeouf over the past several months.

First, in the arrest video below, LaBeouf grows more and more irate at arresting officers, shouting complete nonsense at the cops as they attempt to calm the troubled star down.

“I have rights! I’m an American,” he screams at one point, adding of his situation and the handcuffs on his wrists:

“You got me in my hotel, arresting me in my hotel for doing what, sir? … I’m a f-cking American, I pay my taxes, get these sh-ts off my f-cking arm.”

Later, the 31-year old brags about his wealth (I got more millionaire lawyers than you know what to do with, you stupid bitch!) … flaunts a lack of logic (Why would I ask for cigarettes if I was racist?) … and condescends to the African-American officer taking him in:

You’ve got a president who doesn’t give a f-ck about you, you’re on a police force that doesn’t give a f–k about you, and you wanna do what? Arrest white people?

It’s rather appalling, as you can see here:

But it actually got worse once LaBeouf made it to the police station.

In two new videos shared on Wednesday by TMZ, the star hurls racial insults and acts like a bigger, more biased and privlieged douchebag than we previously thought was possible.

First, in the following piece of footage, LaBeouf tells a black officer that he’s going to “Hell” and that he acted like a “savage,” accusing him of only arresting LaBeouf because of their difference in skin colors:

Second, in the video below, LaBeouf rants and raves against a white police officer.

He tells him that he must be ashamed because his wife prefers “black dick.”

See and listen for yourself:

Following the release of these videos, LaBeouf released a statement in which he took responsibility for his awful words and actions, while making it sound as if he recognizes he needs help.

A whole lot of help.

“I am deeply ashamed of my behavior and make no excuses for it. The severity of my behavior is not lost on me,” LaBeouf says, adding:

“My outright disrespect for authority is problematic to say the least, and completely destructive to say the worst.

“It is a new low. A low I hope is a bottom.”

He also expresses gratitude for the “restraint” showed by the cops in light of his outbursts and concludes as follows:

“I have been struggling with addiction publicly for far too long, and I am actively taking steps toward securing my sobriety and hope I can be forgiven for my mistakes.”

LaBeouf has a long way to go.

But anything is possible if he takes the proper steps.
