Showing posts with label Response. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Response. Show all posts

Friday, June 23, 2017

Leah Block Apologizes For Racist Bachelorette Tweets After Perfect Rachel Lindsay Response

You don’t need The Bachelorette spoilers to tell you that race would somehow come into play this summer on ABC’s reality dating staple.

On cue, The Bachelor contestant Leah Block is apologizing for racist comments she made about the current season this week.

If you didn’t see what she wrote on Twitter, prepare your forehead for the inevitable slap, because it’s very likely happening.

The current season features the franchise’s first African-American lead in Rachel Lindsay, and a much more diverse cast than usual. 

With that obvious context, Block tweeted Monday:

“I’m sitting here watching @BacheloretteABC and my roommate just sat down on the couch and said, ‘What is this? @LoveAndHipHop?’ DEAD”


Bachelor Nation didn’t take kindly to the reference – apparently in the pejorative – to the VH1 reality show and its entirely black cast.

One alum, Astrid Loch, asked Block if she was watching with Lee Garrett, one of Lindsay’s suitors who’s been accused of racism himself.

Lindsay then chimed in by responding to Block’s tweet directly, and referencing Garrett, writing, “Let me know if she wants to meet Lee.”

“They sound like they would have a lot in common.” 

Wow. After that response from Rachel, Block later deactivated her Twitter account altogether and set her Instagram to private.

All of this took place while topic of race became the center of discussion on Monday’s episode for the first time this season.

“The pressures that I feel being a black woman, and what that is … I don’t want to talk about it,” Lindsay told the producers.

“I get pressured from so many different ways being in this position, and I did not want to get into all of this tonight.”

“I already know what people are going to say about me and that they will judge me for all of the decisions I’m making.”

“I’m going to be the one that has to deal with that – nobody else,” she said, at her wit’s end. “And that’s a lot.”

As for Block, she apparently got the message, and addressed her controversial tweets in a letter to her Facebook Wednesday.

“I come forward honestly and openly, to extend my sincere apology for the tweet from my account on Monday, June 19,” she began.

The tweet in question stemmed, she said, “from a place that humored the failure of representation of minorities in reality TV.”

That wasn’t how it came across, she acknowledges, and instead, she simply “belittled the significance of Rachel’s presence on the show.”

“I acknowledge that entertaining this kind of humor is a passive and careless action that stifles the progress the black community has made.”

“It is vitally important to prioritize these experiences and help destroy the oppressive forces that threaten minority communities.”

“My tweet did neither of those things and I see that as a personal failure [and] in my initial Twitter responses … I was defensive.”

“The attacks directed at me felt to be responses to the epidemic of injustice we have towards individuals of marginalized identities.”

“Especially the black community. I accept responsibility for my ignorance and as I move forward I will engage in these issues.”

That way, she says, “I can become an informed ally who would never consider that tweet to be funny in the first place.”

“Our Society should have no place for hate that targets any minority group,” she concluded on an optimistic, yet concilliatory note.

“We can’t make the future better until we make ourselves better. And I’m starting now. Best of luck to Rachel and her suitors this season.”

Amen to that.


Thursday, May 18, 2017

Chris Cornell Suicide Response: Wife Says Singer Was Not Depressed

This morning, millions of fans awoke to the sad news that Soundgarden and Audioslave singer Chris Cornell has passed away at the age of 52.

Early reports on Cornell’s cause of death indicate that the singer appears to have taken his own life.

But while the loved ones of suicide victims so often report that the warning signs were apparent in retrospect, that doesn’t appear to be the case with Cornell.

TMZ is reporting today that Cornell’s widow, Vicky Cornell, has indicated that Chris gave her no reason to believe that he was suffering from depression or in a suicidal state.

Vicky says she spoke to her husband on the phone during soundcheck before his concert in Detroit last night and again after the concert when he had returned to his hotel.

The second conversation apparently gave her cause for concern, and she called Chris back early Thursday morning, but received no response.

It was then that she contacted a family friend who lives in the Detroit area and asked him to stop by Cornell’s hotel room in order to check on the singer.

The friend knocked but received no response, prompting him to force his way through the door.

Inside the room, the unnamed friend found Cornell’s lifeless body with “a band around his neck,” according to police reports.

Insiders close to the family say Vicky felt that Chris sounded out of sorts in their second conversation of the night, but he gave her no reason to believe he was depressed or inclined toward self-harm.

According to TMZ, Vicky has told friends that Chris was an incredibly devoted father to his three children, ages 16, 12, and 11, and she never considered the possibility that he might be suicidal.

Cornell struggled with substance abuse throughout much of his adult life, but he’s reportedly been sober since checking into a rehab facility in 2003 at the age of 52.

Anonymous sources close to Cornell fear that he may have fallen off the wagon and taken his own life in an intoxicated state.

Thus far, there’s been no official from word from medical examiners investigating the case.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Sunday, May 14, 2017

Kendall Jenner and A$AP Rocky Bump into Her Ex-BF, Jordan Clarkson Has Best Response (VIDEO)

Kendall Jenner nearly had a seriously awkward moment when she and A$ AP Rocky ended up at the same party as her ex, Lakers guard Jordan Clarkson — excepct Jordan had the smoothest reaction. The trio were all at the Peppermint Club in WeHo Saturday…


Friday, April 21, 2017

Kate Beckinsale Files Response in Divorce from Len Wiseman

Kate Beckinsale has just responded to her estranged husband’s divorce petition, and it seems this divorce should go down with very little drama. Kate is reserving the right to spousal support from Len Wiseman, who filed for divorce last October. His…


Thursday, April 6, 2017

Stephen Belafonte Files Divorce Response and Wants Spousal Support from Mel B

Stephen Belafonte has just filed his official response to Mel B’s divorce petition, and he made it clear … he’s not going away empty-handed. For starters … Belafonte is asking for spousal support, though it’s premature to set a figure.  In…


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Jamie Otis: See Her Amazing Response to Her Body Shamer!

Jamie Otis, star of Married at First Sight and generally lovely human being, has been having some issues on social media lately.

You’ll never believe this, but she’s actually been having to deal with mean, hateful strangers on the internet.

She’s been dealing with one awful person in particular — a woman who decided to body shame her over the way her breasts looked in a Facebook Live video.

In the video, Jamie was reviewing one of those subscription boxes, and she was also wearing a somewhat revealing shirt.

How dare she, right?

Here’s the most scandalous shot from the video, one where she was hunched over a bit:

Upon seeing the video, some woman thought it was appropriate to leave a comment that read “I’m just trying to figure out what’s lopsided — her boobs, her bra or her shirt … Woman, have some respect for yourself.”

OK, for one, mind your business. For two, it’s totally normal for women to have breasts that are two different sizes.

And for three, Jamie is pregnant. Pregnancy boobs have minds of their own, and Jamie should not be criticized for that.

Unfortunately, Jamie saw the comment. And it really, really bothered her. Enough that she wrote a blog post about it.

In the post, she wrote that she’d been away for a long weekend during which she hadn’t checked her social media, so when she got back home, she was looking forward to seeing comments and messages from her friends and “frans.”

“Frans” is what she calls fans that have become friends — Jamie Otis is too cute for this world.

So she was excited to check out her Facebook, but then she saw that inappropriate, rude comment. And that happiness just went right out the window.

“Instantly I felt my smile fade,” she wrote. “My mood went bleak. I immediately looked down to my chest to see if my boobs are really that noticeably ‘lopsided’ …?!”

“Then I re-watched my video to see if my breasts looked completely abnormal? I wasn’t thinking of my breasts or even paying attention to them when I was chatting with all of my friends and frans live on Facebook.”

She said that she’s a bit hormonal, being 18 weeks pregnant, and that she’s “a bit sensitive, too” because she’s been bullied before.

“I used to be so insecure,” she explained, “that I would just keep quiet and not say anything. As a matter of fact, I would do ANYTHING to get the person who was bullying and shaming me to begin to like me.”

Jamie ended up sending a private message to the woman who body shamed her, and she shared that in the post too — turns out her boobs actually are significantly different sizes because she had a lump removed from one when she was younger.

She spilled her heart out to this woman, she kindly asked her to stop leaving such superficial, harmful messages, and you know what the woman did?

She replied with “Modesty is an option. I don’t give a damn what size your breasts are. You’re broadcasting a video that you know lots of people are going to see. And all I can see is your boobs about to jiggle out of your shirt.”

Some people are just awful. This woman is just awful.

Jamie wrote that though this response left her speechless, “My goal in sharing this experience is that any woman who stumbles across this post will just think about their comments before they post them.”

“Maybe we as women could go out of our way to build each other up instead of tear each other down.”

What a woman, right?


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Doug Stanhope: Comedian Criticized For Response to Girlfriend"s Coma

Doug Stanhope is one of those comedians that you either “get” or you don’t.

To describe Stanhope’s humor as dark would be like describing Schindler’s List as a mild bummer.

His standup routines make the gnarliest segments on Tosh.0 look like a family-friendly tight five from Jeff Dunham, and he’s a firm believer that there’s no situation too bleak to laugh about.

Stanhope has mined real-life incidents like his own mother’s self-administered euthanasia for laughs, and the amazing thing is – he pulls it off.

This is a man who could “go there” on any taboo topic under the sun and his cultishly loyal fan base would follow him into the depths of human experience with complete faith in his ability to point out the glints of humor.

Unfortunately, a recent near-tragedy brought Stanhope attention from outsiders who are now being exposed to the comedian’s jet-black brand of humor for the first time – and not surprisingly, some folks are finding his jokes don’t quite turn their crank.

The story goes: last Sunday night, Stanhope’s longtime girlfriend Amy “Bingo” Bingaman was preparing for her 40th birthday party when she suffered a cocaine-induced seizure and cracked her head open on a cement step after falling backwards.

She was rushed to a Bisbee, Arizona hospital, and Stanhope was under the impression that she would require a few stitches and be back later that evening.

Upon learning that she had been helicoptered to nearby Tucson in a coma, Stanhope reportedly quipped, “Just when you thought Bingo couldn’t make this party any more about her, she pulled it off.”

(Like we said, bleak stuff.)

Stanhope cryptically confirmed the news of Bingo’s medical emergency on Twitter, informing his fans:

“BTW, Inappropriate jokes as welcome as hopes,prayers, wishes. And I will put her in my death pool on trade round just to prove no hypocrisy.”

And with that, he was off:

Stanhope also took time to respond to fans who offered support or inappropriate humor.

And, of course, he didn’t do so in the way you would expect from a grieving celeb:

During an appearance on friend Joe Rogan’s podcast, he offered more details about Bingo’s condition (It seems she very nearly required surgery to have part of her skull removed.), and opened up about the hours following her grim diagnosis.

Basically, Stanhope and his friends coped by doing the remainder of Bingo’s blow, singing karaoke and hanging with Marilyn Manson.

Stanhope is friends with Johnny Depp, and the party eventually wound up at one of the actor’s homes in LA.

It would have all the makings of an amazing weekend, were it not for the comatose girlfriend part.

On social media and comment boards across the Internet, there’s been much gasping and pearl-clutching in response to Stanhope’s running commentary on Twitter.

The above and below tweets in particular seemed to draw a lot of ire.

Thankfully, in a miracle worthy of Lazarus or Lamar Odom, Bingo has now awoken from her coma and is able to communicate with family and friends.

Stanhope offered the following updates on Twitter over the weekend:

“Dunno if you’d call her first poop in 6 days “progress” but her father described it as “an event.” Send more mops!”

“‘Bingaman spoke in/ Claaass today’ Got some words & opened her eyes a few times on her own. Long way to go but all far more hopeful today.”


Even if his humor doesn’t do it for you, you’ve gotta admit that the man has a preternatural talent for finding the laughs in desperately sad situations.

Or maybe you don’t.

We doubt he cares much either way.


Friday, October 7, 2016

Jay Z -- "Lemonade" Response Will Be a World Tour ... According to Ticket Agency (UPDATE)

2:25 PM PT — A Roc Nation rep gave us this reply to the world tour email: “This is ridiculous.” That’s as specific as the rep got. Jay Z is gonna clap back at Beyonce’s “Lemonade” album with a world tour of his own … if a high-end…


Thursday, August 11, 2016

Vin Diesel Teases Response to Dwayne Johnson: I"ll Tell You EVERYthing...

Vin Diesel has spoken out for the first time since Dwayne Johnson basically called him out on Instagram.

A surprising brouhaha has erupted between Diesel and Johnson after the latter shared a scathing post on social media this week.

In a lengthy rant, Johnson made it clear he had some issues with at least one male co-star on the set of Fast 8.

“This is my final week of shooting Fast & Furious 8,” Johnso wrote.

“There’s no other franchise that gets my blood boiling more than this one. An incredible hard working crew. Universal Studios Entertainment has been great partners as well. My female co-stars are always amazing and I love ’em.”

Okay, great. All is good then, right?


“My male co-stars however are a different story,” the action star added.

“Some conduct themselves as stand up men and true professionals, while others don’t. The ones that don’t are too chicken sh*t to do anything about it anyway. Candy asses.

“When you watch this movie next April and it seems like I’m not acting in some of these scenes and my blood is legit boiling – you’re right.”

Whoa there! Shots fired!

At whom?

At Vin Diesel, it appears, with TMZ writing in detail about the problems Johnson had with Diesel throughout the filming of the latest installment in this beloved franchise.

And a follow-up report claims Johnson wasn’t alone.

Diesel reportedly would show up late to the set… insult other stars… and generally act like disrespectful jackass while filming.

Conversely, this same report had nothing but positive things to say about Johnson.

According to Fast 8 crew members, he was friendly, easy to work with and pretty much everything you’d expect from the popular star.

So… where does Diesel stand on all of this?

We’ll soon find out.

On Wednesday night, Diesel addressed this feud for the first time, pretty clearly admitting he’s the one beefing with Johnson.

But not saying much else. Yet.

“So much has gone on this year. I can’t believe I wrapped two back to back pictures I both starred in and produced,” the 49-year-old action star captioned the following Instagram video on Wednesday night.

“Now I get to return to my family, my life… To me.”

A video posted by Vin Diesel (@vindiesel) on

Diesel never directly addressed Johnson’s comments.

Instead, discussed being home with his daughter, Pauline, who was named after the late Fast and Furious actor, Paul Walker.

“After being on set since literally Christmas to finally, finally, finally to come home,” he says above.

“And to learn the little angel learned a new word. I’m going to have to share it with you, it’s more important than anything. When I heard her say ‘happy,’ I just lit up in ways I can’t even describe.”

Diesel then paused before adding:

“So give me a second and I will tell you everything. Everything.”

Consider us on the edge of our seats, Vin. We’ll be right here, awaiting your next response to this saga.



Thursday, July 7, 2016

Drake Pens Open Letter in Response to Alton Sterling Shooting

Count Drake among those aghast over the shooting of Alton Sterling.

The 37-year old was shot and killed during an altercation with police officers in Baton Rouge, Louisiana on Tuesday.

The father of five had been selling CDs outside a convenience store when officers responded to a 911 call that said a man with a gun had threatened someone in the parking lot.

Authorities are looking into the incident, but the following footage has been made public.

And it appears to show officers pinning Sterling to the ground prior to any shots being fired.

In response to the tragedy, a multitude of stars have expressed their shock and outrage on social media (see gallery below), with Drake now taking his reaction even further than a basic Tweet.

He has penned an emotional letter and shared it on Instagram.

“I am grateful to be able to call America my second home,” wrote the Canadian, adding:

“Last night when I saw the video of Alton Sterling being killed it left me feeling disheartened, emotional and truly scared. I woke up this morning with a strong need to say something.”

The singer continued as follows:

It’s impossible to ignore that the relationship between black and brown communities and law enforcement remains as strained as it was decades ago. No one begins their life as a hashtag. Yet the trend of being reduced to one continues.

This is real and I’m concerned. Concerned for the safety of my family, my friends and any human being that could fall victim to this pattern. I do not know the answer.

But I believe things can change for the better. Open and honest dialogue is the first step.

My thoughts and prayers are with the Sterling family and any family that has lost someone to this cycle of violence.

Be safe out there. More life.

The Justice Department has said it will look into the shooting.

Here is a screen shot of Drake’s letter. What do you think of it?

drake letter

And here is a look at Alton Sterling before he was killed:

Drake Pens Open Letter in Response to Alton Sterling Shooting

Count Drake among those aghast over the shooting of Alton Sterling.

The 37-year old was shot and killed during an altercation with police officers in Baton Rouge, Louisiana on Tuesday.

The father of five had been selling CDs outside a convenience store when officers responded to a 911 call that said a man with a gun had threatened someone in the parking lot.

Authorities are looking into the incident, but the following footage has been made public.

And it appears to show officers pinning Sterling to the ground prior to any shots being fired.

In response to the tragedy, a multitude of stars have expressed their shock and outrage on social media (see gallery below), with Drake now taking his reaction even further than a basic Tweet.

He has penned an emotional letter and shared it on Instagram.

“I am grateful to be able to call America my second home,” wrote the Canadian, adding:

“Last night when I saw the video of Alton Sterling being killed it left me feeling disheartened, emotional and truly scared. I woke up this morning with a strong need to say something.”

The singer continued as follows:

It’s impossible to ignore that the relationship between black and brown communities and law enforcement remains as strained as it was decades ago. No one begins their life as a hashtag. Yet the trend of being reduced to one continues.

This is real and I’m concerned. Concerned for the safety of my family, my friends and any human being that could fall victim to this pattern. I do not know the answer.

But I believe things can change for the better. Open and honest dialogue is the first step.

My thoughts and prayers are with the Sterling family and any family that has lost someone to this cycle of violence.

Be safe out there. More life.

The Justice Department has said it will look into the shooting.

Here is a screen shot of Drake’s letter. What do you think of it?

drake letter

And here is a look at Alton Sterling before he was killed:

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Mom Gets Fat-Shamed for Wearing Shorts, EPIC Response Goes Viral

No matter how many posts we write about body-shaming and how much it sucks, some folks just don’t seem to get it.

Texas mom Brynn Huffman was feeling pretty good about herself when she went out to run some errands the other day wearing a flowy white top and mid-thigh denim shorts.

Huffman admitted it took a bit of courage to don the shorts.

“My legs, while tan from swimming and muscular from dancing, are (1) not where I would like them to be and (2) are not up traditional beauty standards (read: Photoshopped) because cellulite,” she wrote in a Facebook post that has gone viral.

Sounds like the thoughts of a great number of American woman, amiright?

Unfortunately for Huffman and humanity as a whole, some jerk in line at the UPS store thought it appropriate to confirm the mom’s worst fears by making a snarky comment about her attire.

Huffman says that after a pleasant exchange with the woman in front of her, she turned to the patron behind her and smiled.

In exchange for the grin, the woman started with a compliment, as if trying to negate the unspeakable rudeness that would follow.

“‘Your hair really is amazing.’ ::cocks head to side:: ‘You should probably rethink the shorts though,"” Huffman wrote of the woman’s response.

And the most incredible part? The shamer wore a shirt that read “COEXIST.”

Huffman said her face immediately turned red – not with embarrassment, but with rage. She then hurled back a zinger that couldn’t have been more perfect.

“You should probably rethink your shirt.” 

Ooh, ya burnt!

Yet even after the epic comeback, Huffman said the insult still made her want to go home and change her clothes, and that made her even more angry.

The encounter inspired her to write the post, which has garnered more than 400,000 likes and 163,000 shares.

She concluded with a message we hope all will consider before launching unsolicited criticism to strangers.

“Listen, people. Especially women.

“Plus sized doesn’t necessarily mean unhealthy. Plus sized doesn’t necessarily mean lazy. Plus sized doesn’t mean ugly or undesirable or untalented or uncoordinated or LESS. THAN. HUMAN.

“You might have an issue with my body. I don’t. And I’ve worked very hard past judgmental family and friends, past divorce, past depression to NOT have an issue with my body.

“Women. Do not tear each other down. Celebrate each other. Every day.”

SLAY, sister.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Brock Turner Case Sparks Response from Girls Cast

The cast of Girls has a lot to say about sexual assault, airing their feelings in a new video. 

The footage below includes Lena Dunham, Allison Williams, Jemima Kirke and Zosia Mamet.

It was created following the Stanford rape case that has dominated social media in recent weeks. 

As a quick refresher: Brock Turner was given just a six month sentence for sexually assaulting a drunk woman outside a party last January.

She was unconscious and the incident only came to an end because Turner got caught in the act.

Turner"s father then blamed it on "binge drinking" and called it "20 minutes of action." 

"We may star on Girls together, but that doesn"t mean we always agree," says Kirke early on. 

The video also features the stars making several jibes at each other. 

But it turned serious from there, given the subject matter.

They read out concering facts about from the CDC about sexual assault. 

After that, they showed that even though they have differences, they can still be a strong force. 

"Don"t avoid the hard conversation," pleads Allison. 

They want the world to know that victims can be strong and that people shouldn"t avoid listening to the ordeal. 

"Just being there makes it better," continues Dunham. 

Dunham even commented about it being the first time that four white women are accurately representing something.

She does have a point. A funny one. 

The video is very powerful and you should totally watch it. 

Girls recently concluded Season 5 on HBO, and the final season kicks off early next year. 

The video has gone viral already with the cast receiving a lot of praise for taking a stand. 

Click play!

Girls cast speak out against sexual assault

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Rob Kardashian to Marry Blac Chyna Without a Prenup; Kim Kardashian Flips Out in Response

If the rumors are to be believed, preparations for the Rob Kardashian-Blac Chyna wedding are already underway.

In addition to the usual hurdles, such as choosing the right venue and agreeing on food and invitations, Rob and Blac are forced to cope with the some serious #CelebrityWeddingProblems – primarily the question of whether or not to televise the wedding (Of course, duh!), and the thorny issue of whether they should sign a prenup. (Nah! What could go wrong?)

Yes, according to Radar Online, Rob and Blac are going prenup-free, despite the fact that they’ve been dating for all of about three months.

Sources say Kim Kardashian is pissed, and not for any of the many, many reasons Kim is usually pissed at Rob.

Like the rest of her sisters (with the possible exception of Kylie), Kim has accepted Rob’s engagement to Blac, but she’s reportedly astonished by the fact that he’s not protecting his financial assets:

“Rob fought with Kim after he got engaged,” an insider tells Radar.

“She told him that if he’s going to get married, at least get a prenup,” explained the source. “He just mocked her like a child and taunted over and over ‘I’m not gonna get a prenup.’ The way he was saying it incensed her.”

There aren’t many areas in which Kim Kardashian is a bonafide expert, but this is one of them.

Not only is she a veteran of multiple celebrity marriages (and divorces), Kim’s current husband introduced the phrase “We want prenup!” into our pop culture.

Heed your sister’s words Rob. ‘Cause when she leave your ass, she gon’ leave with half.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Kylie Jenner FURIOUS With Tyga Over His Response to Rob Kardashian & Blac Chyna"s Engagement??

After Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna announced their engagement to the world earlier this week, Tyga was one of the first to respond with well wishes to the couple.

“Everybody deserves 2 be happy,” he wrote on Twitter. “What some1 does for their happiness is not my concern, as long as it’s not interfering wit my happiness.”

“It makes me happy to see the mother of my son happy,” added Tyga, who shares a four-year-old son, King Cairo, with Blac.

This simple note of congratulations royally ticked off his girlfriend Kylie Jenner, who has disapproved of her brother’s relationship with her nemesis since it began in January.

Tyga and Kylie reportedly got into a huge blowout and broke up just before he left on his world tour Friday.

“All this drama really started when Tyga spoke out on social media about Blac and Rob’s engagement while she was away,” a source tells Radar Online. “Kylie had specifically told him to NOT say anything about it until she did.”

“Tyga talked so much sh*t about Blac being with Rob to Kylie behind Blac’s back and to everyone else and then he goes and sends them well-wishes. It just really p*ssed her off!” the source added.

However, while Kylie is busy fuming over Tyga’s tweet, the “Rack City” rapper may have had an ulterior motive behind sending the message.

Blac believes her baby daddy is simply pretending to be civil so as to gain the favor of the courts in their custody battle over King.

In reality, says Blac, Tyga treats her like crap and has called her a “drunk whore” and a “deadbeat mama.”

None of this matters to Kylie, however, who simply feels betrayed.

So far, Kylie has remained tight-lipped about her brother’s engagement. 

Monday, March 21, 2016

Selena Gomez Has "Perfect" Response to Justin Bieber Throwback Photo

Are you ready for Jelena version 2.0?

Or would that be Jelena version 79.0? It’s so hard to keep track these days.

As the entire free world knows by now, Justin Bieber took to Instagram over the weekend and shared a photo from 2011 with his millions of followers.

But it wasn’t just any old throwback photo.

It was a photo of Bieber kissing ex-girlfriend Selena Gomez and it even included a one-word caption that REALLY got fans buzzing: feels.

As in… I still have all the feels for the love of my life?

How else did Justin think folks were going to interpret this gesture?

As for how Selena herself interpreted the gesture?

As captured in the screen shot below, it certainly appears as if the singer chimed in alongside the over 2.7 million Likes and thousands of other comments with her own take on Bieber’s flashback photo:

Perfect, huh, Selena?

Justin told GQ recently that he and Gomez are “cordial” with each other, although they don’t talk much.

He’s been in rumored relationships or flings of late with both Hailey Baldwin and Kourtney Kardashian.

But it’s clear Gomez will always hold a special place in his heart… and it’s clear Gomez feels a similar way, no matter what she has said for public record.

“I honestly am so done [talking about Bieber],” Selena told W Magazine last month. “I care about his health and well-being. But I can’t do it anymore.”

Not unless he throws it back to a happier period in the couple’s relationship and makes it evident that he still feels a lot for her, that is.

In that case, Gomez can’t help but respond.

Then again: Can you blame her?

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Nick Cannon: Posts HILARIOUS Response to Mariah"s Engagement

Yesterday we learned that Mariah Carey became engaged to billionaire boyfriend James Packer, and Nick Cannon, for one, is being a great sport about it.

Carey’s ex and America’s Got Talent host reposted a hilarious meme in which he is lying unconscious in a hospital bed as Kevin Hart hovers over him saying, “It’s just a ring, Nick.”

The meme is funny for sure, but the rock that now resides on Carey’s finger is in fact a whopping 35 CARATS, making it one of the biggest diamond rings on the planet.

By comparison, Kim Kardashian’s ring is 15 carats and Beyonce’s is 18, so Mariah’s new bling has them beat by about double. 

Hell, a glimpse of that piece easily might’ve knocked me out, too.

But Cannon appears to hold no ill will toward the couple, and even offered his enthusiastic congratulations in the caption:

“Ha! This made me laugh out loud for real!!! HILARIOUS! #AllLove Congrats to @MariahCarey and James! May God Bless Your Future Union… #GreatPeople #GreatCouple”

Evidently, Cannon is staying true to his word that he’ll never diss his ex-wife

“I will never say anything negative about @MariahCarey. We are forever a family rooted in love,” he said after the two split in 2014.

Carey and Cannon share custody of their four-year-old twins Moroccan and Monroe and the four have spent holidays together since the divorce.

Looks like Nick is keeping it classy. Chelsea Handler, on the other hand…

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Blake Shelton Tweets Response to Wedding & Pregnancy Rumors!

Earlier today, we reported on competing tabloid stories that discussed the status of a would-be wedding and pregnancy between Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton.

OK! Magazine claimed that the “shotgun wedding” was so on while InTouch reported that Gwen had canceled the nuptials. 

When two such credible periodicals make completely different claims, minds are truly boggled.

We just learned that the two were officially dating in November, so it makes totes sense that they’d be pregnant and getting married three months later, right?

The stories prompted Twitter user @blaresgal777 to go directly to the source: Blake Shelton himself.

She asked him point blank:

Blake Shelton Tweets Response to Wedding Rumors 1

And guess what? He responded!

(Side note: slow claps to the retailer who displayed these two cover stories side-by-side.)

Blake tweeted back with peals of laughter and exclamation points:

Blake Shelton Tweets Response to Wedding Rumors 2

Then he responded to another story about his and Gwen’s “baby joy.”

Blake Shelton Tweets Response to Wedding Rumors 3

Well, at the beginning of the year, he did say his resolution was to be on the cover of every tabloid. He’s so much better at keeping resolutions than I am.

Blake’s final tweet on the matter revealed what he really thought about tabloid readers:

Blake Shelton Tweets Response to Wedding Rumors 4

Gawsh, Blake. Don’t you realize you’re insulting, like, half your fans? Ya might wanna hold your horses there, cowboy.

Also, didja notice that he neither confirmed or denied either story? HMMMMM!

So, I guess that means…

They’re both true! Congrats, Blake and Gwen!! And, um, condolences. 

Friday, September 18, 2015

Khloe Kardashian Had An EPIC Response To Kim"s Pregnancy — See Her Glee At Being "The Thin One" Again On A Sneak Peek Of Sunday"s KUWTK!

Nobody ever accused Khloe Kardashian of not keepin’ it real!

The KUWTK star joins sister Kim Kardashian West in a sneak peek clip of this coming Sunday’s new episode, and it’s all about Kim’s second pregnancy!

Related: There’s Already Trouble With The Kardashian Websites!

In the clip, Kim goes through her whole ordeal getting pregnant, while dropping the news on Khloe that things finally worked out for her, and she’s carrying a baby!

Khloe’s response, though, is epic:

“I really thrived when you were fat and pregnant and they compared you to a whale. That was the first time I was ever the thin one. That’s so sad that you guys have to be pregnant for me to be the thin one.”

It was all spoken in good nature, of course — LOLz!!

Kim pointed out that Khloe should probably take advantage of the time in the spotlight now that she’ll be “the thin one”:

“This is your moment to shine. You’ve got to do every sexy photo shoot you can imagine.”

And of course Khloe took her sister’s advice and made that happen in a jaw-dropping way!

Ch-ch-check out the full teaser clip (below):

And don’t forget, KUWTK airs this Sunday at 8pm ET on E!

[Image via E!]

Saturday, September 12, 2015

What"s Your Favorite Dish? See How Demi Lovato HIGHlariously Messed Up The Response To That Question HERE!

This is so funny!!

Demi Lovato was being interviewed Friday night when a reporter asked about the singer’s favorite dish.

[ Related: At Least Demi Made This Week’s Best-Dressed List! ]

Now, when you hear that you think food, right?? Well… not Demi! The star messed up the answer just a little bit, but her response is making us cry from laughter!

Ch-ch-check out how Demi responded to that simple Q (below)!!!

Oops!!! She went ALL IN on mugs:

“I like mugs…because they’re…very comfortable in your hand.”

Hey girl, we get it. Mugs are pretty cool, and they are so comfortable. But just, like, make sure you don’t eat ’em, mmmkay??


[Image via Bauer Griffin.]