Showing posts with label Heard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heard. Show all posts

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Amber Heard Fights Tears in Intense Domestic Abuse PSA

Back in May, Amber Heard filed for divorce from Johnny Depp, and a couple of days later, she accused him of domestic abuse.

You may have heard about it.

Amber went to court to request an emergency restraining order against Johnny, which she received, and she claimed that he"d gone off on her several days before and hit her in the face with an iPhone.

She even shared a photo of herself in which she appeared to have bruising around her eye.

Throughout the rest of the summer, things only got uglier in their divorce.

Several people — people close to the couple and just the general public — felt that Amber was lying about the abuse, that she was trying to blackmail Johnny for a big divorce settlement.

Text messages were leaked that purportedly confirmed the abuse, and there was even a video that seemed to show Johnny in a drunken rage.

They finally settled the divorce in August, with Amber withdrawing her request for a permanent restraining order and Johnny agreeing to pay her a $ 7 million settlement, which she said she"d donate to charity.

Johnny went ahead and donated the money in her name — the sassiest charitable donation ever — and Amber"s been laying low ever since.

Until now!

Amber just teamed up with the #GirlGaze Project to make this domestic abuse PSA, and boy, does she get intimate about what happened in her marriage.

See the extremely emotional video here:

Amber heard fights tears in intense domestic abuse psa

Amber Heard -- Emotional Domestic Violence PSA ... Here"s How I Talk About Johnny Depp (VIDEO)

Amber Heard delivered an emotional plea for women to escape domestic violence, and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out … she’s saying indirectly about Johnny Depp what she can’t say directly. Heard sat in front of a camera for the…


Thursday, August 25, 2016

Amber Heard Lays Legal Smackdown on Johnny Depp: Now I Want TWICE As Much!

It’s been over a week since Johnny Depp and Amber Heard reached a divorce settlement, but it looks like these the legal head-butting shows no signs of letting up.

Bizarrely, the latest trouble began when Heard announced plans to donate her spousal support to charity.

Many interpreted the move as a middle finger to Depp, as well as to his defenders who insisted that her claims of domestic abuse were financially motivated.

Depp countered by offering to cut out the middle man and give the $ 7 million to charity himself.

Not surprisingly, Heard’s legal team was not thrilled by this proposal, as it not only makes Depp out to be the good guy, but suggests to the public that she couldn’t be trusted to make the donation herself.

As a bonus, Depp would be able to write the payments of as charitable donations, a move that would save him big bucks on his taxes.

Amber and her attorneys reportedly saw right through the move, and now they’re saying they want Depp to fork over twice the original settlement amount.

Yes, according to TMZ Heard is demanding $ 14 million from Depp if he wants to make the payments directly to the charities instead of to Amber.

“If Johnny wishes to change the settlement agreement, we must insist that he honor the full amount by donating $ 14M to charity, which after accounting for his tax deduction, is equal to his $ 7M payment obligation to Amber,” a sources tells the website.

Obviously, this puts Depp in the awkward position of either donating a whopping $ 14 mill to the two charities of Amber’s choice (the ACLU and Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles) or sheepishly forking over the original $ 7 million directly to Heard.

Yet again, Depp is one of the year’s top earning actors, so he could easily afford either option, but whatever he chooses, his gambit is seriously backfiring, as thus far it’s only serving to keep his increasingly ugly divorce in the headlines.

With claims of domestic violence and leaked video showing that Depp is at the very least an angry drunk…

…it seems that he would be more concerned with his reputation than with taking petty digs at Heard.

The longer this thing drags on, the more damage it does to both parties careers.

And as one of the world’s biggest movie stars with an estimated $ 48 million in earnings last year, Depp is clearly the one with the most to lose in that respect.

Of course, that may be why he has no qualms about putting Amber through the ringer legally.

It’s hard to scare a man as well-loved and independently wealthy as Johnny Depp.

Johnny Depp to Amber Heard: I"m Calling Your Charity Bluff!

After months of increasingly ugly legal wrangling, Johnny Depp and Amber Heard reached a divorce settlement last week.

But just because their lawyers have worked things out, that doesn’t mean these two are finished pleading their cases in the court of public opinion.

In what’s been interpreted as a giant “eff you!” to Depp, Amber announced that she would be donating the entirety of his $ 7 million spousal support to the ACLU and Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles.

 Both organizations will receive $ 3.5 million in installments, as Depp isn’t required to pay the whole sum at once.

(We’re sure he could make that much by doing a 30-second Captain Jack cameo in an Avengers movie, but he would almost certainly be assassinated by a Marvel fanboy within days of the film’s release.)

Anyway, in a passive aggressive move worthy of your Post-It note-happy roommate, Johnny is cutting out the middle man and offering to write the checks directly to the charities Amber has chosen.

This morning, Depp’s attorneys issued a statement reading:

“Following Amber Heard’s announcement that her divorce settlement was to be divided equally and gifted to Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles and the American Civil Liberties Union, two exceptionally deserving and important charities, Johnny Depp has sent the first of multiple installments of those monies to each charity in the name of Amber Heard, which when completed will honor the full amount of Ms. Heard’s pledge.”

We assume the lawyer who drafted the press release promptly dropped the mic as Mekhi Phifer took the stage to declare him the new King of Legal Dick Moves, a la the end of 8 Mile.

It’s really a pretty ingenious maneuver:

On the surface, it looks like Depp’s just putting a philanthropic spin on an ugly situation.

But when you dig a little deeper, there’s a diabolical bonus.

He gets to call Amber’s bluff and make sure she doesn’t keep a dime of the $ 7 mill, all while regaining some of the good-guy cred he lost over the past few months.

Depp spared no expense in the legal department, shelling out for legendary divorce lawyer Laura Wasser.

It’s strategies like this that make that money well-spent.

Now Heard is left with no option but to go along with the payment plan, lest she look like she was BS-ing about her planned charitable contributions.

It’s the smartest and most unexpected move Depp’s made since he decided to take a role based on a freakin’ Disney land ride and interpret the character as a sea-faring Keith Richards.

Of course, only time will tell if it’ll help the 53-year-old erase the memory of some of his less flattering recent roles.

The damage to his career will probably be temporary.

But Depp’s days as Disney’s go-to guy for live-action fare may be over.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Amber Heard Issues Giant EFF YOU to Johnny Depp

Game, set, match… Amber Heard.

On Tuesday morning, Heard and Johnny Depp arrived at a settlement in their months-long, very contentious divorce battle.

The resolution came pretty swiftly and it included $ 7 million being given to Heard from her ex-husband

But Heard has now stunned the world and delivered a pretty clear message by taking that $ 7 million… and DONATING EVERY PENNY OF IT TO CHARITY.

“The donation will be divided equally between the ACLU, with a particular focus to stop violence against women, and the Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles, where I have worked as a volunteer for the past 10 years,” Heard tells TMZ.

Why is this more than a mere kind gesture?

Because Heard has accused Depp of physically and emotionally abusing her throughout their relationship.

As part of their settlement, Heard and Depp released a rather telling and fascinating joint statement.

“Our relationship was intensely passionate and at times volatile, but always bound by love,” it says at first.

Okay, fine, fair enough. They’re acknowledging their rocky times, yet talking about their deep feelings for each other. Boiler plate stuff so far.

It continues: Neither party has made false accusations for financial gain.

This, of course, is a reference to those who think Heard made up her allegations of abuse in order to reap some kind of fiscal reward down the line.

Heard just shut those critics up one and for all with this incredible donation.

The statement also read: There was never any intent of physical or emotional harm.

This is amazing. It’s clearly referencing these same allegations and it can easily be interpreted as an admission on Depp’s part that he DID get physical with Heard.

He’s just trying to claim he loved her, he never meant for anything to be taken that far, yadda, yadda, yadda. The word “intent” is what’s key here.

Finally: Amber wishes the best for Johnny in the future. Amber will be donating financial proceeds from the divorce to a charity.

And then she went ahead and did so!

In a separate statement obtained by People Magazine, Heard said the following:

“As described in the restraining order and divorce settlement, money played no role for me personally and never has, except to the extent that I could donate it to charity and, in doing so, hopefully help those less able to defend themselves.”

She concluded:

“As reported in the media, the amount received in the divorce was $ 7 million and $ 7 million is being donated.

“This is over and above any funds that I have given away in the past and will continue to give away in the future.”

That is over and beyond any funds nearly any celebrity has given to charity at once at any time in history.

We’re pretty blown away here.

Days prior to this settlement being reached, the above video of Depp flipping out on Heard went viral.

It was followed by a report that Depp once cut off his own finger during an argument with the actress and use the sliced-off nub to scrawl a message on a mirror that accused Hear of cheating on him with Billy Bob Thornton.

Pretty insane stuff overall.

We can’t say for certain that Depp really did abuse Heard. Nearly no one outside of their marriage can state that at this point.

But considering the recent reports and rumors… considering the video above… considering their joint statement… and considering Heard’s shocking donation, it must be asked:

Do you really have any doubt that Depp raised his hands to her?

Monday, August 15, 2016

Amber Heard: Johnny Depp Cut Off His Own Finger, Accused Me of Cheating With Billy Bob Thorton!

The ongoing Johnny Depp-Amber Heard divorce drama may have officially reached peak insanity.

When footage of Depp drunkenly shouting at Heard emerged online over the weekend, we were fully prepared to dub this the most acrimonious celebrity split in recent history, and we didn’t think things could get much uglier.

To our surprise, however, the situation got darker and much, much weirder today after TMZ obtained photos that are being used as evidence of Depp’s abuse in a trial that’s set to begin on Wednesday.

One of the pics (Warning: It’s graphic.) shows Depp’s bloodied finger, the tip of which he allegedly sliced off by accident during a fit of rage.

It’s not clear exactly how Depp sustained the injury, but believe it or not, things took an even more appalling turn after he lopped off part of his digit.

According to Heard, Depp was drunk and high on ecstasy at the time of the incident, which occurred in March, while the couple was living in Australia for the filming of the fifth Pirates of the Caribbean film.

Heard had recently filmed a movie with Billy Bob Thornton, and she says Depp was under the mistaken impression that she had carried on an affair with her co-star.

Her version of events holds that in his wild drink-and-drug-induced rage, Depp dipped his severed finger tip in blue paint that was lying around (Amber is an amateur painter.) and scrawled a bizarre message on a mirror:

It looks as though the text reads, “Starring Billy Bob and Easy Amber.”

It’s not easy decipher, but then, we imagine it’s hard to write legibly using paint and your own severed fingertip.

Neither party has addressed this latest development publicly, but it’s expected that Depp will be forced to answer for it in court on Wednesday.

We’ll have further updates on this increasingly strange story as more information becomes available.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Amber Heard: I Did Not Release Johnny Depp Meltdown Video!

Amber Heard would like to make something abundantly clear:

She is not behind the leak of a damning Johnny Depp video that went public late last week.

The actress, who is in the middle of a legal dispute with her estranged husband over his alleged abuse of her during their 15-month marriage, has released a statement just one day after ugly footage of Depp went viral.

In the video (below), Depp is clearly agitated.

He’s upset. He’s angry. He’s pouring himself a large glass of red wine and he’s screaming at Heard.

The footage was filmed several months ago and it features Heard trying to understand what has Depp in such a state.

They aren’t in the middle of a fight, Heard tells him, asking her husband how much he’s had to drink.

“Did something happen to you this morning?” Depp responds, while violently shutting cabinet doors and breaking glasses.

He seems to be implying that he has every right to be in this mood because something bad happened to him and she just doesn’t understand.

This obviously isn’t proof of the abuse alleged by Heard, but it doesn’t paint Depp in a very positive light, either:

There’s no doubt that Heard filmed the encounter.

Depp even comes across her cell phone in “Record” mode toward the end of the footage.

But Heard has now told E! News that she isn’t the only who released this video online.

“I am not responsible for the release of the video. It was not what I wanted and I am doing what I can to force the media to take it off the internet,” Heard says.

“I underestimated the toll that this difficult few months have taken on me, emotionally and physically, and the efforts made by the media to intimidate and discredit me.”

She continued:

“It is for that reason, and my desire to make the healthiest choice for myself, and hopefully for Johnny, that I am attempting to resolve this matter in the most private way possible.”

Insiders close to Depp have told TMZ that the video in question is “heavily edited,” claiming there are portions where Amber is smiling and “egging [Depp] on.”

Earlier this month, Heard said she had proof that Depp hit her, a startling allegation she first made to the world on May 21 of this year.

A judge recently postponed a scheduled divorce/domestic violence hearing between the stars until Wednesday in order to allow both sides more time to finish their depositions.

If the case does end up going to trial, E! News reports that Heard’s witness list includes seven people, including close pals Raquel Pennington and iO Tillet Wright.

Meanwhile, Depp’s list consists of 23 people, including his long-time girlfriend Vanessa Paradis, who is also the mother of his two kids.

Heard and Depp met on the set of The Rum Diary in 2011.

They got married in February of 2015.

While sparks flew immediately between the actress and the actor, a source told People Magazine that there was always something “toxic” about their relationship.

On May 27, Heard entered a Los Angeles courthouse with a black eye and filed for a temporary restraining order against the actor.

She claimed at the time that he had been both “verbally and physically abusive” to her throughout the “entirety” of their relationship.

The same source mentioned above explained to People that Heard’s independent side and Depp’s insecurities led to jealousy and serious dysfunction during their marriage.

“Johnny tends to get moody and difficult and go into himself when things aren’t right in a relationship,” this insider said.

“When he gets like that, he can act nasty. It doesn’t made for a good marriage.”

That seems to be clear. But did it make for a violent marriage?

That question may soon be answered once and for all.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Johnny Depp Goes OFF on Amber Heard, Breaks Wine Bottle (VIDEO)

A seemingly drunk Johnny Depp went off on wife Amber Heard in their kitchen earlier this year, and she managed to get a video of the altercation. 

WARNING: This may be upsetting to some viewers.

Sources close to Depp claim that this shocking video posted on TMZ is "heavily edited" that Amber was both smiling and egging him on. 

It was also a total set up by Amber, if you believe his camp, and could never be used in court, since he didn"t know he was being filmed.

Keep that in mind as you watch it below. That said:

Months before the May 21 incident in which Amber claims Johnny struck her, he is seen here breaking a wine bottle and glass in frustration.

In the video, the 30-year-old Heard asks the actor if he just drank a bottle of wine, then tries to calm him down, but he"s not having it.

The actress then says she"s sorry for something.

She did not say what, and again, Johnny isn"t having it, seemingly out of it and out of control as he delivers the same curt response:

"Did something happen to you this morning?"

Depp, 53, then breaks a wine glass and bottle, and appears to try to grab Amber"s phone as a struggle appears to occur between them.

Watch below and tell us what you think …

Johnny depp goes off on amber heard smashes wine bottle in shock

Friday, August 12, 2016

Amber Heard Breaks Law to Skip Johnny Depp Deposition! Is She Hiding Something?!

The ongoing Johnny Depp-Amber Heard divorce just took a turn for the highly unexpected.

After months of speculation and he-said, she-said, it looked as though both parties would finally be forced to give their sides of the story and court after they were summoned to give depositions last week.

Despite Amber’s claim that she has proof Depp was abusive during their relationship and the fact that she showed up to his lawyer’s office when she was scheduled to arrive, she never actually testified.

The reason, apparently, is that she was too upset to answer questions.

Depp’s attorney, Laura Wasser, says the actress spent the allotted time screaming and crying in an adjoining room.

Obviously, it’s possible that Heard was genuinely that upset by the prospect of being asked to recall details of what she says was an abusive relationship.

However, the move could wind up costing her dearly.

Heard was facing some tough questions, including inquiries as to why cops and staff at her apartment never saw the facial injuries that she claims were inflicted by Depp,

Her refusal to give a deposition – for whatever reason – could leave the judge in her case with no choice but to dismiss Heard’s domestic violence claims against Depp.

Amber was scheduled to try again this morning at 10 am PST, but considering she’s currently in London, it seems unlikely that she’ll be keeping the appointment.

Depp’s lawyers have requested that Heard be prohibited from testifying when the case goes to trial next week.

The couple is reportedly close to reaching a divorce settlement, but  – as is usually the case – they can’t agree on financial terms.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Amber Heard: I Have Proof Johnny Depp Hit Me!

There’s even more drama on the horizon for Amber Heard and Johnny Depp. 

After details were revealed about Johnny Depp’s huge list of witnesses, we’re now hearing that Amber’s witness list for her potential domestic violence/divorce case is drastically shorter. 

If you recall, both Depp and Heard have been embroiled in a bitter feud ever since Amber alleged that Johnny attacked her on May 21,2016. 

Since then, there’s been conflicting reports about which one of them is telling the truth and it has resulted in a lot of past mistakes coming back to haunt them. 

Amber had her domestic assault charge pop back up, while a family trip to promote The Lone Ranger came back to bite Johnny. 

There really seems to be no end in sight for this warring former couple. 

New information has been revealed that suggests Johnny has abused Amber in the past. 

Amber allegedly has evidence of it and will use it in the event their bickering leads to a trial. 

Amber’s exhibit lists a 2014 picture of her holding pills, but what significance do they have to the case?

There’s word that her lawyer will try and link the pills to domestic violence. 

Amber’s witness list includes her friend Raquel Pennington and Raquel’s boyfriend, Joshua Drew. 

Those two were allegedly present in the apartment the night Heard claims Johnny attacked her. 

iO Tillett Wright would also be called to the stand. 

Tillet Wright allegedly heard the whole incident happen while on the phone to Heard. 

Amber’s witness list does come as a shock. 

Johnny’s includes police officers, concierges and even security. 

What do you think of the latest drama? 

Hit the comments below!

Friday, August 5, 2016

Johnny Depp: Breaking Down Over Stressful Divorce From Amber Heard?!

It’s been over two months since we first learned that Johnny Depp and Amber Heard are divorcing, and it seems like the situation has only gotten uglier by the day.

First, Heard accused Depp of assault and even requested an emergency restraining order against the actor (who, curiously, was touring Europe with his band at the time).

The situation deteriorated into the worst kind of he-said, she-said situation, and last month, the Depp threatened to sue Heard if she or her lawyers leaked any further details of the case to the press.

Sources say the 53-year-old put the price tag at an astonishing $ 100,000 per infraction.

Even so, new information about the couple’s excruciatingly slow divorce somehow continues to emerge.

The latest has to do with the profound toll that the case is taking on Depp emotionally.

Sources close to the actor say Depp is willing to do whatever it takes to bring an end to the interminable legal proceedings, as the process is beginning to take a serious toll on his mental health.

“He feels stressed about all the Amber drama,” one insider tells People magazine.

“He never anticipated getting a divorce. He just wants it all to be over and move on. It’s a very sad situation for him.”

The source adds that the only thing keeping Depp grounded at the moment is the busy tour schedule of his band, the Hollywood Vampires.

“The tour couldn’t have happened at a better time,” the insider says. “He had no choice but to stay focused on his performances.” 

Between road stints, Depp escapes from L.A. and spends time on his private island in the Bahamas.

Yes, when he’s not touring with his rock supergroup, Johnny Depp relaxes on the yacht he keeps just off the coast of his island.

Stars – they’re just like us!

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Johnny Depp Wants to Sue Amber Heard For HOW MUCH?!

The ongoing Johnny Depp-Amber Heard divorce hasn’t received much tabloid coverage in recent weeks, but it seems the proceedings are still getting uglier by the day.

At this point, it seems Depp is more concerned with protecting his privacy than his assets.

We’ve already reported on his efforts to silence Heard with a non-disclosure agreement, but it now looks as though he’s even more  intent on preventing her from talking to the press than we previously thought.

For the past week, Depp’s team has been hesitant to comply with Heard’s attorney’s requests for financial records.

It’s not hard to see how the documents would be relevant to the proceedings, but Team Depp claims they’re concerned that details about his earnings and investments will be leaked to the public.

So now they’re offering Heard a compromise of sorts by stating that they’ll release the records – if she and her lawyers agree to an arrangement in which they’ll be forced to fork over $ 100,000 every time they violate the terms of a strict confidentiality clause.

Not surprisingly, Heard’s attorneys are not eager to accept an arrangement that could wind up costing their client an enormous sum of money.

In fact, they’ve gone so far as to describe Depp’s latest moves as “blatant threats”:

“[Depp] and his counsel’s demand for the execution of these two non-disclosure agreements which impose undue financial hardships and burdens on [Heard] are nothing but blatant threats by [Depp] and are illustrative of his continued attempts to thwart real progress in this case,” states new documents obtained by People magazine.

“In reality, it has been, and continues to be Depp who refuses to be forthright with his financial information and has stymied resolution of this case…[Depp] has been stonewalling the progress of this case, by refusing to provide the most basic financial documents.”

This back-and-forth has been going on for weeks, with each side accusing the other of drawing out the divorce and leaking info to the press.

Depp’s team has been accused of providing media outlets with information that paint Heard in a negative light, so if his team continues pushing for the $ 100,000 deal, you can expect Heard’s people to reciprocate.

Whatever the case, it’s looking like Depp and Heard won’t be reaching a settlement any time soon.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Johnny Depp to Silence Amber Heard With Confidentiality Agreement?

By now, you’re probably aware that the divorce between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard has been one of the ugliest celebrity splits in recent memory.

But if Depp has his way, you may not be hearing any more about the ongoing and increasingly messy drama.

E! News has obtained court documents revealing that when it comes to the legal aspect of his separation, Depp seems more concerned with protecting his privacy than his assets.

The docs contain the following response from Depp’s lawyers to Heard’s request for financial information:

“Johnny does not dispute that Amber is entitled to the majority of the information sought in her discovery requests and subpoenas. He willing to produce the documents necessary for Amber’s evaluation,” the papers read.

“He has asked, however, that a confidentiality agreement be executed prior to the production of documents in order to protect the parties’ privacy.”

We’ll overlook the weirdness of the fact that Depp’s lawyers call him “Johnny” and focus on what’s really important here, which is that this serves as yet another reminder that the iconic actor is very eager to put this chapter of his life behind him.

The latest from his attorneys goes on to complain about the public nature of the divorce:

“This case has been extraordinarily public since its inception. There have been daily articles in the domestic and foreign press about this proceeding and the parties’ lives.

“Every detail of this action has been chronicled by the media and it has become one of the most heavily publicized celebrity divorces in recent memory.” 

That’s certainly true and while Heard has done little to discourage the publicity, Depp has made it clear that he’d prefer to handle the matter as privately as possible.

He’s repeatedly refused to answer questions about Heard, and it seems likely that his eventual settlement with Heard will include a non-disclosure agreement.

So if you were hoping to see Depp answer to assault charges in court, you may be out of luck.

In all likelihood, the former couple will reach an agreement without setting foot in court, and we’re guessing that going forward, Depp will make every effort to confine the drama in his life to his onscreen performances.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Johnny Depp: Refusing to Answer Questions About Amber Heard, Selling Property Ahead of Divorce

Johnny Depp is currently touring the US with his fantasy camp rock band, the Hollywood Vampires, which means he’s sitting for promotional interviews for the first time since news of his ugly divorce from Amber Heard went public.

(Apparently even Depp realized there was no saving the box office blackhole that was his new Alice in Wonderland abomination.)

So what are the morning shock jocks of America asking the screen icon-turned-scarfed-out Keith Richards wannabe?

Well, we know they’re not asking about Amber Heard.

Thus far, Depp has discussed nothing but the band, upcoming gigs, and that old chestnut about how he was actually a musician long before he became an actor, dontchaknow.

Naturally, this is being taken as a sign that the actor’s people have informed his interviewers in advance that he will not be talking about his current legal woes.

Depp issued a statement about the divorce not long after Heard requested a temporary restraining order against him, and now it looks like that will be his last word on the matter.

We’d say maybe he should encourage his buddies to stop talking about it too, but that seems unlikely.

But while Depp won’t be mumbling any insights into his shattered marriage from beneath a tattered cowboy hat, his actions have been speaking volumes.

Depp recently auctioned off two paintings from the artist Jean-Michel Basquiat for several million dollars.

Naturally, there were rumors that he sold the paintings to pay for his divorce, but obviously that’s ridiculous, as Disney continues to back dump trucks full of money up to his house on a daily basis.

It is possible, however, that Depp is selling off items that he doesn’t want Heard to get her hands on in the settlement.

It’s what any self-respecting pirate – or semi-washed up wealthy aging hipster – would do.

Johnny Depp: Refusing to Answer Questions About Amber Heard, Selling Property Ahead of Divorce

Johnny Depp is currently touring the US with his fantasy camp rock band, the Hollywood Vampires, which means he’s sitting for promotional interviews for the first time since news of his ugly divorce from Amber Heard went public.

(Apparently even Depp realized there was no saving the box office blackhole that was his new Alice in Wonderland abomination.)

So what are the morning shock jocks of America asking the screen icon-turned-scarfed-out Keith Richards wannabe?

Well, we know they’re not asking about Amber Heard.

Thus far, Depp has discussed nothing but the band, upcoming gigs, and that old chestnut about how he was actually a musician long before he became an actor, dontchaknow.

Naturally, this is being taken as a sign that the actor’s people have informed his interviewers in advance that he will not be talking about his current legal woes.

Depp issued a statement about the divorce not long after Heard requested a temporary restraining order against him, and now it looks like that will be his last word on the matter.

We’d say maybe he should encourage his buddies to stop talking about it too, but that seems unlikely.

But while Depp won’t be mumbling any insights into his shattered marriage from beneath a tattered cowboy hat, his actions have been speaking volumes.

Depp recently auctioned off two paintings from the artist Jean-Michel Basquiat for several million dollars.

Naturally, there were rumors that he sold the paintings to pay for his divorce, but obviously that’s ridiculous, as Disney continues to back dump trucks full of money up to his house on a daily basis.

It is possible, however, that Depp is selling off items that he doesn’t want Heard to get her hands on in the settlement.

It’s what any self-respecting pirate – or semi-washed up wealthy aging hipster – would do.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Amber Heard: Experiencing Dangerous Weight Loss Amidst Johnny Depp Split?

There’s a whole lot of drama going on in Amber Heard’s life these days.

The 30-year-old actress is currently in the midst of an ugly divorce from Johnny Depp, and she’s had the added stress of being forced to defend her claims about the actor against skeptical arguments from Depp’s famous fans and massive fan base.

Heard has been publicly accused of blackmailing Depp by one of the actor’s friends, and countless fans have cast doubts on her claims that Depp was physically abusive to her several times over the course of their relationship.

So perhaps it’s not surprising that the actress is showing signs of strain by rapidly dropping weight.

Last week, Heard was scheduled to give a sworn deposition, during which she would answer his lawyers’ questions about her claims that she was assaulted by Depp.

The depo was cancelled several days ahead of time because Amber was due in London for a costume fitting for her upcoming Justice League movie.

The fitting had to be scrapped, however, as Heard has reportedly lost 20 pounds in the past three weeks due to stress.

Troublingly, sources close to Heard say she’s dropped even more weight in the week since the fitting was cancelled.

As the actress was reported to only weigh about 120 pounds before all of this drama, losing 20-plus pounds in a matter of weeks could be a major cause for concern.

Fortunately, Depp and Heard are reportedly on the verge of a settlement.

Unfortunately, like all legal matters, the whole thing will likely play out over the course of several weeks.

In the meantime, Heard is likely in for more hate from over-zealous Depp fans.

Here’s hoping the stress doesn’t cause her any permanent harm.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Johnny Depp: Caught Cheating on Amber Heard Prior to Separation?

As you’ve probably heard by now, Johnny Depp and Amber Heard are getting divorced.

But this isn’t just any A-list breakup.

No, the former couple is currently in the midst of one of the ugliest celebrity splits in recent memories, and the tidal wave of damaging information about both parties shows no signs of letting up.

The first and most egregious leak had to do with Heard’s allegations of abuse against Depp. 

The 30-year-old actress claims that Depp is a violent alcoholic, who physically assaulted her on more than one occasion.

There have been conflicting reports about the causes of the couple’s frequent arguments, with several claiming that Depp suspected Heard of cheating on him.

Now, however, E! News is reporting that the Depp and Heard’s “biggest fight” occurred after she accused him of cheating:

“Johnny had a night out and Amber had a feeling he had been with someone. She questioned him about it and he blew up at her, got in her face yelling, chased her upstairs. Amber was scared,” says one insider.

The source adds that Depp “didn’t admit to anything,” but later apologized for blowing up at Heard.

“She ultimately forgave him,” the insider says.

It’s unclear when exactly this fight occurred, but the source seems to believe it was one of the final straws for Heard.

She says Depp attacked her last month in a violent rage that left her with facial bruising and other injuries, but by that time, the couple was already living separate lives and had reportedly had no contact with one another in over a month.

Heard filed for divorce and requested a restraining order against Depp just days after the alleged assault.

We’ll have further updates on this story as more information becomes available.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Amber Heard to Johnny Depp: You"re Scared!

Amber Heard is not having any of Johnny Depp’s BS. 

The actor’s people are implying to everyone that Amber and Johnny both want to end their legal war, but that’s actually pretty far from the truth. 

Amber actually wants the case the to continue on because she wants to take to the stand. 

This is all because she knows that Johnny and his people are making the rumor up out over what she’ll say on the stand. 

Is she saving some of the finer details of what really was going on between them for the stand?

It certainly seems that way. 

Johnny and his representatives are obviously frightened that the details are so bad that they’ll wreck his career even more. 

It kind of makes sense, but then if Amber does settle out of court, her story would never be told. 

Amber’s testimony will no doubt make or break her estranged husband’s career, but things aren’t looking good for him right now. 

Why would Depp want to settle out of court if he’s really innocent?

Surely, he would want to refute any claim that Amber made to try and do some damage control. 

This just adds further fuel to the fire that Depp isn’t as innocent as he’s trying to make us believe. 

Either way, it looks like this case is going to get more interesting as Amber takes to the stand to give her version of events. 

Initially, Amber seemed to be the one getting the negative press when she came forward about her torment at the hands of Depp. 

Her past was brought up and even the fact that she was arrested for domestic assault.

Luckily, her ex-girlfriend, Tasya Van Ree came forward with nothing but kind words for Heard.

What do you think of the latest on this ongoing drama for the former couple?

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Wendy Williams: Johnny Depp & Amber Heard Are BOTH Lying!

With the former couple due in court on Friday, the legal battle between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard will likely only get messier in the weeks to come.

Sadly, this isn"t one of those Hollywood divorces that"s ugly in an amusing, gossipy sort of way.

Amber"s allegations against Johnny are truly horrific, with the actress claiming her estranged husband would often become physically abusive toward her during his frequent drunken meltdowns.

Almost as appalling is the way that many of Johnny"s famous friends have publicly accused Heard of lying, with some even going so far as to accuse her of blackmailing Depp.

Frankly, we don"t know who"s telling the truth, but we do know that in addition to dealing with the dissolution of their marriage, Depp and Heard are both being torn apart by the tabloid media.

It"s a horrendous situation, and no matter what happens in court, there are really no winners.

So naturally, Wendy Williams has been patiently circling overhead, waiting to swoop in and feast on the corpses of Johnny and Amber"s reputations.

In the clip below, Wendy giddily absorbs the details (note the frequent squeals of delight) as Rando McGee from fills her in.

As usual, Wendy is feasting on sour grapes like they"re the last food on Earth, but in this case her schadenfruede is even more deplorable than usual for a number of reasons:

For starters, Amber is either a battered woman, or a woman who"s going to revolting lengths to trash the reputation of a father and beloved film icon.

In either case, it"s an unimaginably horrific situation, but Wendy is primarily concerned with how the whole thing is going to affect Depp"s box office.

She also believes that Amber has some "opportunistic ways about her" and "got what she wanted from this situation."

"I smell a rat on both sides," Wendy says, perhaps realizing for the first time that she carries the stench of rodent on her at all times.

From a purely professional standpoint this is one of Wendy"s most ridiculous moments because, um … doesn"t she do this for a living?

Why is her moth agape like she"s just hearing all this crap for the first time?

All we can surmise is that she sucks at her job and/or she"s surprisingly good at acting.

Both are equally possible, as we"ve seen her suck out loud on countless occasions, and she"s spent decades acting like she"s not the Lord of Darkness, Satan himself.

Don"t feel bad if she had you fooled; it"s a convincing performance.

Wendy williams johnny depp and amber heard are both lying

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Amber Heard on Johnny Depp Abuse Allegations: It"s NOT About Money!

The Johnny Depp and Amber Heard divorce has been one of the ugliest and most divisive in history.

Of course, this is to be expected after the scathing domestic abuse allegations Heard has lodged against Depp.

While Heard has accused Depp of physically abusing her on a number of occasions, Depp claims that his ex has conjured up these claims in a play to get more money out of the divorce settlement.

In fact, comedian Doug Stanhope, a close friend of Depp’s, accused Heard of blackmailing the actor for a juicy settlement. (Heard has since filed a defamation lawsuit against Stanhope for his allegations.)

But sources close to Heard say money is the farthest thing from her mind, according to a new report by TMZ.

According to the site, Heard’s top concern is protection from Depp, and that a cash grab is “the lowest priority” in this entire debacle.

The estranged couple’s legal teams have been negotiating a settlement, with the last offer coming from Depp’s camp.

He has offered spousal support of about $ 50,000 per month for eight months.

Heard has not yet responded to the offer, which some assume means she’s holding out for more money.

However, sources say the reason she has yet to react to the offer is because it comes with a rider that Heard takes issue with.

The offer reportedly includes a mutual restraining order, which Heard will not allow since she was the one subjected to the abuse.

Heard has supplied photos of her bruises to the court as well as text messages to Depp’s assistant Stephen Deuters that appear to confirm past instances of abuse.

Deuters rushed to his employer’s defense, claiming that he never sent the texts and the screenshots were doctored.

Unfortunately for Depp, an expert has authenticated the text messages as real.