Showing posts with label Interview. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Interview. Show all posts

Friday, June 24, 2016

Ben Affleck on F Bomb-Filled Interview: #SorryNotSorry!

Ben Affleck is really f-cking angry at the NFL over suspending Tom Brady for four games.

And he doesn’t give a flying f-ck who knows it.

On Wednesday night, Affleck appeared as a guest on the premiere episode of Any Given Wednesday.

Sitting across from host Bill Simmons, Affleck was asked about the scandal known as Deflategate, a topic that just won’t go away for some reason.

After initially having his suspension (for allegedly inflating footballs over league-mandated levels) overturned by a judge last season, Brady will have to sit out the opening quartet of games for the Patriots this fall.

Many familiar with the case believe Commissioner Roger Goodell is on some sort of witch hunt against the star quarterback.

And you can definitely count Affleck as being in this group.

“Deflategate is the ultimate bullsh-t f-cking outrage of sports,” Affleck seethed to open the segment.

He then went on to drop about 18 F Bombs over the course of the interview.

“They haven’t done anything to address this crisis of domestic violence in the NFL, but the f-cking football better not be eight percent lighter,” Affleck said to Simmons, a fellow Boston native.

He added:

“If the NFL really knew how to test for steroids, there’d be no f-cking NFL.”

Check out the full interview above and perhaps you’ll be able to understand why some out there think Affleck was drunk for the Q&A.

The guy sounds off his rocker!

But Affleck said in a follow-up Tweet that he was simply fired up about a subject close to his heart. And he ain’t sorry!

“For those of you keeping score at home, I gave exactly 18 f*cks about my Pats,” Affleck Tweeted on Thursday.

“Upon reflection, 12 probably would have been sufficient.

“We Boston fans have always been known for our subtlety. One of my favorite interviews; hope you get to see the entire episode. #GoPats.”

Simmons also had the back of his fellow fan.

“BTW – we taped AGW in the late-AM, Ben got fired up about DeflateGate during the convo, that’s it,” the former ESPN employee Tweeted, adding:

“We Boston fans have always been known for our subtlety. One of my favorite interviews; hope you get to see the entire episode. #GoPats.”

What do you think? Was Affleck, who has some mean things to say about Jennifer Garner, totally wasted?

Or it Deflategate an absurd enough topic that it’s easy to understand how someone can be sober and still be this angry over it?

Ben Affleck on F Bomb-Filled Interview: #SorryNotSorry!

Ben Affleck is really f-cking angry at the NFL over suspending Tom Brady for four games.

And he doesn’t give a flying f-ck who knows it.

On Wednesday night, Affleck appeared as a guest on the premiere episode of Any Given Wednesday.

Sitting across from host Bill Simmons, Affleck was asked about the scandal known as Deflategate, a topic that just won’t go away for some reason.

After initially having his suspension (for allegedly inflating footballs over league-mandated levels) overturned by a judge last season, Brady will have to sit out the opening quartet of games for the Patriots this fall.

Many familiar with the case believe Commissioner Roger Goodell is on some sort of witch hunt against the star quarterback.

And you can definitely count Affleck as being in this group.

“Deflategate is the ultimate bullsh-t f-cking outrage of sports,” Affleck seethed to open the segment.

He then went on to drop about 18 F Bombs over the course of the interview.

“They haven’t done anything to address this crisis of domestic violence in the NFL, but the f-cking football better not be eight percent lighter,” Affleck said to Simmons, a fellow Boston native.

He added:

“If the NFL really knew how to test for steroids, there’d be no f-cking NFL.”

Check out the full interview above and perhaps you’ll be able to understand why some out there think Affleck was drunk for the Q&A.

The guy sounds off his rocker!

But Affleck said in a follow-up Tweet that he was simply fired up about a subject close to his heart. And he ain’t sorry!

“For those of you keeping score at home, I gave exactly 18 f*cks about my Pats,” Affleck Tweeted on Thursday.

“Upon reflection, 12 probably would have been sufficient.

“We Boston fans have always been known for our subtlety. One of my favorite interviews; hope you get to see the entire episode. #GoPats.”

Simmons also had the back of his fellow fan.

“BTW – we taped AGW in the late-AM, Ben got fired up about DeflateGate during the convo, that’s it,” the former ESPN employee Tweeted, adding:

“We Boston fans have always been known for our subtlety. One of my favorite interviews; hope you get to see the entire episode. #GoPats.”

What do you think? Was Affleck, who has some mean things to say about Jennifer Garner, totally wasted?

Or it Deflategate an absurd enough topic that it’s easy to understand how someone can be sober and still be this angry over it?

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Ben Affleck: Was He Wasted in This Interview?

We are very sorry.

But we are about to discuss Deflategate again.

Yes, this topic has been talked about ad nauseam.

Yes, if you"re a New England Patriots fan, you think Tom Brady has been the victim of a witch hunt and if you"re not a New England Patriots fan, you probably think he deserves his four-game suspension for allegedly inflating footballs.

But we"re not here to talk about your feelings regarding Brady and this sports scandal.

We"re here to wonder whether or not Ben Affleck was drunk during his appearance on HBO last night.

The actor taped a segment with Bill Simmons for the new series Any Given Wednesday, sitting across from the host and GOING OFF on the whole Deflategate thing.

He dropped at least 20 F Bombs during his impressive rant.

Affleck, of course, may be the best known Boston sports fan on the planet.

He"s also friends with Tom Brady, having flown with the quarterback (and Affleck"s nanny!) on a private jet last year.

Will he bring Brady with him the next time he comes on the show, Simmons asked?

I’ll bring f-cking (Tom Brady),” Affleck replied. “It would be the greatest moment of my life if I got to talk to Tom Brady and just be like:

"‘Tell ’em, Tom! Tell ’em f-ck you! Tell ‘em you’re tired of the bull sh-t. I’m the f-ckng best quarterback ever! This is bull sh-t! Tell ’em!’ And then maybe he’ll tell them."

Social media users were quick to wonder after this interview aired whether Affleck was drunk during it.

And it"s possible.

But the segment was taped at 11 a.m., so it"s also unlikely. Although you never know.

Deflategate is a passionate issue for Boston sports fans, so we"re guessing Affleck was simply fired up about it and wanting to be an entertaining guest on Simmons" premiere episode.

Watch and decide for yourself:

Ben affleck rants against deflategate nsfw alert

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Anderson Cooper Defends Pam Bondi Interview

Shortly after the deadliest shooting massacre in U.S. history, Anderson Cooper conducted an interview with Florida attorney general Pam Bondi.

The Q&A went viral because Cooper challenged Bondi to reconcile her reaction to the tragedy that took the lives of over 50 men and women inside a gay nightclub… with her previous stance on the LGBT community. 

Back in 2014, Bondi was a strong opponent of gay marriage.

She actually said in court at the time that LGBT individuals who were fighting for marriage equality were trying to do “harm” to the people of Florida.

Now, in the wake of this horrible tragedy, Bondi has been championing her efforts to set up a hotline that allows spouses to learn information about their husbands and wives, who may have died or been injured in Omar Mateen’s terrorist attack.

That’s a great thing to do.

But if Bondi had her way, gay and lesbian people would not be permitted to marry… which means their significant others would not have the legal right to learn private, medical information such as this.

“Do you really think you’re a champion of the gay community?” Cooper asked Bondi on Tuesday.

Watch the full interview here:

In reaction to what she felt were cheap shots, Bondi claimed in a radio interview with WOR 710 in New York on Wednesday that she was led to believe her chat with Cooper would focus on donation scams for the victims and their families.

Instead, “when he posted the clip, he cut out the entire first portion that discussed people donating to legitimate funds,” she said, arguing that all the interview did was “encourage anger and hate.”

(CNN has since put the entire conversation on its website.)

On air yesterday, Cooper responded to Bondi’s objections.

“For the record, my interview was not filled with any anger,” he said.

“My job is to hold people accountable, and if on Sunday a politician is talking about love and about embracing ‘our LGBT community,’ I don’t think it’s unfair to look at their record and see if they have ever actually spoken that way publicly before, which I’ve never heard her say.”

It may be rare for the public to see a reporter actually hold a politician accountable for his or her words and actions, but that is clearly what happened here.

“The fact is attorney general Bondi signed off on a 2014 federal court brief that claimed married gay people would ‘impose significant public harm.’ Harm,” Cooper continued.

“She spent hundreds of thousands in taxpayer money, gay and straight taxpayers’ money, trying to keep gays and lesbians from getting the right to marry.”

Cooper also made headlines on Monday when he had to fight off tears while reading the names of those who died in the weekend’s Orlando shooting.

In this case, he concluded explaining his side of the Bondi interview as follows:

“Good people can and do disagree on [gay marriage] – everyone has the right to their own opinion, thank goodness – but Miss Bondi is championing right now her efforts to help survivors.

“With the very right which allows gay spouses to bury their dead loved ones – that’s a right that would not exist if Miss Bondi had her way. I think it’s fair to ask her about that.

“There is an irony in that.”

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Courtney Stodden Talks Marriage, Pregnancy Rumors in New Interview

Courtney Stodden has a new reality show to promote (the impressively hot messy-looking Mother/Daughter Experiment on Lifetime), which means she’s been making the media rounds to talk about everything from her relationship with her mom (it’s not good), to her marriage to Doug Hutchison (somehow, it’s still solid).

Last we checked in on her, Courtney was talking about how her mother tried to steal her husband, so you might think her entire life would have a similarly Jerry Springer-eque vibe, but remarkably, things seem pretty stable for the 21-year-old professional giant-boob-haver.

Though Courtney and Doug separated in 2013 (and Courtney admitted to banging other dudes while they were apart), they’re back together now and still making their early-May, late-December romance work. (He’s 34 years her senior, FYI.):

“Our relationship right now is really, really good,” Courtney recently told In Touch.

“We’re really strong and we’re very happy. We’re getting ready to celebrate our fifth wedding anniversary and we’re absolutely going to renew our vows for our fifth wedding anniversary. So, yeah, we’re doing really, really well!”

Yes, Courtney married a 50-year-old when she was 16, and she’s somehow lasted 5 years, so the fact that she can’t fix her relationship with her mom really makes us think the mom is to blame:

“We’re still not completely close,” Court said when asked about the reality show that was supposed to help them them work things out .

“But we’re better off than where we were when we entered The Mother/Daughter Experiment.”

As for those rumors that Courtney is pregnant – Stodden says they’re bogus, and she and Hutchison are content with their twin pooches these days:

“I don’t know if we’re ready for a baby right now. We have two little fur babies, so those are kind of our babies right now. But, you never know!” 

So why was Courney spotted buying pregnancy tests back in October?

Well, sometimes you need a prop to get those paparazzi flashbulbs poppin’. Did we mention the girl is pretty much only famous for having big boobs and marrying an old dude?

Friday, February 5, 2016

Johnny Depp Shades Leonardo DiCaprio in New Interview: He Was a Punk Kid Hiding From His Mom!

For years, there have been rumors of a feud between Johnny Depp and Leonardo DiCaprio.

By all accounts, the two A-listers simply don’t like each other, and based on comments Depp made during a recent sit-down with legendary film critic Leonard Maltin, the beef might date way back to 1993.

That was the year that Depp and DiCaprio co-starred in the quirky small-town dramedy What’s Eating Gilbert Grape.

DiCaprio would receive his first Oscar nomination for his memorable turn as a developmentally disabled teen, while Depp – though by far the bigger star at the time – turned in a more understated performance that was largely overlooked by critics and awards committees.

But apparently that’s not the cause of the ongoing tension between Depp and DiCaprio. To hear Johnny tell it, it was more a case of 18-year-old Leo simply being a bit of a pain in the ass.

“It was a hard time for me for some reason,” Depp said of his time working with DiCaprio.

“I tortured him. I really did. He was always talking about these video games. ‘No I will not give you a drag from my cigarette while you hide from your mother again, Leo.’”

So if Johnny is to be believed (and really, why would he lie at this point?), the ongoing Depp-DiCaprio drama has nothing to do with the fact that Leo had an easier time transitioning from teen heartthrob to respected actor, but was instead just a case of annoyance at first sight.

Believe it or not, more than two decades after Grape, the two modern screen legends still don’t have a single Oscar between them, but that may soon change, thanks to Leo’s acclaimed performance in The Revenant.

The fact that Depp was snubbed by the Academy for his work in Black Mass probably won’t do much to help these two mend fences. 

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Farrah Abraham Insults Leo DiCaprio In The Worst Interview EVER

There are certain interviews that are painful to watch.  Beyond painful.  Excruciating.

And wouldn"t you know, this particular one involves Farrah Abraham.

The Teen Mom star attended the 2016 AVM Adult Entertainment Expo in Las Vegas last month, where she was hawking her products and granting interviews to privileged reporters.

SLAPTV"s Roberto Raad spoke with Abraham, and – bless him – he was a trooper.

It"s not clear if Raad recognized Abraham or not, because he asked her about her favorite "set" experience, something he asked other stars at the Expo (and BTW, they were great sports).

"Um, I haven"t had a set experience. So, that"s funny," Abraham responded awkwardly.

They went back and forth on whether Raad said "set" or "sex," before Abraham clarified who she was and what she doing at the Expo.

"I"m known for a celebrity sex tape. That"s what I"m known for, so…" she trailed off.

"Okay, so you are known for a celebrity sex tape, okay," he asked.  "And um, well, who is the celebrity?"


"I am!" Abraham said, shocked that he didn"t recognize her (new?) face.

"I think this is probably the worst f**king interview I"ve even been in," she continued.  "I think maybe you should re-question being an interviewer."

Raad switched gears, hoping to get at least something useful out of Abraham.

Did she think Leonardo DiCaprio was finally going to win Best Actor for his role in The Revenant?

"Okay, so Leo, who is he and why do you believe he will win?" Abraham asked.  "Oh my god, I don"t know where or what we are talking about."

Neither do we, Farrah.  Neither do we.  But as someone who"s done interviews with talent, being rude to the reporter when they are trying to be as professional and polite as possible is bad form.

Farrah abraham insults leo dicaprio in terrible interview

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Jenelle Evans SLAMS Farrah Abraham in New Interview!

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the Teen Mom feud we’ve all been waiting for.

Yes, Mayweather vs. Pacquiao and Holm vs. Rousey are about to be put to shame, because it’s officially about to go down between two of reality TV’s heaviest hitters: Jenelle Evans and Farrah Abraham.

As you may have heard, Jenelle decided yesterday that she would not go through with a cosmetic procedure to change the shape of her chin.

Jenelle has had work done in the past, but Ms. Evans clearly believes there’s a fine line between Kylie Jenner and Mickey Rourke, and too much time under the knife can be a very, very bad thing.

“When I heard how extensive that surgery is, and how he told me I’d have to get a CT scan and X-rays and the whole nine yards, every single detail, every bone in my jaw, I was like, ‘I don’t want to do this,’” Jenelle recently told Us Weekly.

“I think I’m fine with the way I look,” Evans says. “I work out at the gym. If I want a bigger butt, I’m going to work for it. I’m going to build it up with muscle, not implants or injections.

“If I don’t like my stomach, I’m going to go work out, stay active and healthy, because honestly, you can go get all this work done, but in a couple years, gravity is going to pull all that down, and it’s not going to look that great.”

Yes, Jenelle is actually setting a good example for her young fans, possibly for the first time ever.

Of course, that doesn’t mean she’ll pass up the opportunity to take a shot at the other most famous Teen Mom trainwreck.

Asked about Farrah Abraham – and the extensive work she’s had done – Jenelle issued the following burn:

“She looks weird compared to what I’m used to seeing her look like in the past.

“But like I said, in 10 to 20 years, it’s all going to change, and then she’s going to have to get more to fix that, and then that’s going to spend more money — and is she going to have the money?”

Pretty harsh, but considering how many feuds Farrah is involved with at the moment, will she even have time to respond?

God, we hope so. This could get seriously amusing.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Catelynn Lowell Opens Up About Postpartum Depression in Candid Interview

If you watch Teen Mom online, you know that Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra may well be the most stable couple and the most competent parents in the history of the franchise.

Naturally, this doesn’t mean that their lives are perfect.

In a new interview with Life & Style, Catelynn discusses her battle with postpartum depression in a remarkably candid interview.

The 23-year-old says she’s been struggling ever since giving birth to daughter Novalee in January of 2015.

“I didn’t really know and I still don’t know what’s going on with my postpartum,” she tells the tabloid. “For a while I felt fine, but I’ve always suffered from depression, anxiety and panic attacks.”

While Lowell laments that doctors have been unable to help her, she praises her husband, Baltierra, for standing by her side and helping to keep her symptoms at bay.

“Tyler is my backbone and helps me a lot,” Catelynn says. “He pushes me and will make me do things like go for a walk so [the depression] goes away.”

Catelynn says she’s optimistic for the future, but is well aware that it may be quite some time before she’s able to a more stable emotional state.

“It’s a daily struggle,” Lowell concludes.

Fortunately, she’s Catelynn seems to have a strong support network to help her through this difficult time.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Kylie Jenner Wears Latex For Interview Cover Because Of Course She Does

Well, has this been a banner week so far for Kylie Jenner or what?

Yesterday, the launch of Lip Kit by Kylie crashed the product site more than once, and today her December/January cover of Interview Magazine was revealed.

And it. Is. Saucy.

“In her Instagrams and Snapchats, she is almost sex-doll sanguine,” Chris Wallace writes.  “Whether posed in grail-level couture clothes, next to factory-fresh sports cars, or in bed with her boyfriend, the rapper Tyga. Is she … thrilled, bored, miserable, elated, or just whatevs about her new look, her new fit, her new ride, her new pool?”

It was an interview that touched on Jenner’s influence, how much she loves her hometown of Calabasas, CA, and how tough it can be to try and stay authentic.

“You know who I’m obsessed with? I’m obsessed with Lady Gaga,” Jenner said.  “I saw her at the Alexander Wang fashion show after-party, and I think she’s the nicest person ever.

“She came up to me and was like, ‘I think you’re so amazing, and whatever you’re doing, people are just obsessed with it,’ and she basically told me to not change. And I feel like that really helped me, because there’s a reason why I have so many followers and why people pay so much attention to me.

“So I just try not to change and stay authentic. I do feel pressure when I do sexy photo shoots and stuff, or if I want to post a picture … I don’t know. Because I want to be a good role model, but I also want to be me.”

Who is the real Kylie?

“There is absolutely a side of me that people don’t know. I’m not myself on Snapchat or Instagram. That’s totally not me,” Jenner insisted.

“I’m way flashier on Instagram and Snapchat, because I feel like that’s what people want to see and that’s what I’ve always done, so I’m not going to stop. People want to see my cars and my purses. People love fashion. But that’s so not me.”

Check out Jenner’s gallery on Interview‘s site.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Charlie Sheen Opens Up About HIV: Watch the Interview

Charlie Sheen appeared live on The Today Show on Tuesday morning and confirmed a rumor that has been floating around the Internet for days:

The actor is HIV positive.

After thanking host Matt Lauer and his team of producers to open this exclusive interview, Sheen came right out and said the following:

I"m here to admit that I am in fact HIV positive.

He then paused momentarily and explained why he chose to come clean now.

"I have to put a stop to this onslaught, this barrage of attacks and of sub-truths and very harmful and mercurial stories that are about me, threatening the health of so many others, which couldn"t be further from the truth."

So… what is the truth?

Sheen was diagnosed with the illness that leads to AIDS about four years ago.

He tells Lauer that he told a "trusted" group of people close to him, though a new report alleges that Sheen"s HIV status has been an open secret in Hollywood for a long time.

"I thought I had a brain tumor," Sheen says of how he ended up at the doctor"s office back in 2011.

 "I thought it was over. After a battery of tests and spinal taps, all that crap, they walked in the room and said, "Boom. Here"s what"s going on."

"It"s a hard three letters to absorb. It"s a turning point in one"s life."

That"s for sure.

At one point, Sheen says he has shelled out millions in blackmail, betrayal and extortion demands.

He admits to hiring prostitutes. He says he confessed his health problems to people in his "inner circle" because he believed they would be "helpful," only for them to shake him down.

Why did Sheen continue to bring unsavory types to his home, even after previous encounters resulted in these shakedowns?

"Because I was so depressed by the condition I was in… I was doing a lot of drugs, I was drinking way too much, I was making really bad decisions."

Did Sheen have unprotected sex since his diagnosis? Could he have transmitted the disease?

Watch the revealing interview below for answers to these questions and react to this bombshell now.

Charlie sheen hiv admission watch the interview

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Man Calmly Gives Interview While Stuck in Tree

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a new contender for Most Bizarre Television Interview of the Decade.

In the following video, Austin, Texas resident Kenny Packer gets on the phone with a couple of anchors from local station KVUE.

They"re asking him about his experience driving around in the recent floor and what he went through upon getting stuck in a tree while out driving.

Packer explains that he was able to escape his vehicle and climb up said tree in order to await rescue and… wait! WHAT?!?

The anchors are then taken aback (very far aback!) when they learn that Packer is still stuck in the tree!

He"s very calm, however. He"s just "a little cold" and looking all around, seeing nothing but water in all directions.

"I did Boy Scouts for 20 years, so I know how to keep my energy up and keep warm, so I’m doing fine," Packer calmly tells the reporters.

There"s video included in the following footage from inside Packer"s car, provided to the station by Packer"s wife, who was not with him on this adventure.

Following the interview, Parker was rescued by authorities after a few hours and brought to safety.

So he"s fine. No harm, no foul, right?

But check out the Q&A below to see the anchors" reaction upon learning their subject"s situation and give Packer some credit.

We hope we can remain this chill in the face of crisis. The dude is stuck in a tree, with nothing but water all around him!

Man calmly gives interview while stuck in tree

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Justin Bieber Walks Out of Awkward Interview

The Year of The Really Awkward Celebrity Interview continued on Wednesday afternoon.

Just a few days after Daniel Craig told off a reporter, and a few months after Robert Downey Jr. walked out on a sit-down, Justin Bieber saw no choice but to make like The Avengers star.

The young artist granted a Q&A this week with a Spanish radio station in order to promote his upcoming album, which drops on November 13.

Speaking through a translator, the host initially asked some basic questions, wondering, for example, why a mega celebrity such as Bieber would name a song "Sorry."

What, exactly, was Bieber "sorry" for? Justin replied that it was a "broad" term and could be interpreted in a number of ways and everything seemed to be going along smoothly.

But then the topic turned to whether Bieber likes to go out and drink. And is there a woman in his life?

Justin simply answered in the negative, but then the host apparently though it would be funny to ask if Bieber dresses himself (because he"s a lot younger than they are? We guess?).

It was all very weird and not remotely humorous.

After the three men in charges asked Bieber to help “break the Internet” by appearing in a YouTube video, the singer got up and left.

Watch everything unfold, going from bad to worse, in the following video and then sound off: Do you blame Bieber at all for this disaster?

Or should the hosts issue an apology for their behavior?

Justin bieber walks out of awkward interview

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Khloe Kardashian RIPS Haters, Explains New Interview

Yes, Khloe Kardashian is featured on the latest cover of People Magazine.

Yes, she opens up to that magazine about Lamar Odom, about her past with the former basketball star and her future as he looks to recover from a significant health scare.

But, no, Khloe wants to make very clear: 

She did NOT jump at some opportunity to exploit Odom’s situation for fame, money or publicity.

In a series of Twitter messages, Khloe addresses those who have criticized her for talking to the press during this difficult time, telling them to basically zip it.

Because they are utterly clueless.

“I want to make this VERY clear…My People cover, I shot and interviewed for PRIOR to all the events that happened,” Khloé wrote.

“It was contracted press for my book that I wrote months and months ago. Timing is what it is.”

It is true that Kardashian is coming out with a self-help memoir on November 3.

It is titled “Strong Looks Better Naked” and she canceled a scheduled book tour due to events surrounding Odom.

“Shame on you all for thinking the worst of me. It’s been a tough few weeks. I don’t need your f–ked up energy!” Khloe added.

“Know the facts before you throw stones. I had to do a follow up 5 minute phoner after the events only because I was contracted to.”

We rarely say this, but… you tell em, Khloe Kardashian!!!

The Hollywood Gossip is typically the first site to call out members of this family for their fame and money-hungry ways.

But Khloe has exhibited nothing but love for Odom over the years, even when he made it very difficult for her to do so, and we can’t imagine what she’s going through now.

“To the ones who uplift and send love….I love you more!” Khloe did also say.

“I appreciate the support. Have a great day babies! Kisses and hugs.””

Jared Fogle: Journalist Shares SHOCKING Undercover Interview

In August, former Subway spokesperson Jared Fogle was arrested on 14 counts of soliciting sex with minors.

Not only did the media respond in outrage, Jared’s wife filed for divorce, and Subway quickly fired him.  In the blink of an eye, Jared became one of the world’s most disgusting men.

And his title as a piece of sh*t perv isn’t going away anytime soon.

A journalist working undercover recorded Fogle bragging about his encounters with minors, even admitting that he had an “amazing” time with “a little boy.”  He also admitted on the tape that he likes little girls.

Rochelle Herman-Walron shared her recordings of Jared on the Thursday and Friday episodes of Dr. Phil.

She began interacting with and secretly recording Fogle after made an oblique, off-putting comment about little girls. The journalist later handed over the recordings to the FBI.

Herman-Walrond, a former Florida journalist, duped Fogle into believing she was part of his kiddie porn loving circle of friends.

“I had to be two separate people in order to continue on with this investigation,” she explained.

In the recorded conversations, 38-year-old Fogle recounted his experiences with children.  Horrifically, he even said, “I had a little boy, it was amazing; it just felt so good. I mean, it felt — it felt so good.”

When asked if he preferred young boys over underage girls, Fogle answered, “Both of them.”

The child molester even said he would be willing to travel abroad to take part in more child sex-related acts.

“I would fly us clear across the world if we need to, to Thailand or wherever we want to go,” he said. “If we’re gonna try to get some young kids with us, it would be a lot easier.”

Fogle even tried to recruit Herman-Walrond to film her own children: “Are there any of your kids’ friends that you think are pretty hot?” he asked her. “What if we put a camera in your kids’ room, would they be OK with that?”

In a slap in the face to every child Jared touched or thought about touching, Fogle faces a measly five years in jail.

We vote for life in prison.

Monday, October 19, 2015

NFL Network Interview Features All the Bare Butts


Following the Cincinnati Bengals’ 34-21 victory over the Buffalo Bills, NFL Network"s Albert Breer interviewed Cincinnati"s Adam "Pacman" Jones, asking questions about the team’s defensive strategy.

But few viewers really paid close attention to the words coming out of Jones" mouth… because they were focused on the body parts of Jones" teammates in the background.

Simply put, there were lots of bare buttocks on screen. Like, lots and lots and lots of bare buttocks.

The camera captured numerous Bengals either post-shower or pre-shower, strolling around in either a towel or even less than a towel.

And this X-rated snafu did not go unnoticed by the anchors after they came on air.

Check it out now as they try to comment with a straight face on the interview we just watched… but fall into fits of laughter instead.

Nfl network interview features so many care butts

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Rosie O"Donnell Ripped By Daughter Chelsea in Interview: She"s Like Two Different People!

Rosie O’Donnell’s relationship with her adopted daughter Chelsea is looking mighty strained these days. More so than ever before, in fact.

The Daily Mail published a bombshell interview with the 18-year-old, who went missing this summer, in which she makes startling claims.

About her mother. And we’re not talking flattery or adulation here.

Chelsea claims that she’s closer to her nannies, since Rosie is “like two different people” and “I find her not genuine a lot of the time.”

“When we’d go out, she was a completely different person in public than at home … I had a really hard time with that,” she added.

“I feel she should be her real self, who she is. She has this public persona; she will put this big smile on her face, try to be funny.”

“She would always go up to people and want to hold their babies in public,” Chelsea says. “She had this happy, friendly side to her.”

O’Donnell and her ex-wife Kelli Carpenter share Chelsea and three other kids. She also adopted one child with ex Michelle Rounds.

Chelsea claimed that meals with the family were often from fast food restaurants and Carpenter was the only person who could cook.

“Our dinners were mostly ordering pizza or Chinese,” Chelsea said, noting that “Rosie would eat takeout with us.”

“If there were cookies in the house, she would eat them all.”

“She was always coming into our rooms, asking if we had candy. She would drink beer when we were growing up but after her heart attack she couldn’t.”

“Now I think she drinks wine.”

As for her day to day routine?

“Rosie wears tight Spandex shorts and a T-shirt. She doesn’t get dressed and never wears makeup unless someone comes to do it for her.”

According to Chelsea, her relationship with the star was a major link to her depression and anxiety because of the divorce from Carpenter:

“Rosie’s fuse was really short with me. She would yell. We were sent to our rooms, no electronics, not being allowed to hang out with friends.”

“Things were good when I was younger but as I got older, I became more interested in my birth parents and didn’t really get along with Rosie.”

After Chelsea turned 18 on August 24, she opted to live with her biological mother, Deanna, in Wisconsin. O’Donnell’s rep confirmed this.

Rosie’s camp says it was Chelsea’s choice, however, while the teenager claimed O’Donnell kicked her out after one final confrontation.

“She asked me what was going on and I didn’t want to [talk]. So she asked for my phone and my computer. This was hours before she told me to leave.”

“Rosie said that I was almost 18, and she got all this crap from work, and she didn’t want to have to deal with that at home too.”

Chelsea also denied that she’s mentally ill, which is what O’Donnell’s rep said when she went missing following a Tinder meetup.

“Putting out there that I am mentally ill was really hurtful. People think I’m this crazy person and as I’ve said, I have depression and bad anxiety.”

“But it’s been something that’s gotten a lot better,” the teen said. “I wouldn’t say I’m mentally ill … I would say lots of people struggle with what I have.”

Monday, October 5, 2015

Totino"s Lady Rescues Pizza Rolls From Flood, Gives Amazing Interview

Step aside, Sweet Brown.

Keep it moving, Pizza Rat.

There"s a new viral star in town, and she loves cheese, pepperoni and finding the humor in potentially tragic events just as much as her predecessors.

As you"ve probably heard, Hurricane Joaquin caused record rains and serious flooding in the Southeast over the weekend.

One of the millions affected was the South Carolina native in the interview above.

Thankfully, the woman – whom the Internet has already dubbed "Totino"s Lady" – was able grab her dog and her favorite microwaveable bite-sized snack before she fled from her home.

Not only did Totino"s Lady bring some unexpected humor to a sad situation, she also reminded us one of the most important lessons in life:

There"s always time for pizza rolls.

Totinos lady rescues pizza rolls from flood gives amazing interv

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Donald Trump Flip Flops As He Schedules Interview With Bill O"Reilly Days After Boycotting Fox News — Details HERE!

Apparently he doesn’t even know how to feud right!

Remember that time Donald Trump got so fed up with Fox News that he said he wouldn’t “be doing any more Fox shows for the foreseeable future”?

Yeah we know, it might be tough for you to remember that because it was a WHOLE five days ago!

Related: Trump Tried To Upstage Pope In NYC — Got Booed And Called ‘Ugly!’

Well apparently he’s gone back on his word as Fox News just announced that the GOP candidate will be appearing on The O’Reilly Factor on Tuesday night!

That’s right, even though Trump said he would be boycotting the network, after getting into it several times with Megyn Kelly AND Bill O’Reilly, the 69-year-old has come crawling back!

When Trump made the announcement about the boycott, Fox was quick to respond saying they were the ones that dumped Trump — what is this, a bad breakup?!

One spokesperson for the network even said:

“When coverage doesn’t go his way, he engages in personal attacks on our anchors and hosts, which has grown stale and tiresome. He doesn’t seem to grasp that candidates telling journalists what to ask is not how the media works in this country.”

Whoever said that pretty much hit the nail on the head!

Video: Trump Stumbles Through Awkward Interview As He Compares Himself To A Supermodel

Of course the network’s chairman Roger Ailes just HAD to step in to try and smooth things over with the presidential hopeful and unfortunately obviously it worked.

The good news is, we’re sure to get a slew of new tweets from Trump and we’re betting he’ll boycott the network AT LEAST one more time in the next few months! LOLz!

What do you think? Are you tired of Donald’s behavior and boycotting media for simply doing their job? Or do you think all candidates who are looking to lead our nation should have the press go easy on them?

[Image via TNYF/WENN.]

Monday, September 28, 2015

Holly Madison "Disgusted" By Ex Hugh Hefner Putting Her In His Will! Find Out Why In This Revealing Oprah Interview Clip!

Holly Madison isn’t through with her giant, scathing Yelp review of her time spent at the Playboy mansion!

The reality star recently sat down with Oprah Winfrey on Saturday’s episode of Oprah: Where Are They Now? and claimed that her ex Hugh Hefner tried to convince her to stay with him — by offering her money!

Related: Holly Madison Has ANOTHER Book Deal!

In the clip, the 35-year-old explained that after her Girls Next Door co-stars Kendra Wilkinson and Bridget Marquardt decided to leave the house, it put a strain on her relationship with Hef. She said:

“Hef and I started hitting a rocky patch when it became clear that Bridget and Kendra were leaving, they were moving onto new things. I just had enough, and just had realized all the delusions I’d been under and that this was no longer the life for me.”

But after Holly decided to leave, the Playboy head honcho allegedly went through great lengths to get her to stay — even going as far as writing her into his will — something she was NOT cool with:

“I found on my side of the bed a folder that he left out, and in his will he left me $ 3 million. It was very clear that he left that out for me to see because he was hoping I would change my mind and get me to stay, but it just kind of disgusted me more than anything.”

Wow, we could only imagine! See what else the best selling author had to say in the clip (below)!