Showing posts with label Sarah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sarah. Show all posts

Friday, March 11, 2016

Ariel Winter & Sarah Hyland Debut NEW Hair Color on Instagram!

Ariel Winter just debuted a brand new look on Instagram: she’s a redhead!

The former brunette shared a photo and a video showing off her new fiery tresses.

“I’m now a strawberry!” she wrote in the caption. Although, to be precise, she used a strawberry emoji.

It’s shocking what a simple hair change can do – the 18-year-old actress looks nearly unrecognizable (yet still gorgeous) in the new pic.

We can’t help but wonder if the new look will be incorporated into the Modern Family storyline, but a bold move like this is not one we’d expect from her character, the smart yet nerdy Alex Dunphy.

Winter’s hair transformation comes on the heels of a color update recently made by one of her co-stars. 

Sarah Hyland, who plays Winter’s older sister on the sitcom, showed off a new, markedly darker hairstyle just two days ago.

Hyland traded in her brond (that’s a hybrid of blond and brunette, FYI), ombre locks for a raven hue.

“Hello from the darker side,” she wrote in the caption (channeling her inner Adele, we assume).

We don’t know if the color changes were coordinated or just a coincidence, but we have to say they’re both pulling it off marvelously.

Sarah Silverman Poses as Hitler to Discuss Trump Comparisons: WATCH!

Now that the primary elections are well underway and Trump is actually still in the lead, people are getting scared.

So scared, in fact, that they"re comparing him to the scariest of the scary monsters in all of history: Adolf Hitler.

Everyone from Louis CK to Bill Maher to Glenn Beck has likened the GOP front runner to the World War 2 dictator, with the former only half-joking when he said, "Hitler was just some hilarious and refreshing dude with a weird comb over who would say anything at all."

In light of the recent controversy, Conan O"Brien invited Hitler himself – okay, it"s really Sarah Silverman playing Hitler – on his show to address the comparisons.

She hilariously comes out clad in full Nazi regalia and naturally greets the audience with the infamous Hitler salute.

Conan goes straight in and asks what he thinks about the unfavorable comparisons to Trump.

"Don"t get me wrong, Conan, I agree with a lot he says, a lot," Silverman"s Hitler says. "Like, 90 percent of what he says, I"m like, this guy gets it!"

"But it"s just – I don"t like the way he says it, it"s just, it"s crass."

She then brings up the other most talked-about issue of the recent Republican debates – Trump"s penis size.

"What kind of person talks about his penis size on national television?" she says. "Oh, yeah, I"m so sure Donald Trump has a big penis. I famously have a micropenis – that"s what makes a tyrant!"

Silverman, who is famous for her comic persona as a Jewish-American princess, actually portrays Hitler as a lovable little asshole compared to Trump, and it"s freaking hysterical.

(We"re sure Kanye West is secretly seething behind his wife"s back about the impersonation.)

As for the rest of you, watch and enjoy!

Sarah silverman poses as hitler to discuss donald trump comparis

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Sarah Paulson Confirms: I Love Holland Taylor!

Sarah Paulson has confirmed that the unexpected rumor is a real and romantic reality:

She really is dating Holland Taylor!

Talk of the American Horror Story and People v. OJ Simpson star actually getting it on with the veteran actress first surfaced in early December.

It took many people by surprise because Paulson and Taylor are both women (it’s true! You can look it up!) and also because there’s a 32-year age gap between the stars.

Paulson is 41 and Taylor is 73.

But the heart wants what the heart wants, Paulson herself has now come out and admitted.

“If my life choices had to be predicated based on what was expected of me from a community on either side, that’s going to make me feel really straitjacketed, and I don’t want to feel that,” Paulson told The New York Times this week.

She then made it as clear as can be:

“What I can say absolutely is that I am in love, and that person happens to be Holland Taylor.

Paulson and Taylor met approximately a decade ago.

However, Paulson was dating actress Cherry Jones at the time, though she told the newspaper that she thought Taylor was “probably the most exquisitely beautiful woman I’d ever seen.”

The celebrities ran into each other a few years after their initial meeting… they started to exchange messages on Twitter… and they’ve been an item now for over a year.

What is it about older women for Paulson?

“There’s a poignancy to being with someone older,” she says.

“I think there’s a greater appreciation of time and what you have together and what’s important, and it can make the little things seem very small.”

Sarah Paulson Confirms: I Love Holland Taylor!

Sarah Paulson has confirmed that the unexpected rumor is a real and romantic reality:

She really is dating Holland Taylor!

Talk of the American Horror Story and People v. OJ Simpson star actually getting it on with the veteran actress first surfaced in early December.

It took many people by surprise because Paulson and Taylor are both women (it’s true! You can look it up!) and also because there’s a 32-year age gap between the stars.

Paulson is 41 and Taylor is 73.

But the heart wants what the heart wants, Paulson herself has now come out and admitted.

“If my life choices had to be predicated based on what was expected of me from a community on either side, that’s going to make me feel really straitjacketed, and I don’t want to feel that,” Paulson told The New York Times this week.

She then made it as clear as can be:

“What I can say absolutely is that I am in love, and that person happens to be Holland Taylor.

Paulson and Taylor met approximately a decade ago.

However, Paulson was dating actress Cherry Jones at the time, though she told the newspaper that she thought Taylor was “probably the most exquisitely beautiful woman I’d ever seen.”

The celebrities ran into each other a few years after their initial meeting… they started to exchange messages on Twitter… and they’ve been an item now for over a year.

What is it about older women for Paulson?

“There’s a poignancy to being with someone older,” she says.

“I think there’s a greater appreciation of time and what you have together and what’s important, and it can make the little things seem very small.”

Monday, January 25, 2016

daily-celebrities: Sarah Hyland at the Balmain x H&M...


Sarah Hyland at the Balmain x H&M Pre-launch in Los Angeles.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Donald Trump Blames Obama For Arrest of Sarah Palin"s Son! Watch!

The past 72 hours have been so hectic and confusing for Sarah Palin that she"s probably longing to return to her home in Wasilla so she can bust out the binoculars and watch Putin"s pecs glisten as he chops wood in Siberia.

First, the former Alaska governor endorsed Donald Trump"s presidential campaign, a development that – if we know our Bible (which we don"t) – should be followed by frogs raining from the sky and the water in Flint, Michigan turning a lovely shade of O-negative red.

Just hours before Palin made her endorsement official at a rally in Iowa, the media received word that her 26-year-old son, Track Palin, had been arrested for domestic violence.

Obviously, the timing couldn"t have been worse, but in one of the ballsiest political maneuvers since Andrew Jackson beat all his detractors to death and feasted on their innards, Palin went before a crowd in Oklahoma and blamed President Obama for her son"s decision to get drunk and assault his girlfriend.

It"s the kind of idiocy we expect from Palin, but we were mistakenly under the impression that Trump was marginally more intelligent than his new puppet.

Apparently we were wrong, as Trump appeared on CNN last night and gave the following response when asked if Palin was right to accuse Obama of being complicit in her son"s drunken attack:

"Oh, I think so. Look, everything starts at the top. He"s the president. And I think you can certainly do that.

"And all you have to do is look at the Veterans Administration, and look at the bad, the horrible care our vets get. One of the many things I"m going to do is I"m going to straighten that mess out."

Yes, it looks like the floodgates are open and you can now officially blame Barack Hussein Obama for everything bad that"s ever happened in your life.

Messed up at work? Obama"s fault.

Drank too much last night? Definitely Obama"s fault.

Living in a country in which a human throbbing forehead vein in a golden retriever toupee somehow has a real shot at becoming president? Actually…you might have to blame ya boy The Donald for that one.

Check him out at his most Donald-y in the clip below:


Donald trump blames obama for arrest of sarah palins son watch

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Sarah Silverman Thinks Jesus was "Gender Fluid"

Sarah Silverman has once again raised the ire of many Christians due to her controversial characterization of Jesus Christ.

In early 2014, Silverman starred in a video in which the Son of God was depicted as a feminine type, someone who could chat about NCIS as easily as life’s big mysteries.

That video was made in order to promote “V to Shining V,” a national reproductive-rights pride day in which rallies were held across the country.

Now, however, Silverman is in trouble for thoughts she has shared regarding Jesus Christ that she wrote simple for her own pleasure.

“MERRY CHRISTMAS!” the Jewish comedian wrote on December 25.

Simple and nice enough, right?

But then she added:

“Jesus was gender fluid!”

And that last line is what opened the critical floodgates on social media.

“@SarahKSilverman Christians “turn the other cheek.”Easy to make “jokes” about their religion.Take a stab at Islam and Mohammed, THAT’S edgy,” wrote one Internet user, while another added:

“@SarahKSilverman Jesus was about as Gender fluid as YOU are funny…#idiot”

Silverman, of course, did not respond to every critic.

But after one referred to her as a “piece of sh-t,” the star replied:

“Oh sweetie.  You deserve love. Please know that.”

Last year, after the release of her aforementioned video, Silverman said she had no issues at all with Jesus Christ or those who follow his teachings.

“[T]o me, I love the symbol of Jesus,” she said. “It’s so odd to me that so many people on the far right use his name to justify terrible things that I can’t imagine he’d approve of…

“I’m not against Christianity. I date Catholic men! That’s always what they come back with, ‘Sarah Silverman mocks Christianity!’

“I’m not! As a matter of fact, I have no religion and many people in my life that I love and respect and even look up to have religion. I’m not out to prove them wrong.”

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Sarah Stage Takes Dressing Room Selfie With Baby Lying on Floor: Not Cool or Who Cares?

You may remember Sarah Stage as the model whose taut baby bump earned her lots of negative attention earlier this year.

Despite her tiny tummy, Sarah gave birth to big baby boy back in April, but now she’s once again drawing the ire of the Internet with a controversial selfie:

Obviously, the first thing that catches your eye in this photo is Sarah’s Kardashian-esque backside, but once you get over the new mom’s curves, your eyes may make their way to the floor, where you’ll see what first appears to be some sort of discarded stuffed animal.

As our friends at Fishwrapper pointed out, that’s actually Sarah’s baby lying on the floor as she poses for a sultry dressing room selfie.

Sarah has taken a fair amount of crap for this pic, but frankly, we’re fine with it.

Look, do you remember the oppressive, stultifying boredom of being dragged to the mall with your mom when you were a little kid?

Now imagine if your mom wore clothes for a living and insisted on taking a selfie every time she tried something on.

The process probably takes hours, and we imagine this dude was quickly overwhelmed by the desire to be at home watching a Sesame Street parody of Game of Thrones that won’t be funny to him for 15 years.

So he took a nap; she snapped some selfies – everyone was happy. And we should all be fine with that.

But a word of advice, Sarah: Next time just crop the kid out of the pic so you don’t have to deal with this, mmm-kay?

Monday, December 21, 2015

Sarah Palin Mocks Tina Fey in "31 Rock" Promo

Sarah Palin is attempting to have the last laugh in her ongoing feud with Tina Fey.

Over the weekend, Fey reprised her impression of the former Vice Presidential candidate while hosting Saturday Night Live.

And now Palin has attempted to fire back by doing her own impression of the actress and starring as a Liz Lemon-type character in a fake show titled "31 Rock."

The 60-second parody finds Palin starring as Lynn Melon, “a small-town TV writer who moves to NYC in hopes of creating a hit variety show.” 

We see her trying to get through to a writer"s room full of "nerds," while elsewhere complaining about the lack of a snowflake on her Starbucks cup and pretty much just acting like Liz Lemon on the actual 30 Rock.

So it"s not entirely clear just what Palin is mocking because, first, Liz Lemon is just a character, she"s not actually Tina Fey.

Second, Palin is mostly just acting like Lemon here. Where"s the parody? And just what is Palin parodying, Fey"s key role on a long-running, critically-acclaimed sitcom?

In addition to Palin, the trailer features appearances by 30 Rock veteran Kevin Brown (reprising his role as Dot Com), as well as Palin’s former running mate John McCain.

Yes, John McCain is associating himself with Sarah Palin again for some reason.

We give up.

Just watch the supposed mockery now:

Sarah palin mocks tina fey in 31 rock promo

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Khloe Kardashian Would Sleep with Bill Clinton, Sarah Silverman

In her latest promo for her upcoming talk show, Khloe Kardashian is sitting inside a martini glass.

But in the latest blog entry on her official website, Khloe Kardashian is talking about who she’d let inside of her. Allow us to explain…

Kardashian had some fun on her app this week, playing a game with herself of “F-ck, Marry or Friend Zone,” a kinder variation of “F-ck, Marry or Kill.”

So… which comedian would Khloe sleep with? Which U.S. President would she marry? Which famous Disney character would she simply befriend?

The opening round called on Kardashian to differentiate between Sarah Silverman, Chelsea Handler and Tina Fey.

She went ahead and placed Handler in the Friend Zone because “we’re good friends in real life and I love her.”

Kardashian then said Fey was a marriage material because “she seems like she’d be a good wifey,” which left Silverman as the star she’d totally band because she’s “smoking hot.”

From there, Kardashian entered the political fray by putting George W. Bush in the Friend Zone, adding that she would “marry Obama, for sure” and then joking:

“I guess that means I do it with Bill!”

Call us crazy, Keeks. But we’re guessing Bill would do it with you, too.

Finally, the Keeping Up with the Kardashians star was left choose between iconic Disney princes.

The options were Beast from Beauty and the Beast; Prince Charming from Cinderella; and Aladdin.

Kardashian acknowledged some of her bad boy tendencies by stating “I’d f-ck the Beast – I did want to f-ck the Beast back in the day, LOL.”

Marrying Prince Charming was a “no-brainer,” while Aladdin was relegated to the dreaded Friend Zone because “he doesn’t do it for me.”

Ouch. Burn. Well, at least Jasmine doesn’t need to worry about Khloe as a threat in this case.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Sarah Palin: FIRED From Fox News For Supporting the Duggars?!

Earlier this week, Sarah Palin spoke publicly for the first time about being fired from Fox News:

“Some things happened that I haven’t talked about publicly, things like getting canned from a job I really liked, sort of out of the blue, because I called somebody out,” Palin said in an interview.

“Next morning I got word, ‘Oh, we no longer need you anymore.’ Yeah, it was a shock, but more power to Fox News. I have a great relationship with them. It was just kind of a little bit of a shocker of knowing that the haters are going to love this one.”

Well, you know what they say, haters gonna…love?

Anyway, as Sarah Palin quotes go, that one’s surprisingly coherent, and while she’s clearly not trying to burn any bridges, it seems as though Sarah is throwing some subtle shade at her former employer.

Many have noted that in her last appearance as a Fox News commentator, Palin blasted the media for its coverage of the Josh Duggar sex scandal:

In the clip above, Palin argues that the media should have ignored the scandal, as she claims Josh’s criminal records were released illegally:

“The release of these confidential records is, it’s tragic, it’s illegal, it’s unethical,” Palin says. “Why isn’t the dialogue going right now towards ‘Hey, let’s get that law enforcement official he or her who released this file’?

“It was confidential.’ You know it was [released] for political reasons.”

Palin was demonstrably wrong on that point, and an investigation into the matter has determined that Josh’s criminal records were released legally, in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act.

But apparently that’s not what got her fired.

No, Palin has reportedly been telling friends that she was canned for biting the hand that fed her.

You may remember that several members of the Duggar family (including two of Josh’s molestation victims, Jill and Jessa Duggar) were  interviewed by Megyn Kelly not long after news of the Josh’s predatory past went public.

Palin’s comments about the media exploiting the situation came on the heels of Fox’s heavily-hyped exclusive sit-down, and it sounded to many as though the former Alaska governor was dissing her own network.

Palin has never revealed whether that was her intention, but based on her most recent remarks, it seems she believes she was unfairly fired for siding with the Duggars.

Oh, well. Look on the bright side, Sarah: Now you’ll have more to time to spend at home, peering at Russia through the scope of a high-powered rifle.

Someone’s gotta be vigilant, dontcha know!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Holland Taylor and Sarah Paulson: Actually Dating!


A few days after veteran actress Holland Taylor surprised the world by revealing she’s in a same-sex relationship, multiple sources have come out and confirmed that she’s in a same-sex relationship with another veteran actress…

… Sarah Paulson!

Taylor is 72 years old and Paulson is 40 years old.

And, as you can tell by the photos above, they are both women!

“It’s the most wonderful, extraordinary thing that could have ever possibly happened in my life,” Holland said earlier this week about her newfound love life on WNYC’s Death, Sex & Money podcast.

At the time, the actress refused to discuss her partner’s identity, although she did admit that her love interest is a younger woman and that the pair are talking about marriage.

“Given my generation it would not be something that would automatically occur to me,” Taylor explained of gay marriage.

“But as a symbol, as a pledge, as a plighting one’s troth, it would be a wonderful thing to do.”

Taylor is best known for her long-running role as Evelyn Harper on Two and a Half Men, while Paulson has dazzled us over the years on various versions of American Horror Story.

We send this new, VERY unexpected couple nothing but our best wishes!

Monday, November 16, 2015

Sarah Palin: So Excited for Bristol"s Baby!

The world still does not know the identity of Bristol Palin’s second baby daddy.

But we do know how Sarah Palin feels about becoming a grandparent for the second time.

“I can’t wait for about 45 more days, and I’m gonna have a little baby granddaughter,” Palin said this weekend on CBS Sunday Morning. “And I’m happy about it.”

Is she really, though?

Bristol announced her second pregnancy over the summer, coming across as clearly disappointed in herself for once again having unprotected sex outside of marriage.

The reveal came just weeks after Bristol called off her wedding to Dakota Meyer.

And Palin admits this is not the way she saw her daughter’s life playing out.

“Heck no because being a single mom is, oh my goodness, my heart goes out to the single parents,” Palin said.

“But my enormous admiration for what it is that they’re able to accomplish doing double-duty. And I watch Bristol do double-duty all the time, you know, with her little boy, Tripp.”

In sharing the baby news on her blog back in June, Bristol called it a “huge disappointment to my family” but admitted “there’s nothing I can’t do with God by my side.”

She has since amended this statement to make it seem as if the pregnancy was planned.

Bristol’s mom, meanwhile, says any child is a “blessing” and has a response to critics who say two babies out of wedlock goes against all she stands for as a conservative:

“Well, the cool thing about puttin’ your faith in God is he certainly is a God of second chances, and third, and fourth and fifth chances. I screw up all the time.”

In closing, because it has to be asked, who would Sarah Palin support right now for the Republican nomination?

“I would say that fighter is Donald Trump, because he’s got nothin’ to lose,” she replied. “He doesn’t have to be bought or sold, obviously, especially when it comes to contributions. He is his own man.”

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Sarah Hyland at the Balmain x H&M Pre-launch in Los Angeles.

Sarah Hyland at the Balmain x H&M Pre-launch in Los Angeles.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Sarah Silverman"s Boobs: Still Huge, Possibly Fake

Back in August, Sarah Silverman’s cleavage stole the show at the Hollywood Foreign Press banquet, which is an annual event that the world showed an interest in for the first time, all because of Sarah’s boobs.

Not unlike the Wicked Witch of the West returning her flying monkeys to their cages, Sarah put her breasts away for a while, figuring their work was done. Thankfully, she unleashed her glorious girls once again at a premiere event in LA last night:

Sarah was working the red carpet to promote her new film I Smile Back, in which she plays a suburban mom struggling with addiction and mental illness.

Not the kind of indie flick that usually gets a lot of hype online, so perhaps Ms. Silverman knew just what she was doing when she broke out the double-sided nipple tape and slipped into a dress more precarious than anything you’ll see in The Walk.

Between showing off her fabulous figure at movie premieres and showing up to the Emmys stoned, Sarah has been elevating her red carpet in a major way recently.

Her demo might not be college-aged dudes but now that the Internet has decided to irrevocably link Sarah with boobs and pot, I Smile Back might have the biggest opening weekend since Jurassic World.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Sarah Snyder: Jaden Smith"s Girlfriend Faces Jail Time?!

No one knows exactly how long Jaden Smith and 19-year-old model Sarah Snyder have been dating, but prosecutors in New York might soon throw a serious monkey wrench in their relationship.

Back in June, Sarah was arrested for allegedly stealing a $ 16,000 Hermes handbag from an upscale boutique.

Most young women in Sarah’s position would strike a plea deal, but Snyder’s lawyer announced this week that she’ll be taking her chances in court. 

Considering the astronomical cost of the bag and the fact that this may not be Snyder’s first brush with the law, the gamble could carry significant consequences – including a lengthy stint behind bars.

Those closest to Sarah are reportedly concerned that she’s not taking the charges seriously. Here she is wearing a t-shirt with her mug shot on it in a photo that she posted to Instagram:

Snyder captioned the pic “56 nights,” which is a reference to a Future song about a prison sentence. 

Clearly, she’s not concerned about the very real possibility of going to jail, and it’s possible that she’s even romanticizing the whole thing.

Bizarrely, this is the latest legal dust-up that Jaden has been indirectly involved with in the past few days.

Last week a California teen accused Kylie Jenner of stalking and harassing her, all because Kylie was allegedly jealous of her relationship with Jaden.

Clearly, Will’s son has a soft spot for the bad girls!