Showing posts with label KISS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label KISS. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

"Moonlight" Star Jharrel Jerome Says Best Kiss Win Was A Big Deal Even If We Didn"t Kiss Onstage (VIDEO)

“Moonlight” star Jharrel Jerome says he and his costar, Ashton Sanders, didn’t smooch after their Best Kiss win at the MTV Movie Awards because he’s not the character he portrayed. We got Jharrel at LAX Monday on the heels of his big win where…


Monday, April 17, 2017

Russell Westbrook Gets Love from Gene Simmons Over KISS Pre-Game Swag

The KISS shirt that Russell Westbrook rocked to the OKC Thunder vs. Houston Rockets playoff game Sunday night went over REAL WELL with Gene Simmons. The leader of the KISS army was out in L.A. where he gave all sorts of props for Westbrook’s…


Thursday, April 13, 2017

Damon Wayans" Favorite Charlie Murphy Memory Was a Kiss on the Neck (VIDEO)

Damon Wayans has fond memories of Charlie Murphy — none of which were more moving than the time they kissed on the neck. We got the 3rd eldest Wayans sibling Wednesday at Catch and asked for his favorite Charlie moment before his tragic…


Tuesday, April 4, 2017

KISS Frontman Paul Stanley Is Not So Happy In Happiest Place on Earth (PHOTO)

Paul Stanley did perhaps the most un-KISS thing possible — not just hitting up Disneyland, but tooling around in one of those Autopia cars. The KISS frontman rode the Tomorrowland classic with one of his young daughters, proving he rocks…


Sunday, March 19, 2017

Katy Perry: I Did WAY More Than Just Kiss a Girl!

At this point, Katy Perry has been around so long that it just kind of feels like she’s always been there, doesn’t it?

But we can’t forget that the very first time we met Katy was nine years ago, when she told us all about how she kissed a girl … and she liked it.

“The taste of her cherry Chapstick,” you know you remember.

Since then, Katy’s released hit after hit, she’s had a number of Hollywood romances, she’s even had a feud with Taylor Swift — she’s a permanent fixture in the entertainment world.

But even after all that, she’s still ready and willing to go back to those bi-curious roots.

And we couldn’t love her more for it.

See, Katy attended the Human Rights Campaign’s gala dinner last night in L.A., where she received the National Equality Award.

During her acceptance speech, she said “I’m just a singer-songwriter, honestly. I speak my truths and I paint my fantasies into these little, bite-size pop songs.”

“For instance, ‘I kissed a girl and liked it.’ Truth be told … I did more than that.”

But, she went on, “How was I going to reconcile that with a gospel-singing girl raised in youth groups that were pro-conversion camps?”

She’s talking, of course, about her ultra-religious upbringing. Her parents were the kind of people who wouldn’t let her celebrate Halloween, so it makes sense that they wouldn’t be cool with this.

“What I did know,” Katy continued, “is that I was curious, and even then I knew sexuality wasn’t as black and white as this dress.”

“And honestly, I haven’t always gotten it right, but in 2008, when that song came out, I knew that I started a conversation that a lot of the world seemed curious enough to sing along to.”

She opened up more about her upbringing, explaining that “When I was growing up, homosexuality was synonymous with the words ‘abomination’ and ‘hell."”

She even said that she “prayed the gay away at my Jesus camps.”

But as she grew up and began writing and performing songs, she met more and more different kinds of people — namely people who weren’t the strictly heterosexual Christians she grew up around.

“These people were nothing like I had been taught to fear,” she said. “They were the most free, strong, kind and inclusive people I have ever met.”

“They stimulated my mind, and they filled my heart with joy, and they danced with joy while doing it.”

“These people are actually magic,” she said, “and they are magic because they are living their truth.”

Katy concluded by saying that “I stand here as real evidence for all, that no matter where you came from, it is about where you are going — that real change, real evolution, and that real perception shift can happen, if we open our minds and soften our hearts.”

“No longer can I sit in silence. I have to stand for what I know is true and that is equality and justice for all, period.”

Katy Perry, everybody. A true gift.


Friday, March 3, 2017

Chandler Parsons & Bella Thorne ... Movie Date After Mexico Kiss (PHOTOS + VIDEO)

NBA star Chandler Parsons has a big fan in Bella Thorne … they’re not only going to see movies together, they also shared a kiss in Mexico.


Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Mariah Carey and Bryan Tanaka KISS in PDA-Filled Picture

Mariah Carey and Bryan Tanaka are still going strong… at least according to the singer’s latest Instagram post. 

The 46-year-old singer uploaded a photo of herself and her cute boy to the social media site on Tuesday. 

It’s clear the pair are not concerned with PDA. 

Have a look at the picture below.

There’s no denying that they make a great couple, but the picture is not the issue here. 

“No one knows what it means, but it’s provocative … it gets the people going!”

Mariah seems to think people will be so excited over the “provocative” picture, but it’s pretty much the norm these days that couples would take to social media to show off their love. 

It’s sickening to some, but that’s what happens. 

The very notion that Mariah thinks the picture will have her fans clamoring for more is pretty ludicrous. 

Hey, she’s got to find a way to put the New Year’s Eve fiasco behind her, but this is not the right way to go about it. 

If you watch Mariah’s World online, the chances are that you already got to lay eyes on the couple getting up close and personal, so this is nothing new. 

Mariah started dating Tanaka in late 2016 after her engagement to James Packer came to a grinding halt. 

Packer’s appearances in the E! reality series were heavily edited, so we never got to see much of their relationship play out. 

It was all about Mariah and Bryan. To be fair, they did make for great TV, and the show successfully showed the singing sensation in a new light. 

It’s just a shame that Mariah’s problematic New Year’s Eve performance is going to hang over her career like a dark cloud for some time. 

Mariah’s performance was marred by technical difficulties, which found the star claiming that she was set up. 

Celebrities got involved, with the likes of Jenny McCarthy pointing out that Mariah’s voice is not what it once was and that’s part of the reason why she never sang without the backing track. 

Either way, we’re sure Mariah can take solace knowing she has Bryan Tanaka to kiss all over Instagram to show off how AMAZING her life is. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!


Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Ashton Kutcher Blows Sen. John McCain a Kiss (VIDEO)

Obama and Biden are gone, but Senator John McCain and Ashton Kutcher are ready to fill the D.C. bromance void after sharing an air kiss during a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing. Ashton was on the Hill testifying about human…


Sunday, February 12, 2017

Amber Rose and Wiz Khalifa Get Super Kiss Kiss (PHOTOS)

Amber Rose and Wiz Khalifa got divorced in June … but that didn’t seem to stand in the way of their relationship. The exes hit up multiple parties Saturday night and were not shy about showing affection toward each other. Amber was hooked up with…


Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Jessa Duggar Talks First Kiss in New Counting On Preview!

If you’re a fan of the Duggar clan, you know that Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo got married in front of a few hundred of their closest friends back in November.

Naturally, Jinger and Jeremy’s wedding was televised, but one got the feeling watching the rather slapdash TV special that the entire story wasn’t being told.

Now, TLC is taking viewers back in time in an effort to connect the dots and get still more mileage out of a single wedding.

Yes, producers are throwing a middle finger at narrative conventions and structuring Counting On Season 3 like the first family-friendly Tarantino movie. 

According to the latest preview for the third season of the Duggar kids’ spin-off series, the show will go back in time to fill us in on the run-up to Jinger’s wedding.

We get to see Jinger’s first-kiss jitters, as she receives advice from her sisters.

(“Either her initiates, or you initiate it,” Jill Duggar offers, somewhat un-helpfully.)

“It’s like, this is happening,” Seewald says in the preview footage of Jinger’s wedding. “Jeremy’s stealing her. What are we gonna do with ourselves?”

Some fans will no doubt be entertained by all of this.

After all, wedding planning is always stressful, and the Duggars throw massive receptions on just a few months’ notice.

Add to that the weirdness of the fact that newlywed Duggars experience their first kiss in front of basically their entire town and a couple million TV viewers and the whole thing is like some adolescent nightmare taking place in real life.

Of course, none of this changes the fact that the show has already squeezed an entire season of television out of JInger’s nuptials, and many fans are no doubt eager to move on to a new storyline.

Producers teased the wedding for several weeks, even going so far as to pull a bait-and-switch – offering viewers a hastily-edited clip show when they believed they were tuning into the wedding special.

At this point, we know just about everything about Jinger and Jeremy’s relationship, from where they honeymooned to why Jinger’s wedding dress train was so long.

Do we really need to go full Pulp Fiction just to hear Jill offer the most half-hearted make-out advice in history?

Maybe if in this version we get to see Jinger and Jeremy winning the Jack-Rabbit Slim’s twist contest, it will all be worth while.

But hopefully, they’re evening will end more peacefully than Mia and Vincent’s.

Watch Counting On online to get caught up in time for the Jinger wedding special.


Thursday, December 22, 2016

Gene Simmons" Wife Says KISS Declined Trump Inauguration Invite (VIDEO)

Gene Simmons and KISS turned down Donald Trump’s invite to perform on Inauguration Day … so says Gene’s famous wife. Poor Gene couldn’t get a word in edgewise Wednesday night as he, wife Shannon Tweed and daughter Sophie left Catch in WeHo.…


Sunday, December 11, 2016

Kylie Jenner Puts on Christina Aguilera Costume to Kiss Christina (VIDEO)

Kylie Jenner played dress up by putting on much LESS clothing, and it was all for Christina Aguilera. Sorry, Tyga. KJ made an encore appearance in her Xtina costume at Aguilera’s 36th birthday party Saturday night. Kylie dressed like Christina from…


Saturday, November 26, 2016

Emma Roberts & Evan Peters -- It"s On Again ... Sealed With a Kiss (PHOTOS)

Looks like Hollywood’s on-again, off-again couples has flipped the “on” switch … Emma Roberts and Evan Peters. The “American Horror Story” stars were shopping and canoodling around Provincetown, MA Friday … with plenty of PDA . They reportedly…


Friday, November 18, 2016

Marc Anthony Splits with Wife After J Lo Kiss

Marc Anthony is separating from his wife of 2 years … and the news comes hours after he and Jennifer Lopez shared a very public kiss. Marc and Shannon De Lima reportedly broke up sometime recently. They got married back in 2014, and have no…


J Lo and Marc Anthony -- A Kiss is Not Always Just a Kiss (VIDEO + UPDATE)

8:00 AM PT — Sources connected with the exes — who were there last night — tell us “the kiss” was peer pressure fueled. We’re told Marc and Jennifer only did it because the crowd was chanting “beso,” and it would’ve been awkward if they didn’t.…


Thursday, November 3, 2016

Megyn Kelly Details Roger Ailes Harassment: He Tried to Kiss Me, Grab Me...

Megyn Kelly has gone into detail over allegations that Roger Ailes sexually harassed her on multiple occasions while he served as the Chairman of Fox News.

Radar Online has obtained excerpts from Kelly’s upcoming memoir, “Settle For More,” which was updated at the last minute with passages about Kelly’s history with Ailes.

And they paint the disgraced CEO in some pretty terrible light.

Ailes left the company in July after former host Gretchen Carlson became the first of several women to accuse him of sexual harassment.

She eventually settled her lawsuit against Fox News Corp. for many millions of dollars, with Kelly writing that she was approached over the summer to speak out in defense of her ex-boss.

“I refused,” Kelly writes in her book, according to Radar. “There was no way I was going to lie to protect him.”

Ailes has strong denied any type of misconduct, despite numerous Fox News employee claiming he acted in inappropriate ways toward them.

Kelly is one of these employees, as reports back in July asserted that she told executives at Fox the kinds of things Ailes said to her back in the day.

It all starred in the summer of 2005, Kelly now writes, just a few months after she was hired as a legal correspondent in Fox’s Washington bureau.

Having “captured the attention” of Ailes, Kelly says she was often summoned to his office for meetings.

“Roger began pushing the limits,” she alleges, adding in gross detail:

“There was a pattern to his behavior. I would be called into Roger’s office, he would shut the door, and over the next hour or two, he would engage in a kind of cat-and-mouse game with me – veering between obviously inappropriate sexually charged comments (e.g. about the ‘very sexy bras’ I must have and how he’d like to see me in them) and legitimate professional advice.”

Kelly claims that he offered to advance her career “in exchange for sexual favors.”

After she rejected these offers, Ailes continued to make “physical advances” against her.

In January 2006, Kelly says that Ailes “crossed a new line – trying to grab me repeatedly and kiss me on the lips.”

When she pushed him away, she alleges, “he asked me an ominous question: ‘When is your contract up?’ And then, for the third time, he tried to kiss me.”

After six months of this kind of behavior, Kelly reported Ailes to a supervisor. At that time, the harassment finally ended.

“Crossing him was a major risk,” she writes in the book. “But what if – God forbid – he was still doing it to someone?”

Therefore, Kelly called the co-chairman of 21st Century Fox, Lachlan Murdoch, and told him and the firm’s general counsel about her experiences with Ailes.

Days later, the company announced it had hired an outside law firm, Paul Weiss, to investigate Ailes, with Kelly saying she cooperated fully by providing them with as many details as she could.

It’s worth noting, by the way, that Fox News Corp. gave Ailes a $ 40 million golden parachute when he left the company.

And also that he’s now serving as an advisor on Donald Trump’s Presidential campaign.


Monday, October 17, 2016

Lindsay Lohan -- Sealing the Deal ... We"re Biz Partners Who Happen to Kiss (PHOTO)

 Lindsay Lohan keeps calling him just a business partner/dear friend, but photos say otherwise. LiLo was swapping spit over the weekend with Greek restaurateur Dennis Papageorgiou at Bouzoukia nightclub in Athens. He’s the money…


Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Britney Spears: G-Eazy Did Not Try To Kiss Me!

Britney Spears returned to the VMAs on August 28, 2016 with an energetic performance. 

It was a long time coming for the singing sensation, who was previously slammed for stumbling her way through a performance in 2007. 

If you recall, that performance was under a year after her very public 2007 meltdown. 

She looked uncomfortable all the way through. She was a shell of her former self. 

Thankfully, her big return was met with positive response from viewers. 

Viewers took note of a particular part of the performance in which G-Eazy leaned in for a smooch with Spears. 

It sure looked like Britney declined his request and G-Eazy followed it up by winking at the audience. 

The chemistry between the pair was undeniable, so it was only natural that viewers would start talking about the moment on social media. 

The pair were also all over each other on the red carpet before the career defining performance. 

They really look like they would be a great couple, but Britney doesn’t believe G-Eazy leaned in for a kiss with her.

In fact, she shut it down pretty quickly while chatting with 92.3 AMP Radio co-hosts Shoboy and Nina on Tuesday, August 30. 

“No, I don’t think so,” she said.

“He has a girlfriend!”

There you have it. It was just a false alarm. 

Britney also chatted about why they were so close during the performance. 

“In rehearsals, there wasn’t really anything planned for us to do, so when we got there … I didn’t honestly really know what I was doing, and I kind of do something similar to that in my show in Vegas, so I went on automatic with what I do performing live, and I just did what I do to the dancers in Vegas,” Spears explained.

“We did rehearse. We had one rehearsal. We didn’t really touch each other. It was just like, ‘Hey, OK, you do your thing. I’ll do my thing."” 

What do you think of all this?

Was their performance too flirty?

Hit the comments below!

Monday, August 29, 2016

Britney Spears Refuses G-Eazy"s Kiss at VMAs, Things Get Awkward

If you were watching the 2016 MTV Video Music Awards, then you definitely saw things get sexual on stage thanks to Britney Spears. 

Specifically, between the pop legend and G-Eazy during their electric performance of Spears’ newest single, “Make Me.”

If you didn’t know any better, you’d swear that Spears and Eazy were sleeping together, because the chemistry was definitely there.

Heck, the 34-year-old upped the suggestive ante when she placed her hands on the Oakland native’s junk at one point.

Things got super weird, though, when Eazy went in for a kiss, and Spears shook her head as she continued to “sing.”

Spears and Eazy walked the red carpet together before the show started in NYC, with Britney posting a photo to Instagram.

Her caption? “My partner in rhyme.”

I will say that I appreciated her sliding through Eazy’s legs to re-enact a bit of her best performance ever (2000 VMAs, below).

So if it takes a little teasing to get the old Britney Spears back (not the 2007 sedated Spears), then goodness knows I’m all for it.

Refuse those kisses, Brit.

Even though you had to feel for the rapper (we suppose) Britney’s fans loved the rejection, lighting up a storm on Twitter afterward.


“In 2011 she rejected Gaga’s kiss. In 2016 she rejected G-Eazy’s kiss,” said another, referencing when Gaga’s male alter ego tried to get some.

Other choice comments were along these lines:

“G-Eazy was trying to savage up and kiss Britney but she wasn’t going #BritneyOnVMAs”

“Shawty tried to kiss homie and he curved her badly”

“He was just trying to have a kiss moment with her and she was like Goodnight #VMAs

Today, Spears went on Elvis Duran to recap the performance, and of course didn’t address the fact that Eazy tried to go in for the kill.

Instead, she offered a generic assessment:

“We wanted to do something different, something I’ve never done before. So that was probably the coolest thing we could come up with.”

Even though she made it clear there would be no boning or even heavy petting going on, Britney did throw him a bone … so to speak.

“Oh, he’s so sweet!” she raved to Duran.

“He’s got a lot of swag,” Spears added of Eazy, who may or may not be heard from again, “he’s got the whole cool thing going on.”

Just not cool enough … to have THIS:

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Simone Biles Meets Zac Efron! Gets a Kiss! Is Living the Dream!

Simone Biles has done it, folks.

Won five Olympic gymnastic medals in Rio over the past week, including four Gold Medals?

Well, yes. But that’s not what we’re referring to here.

We’re talking about something far more exciting and important:

Simone Biles has met Zac Efron! In person! Finally!

As detailed in the following photo gallery, Biles has been crushing on the actor for months, with Efron returning the favor over social media.

Our new favorite celebrity best friends made us swoon before they even spent a second with each other in real life:

But then the 19-year old gymnast (who has a life-size cutout of Efron in her bedroom) got to actually hang out with Efron on the set of The Today Show.

As you can see in the video posted above, she also got a kiss on the cheek from the six-packed hunk.

“he kissed me on the cheek just letting y’all know @ZacEfron,” Biles wrote as a caption to one of many pictures she shared of the two on Instagram.

Efron himself was on the receiving end of a peck as well at one point:

“I’m on cloud 9,” Biles wrote about another of these adorable images.

Heck, so are we. And we’re just looking at the pictures!

Today host Hoda Kotb has said she was behind the plot to help Biles meet her long-time crush, with the full meeting set to air on the Wednesday morning broadcast of the show.

But why wait until then?!?

If a picture says one thousand words, this article right here has thousands upon thousands of words to say about Biles and Efron.

Words such as: hilarious! Precious! Sweet!

Biles first admitted to her crush on Efron in March during an appearance with Ellen DeGeneres.

When the host brought up her affection for the former High School Musical star, Simone’s fit of giggles and rosy cheeks could be seen all the way from Brazil.

It was so gosh darn cute.

“He’s gorgeous, is that why you like him?” Ellen DeGeneres asked.

To which Biles replied: “YES!”

Later on, Efron congratulated Biles for her incredible performance during the qualifying rounds on Twitter.

“So phenomenal a skill’s named after her. Congrats on sticking the Biles and qualifying for the finals @Simone_Biles!” the 28-year-old wrote.

Their exchanges continued from there, but only over the Internet.

Until yesterday, that is.

Of all of Biles’ truly mesmerizing performances at the Olympics, her ability to remain calm, cool and mostly collected in the face of meeting Efron may have been her most impressive.

We’re so in love with these two.