Showing posts with label Taking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Taking. Show all posts

Friday, June 1, 2018

Farrah Abraham Posts Photo of Her Daughter Taking a Shower, is Just Not Right

Will Farrah Abraham ever learn?!

You may not know what exactly we’re talking about yet, but you probably already know the answer is a resounding “NOPE.”

No matter how many years go by, no matter how much life experience she gets, Farrah still cannot seem to develop the least little bit of sense.

It’s pretty remarkable, really, how she hasn’t managed to learn one single lesson after all this time, isn’t it?

So Farrah is currently traveling the world with her daughter, Sophia — and just to refresh your memory, Sophia is still only nine years old.

They’ve been to Fiji, they’ve been to Cannes, but most recently, they’ve been in Dubai.

And, wouldn’t you know it, trouble is just following them every step of the way.

While in Cannes, Farrah got quite a bit of heat for some photos that were posted on Sophia’s Instagram.

It’s unclear whether she posted them for Sophia or if the girl is in charge of her own account, but basically it was a photo of Farrah’s ass with the caption “I love my mamas booty!”

Farrah booty

Then, after spending some time in Dubai, there was more controversy when everyone saw a picture of Sophia holding a glass of a suspicious looking drink.

Lots of people thought Farrah was allowing her kid to drink wine or champagne, but it turned out it was just fancy juice in a fancy glass, complete with gold flakes.

But honestly, you can understand why people would think the worst here, right?

And on top of that, you can’t really be surprised when now, just a day after the juice fiasco, Farrah and Sophia’s followers are troubled by yet another bizarre photo.

This one, though, is a photo of Sophia taking a shower.

In the caption, she explained that she was taking the shower on a plane, which is admittedly pretty cool.

Sophia shower selfie

But then again, this is a photo of a child in a shower on Instagram, so the ick factor beats out any coolness here.

And judging by the comments, people were really, really disturbed by this.

“Why the f-ck are we posting pics of a child in the shower?!” one person asked. “Farrah is a terrible mother and horrible example as a woman.”

“Plus she’s being desensitized to being naked with the camera out…. when I was 9 I was so modest I would have died if my mom tried to take my picture,” another person added.

And isn’t that the truth? Seriously, just think about being nine years old, taking a shower, and being photographed by your mom.

When you’re done cringing and flailing of just the imagined embarrassment, let’s get back to this.

As another commenter pointed out, “Millions of people have the ability to look at her profile and to have the pic up is just asking for trouble.”

“Honestly, I’m surprised CPS hasn’t been involved yet.”

Of course, in addition to all the haters, there are also those who will defend Farrah’s choices, no matter what.

“How is this inappropriate??” one of those deluded fans questioned. “It’s only inappropriate if you are sexualizing a child in a shower cap……so you’re the weirdo if you find this inappropriate.”

To that, the people said “she’s a young lady and there’s sickos in this world unfortunately.”

Another acknowledged that “after a certain age, around 4-5, these types of photos are inappropriate.”

And on top of all that, there were also many, many people confused followers asking why Sophia is taking showers in airplanes instead of, you know, going to school.

Listen, we could spend all day talking about the reasoning behind why Farrah thinks sharing these kinds of photos, or why she thinks giving Sophia juice with gold flakes is more important than fourth grade.

And it would be fun, honestly.

But at this point, it’s clear that Farrah is going to do whatever she wants to do with Sophia, no matter how many people think CPS needs to get involved.

So … whatever, just go take a nap or something, rid your poor, exhausted brain of this kind of nonsense.

Farrah is going to replace this with another unbearably awkward/awul moment soon enough anyway.


Thursday, May 31, 2018

Kathryn Dennis: I"m Taking My Kids Back From Thomas Ravenel!

As Southern Charm star Thomas Ravenel faces multiple accusasations of sexual assault

While ex-wife Kathryn Dennis broke her silence but refused to comment publicly. Behind the scenes, however, is another story.

Reportedly, she is gearing up to mention the accusations against Thomas in court as she seeks to obtain full custody.

RadarOnline reports that Kathryn Dennis is fighting for custody. And that courtroom battle is heating up, under the circumstances.

“Kathryn is going to court to ask a judge to give her full custody of the kids.”

That would be a huge change from the current situation.

“Right now, Kathryn pays Thomas $ 100 a month in child support since he has full custody.”

As you may remember, Kathryn failed a drug test in 2016. Marijuana and cocaine were found in her system.

“She is planning to ask for money for child support from Thomas in court.”

He is believed to be more affluent than she is.

“Since she is spending fifty percent of the time with the kids.”

Any parent fighting for custody is going to go out of their way to make sure that the court is aware of everything.

That includes the sexual assault allegations against her ex.

“Kathryn is considering bringing up all of the sexual assault stories about Thomas that are in the news now.”

The source isn’t sure that she’s dead-set on bringing it up, however.

“She might do that if she thinks it will help get her more time and money.”

That’s a sort of cynical way to phrase that.

The court date is set for June 8.

It is worth noting that, while none of these accusations imply that Thomas has mistreated his children, it may make a lot of sense for a judge to review these accusations.

Thomas Ravenel is accused of assaulting his former nanny. She came forward and identified herself as one of his accusers.

Not only was Nanny Dawn assigned to watch over the young children, Kensie and Saint, but the details of her accusation against him may make it relevant.

Because Nanny Dawn says that she was reluctant to fight back too hard against his alleged assault because his daughter was sleeping in a nearby room.

She did not want the child to witness a sexual assault. Clearly, neither does Kathryn.

Thomas Ravenel is accused of brutal and frightening assaults.

One against his former nanny.

Another woman spoke out, accusing Ravenel of assaulting her mother after a date.

Additionally, a childhood friend of Kim Kardashian has spoken out — not about sexual assault, but about Ravenel allegedly having a sudden and frightening change in demeanor after a date.

In each accusation, Ravenel is said to have gone from being a gentleman to a terror with little or no warning.

We could see Kathryn Dennis mentioning this in court.

Of course, Kathryn Dennis very notably did not speak up when offered the chance to do so while speaking ot Andy Cohen on Watch What Happens Live.

It is reported that members of the cast of Southern Charm have been warned by Bravo to avoid speaking out on the allegations against Ravenel.

While it is likely that the network is just hoping to avoid further scandal rather than trying to in any way obstruct justice, it can give the appearance that the cast supports Ravenel.

We do not know how they really feel.

But if Kathryn brings up Thomas’ accusations in court, we may just find out how she really feels about her ex.


Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Michael Bisping Says He"s "Taking Over Hollywood" After UFC Career

UFC legend Michael Bisping isn’t planning on fading away now that he’s retired from fighting — dude has BIG plans … telling TMZ Sports, “I’m taking over Hollywood.” Oh, and yeah … he definitely FaceTimed us from the sauna.  But Bisping’s…


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Khloe Kardashian: I"m Leaving Tristan Thompson and I"m Taking Our Baby!

When Khloe revealed her daughter’s name, she introduced the sweet baby as “our little girl.” 

Does this mean, as many fans either hope or fear, that Khloe is looking past Tristan Thompson’s cheating scandal in light of their child’s birth?

Not even close.

TMZ reports that Khloe and Tristan’s relationship is in ruins after the news broke last week that Tristan had cheated on Khloe with multiple women.

Their sources close to the Kardashians inform them that Khloe has not so much as spoken to Tristan for days.

And that “our little girl” line in her post? The one that has some fans wondering if she’s decided to overlook Tristan’s many transgressions?

That is reportedly nothing more than a facade.

(And an understandable one, too, since you don’t want to mar a happy post with “I’ve named the sweet baby I had with that lying scoundrel!!!”)

So no, it doesn’t sound like Khloe is in a place to be forgiving.

Not only is TMZ reporting that Khloe isn’t feeling up to making nice with Tristan any time soon … her family is in the same boat.

They’re not happy with Tristan for doing this to Khloe. And they also can’t be thrilled that this scandal is so public, or that it is tainting what should be the happiest time in Khloe’s life.

In particular, sources say that Rob Kardashian is raging against Tristan. He and Khloe have always been close.

But that doesn’t in any way lessen the fury that Khloe’s sisters are feeling. They are described as being “livid.”

However, Khloe is still in Cleveland, because True is still a newborn and all of the nursery stuff is in Tristan’s house. You know, where Khloe had planned on living her life.

She has not, however, been alone with Tristan. There is reportedly a “chill in the air.”

Khloe apparently plans on flying back to L.A. as soon as she is medically cleared to fly.

It doesn’t look like this scandal is going away any time soon.

Tristan was caught on multiple videos by multiple sources, appearing to kiss and otherwise fool around with multiple different women.

One video showed him in a hookah lounge, getting physical with two different ladies.

Another showed him appearing to take a woman up to his room.

The fact that this all happened during Khloe’s pregnancy cannot be doing Tristan any favors in her eyes and in the eyes of her family.

Almost no one blames Khloe for wanting to flee Cleveland and never look back.

Especially since many believe that there are many more women from Tristan’s recent history who just weren’t caught on video.

There was of course no mention of that when Khloe announced the name of her daughter, True Thompson.

“Our little girl, True Thompson, has completely stolen our hearts and we are overwhelmed with LOVE.”

She even still refers to Tristan as “Daddy.”

“Such a blessing to welcome this angel into the family! Mommy and Daddy loooooove you True!”

Later, Kris Jenner took to Instagram to celebrate her new grandchild — and to explain the name.

“I’m so excited to welcome my precious little granddaughter True!!!”

Her last grandchild was named “Stormi,” but this name, she explains, has a family history.

“FUN FACT… my Grandfather’s name on my Dad’s side was True Otis Houghton….my Dad’s name was Robert True Houghton…”

We guess that this name wasn’t inspired by Khloe marathoning reruns of Tru Calling then.

“So i am so excited Khloe named her daughter True!!!”

There go everyone’s hopes that Khloe would name her next child “False.” Maybe.

What role will Tristan play in True’s life, we wonder.

Khloe isn’t Tristan’s first baby mama and it doesn’t sound like she will be the last.

(It has been reported that Tristan may have impregnated one of his side pieces)

We definitely think that Khloe has the support and the resources to raise True to be a happy and healthy person.

But it’s hard to tell what either parent has planned, since both have refused to comment publicly on this … mess.


Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Roseanne Barr Laughs at Trump Taking Credit for Her Huge Ratings

Roseanne Barr thinks it’s laughable that President Trump kinda tried taking credit for her massive ratings for the premiere of her revived TV show last week … literally, she LOL’d. We got the sitcom star Monday night at LAX, where our photog…


Roseanne Barr Laughs at Trump Taking Credit for Her Huge Ratings

Roseanne Barr thinks it’s laughable that President Trump kinda tried taking credit for her massive ratings for the premiere of her revived TV show last week … literally, she LOL’d. We got the sitcom star Monday night at LAX, where our photog…


Monday, April 2, 2018

Sister Jean Has No NCAA Title Game Party Plans, "Taking a Break"

Sister Jean needs a break — which means no raging party for the NCAA title game Monday night … so says a rep for Loyola-Chicago.  The 98-year-old superstar is apparently exhausted after rolling with the Ramblers during the team’s incredible…


Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Chrissy Teigen Is Taking Beyonce Biter"s Name to the Grave

Chrissy Teigen knows who bit Beyonce on the face but she’s not ready to give up the culprit just yet … out of love. Chrissy’s been dropping more than a few hints she knows who dunnit, ever since Tiffany Haddish recounted the…


Friday, March 2, 2018

Leonardo DiCaprio & Brad Pitt Taking Heat for Manson Murder Movie from Sharon Tate Family

Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt are a couple of money grubbing actors who signed up to glorify Sharon Tate’s vicious murder … so claims her sister, Debra Tate. Debra tells TMZ she believes Leo and Brad only saw the Benjamins…


Thursday, March 1, 2018

Marshawn and Gary Barnidge Taking Marcus Peters to Portugal

What’s better than Marshawn Lynch and Gary Barnidge teaming up to explore Europe together?? Bringing L.A. Rams star Marcus Peters along for the fun, too!! Beast Mode and the ex-Browns Pro Bowler are heading to Portugal for the 6th annual…


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Wendy Williams Announces She Has Graves" Disease, Taking 3 Weeks Off

Wendy Williams is taking several weeks off from her TV show — on doctor’s orders — to deal with a medical crisis related to hyperthyroidism. Wendy announced at the top of Wednesday’s show that she’s suffering from Graves’ disease … an immune…


Friday, January 26, 2018

Kailyn Lowry: Taking Javi Marroquin Back After He Dumped Briana DeJesus?!

Things have been rough between Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin for a while now.

Pretty much ever since they met.

Sure, they were probably in love or whatever at some point — they did get married and have a baby together, after all — but things have never really been easy between them.

Remember how much they would fight over anything and everything? Literally just any old thing?

It was bad

But although there was a lot of bad blood between them, they managed to put aside their issues last year for the sake of their son, Lincoln.

At some point, it even seemed like they were forming a pretty solid friendship.

Or at least they were before Briana DeJesus came into the picture.

When Javi started dating Briana last fall, his relationship with Kailyn pretty much fell apart. There was drama between the two of them, and between Kailyn and Briana.

Again, it was bad.

Unfortunately — or let’s be real this was probably best for everyone involved — Javi and Briana broke up earlier this month.

It wasn’t a terribly dramatic breakup or anything. The big issues were that he wanted to settle down and get married again, and also that she planned on getting more plastic surgery and he wasn’t cool with it.

But still, they’re no longer together, and so it seems like he and Kailyn are able to tolerate each other once again.

So are they tolerating each other enough to give love one more chance?!

Javi appeared on Kailyn’s podcast this week, and they touched on the subject of a possible reconciliation in the future.

You know, because it worked so well the first time around.

“I just think that there’s a lot of history between us that neither one of us will ever let go,” Javi explained.

“Even if we were to try again in the future it wouldn’t work because I know the type of person I am and the type of person she is. We argue. It just wouldn’t happen.”

It’s interesting because while he admitted that things would never work out between them, he did say “if we were to try again in the future.”

When are these two crazy kids going to get it together?!

Kailyn confirmed that their love just is not meant to be, saying that “Javi argues out of passion. Javi is a habitual arguer and a ‘never letter goer."”

“I couldn’t have said it better,” she told him. “I don’t think we could get back together.”

They both agreed that being on Teen Mom 2 definitely played a hand in the downfall of their marriage, and thankfully Javi admitted that jumping from one Teen Mom to another probably wasn’t the best idea.

“I’m trying to learn from my mistakes and not repeat those mistakes so moving forward, I’m not gonna mix that,” he said.

What, was he thinking about landing another Teen Mom next before he came to this realization? Should Leah Messer be on the lookout?

It actually sounds like he’s still a little hung up on Briana.

“I don’t know what the future holds,” he told Kailyn about his most recent ex. “There is a lot we have to discuss and talk about before we make any other decisions.”

“But if we do get back together, I would hope we can all get along.”

Fat chance, buddy.

“It would never happen,” Kailyn replied. “We would never get along. You allowed her to disrespect me to my face, also on camera, also in text messages.”

“When I said what I had to say in a nice way you defended her and not me. We raise a son together, you don’t raise a son with her.”

There’s that good old bickering we know and love!

Look, is there any real chance that these two will ever get back together?

Yes, honestly. It definitely could happen — there seems to be some unresolved feelings there for sure.

But is there an even bigger chance that they will go back and forth between being friendly and being ridiculously, hilariously petty for the rest of their whole entire lives?

You bet your bottom dollar.


Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Betty White Celebrating 96th Birthday by Taking Day Off, Dinner with Friends

Betty White’s trending online, but don’t worry … it’s for a great reason — her 96th birthday! Betty’s been one of Hollywood’s hardest working leading ladies for years, but today she’s taking it easy. A rep for the TV legend tells us … Betty’s…


Friday, January 5, 2018

Alex Trebek Taking Medical Leave from "Jeopardy!" After Brain Surgery

Alex Trebek is taking a break from game show duties to recover from surgery he needed after taking a nasty fall a couple months ago. The “Jeopardy!” host revealed Thursday he’s out on medical leave to recover from a subdural hematoma suffered…


Thursday, December 28, 2017

Eric Dickerson Calls Out Jeff Fisher for Taking Credit for Rams" Success

Eric Dickerson says if Jeff Fisher thinks he left the Rams in good shape when he was fired he’s DEAD WRONG … telling TMZ Sports the team was in shambles when Fisher exited Hollywood. Fisher has recently done a little self-back-patting over the…


Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Justin Bieber"s Taking Acting Lessons with Famous Coach

Justin Bieber’s going hard into the acting world, working with a professional who’s helped some of the biggest names in Hollywood — but don’t count on seeing his skills on a screen anytime soon. Sources close to the Biebs tell TMZ … he’s taking…


Justin Bieber"s Taking Acting Lessons with Famous Coach

Justin Bieber’s going hard into the acting world, working with a professional who’s helped some of the biggest names in Hollywood — but don’t count on seeing his skills on a screen anytime soon. Sources close to the Biebs tell TMZ … he’s taking…


Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Kate Middleton: Taking NO Part in Meghan Markle & Prince Harry"s Wedding?!

Half a year from now, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry will get married! It’s going to be a huge ceremony, obviously — because it’s going to be a royal wedding.

We can’t help but think back to when Prince William married Kate Middleton. The world collectively lost its mind over that union. Now that Meghan is joining the family, what role will Kate play at the ceremony that welcomes her?

A surprisingly small one, it turns out. But why?

After months of leaked reports, speculation, and rumors, Kensington Palace finally made the announcement to the world:

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are engaged!

Meghan Markle is a gorgeous actress. She and Harry are clearly in love, no matter what Wendy Williams says about the future Duchess.

Markle’s status as a divorced, biracial American makes her upcoming marriage into the British Royal Family a groundbreaking one and a sign of progress for the monarchy.

Harry has spent years and years as one of the most desired men in the world.

He’s also been a source of frustration for those who see him, Harry Styles, and Harry Potter and find themselves wishing that the UK would come up with some new names for their heartthrobs.

Their upcoming nuptials will be a welcome distraction from the endless hellscape that 2018 is bound to be, if 2016 and 2017 are any indication.

But what role will Duchess Kate play?

She and Meghan Markle are about to be in-laws.

And, not for nothing, but Harry and William are known to be very close brothers.

William and Kate have to be positively glowing with excitement about the wedding … right?

So, how big of a role will Kate play in her brother-in-law’s wedding? Will she be Meghan Markle’s maid of honor?

According to Cosmopolitan and to royals expert Marlene Koenig, probably not.

Koenig explains, a little bluntly, one good reason why Kate wouldn’t have a major presence in the bridal party.

“The Duchess of Cambridge barely knows Meghan.”

Well, that could apply to just about any family’s wedding, royal or not.

Koenig also describes a much more specific reason why Kate Middleton is very unlikely, in her estimation, to be a bridesmaid for Meghan Markle — or any other bride.

“For another, she is the future queen consort when William becomes king after his father, and would unlikely be an attending person to another royal bride.”

The translation?

The woman who’s slated to become queen can’t be seen playing second fiddle to a woman who, barring some tragedy, will never be queen.

So … is Kate being a snob?

Probably not.

Following certain royal protocols remains part of life for the royal family. That means all sorts of things, including avoiding things that are “unseemly” for a future queen consort.

A huge part of being a member of the royal family is keeping up appearances, which is why the royals can’t dress or act like normal people in the way that most other celebrities can.

While this sucks for people like William and Harry who were born into this very luxurious prison, Kate and Meghan both chose to enter this life.

So we don’t imagine that Meghan Markle’s feelings are going to be hurt.

Kate Middleton didn’t take part in her own sister’s wedding because she would have completely upstaged her (and, again, protocol). This doesn’t sound like it’s personal in the slightest.


Shannon Beador: I"m Divorcing David and Taking EVERYTHING!

Star of The Real Housewives of Orange County Shannon Beador and her husband David have split, separating after 17 years together.

We’ve described what was an amicable separation, in which the couple was putting their children first. That was so admirable.

In the space of just one month, however, that arrangement has devolved into a very contentious divorce.

Shannon Beador has been having a rough go of it in recent years.

Back in 2015, David Beador cheated on Shannon. That’s not speculation — they’ve both spoken about it. David admitted to it.

(As we say every time, folks, if you don’t want to live monogamously, either don’t enter a committed relationship or enter a relationship with one or more people who don’t demand monogamy. Otherwise, you’re just being a jerk)

But what should have been the low point that led to an end to their problems wasn’t the end of their marriage’s troubles.

The Real Housewives of Orange County costar Vicki Gunvalson spread nasty rumors about Shannon Beador’s marriage.

Shannon then blamed Vicki for her weight gain, as she responded to the situation by stress-eating.

(Yes, Shannon later apologized, admitting that Vicki was not in fact some sort of witch who had cursed her to grow a softer tummy)

Other costars’ reactions to Shannon’s weight gain ranged from sympathy to fitness guru Tamra Judge’s fear that Shannon might die.

The biggest reaction to Shannon’s weight wasn’t a costar or her fans, though.

To hear her tell it, David Beador stopped loving Shannon when she got “fat.” He wouldn’t touch her and apparently couldn’t stand to look at her.

But, as we’ve described, Shannon and David have been keeping things amicable since their separation in October.

Though David moved out and began dating other women, the two have continued to to do regular family gatherings for the sake of their children.

Going out to dinner or to sportsball games, they’ve been smiling and making it clear that their children come first.

Some wondered if their separation would continue until their children were all a few years older and could grow accustomed to the idea.

RadarOnline reports that this has now changed.

Apparently, Shannon Beador has filed court documents of “dissolution with child.”

(That, to be clear, means that she wants to dissolve the marriage, not their three children)

Shannon also filed a custody declaration, an income declaration, and an expense declaration.

(RadarOnline‘s sources tell them that Shannon’s seeking full custody, and “generous” spousal support and child support. But that’s usually how divorces go)

She filed these documents last Friday, which just so happened to be the first of December.

As it turns out, that was not a coincidence. …

According to another RadarOnline report, Shannon Beador is done playing nice with David.

Their insider explains why Shannon filed these documents on December first:

“Shannon wanted to give David an early Christmas present, so she waited until December to drop the bomb on him.”

Dang. That sounds intense.

“She’s going after full custody and hopes to take him for everything he’s got.”

Are those war drums that we hear in the distance?

“She has so much support right now from all of her cast members and friends.”

That makes sense.

“They all hated David so much and are just beyond thrilled that she finally got rid of him.”

While we don’t expect for The Real Housewives of Orange County cameras to actually follow their divorce proceedings, we’re sure that it will be a big part of Shannon Beador’s future storyline.

But we don’t imagine that we’ll see David. The series is about housewives, not ex-husbands.

While we don’t know yet who will triumph in the divorce battle, we know who’s losing out when the parents begin a no-holds-barred war:

The couple’s three children.

To be clear, we’re not suggesting that they stay together or stay married for the sake of their kids. That’s a recipe for a toxic home environment and children who blame themselves for the misery of their parents.

But an amicable divorce is good for everyone involved. As satisfying as this upcoming court drama might be for fans and viewers, it’s going to take its toll on the Beador kids.

That said … sometimes, there’s just no choice.


Friday, December 1, 2017

Kermit Washington Pleads Guilty To 3 Felonies, Admits Taking Over $225k

Ex-NBA star Kermit Washington is finally admitting he spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in charitable donations on himself … pleading guilty to 3 felonies in federal court. TMZ Sports broke the story … Washington — a former All-Star…
