Showing posts with label Gosselin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gosselin. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Jon Gosselin: Not On Speaking Terms With Twins Maddie and Cara

Someone send Jon Gosselin on an Eat Pray Love retreat.

The former TLC star and unofficial Ed Hardy model hasn’t been in the best place since his 2008 divorce from Kate Gosselin.

A month ago, one could have said that Jon was doing pretty well as an employee with his local T.G.I Friday’s.  Alas, TMZ ruined everything by outing him, a move that made Jon so furious that he quit.

jon gosselin angry tweet tmz

To make matters worse, Jon donated his weekly check to charity (this was confirmed by the restaurant manager).

Jon is allowed to feel a little bitter.

In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, Jon revealed what his life is like these days as a single dad. He doesn’t see his kids much, which might affect him more than he lets on.

“Everybody used to come to my house,” Jon said of his eight kids – twins Maddie, Cara, and sextuplets Alexis, Hanna, Leah, Joel, Aaden and Colin.

“You know, it was great, and then Madelyn and Cara just stopped coming, around 12-13 [years old]. I didn’t question it. I was just like, ‘Hey, do what you want, be with your friends’ and then it just became they’re not coming.”

The number of Gosselin visitors then dwindled to six.

“I was just focusing on the ones that did come and then a couple years went by and then Collin stopped coming. I thought, maybe he just wants to do stuff with Mommy or whatever, and then it became long term.”

In fact, Colin and his dad haven’t seen each other in two years.  

The last time Jon saw all eight children at once was three or four years ago.

Jon told ET that he hasn’t seen all eight of his children in one place in three or four years.   

“The kids that I do get are Hannah, Leah, Joel and Aaden. I guess the four have stuck together and said, ‘We’re going to Daddy’s and that’s it.’ And maybe they’ll raise a stink about it or something like that.

“Sometimes I get Alexis but not often.”

As for his first-born daughters, Jon admitted that they’re not on speaking terms right now.

The fractured relationship Jon has with many of his children may stem from the non-existent one he has with Kate.

“I don’t really talk to my ex-wife, so it’s all kind of Helter Skelter,” Jon said.

“I have my life and she has her life. We have our life with our kids separately. We don’t go anywhere together.”

Jon decided to leave reality TV to work odd jobs in between his DJ gigs.

You know, I kind of walked away from everything so that my kids can have a life,” he said. “So that they would be taken care of, in their house, and things wouldn’t change, because I knew I could survive.”

On July 26th, Jon issued a threat to the media via Twitter about protecting his family’s privacy.

“In the future, don’t tag me in posts with my ex,” he tweeted.

“It’s uncalled for and causes drama. Please respect our children’s privacy as well, thank u.”

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Jon Gosselin on Kate Gosselin: Our Relationship SUCKS!!!

If scrolling through Facebook has begun to damage your self-esteem because you feel like all of your friends are doing better than you, take heart:

Jon Gosselin is back in the news, and his life would make anyone’s look good by comparison.

Last week, we learned that Gosselin was working at T.G.I. Friday’s.

The very next day, we learned that Gosselin had quit his job at Friday’s over his belief that boneless Buffalo wings are a crime against nature.

Just kidding, his real reason was even more ridiculous:

“I’m not going to work there anymore because now the trust and the teamwork is gone,” Gosselin said in an interview after TMZ revealed that he was serving up Jack Daniel’s ribs for a living.

While hearing Gosselin talk about his “passion” for working the grill at a chain that’s most famous for making its waiters wear a bunch of stupid buttons and crap is amusing, Jon’s best interviews are the ones in which he gets candid about his ex-wife, the apocalyptic beast foretold in Revelation Kate Gosselin.

When we checked in on him last month, Jon still hated Kate

Turns out very little has changed:

“I don’t think there is a point in being married. I mean, I might be spiritually, but there really isn’t a point. Our kids are grown now. I don’t know, I have mixed emotions about marriage. I do.

“Anyone who does it when they’re young, god bless them. I see bachelorette parties when I’m DJ’ing and I’ll say, ‘Congratulations! It’s so wonderful. Let me play Bruno Mars for you."”

Yes, it turns out Jon’s contempt for his baby mama is such that it’s soured him on both the idea of marriage and the music of Bruno Mars. Shame.

Asked point-blank how his “relationship” with Kate is going these days, Jon got hilariously blunt:

“Things are still s—ty. Nothing new. I’ve almost been divorced as long as I was married. I’m not trying to stop the shows she’s doing now.

“Have I done anything to stop what she’s doing? No … Maybe I should just keep my emotions out of the press, but it’s kinda hard not to when people are throwing you under a bus. Don’t take my dignity away, because you know nothing about it.”

Sounds like he’s not doing a great job with that “keeping his emotions out of the press” part.

And for that, we thank him.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Jon Gosselin: Quitting T.G.I Friday"s, All Our Fault

Before yesterday, Jon Gosselin was happy working the grill at T.G.I. Friday’s.

Well, now he’s going to quit.  Why?  Because we’re all a bunch of jerks for revealing his job.

TMZ first reported that Gosselin was part of the kitchen staff at the Lancaster, PA franchise, accompanied by a selfie Gosselin took with two other employees.

It’s believed that one of Gosselin’s co-workers sold the story (and photo) to the media outlet.

Gosselin had reportedly been working there for a few months before being found out, and yesterday morning he tweeted his disappointment (which has since been deleted) at TMZ, and the internet in general.

Gosselin was furious that a job he was “passionate” about was being used as tabloid fodder.  AND he was donating his paycheck to charity.

“I’m not going to work there anymore because now the trust and the teamwork is gone,” Gosselin told 103.7 in Dallas on July 20th.

“Now someone took a picture of me and sold it … Now I gotta leave a job I was passionate about.”

The restaurant’s general manager, Scott Trompeter told Page Six how much he liked having Gosselin as an employee.

“He works here because he likes to cook,” Trompeter said. 

“He cooks during the day for me and sometimes here and there.  He’s done a great job the last couple of months.  He’s part of my Friday’s family.”

As of today, the restaurant’s rep told Page Six that Gosselin hasn’t yet left Friday’s.

“His employment with us as a team member is in good standing,” the rep said.

Trompeter confirmed that Gosselin does indeed donate his check to charity.

“Every week,” Trompeter said, adding that the 39-year-old former reality star works 7-8 shifts, three days a week.

Gosselin does, however, make time for DJ gigs, which he tries to do at least once a month.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Jon Gosselin Works At T.G.I. Friday"s, Donates Checks to Charity

Let this be a cautionary tale to those who seek insta-fame and an Ed Hardy wardrobe.

Jon Gosselin, who at one point in his life was part of television’s most popular reality show, is now working at T.G.I. Friday’s.

TMZ confirmed Gosselin’s employment at the Lancaster, PA franchise, where the former Jon & Kate Plus 8 star has been working for the past few months in the kitchen (he was even put through “chef boot camp”).

The site even got ahold of a selfie Gosselin took with two other employees.

Just a few minutes ago, Gosselin sent out an angry tweet, claiming TMZ ruined something he was “passionate” about.

“Hey @TMZ thanks a lot for ruining something I passionate about, good job interfering!!! FYI, I was donating my checks to charity!” he wrote.

Gosselin still gets to dabble in his other passion, DJ’ing once a month, which he’s been promoting since last year via Twitter.

Gosselin recently gave an interview to Yahoo! about life after Kate, in which he listed out the other ways he makes money.

“I have my [DJ] residencies, which pay my bills,” he explained.

“I get good money. I work at Building 24 in my hometown. It’s great for my kids. It means I’m not traveling a lot.” 

Gosselin realized that working behind the scenes is a more lucrative endeavor, so now he is the VP of sales at Embodied Agency, booking talent for gigs which earns him 15-20 depending on the gig.

“I make more money booking than I do DJ’ing. You can only DJ seven days a week. You’re capped,” he said.

“But if you have other DJs working for you, that’s increased.”

Gosselin is hoping to get back in front of the camera now that he’s Mr. Financial Independence.

“It’s the longest job I’ve had after the divorce, and it’s all mine,” he said. “I own it. I don’t have a boss. It’s me. I’m the boss.

“Now I just want to add more dynamic to it by filming it.”

Jon Gosselin Works At T.G.I. Friday"s, Donates Checks to Charity

Let this be a cautionary tale to those who seek insta-fame and an Ed Hardy wardrobe.

Jon Gosselin, who at one point in his life was part of television’s most popular reality show, is now working at T.G.I. Friday’s.

TMZ confirmed Gosselin’s employment at the Lancaster, PA franchise, where the former Jon & Kate Plus 8 star has been working for the past few months in the kitchen (he was even put through “chef boot camp”).

The site even got ahold of a selfie Gosselin took with two other employees.

Just a few minutes ago, Gosselin sent out an angry tweet, claiming TMZ ruined something he was “passionate” about.

“Hey @TMZ thanks a lot for ruining something I passionate about, good job interfering!!! FYI, I was donating my checks to charity!” he wrote.

Gosselin still gets to dabble in his other passion, DJ’ing once a month, which he’s been promoting since last year via Twitter.

Gosselin recently gave an interview to Yahoo! about life after Kate, in which he listed out the other ways he makes money.

“I have my [DJ] residencies, which pay my bills,” he explained.

“I get good money. I work at Building 24 in my hometown. It’s great for my kids. It means I’m not traveling a lot.” 

Gosselin realized that working behind the scenes is a more lucrative endeavor, so now he is the VP of sales at Embodied Agency, booking talent for gigs which earns him 15-20 depending on the gig.

“I make more money booking than I do DJ’ing. You can only DJ seven days a week. You’re capped,” he said.

“But if you have other DJs working for you, that’s increased.”

Gosselin is hoping to get back in front of the camera now that he’s Mr. Financial Independence.

“It’s the longest job I’ve had after the divorce, and it’s all mine,” he said. “I own it. I don’t have a boss. It’s me. I’m the boss.

“Now I just want to add more dynamic to it by filming it.”

Friday, June 24, 2016

Jon Gosselin Still Hates Ex-Wife Kate: "I"m Not Afraid To Say Anything"

Ah, Jon Gosselin.  How the might, Ed Hardy-clad have fallen.

The former reality star gave an interview to Yahoo! this week about the state of his family affairs, and it ain’t good.

Jon claims he hasn’t seen 12-year-old son, Collin in a year-and-a-half, something he blames on Kate, who filed for divorce seven years ago yesterday.

“I can’t do anything,” he complained.

“It’s unfair of her to do that, considering she claims that she does her best for all my kids. Dah, dah, dah, drama. ‘I’m perfect.’

“No one’s perfect, honey. Trust me.”

Since he’s not legally bound by TLC to keep his mouth shut about the broken relationship with his family, Jon is ready to drop some truth bombs.

“Now all the secrets are coming out because I’m not afraid to say anything,” he said.

When people asked him, “how come you only get four kids [at a time]?” Jon claims he gets “whoever comes through that gate or gets off that [school] bus is who I get.

“And Collin is home-schooled, so he doesn’t get off a bus.”

Ah, now we understand the year-and-a-half time-out between father and son.  This guy’s like the poor man’s Tom Cruise.

“If the kids want to come, they come,” he continued.

“I love them all, but I am going to focus on the ones that want to come. My hands are tied.”

As for fighting for a better custody arrangement, Jon has something to say to the critics.

“People are always like, ‘Oh, I would fight so hard [for a better custody arrangement].’

“I’m like, ‘Honey, you don’t have the money to fight that hard. Do you know how expensive court is? You have no idea."”

Jon explained that he files all the paperwork himself, then submits to a law firm to make sure everything is filled out correct.

“I have to pay for that,” he said

“And pay all the court fees in the hopes that you’ll get something out of it. I’ve been going to court for seven years now.

“Unless you can arbitrate out of it and have a working relationship with the other parent, you’re going to spend a lot of money.”

When Kate Plus 8 is filming, no one updates Jon on his family’s whereabouts.

“She pulls custody BS, like, ‘Oh, you don’t have custody this week. We’re filming,"” he said.

“But she won’t tell me where they’re filming.”

In times like these, Jon, you must ask yourself what your old friend, Michael Lohan would do.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Jon Gosselin: Kate Sucks So Much! Kids Need Their Father!

You are not going to believe this, THGers, but Jon Gosselin still has a few bones to pick with his former co-star and wife, Kate Gosselin.

Jon recently claimed his ex-spouse has been keeping his kids from him and that he “gets what he gets” in terms of time with the brood.

In other words, whatever and whenever Kate decides. No more.

Now, in a new interview, the man who hasn’t seen all eight kids together in years tells us just how heartbreaking the ordeal has been.

Yes, years. As in plural. He’s not happy about it, to say the least.

“The fact that I haven’t had all of my kids together in three years really upsets me,” he admitted to Radar. “Kids need their fathers.”

“I let them know how much I love them and am there for them.” 

Just not physically. Not that his former bosses didn’t try to prevent this divorce from even happening for the sake of ratings, he says.

Jon says TLC tried to stop his divorce marriage even after he and Kate had already decided to part ways – and not amicably at that.

“It felt forced, rather than organically coming back together as a unit,” Jon says, though he does not hold them responsible for his life.

“I don’t blame the network for what has transpired in the past,” he said. “Forgiveness is what I choose to focus on rather than the negative.”

Looking back, he admits he does sort of regret parting ways from Jon & Kate Plus 8 at times, ’cause damn, those were the good ol’ days.

“The show provided a means of living in a very rewarding way,” the fallen star confessed. “I got to see my kids all the time while working.”

Indeed. But sadly (and not surprisingly), he’s far from alone in terms of being a relationship that began crumbling with cameras rolling …

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Jon Gosselin: TLC Tried to Stop Me From Divorcing Kate!

The last time we checked in on Jon Gosselin, he was complaining that he hadn"t seen all of his kids together in several years

Jon"s done a lot of wining in the years since his divorce from Kate Gosselin, but some of his gripes about the way he"s been treated by his ex-wife and the network that made him famous are totally legitimate.

Jon"s revelation that he"s often prevented from seeing his children came during an interview with Steve Harvey that was filmed last week.

The entire segment finally aired today, and it seems Jon has no shortage of shade to throw at both Kate and TLC.

Jon"s most shocking claim may be that the network attempted to use legal muscle to force him to stay married to Kate:

“We knew we were going to get divorced and then the network tried to keep us together for the benefit of the show. So I quit,” Jon says.

“I said, ‘I’m not having my divorce filmed. I’m not having it aired out for the public’s consumption. And I’m not having reruns so my children can keep on watching the demise of their parents.’”

“I just took a moral stance versus a business stance. I lost everything,” he added. “I lost all my money. I lost everything. The network sided with my ex-wife.”

Gosselin adds that the network "sided" with Kate and even went so far as to pay for her divorce attorneys.

A spokesperson for TLC denies that last allegation.

Watch Kate Plus 8 online at TV Fanatic to see how the family is getting along without Jon.

Jon gosselin tlc tried to stop me from divorcing kate

Friday, January 22, 2016

Jon Gosselin: I Haven"t All My Kids Together in 3 YEARS!

Maligned former reality star Jon Gosselin says he only "gets what he gets" regarding time with his kids – and what he gets ain"t much.

Jon Gosselin has a lot of catching up to do. The former Jon & Kate Plus 8 star claimed during a taping of The Steve Harvey Show — which is airing Monday, January 25 — that it’s been years since he’s seen all of his children with ex-wife Kate Gosselin together. “Most of the time, I get four,” the former reality personality, 38, told Harvey when asked about co-parenting with Kate. “I haven’t seen all my kids together in about three years. I only get what I get.” According to the DJ, “whoever comes down the driveway, that’s who I get.”  Jon and Kate are the parents of 15-year-old twins Mady and Cara, and 11-year-old sextuplets Alexis, Hannah, Aaden, Collin, Leah and Joel. “I’m not privy to any information,” Jon claimed. “I don’t know who I’m going to get.” For those who do end up meeting with their dad, Jon explained that he gets to see them one night a week for dinner and then every other weekend. “I haven’t seen [one of my sons] in a year and a half,” he lamented. “I don’t know why. I can’t talk to him, I have no communication.” According to the dad of eight, there’s also “zero” communication between him and Kate, who still stars — along with all their kids — on TLC"s Kate Plus 8. “We don’t talk,” he told Harvey of his ex-wife. “We talk in court.” Kate and Jon divorced in 2009 after ten years of marriage. 

Jon gosselin i havent seen one of my kids in a year

Friday, December 11, 2015

Kate Gosselin: Plans to Adopt a NINTH Child Revealed!

A new season of Kate Gosselin’s reality show premiered on TLC this week, and even though Kate Plus 8 ratings have hit an all-time low, interest in the 40-year-old’s sordid past has never been higher.

Excerpts from Gosselin’s diary, which were originally published in Robert Hoffman’s tell-all, Kate Gosselin: How She Fooled the World, have been making the rounds online, and many fans and Kate-haters alike have been surprised by the bombshell revelations they contain.

Yesterday, we shared a passage in which Kate admits to physically abusing her children.

Today’s entry shows a different side of the famously unstable mother of eight, as Kate writes about her desire to adopt a ninth child from Korea. 

“Lately Jon and I have been talking about adopting our baby from Korea,” she wrote in an entry from December 24, 2006. “Jon is not totally opposed to the idea and is actually nicely entertaining the idea, which is quite nice for me!”

Yes, it seems there was a time when Kate was eager to add to her already massive brood.

Thankfully, she didn’t go through with it. Kate Plus 9 just doesn’t have the same ring to it.

Oh, and there’s also that whole business about her being a horribly abusive mother.

Watch Kate Plus 8 online at TV Fanatic to remind yourself why it’s a very good thing that Kate doesn’t have more kids.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Kate Gosselin: Reality Ratings Plummet! Will Kate Plus 8 Get Canceled?!

As you may have heard the first episode Kate Plus 8 Season 4 premiered on Tuesday night.

Of course, there’s a good chance that you didn’t hear, because the show returned after a long hiatus with very little fanfare – which may help explain why Kate and company received their lowest ratings to date.

According to Radar Online the Kate Plus 8 season premiere was watched by just 955,000 viewers. That’s less than half of the show’s audience from last season.

“It’s the same old story,” one production insider told Radar. “The past is played out and there are too many other things going on in the world.”

Another insider blamed Kate with a much more succinct explanation: “She’s just not very likeable.”

“Not very likeable” is putting it mildly, of course.

In recently released excerpts from a tell-all entitled Kate Gosselin: How She Fooled the World, Kate admits to physically abusing her children in shocking diary entries unearthed by author Robert Hoffman.

Viewers were first drawn to the Gosselins as a family that struggled in a relatable fashion, but also seemed bound together by tremendous love for one another.

Jon and Kate’s divorce and the years of bad press that followed have soured that impression to the point that the public’s interest in Kate these days is mainly limited to unfavorable tabloid impressions.

Producers have promised a glimpse into Kate’s dating life in upcoming episodes, but if that doesn’t draw in viewers, Gosselin may suffer the embarrassment of a midseason cancelation.

Watch Kate Plus 8 online at TV Fanatic if you’re one of the few Kate fans left in the world (or if you just want to see her go down in flames). 

Kate Gosselin Admits to Physically Abusing Her Children in Shocking Journal Entries!

On Tuesday, Kate Plus 8 returned to TLC and series star/perennial mother of the year candidate Kate Gosselin has been making the press rounds in support of the show that made her famous.

Of course, media attention has always been a double-edged sword for Kate, and her show’s return from a lengthy hiatus has been accompanied by a new round of accusations that Gosselin is an abusive mother who’s not equipped for the task of raising eight kids.

This time, the allegations supposedly come straight from Kate’s own diary, excepts of which have been published in the Robert Hoffman tell-all Kate Gosselin: How She Fooled the World:

“Mady was grouchy and received a few spankings with the spanker that newly joined the emergency supply stash in the big blue bus!!!! She eventually happied up!” reads one of the tamer entries from 2006.

Kate’s frustration – and abuse – escalate as the journal entries progress, eventually reaching the point where she casually discusses striking her son Colin with an object and pulling his hair:

“I am too rough with him and the girls see that,” Kate writes. “I feel so guilty that I treated him like that that I will set out tomorrow to be a better mommy.”

She goes on to describe a 2007 incident in which she fleew into a rage after the 2-year-old knocked over some high chairs:

“I grabbed him and spanked him as hard as I could and thought I may seriously injure him so I sent him to his crib…. And whipped him into it very hard!…I pulled Collin up by the hair [and] spanked him.” 

Kate also admits to striking children Alexis and Aaden with an unspecified object.

She frequently expresses remorse for her actions, and at one point even speculates that she and then-husband Jon may not be fit to raise so many children:

“Things spiraled quickly into a big ugly argument where Jon said really ugly things in front of the girls numerous times and he scared me about his sanity, seriously!” she writes. “I feel like we are the worst parents in the whole world!”

Watch Kate Plus 8 online for more of Gosselin’s seriously questionable parenting decisions.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

DJ Jon Gosselin Spun Crazy Tunes While Kate Plus 8 Premiered

Wicka wicka wicka!

That is the sound DJs used to make, before the vocation’s only requirement called for an iPod playist.

White Kate Gosselin is making it rain over at TLC, Jon Gosselin is billing himself as a DJ, a gig he started last January.

Before this, he worked in construction, IT, and appeared on a season of WE TV’s Couples Therapy.

Before before this he was married to Kate, and co-starred on the hugely popular Jon & Kate Plus 8.  

Then he went off the rails, divorced Kate and hung out with the likes of Kate Major and Michael Lohan.

Oh, and he wore a lot of Ed Hardy.  

According to International Business Times, “DJ Jon Gosselin” promoted his December 8th gig at Trappe Tavern in Pennsylvania, in which he combined forces with DJ N-Do.

Gosselin’s profile on Eclipse Entertainers reads like a bad press hand-out (mainly because it is a bad press hand-out).

“Jon Gosselin was a star on the reality TV series ‘Jon & Kate + 8’ but now, he is now a DJ!

“He operates like most other DJs. Shows-up, sets-up, and spins a little something for everyone. He takes requests, interacts with the crowd, and helps increase sales by making people want to stick around.

“What makes him special is that he is a CELEBRITY! Every time he has performed at other venues, patrons have gone NUTS on social media, posting pictures, taking selfies with him, and most importantly, tagging your bar!”

Hey, at least it’s an honest living.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Jon Gosselin and Hailey Glassman: Back Together?!

Last we checked in on him Jon Gosselin was delighting in Kate Gosselin getting dumped by millionaire Jeff Prescott.

Obviously, Jon has had his share of failed relationships in the years since his marriage ended, but now it looks like he might be giving one of them a second chance.

Remember Hailey Glassman? We doubt many people do, as Jon and Hailey broke up way back in 2009, and her attempts to extend her 15 minutes of fame fizzled out.

Anyway, according to Radar Online Jon and Hailey were spotted out and about together in NYC earlier this week. 

The sight of the former lovebirds strolling around Manhattan led many to believe they were back together, but reps for Jon (apparently he has reps!) say their relationship is purely professional.

“Jon reached out to Haley again because he’s looking for some help with publicity and press,” says a source. “Jon really trusts her.”

Yes, after Glassman’s brief career in reality TV, she went into PR, and now Jon apparently wants her help with whatever’s left of his career.

Does this mean Jon is kicking off some sort of new project? Here’s hoping he’s finally given up on his DJing career. That’s just getting sad. 

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Jon Gosselin: Colleen Conrad Makes Me Feel Normal!

It’s been eight years since Jon and Kate Gosselin split. Though it has taken a long time, Jon says life is finally beginning to feel normal.

The former star on Jon & Kate Plus 8 told Us Weekly that he credits his girlfriend, Colleen Conrad, for restoring that calm to his world.

“Colleen and I are doing great, the kids are getting along well together, [and I’m] just living a normal life and DJing,” the 38-year-old said.

“Maybe it’s boring, [but] it’s a breath of fresh air.” he added.

Not only are they dating, but Gosselin has been cohabiting with with Colleen Conrad, who is also a parent, for the last nine months.

Though Jon has twins Maddie and Cara and sextuplets Collin, Aaden, Joel, Leah, Hannah, and Alexis, he says life is “super normal.”

That’s impressive for someone with so many children!

In fact, he said “It’s almost like before [reality] TV. No paparazzi, just playing my gigs… just playing, no one bothering me … it’s really nice actually.” 

Unfortunately, his relationship with ex-wife Kate is still a mess. 

“It’s just sad almost,” Jon told Us. “It’s been a long time.”

But despite the difficult relationship with Kate, he is moving on with his life and career as a DJ.  He is even going on tour with DJ-N-Do.

According to Jon, the kids are doing great. 

“[Maddie and Cara] are teenagers, it’s just really difficult… I’ve never been a teenage girl but living with one…it’s up, down, left, right,” Jon said.

He added that part of it is a product of modern times: “It’s so different from when I was in high school with social media and stuff. It’s crazy!”

“Boys, it’s just like, ‘You want to go play football? Okay. Awesome. Do you want to go fishing? Do you want to go hunting?’ [And] they’re like, ‘Okay!’ 

“But with girls it’s like…’I want to go to King of Prussia [Pa.],’ And I’m like, ‘Oh my goodness! This is going to cost me a million dollars!"”

“King of Prussia is like 26 miles from here … Oh my goodness, Louis Vuitton … I’m like, ‘We’re not going to that side, crazy!’”

On the flip side, Kate Gosselin has a laundry list of scandals, and her life has been complicated and dramatic for years.

Just this month, Jeff Precott dumped Kate after nine months of dating, citing she was merely using him for her reality show.

Jon denied throwing shade at her on Facebook, claiming posts attributed to him celebrating the split were from fake accounts.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Kate Gosselin Scandals: From Bad to Worse to WTF?!

Kate Gosselin has been involved in more scandals than we can even recall over the years. Here"s a look at some of her most infamous, and ridiculous, newsmaking incidents.

1. Kate Gosselin: Investigated By Child Services For Alleged Abuse of Collin!

Kate gosselin investigated by child services for alleged abuse o

Kate Gosselin was reportedly the subject of a new investigation by the Berks County Pennsylvania Department of Children & Youth Services. Find out why now.

2. Kate Gosselin Admits Physically Abusing Children in Her Journal, Says Source

That kate gosselin look

Kate Gosselin admitted to physically abusing her children in her journal. Author Robert Hoffman cites one specific incident in which she attacked her son Colin.

3. Kate Gosselin Had Kids to Be Famous, is a Greedy, Child-Abusing Monster, Book Alleges


Kate Gosselin manipulated her fertility treatments and abuses her kids, claims Robert Hoffman in a new tell-all book.

4. Kate Gosselin Admits to Having Nanny Spy on Jon, Explains Why Ex is Banned From Her Home

Kate gosselin rolls eyes

Kate Gosselin explained to a source why she ‘s banned her ex from her home. Kate says Jon Gpsselin sells information to tabloids.

5. Kate Gosselin: Lying About Who Watched Her Kids During Celebrity Apprentice?

Kate gosselin pissed

Kate Gosselin may have lied about who watched her kids during The Celebrity Apprentice. Jon Gosselin says he watched them. Kate says he’s lying.

6. Kate Gosselin Dumped, Shaded By Jon!

A jon gosselin photograph

As if it’s not bad enough to get dumped by your boyfriend, Kate then allegedly got ridiculed by Jon on Facebook … with the double hands up emoji. That’s just wrong. But kind of hilarious.

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Friday, September 18, 2015

Jon Gosselin Speaks on Rumored Kate Shade: Did He Really Cheer Her Recent Breakup?!

Jon Gosselin is not on good terms with Kate Gosselin, but would he really go so far as to celebrate her getting dumped by her boyfriend on Facebook?

As we reported yesterday Kate got dumped by Jeff Prescott, her beau for the better part of 2015, after he refused to film episodes of Kate Plus 8.

He quickly moved on to a 26-year-old, to boot. Cold.

Hours later, rumors started flying that Jon Gosselin was lovin’ life, even cheering the news with the hands-raised emoji on his Facebook page.

That story was both hilarious, and easy to picture.

Did it really happen, though? In our heart of hearts, we would like to believe Jon wouldn’t stoop that low … and he’s now claiming he did not.

Jon said the rumors were even brought to his mom’s attention. “No, my mom was like, ‘What?"” he said. “I was like, ‘What are you talking about?"”

“I have teenage kids now who are on social media,” he adds. “They read everything, and the last thing I’m going to do is trash their mother.”

“[It’s] a constant source of frustration, to see impostors post these ridiculous things,” he said, implying that this was a bogus account or meme.

Kate and Jon split in 2009 and the parents of Cara and Mady, 14, and Aaden, Collin, Hannah, Alexis, Leah, and Joel, 11, are often at odds.

Earlier this year, Jon sought full custody of one of his daughter after abuse claims were lodged against his controversial former spouse.

That matter was resolved out of court; In the meantime, he’s dating nurse Colleen Conrad and focusing on his DJ N-Do disc jockey tour.

No, seriously, that last part is 100 percent true.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Kate Gosselin: Dumped By Jeff Prescott For 26-Year-Old!

Kate Gosselin’s millionaire boyfriend, Jeff Prescott, has reportedly broken off their relationship, and is now dating a 26-year-old blonde.

The reason they split wasn’t entirely because of his new, young girlfriend, however. It was for a reason that may shock you … yet not at all:

According to ET, the pair started fighting over Labor Day weekend, and called it quits when Jeff Prescott backed out of filming Kate Plus 8.

It always comes back to Kate’s reality TV “career.”

The divorced dad of three was also reportedly MIA while traveling the world, which put a strain on their romance … and then he met someone.

Somewhere in his travels, he met his new girlfriend, a business major who is fluent in five languages and developing her own cosmetics line.

Gosselin is, understandably, “devastated,” by this.

(Maybe Steve Neild is still on the market?)

Jon’s ex-wife had known Prescott for some time, and began dating him in January 2015 before they gradually went public as a couple.

Insiders say Prescott was “very respectful of Kate and her family,” while another source added that “Jeff [was] a really, really good guy.”

In May, the now-exes were spotted laughing and enjoying each other’s company during a dinner at an upscale eatery in Philadelphia.

Kate and Jon share twins Cara and Maddy and sextuplets Collin, Aaden, Joel, Leah, Hannah and Alexis; they couple divorced in 2009.

Their relations this year have been frosty – even more so than usual – after Kate ditched the kids for four days without leaving a number.

That led Jon, who’s reportedly in a relationship with Colleen Conrad, to seek increased custody of the kids; that legal situation is ongoing.