Showing posts with label Apologizes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Apologizes. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Lewis Hamilton Publicly Shames 4-Year-Old Nephew, Apologizes

Formula One racer Lewis Hamilton posted a video in which he appears to be shaming his 4-year-old nephew for wearing a princess dress that he got for Christmas.

The backlash was immediate, though some were divided as to whether this upsetting video was sincere or just a really bad idea of a joke.

Below, you"ll see the video — the nephew is adorable, for what it"s worth — and Lewis" apology.

Lewis hamilton at cannes film festival

Lewis Hamilton is a Formula One racer.

He"s handsome, in a bargain basement Elliot Knight sort of way. He"s British, he has piercings, and he"s reasonably famous.

There"ve been reports of Lewis Hamilton dating Kendall Jenner and he"s also been linked to Rihanna.

His life is a fantasy for most, so … why is he so sad in this video?

Lewis hamilton on snapchat

As you"ll see below, Lewis Hamilton records a Snapchat video.

To be fair, it"s not always easy to tell how sincere someone is being on social media, particularly in a very short video that seems to send some mixed messages.

But his words are troubling.

"“I’m so sad right now," Lewis says. "Look at my nephew."

And then he shows his four-year-old nephew, to whom he appears to be speaking.

Lewis hamilton nephew 1

"Why’re you wearing a princess dress?" Lewis demands.

"Is this what you got for Christmas?"

His nephew laughs and nods.

"Why did you ask for a princess dress for Christmas?"

This is when Lewis starts yelling, though since we can"t see his face, it"s difficult to tell what sort of yell it is.

"Boys don’t wear princess dresses!"

Lewis hamilton nephew 2

Whether Lewis Hamilton was sincere or not in his opinions, this video is troubling. Even if he was "play-yelling" with his nephew (he did spend part of the day playing with his nephew), his words were upsetting to a number of followers.

The backlash on social media was immediate and powerful, and Lewis deleted the video and issued a three-tweet apology.

"Yesterday I was playing around with my nephew and realized that my words were inappropriate so I removed the post. I meant no harm and did not mean to offend anyone at all. I love that my nephew feels free to express himself as we all should."

Even if you"re joking (and he doesn"t quite say that he was), some worried that his words could have had an impact on his nephew. 4 is a formative age.

"My deepest apologies for my behavior as I realize it is really not acceptable for anyone, no matter where you are from, to marginalize or stereotype anyone."

It"s important to remember that "boys don"t wear dresses" is probably very similar to the last words that some men and trans women have heard yelled at them before they died. So … it"s really not funny.

"I have always been in support of anyone living their life exactly how they wish and I hope I can be forgiven for this lapse in judgment."

Honestly, I"m inclined to believe that he made the video in jest and didn"t realize how people would perceive him. Not everybody"s good at humor, folks.

Dresses are cool, folks. They can be colorful, they move when you walk, and they"re immeasurably more comfortable than pants.

(Pants are nothing but leg prisons)

The instant that it becomes widely socially acceptable for men to wear skirts and dresses, plenty of men will rush to wear them because they"re great articles of clothing and it"s silly to restrict them by gender.

But we won"t get to that place as a society solely through the work of pioneers like Jaden Smith. Part of what will lead to a more accepting world is not saying things to children like what you"re about to hear in this video.

Yes, even if you"re joking.

Lewis hamilton publicly shames 4 year old nephew apologizes

Sunday, December 17, 2017

French Soccer Star Antoine Griezmann Apologizes for Full Blackface Costume

A French soccer player went full-on blackface for an ’80s costume party … and quickly apologized for thinking it was okay. Antoine Griezmann – a star striker for Spain’s Atletico Madrid — posted a photo and video of himself Sunday…


Saturday, December 16, 2017

Mario Batali Apologizes for Sexual Misconduct, Includes Holiday Recipe

Mario Batali takes the cake — or, in this case, pizza dough — for most tone deaf response to sexual battery allegations. Batali sent out an email blast Friday evening to his fans in which he acknowledged “some news coverage about some of my past…


Thursday, November 30, 2017

Matt Lauer Apologizes for Causing "Hurt, Damage and Disappointment"

Matt Lauer has finally addressed the actions that prompted NBC to fire him in the middle of the night on Monday.

Two days after he was let go due to what network executives deemed to be “inappropriate sexual behavior,” the long-time Today Show host has issued a lengthy statement.

He doesn’t deny very much about what has been said about him in it.

Through his own publicist, Lauer said the following this morning.

We’ll just go ahead and run it word-for-word:

There are no words to express my sorrow and regret for the pain I have caused others by words and actions. To the people I have hurt, I am truly sorry.

As I am writing this I realize the depth of the damage and disappointment I have left behind at home and at NBC.

Some of what is being said about me is untrue or mischaracterized, but there is enough truth in these stories to make me feel embarrassed and ashamed.

I regret that my shame is now shared by the people I cherish dearly.

Repairing the damage will take a lot of time and soul searching and I’m committed to beginning that effort. It is now my full time job.

The last two days have forced me to take a very hard look at my own troubling flaws. It’s been humbling. I am blessed to be surrounded by the people I love.

I thank them for their patience and grace.

Lauer, of course, is the latest major name in Hollywood to be accused of some kind of sexual harassment or misconduct.

Sparked by a report that exposed producer Harvey Weinstein as a serial predator, victims have been inspired for weeks to come forward.

As a result, A-Listers such as Kevin Spacey, Louis C.K. and Charlie Rose have been exposed, accused fired or all of the above.

But Lauer is probably the biggest name so far, considering how long he had served as lead anchor on Today, greeting millions of viewers every morning.

There had been rumors for years that NBC might let him go due to alleged attitude problems and falling ratings.

Not due to the sort of allegations that are now surrounding the embattled star.

He reportedly sent co-workers sex toys and demanded they be used in his presence.

He reportedly dropped his pants in front of underlings and asked them to perform a sex act.

He reportedly bent a staffer over a chair in his office and had sex with her against her will, to the point that she passed out halfway through the interaction.

These accusations are way past the point of the occasional inappropriate or misguided touch.

It seems truly astounding (and confusing and depressing) that such actions could have been going on for so long at such a major program; without colleagues either knowing or caring enough to do anything about them.

And it’s beyond disturbing that Lauer may have actually committed these acts, of course.

Today remains the most-watched morning program among viewers between 25 and 54, the demographic most coveted by advertisers in news programming.

Lauer had been the head anchor since 1994, earning more than $ 25 million per year with his new contract.

It’s unclear at the moment who will take his place alongside Savannah Guthrie each morning, but that’s not really anyone’s focus right now.

We’re just trying to figure out what happened at the show, how it went unreported for so long… and whether we’d feel bad if Lauer were hung by his toenails for the next several hours.

Upon dismissing Lauer, NBC News Chairman Andrew Lack said the following:

“On Monday night, we received a detailed complaint from a colleague about inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace by Matt Lauer…

“Our highest priority is to create a workplace environment where everyone feels safe and protected, and to ensure that any actions that run counter to our core values are met with consequences, no matter who the offender.

“We are deeply saddened by this turn of events. But we will face it together as a news organization – and do it in as transparent a manner as we can.”

We’ll continue to keep readers apprised of this horrible story as it develops.


Monday, November 27, 2017

Stassi Schroeder Apologizes for Mocking Rape Survivors

While it’s no surprise to hear that a reality star said something stupid and out-of-touch, Stassi Schroeder mocking the #MeToo movement and seeming to defend the alleged rapists was beyond the pale.

Even for the already controversial Vanderpump Rules star.

Well, now Stassi has come out with an apology. And all that it took was universal condemnation and multiple companies severing all ties with her!

Ever since Harvey Weinstein was publicly accused of multiple rapes on top of even more accusations of sexual harassment, countless women and men have been bravely coming forward with their own horror stories of harassment and assault.

The #MeToo movement has included everyday folks tweeting their stories, but it’s also included a number of celebrities who have spoken out.

And, of course, a number of powerful men have been accused of sexual misconduct, and not all of the accusers have been celebrities themselves.

Some have been women and men who’ve lived for years or even decades with a secret experience that they were afraid to share until now.

Social pressure, society’s judgments, public opinion, non-disclosure agreements, career concerns, shame, and the threat of life-ruining lawsuits can do a lot to keep survivors quiet about the horrors that they’ve experienced.

For the most part, public figures have been pretty good about being supportive or at least silent when people are accused of being harassers or rapists.

(With notable exceptions like Kim Zolciak, who expressed sympathy for Ryan Seacrest after he was accused of sexual harassment. Sometimes people feel the need to stand up for their friends no matter what)

But Stassi Schroeder’s clueless and wildly offensive lines about rape and the #MeToo movement showed that she didn’t know anything about sexual assault … or about being a decent human being.

On her podcast episode, titled “Are we on a male witch hunt?” Stassi made some wildly inflammatory comments:

“I’m sorry,” she said. “No one could make me suck a dick.”

She could be referring to multiple stories of rape that we’ve heard, including about Brett Ratner. And, for the record, people who fear for their safety and lives will absolutely perform oral sex if they’re afraid of violence or worse if they refuse or continue to fight back.

When someone performs a sex act because they’re afraid of what the person will do, that’s rape.

Stassi kept digging that hole deeper and deeper.

“I’m sorry it sounds like he thought you liked it because you were making out with him.”

Anybody else ever made out with someone they wouldn’t have sex with?

Also, “I thought they liked it” is not an excuse for sexual assault. Both parties have to consent, folks.

Stassi continues, unfortunately:

“And now that it’s a trend and it’s #MeToo you’re going to come out and accuse him because you regret it.”

Yeah, people coming forward with horrifying stories that they’ve kept buried for too long isn’t a “trend.” Ugh.

As absolutely sickening as what she said was, this wasn’t the first time that Stassi had said something almost unimaginably stupid on this subject.

In a previous episode, Stassi had said:

“It might be too soon, but I’m more of the Harvey Weinstein in relationships.”

She’s the what now?

“I’m more of the aggressor.”

One, Harvey Weinstein has been accused of many things, but being the aggressor in relationships is not one of them.

“It’s not like I’m forcing anyone to do something they don’t want to do, but I initiate things because I just like it.”

Well, maybe don’t compare yourself to an alleged serial rapist.

She might as well have said “I’m the Jeffrey Dahmer in my relationships because I always choose what we eat on our dates!”

That is not the thing for which infamous serial killer and cannibal Jeffrey Dahmer is famous and we’re concerned about anyone who doesn’t understand that.

Well, after losing some business ties — it’s not great for business if you’re getting endorsed by a rape-apologist — and seeing the overwhelming backlash, Stassi has issued an apology:

“My podcast is an outlet for me to share my unfiltered opinion with my listeners.”

And that would be fine if her unfiltered opinion weren’t so awful that it’s actively detrimental to society.

“But on my latest episode I crossed a line.”


“It was irresponsible for me to make generalized statements about a very serious topic, such as sexual harassment, as it is not my place to speak about anyone else’s experiences.”

It really is.

Not everyone has been sexually assaulted. The key is for us to listen to those who have in order to understand what happened and to try to understand how to make the world a better place.

Not understanding how it works sometimes is naive but understandable. Saying that the survivors must be lying or following a “trend” is not.

“I apologize. I will continue to speak my mind on my podcast, but will put more thought behind my dialogue moving forward.”

That’s good.

Again, speaking your mind is fine unless your mind is terrible.

Stassi posted a follow-up in which she describes plans for her podcast to continue.

“These 24 hours have been sobering: I want to share your stories on my podcast: on either side, being accused of something you didn’t do or being victimized & left helpless.”

She adds “let’s discuss it all,” along with an email address.

It’s not clear if Stassi is really eager to understand these horror stories or if this is just a ploy to turn this into a story of her personal growth so that her podcast can continue.

We hope that it’s both. We’d love for her to become a better person after all of this.


Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Texas Congressman Joe Barton Apologizes for Sending Nude Pic to Woman, Not His Wife

Texas Congressman Joe Barton sent nudes and illicit text messages to a woman, and he’s apologizing for the graphic image first revealed by a Twitter user. Barton, a Republican, sent the nude photo showing his penis. The Twitter user censored the…


Monday, November 20, 2017

Gabby Douglas Victim-Blames Aly Raisman, Apologizes

Recently, Aly Raisman revealed that she was sexually abused by her team doctor, starting when she was a young teenager. The world responded with horror, sympathy, and support.

Except for Aly’s former teammate, Gabby Douglas.

For whatever reason, she decided to respond by appearing to victim-blame Aly. And that did not go over well.

Aly Raisman joins over 130 women in accusing Dr. Larry Nassar of sexual abuse.

Coming forward about sexual assault is never easy, for a whole host of reasons. From society’s judgmental attitude to the legal system forcing survivors to relive their trauma to internalized feelings of shame and confusion … it’s tough.

Coming forward as a celebrity, where the spotlight magnifies so many of those deterrents, is even harder.

(Among those accusers is former teammate McKayla Maroney, who also showed extraordinary bravery in sharing her #MeToo story as a celebrity)

Aly Raisman revealed details of her sex abuse, in a story that is tragically familiar, alleging that Dr. Nassar began molesting her when she was just 15.

Larry Nassar, who is currently in jail and awaiting sentencing for some gross but unsurprising child pornography charges, allegedly passed off his molestation as “therapeutic massage.”

(It’s not uncommon for gymnasts of this caliber to require a number of therapies, including massage, because what they do can be tremendously hard on their bodies)

Dr. Nassar’s alleged abuse of these girls went on for years.

On Friday, Aly Raisman posted a follow-up, responding to some of the responses that 

“Just because a woman does a sexy photoshoot or wears a sexy outfit does not give a man the right to shame her or not believe her when she comes forward about sexual abuse.”

Absolutely true. Some victim-blamers try to say that if a survivor of childhood sexual abuse goes on to enjoy sex as an adult or flaunt her body, then she must not have suffered enough as a child. That is wrong and also vile.

(Some of those same people will look to a woman who grows up to be a sex-repulsed shut-in and say that she needs to “get over it,” which is not better)

“What is wrong with some of you? AND when a woman dresses sexy it does not give a man the right to sexually abuse her EVER.”

Women may dress however they like. And literally nothing could give one human being the right to sexually assault or abuse another.

“Women are allowed to feel sexy and comfortable in their own skin; in fact I encourage you all to wear what you feel good in.”

Note that she’s not saying that all woman need to dress sexily. Some women will feel good in a crop top. Others in a turtleneck. Others in a niqab.

“I will not put up with any woman being shamed for wanting to wear a skirt, dress, etc. I do not tolerate it. Are we clear?”

Yes ma’am. Very clear.

“Oh, and one more thing. STOP VICTIM SHAMING. It is because of you that so many survivors live in fear.”

Everything that Aly Raisman said was true and also well-said. It’s sad that she had to defend herself and others like that.

Gabby Douglas, however, saw things a little differently.

Quoting her former teammate’s post, Gabby added her own words:

“However, it is our responsibility as woman to dress modestly and be classy. Dressing in a provocative/sexual way entices the wrong crowd.”


Rather than pointing out that there are various photos and videos of Gabby Douglas dressed in manners that, in her universe, might “entice the wrong crowd,” let’s instead say this:

It is not a woman’s responsibility, or anyone’s responsibility, to dress modestly. You can fall asleep naked at a party and no one is entitled to touch you.

Also, and this is almost beside the point, but plenty of good people are “enticed” by sexiness. Gabby Douglas appears to believe that men who like modesty aren’t sex abusers and that others are.

Again, folks, sexual predation doesn’t have a stake in how you dress or what side of the political aisle you sit on. Predators exist in every social circle, and there are those who delight in using their “family values” image to allay suspicion.

Well, apparently Gabby was known for her questionable views.

Fellow Olympic gymnast Simone Biles shared a screencap of Gabby’s truly awful take, and wrote:

“Shocks me that I’m seeing this but it doesn’t surprise me… honestly seeing this brings me to tears bc as your teammate I expected more from you & to support her. I support you Aly [hearts emoji] & all the other women out there! STAY STRONG”

That is the correct view. It must be heartbreaking to hear that from someone who rose to fame by your side, with whom you shared such a unique experience.

Gabby responded to the backlash by deleting her original message and tweeting again:

“i didn’t correctly word my reply & i am deeply sorry for coming off like i don’t stand alongside my teammates. regardless of what you wear, abuse under any circumstance is never acceptable. i am WITH you. #metoo

It’s good that she apologizes. We’re not sure how her message could be the result of poor phrasing.

However, she’s using the #MeToo hashtag, which implies that she’s had her own awful experiences. It may be that she’s still processing something … and potentially blames herself.


Friday, November 17, 2017

U.S. Navy Apologizes for Pilot Drawing Dong in the Sky!!!

Look, up in the sky! That’s definitely not a bird or a plane … it’s a giant freakin’ penis. That’s right, the U.S. Navy is taking time out of, y’know … defending the nation, to issue an apology for one seriously cocky pilot. The giant dong…


Thursday, November 16, 2017

Al Franken Apologizes for Groping, Kissing Woman Without Her Consent

In the aftermath of the Weinstein rape accusations and further accusations about numerous powerful men coming to light, not a lot of revelations have really shocked us.

But today, a radio newscaster named Leeann Tweeden publicly accused Al Franken of having groped her and kissed her without her consent in 2006.

Al Franken has issued an apology, but that doesn’t in any way negate his past actions.

Describing her upsetting experiences with Al Franken, Leeann Tweeden writes:

“In December of 2006, I embarked on my ninth USO Tour to entertain our troops, my eighth to the Middle East since the 9/11 attacks. My father served in Vietnam and my then-boyfriend (and now husband, Chris) is a pilot in the Air Force, so bringing a ‘little piece of home’ to servicemembers stationed far away from their families was both my passion and my privilege.”

Tweeden shares that she was going to be in a skit that Franken had written, and he kept pressuring her to “practice” the scene’s kiss.

(Before getting into politics, Franken was on SNL. So a skit makes sense. A kiss, though, should not be necessary. Rehearsals less so)

“He repeated that actors really need to rehearse everything and that we must practice the kiss. I said ‘OK’ so he would stop badgering me.”

There are sadly a lot of harassment stories that we’ve heard, especially lately, involving women giving in not out of a desire to consent, but because they’ve been worn down or fear the consequences of saying no.

“We did the line leading up to the kiss and then he came at me, put his hand on the back of my head, mashed his lips against mine and aggressively stuck his tongue in my mouth.”

That is gross and unacceptable. You do not kiss people without consent. Kisses should be fun for both parties or they should not happen at all.

“I immediately pushed him away with both of my hands against his chest and told him if he ever did that to me again I wouldn’t be so nice about it the next time.”

That is a more than fair response.

“I walked away. All I could think about was getting to a bathroom as fast as possible to rinse the taste of him out of my mouth.”

A horrifying feeling.

“I felt disgusted and violated.”

And remember that she still had to go on stage with him.

“Not long after, I performed the skit as written, carefully turning my head so he couldn’t kiss me on the lips.”

After that, she avoided interacting with him. But eventually, his harassment continued … while she slept:

“The tour wrapped and on Christmas Eve we began the 36-hour trip home to L.A. After 2 weeks of grueling travel and performing I was exhausted. When our C-17 cargo plane took off from Afghanistan I immediately fell asleep, even though I was still wearing my flak vest and Kevlar helmet.”

She did not learn that he had posed with his hands over her breasts until looking through the CD of photos that the photographer had given her, back at home.

She felt violated all over, and you can see why:

Kevlar or no, there is no excuse for that.

Senator Al Franken has publicly apologized:

“The first thing I want to do is apologize: to Leeann, to everyone else who was part of that tour, to everyone who has worked for me, to everyone I represent, and to everyone who counts on me to be an ally and supporter and champion of women.”

Starting with an apology is absolutely appropriate. This is a clear apology, unlike Louis C.K.’s open admission. There’s a difference, and it matters.

Al Franken continues:

“I respect women. I don’t respect men who don’t.”

We feel the same way.

“And the fact that my own actions have given people a good reason to doubt that makes me feel ashamed.”

Shame is very appropriate.

Mitch McConnell has called for an ethics investigation into Al Franken, and Al Franken has agreed.

Leeann Tweeden has publicly accepted Al Franken’s apology, and says that she is not calling for an ethics investigation into him.

(We’re not sure what there is to investigate, as Al Franken’s apology sounds like an admission, but even Franken isn’t opposing it)

Many people on both sides of the political aisle feel that it would be appropriate for Al Franken to resign.

Overall, Democratics haven’t shown any signs of chill in condemning Al Franken’s shameful, inexcusable actions.

The controversy surrounding Alabama candidate Roy Moore’s alleged penchant for underage girls, one that got him banned from a local mall in his thirties, comes to mind.

We all need to remember that, though some political parties may respond different to different accusations, sexual harassment and sexual predation don’t know political boundaries.


Monday, November 13, 2017

Louis C.K."s Former Manager Dave Becky Apologizes for "Cover-Up"

Louis C.K.’s longtime, and now ex-manager, Dave Becky, is copping to his part in — as he puts it — a “perceived cover-up” of the comedian’s sexual misconduct. Becky says he issued an apology, admitting he blew off the accuser’s stories…


Bijou Phillips Apologizes to "Mean Girls" Star Daniel Franzese Over Gay Shaming

Bijou Phillips is apologizing to a “Mean Girls” star for bullying him over his sexuality. Actor Daniel Franzese went after Bijou recently, claiming “She body shamed me and ridiculed me about my sexuality and physically assaulted me” on the set of…


Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Dustin Hoffman Apologizes for Alleged Sexual Harassment

Dustin Hoffman is apologizing for allegedly sexually harassing a 17-year-old intern back in 1985, but he’s not confessing to any wrongdoing. The 80-year-old actor addressed the claims of Anna Graham Hunter – the woman who claims…


Monday, October 30, 2017

Kevin Spacey Comes Out as Gay, Apologizes for Alleged Sexual Assault

Kevin Spacey has confirmed a long-gestating rumor about his personal life.

And he’s also acknowledged his role in an alleged sexual assault.

On Sunday afternoon, actor Anthony Rapp opened up to Buzzfeed about an incident he says took place in 1986, during which time he was 14 years old.

Rapp told the outlet that he and Spacey (who was 26 years old at the time) were starring in separate Broadway productions and that Spacey invited Rapp to his apartment one night for a party.

However, out of boredom, the teenager ended up retreating to Spacey’s bedroom to watch the Tony Awards.

Rapp remained after everyone had left and looked up at one point to see Spacey standing in front of him, clearly very drunk.

“He picked me up like a groom picks up the bride over the threshold,” Rapp told BuzzFeed, adding:

“But I don’t, like, squirm away initially, because I’m like, ‘What’s going on?’ And then he lays down on top of me.”

Rapp went on to star in Rent and currently has a role on Star Trek: Discovery.

Spacey is a two-time Oscar winner and multiple-time Emmy nominee for his role on House of Cards.

“He was trying to seduce me,” Rapp continued. “I don’t know if I would have used that language. But I was aware that he was trying to get with me sexually.”

Why has Rapp come forward after all this time?

He says he’s been inspired by the women who have been sharing their awful stories of alleged assault at the hands of Harvey Weinstein.

Rapp, who has been living as an out gay man since 1992, says he shoved Spacey off him and ran to the bathroom.

“I was like, ‘What is happening?’ I saw on the counter next to the sink a picture of him having his arm around a man,” the actor says.

“So I think on some level I was like, ‘Oh. He’s gay. I guess.’ Then I opened the door, and I was like, ‘OK, I’m going to go home now.’

“He followed me to the front door of the apartment, and as I opened the door to leave, he was leaning on the front door[frame]. And he was like, ‘Are you sure you wanna go?’

“I said, ‘Yes, good night,’ and then I did leave.”

Rapp says he hasn’t spoken to Spacey since, but has grown ever more sick about what transpired over the years since Spacey has climbed the ranks of the Hollywood elite.

In response to this allegation, Spacey has surprised the Internet via a statement that:

  1. Confirms he is gay.

  2. Doesn’t deny that he may have assaulted Rapp.

“I have a lot of respect and admiration for Anthony Rapp as an actor,” Spacey wrote on Twitter, expounding as follows:

“I’m beyond horrified to hear his story. I honestly do not remember the encounter, it would have been over 30 years ago.

“But if I did behave as he described, I owe him the sincerest apology for what would have been deeply inappropriate drunken behavior, and I am sorry for the feelings he describes having carried with him all these years.”

Spacey statement

It has long been rumored that Spacey is gay.

But the intensely private star has refused to confirm this chatter.

Until now.

“This story has encouraged me to address other things about my life,” Spacey added.

“I know that there are other stories out there about me and that some have been fueled by the fact that I have been so protective of my privacy.

“As those closest to me know, in my life I have had romantic relationships with both men and women. I have loved and had romantic encounters with men throughout my life, and I choose now to live as a gay man.

“I want to deal with this honestly and openly and that starts with examining my own behavior.”


Thursday, October 26, 2017

Kellogg"s Apologizes for Racist Box of Corn Pops

Kellogg"s Corn Pops isn"t considered a healthy cereal because it contains a lot of sugar.

But now the same food item is considered unhealthy by some less for what it contains and more for the message its box sends.

Confused? We understand.

Scroll down and you"ll learn how one man sent a Tweeted that forced the company to realized the way it"s been packaging Corn Pops was just a tad racist…

1. A Quick History Lesson:

A quick history lesson

Kellogg’s Corn Pops hit the market in 1950. The product has remained mostly the same ever since, with flavors recently added such as chocolate and cinnamon.

2. The Back of the Current Box

The back of the current box

An astute Twitter user was simply eating his breakfast one day this month when he took a close look at the back of the Corn Pops box. Do you see the problem?

3. Saladin Ahmed Saw It

Saladin ahmed saw it

And then he Tweeted this.

4. Is This a Huge Deal?

Is this a huge deal

No, Saladin recognized. But that doesn’t mean it’s not worth mentioning.

5. The Response:

The response

Give Kellogg’s credit for writing back and not making any excuses.

6. Did This Really Just Happen?!?

Did this really just happen

Ahmed couldn’t believe the hilarious chain of events.

View Slideshow

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

President George H.W. Bush, Actress Claims Sexual Assault, Bush Apologizes

Former President George H.W. Bush is the latest person accused of sexual assault. Actress Heather Lind says she was posing with the wheelchair-bound former Prez back in 2014 when he grabbed her from behind. She says, “I found it disturbing because I…


Monday, October 16, 2017

Al Michaels Apologizes for NY Giants-Harvey Weinstein Joke, My Bad!

Al Michaels thought it’d be funny to compare the NY Giants sucking to Harvey Weinstein’s sexual harassment/assault allegations on NBC’s ‘Sunday Night Football.’ It wasn’t … but at least he apologized for it (and in record time!!). “I mean,…


Al Michaels Apologizes for NY Giants-Harvey Weinstein Joke, My Bad!

Al Michaels thought it’d be funny to compare the NY Giants sucking to Harvey Weinstein’s sexual harassment/assault allegations on NBC’s ‘Sunday Night Football.’ It wasn’t … but at least he apologized for it (and in record time!!). “I mean,…


Sunday, October 15, 2017

James Corden Apologizes for Tasteless Harvey Weinstein Jokes

James Corden is apologizing for making light of the Harvey Weinstein scandal with tasteless jokes he made onstage … and after Rose McGowan teared into him online. Corden issued an apology Sunday saying “To be clear, sexual assault is no laughing…


Friday, October 13, 2017

Jason Momoa Apologizes for Resurfaced Rape Joke

On Thursday, Jason Momoa’s name was trending. Unlike when his Game of Thrones audition tape went viral, it was not in a positive way.

With the recent allegations against Harvey Weinstein that have come to light, people are talking about sexual assault and Hollywood. For the most part, it’s great that this very difficult conversation is happening.

An unacceptable comment that Jason Momoa made in the past came to light, stirring a lot of controversy. He has now issued an apology.

Jason Momoa is a popular actor. Whether you first saw him on Game of Thrones or Stargate Atlantis or the tragically underrated 2011 Conan The Barbarian, he’s a distinct actor who tends to play majorly tough characters.

And he’s now playing Aquaman in the DC cinematic universe, a portrayal of the classic and often lampooned DC superhero that’s likely to bring more weight to and respect for the character.

We’ll first see him in action as Aquaman in the upcoming Justice League film, but he’s also getting a standalone Aquaman film.

All of that is pretty exciting.

Unfortunately, a combination of fame and the internet means that Jason Momoa’s entire history is basically an open book for anyone to pick through.

With the Weinstein scandal and various actresses coming forward to talk about the sexual harassment and sexual assaults that they’ve endured from powerful men in the industry, more than just Harvey Weinstein have been named.

In fact, Jason Momoa’s costar, Ben Affleck — who will reprise his role as Batman in Justice League (which will hopefully be light years better than Dawn of Justice was, ugh) — has been accused of groping a woman at the Golden Globes.

In fact, multiple sexual harassment videos of Ben Affleck have surfaced since Rose McGowan accused him of having been aware of Harvey Weinstein’s predatory behavior.

On Thursday, Twitter was talking about Jason Momoa.

To be clear, this was not a case of anyone accusing Jason Momoa of sexual assault or sexual harassment. This is about a comment that he made while speaking to fans about his career.

The comment was one that Jason Momoa made at a convention in 2011:

“As far as sci-fi and fantasy, I love that genre because there are so many things you can do, like rip someone’s tongue out of their throat and get away with it.”

And that’s part of why we love watching that genre. It’s a good comment.

If only he’d stopped there.

Instead, Jason Momoa continued with what was clearly a joke but which was unacceptable nonetheless.

“And rape beautiful women.”


Now, for backstory, we should mention that his character in the infamously rapey Game of Thrones is Khal Drogo, who rapes Daenerys Targaryen on their wedding night.

It appears that Momoa was trying to use humor as a vehicle to refer to the prevalence of sexual assault in Game of Thrones and to compliment his costar, Emilia Clarke, at the same time.

But … yeah, that comment is not even a little bit okay.

Late Thursday night (which would have been Friday, Down Under), Jason Momoa took to Instagram to issue an apology.

“I awoke in Australia to the justified reaction by many people to a distasteful joke I made years ago in Hall H for which I am sorry.”

That’s a good start.

“I am still severely disappointed in myself at the insensitivity of my remarks that day. I know my sincerest apology now won’t take away those hurtful words.”

That’s still a really good apology. When do the excuses come into play?

“Rape and sexual harassment can reach anyone and I have seen first hand its painful torment among my own family and friends.”

That’s sadly all too true, and it’s good that he acknowledges that.

“I made a truly tasteless comment. It is unacceptable and I sincerely apologize with a heavy heart for the words I said.”

Jason Momoa didn’t try to provide context or apologize or complain about how unfair it all was. He owned what he did and apologized and made it clear that jokes like that are unacceptable.

But since he didn’t say anything along these lines, we wil.

Jason Momoa bent over backwards to make sure that Emilia Clarke would feel comfortable during the filming of their very uncomfortable sexual assault scene.

In order to inject some behind-the-scenes levity, Jason Momoa turned the sock that he wore over his genitals (that’s how networks like HBO film their nude scenes, by the way) into a sock puppet with eyes and everything.

This is a man who cares about women and their feelings, and he understands the seriousness of sexual assault and even how traumatic stages scenes of fictional sexual assault can be for actors involved.

We’re glad that he apologized and his joke in 2011 was unacceptable, but … we have to point out that it’s more than a little shady that someone decided to dig that up in 2017.

There are, after all, actual sexual predators and rape apologists out there.


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Wendy Williams Cries Lame Tears, Apologizes for Rape Remarks

God, Wendy Williams sucks.

Earlier this week, the talk show host stuck her irritating nose in the business of Nelly, commenting on a serious allegation leveled against the artist:

A woman has claimed Nelly raped her this month after she met up with him inside a tour bus following a concert in Washington.

Despite the seriousness of this allegation, and her complete lack of information regarding what transpired, Williams felt a need to offer an opinon this past Monday.

And it was a very controversial one.

"If she did not put herself in that situation, this wouldn’t have happened,” Williams actually said, blaming the alleged victim and then dressing her down as follows:

"Young lady, you’ve got to stay out of tour buses."

Because Williams said if she did not put herself in that situation, this wouldn’t have happened, stunned critics called Williams out for saying it"s a woman"s fault if she gets sexually assaulted.

So Williams took to the air today and clarified her position.

“Sometimes, I might say something that you don’t understand," Williams explained, now blaming the audience for misunderstanding her words.

But, I am the girl to cop to it,” she added, randomly going on to say it can be “tough” to anchor her talk show without a co-host.

“During the story, I was telling you that there was a young woman who went on the tour bus,” she continued of how she addressed the rape allegations made against Nelly.

“Maybe cavalierly you caught my comments saying, ‘Well you gotta watch where you go.’ I didn’t mean anything by it.”

Yes, maybe we, the viewers, caught her comments cavalierly. This is our fault.

Williams proceeded to tell the story of how she was scared to walk around alone as a young woman and often feared that she could have been sexually assaulted.

Even though she never was.

Going all third person on us, Williams said the following:

“There was a girl named Wendy and she was only 13-years-old, but looked like a woman."

This 13-year old would often run errands and encounter "disgusting" men and it really freaked her out.

At this point, Williams started crying, playing the victim of a crime that was never committed.

"All I’m saying regarding young women is, I apologize if my message was met with callousness,” she concluded.

“What I meant to say is, young ladies, we should be able to go wherever we want to go, but, we always have to know where the exits are…

"We always have to be aware, that’s all I was saying."

Watch the embarrassing non-mea culpa below:

Wendy williams cries lame tears apologizes for rape remarks