Showing posts with label Mental. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mental. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Farrah Abraham: Having Mental Breakdown After Being Fired from Teen Mom OG?!

As we just saw on Teen Mom OG, Farrah Abraham and MTV have severanced their relationship.

Basically, she was told that if she wanted to continue filming the show, she"d have to stop doing her webcam shows — and it seems pretty clear now which career path she chose.

It"s been a while since all this actually happened — nearly five months — but Farrah still has some pretty strong feelings about what happened.

And honestly, the girl does not seem well.

1. First Things First

Farrah abraham red hair

So let’s kick this off by talking about the actual scene, which began with executive producer Morgan J. Freeman sitting down with Farrah to “look at just sort of how people are treated.”

2. SO Compassionate

Farrah lynn abraham

Morgan started to tell her that having “compassion and understanding” while filming was important, but she cut him off with “I am so compassionate. I am so understanding. I am working my ass off, just like everyone.” And that last part may be true, but Farrah Abraham calling herself compassionate and understanding is really just so crazy.

3. Poor Kristen

Farrah abraham blonde photo

The big issue here seemed to be Farrah’s treatment of a specific producer, Kristen, who Farrah refused to work with. Morgan called her attitude “very challenging,” to the point where “the amount of work that goes into keeping you happy with crew has bubbled up to a point that we have to figure out if we move forward.”

4. "F–king Shoot Me"

Farrah abraham a picture

She basically told him to just figure it out, and he responded by telling her that for some reason, out of all the moms on all the shows, she was “the only one that’s a problem.” To that, compassionate and understanding Farrah said “I’m sorry. F-cking shoot me for being who I am.”

5. Difficult

Farrah abraham see through lingerie picnic

He said that what she was was difficult, and she actually denied that with a straight face, because obviously there’s no limit to her delusions. Hilariously, she added that she doesn’t “need anymore drama.”

6. The Next Issue

Farrah abraham camgirl

But Farrah’s terrible attitude wasn’t the only problem — Morgan also said that “there’s been friction” concerning the “adult activities” she’d been promoting. Meaning, of course, those webcam shows she’d been doing.

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Sunday, March 11, 2018

"America"s Most Wanted" Host John Walsh Wants Mental Illness Registry for Guns

The host of “America’s Most Wanted,” who also helped create a national registry for sex offenders, says the same system is needed for mentally ill people looking to buy guns. We got John Walsh Saturday at LAX and asked what he made of Florida’s new…


"America"s Most Wanted" Host John Walsh Wants Mental Illness Registry for Guns

The host of “America’s Most Wanted,” who also helped create a national registry for sex offenders, says the same system is needed for mentally ill people looking to buy guns. We got John Walsh Saturday at LAX and asked what he made of Florida’s new…


Thursday, March 8, 2018

Tori Spelling: Family and Friends Worry After Mental Breakdown

Tori Spelling began the month of March with what’s been described as a mental breakdown, with police called for a domestic disturbance.

While reports vary on whether or not Tori was actually hospitalized and given the help that she needs, it appears that she’s in a bad place.

This whole situation has her family and friends very, very worried.

Two calls to emergency services in as many days?

Yes, appaently Tori called 9-1-1 the night before about a possible intruder — but it was just her husband, Dean McDermott. The next day, police were called about alleged psychological issues.

Those who care about Tori Spelling feel that this is cause for concern, reports Us Weekly.

Their source elaborates:

“Her friends and family are all very, very worried.”

And from the rest of this report, it sounds like there’s a lot of cause for concern.

According to this source, those close to Tori think that her marriage is taking its toll on her well being in multiple ways.

Some say that her nervous breakdown was caused by a fight with Dean.

But the source says that she won’t even hear suggestions of a split.

“You would think the cheating, money problems, and constant arguing would be enough for Tori to decide to divorce Dean, but she refuses to even discuss it.”

Apparently, she is preoccupied with how ending her marriage might look to judgmental members of the public.

“Tori believes a divorce would label her as a failure.”

Some people really buy into the stigma about divorce.

Behind closed doors, however, the source claims that the couple is having serious financial issues.

“They are heavily in debt.”

Also behind closed doors, it seems that Tori is reportedly frustrated by her husband’s lack of employment.

“Tori has had enough of Dean’s moaning about not being a working actor and is demanding he get a real job to support their family.”

Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to be happening.

Per the source, Dean “will start a cooking school or take up another professional hobby, then give it up.”

Oh dear.

Remember, Tori and Dean aren’t just supporting themselves. They have five children, the oldest of whom is only 11.

(Liam is 11, Stella is 9, Hattie is 6, Finn is 5, and Beau just turned 1 on March 2nd)

Worst of all, she’s reportedly considering a sixth child. Given her circumstances, that’s getting her slammed by critics.

Reportedly, Tori and Dean are relying heavily upon Tori’s 72-year-old mother, Candy Spelling.

“Candy pays for all of the kids’ expenses.”

While Candy can certainly afford to take care of the needs of her grandchildren (her estimated net worth is over half a billion), no adult likes being dependent upon their parent’s support.

And it’s said that Tori in particular is preoccupied with what the world thinks of her and of her marriage.

“She is more concerned with perception than her own relationship.”

The source echoes what many fans are feeling upon learning all of this:

“It’s just very sad.”

It’s good to hear that, no matter what shenanigans Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott get into, their children’s needs will continue to be met by their grandmother.

A lot of critics don’t feel sympathy for Tori, since she made money as a celebrity and also comes from a lot of money and has still found herself in this financial predicament.

(People living paycheck to paycheck don’t tend to have a lot of sympathy for people who somehow blew through millions of dollars)

Even so, at least for the sake of her five children, let’s all hope that Tori can get through any psychological and financial issues.

And let’s also hope that they can rake in some money that doesn’t come from a relative. That might do some good for more than just their finances.


Monday, March 5, 2018

Terry Crews Agrees to Take Mental Health Exam in Sexual Assault Lawsuit

Terry Crews has agreed to take a mental health exam in connection with his sexual assault lawsuit against an agent he claims groped him at a party. Lawyers for WME agent Adam Venit filed a stipulation in Crews’ civil lawsuit. The stipulation says…


Tori Spelling: SLAMMED By Critics Following Mental Breakdown

Last week, we reported that Tori Spelling had suffered a nervous breakdown, resulting in police being called to the actress’ home.

As we learned more about the situation, thing began to sound even more grim.

While the exact causes of Spelling’s breakdown remain somewhat mysterious, sources concur that her mental state has deteriorated along with her home life.

Insiders indicate that Tori’s relationship with Dean McDermott has long been a source of stress, and that police arrived when a domestic disturbance led neighbors to call 911.

Despite early reports that Spelling was hospitalized, it now looks as though she has remained at home with McDermott and her five children.

Fans have offered well wishes, and many have expressed their hope that Spelling is getting the help she so obviously needs.

Others, however, have been less sympathetic.

“Stop having babies when you’re in the midst of marital and financial strife,” wrote one “concerned” social media commenter.

Others were unsympathetic due to their preconceived notions of Spelling’s economic status:

“I’m sure she has it so rough,” wrote one Facebook user.

“She probably has a nanny to take care of her kids and a housekeeper to clean her house.”

“Sorry, rich people problems. Not worried about her at all,” remarked another.

While the actress certainly has it easier than most, Spelling has suffered major financial hardship in recent years that have resulted in multiple lawsuits from various creditors.

The problems of a formerly wealthy actress and heiress who squandered her inheritance and earnings are unlikely to elicit much sympathy from Americans struggling to put food on the table.

Still, it’s important to bear in mind that Spelling’s problems are real, and mental illness does not discriminate on the basis of income brackets.

Spelling is coping with many of the same stresses as any mother of five, and it’s evident that she’s enduring some real difficulties at the moment.

We’re not saying fans are obligated to dig deep and find hidden reserves of compassion and understanding before they publicly comment on her situation, but they we are saying this is one of those frequently-occurring situations where we’d be better served by focusing on what we share in common, rather than the superficial ways in which we’re different.


Friday, March 2, 2018

Dean McDermott Seen Talking to Cops After Tori Spelling"s Apparent Mental Breakdown (UPDATE)

1:30 PM PT — Police have left Tori and Dean’s home. She was not arrested, and we’re told officers felt she didn’t meet the criteria to be held for mental evaluation. Police did take a domestic violence incident report. Tori Spelling’s husband…


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Tyler Baltierra: Catelynn Lowell"s Mental Illness is Not My Fault!

Hasn’t Tyler Baltierra been through enough lately?

In case you haven’t been keeping score, he really, really has.

Things have been ridiculously rough for the past couple of months, as we’ve been seeing on Teen Mom OG and as he and Catelynn Lowell have been revealing on social media.

Last fall, he and Cate began trying for another baby, and she quickly became pregnant, but as we’ll see in next week’s episode, she had a miscarriage not long after they began announcing the good news to family.

We don’t know the exact timeline yet — we assume it’ll all become more clear as the season goes on — but it’s easy to imagine that the miscarriage led to her worsening depression.

In November, she made a statement about how she’d been thinking of various ways to kill herself, and afterwards she checked into a treatment center.

Tyler was extremely supportive of her decision, but just before all this happened, he sent his father, Butch, off to rehab for his lifelong struggles with addiction.

So all during that time, he was concerned about his father and his wife, he was dealing with all the emotions from the miscarriage, and he was also taking care of his and Cate’s daughter, Nova, by himself.

It can’t be easy for him right now.

And unfortunately it looks like some people are going out of their way to make things even harder.

OK, so Jenelle did an interview on a podcast last weekend with some people named Vince and Noel — this is the interview in which she admitted to doing drugs during her last pregnancy.

We’re not sure if they talked about Catelynn and Tyler during the podcast, but it looks like Noel made this post on Facebook last month:

As you can see, she’s making light of Cate’s depression, which simply is not cool, especially not now that Cate is having such a hard time with it.

Earlier this week, Tyler saw the screenshots of the post and tweeted them, writing that “This is the most ignorant, vile & insensitive thing I have ever seen. To mock my wife’s suicidal ideation & depression is just sickening to the core!”

He tagged Noel and the other people involved in the podcast and told them that “you’re part of the reason Mental Health has the stigma that it does.”

She defended herself by saying that she has depression herself, and that she uses that kind of humor to deal with it, which kind of makes sense.

But still, she doesn’t know Catelynn, and she was joking about her on social media. It’s understandable why Tyler was so upset.

After Tyler’s tweet, he and Noel had an exchange, and it seems like she deleted some of her tweets. Here’s a screenshot of part of one:

So that part where she wrote “Do you want to take responsibility for Cait’s mental health?”, that’s the part we’re going to talk about now.

She attached a shot of Tyler’s infamous comments about not wanting a “heifer for a wife,” which, yes, was obviously not his greatest moment.

And he responded with a lengthy statement of his own.

“I take full responsibility for what I say,” he began. “This conversation was constructively edited to appear more insensitive than it actually was. We have addressed this many times before, but I will explain it once again.”

Tyler said that during that conversation, Catelynn told him that “she doesn’t desire a ‘muscle headed tool’ because that’s not attractive to her & I responded.”

“We started a diet together,” he continued, “and asked to hold each other accountable to our commitments. We have been together for 12 years, so there isn’t too much we won’t say to each other.”

“Yes, I can be abrasive with my delivery. Yes, I can be ignorant with how my delivery impacts other people. Yes, I make mistakes. But I own up to them.”

But still, Tyler said, “to state that I am the cause of her mental health struggles is yet again, another very ignorant opinion.”

“Her mental health struggles derive from the chaotic and unstable upbringing we both endured. We are both actively working on those struggles.”

He finished by telling Noel that he understands she’s getting a lot of hate for her comments, “but attempting to play ‘tit for tat’ & scorekeeper with me is quite a pathetic approach to justify your insensitivity.”

It’s a pretty great statement, right?

And he’s definitely right — for anyone to try to say it’s his fault that Catelynn has depression is just completely ignorant and hurtful.

Good on him for standing up for himself, and for explaining that perhaps we don’t know the ins and outs of his marriage or Catelynn’s complex mental health problems.

It’s just sad that some people need that explanation.


Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Tyler Baltierra Reveals Mental Health Struggles In Heartfelt Message

It’s been a difficult year for Teen Mom OG stars Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra.

Back in November, Catelynn checked into rehab to receive treatment for trauma and other emotional issues.

She revealed to fans that she had been coping with thoughts of suicide, and she went public with her struggle in hopes of removing the stigma surrounding mental illness and encouraging others to seek help.

Now, Catelynn’s husband, Tyler Baltierra, is following her lead by opening up about his own struggles with depression and anxiety.

In a heartfelt Instagram video posted last night, Baltierra revealed that he was experiencing a “bad day” and hoped 

“Sometimes, you just don’t even really know what to say to your children. I don’t ever cry in front of [my daughter] Nova or anything. I don’t want her to feel any of that,” he explained in the video message.

“You have good days, and then you have bad days. And today is just a bad day.”

Tyler explained that he had doubts about sharing the video with his 2.2 million followers, but decided that he couldn’t pass up the opportunity to offer help and support to his fans.

“But, I know I’m not the only one feeling like this. So if you’re in that same boat as me, just hang in there and you’re not alone and talk to somebody,” he said at one point.

He further explained that he was posting about his own issues not to seek help, but to assure others that they’re not alone in struggling:

“I’m posting this because I think it’s important for people to not feel alone in their struggles. We’re humans, we’re allowed to have bad days, hard times & weak moments,” Tyler shared.

“Don’t be ashamed of what makes us humans special. You’re loved. You’re worthy.”  

Tyler went on to say that he doesn’t expect all of his fans to understand his illness, but feels that if even one person is helped his efforts have been worthwhile:

“If I can at least connect with one person through this & let them know that they aren’t alone in their struggles. It will make being vulnerable worth it #KeepFighting #KeepTalkingMH,” he wrote on IG.

The hashtag refers to the social media effort to get young people talking about mental health in a therapeutic fashion.

As reality stars, Tyler and Catelynn will always face questions about whether they’ve truly earned their level of influence.

But no one can deny that they’re using their platform to try and make the world a better place.

Watch Teen Mom OG online for more from the fan favorite couple.


Thursday, January 25, 2018

Demi Lovato Will Offer Free Mental Health Counseling to Fans on Upcoming Tour

Generally, when we talk about Demi Lovato here it’s because she blessed the internet with another memorable swimsuit selfie.

But today, we’d like to take a moment to applaud Demi for providing an invaluable service to her legion of adoring fans.

Throughout her career, Lovato’s struggles with addiction and mental health have served as fodder for tabloid headlines, but while some stars might attempt to hide such troubles, Demi has embraced her struggle.

She openly discusses her painful past in hopes of serving as an inspiration to fans who might be struggling.

And now she’s going even further to ensure that young people who are experiencing the same problems she endured are able to receive the help they need.

Appearing on Good Morning America Wednesday, Demi announced that her new tour will feature group therapy sessions and talks from motivational speakers before the music begins.

“It’s basically like a therapy session before the concerts, and we have speakers from all over and we’re also helping out with different charities from around the country,” Lovato said in an interview.

“I actually have bipolar disorder, and I’m very open about that because I think that mental health affects so many people and we need to take the stigma away from it.”

Demi went on to speak about what she feels is her duty to the fans that made her famous:

“I think that it’s important for me to use my voice for more than just singing,” she stated.

“I just know how important it is to use my platform to help others and to share my story in hopes that it inspires people to either get into recovery or better themselves. Whatever it is, I just want people to know they’re not alone and I’m here for them.”

Thousands of fans have already taken to social media to thank Demi in advance for this important gesture.

In March, the singer will celebrate six years of sobriety following a struggle with drugs and alcohol that she says nearly cost her her life.

In the years since she got clean, Demi has become far more than just a singer to her millions of fans.

For many young people, she’s living proof that struggles can be overcome and there’s a light at the end of every tunnel.

Demi’s 2018 US tour kicks off in February.

She’ll play more than 20 shows in the next six weeks, and touch untold thousands of fans.


Thursday, January 18, 2018

Larry Nassar Begs Judge to Stop Witness Statements, "Mental Health" Concerns

Scumbag convicted sexual predator Larry Nassar wrote a letter to the court begging to end the witness statements … saying the terrible stories of sexual assault are damaging his mental health.  Don’t worry … the judge shot his pathetic ass…


Saturday, January 13, 2018

Donald Trump Must Take a Mental Health Test, Says Billionaire Tom Steyer

President Donald Trump shouldn’t get a pass on a psych evaluation — if the military rank and file who handle nuclear weapons get ‘em, so should he … so says Tom Steyer. We got the Democratic billionaire — the guy hell-bent on getting 45…


Saturday, January 6, 2018

Donald Trump Says Screw Claims of Mental Instability, "I"m a Genius!"

Donald Trump surprised no one Saturday morning by finding it irresistible to respond to claims he’s mentally unstable … declaring himself a genius. Trump reacted to claims made in Michael Wolff’s new book “Fire and Fury,” tweeting, “Actually,…


Thursday, December 7, 2017

Amanda Bynes: "Struggling" Amidst Mental Illness Relapse, Source Claims

For Amanda Bynes, the road to recovery has been a long and difficult one with many potholes and detours along the way.

Bynes’ struggle with mental illness played out in the public eye, and when she began to show signs of recovery earlier this year, fans rejoiced at the thought of having “the old Amanda” back.

Now, it seems their celebrations may have been premature.

Sources close to Bynes tell In Touch Weekly that the actress has suffered a “major relapse” and that she’s “struggling to regain control of her life. “

The news comes on the heels of a promising upswing, during which Bynes seemed to be getting the help she needed to repair her career and public image.

The positive changes in her Bynes’ behavior began earlier this year.

In April, Bynes returned to Twitter following an extended absence from the social media site.

Shortly thereafter, she gave her first interview in four years, during which she stated that she’s “doing great,” keeping busy, and looking forward to returning to acting.

“I’ve been going to school lately, fashion school, FIDM [the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising], and I love it. I’ve learned how to sew, I make patterns, and I want to start a clothing line in the future,” Bynes said.

“Other than that,” she continued, “I hike, I go spinning, take spinning classes, and I feed the homeless, and that’s been really interesting and fun.”

Sources verified that Bynes was once again pursuing an education after taking an extended hiatus:

“She began taking classes in the fall, even though she was kicked out before for showing up high as a kite,” said one fellow student.

“She seemed upbeat and talked about returning to TV.”

Unfortunately, the return to television never took place, and insiders say it’s Bynes’ inability to find work that touched off her latest meltdown.

The 31-year-old’s comeback came around the fifth anniversary of DUI arrest that seemed to trigger an extended downward spiral for Bynes.

In the months that followed, her drug use increased, and her behavior became more erratic, a pattern that culminated in Bynes being placed on a 5150 psychiatric hold and hospitalized for several months.

Here’s hoping Amanda can somehow regain that momentum and get back on the road to recovery.


Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Tyrese Gibson, Ex-Wife Wants Mental Evaluation

The lawyer for Tyrese Gibson’s ex-wife, Norma, just told the court it’s essential for the judge in their custody war to demand a mental evaluation of the actor in light of recent, bizarre actions. Attorney Aleen Khanjian was referring to the various…


Thursday, October 12, 2017

Kanye West: How He"s Doing Nearly One Year After Mental Breakdown

Can you believe it’s almost been one whole year since Kanye West had his breakdown?

It doesn’t seem like it’s been that long at all, but then again, time flies when you have as much drama as the Kardashian family does.

Seriously, in the time since Kanye’s breakdown, he and Kim have found a surrogate and are expecting their third child, Kylie Jenner and Khloe Kardashian have gotten pregnant.

The whole family has had a falling out with Caitlyn Jenner, Scott Disick has been on his scariest downward spiral yet.

Kendall Jenner has found herself in a series of pickles, and there have been more plastic surgery rumors than you can shake a stick at, for the whole lot of them.

There’s been a ton of stuff happening with these people, — keeping up with them takes more than a lame one-hour television show, we’ll tell you that much.

With that constant stream of information on these people, it makes it hard to remember what happened when, or to keep tabs on the family members with less of a public presence.

And remember, ever since that breakdown of his, Kanye has mostly stayed out of the limelight.

But thanks to a wonderful new report from Us Weekly, we have an update on Kanye and his mental health.

And great news: he’s doing great!

“Kanye is in a good place right now,” a source claims. “He’s working on his music and laying low.”

Not only that, but “He’s been focused on staying calm and not doing anything to mess his mindset up. He’s in the zone.”

“He’s the best he’s ever been — he’s very stable,” the source continues.

“There haven’t been any manic outbursts. You’re going to see a calm Kanye who is taking it day by day.”

On another happy note, the insider adds that “He and Kim are stronger than ever,” too.

Not too bad, huh? Especially considering that not too long ago, Kanye was allegedly suffering from severe mental illness and you couldn’t get on the internet without seeing stories about his impending divorce.

We still don’t know all the details about what happened last year, or if there was any real truth to all the Kimye divorce rumors.

We do know that in the weeks before his breakdown, Kanye was behaving pretty strangely — he bashed former close friends Jay Z and Beyonce in emotional rants during concerts.

He also expressed his support for Donald Trump more than once, which was alarming, to say the least.

Some reports claimed that his issues were simply.due to exhaustion, while others claimed that he was depressed and paranoid and possibly violent.

A popular theory was that Kanye was deeply shaken by Kim’s Paris robbery, and that the anniversary of his mother’s death just a few weeks later pushed him over the edge.

As for the divorce rumors, most sources said that Kim and Kanye’s problems were also started by the robbery — she felt like he wasn’t there for her like she needed him to be because of his own issues.

But hey, at this point, all of this seems like water under the bridge, right?

Congrats on all the progress, Kanye!


Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Kate Middleton Introduces a Children"s Mental Health Video Resource!

The Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families produced an animated video designed to show children how to talk about mental health issues. That"s a wonderful resource for many children.

Kate Middleton, who is a patron of the organization, provides the introduction, lending her voice and celebrity status to a worthy cause.

We have the short video for you below, and it"s really worth watching.

We would expect nothing less from the Duchess of Cambridge.

This isn"t just because Kate Middleton is already a mother of two, with a third on the way. Though, obviously, this kind of topic is going to be near and dear to her heart as a mother.

By marrying into the British Royal Family, Kate Middleton did more than just become an implied villain on Grimm.

(Don"t ask)

She inherited a lot of responsibilities — one of which being that she"ll very probably be queen in the not-so-distant future.

Overall, she has an obligation to the British people — whose tax dollars include millions specifically for the royals — to use her influence and celebrity status for positive effect.

One of the ways that she"s doing this is by introducing this video, aimed at children, that talks about mental and emotional health.

Mental health is very complicated.

Until very recently, the subject was almost taboo among most people.

It"s been pointed out that Millennials, stereotypically, are willing to bluntly discuss things like depression and anxiety.

Part of that is being the first generation to grow up with evolving technology, from the internet to social media.

This provided not only access to mental health resources that aren"t hidden behind a paywall (as actually seeing a therapist is), but has allowed Millennials to engage with each other and share their own experiences.

There"s where you get conversations where people say "oh, I"ve always done that … I never knew that it was called executive dysfunction!" or "wait, my life doesn"t feel like it looks like on those commercials, but it sounds like I"m depressed."

Knowing the names for ways that you"re feeling puts you one step closer to finding helpful coping mechanisms.

This video is for younger children, though, and doesn"t use diagnostic terminology or talk about "coping mechanisms" in a formal way.

Rather it talks about feelings.

Some of us don"t live on emotional roller coasters now that we"re adults, and under normal circumstances are feelings are more or less limited to feelings like contentmenthungry, and drunk.

For children, however (and for many adults), there"s a whole spectrum of feelings that their tiny little bodies and still-developing brains cannot contain.

Magnifying that is the general powerlessness of children and the fact that a lot of parents don"t have a clue on how to listen to a child and know what"s normal for children and what could be a sign of mental illness.

So a lot of what the video talks about is how children can start conversations with their parents, teachers, and even their peers about how they"ve been feeling lately and what symptoms they"ve been experienced.

But it"s all handled so informally that they avoid medical jargon at all costs. 

It"s important to note (though the video does not) that, in many cases, symptoms of mental health problems in young children can be signs of abuse of various types.

This is a great way to talk about this without making abused children reflexively defensive about what"s been happening to them.

A child might be afraid to tell an adult what"s happened to them at home, but they might not associate their trouble sleeping and stomach aches and acting out with the trauma that they are enduring.

Adorably, the video even deals with how to show good listening skills if a friend comes up to talk to them about mental health.

Always with the suggestion that an adult might be better equipped to help out with the problem.

It"s wonderful that Kate Middleton provided the introduction for this video.

By lending her voice, she gives it more weight and more reach.

There are too many people who still see mental health as a personal failing in which they do not see purely physical ailments. That"s sad, and only education can change that.

Even if you don"t have kids, this video is cute:



We would expect nothing less from the Duchess of Cambridge.

By marrying into the British Royal Family, Kate Middleton did more than just become an implied villain on Grimm.

(Don"t ask)

She inherited a lot of responsibilities — one of which being that she"ll very probably be queen in the not-so-distant future.

Overall, she has an obligation to the British people — whose tax dollars include millions specifically for the royals — to use her influence and celebrity status for positive effect.

One of the ways that she"s doing this is by introducing this video, aimed at children, that talks about mental and emotional health.

Mental health is very complicated.

Until very recently, the subject was almost taboo among most people.

It"s been pointed out that Millennials, stereotypically, are willing to bluntly discuss things like depression and anxiety.

Part of that is being the first generation to grow up with evolving technology, from the internet to social media.

This provided not only access to mental health resources that aren"t hidden behind a paywall (as actually seeing a therapist is), but has allowed Millennials to engage with each other and share their own experiences.

There"s where you get conversations where people say "oh, I"ve always done that … I never knew that it was called executive dysfunction!" or "wait, my life doesn"t feel like it looks like on those commercials, but it sounds like I"m depressed."

Knowing the names for ways that you"re feeling puts you one step closer to finding helpful coping mechanisms.

This video is for younger children, though, and doesn"t use diagnostic terminology or talk about "coping mechanisms" in a formal way.

Rather it talks about feelings.

Some of us don"t live on emotional roller coasters now that we"re adults, and under normal circumstances are feelings are more or less limited to feelings like contentmenthungry, and drunk.

For children, however (and for many adults), there"s a whole spectrum of feelings that their tiny little bodies and still-developing brains cannot contain.

Magnifying that is the general powerlessness of children and the fact that a lot of parents don"t have a clue on how to listen to a child and know what"s normal for children and what could be a sign of mental illness.

So a lot of what the video talks about is how children can start conversations with their parents, teachers, and even their peers about how they"ve been feeling lately and what symptoms they"ve been experienced.

But it"s all handled so informally that they avoid medical jargon at all costs. 

It"s important to note (though the video does not) that, in many cases, symptoms of mental health problems in young children can be signs of abuse of various types.

This is a great way to talk about this without making abused children reflexively defensive about what"s been happening to them.

A child might be afraid to tell an adult what"s happened to them at home, but they might not associate their trouble sleeping and stomach aches and acting out with the trauma that they are enduring.

Adorably, the video even deals with how to show good listening skills if a friend comes up to talk to them about mental health.

Always with the suggestion that an adult might be better equipped to help out with the problem.

It"s wonderful that Kate Middleton provided the introduction for this video.

By lending her voice, she gives it more weight and more reach.

There are too many people who still see mental health as a personal failing in which they do not see purely physical ailments. That"s sad, and only education can change that.

Even if you don"t have kids, this video is cute:


Kate middleton introduces a childrens mental health video resour

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Boxer Tyson Fury to Sinead O"Connor: I Suffer from Mental Illness Too

Sinead O’Connor is getting support from a huge star — British boxing champ Tyson Fury — who says he also suffers from mental illness and wants to help the singer through the darkness.  “I recently watched one of your heartbreaking videos…


Thursday, July 20, 2017

Troian Bellisario Opens Up About Mental Illness: It Was a Difficult Journey!

Troian Bellisario is one of the most influential actresses around, and she has not been shy about her experiences with mental illness. 

The 31-year-old Pretty Little Liars graduate opened up about her experiences to Lenny Letter. For those of you who don’t know what that is, it’s a newsletter run by Lena Dunham and Jennifer Konner. 

The actress opens by recalling a time in her life when she was swimming in a lake with a close friend. The lake was cold, and the star commented that she felt discomfort, yet could not remove herself from the water. 

It’s a worrying visual to imagine, but that was a sign that the actress was suffering from mental health. 

She opens up candidly about her body telling her to get out of the lake, but she did not want to show weakness in front of the friend. 

“Here I am, 31 years old,” the actress wrote.

“And I’m still denying my body the one thing it is asking me to do: take care of it.”

What we love about Troian is that she is an inspiration. She does not hide anything from fans and opens up whenever she’s given the opportunity. 

She moved on to chat about a difficult time filming Pretty Little Liars when she was faced with harsh Canadian weather. 

“I looked around: Lucy [Hale], Ashley [Benson] and Shay [Mitchell] all seemed cold but fine; they looked professional, powerful,” Bellisario wrote.

“Was I not cut out for this? I pushed that thought out of my mind. Suck it up, Bellisario, do your job.”

Bellisario then opened up about her experience writing, producing and starring in her film Feed. She wanted to create a project out of her struggles; one that would hopefully help other people.

She even goes as far as saying that the movie helped her differentiate herself from her mental illness,

“It was a difficult journey finding my way back to health,” the actress wrote.

“Through hard introspection, intense medical and mental care, a supportive family, friends and patient and loving partner, I survived, which is rare.”

The actress opened up last month to Interview Magazine about her struggles with an eating disorder. 

“I couldn’t get anyone — even the people who loved me the most, even my boyfriend or my mother or my father — to understand what that experience was truly like for me,” she said at the time. 

Troian has been keeping busy since her seven-year-stint on Pretty Little Liars came to a close, and has booked a role on Richard Linklater’s latest project, Where’d You Go, Bernadette. 


Friday, June 30, 2017

Sandra Bullock Alarmed After Stalker Released from Mental Health Facility

Sandra Bullock’s stalker got quietly released from a mental health facility and is now back on the streets … and it was news to one very shocked actress. Sandra’s lawyer, Ed McPherson, was in court Friday for a scheduled hearing to turn…
