Showing posts with label Asked. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Asked. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Aaron Hernandez Asked to Share Cell with Male Lover, Attorney Confirms

A new piece of information regarding the life and recent death of former NFL standout Aaron Hernandez has surfaced.

And it centers around his alleged gay lover.

As previously reported, multiple outlets have claimed that Hernandez lived somewhat of a double life over the years.

He was engaged to Shayanna Jenkins, with whom the convicted killer shared a four-year old daughter.

But he also may have been a bisexual, possibly even murdering Odin Lloyd in 2013 to keep this sexual preference a secret.

There hadn’t been any rumblings about Hernandez being attracted to both men and women during his trial for Lloyd’s murder or his subsequent trial for a double murder in 2012 (for which he was acquitted).

But a bombshell report surfaced late last week that claimed Hernandez penned three suicide notes prior to hanging himself inside a Massachusetts:

1. To Jenkins.

2. To his daughter.

3. To his prison boyfriend, a man named Kyle Kennedy.

And now a lawyer for Kennedy has spoken out about the slew of reports linking him to the one-time New England Patriots star.

Kennedy’s attorney alleges that Aaron requested to prison officials that he be placed in the same cell as his fellow inmate and purported lover.

Aaron Hernandez had requested to the prison that my client, Kyle Kennedy, be his cellmate,” said Larry Army Jr. to The Daily Mail.

Army works as the managing partner of the Boston firm Army & Roche.

The attorney added that Kennedy (pictured above) was open to the idea, telling the British newspaper:

“If he was going to be in with someone else, why not Aaron Hernandez?”

The Daily Mail writes that it has reached out to Massachusetts Corrections Department spokesman Christopher Fallon for corroboration of this request.

The office has yet to comment on this report.

Kennedy, meanwhile, was imprisoned in 2015 for using a knife to rob a Cumberland Farms store in Northbridge, Massachusetts.

He pleaded down an original charge of armed and masked robbery to the lesser charge of armed robbery and received a sentence of three to five years.

Army says his client has not seen the suicide note Hernandez reportedly wrote to him.

Hernandez hanged himself in prison last Wednesday, April 19.

He had been serving a lifetime sentence behind bars, with no possibility for parole, due to his shooting of Lloyd.

Said a prison spokesman shortly after his death:

“Mr. Hernandez [hanged] himself utilizing a bed sheet that he attached to his cell window. [He] was in a single cell in a general population unit.”

“Mr. Hernandez also attempted to block his door from the inside by jamming the door with various items,” the spokesman said.

He also scrawled Bible verse John 3:16 on himself.

The former star tight end’s body was found around 3 a.m. and he was pronounced dead at a nearby hospital an hour later.

In the face of initial questions by some close to Hernandez over how he ended his once-promising life, the Worcester District Attorney’s Office has issued the following statement:

“Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Henry N. Nields performed an autopsy on Mr. Hernandez on Wednesday.

“[Neilds] concluded today that the manner of death was suicide and the cause asphyxia by hanging.”

The office added that investigators also discovered “cardboard jammed into the door tracks of his single-inmate cell to impede entry into the cell.”

Despite rumors circulating that suggested Aaron was murdered – which is own attorney implied – officials reached the following conclusion:

“There were no signs of a struggle, and investigators determined that Mr. Hernandez was alone at the time of the hanging.”


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Keshia Knight Pulliam"s Divorce, Ed"s GF Allegedly Asked About Miscarriage Drugs

A friend of Keshia Knight Pulliam’s estranged husband says Ed Hartwell’s girlfriend made an ominous request about something to “cause a miscarriage” during Keshia’s pregnancy. The friend, Damia Ward-Henley, made the revelation in new court docs…


Thursday, March 16, 2017

Facebook and Twitter Asked to Report Anti-Islam Pakistanis

Facebook and Twitter will start ratting out Pakistani citizens who post anti-Islamic comments if — and that’s a big IF — Pakistan gets its way. Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan told AP Thursday a Pakistani official in their Washington,…


Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Spike Dudley Once Asked Vince McMahon for Weed ... Says Bubba Ray Dudley (VIDEO)

And now: “When 3 AM Phone Calls Go Wrong” … starring ex-WWE superstar Bubba Ray Dudley!  Here’s the deal … we asked Bubba Ray for his best Vince McMahon story (everyone’s got one) and the “Busted Open” radio co-host came through…


Monday, January 30, 2017

Tank Says Don"t Complain America, This is What You Asked For (VIDEO)

Don’t come running to Tank if you’re upset with the state of affairs … because he says America got what it deserved. We got the singer at Nightingale Plaza nightclub in WeHo Sunday and he has no sympathy for people who are upset with Trump’s…


Friday, January 20, 2017

Kanye West Not Asked to Perform at Trump"s Inauguration Because He"s Black?!

Don’t look now, but Donald Trump may have another scandal on his hands.

A big one. A bad one. A racist one.

OK, to set the stage for this latest monstrosity, let’s remember that Kanye West has been vocal about his support for Donald Trump these past few months.

In a concert shortly after the election, Kanye revealed that while he skipped out on voting this time around, if he had voted, he would have voted for Trump.

Then in December, Kanye met with Trump in New York for … reasons. We really don’t want to speculate too much on what could have gone down between those two.

Afterwards, they posed for photos, and Trump claimed that he and Kanye have “been friends for a long time.”

Kanye later tweeted a photo of a gift that Trump had given him: a copy of the Time’s Person of the Year issue featuring Trump that he’d signed “To Kanye: you are a great friend.”

Now that all that nonsense is fresh in your mind, let’s also remember that poor Donald had a hell of a time finding artists to perform for his inauguration.

Eventually he managed to book 3 Doors Down and Toby Keith, along with a few other acts.

There’d been some speculation that he could have gotten Kanye to perform, since they’re besties and all, and since Kanye is one of the very few notable artists willing to publicly support him.

But now, the chair of the Presidential Inaugural Committee, Tom Barrack, is explaining the issue with Kanye performing for Trump.

And it is going to get ugly in here.

Good ol’ Tom says that while Kanye has “been great,” and while “he considers himself a friend of the President-elect,” it’s imply “not the venue” for the rapper.

And that’s because “It’s going to be typically and traditionally American.”

If you deduced that Kanye wasn’t asked to perform because he’s black, well, you’re not alone on your assumptions.

Over on Twitter, people are ripping this statement apart.

“What’s traditionally American?” one person asked. “WHITE?”

“This guy isn’t even aware of how racist he sounds,” another commented.

One Twitter user pointed out that “Rap/hip hop is American music. ‘Traditionally American’ is code for not ethnic/black/urban,” and another asked “Uh, you guys know which country invented hip hop?”

“That’s a scary level of racism right there,” someone stated. “And you can tell he doesn’t think it’s racist.”

In closing, one more Twitterer said “In other words, they don’t want ya black as there lmao!”

And honestly, is there any other way to interpret that statement? Because if there is, we’re having trouble coming up with it.

Dark times ahead, everyone. Look out.


Sunday, December 25, 2016

13 Kids Who Asked for the Perfect Gift from Santa

Kids from all walks of life want very different things from Santa Claus. Read these letters to see what we mean.

1. A Stress Reliever

13 kids who asked for the perfect gift s from santa claus a stress reliever

We hear this is how Floyd Mayweather got started.

2. Evie Needs Present

13 kids who asked for the perfect gift s from santa claus evie needs present

But she never needs to stop writing down every single thought on her mind at all times.

3. Oh, Brother

13 kids who asked for the perfect gift s from santa claus oh brother

Hey, at least he wants his brother to be brought back.

4. Something Evil

13 kids who asked for the perfect gift s from santa claus something evil

Really, anything evil will do.

5. One Sausage Please!

13 kids who asked for the perfect gift s from santa claus one sausage please

Someone has his priorities straight at least.

6. Money Talks!

13 kids who asked for the perfect gift s from santa claus money talks

You could probably buy your own Elsa bed with that money, kid.

View Slideshow

Friday, November 18, 2016

Barry Switzer -- Jerry Jones Asked Me About QB Situation ... Here"s What I Said (VIDEO)

Before Jerry Jones made up his mind on the Dallas Cowboys QB situation, he spoke with one of his most trusted football experts … Barry Switzer.  The legendary Cowboys head coach says he offered up his opinion to Jerry — and was pretty…


Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Tom Hiddleston Asked About Taylor Swift, Basically Hates His Life

This is all Taylor Swift"s fault.

Tom Hiddleston is a brilliant actor, and a seemingly well-mannered gentleman.  His patience was tested during a recent interview in Australia, but the polite Brit managed to keep his cool in spite of super dumb questions about Swift.

"How is Taylor enjoying the beautiful Gold Coast?" the Channel9 reporter asked as Hiddleston was preparing to go for a run on the beach.

"I"m not going to answer that, if it"s all right," he responded, after an awkward laugh.


After returning from his run, Hiddleston was met by fans who were psyched to see the Thor star, who traveled Down Under to film the movie"s third installment.

One girl in particular absolutely lost her shit after meeting the actor, bawling her eyes out as the reporter asked her how she was feeling.

"I don"t even know," she said in between sobs.  "I"m so happy."

Yesterday, The Hollywood Gossip exclusively reported that Hiddleston is massively over this charade with Swift.

A source told us that Hiddleston – who has starred in The Deep Blue Sea, Midnight In Paris, War Horse and The Avengers – is "a pleasant guy who is very talkative, charming, and humble." 

So, how did he get involved with Swift? 

"Tom and Taylor’s relationship was initially set up by Taylor’s PR team after they bumped into each other at Anna Wintour’s house-party," the source said.

Swift sunk her teeth into the Brit in order to "stay relevant within the public eye until she decides to release her next album," as you do.

Prior to this, Hiddleston (who was a few years ahead of Prince William and Eddie Redmayne at Eton College) dated Elizabeth Olsen. 

Now, Hiddleston is on the Hot Mess Express.  And it doesn"t look fun.

"Tom was prepared to go along with it because he believed that he and Taylor would be able to find something in common with each other," the source added about their initial dates.

It was fine at first, but "whilst he does care about Taylor, he is now beginning to realize that he may have made a mistake," the source pointed out, "after she insisted upon them meeting each other’s parents within the space of twenty four hours."

Now, she"s attached herself to Hiddleston, and they"re taking their love tour across Australia!

She"s going to ruin him. She is THE WORST.

Tom hiddleston gives painfully awkward interview in australia

Friday, June 17, 2016

Spencer Pratt Approves of Taylor Swift And Tom Hiddleston, No One Asked

When photos surfaced of Taylor Swift kissing Tom Hiddleston, everyone’s first thought was, “Did she cheat on Calvin Harris?”

Their second though was, “I gotta know what Spencer Pratt thinks about this.”

JK, no one thought that.  

The former Hills villain gave his opinion on Hollywood’s newest IT couple.

“I feel like I’m still dreaming,” Pratt told Cosmopolitan after seeing photos of the two kissing on the beach.

“I think the whole world needed something like this. After all the horrible news lately, we needed something good. I was gonna unplug my Wi-Fi; I was gonna go dark. But Taylor, you know, she brought us out of the woods.”

I see what you did there.

For the record, Pratt did not think Swift’s ex-boyfriend, Calvin Harris was good enough.

“I, as a Swiftie fan, was reading all these things, and I didn’t like how it was making her look like she got dumped, or they decided it was better to be friends. No, no, no; that’s now how it happened.

“She met the next James Bond with his British accent, and he was talking all smart to her, doing his special dance moves, and then she came home to Calvin being all, ‘Untz untz untz, can’t talk right now; I’m making a beat,’ and she was like, ‘Uh, this isn’t working. Don’t touch my cats."”

Pratt is thrilled that Swift is dating one of his favorite actors, whom he just watched in the BBC miniseries The Night Manager.

“When I saw them together, I was like, ‘Here we go!’

“This is somebody who can keep her interest. He could go win an Oscar. He doesn’t look too old and he doesn’t look too young; he looks like husband-type material to me.

“I just feel like that’s the level; she needs to be going to the Oscars with him, and not iHeartRadio with Calvin. Here’s my dream: He’s the new James Bond, she does the new James Bond theme song.

:She wins a Grammy and an Oscar for that song; he wins Best Actor for James Bond. Super power couple — boom, done.”

Well, there you have it.  Approval from Spencer Pratt.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Gwen Stefani Not Asked Back to The Voice; Christina Aguilera To Blame?

She’s wields lot of power, that Christina Aguilera.

Or so some tabloids would have you believe.

Even before she returned to The Voice, Aguilera reportedly had it out for Gwen Stefani, who fell in love with co-judge Blake Shelton during Aguilera’s hiatus.

When Aguilera returned to her red seat, Stefani came back as a mentor for Shelton’s team.  

From there, the rumors about the two women feuding spun out of control.

And now, since Miley Cyrus is replacing Aguilera as a permanent judge, Stefani (again, reportedly) thinks that the “Fighter” singer had something to do with it.

“Gwen is livid that she was not asked to replace Christina on The Voice next season,” a source told Radar Online.

“And because of this she wants to quit the show altogether.”

Before this news broke, it was Shelton who resented Aguilera for coming back as a judge.

“Blake hates the fact that Gwen is no longer with him in the judges’ chairs this season,” a source from the set told Radar.

“Everyone knows this and he is taking it out on Christina, and they are not getting a long at all.”

The whole ordeal has turned into a hot mess, because now Shelton and Stefani are allegedly taking a stand again the show’s executives for the slight.

“She [Stefani] and Blake seem to feel that Christina was responsible for this because she wanted to piss Gwen off,” the source added.

“And it did!”

Gossip Cop, however, contacted Stefani’s rep, who refuted any claims that there is unrest on the set.

Any stories about Stefani quitting the show are “untrue.”

Gwen Stefani Not Asked Back to The Voice; Christina Aguilera To Blame?

She’s wields lot of power, that Christina Aguilera.

Or so some tabloids would have you believe.

Even before she returned to The Voice, Aguilera reportedly had it out for Gwen Stefani, who fell in love with co-judge Blake Shelton during Aguilera’s hiatus.

When Aguilera returned to her red seat, Stefani came back as a mentor for Shelton’s team.  

From there, the rumors about the two women feuding spun out of control.

And now, since Miley Cyrus is replacing Aguilera as a permanent judge, Stefani (again, reportedly) thinks that the “Fighter” singer had something to do with it.

“Gwen is livid that she was not asked to replace Christina on The Voice next season,” a source told Radar Online.

“And because of this she wants to quit the show altogether.”

Before this news broke, it was Shelton who resented Aguilera for coming back as a judge.

“Blake hates the fact that Gwen is no longer with him in the judges’ chairs this season,” a source from the set told Radar.

“Everyone knows this and he is taking it out on Christina, and they are not getting a long at all.”

The whole ordeal has turned into a hot mess, because now Shelton and Stefani are allegedly taking a stand again the show’s executives for the slight.

“She [Stefani] and Blake seem to feel that Christina was responsible for this because she wanted to piss Gwen off,” the source added.

“And it did!”

Gossip Cop, however, contacted Stefani’s rep, who refuted any claims that there is unrest on the set.

Any stories about Stefani quitting the show are “untrue.”

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Kate Middleton Asked About Weight Loss, Universe Horrified

OMG never ask a woman who isn’t your best friend in the whole entire world how she lost her baby weight.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are currently on a tour of India, and the language barrier can sometimes be a tricky one.

During a garden party celebrating the Queen’s upcoming 90th birthday, Catherine was asked by a professor how she bounced back after having Prince George and Princess Charlotte.

Professor Bulbul Dhar-James teaches political science at Jamia Millia Islamia University, and was one of the guests fortunate enough to speak with Catherine.

“We said ‘how do you lose all the weight after having two kids?’ And she said ‘I am running after my kids,’” the academic told reporters, according to The Duchess Diary

”I asked her ‘aren’t you tired of smiling?’

“And she said, ‘I’m just reciprocating. Everyone is so warm.’

“They were both really gracious,” she added. “She was so welcoming and warm.

“We told her ‘You look much better in person than in your photographs.’”

What a lovely back-handed compliment!

Catherine wore an intricately-beaded top and skirt by Temperley London for the event, where Prince William delivered a speech from Her Majesty thanking India for their well-wishes.

William and Catherine continue their tour through April 16th, rounding out the trip with an photo in front the Taj Mahal, as his mother, the late Princess of Wales did in 1992.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Kris Jenner SNAPS When Asked About Rob"s Engagement to Blac Chyna: WATCH!

It"s been three days since Rob Kardashian announced his engagement to Blac Chyna, and so far, none of his immediate family members have uttered a peep regarding the news.

While three days may not sound like a long time to normal folk, it"s an eternity for the social media-obsessed Kardashian/Jenner clan, who are normally very supportive of one another publicly.

However, Rob getting engaged to Blac is kind of a bombshell for the fam, given that the entire brood has been at war with the woman for more than a year.

In fact, Kris Jenner was so nervous about her daughters" reactions that she took the entire family (sans Rob) on a luxury ski trip to Vail, Colorado, where she could break the news to them gently as her son went public with the announcement.

The paparazzi finally caught Kris and daughter Kourtney Kardashian while out shopping in the resort town, and dropped the question we"re all dying to know the answer to.

"What do you think of Rob getting engaged to Blac Chyna?" asked the pap.

"I think you should stop asking me stupid questions," Kris snapped back.

Ooooh. Kris is NOT having it.

The thing is, it"s a fair question, and not a stupid one at all. Prying, sure, but let"s get real.

Kris built her entire empire on her family parading their personal lives in front of the cameras. Why would we expect them to suddenly keep mum about this one facet of their lives?

In fact, their silence on the matter is speaking volumes. Would a simple congratulatory tweet be too difficult?

Watch Kris" snappy comeback below:

Kris jenner snaps when asked about robs engagement to blac chyna

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Kris Jenner Asked "People v. OJ" Producers to Cover Up Evidence??

The day after Nicole Brown Simpson was murdered, cameras caught attorney Robert Kardashian, Sr. leaving the house of his friend OJ Simpson carrying a suspicious Louis Vuitton bag.

Many thought the bag may have contained the murder weapon and other physical evidence linked to the crime, which is why Kris Jenner persuaded producers on The People v. OJ Simpson to omit that detail from the mini series, says Radar Online.

According to the site, Jenner had met with producers prior to filming to ensure her late husband was portrayed in a positive light, which meant leaving out some incriminating details.

“Kris asked that anything that would harm the memory of Robert not be included, as it would tarnish his legacy,” a source told the site. “It was a ballsy thing for Kris to ask for, and she got it. It was left out and not included.”

In the series, we see Kardashian trying to gain access to Simpson’s Brentwood mansion while the estate is swarming with police. However, the part about the bag never made it into the series.

“It was absolutely stunning, this huge early development of the murder and the cover-up was just dropped,” added the insider.

“Instead, there are scenes of Robert taking the four kids to dinner at a local Chinese restaurant and not waiting for a table because he was recognized as being a pal of O.J.’s. What relevance does that have to the murders?” 

In another sensationalized story earlier this year, The National Enquirer alleged that Kardashian gave the bag to Jenner, and that she hid the murder weapon.

However, stunning news this week revealed that the knife thought to have been used in the killings was found buried at Simpson’s estate years ago, but a retired police officer had been holding onto it as a creepy souvenir.