Showing posts with label Doctor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Doctor. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Bella Thorne Debuts Halloween Costume: The Sexy Weed Doctor Is In!

It’s a tired joke at this point, but Halloween really has gone from a time when parents get dragged around the neighborhood by cranky toddlers in shoddy Marvel masks to a holiday that’s mostly focused on drunk people wearing underwear and cat ears in public.

And for that, we thank it.

Of course, for social media celebrities, the Halloween season starts earlier every year, and this year it looks like the divine Ms. Bella Thorne is first out of the gate with a costume that conveys her profound understanding for what makes the internet tick:

Yes, that’s Bella dressed as … some sort of sexy employee at a weed dispensary?

A sexy stoned Mortal Kombat character?

A sexy tribute to the politicians are helping to lower our nation’s appalling incarceration rate by decriminalizing cannabis?

We’re not sure, but we know there’s weed involved, and we’re guessing the website she ordered it from described it as “sexy.”

Bella captioned the pic, “Hi, indica? Or sativa?”

Which basically translates to, “I’m not just wearing the costume to rack up likes; I legit smoke weed.”

And that’s about it for context.

We know from Bella’s time with Scott Disick that she’s not much of a drinker, and apparently she’s planning to advertise her love for the jazz cabbage on Halloween night.

Or is she?

These days, it’s not unusual for the young folk to rock pick up multiple Halloween costumes with an eye on going out multiple nights.

Hence, Bella’s … sexy red rabbit thing costume.

Frankly, we have no idea what’s going on here, but that’s okay.

Revealing Halloween costumes are like Christopher Nolan movies.

You don’t have to completely enjoy them to appreciate them.

All that really matters these days is that Bella is done with Scott Disick.

She could run around in February in a form-fitting burlap sack and call it a sexy 1920s hobo costume, and we’d be cool with it.

In fact, we’re kind of hoping that happens now.


Thursday, August 31, 2017

Joy-Anna Duggar Got Pregnant Before Marriage, Doctor Claims

If you’re a fan of the Duggar clan, then you’ve likely heard by now that Joy-Anna Duggar is expecting her first child.

We don’t know Joy-Anna’s due date, but there’s been plenty of speculation based on the below photo of her rather sizable baby bump.

Joy-Anna married Austin Forsyth back in May, and many fans have conjectured that she got pregnant during her honeymoon in Switzerland.

But not surprisingly, there are those who believe Joy-Anna is keeping mum about her due date because she’s farther along than she’d have us believe.

The Duggars, of course, take a hard line stance against premarital sex, forbidding unmarried couples from engaging in any physical contact beyond hand-holding.

Reports about Joy-Anna and Austin breaking the rules of courtship cropped up several times during the early days of their relationship, and now Joy-Anna’s bump is being cited as proof that the Duggars aren’t practicing what they preach.

Of course, every pregnancy is different, and in any case, it’s difficult to tell how far along an expectant mother is on the basis of a single photo.

So the folks at Radar Online took the investigation into Joy-Anna’s pregnancy a step further by consulting with National Enquirer Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Stuart Fischer.

After examining the photo for himself, Dr. Fischer decisively concluded that Joy-Anna is “four or five months pregnant.” 

It’s important to point out that Dr. Fischer has never treated Joy-Anna, and his observation is based only on the image she posted to Instagram.

Since Joy-Anna and Austin tied the knot on May 26, if she’s as far along as Dr. Fischer claims, the Duggars would certainly have some explaining to do.

In all likelihood, most of the family’s fans don’t care if young people engage in premarital sex, and they’ve already demonstrated a willingness to forgive the family for some pretty egregious misconduct.

(It’s hard to imagine any other famous family surviving something like the Josh Duggar sex scandal.)

But another instance of the Duggars misleading their fans in order to maintain their wholesome image could still prove damaging.

By now, we’re well aware that version of the Duggars that appears on television is only loosely based on the reality of their day-to-day lives.

Still, like professional wrestling fans, reality television viewers want the illusion to be maintained as convincingly as possible.

If the Duggar slip-ups keep piling up, at some point ratings will decline right alongside the family’s credibility.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Sunday, July 16, 2017

Jodie Whittaker Announced as First-Ever Female Doctor Who; Sexist Internet Loses Its $hit

The new Doctor is in.

And the Internet is, naturally, very pissed off.

On Sunday morning, BBC and BBC America announced via video and via press release that Jodie Whittaker has been named the 13th person to be cast as the title character on Doctor Who.

It’s notable every time a new actor takes on this iconic role.

But it’s especially notable in Whittaker’s case because she’s an actress.

Yes, Jodie Whittaker is a woman. She’s the first woman to ever be cast as Doctor Who and she will officially take over for the departing Peter Capaldi on the Doctor Who Christmas special.

Said new head writer Chris Chibnall of the casting decision:

After months of lists, conversations, auditions, recalls, and a lot of secret-keeping, we’re excited to welcome Jodie Whittaker as the Thirteenth Doctor.

I always knew I wanted the Thirteenth Doctor to be a woman and we’re thrilled to have secured our number one choice. Her audition for The Doctor simply blew us all away.  

Jodie is an in-demand, funny, inspiring, super-smart force of nature and will bring loads of wit, strength and warmth to the role.

The Thirteenth Doctor is on her way


Whittaker, meanwhile, has the following to say:

I’m beyond excited to begin this epic journey – with Chris and with every Whovian on this planet.

It’s more than an honor to play the Doctor. It means remembering everyone I used to be, while stepping forward to embrace everything the Doctor stands for: hope. I can’t wait.

Whittaker is probably best known for having played Beth Latimer on the British crime show Broadchurch … where she co-starred opposite David Tennant, who previously played the lead role on Doctor Who.

She’s a graduate of the Guildhall School of Music & Drama and appeared in the short film Wish 143.

It centered on a 15-year-old boy with cancer and it was nominated for Best Live-Action short at the 2011 Academy Awards.

Says Capaldi of the woman to whom he will be bequeathing this highly-sought-after part:

Anyone who has seen Jodie Whittaker’s work will know that she is a wonderful actress of great individuality and charm.

She has above all the huge heart to play this most special part. She’s going to be a fantastic Doctor.

Despite the positive reaction from those associated with the series, this is the World Wide Web.

A whole bunch of idiotic trolls out there are taking issue with the casting of a woman as Doctor Who (“What will be next, Jane Bond?” one of them asked), despite the fact that this is a time-traveling, shape-shifting alien with two hearts.

If you somehow think the Doctor’s gender has any impact on his or her realism, well… just keep that sexist and ridiculous opinion to yourself, okay?

Thankfully, the excitement on Twitter over Whittaker’s casting appears to be far louder than the criticism.

To wit:

who reaction

“The fact that there was so much interest in, quite literally, ‘Who?’ speaks volumes about the enduring power of the Doctor Who franchise around the world and for BBC AMERICA viewers,” says BBC President Sarah Barnett, concluding:

“We couldn’t be happier to welcome the remarkable Jodie Whittaker as a history making Thirteenth Doctor and look forward to the continuation of this story.”

What do YOU think of this casting choice?


Thursday, June 22, 2017

World"s Worst Woman Demands "White Doctor" for Her Son

Back in December, we met the world"s worst male.

He heckled kids in line to meet Santa Claus by telling them the jolly man in the red suit did not really exist.

That was pretty terrible.

But it wasn"t as terrible as the actions of the world"s worst woman, who is featured in the video below.

In the following piece of footage, she’s at a clinic in Mississauga, Ontario, waiting to see a doctor because her son is complaining of chest pains.

That sounds unfortunate and possibly dangerous.

But any sympathy we’d have for the woman goes hurtling out the door as soon as she opens her mouth and demands a “white doctor.”

She insists on a physician who "doesn"t have brown teeth" and who "speaks English."

As other patients in the waiting room tell her to go to the hospital, the awful human being replied she had already been there and gotten a “Paki doctor.”

“They only have brown doctors and they did not help my kid,” the woman tells the staff at one point.

And she kept going, too.

“What kind of horrible country do I live in?" she is heard saying here. "My kid is sick, so I want to see somebody else that doesn’t have brown teeth that speaks English."

After an employee tells her that no white doctors are currently available, she says “being white in this country, I should just shoot myself.”

Finally, someone else in the waiting room speaks up, telling the woman:

“Your child clearly has more issues with you being his mother than him needing to see a doctor. You are extremely rude and racist."

That sums it up very nicely.

Watch this crazy exchange play out below:

Worlds worst woman demands white doctor for her son

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

"Concussion" Doctor Bennet Omalu Says Gisele Is "Angelic" for Revealing Tom Brady Injury (VIDEO)

Gisele is a heroic whistle-blower who did an “angelic” thing by going public with Tom Brady’s secret concussion history … so says the doctor who discovered CTE, Bennet Omalu.  Omalu is the real life person that inspired the movie…


Thursday, April 20, 2017

Jameis Winston Wanted To Be a Foot Doctor As a Kid (VIDEO)

Jameis Winston didn’t always dream of becoming a superstar in the NFL … instead, the Tampa Bay Bucs QB says he wanted to work on FEET for a living. The Pro Bowl signal caller revealed his childhood inspiration in a Twitter Q&A … saying a…


Tuesday, April 11, 2017

"Bosch" Star Titus Welliver Says He"ll Boycott United Over Doctor Dragged Off Plane (VIDEO)

“Bosch” star Titus Welliver will NOT fly United after watching the video of a doctor getting dragged off one of its jets … and the reason he’s boycotting is the airline’s justification for the incident. Titus, who also starred in ‘Transformers’…


United Airlines Doctor David Dao Killed It In World Series of Poker

David Dao, the doctor who was dragged off the United flight, made a killing on the World Series of Poker while his medical license was suspended in Kentucky. Dao joined the poker circuit in July 2006 — one year after his medical license was…


United Airlines Doctor David Dao Killed It In World Series of Poker

David Dao, the doctor who was dragged off the United flight, made a killing on the World Series of Poker while his medical license was suspended in Kentucky. Dao joined the poker circuit in July 2006 — one year after his medical license was…


United Airlines Doctor Convicted of Exchanging Drugs for Sex

The passenger who was savagely removed from a United flight is a medical doctor with a sordid history. Dr. David Dao was charged in 2005 with 98 felony drug counts for illegally prescribing and trafficking painkillers. Prosecutors claimed Dao…


Monday, April 10, 2017

Doctor Gets Violently Removed from Plane: Watch in Horror!

Come fly the friendly skies?

Now we know why United Airlines no longer uses this tagline.

A few weeks ago, the Internet erupted in outrage after a company employee banned girls in leggings from boarding a flight.

And now the airline is once again making the wrong kind of news, following the online release of footage that depicts a passenger being violently removed from a seat he paid for in timely, legal and very fair fashion.

Aboard a Louisville-bound flight from Chicago on Sunday, the passenger refused to give up his seat after the airline randomly selected him to do so.

According to Audra Bridges, the woman who shot the disturbing video below, those on board were offered $ 800 to take a later flight in order to make room for United employees heading for work in Kentucky.

When no volunteers emerged, four individuals, including the person featured here, were then chosen at random to give up their seats.

However, the man told officials that he"s a doctor who had patients to see early Monday, the Courier-Journal reports, and that he simply could not afford to change his schedule.

No matter.

Security members boarded the plane and forcibly removed the physician against his will.

“Oh my God! Look at what you did to him,” a woman is hearing yelling in this video, while other passengers look on in horror.

The doctor was eventually permitted to re-board the flight, with Bridges saying he appeared to be bloody and disoriented. A medical crew quickly arrived to treat the passenger.

United spokesman Charlie Hobart told the Chicago Tribune that the flight was overbooked, which isn"t really the issue here.

The issue is more along the lines of… how is an airline legally allowed to oversell a flight and then remove passengers who simply bought a ticket from the plane?

“After our team looked for volunteers, one customer refused to leave the aircraft voluntarily and law enforcement was asked to come to the gate,” Hobart said.

“We apologize for the overbook situation.”

To date, this video has been viewed over 680,000 times on Facebook. 

Check it out for yourself:

United airlines passenger get bloodied bruised forcibly removed

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Ex-Michigan State Softball Player Claims Sexual Assault from Team Doctor (MUG SHOT)

An ex-Michigan State softball player claims she was sexually assaulted by her team doctor — and when she complained to school officials, she was told the guy was simply performing “intravaginal adjustments.” It’s all part of a new lawsuit filed by…


Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Jennifer Lopez Pregnant at 47: Doctor Weighs In On Risks Of Fake Fetus

There’s a story going around on the interweb that Jennifer Lopez is carrying boyfriend Casper Smart’s child.

Life & Style is convinced that Lopez is pregnant, to the point where they’ve interviewed gynecologist Dr. Arthur L. Wiscot, of Reproductive Partners Medical.

Though Dr. Wiscot does not treat Lopez, he’s pretty knowledgeable when it comes to high-risk pregnancies as a woman gets older.

Since Lopez is 47, Life & Style thought it appropriate to really drive home the point that despite looking 20, Lopez is old AF in calendar years.

“The successful birth of a healthy baby with a woman’s own eggs at age 47, no matter how she conceives, is really a long shot,” Dr. Wiscot told the tabloid.

There you have.  An expert opinion on the reproductive life cycle of a woman.

Suspending reality for the length of this post, let’s assume Lopez is pregnant.  What are her thoughts?  How is she feeling?

“J.Lo is very humble,” a source told the tabloid, “and is thankful she even has the opportunity to have another child at age 47.”

Between her residency in Las Vegas and being a twins Max and Emme, Lopez doesn’t have time to kick back and let the miracle of life allow her to binge-watch The Real Housewives of Everywherevilleshire.

“She says she’ll slow down when she has to, but if her doctors don’t tell her to, she’ll dance her butt off as much as she can.”

Life & Style previously reported that Smart, 29, is just tickled at the thought of becoming a dad, and treats his lady “like a queen.”

In fact, another source claimed that Smart has been begging Lopez for a child ever since they started dating in 2011.

The source added that Lopez” is ready to settle down again and make Casper the perfect father she knows he will be.”

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Charlie Sheen Accused of Hiring Gang to Beat Up HIV Doctor

Back in November, Charlie Sheen revealed that he’s HIV positive, but if you were concerned that the illness would force the erratic actor to interrupt his regular schedule of dangerously batsh-t behavior, fear not:

The Sheenius is as psychotic as ever, and aside from the occasional death threat issued to one of his exes, most of Sheen’s current entanglements are directly related to his illness.

First there was the news that Sheen may be facing jail time for allegedly lying to former sex partners about his condition.

Then there was the intense online debate centering around Sheen’s decision to stop taking his HIV meds in order to pursue an “alternative” method of treatment prescribed by a controversial doctor named Samir Chachoua, who’s currently operating out of Mexico (because his methods wouldn’t be legal in the U.S.).

Now, perhaps inevitably, there’s a new scandal in Sheen Land – this one involving the actor’s outrage upon realizing that he wasn’t 100% insta-cured by Dr. Chachoua’s treatment.

Radar Online has obtained a police report filed by Chachoua alleging that Sheen hired assailants to viciously assault the doctor as payback:

“At the moment I was telling these people to give me back my phone, I felt a strong blow on the back of my head and felt that they had injected me with something, so that I fell to the floor and they began to hit me.

“But in that moment I didn’t feel the blows, and it was at that moment that both of them began to search me and they took my money.”

From there, Chachoua revealed details of the attack that have led him to the conclude that Sheen was somehow involved:

“They told me they were about to inject me with AIDS blood,” he stated in the complaint. “But then they continued hitting me.”

Chachoua famously claimed to have injected himself with Sheen’s blood as a means of proving that he’d cured the actor of HIV.

“But at that time his partner told him, ‘Don’t kill him, because if you kill him, we won’t get paid,"” Chachoua continued.

When a person is attacked by paid assailants shortly after working with an incredibly wealthy client, it doesn’t take much a leap in logic to arrive at the conclusion that said famous client might have put out a hit.

And in case any doubt remained, the attackers allegedly left Chachoua with a note reading:

“We are not criminals; we are justice … We reject the charlatans … You almost killed Charlie Sheen If the law does not allow us to take action, justice will inspire us.

“We are not fans of Charlie, but no other celebrity has fought to cure AIDS. This is an insult to Mexico, our intelligence, and medical investigators. No more!”

So they’re not rabid Two and a Half Men viewers, just impassioned pro-Sheen crusaders. Riiiiiight.

The nail in the coffin came when Chachoua retrieved his phone and (allegedly) found that the attackers had sent several text messages, one of which read,  “TELL CHARLIE NEED ANOTHER 1000.”

That’s almost too much evidence.

If this were any other celebrity, we’d say Chachoua must be trying to frame him – but Chuckles isn’t exactly known for his subtlety.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Fake Doctor Malachi Love-Robinson: I"ve Done Nothing Wrong!

Some kid in West Palm Beach, FL managed to open up a clinic and treat patients before being arrested.

Yet, he claims he"s done nothing wrong.

Malachi Love-Robinson, who goes by "Dr. Love," declares himself a well-rounded professional whose offered treatments include food and air therapy, naturopathy, and phototherapy.

The 18-year-old supposedly holds a pHd, but he"s not gonna tell you in what.

“I do currently hold a pHd," Love-Robinson told ABC"s Matt Gutman.

"In what I don’t feel comfortable disclosing, because that is not the issue here.”

Love-Robinson is being accused of grand theft, fraud, allegedly practicing medicine without a license.  The sign on the door of his "practice" had a very important, very significant "M.D" at the end of his name, something that Gutman called out.

“That sign on the door was actually due to be changed," Love-Robinson explained.

"There are many types of degrees out there that hold the title as doctor, whether they are a physicist, or an engineer. Just because someone has the title ‘doctor’ in front of their name does not necessarily imply M.D.

"Have you had training?" Gutman asked.

"I have. I have shadowed many doctors," Love-Robinson answered.

Gutman pointed out that shadowing real doctors does not a physician make.  Med school, for example, is a requirement.

"I am not portraying as an M.D.," Love-Robinson tried to clarify.  "I never said that I’ve gone to school to be a M.D.  I have been studying this particular field for awhile," referring to photherapy, naturophathy and the like.

"It may not have been eight years, nine years, ten years. But it has long enough to, I would say, justify, um, what I do.”

An 86-year-old woman filed a criminal complaint against the Florida teen, who treated her for "severe stomach pain."

The charge for services rendered: $ 3494

"What services did you provide in exchange for that money?" Gutman asked.

"I can tell you this: Accusations are merely accusations," Love-Robinson stated.

"And, services, you’d have to define that. Whether she paid for me to just show up, that’s up to her."

Gutman was as fed up as his audience, and asked Love-Robinson, "Are you a fraud? Because it seems like everything you are saying to me is either evasive or an outright lie."

Rude, according to Love-Robinson.

"I don’t appreciate your tone. I don’t appreciate the way you’re portraying this interview to actually be," he responded.

Love-Robinson abruptly ended the interview and walked off set.

Great news, though.  Once this whole debacle clears up, "Dr. Love" plans to open another clinic!

Malachi love robinson not a real doctor despite his white coat

Friday, January 22, 2016

Drunk Florida DOCTOR Attacks Uber Driver in Insane Video! Watch!

Generally, when a drunk Florida resident does something newsworthy, it’s bound to be amusing. 

When the shenanigans involve automobiles, it’s usually less entertaining because of the very real chance that someone could get injured or killed, but thanks to Dr. Anjali Ramkissoon we now get to enjoy an intoxicated Floridian acting stupid in a car without fear of her destroying anyone’s life but her own:

Yes, the woman in the video above is a fourth-year neurology resident who proves once and for all that sometimes you can make the right decision (like calling an Uber when you’re plowed) and still f–k up in epic fashion.

We don’t get to see how it started, but for some reason, Dr. Ramiskoon winds up flipping out so hard on her Uber driver that she draws a crowd.

The fact that there’s no way in hell he’s driving this woman home doesn’t stop her from getting in his car and tearing it apart like a toddler with a bellyful of appletinis.

The video ends when Anjali walks away from the scene, but according to witnesses, she didn’t get far:

“Once in handcuffs, she then tried kicking some of the police officers on the scene,” the user wrote.

“It was only when they put her in the police car that she started crying, apologizing, and claiming that she would lose her medical license (she claimed to be a neurologist) if she got arrested.”

Sources say the parties agreed on a cash settlement in lieu of arrest, but the future of Dr. Ramiksoon’s career in medicine remains in question.

She may not be as memorable as the Florida woman who stole a reporter’s car on live TV, or the one who attacked a cop at the DMV last month – but Dr. Anjali Ramkissoon has definitely earned a spot in our Florida Woman Hall of Shame:

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Charlie Sheen"s Doctor: He Does NOT Have AIDS

This morning on Today, Charlie Sheen and his physician, Dr. Robert Huizenga answered questions about Sheen"s health in the wake of his reveal.

“Charlie has contracted the HIV virus,” Dr. Huizenga explained, but stressing that he was more concerned about Sheen"s history of substance abuse and battle with depression, which can be exacerbated by the knowledge that he"s living with HIV.

Matt Lauer pointed out that while in this day in age no one wants to be HIV-Positive, "people live long, normal, productive lives while they carry the virus."

To dispel further rumors about Sheen, Lauer asked Dr. Huizenga for an exact diagnosis.

“Charlie does not have AIDS,” he stated, adding that the odds of Sheen spreading the virus are low as long as he is "optimally treated" and uses protection during sex.  

The treatment Sheen is on suppress the virus to the point where he is "absolutely healthy from that vantage."

Sheen, who was diagnosed four years ago, has an undetectable amount of the virus in his blood, according to his doctor.

When asked about his treatment, Sheen explained that he takes four pills a day, does not take antidepressants, but still drinks.

"Are you worried that an impaired state, that Charlie will simply lapse on taking his medication?" Lauer asked Dr. Huizenga.  "Can he be trusted to continue to take that medicine on a regular basis if he continues to drink and perhaps do drugs?"

Watch Dr. Huizenga"s response in the video.


Charlie sheens doctor he does not have aids

Friday, November 6, 2015

Grey"s Anatomy Season 12 Episode 6 Recap: A New Doctor is In

A Penny for your thoughts on Grey’s Anatomy Season 12 Episode 6, fans?

Get it? A Penny? In honor of Derek’s quasi killer? Nothing? Crickets? Okay, moving on to a recap…

Meredith (and Amelia) opened the hour by being less than pleased that Penny was about to start working at Grey Sloan.

And it didn’t help matter when (wouldn’t you know it?!?) Bailty assigned the transfer student to the service of the General Surgery Chief.

As Julia Roberts might have someday side: Big mistake. HUGE.

Despite the comedic material present in a case that centered on a pastor who fell down the stairs after mistakenly sending his sex tape to his congregation, Meredith didn’t even crack a smile when Penny made a joke.

She told Amelia that she was trying to “rise above,” but she wasn’t exactly succeeding.

It didn’t help when Penny later messed up a bit and when Richard admitted he knew her connection to Derek; she was just the best hire.

After Penny placed the pastor’s life in danger through a mistake, Meredith finally snapped:

“You froze in the OR, you screwed up his post-op care… Is there any part of this job that you can handle?!?”

Later on, however, Callie gave Meredith a talking-to about being a “bully,” prompting Meredith to enter a chapel and talk to Derek. (With Alex showing up to offer support.)

At the end of the episode, Meredith acknowledged that Derek likely would have been a fan of Penny; Callie swapped spit with her girlfriend; and Meredith paged to say she wants Penny on her service for the duration of the week.

Elsewhere, Martin Henderson made his debut as Nathan Riggs, a cardiothoracic surgeon who met April overseas.

He got in the middle of a fight between April and Jackson over a patient (“This isn’t about you two!”), only for viewers to later learn that he and Owen share some kind of unfriendly past.

How do we know? Because Owen ordered the new doctor to get the Hell out of the hospital as quickly as possible.

Based on the following preview for Grey’s Anatomy Season 12 Episode 7, it sure looks like this rivalry will continue to play a key role next Thursday night:

Check out the above teaser and ask yourself: How is there only one episode remaining until the winter finale?!?!?!?!?