Showing posts with label Kids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kids. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Duggar Kids: Who"s the Biggest Rebel Against Jim Bob"s Ridiculous Rules?

When the Duggars rose to fame in the early 2000s, audiences were drawn to their reality shows primarily because Jim Bob and Michelle had already sired a massive brood, and they seemed to have no plans to put the breeding on hold anytime soon.

As time went on, however, viewers realized that their fertility was not the most unusual thing about the Duggars.

Instead, it was the family"s bonkers belief system that made for such compelling viewing.

From courtship rules to insanely strict dress codes, the Duggars controlled every aspect of their kids" lives, and it was only a matter of time before the offspring started to rebel.

Take a look:

1. Josiah Can’t Be Tamed

Josiah duggar and lauren

First, there’s Josiah Duggar. Sure, he recently settled down and got married, but we’re guessing his days as the main cause of Jim Bob’s migraines are far from over.

2. Heartbreaker

Josiah duggar marjorie jackson photo

Josiah is unique among his siblings in that he was involved in a different courtship BEFORE he met his wife.

3. The Mystery Deepens

Josiah duggar and marjorie jackson

There’s still no word on what caused Josiah and Marjorie to call off their courtship — a move that’s almost unprecedented in Duggar Land. Scandalous!

4. Still Rebelling

Josiah duggar and wife

After his relationship with Marjorie ended, Josiah continued to maintain an Instagram account in direct defiance of his parents’ rules.

5. What Courtship Rules?

Swanson and josiah duggar

He and Lauren Swanson also held hands, front-hugged and went on un-chaperoned dates before they were married. Someone arrest this man!

6. Four Can Play at That Game!

John david and abbie break the rules

But no one tossed the courtship rules right out the window quite like John David Duggar and his fiance Abbir Burnett.

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Monday, October 29, 2018

"Party Down South" Star Taylor Wright Arrested for Taking Her Kids Out of State

Taylor “Lil Bit” Wright had a ton of legal trouble last week, because we’ve learned she got busted for a second time in 3 days — and this time it involved her kids.  According to legal docs obtained by TMZ … the former “Party Down…


Saturday, October 27, 2018

"My Wife and Kids" Star Parker McKenna"s Ex-BF Arrested For Beating Her Up

Parker McKenna, who played Damon Wayans’ daughter on “My Wife and Kids,” claims her ex-boyfriend beat the crap out of her, and he’s now sitting in a Houston jail … TMZ has learned.  According to legal docs obtained by TMZ … Parker told…


Friday, October 26, 2018

Lonely Pizza Party Kid"s Parents Insist Viral Fame Wasn"t Planned

The parents who threw a party for their kid but no one came say they never meant for their sad photo to go viral … and we’re inclined to believe ‘em.  Sil Mazzini, the mom of 6-year-old Teddy, whose pizza party went bust over the weekend,…


Thursday, October 25, 2018

Amy Duggar Shades Family Members for Having Kids Too Soon

The last time we wrote about Amy Duggar, we said that her famous family members had just recently allowed her back into their lives.

Such a re-entrance may have been short-lived, however.

Why do we say this?

Because Amy has come out with some serious fire for her supposed loved ones!

Often considered the black sheep of her strict and conservative family, Amy once posed nude on Twitter.

Even worse in the eyes of her cousins, aunts and uncles, Amy has been married for three years — and she has no kids!

Zero. Zilch. None at all.

While this may seem impossible to believe for anyone with the last name Duggar, Amy tells Radar Online that she has a simple explanation for why she and husband Dillon have decided to wait.

“I didn’t want to limit myself by just getting pregnant right off the bat and not exploring the rest of what my life could be,” Duggar says simply.

At least it sounds simple to us.

Plenty of husbands and wives want to travel a bit or just enjoy each other’s company for awhile before their world gets taken over by children.

It’s a reasonable position for anyone to take. Anyone not named Duggar, that is.

As regular Hollywood Gossip readers surely know well, Jinger Duggar, Joy-Anna Duggar and Kendra Duggar ALL gave birth to their first child in 2018.

They each got pregnant basically as soon as they tied the knot and were permitted, per family rules, to engage in intercourse with their significant others.

Duggar females basically exist simply to get married and then to procreate as often as possible.

But Amy is focused on her new clothing boutique at the moment and isn’t desperate to become a mother.

It will almost definitely happen at some point; she just doesn’t understand the immediacy.

“Babies are on our brain for sure,” Amy says of her and her husband.

But she wants to make sure her professional life is in order first and that she is as ready as one can be to take the journey to motherhood before actually doing so.

What a crazy concept, right?!?

“I want to be settled. I think it’s boutique, and then a baby,” said the former reality star, explaining how she wants to successfully launch her business before dedicating herself to a tiny human being.

She also wants to make sure her relationship can handle it.

Having a baby is a really big deal!

It can destroy a marriage if two people are not on the same page.

“I want to have this really great foundation with my husband so that when my baby turns 18 years old, I’m not learning how to love my husband all over again,” says Amy.

We hate to break it to you, Amy, but such logic likely just got you kicked out of the family again.

We’re guessing you’re cool with that, though.


Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Kim Zolciak SLAMS Accusations of Photoshopping Her Kids

Just last month, Kim Zolciak was accused of photoshopping the butt of her 4-year-old daughter. Yikes.

Now, after new photos have surfaced that appear to show her kids before and after being digitally altered, Kim is blasting the accusations.

Kim calls the accusation “sick,” but even some of her own fans are convinced that she’s doing it.

Kim Zolciak kids photoshop accusation

An Instagram accounts called @wigzncigs is dedicated to exposing Kim Zolciak as an alleged fraud.

And they may have hit the jackpot.

They shared what they say are before and after photos of two of Kim Zolciak’s very young children, Kaia and Kane.

Though the differences are almost imperceptible, it does appear that the photos were modified.

If you can’t see the changes to both Kaia and Kane with the side-by-side images, perhaps seeing the contrast like this will help:

Kim Zolciak kids photoshop kaia and kane gif

“Check out the before & after,” the non-fan page writes.

“Kaia’s waist was taken in and her legs were made thinner,” the caption reads. “Kane’s ear was also made smaller.”

It certainly appears that way.

But Kim, who has been accused of doctoring photos of her children in the past, took to social media to express her outrage — and a firm denial.

“People are f–kin SICK!!” Kim exclaims.

She demands in her tweet: “Get the f–k out here!!”

“No post was taken down,” she asserts about the “before” photos.

“And,” Kim continues. “No photo has been nor will ever be edited of my children!”

As for the accusations, Kim writes: “I will no longer stand for this bulls–t!”

This is not Kim’s first time being accused of this.

This Halloween photo of Kaia and Kane brought on accusations that she had digitally manipulated the curve of her daughter’s butt.

Kaia Biermann, for the record, is four years old.

The idea of a mother being so obsessed with appearances that she tries to make her extremely young children look more “perfect” is stomach-turning.

Is this really what’s happening?

Even some of Kim Zolciak’s own alleged fans seem to think so.

“I’d love to believe you,” tweeted one person. “But I’ve seen a video of your IG pic/story, and it’s CLEARLY photoshopped-there are before and after shots. Sad, really.”

Others were less gentle, tweeting: “The photo was 100% photoshopped lol.”

Kim had defenders who sided with her, but her critics encouraged them to look at what they say is evidence of digital manipulation.

“Obviously you people haven’t seen the before and after,” a tweeter wrote to Kim’s defenders. “You can preach happiness and acceptance and joy…but damn girl, actions speak louder than words!”

Other fans spoke openly of their hope that her husband, Kroy, will step in and stop her from tweaking any more photos.

As we mentioned, @wigzncigs is serious about taking down Kim Zolciak.

Their Instagram bio reads: “Exposing Kim Zolciak-Biermann and her family for the liars & frauds they are! Ask, Believe, Deceive.”

The bio also links to, of all things, a petition.

The petition aims to implore Andy Cohen to cancel Don’t Be Tardy, on the grounds that they don’t like Kim Zolciak and think she’s fake.

Our first thought was that someone has way too much time on their hands.

Our second thought was to half-jokingly wonder if NeNe Leakes is somehow behind this.

(She’s not, but it would be so funny if she were using her massive paycheck to bankroll people to roast Kim)

But on a more serious note, if this “evidence” is somehow being faked or simply a misunderstanding, we hope that Kim can clear it up.

If Kim really is rounding out the butt and shrinking the ears of her very young children, though, that is … super f–ked up.

It’s one thing to have body image issues with yourself. It’s another thing altogether to project that onto your own babies.


Saturday, October 13, 2018

Kanye West and Kim Kardashian West Chill with Kids at Luxury African Resort

Kanye West and Kim Kardashian West were pretty much like any other fam visiting Africa … except they had a phalanx of security at a five-star luxury resort. Kim, Kanye and their brood arrived at Entebee International Airport Friday with a huge…


Tuesday, October 9, 2018

WWE"s Big Show Hits NY Jets Game, Helps Kids Fight Cancer

WWE superstar Big Show was stoked to watch the NY Jets beat the Broncos this weekend — but he was FAR more interested in some VIPs at the game who are battling cancer.  Big Show — along with fellow WWE superstars Bayley and Curt Hawkins –…


Sunday, October 7, 2018

Kanye West & Chance the Rapper Share Daddy Duty with Kids at Sugar Factory

Kanye West and Chance the Rapper are dads about town in Chicago right now — ready to turn up on a moment’s notice … with their two toddlers nearby to make it even sweeter. Ye was back in Chicago this weekend, and on Saturday, he took his son,…


"Ray Donovan" Actor Pooch Hall Dangerously Recorded His Kids While He Was Driving

“Ray Donovan” actor Marion “Pooch” Hall put his kids in danger with some questionable behavior behind the wheel … months before his shocking DUI arrest. We did some digging and found a video Hall recorded and posted May 11 on Instagram. It…


Jessie James Decker Cool With Her Kids Playing Football, Dad Will Teach "Em!!

Brett Favre wouldn’t allow it … neither would Barack Obama, LeBron James and Adrian Peterson — but Eric Decker WILL let his kids play football when they grow up — so says his famous wife. We got Jessie James Decker out in NYC this week…


Wednesday, October 3, 2018

"Mean Girls" Cute Kids -- Guess Who!

It’s October 3 … and we’re celebrating “Mean Girls” day by doing more than just wearing pink on Wednesdays! To honor the movie masterpiece we’ve gathered fetch photos of the cast from a time before army pants and flip-flops were in style for your…


Saturday, September 22, 2018

Khabib Hates Conor"s Filthy Mouth, "Think About the Kids!"

Conor McGregor needs to cut out the bad language … because KIDS ARE WATCHING — so says Khabib Nurmagomedov.  The UFC star tells TMZ Sports he got fed up with all the curse words Conor was dropping at their nasty press conference on Thursday…


Thursday, September 20, 2018

Kailyn Lowry to Fans: STFU About My Kids!

Like most of her Teen Mom 2 co-stars, Kailyn Lowry enjoys interacting with fans and has no problem sharing details of her personal life on social media.

But she"d like to make it perfectly clear that just because she"s a public figure, that doesn"t mean everyone is free to say whatever they"d like about her family.

Sure, Kail"s kids are frequently featured on TV, but when discussing celebs in a public forum, the proper etiquette is to observe Mafia war rules and leave the kids out of it. 

Apparently, some of Lowry"s fans need a lesson in manners — and it seems she"s more than happy to give them exactly that …

1. The Happy Family

Kailyn lowry and three sons family photo

Kail is proud of her adorable kids, and for good reason. For the most part, fans who comment on her family photos are effusive in their praise.

2. A Photogenic Bunch

Kailyn lowry and 2 sons

Even TM2 viewers who take issue with Kailyn’s parenting style are generally in agreement that she and her baby daddies have created some cute kids.

3. The Dark Side of the ‘Gram

Kailyn lowry three sons on the beach

Of course, this is the internet in 2018, which means if there’s any possible way to be a douche bag in a given scenario, some idiot will come along and take full advantage of it.

4. A New Low

Kailyn lowry and baby lux at the beach

Some of Kail’s followers have sunk to deplorable new depths by criticizing the appearance of her youngest son, 1-year-old Lux.

5. People Are the Worst

Lux at 1

And what is it that these morons have an issue with? Well, apparently they believe that there’s something wrong with Lux’s legs.

6. Kail Claps Back

Kail to fans stfu

Not surprisingly, Kail was not too happy about internet strangers throwing shade at a 1-year-old. What IS surprising is how many people gave her flak for defending her kids …

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Friday, September 14, 2018

Duggars Offer Back-to-School Advice (Despite the Fact They"ve Never Sent Their Kids to School)

The days are getting shorter, the never-used golf clubs and camping equipment are gathering dust, and the nagging sense that you’re wasting the best years of your life withering away under the harsh glare of fluorescent lights in a cubicle that seems to get smaller by the day is growing more profound.

This can only mean one thing — autumn is upon us.

All over the country, kids are back in the classroom, but for the Duggar family, there aren’t too many changes around the compound this time of year.

That’s because the Duggar kids are homeschooled.

Yes, not one of Jim Bob and Michelle’s 19 kids has ever set foot inside an actual classroom.

And yet, for some reason, the family still feels it’s their duty to offer back-to-school advice to their devoted fanbase.

“I know many moms and dads are in ‘back-to-school’ mode and have a thousand things to think about and many stressors in your life,” Michelle wrote on the Duggars official Facebook page this week.

“Recently, I was reading in God’s word,” Michelle continued.

“‘Be anxious for nothing.’ It was such a beautiful reminder that God has everything in control. He is working things out on our behalf. We have to place our trust in Him and He will direct our steps.”

Decent advice, but it’s easy for someone to tell you to just chill out when they’re not the ones who have to buy their kid a separate three-ring binder for every freakin’ class.

As In Touch Weekly points out, many commenters took issue with the Duggars’ advice for stressed-out parents.

“Oh, the overt irony of that post,” wrote one Facebook user.

Others echoed the sentiment, and it’s not hard to see why they’re so resentful of advice issued by someone who simply cannot relate to their plight.

Obviously, homeschooling 19 kids is no easy task — but the Duggars have had plenty of help.

If you’re a longtime fan of the family, you probably already know that the Duggars employ a buddy system, meaning that each child is assigned a younger sibling to look after — and educate.

Now that so many Duggars have left the nest, most of the tutoring duties fall not to Michelle, but to Jana.

Yes, with the help of her friend Laura DeMasie, Jana Duggar has been homeschooling her siblings for years.

Some have gone so far as to suggest that the reason Jana is still single is that she’s so busy with helping to raise her siblings that she’s had no time to find a partner.

We don’t know if that’s true, but we do know that Michelle is not the ideal person to be dispensing back-to-school advice.


Monday, September 10, 2018

University Of Kentucky Students Flip Kid"s Car After Win, Kid"s Mom Pissed

The car that got flipped in that raging Kentucky victory celebration over Florida this weekend DID NOT belong to a UK student … and now the mother of the kid it belongs to is SUPER FREAKING PISSED OFF!! Kentucky fans are wild lol…


Saturday, September 8, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick Clash After the Kids Meet Sofia Richie!

Last week, we got a little hint of what was to come on Keeping Up With The Kardashians, with Scott Disick calling Kourtney crazy.

In this new clip, teasing Sunday"s episode, we see a lot more about Scott"s clash with Kourt.

Scott introduced their children to his then-teenage girlfriend Sofia Richie, and Kourtney was not having it. 

Kourtney vs scott on kuwtk sept 9 01

In real time, Scott Disick and Sofia Richie are roommates. Back when these episodes of KUWTK were being filmed, however, Scott had just introduced her to his kids.

It was … contentious. But his on-camera conversation with Kourtney about it starts off being just awkward.

"How do you feel like today went?" Scott asks.

"It"s, like, hard to communicate, in that way," Kourtney says, grinning at what an odd sentence she"s constructed even as the words leave her mouth.

"What? Normal?" Scott replies.

Kourtney vs scott on kuwtk sept 9 02

"You were pretty annoying for a little bit," Scott admits.

"Why?" Kourtney asks.

"It was really sweet when you told me that you allow me to be friends with your family," Scott informs Kourtney.

Just for the record, folks, it"s normal and even healthy to set boundaries between your family and your ex. Clearly, Scott does not think so.

Kourtney vs scott on kuwtk sept 9 03

"I"m saying," Kourtney tries to clarify. "Be appreciative of what you have."

"Hey, you don"t think I"m extremely appreciative?" Scott asks.

"Not when you just do whatever you want," Kourtney explains.

"What"s whatever I want?" Scott asks. "Live my life the exact same way you"re living it?"

Kourtney vs scott on kuwtk sept 9 04

"It"s called giving someone a heads up," Kourtney explains. "And having a respectful conversation. Giving someone the respect."

In this case, given the context, it seems clear that she means that she would have loved a little notice before he introduced their children to his teenage girlfriend.

"Sometimes," Scott says, mustering a defense. "You want to do certain things, or you map out certain things, but they don"t always go as planned."

"Yeah," Kourtney acknowledges. "But that could also just be an excuse."

Kourtney vs scott on kuwtk sept 9 05

"I make sacrifices all the time," Kourtney says. "And you"re not following through with the things you say you"re gonna do."

"You just go and do what you want," Kourtney accuses. "And I"m not okay with it."

Scott, who had just spent that past several months reportedly binge drinking and banging a series of teen models, then tries to deflect to Kourtney"s own shortcomings.

"Do you think you"re difficult or no? Do you think you"re overly controlling?"

Kourtney says no to both, but then acknowledges that "I did have to be with you, in our relationship."

Kourtney vs scott on kuwtk sept 9 06

This is a complicated situation. Sooner or later, the kids had to meet Sofia. But it"s fair that Kourtney would have liked a heads up, you know?

Scott sort of warms up during the conversation. He"s a handsome guy and he"s also funny, so he is accustomed to charming people in order to win arguments.

That no longer works on Kourtney, and you can almost see the frustration in Scott"s eyes.

Even so, Kourtney has been adopting a villainous role in recent episodes.

It will be interesting to see where Sunday"s arc takes her.

Kourtney kardashian and scott disick clash after their kids meet

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Jenelle Evans: Is She Planning on Having MORE Kids?!

In a period of less than 12 months, Jenelle Evans has had CPS called to her home an astonishing 20 times.

If you’re a Teen Mom 2 fan, then you’re probably already aware that that’s just one indication that Jenelle has a lot on her plate these days.

In fact, it often seems that her current living situation is more than she can handle.

Worse, it seems Jenelle and her ne’er-do-well husband have no desire to take control of their situation.

They’re content to let their home lives deteriorate into chaos and squalor, despite the fact that five kids rely on them for guidance and support.

In case you’ve lost count, Jenelle and David have one child together — a daughter named Ensley — and two kids each from previous relationships.

It would be a lot for any couple to take on, but when you consider that Jenelle and David really love drugs and hate things like getting up early, putting effort into their lives, and controlling their emotions, it becomes a much more volatile situation.

Of course, Jenelle is young and famously averse to birth control, so there’s always the possibility that the Evans-Eason clan could continue to expand.

It’s a thought that likely keeps many a TM2 viewer up nights, which is why it should come as no surprise that one fan was quick to broach the topic during Jenelle’s latest Instagram Q&A:

“Do you want more kids someday?” the IG user asked.

“No, I think I’m finished! Lol,” Jenelle replied.

See? 2018 isn’t totally devoid of good news. 

Jenelle Evans is done breeding, which means the entire world can breathe a deep sigh of relief.

Of course, depending on how things play out in court in the weeks to come, Jenelle might be “done” raising children sooner than she expects.

As you probably already know, Jenelle has already lost custody of her eldest son, Jace, who’s been raised by his grandmother since infancy.

These days, she’s locked in a custody battle with Nathan Griffith, who has accused her of endangering the life of their son, Kaiser.

And of course, there’s the famous Jenelle road rage incident that was caught on camera by an MTV camera crew and that may well cause CPS to finally remove Evans’ kids from her home.

Probably a good idea for her to hold off on popping out another one at the moment.


Shaunie O"Neal Says Kobe Offered To Train Shaq"s Kids

File this under: WHY HASN’T IT HAPPENED?!! Here’s Shaunie O’Neal — Shaq’s ex-wife — telling the world that Kobe freakin’ Bryant has PERSONALLY offered to train her kids in basketball … but for some reason it hasn’t happened yet. What? We got…


Thursday, August 30, 2018

Kailyn Lowry SLAMS Jenelle Evans: You"re Too Dumb to Homeschool Your Kids!

We"ve known for years that Kailyn Lowry and Jenelle Evans aren"t exactly besties.

But lately, their mutual dislike for one another has escalated to the level of an all-out war.

Earlier this week, Lowry blasted Evans on Twitter, calling her co-star out for much of the scandalous behavior that"s made Jenelle so unpopular with fans.

She also revealed that Jenelle had blocked her, which led many to believe that was the end of the feud.

Of course, we should have known better …

Jenelle can"t resist talking trash, and today she fired more shots at Kail — and was swiftly put in her place.

Jump into the gallery below for one of the ugliest Teen Mom exchanges to date:

1. Back At It

Kail jenelle split 2

Jenelle and Kail have been at one another’s throats lately, and many now believe Evans is badly outmatched in this battle of wits.

2. The Podmother

Kailyn lowry on podcast

It seems Jenelle has taken issue with the fact that she’s occasionally a topic of conversation on Kail’s Coffee Convos podcast.

3. Jenelle Goes Off

Jenelle goes off

“Soooo it’s OK to constantly talk about me on their podcast tho? Don’t you have any other topics than me?!”

4. Just Don’t Listen?

Jenelle evans dude shirt

When fans pointed out that it’s actually quite easy to avoid a podcast that one doesn’t care to listen to, Jenelle argued that the problem goes beyond Coffee Convos.

5. Talking Smack

Jenelle evans best picture

“Nah, articles are always written talking s–t about me,” Jenelle tweeted, adding of Kail: “Don’t blame her though… she’s just always trying to remain relevant.”

6. The Coward’s Way Out

The cowards way out

It was then that we learned Jenelle was hurling insults at someone she had blocked. It looked like kail would have the final word this tweet, but today, Evans fired back …

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