Showing posts with label Silence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Silence. Show all posts

Thursday, June 7, 2018

TMZ Live: Kate Spade Husband Breaks His Silence

ON TODAY’S SHOW Donald Trump: Kim Kardashian Backlash  Justin Bieber: Sued Over Street Brawl  Britney Spears: Miami Bikini Break Ronnie From ‘Jersey Shore’: Vegas Brawl 


Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Malcolm Jenkins Uses Silence to Send Message to Donald Trump

Malcolm Jenkins is using silence to respond to Donald Trump’s decision to cancel the Eagles’ White House visit … but is sending a message to POTUS — “You aren’t listening.” Jenkins elected to use handwritten signs to get his point…


Kate Spade Suicide Note Revealed, As Family Breaks Silence

Yesterday, we reported on the sad news that iconic fashion designer Kate Spade was found dead of an apparent suicide in her Park Avenue home.

Spade’s death came as a complete shock to her fans and colleagues, many of whom viewed the wildly successful businesswoman, wife, and mother as the quintessential woman who “had it all.”

But those who knew her best often saw a different side of Kate.

Friends and family claim that she struggled with a number of emotional disorders in recent years, often displaying symptoms of bipolar disorder.

(It’s not known if she was ever properly diagnosed, or if this is an assessment made by her loved ones.)

A clearer picture of Spade’s anguished final days is beginning to emerge, as several members of the designer’s inner-circle have begun to share their feelings, including Kate’s brother-in-law comedian David Spade.

“She was so sharp and quick on her feet. She could make me laugh so hard. I still can’t believe it,” Spade reflected on social media Tuesay.

A darker remembrance was offered by Kate’s sister Reta Saffo, who told Page Six that she believed Kate’s “happy go lucky” image was a facade:

“She was always a very excitable little girl and I felt all the stress/pressure of her brand may have flipped the switch where she eventually became full-on manic depressive,” Saffo stated, adding:

“I will say this was not unexpected by me.”

Meanwhile, TMZ has published excerpts from Spade’s suicide note, which seem to confirm the 55-year-old was distraught over her husband’s decision to end there marriage.

“Bea – I have always loved you. This is not your fault. Ask Daddy!” Kate reportedly wrote.

It’s unclear what Kate meant by the “ask daddy” remark, but it’s widely believed that her husband, Andy Spade, was aware of the reasons why she may have taken her life.

Sources say Andy had recently moved out of the apartment he shared with Kate after deciding to end their 24-year marriage.

Saffo said she did everything in her power to try and convince Kate to seek help for depression and mood swings, but was unsuccessful:

“I’d come so very close to getting her to go in for treatment,” I’d spoken with them on the phone (not telling them exactly who the patient would be),” Saffo Told Page Six.

“They agreed to fly in and talk with her and take her with them to the treatment center,” Saffo told Page Six.

Saffo said Spade became fixated on the idea of suicide following the 2014 death of Robin Williams.

“She kept watching it and watching it over and over. I think the plan was already in motion even as far back as then,” Saffo claimed

She says it pained her to give up on her sister, but Saffo eventually ended her efforts to persuade Kate to seek treatment:

“After numerous attempts, I finally let go,” Saffo said.

“Sometimes you simply cannot save people from themselves! One of the last things she said to me was:

“‘Reta, I know you hate funerals. . . but for me would you please come to mine at least.’”

Our thoughts go out to Kate’s family at this difficult time.


David Spade Breaks Silence on Stunning Suicide of Kate Spade

David Spade is basically at a loss for words.

But he’s done his best to utter a few in the face of a major family tragedy.

As previously reported, Kate Spade committed suicide on Tuesday morning at the age of 55.

The body of this legendary designer was discovered inside her Manhattan apartment around 10:20 a.m., with Spade pronounced dead on the scene shortly after paramedics arrived.

There’s been an outpouring of sadness and sympathy on social media ever since news of this tragedy went viral, as countless celebrities who either met Kate Spade or carried around one of her handbags left comments on Twitter.

David, however, knew Kate far better than most.

She married his brother, Andy, back in 1994, after the two had met at Arizona State University.

Together, this husband and wife team built Kate’s designing business into a global empire.

In an Instagram photo and message posted Tuesday evening, the actor paid tribute to his sister-in-law via a throwback image and its affiliated caption.

“Fuzzy picture but i love it,” wrote David, adding in more detail:

Kate and I during Christmas family photos. We had so much fun that day. She was so sharp and quick on her feet. She could make me laugh so hard. I still can’t believe it.”

In a separate Twitter post, the long-time comedic actor:

“Katy at my book signing. I love this pic of her. So pretty. I dont think everyone knew how f-cing funny she was… Its a rough world out there people. Try to hang on.”

Short. Simple. Sweet. Heartbreaking.

According to various sources, Kate Spade had a history of mental illness.

Her sister, Reta, has even angered some members of her family by telling The Kansas City Star that Spade’s suicide did not come as a surprise to her.

“She was always a very excitable little girl and I felt all the stress/pressure of her brand (KS) may have flipped the switch where she eventually became full-on manic depressive,” says Reta.

spade signs

Insiders hsve confirmed that Kate Spade did leave a suicide note.

It aimed to absolve her 13-year daughter for any blame in her death, while seemingly pointing a finger at her husband.

According to TMZ, the note read as follows:

Bea – I have always loved you. This is not your fault. Ask Daddy!” 

(Kate’s daughter’s full name is Frances Beatrix.)

TMZ also claims that problems in her marriage recently led Kate down a dark and depressed path, one that eventually culminated in this suicide.

Spade reportedly used a scarf and a knob on her bedroom door to take her own life.

Said her relatives in a statement last night:

“We are all devastated by today’s tragedy.

“We loved Kate dearly and will miss her terribly. We would ask that our privacy be respected as we grieve during this very difficult time.”

Elsewhere, Kate Spade New York, the company she founded but ultimate stepped down from over a decade ago, also released a statement after the news broke.

It reads:

We at Kate Spade New York just learned of the incredibly sad news that Kate Spade has passed.

Although Kate has not been affiliated with the brand for more than a decade, she and her husband and creative partner, Andy, were the founders of our beloved brand. Kate will be dearly missed.

Our thoughts are with Andy and the entire Spade family at this time.


Thursday, May 31, 2018

Drake Breaks Silence on Blackface Photo, Remains Mum on Secret Son

We think it’s safe to say the previous 48 hours haven’t been particularly easy on Drake.

It all started when Drizzy got a little big for his britches and decided to attack Pusha T with an exceedingly lame diss track.

King Push was quick to send Aubrey back to the kids’ table with one of the most punishing verses in recent memory.

In the “The Story of Adidon,” Pusha went after his rival like a DA prosecuting an open-and-shut case.

Anyone who listened to the track came away with the impression that Drake had committed a number of unforgivable crimes against his fans, against his loved ones, and against hip-hop culture.

Push rattles off a laundry list of offenses, but the most egregious are made clear right from the start.

In his opening salvo, the surgical emcee accuses Drake of being a deadbeat dad, hiding his son from the world and refusing to acknowledge the adult film star with whom he fathered the child.

But the allegation Drake might have the hardest time explaining away comes not in the lyrics to the song, but in its cover art:

As you can see, that’s a photo of Drake wearing blackface makeup.

Rumors about the origin of the image began to circulate immediately after the song’s release, and while accounts differed widely, all were in agreement that it was a very, very bad look.

Last night, Drake attempted to clear the air with a lengthy description of the photo’s context:

“I know everyone is enjoying the circus but I want to clarify this image in question,” he wrote.

“This was not from a clothing brand shoot or my music career.

“This picture is from 2007, a time in my life where I was an actor and I was working on a project that was about young black actors struggling to get roles, being stereotyped and type cast.”

“The photos represented how African Americans were once wrongfully portrayed in entertainment,” Drake continued.

“Me and my best friend at the time, Mazin Elsadig, who is also an actor from Sudan, were attempting to use our voice to bring awareness to the issues we dealt with all the time as black actors at auditions.”

The revelation that the photos were taken as part of a political statement and not — as initially rumored — an advertisement for a clothing line has prompted some detractors to give Drake a pass.

Though the consensus remains that the photo was in very poor taste.

Now, fans are clamoring for Drake’s response to the negligent parenting allegations.

Something tells us it’ll be quite sometime before Drizzy sounds off on that matter.


Andrea Constand Breaks Silence About Cosby Drugging and Sexually Assaulting Her

Andrea Constand has spoken out for the first time — aside from testifying in court — about how Bill Cosby gave her 3 blue pills and then attacked her. Constand spoke to NBC’s Kate Snow about the encounter 13 years ago, when she was the operations…


Donald Trump Breaks Silence on Roseanne Cancellation, Makes It About Him

Roseanne Barr’s very public and not-so-shocking racism got Roseanne canceled

Though Roseanne is an outspoken Trump supporter and the show’s reboot shocked former fans and writers with its conservative slant, Trump did not initially speak out.

But Trump did break his silence on the cancelation. And he’s making it all about him.

Trump being Trump, he took to Twitter to lash out over Roseanne’s cancelation. 

“Bob Iger of ABC called Valerie Jarrett to let her know that “ABC does not tolerate comments like those” made by Roseanne Barr.”

We know that Trump jumbles things a lot and it’s easy to be desensitized to that, but it took him all of four words to be wrong about something.

Bob Iger hasn’t been President of ABC since the 1990s. He’s the CEO of Disney, which owns ABC. We’re not splitting hairs; Trump is just showing his age.

“Gee, he never called President Donald J. Trump to apologize for the HORRIBLE statements made and said about me on ABC.”

Please don’t refer to yourself in the third person.

“Maybe I just didn’t get the call?”

Trump Tweet about Roseanne

It’s kind of amazing — though not surprising — that he manages to make the cancelation about him.

Roseanne’s unabashed bigotry cost about 200 people their jobs. Many are hopeful that the series can continue in a spin-off without Roseanne.

But the real issue with Trump’s tweet is that he continues to misunderstand the difference between absolutely depraved, indecent racism and … saying unkind things.

It’s like how n Thursday morning, some conservatives took to Twitter to attempt to raise a fuss about comedian and host Samantha Bee, who said unkind things about Ivanka Trump.

Whatever you may think about Ivanka, there is a difference between saying something that might hurt someone’s feelings and, say, using classic racist insults.

You can absolutely say unkind things about someone — even if those things are unfair.

But when we’re talking about Trump, his complaints about ABC News are basically just that they report the things that he says and does.

That’s not even an insult — that’s their job.

Roseanne was not just a Trump-supporter personally. The show’s reboot turned the original series on its head, politically speaking.

Many saw the reboot of Roseanne as almost a surrogate for Trump on television.

While many may have tuned into the pilot out of curiosity or nostalgia, others tuned in explicitly because they wanted a Trump-friendly sitcom.

(Many shows have, of course, integrated or acknowledged Trump in some way, but this is usually negative. Black Lightning has a villain say “make America great again” explicitly, while other shows like Star Trek: Discovery have subtler references to the ominous slogan)

Trump himself said that he called Roseanne Barr to congratulate her on her show’s pilot’s success.

After 18 million viewers turned out, the show was immediately renewed for another season.

Until Roseanne ruined it.

Of course, as many have pointed out, Roseanne has a history of making awful statements.

Prior to comparing Valerie Jarrett to an ape, she accused George Soros, who is both Jewish and was a child during World War II, of having been a Nazi collaborator.

Roseanne has also, through her social media activity, suggested that she believes that Trump is carrying out secret arrests of Illuminati pedophile rings by using secret courts.

She also combines her bigotry and conspiracy theories, saying things about “Jewish mind control.”

Critics say that ABC allowed to Roseanne reboot in the first place as a cynical ploy to attract viewers from Trump’s base, who would watch the series out of spite if nothing else.

Some even wonder if FOX canceling a number of shows with good racial and LGBT+ representation but renewing the canceled Last Man Standing was their attempt to get a piece of the “deplorable” viewership pie.

Roseanne was perhaps canceled because ABC’s leadership has certain lines that they are unwilling to cross.

But given that she was given a show to begin with — and had made similar comments about other former members of the Obama administration — many people have noted that it was the outcry that got the show canceled.

Sponsors notice outcry on social media. Networks take notice when sponsors pull out of a show.

Did Trump take her cancelation as a personal attack? Possibly.

It remains to be seen — and will not be seen until November of 2020 — whether enough of the American people will hold Trump to the same standards to which ABC held Roseanne Barr.


Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Roseanne Barr Breaks Silence on Sitcom Cancelation, Tweets Up a Storm Once Again

Less than 24 hours after claiming she was leaving Twitter, Roseanne Barr has returned to Twitter.

This time, however, the controversial comedian has fewer racist “jokes” to make at the expense of African-Americans.

On Tuesday morning, Roseanne wrote that former Barack Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett was what would happen if the “Muslim brotherhood [and] planet of the apes had a baby.”

The actress eventually deleted this horrible insult, but not before it spread around the Internet and ABC reacted by canceling her sitcom.

In a statement, ABC Presidence Channing Dungey said that the huge ratings for Season 10 of the rebooted series no longer warranted a Season 11, not when the show’s star had expressed such inappropriate views.

“Roseanne’s Twitter statement is abhorrent, repugnant and inconsistent with our values, and we have decided to cancel her show,” said Dungey.

This network decision has been applauded all non-racists around the globe.

Roseanne, meanwhile, issued an apology shortly after garnering an extreme amount of backlash online, Tweeting:

I apologize to Valerie Jarrett and to all Americans. I am truly sorry for making a bad joke about her politics and her looks. I should have known better. Forgive me – my joke as in bad taste.

Few folks are forgiving Barr, however, considering her history of being an awful person.

Now, in the wake of this controversy, Roseanne has walked back her claim that she was leaving social media and commented at length on her show’s cancelation.

“Don’t feel sorry for me, guys!!-I just want to apologize to the hundreds of people,and wonderful writers (all liberal) and talented actors who lost their jobs on my show due to my stupid tweet,” Barr wrote, adding:

“I will be on Joe Rogan’s podcast friday.”

She was far from done, however.

“I did something unforgiveable so do not defend me,” she added, prior to making an excuse for her racism:

“It was 2 in the morning and I was ambien tweeting-it was memorial day too-i went 2 far & do not want it defended-it was egregious Indefensible [sic].

“I made a mistake I wish I hadn’t but…don’t defend it please.”

Aside from the lame ambien defense, this may sound all well and good to some.

Roseanne is clearly sorry, right?

Except she has since re-Tweeted a large number of Conversative voices who have, indeed, defended her position and her opinions and think this is yet another Liberal conspiracy.

To wit:

Roseanne Barr RTs

In a now-deleted tweet, Barr also wrote an apology to Jarrett once again, addressing President Obama’s close friend as follows:

“@ValerieJarrett I want to apologize to you. I am very sorry to have hurt you. I hope you can accept this sincere apology!”

Jarrett, meanwhile, has mostly taken the high road in response to her name randomly and terribly being bantered about in this fashion.

“I think we have to turn it into a teaching moment,” she said yesterday in response, adding that Roseanne’s remarks reflect a greater issue in society than her hurt feeling:

“I’m fine. I’m worried about all the people out there who don’t have a circle of friends and followers who come right to their defense.

“The person who is walking down the street minding their own business and they see somebody cling to their purse, or run across the street, or every black parent I know who has a boy who has to sit down and have a conversation — the talk — as we call it.

“As you say, those ordinary examples of racism that happen every single day.”

barr stuff

But back to Barr:

In a series of other Tweets she has since erased, Barr repeats the stance of one follower who thinks ABC is acting in a hypocritical manner.

“I’m calling on @ABCNetwork @Disney to uphold their “standards” by firing @JoyVBehar for calling Christians mentally ill,” this person (and Roseanne) wrote.

“You can’t treat @therealroseanne one way because she supports @realDonaldTrump & allow Joy Behar to remain employed. #BoycottABC #StandWithRoseanne #Roseanne.”

But then after this, Roseanne said:

Please don’t start all of that boycott abc stuff-I’m not a censor and they have the right to do what they wish. It’ all ok. thanks tho guys.

Roseanne was the number-one scripted series of last season with a 6.4 rating among 18-49-year olds, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

The Wrap reports that Paramount Network, TV Land and CMT have pulled all reruns of the series.

Based on her Twitter spree last night, it’s very possible that Roseanne really was on ambien when she originally Tweeted about Jarrett and was also on ambien in these rambling responses to the scandal.

But plenty of celebrities take sleeping pills and/or other types of medication.

It says something about Roseanne’s personal beliefs that when she does so, this filth comes out of her virtual mouth.


Thursday, May 24, 2018

Malcolm Jenkins Rips NFL"s Anthem Policy, "Won"t Let It Silence Me"

Malcolm Jenkins says he will not let the NFL’s new national anthem policy “silence me or stop me from fighting” … saying the owners are “[thwarting] the players’ constitutional rights.” The Philadelphia Eagles star never took a knee during…


Friday, May 18, 2018

Matt Roloff Breaks Silence on Caryn Chandler Break-Up Rumors

Matt Roloff is very sorry, ladies.

He has some news to break that you may find to be unfortunate.

And that is this: The Little People, Big World star is not single and, therefore, is not ready to mingle.

Fans across the Internet have been wondering about Roloff’s relationship status for several days now, ever since he news broke that Caryn Chandler is no longer employed by Roloff Farms.

For those unaware, Caryn is Matt’s girlfriend.

She has been for about a year now and she met Matt because she managed his property and his business for many years before that.

(This is also why there’s constant tension between Caryn and Amy Roloff; the two were friends prior to her divorce from Matt and Caryn’s subsequent romance with him.)

HOWEVER, multiple outlets reported last week that Chander is no longer employed by Matt, leading to one of two possibilities:

  1. She has been fired because she and Matt have broken up and it would be too weird if they kept working together.

  2. They are engaged, or about to be engaged, and felt a need to wholly separate their work from their personal lives.

So that’s the background at work here.

It should help readers understand Matt’s response to a comment on Facebook yesterday.

“Where’s Caryn? Did you guys break up?” a follower asked in response to a photo of Matt on vacation in Mexico, seemingly by himself.

“We did not break up,” Roloff said in response to the speculation.

So… there you go, we guess?

We can return to the opposite kind of speculation now? The kind that involves wondering whether or not Matt and Caryn are engaged?

We’re happy to wonder about that more exciting possibility instead, but we can’t help thinking that Matt’s reply was lacking in… something, right?

He didn’t make some joke about these break-up rumors nor did he say anything nice about Chandler and their relationship.

He just gave the most straightforward answer possible, which still makes us think something is off here. Perhaps the pair are just on a break?

Maybe Caryn just needs space?

We’re not judging at all. We’re just curious.

On a recent episode of Little People, Big World, Caryn admitted that she would be willing to leave the farm the moment her boyfriend’s ex-wife told her to do so.

She meant this out of respect for Amy, not out of any kind of bitterness.

She very much understands how awkward everything is here.

“I don’t want to invade anyone’s space, and the moment Amy doesn’t want me coming around anymore, I won’t,” Chandler told the cameras.

Along those lines, as documented below, Matt has been considering a major change in his life.

Read all about it here:


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Meghan Markle Breaks Silence on Father, Photo Scandal

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry may be rich and famous and gorgeous and admired…

… but they’re really just like any other couple in the days leading up to their wedding.

Which is to say: They’re dealing with some major family drama and last-minute changes to their schedule.

As previously reported, Markle’s father, Thomas, has thrown a stunning wrench into his daughter’s plans by announcing his will NOT be attending the Royal Nuptials this Saturday.

He has made this decision for two reasons:

  1. Thomas suffered a heart attack last week.

  2. Thomas has been caught in a scandal that involves him paying the paparazzi to snap flattering photos of him.

This isn’t exactly the sort of news that flies under the radar, either, not when millions of people plan on watching Markle and her Prince exchange vows in just a few days.

As a result, Kensington Palace has been forced to issue a statement in response to this development.

It reads as follows…

This is a deeply personal moment for Ms. Markle in the days before her wedding.

She and Prince Harry ask again for understanding and respect to be extended to Mr. Markle in this difficult situation.

Markle’s parents divorced when the former actress was young.

And while her mother, Doria, has already arrived for the wedding, Thomas has been living in Mexico for years now, as far away from the spotlight (and most other human beings) as possible.

Insiders say he does not want to be a part of the big day and risk embarrassing his daughter in any way.

When asked whether the “difficult situation” mentioned in the above official statement referred to the staged photo shoots or Thomas’ heart attack last week, the spokesperson said simply:

“We are not getting into further details.”

The ex-Suits star has not commented on multiple reports that her dad received money in exchange for staging paparazzi photos, but a source tells Us Weekly that Markle is well aware of the situation.

And she’s doing all she can to not let it get her down.

“Meghan is upset and disturbed by the entire ordeal and just wants to move past it,” this source says, adding:

“She doesn’t want to let anything ruin her day and is trying to keep focus on the weekend.”

With other family members also stirring up controversy at the moment, however, this focus has been difficult for Markle to maintain.

We’d have to imagine she’s very anxious for the wedding to come and go so she and Harry can just jet off on their honeymoon and get away from it all for awhile.

According to TMZ, Thomas’ cancelation came as a shock to the couple.

A security detail had already been planned for Meghan’s dad, along with accommodations and access to various events.

At this point, the question of just who will walk Markle down the aisle remains a mystery — but most folks assume the vital job will go to her mother.

Doria Ragland will be staying at a hotel with her daughter the night before the ceremony.

They will then travel together by car to St. George’s Chapel, where an event anticipated by people who really need to get lives about half of the free world will at last take place.

Will you be tuning in for it?


Thursday, May 10, 2018

Tristan Thompson Breaks Silence on Baby True; How Does He REALLY Feel?

Tristan Thompson is having a breakout playoff run for the Cleveland Cavaliers.

After being benched for nearly the entire half of the regular season, the horny new baby daddy has played a key role in helping the Cavs advance to the Eastern Conference Finals.

But forget the breakout play for a moment.

Tristan Thompson has now spoken out… for the first time since the world learned he cheated numerous times on Khloe Kardashian while the star was pregnant.

Moreover, he has spoken out about daughter True and about becoming a father for the second time.

(Yes, the second time: Thompson’s ex-girlfriend gave birth to his first child in December of 2016, mere months after he dumped her for Khloe. This guy is classiness personified.)

“So you got a new addition to the family,” Thompson was asked on Wednesday by Road Trippin podcast co-host Richard Jefferson said, to which Thompson replied:

“New addition to the family, yup.”

Don’t worry. He does expound a bit during the interview…

How is little True Thompson actually faring these days, however?

(Khloe gave birth to her first child on April 12, just several hours after the allegations of infidelity against her boyfriend went viral.)

“She’s doing good,” Tristan said during the podcast. “Baby True is eating, sleeping and, uh, s–ttin’. That’s all they do.”

That’s a bit crass, but it’s not untrue. There’s only so much a one-month old can really do at this point in its existence.

The rebounding machine also revealed that True has a “full head of hair,” green eyes and was born 21 inches long, providing us with the first details regarding her appearance.

Thompson is already the dad of a little boy and was asked in this exchange whether there’s a difference between having a son and having a daughter.

“I think with a girl, you’re just so much more [emotional],” he tried to explain, adding:

“With a boy, it’s just like, ‘Hey, man. You’ll be alright, man. Stop crying.’

“But [with True], it’s like, ‘True, it’s gonna be OK. You know, we’re right here. Daddy’s here to feed you. It’s me! Look, yeah!’ It’s way different, but it’s fun, though.

“It changes you.”

Really, Tristan? When son Prince was a month old, you just shrugged off his crying and told him to stop?

Actually, who are we kidding: Ain’t no way Thompson was involved with his son when he was only a month old.

Questions still remain over how closely he’s involved with True.

Sources have confirmed that Thompson was present for his daughter’s birth, but also that he got into a screaming match with Khloe as soon as True was taken out of the delivery room.

Tristan has been playing basketball almost non-stop since becoming a father again, but Khloe remains in Cleveland and recently showed surprising support for her man in public.

A number of insiders claim she wants to give this romance a second chance.

“You done? You done with kids?” Jefferson asked during the podcast.

“Naw, I’m gonna keep going,” Thompson responded. “I’ve got a couple more. I got a couple more left.”

It sounds like Thompson is serious.

We’re pretty sure Kardashian wants to have a bigger family, but does he means he wants to have more kids with Khloe?

If so, that’s pretty gigantic news. It would certainly seem to imply that the couple is very much together and discussing their future.

For now, though, Khloe seems mostly just focused on her daughter, having only talked in public about this bundle of joy, as opposed to anything related to Thompson’s pounding other women in hotel rooms.

“I can’t believe my baby will be a month old tomorrow,” she wrote with on Wednesday night on Twitter, including a crying face emoji and adding:

“Why does this make me happy and sad all at the same time. Thank you Jesus for my sweet peanut.”


Saturday, May 5, 2018

Khloe Kardashian FINALLY Breaks Silence on Tristan Thompson Cheating Scandal!

Khloe Kardashian hasn"t made too many public statements in the past few weeks, huh?

Probably because she"s been busy having a baby and then taking care of that baby. Oh, and also because her boyfriend was revealed to be a big ol" cheater like a day before she went into labor.

It"s surely a very emotional time for her right now, what with the hormones and the huge life changes and all, so it"s understandable that she hasn"t been posting all over social media lately.

But now, at long last, she"s finally commenting on the Tristan scandal …


1. What a Ride

What a ride

So first off … bless her heart. Just bless Khloe’s poor little heart.

2. Good News?

Khloe kardashian and tristan kiss

After all she went through in her marriage to Lamar, after wanting so much to have children but never being able to get pregnant or never finding herself in the right situation to have a baby, she found Tristan. They started dating in fall of 2016, and less than a year later, she was pregnant.

3. A Special Time

Khloe kardashian blonde hair pic

When the news broke about the pregnancy, so many people were so, so happy for her, remember? It wasn’t your average celebrity pregnancy announcement, it was bigger.

4. Bumpin’ Time

Khloe kardashian goes bumpin

Time went on, and Khloe confirmed the pregnancy, then she started sharing photos of her cute baby bump, then she started talking about starting a family with Tristan and how excited she was, and it was just so adorable.

5. Awww

A khloe kardashian kiss

Things were good and happy and lovely for a long, long time, right up until around Khloe’s due date, even.

6. Ugh

Tristan thompson

But then Tristan screwed it all up. Hard.

View Slideshow

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Jen Harley Breaks Silence on Ugly Ronnie Magro Break-Up

Jen Harley is tired of having her name dragged through the Internet mud.

Granted, you probably had never even heard the name Jen Harley until a few days ago.

But still.

By now, any regular reader of The Hollywood Gossip is likely familiar with what transpired this week between Harley and Jersey Shore Ronnie Ortiz-Magro.

The latter absolutely WENT OFF on his estranged girlfriend and baby mama over the weekend after learning she still had in her possession a sex tape with an ex-boyfriend.

Ronnie took exception to this.

He called Harley a “hoe” and asked his Instagram followers how they’d react to her actions and then apologized…

… except he quickly took that apology back and went after Harley even harder.

In a stream of text messages, Ronnie shared on social media (below), he accused Harley of cheating on him with a friend (who referred to her as a “cum dumpster“) last summer by banging him on a taco float in a pool.

(For real. This is the allegation.)

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro accuses

It’s not as though Harley remained silent in the face of these damning accusations.

(She didn’t deny the cheating claim, either, it’s probably worth noting.)

She fired back at Ronnie, initially referring to him as a “coke head” and then saying the following, referencing a recent episode of Jersey Shore, in which Ortiz-Magro brought home a woman from the bar.

He wants to act fake on the show and like I’m some random he knocked up lol he was trying to get me pregnant.

And then cheats on me while I’m preg on TV and then leaves me with a newborn baby lol baby daddy of the year award goes to @realronniemagro.


This message, of course, did not put an end to the drama.

It actually got a lot worse.

Shortly after the above post went live, Harley and Ortiz-Magro appeared to engage in a physical fight during an Instagram Live session on Monday.

“Put your f–king hands on me again,” the reality star yelled. “I dare you!”

Take a look for yourself at the ugly exchange below:

So that all brings us to Harley’s latest.

After making her Instagram account private for a day or two, Harley returned to the social media scene this afternoon and wrote the following:

“My heart hurts.”

She included a sad face emoji with these three words.

harley message

Harley and Ronnie actually welcomed a baby girl into the world just a month ago.

Her name is Ariana and we feel terrible for her.

Let’s hope she never learns how to use Google and let’s also hope her parents find some way to make peace. For her sake, at the very least.

“This is a private matter that should have never been made public,” Ronnie said yesterday. “I remain focused on my daughter and she is my No. 1 priority.”


Friday, March 30, 2018

Buffalo Bills" Zay Jones Breaks Silence After Naked Arrest, "Thankful to Be Alive"

Buffalo Bills receiver Zay Jones says he’s thankful to see his 23rd birthday … breaking his silence after his naked, bloody arrest last week. We broke the story … Jones was arrested for felony vandalism after a bizarre, nude altercation…


Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Becca Kufrin Breaks Silence on The Ultimate Bachelor Heartbreak

Yes, that actually happened on The Bachelor finale last night.

All The Bachelor spoilers you had read about, yet had difficulty believing, actually became a reality:

Arie Luyendyk Jr really did propose to Becca Kurfin in Peru, selecting her as the winner of his season and his heart…

… only to turn around a short while later and dump her for runner-up Lauren!

For real, people!

“Sometimes when I’m on these little getaways with Becca I think about, What would this be like with Lauren?” Arie told the camera during the third hour of this stunning finale, adding:

“It just kills me, because I have a great woman next to me. I go to bed and I think about Lauren. I wake up and I think about Lauren. And I know Becca sees when I struggle.

“She sees the fact that my mind is somewhere else. She knows that I think about Lauren.”

Explaining his “guilt” and how he made a big “mistake”to viewers, Arie later welcomed Becca to Los Angeles, sat her down on the couch – and dumped her!

“The reality of it is that being with you, although it’s been everything that I wanted, I still think about [Lauren],” Arie told Becca, earning points for honest… we guess.

“Are you f-cing kidding me?” Becca replies after Arie admits he wants to see if there’s a “possibility” for him and Lauren.

This scene, of course, was filmed several weeks ago.

How does Becca feel about the shocking and emotional development now?

“He’s a good person, I don’t think he’s a monster and purposely did this to hurt me and make me feel this way,” Kurfin tells People Magazine, expounding as follows:

“But it’s just the result of his actions.

“At the end of the day, I don’t think he thought through everything of how ending things with Lauren would be, how being engaged to me would be and what breaking up with me and going back to her would be.

“I don’t think he thought it through, but I don’t think he did it maliciously to break my heart.”

That’s a mature way to look at things. And likely an accurate one.

Arie is getting roasted over every Internet coal right now, but would it have been better if he denied his feelings for Lauren, stayed with Becca and broke up with her prior to the wedding anyway?

Only one of 22 Bachelors has ever actually married the woman he chose on the finale.

This type of matchmaking simply does not work and perhaps Arie should actually get some kudos for being honest with himself and realizing what he needed to do before it was too late.

Not that anyone can blame Kurfin for her bitter feelings.

“I never thought for a million years that once the going started to get tough that he would throw in the towel and jump ship and say, ‘Oh sorry, I changed my mind,"” she now says to People.

“I didn’t think we were at that point whatsoever.”

Becca also blames Arie for doing the heartbreaking deed in front of ABC cameras, which is a very good point.

She says getting dumped in this manner was “embarrassing” and adds:

“There was a better and more tactful way to do it.

“A breakup is hard enough, and to have it all filmed and have to re-watch it and know that people all across the country are watching you get your heart broken, it is embarrassing. It’s not fun.

“I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. It was like a slap in the face.”

The two-hour After the Rose special airs tonight on ABC.

We’ll discover the status of Arie and Lauren’s relationship during this unique episode of the show.

Becca is quick to say she doesn’t blame Lauren for her role in this debacle of a romance, just Arie for how he handled the whole thing.

But she’ll be just fine in the end.

“At the end of the day I wouldn’t’ change the experience because I met so many amazing people and I fell in love and I had this great experience and memories,” she concludes to People.

“I’m still going to feel a sense of compassion for him because I did love him but at this point, I want him to be happy, I want to be done and not have to worry about them anymore.

“They’re going to be together and do their thing. I wanted to move on and have my person that I can focus on and live my life with. At the end of the day, I do forgive him.”

And, hey, perhaps she’ll end up as The Bachelorette!


Catherine in "Silence of the Lambs" "Memba Her?!

Brooke Smith is best known for playing the dog-catching damsel in distress, Catherine — opposite Ted Levine as Buffalo Bill — in the killer 1991 thriller “Silence of the Lambs.” Guess what she looks like now!


Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Justin Theroux Finally Breaks His Instagram Silence

A couple of weeks ago, Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux confirmed their split. It’s over. But hey, they’re still friends.

Since their confirmation, they haven’t been very outspoken … but now, Justin Theroux is finally breaking his Instagram silence.

So what does he have to say?

Justin Theroux and Jennifer Aniston’s relationship did not last forever.

Though the couple only mentioned going their separate ways when they announced to the world that they were going to remain friends, it was clear to many that they’ve resolved to divorce.

The fact that they can go through a split so amicably is a sign that their bond is healthy and strong.

While fans wonder and tabloids speculate about what went wrong, the couple themselves don’t seem to feel especially driven to tell the world anything beyond that they’re breaking up and will remain friends.

But now, Justin Theroux has broken his silence on Instagram.

In the captions beside some adorable photos, Theroux wrote:

“Texas!!! [star emoji]”

A star emoji. Get it? Because Texas is the Lone Star State.

“Another very inspiring visit with the incredible people and pups @austinpetsalive.”


Not only is it wonderful that he lends his fame and platform to such a worthy cause — no-kill shelters and animal adoption — but he has to know that interest in his social media activity is at a high point.

His captions marvel at the work that the people at the shelter do.

“I cannot understand how they do what they do, day after day, so consistently and lovingly to save so many dogs and cats.”

And he endorses anyone and everyone going by to see the precious dogs.

“I HIGHLY recommend going in and getting your nose bit by a toothless baby pitbull.”

That is a very compelling sales pitch.

“These two aren’t yet ready to go, but when they are go get em…”

He gives some shout outs.

“Oh! And hey Houston! You have a Pets Alive no kill shelter there too! @houstonpetsalive Thank you APA!”

He then adds a series of tags.

“#pitbull #austin #texas #adoptdontshop #seniordogsrule …and #selenagomez”

That last one, while falling short of actually tagging Selena Gomez, is followed by a lengthy message that is perhaps the most absurd use of Instagram tagging that we’ve ever seen.


That reads: “Yeah, that’s right, Selena. I did it to you again. But if you saw these guys you’d do whatever you could, too. Also, I know you’re chill like that.”

Now, Selena Gomez and Jennifer Aniston are known to be friends, which is almost certainly how Justin Theroux and Selena know each other.

But it’s funny that he should mention her.

After all, Jennifer Aniston was spotted cozying up to The Weeknd at Ellen DeGeneres’ birthday party … in a photo snapped by Oprah herself.

The two of their exes were spotted side-by-side, and now he’s (almost) messaging Selena Gomez with animal adoption.

Some might wonder if he’s looking to get revenge.

Much more likely, however, Justin Theroux knows that Selena has a weakness for puppies (who doesn’t?) and also that her Instagram power is unmatched.

Who better to help get the word out than a fellow Texan?
