Showing posts with label She's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label She's. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Blake Lively: Did She Just Confirm She"s Divorcing Ryan Reynolds?

Last month, a rumor that Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively were headed for divorce made its way across the social media landscape.

At the time, the notion seemed somewhat ridiculous.

After all, Reynolds and Lively have long enjoyed a reputation as one of Hollywood’s happiest and most stable couples.

But to shock and chagrin of fans, reports of Blake and Ryan calling it quits just kept rolling in.

“The past few years, Ryan’s been working out of town while Blake stays home with the kids,” a source told Us Weekly.

“The distance between them has taken its toll.”

Reynolds employed his signature sardonic wit to shoot down the first round of reports:

“I wish,” the actor tweeted. “I could use a little ‘me time."”

Fans were relieved, of course, and the controversy was thought to be over and done with.

But earlier this week, Lively’s Instagram followers noticed that something was amiss on her page.

As Radar Online points out, not only had Lively deleted all photos of Reynolds from her page, she had also unfollowed him and changed her bio so that it read simply:

“What happened to Emily?”

Adding fuel to the fire, Lively then followed 28 accounts of women named Emily Nelson.

And like that, Emily Nelson became 2018’s answer to “Becky with the good hair.”

Fans assumed that Reynolds had been caught cheating and that Lively was determined to get to the bottom of his infidelity by hunting Nelson down.

Sadly, this high drama nosedived into a disappointing conclusion today when it was revealed that “Emily Nelson” is merely the name of a character Lively is playing in an upcoming film,

Yes, it was all an elaborate promotional stunt.

Whenever you roll your eyes about something like this, some smart ass always has to chime in with, “Well, I guess it worked! You’re talking about it, aren’t you?!”

Sure. In that sense, it worked.

But apparently the film in question – A Simple Favor – doesn’t open until September!

Does Blake really think this stunt is gonna stick with potential moviegoers for the next four months?!

She’d have to actually divorce Ryan to win our attention for that long.


Thursday, April 26, 2018

Meghan Markle Bashed By Brother: She"s Ruining Our Family!

We’re just weeks away from the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, and royal insiders say the preparations are proceeding apace.

Of course, not everyone is pleased with the news updates coming out of Kensington Palace.

Harry and Meghan’s invitations were sent out last week, and while estimates on the size of the guest list have varied widely, sources concur that several members of Meghan’s immediate family were snubbed.

Meghan’s sketchy half-sister, Samantha Markle, has already complained that she didn’t receive an invitation.

Although we can’t imagine that came as much of a surprise, as Samantha has basically been making a career of trash-talking her sister ever since the world learned Meghan was dating Harry.

And unfortunately, she’s not the only sketchy Markle sibling.

Meghan has a half-brother named Thomas Markle Jr., and he’s also been throwing shade for anyone who cares to listen.

In fact, his assessments of Meg might be even more brutal than Samantha’s – but remarkably, Thomas still believes his invitation is in the mail.

“She’s clearly forgotten her roots. It’s torn my entire family apart,” Thomas recently told The Daily Mail.

“Meg likes to portray herself as a humanitarian, a people’s person and a charitable person but she is none of those things to her family.”

Thomas went on to claim that Meghan is a master con artist who has successfully pulled the wool over the Royal Family’s eyes:

“She is giving the greatest ­performance of her life. She is acting phoney,” Thomas says.

“I’ve read that Meg wants to be like Diana. Diana was worshipped by everyone in the world. She was loved for the right reasons. That’s what Meg wants, but I don’t think that’s going to happen. She’s not genuine like Diana.”

At this stage, we’d lke to remind you that despite repeatedly trashing his half-sister in the press, Thomas Markle still believes he’ll be rubbing elbows with royalty next month:

“I haven’t got an invite yet but I do expect to get one,” he said.

“It would be really nice [to get an invitation] and it would mean a lot. I do expect one and I’m looking forward to going. I don’t see why not. It is what it is. I am family, estranged or not.’

Markle Jr’s ex-wife Tracey Dooley and son Tyler, 26, have already spoken with the press and revealed that they were snubbed.

They might want to have a talk with Thomas and help him manage his expectations.


Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Jill Duggar Launches Midwife Company; Critics Say She"s Putting Lives at Risk

Typically, Duggar women aren’t permitted to seek employment outside the home, but an exception has been made in the case of Jill Duggar.

There are two reasons for this:

For one thing, Derick Dillard was recently fired by TLC after launching a transphobic tirade against fellow network star Jazz Jennings.

For reasons that defy explanation, Jill Duggar then quit Counting On, possibly as a show of solidarity with her husband.

Needless to say, there’s not a whole lot of cash pouring into the Dillard household these days, and fans were quick chastise the couple for the fact that they were both out of work, despite having two young sons to raise.

On top of all that, Jill’s decision to enter the workforce has been accepted by her husband and father as a result of the nature of the business venture she recently launched.

Put simply, in the eyes of Jim Bob and Derick, it’s woman’s work.

You see, Jill is a midwife, and as such, she’s decided to launch a her own business – an in-home service with the somewhat confusing name of Labor Sit.

While it’s nice to see Jill breaking with her family’s ridiculously outmoded tradtions and join life in the 21st century, her choice has not been without controversy.

When we said “Jill is a midwife,” perhaps have clarified that Jill considers herself a midwife.

According to her critics, Jill has not been properly trained for the job, and thus, she puts lives at stake everytime she puts on a hairnet and calls for some boiling water, or however midwives get ready to do their thing.

For several years, Jill didn’t practice at all.

This was probably the result of accusations that she faked her certification and was in no way qualified to perform the work for which she was being paid.

Jill’s lack of training is certainly cause for concern, but as is often the case with this sort of thing, the critics are slightly exaggerating.

Jill has received a certification, but it’s just not from an organization that anyone takes seriously.

Generally, midwives are granted a Certified Nurse Midwife certification, which requires a 4-year bachelor’s degree one year of nursing experience, and three years in a nurse-midwifery program.

Obviously, Jill has none of those qualifications, and so she received a Certified Professional Midwife’s license, which as far as we can tell, requires that the recipient be willing to write a check.

Add to that the fact that Jill has already earned a reputation for sketchy business practices during her very brief time in the field, and it’s not hard to see why so many think she quit while she’s only somewhat behind.

Jill’s midwife mentor had her license revoked and was forced to move out of state after she was sued by a mother who says she nearly died due to professional negligence.

Insiders say Jill was present for the botched birth, but thus far, there’s no evidence to that effect.

All of this bad news comes at a time when the Dillards are ramping up their social media presence, presumably in an effort to promote Jill’s new business.

Of course, some fans think the couple has simply been simply missing the spotlight in the months since Derick got canned.

Whatever the case, he and Jill may soon want to lie low again.

We sense another Duggar scandal coming.

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.


Paris Jackson Claps Back at Family Members Who Think She"s Going to Die

While Paris Jackson"s fans have been thrilled to see her locking lips with Cara Delevingne and generally living her best life, some people have been worried.

In fact, a report came out claiming that Paris" own family fears that her behavior is putting her in danger and even that her premature death is imminent.

Now Paris has recorded a video, and she"s clapping back at her own family members.

Paris jackson wild hair

So, remember that time that Paris Jackson nearly plummeted to her death?

We pointed out that she was careful to very deliberately not fall from the roof, but apparently the image of that video, which Paris herself elected to share, is haunting her loved ones.

Page Six reports that Paris Jackson"s family fears for her life.

They even compare her near-tragedy to the time that Michael Jackson dangled baby Blanket from a window.

"But this is worse than that because I still think Michael had control of Blanket and they weren’t nearly as high up as Paris is in this video."

Even though Paris was totally okay, it has people worried that she"s in a self-destructive spiral. Some might say that she"s just … 20.

"She’s lost it. She really has."

The relative goes on to say:

"Everyone saw that video, and even though we all knew that she’s now OK, watching it was so traumatic that nobody wants to show it to either Katherine or Joe."

Paris jackson mirror selfie

Well, not all celebrities look at stories about themselves.

And even the stars who do look into what people are saying about them don"t always comment on it publicly.

But Paris Jackson saw it. (She even reveals, in the video, how she saw it)

"So apparently people think I’m about to die."

She states that pretty matter-of-factly in this video, which was recorded while she was in a car with a friend.

"My therapist texted me about it laughing though, so that’s good."

We"re glad that she has such a good relationship with her therapist.

Prince michael and paris jackson

Paris continued in a second video (also below), saying:

"So I guess to the family members that are talking to all of these news outlets saying they’re worried for me:"

And she has a serious question for family members who would rather be a source than speak to their own relative.

"When is the last time you called me?"

Oh. That"s a good question.

Paris jackson cara delevingne photo

Paris isn"t done.

And she even has an example of someone who knows her well enough to not be concerned.

"Prince isn’t worried. Why? Because we talk all the time. We hang out."

By Prince, she of course means Prince Jackson, her brother.

"If you’re worried about me, call me."

That sounds like good advice.

There"s no telling whether or not someone will take her up on that.

For one thing … no one wants to admit to having been the source that spoke out.

Paris jackson sideboob tattoo while tree hugging

Paris Jackson is a sweetheart and she"s just a very nice person. She"s an environmentalist and she"s deeply spiritual.

On top of being a very free spirit, she is 20 years old. Those of us who are risk-averse may cringe at the idea of getting anywhere close to a rooftop"s edge, but Paris was careful. She trusts herself.

It seems a little much to blow one incident out of proportion … especially behind Paris" back like that.

That"s not how families are supposed to treat each other, right?

As always, we wish Paris the best.

Hear her speak in her own words:

Paris jackson claps back at family members who think shes going

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Michelle Duggar: PROOF She"s Abusing Her Children?!

If you keep up with the comings and goings of the Duggar family, then you know that a hot topic of discussion when it comes to these people is their parenting styles.

And that’s because it’s all very, very scandalous.

For years now, people have speculated on the way Jim Bob and Michelle raise their children, and that’s for a lot of reasons.

They just have so many of them, for one — how does one even begin to parent 19 children?

On top of that, it’s always interesting to look into the Duggars’ church and their specific religious beliefs, because it turns out that others with those same beliefs use some pretty concerning methods to care for their kids.

One of those methods, just for an example, is blanket training: you put a baby on a blanket, and if he rolls or crawls off of it, then you scold him (or hit him, in some instances) until he learns to stay put.

Do the Duggars do this? Maybe, maybe not.

We’ve never seen them do it on any of their shows, but many other people who share their belief system do it, so, you know, there’s a decent chance.

But besides all that, there’s been actual evidence that all is not quite right in this family — Josh’s molestation scandal and the way it was dealt with, the way Jana seems to be more of a mother to the younger kids than Michelle is.

And now, thanks to a live video Derick Dillard put on Instagram, there may be even more evidence of abuse.

In the video, Derick is just filming around Jim Bob and Michelle’s house, and he happens to catch Michelle talking to Jennifer, her 10-year-old daughter.

She’s visibly scolding her, and Jennifer is turned away, flinching.

When Michelle notices that Derick is filming, she’s surprised, but then goes into her usual sickly sweet public persona.

It may not sound like a lot, but after watching the clip, numerous Reddit users are convinced that this is proof the Duggars are abusive to their children.

One person said that the clip contained “a lot of red flags,” including “Jenny’s body language, Michelle’s sociopathic switch to sweetness and the finger wagging which is clearly being used as a threat.”

“Omg did you see Jennifer flinch?” another asked before answering that it looked like “she was actually flinching becauseshe thought Michelle was going to hit her.”

One user confirmed that “Jennifer was absolutely flinching,” and “she did it as soon as Michelle made a swift motion with her hands. It looked like she was going to smack Jennifer in that moment.”

Sadly, multiple people commented to say that Michelle’s scolding and Jennifer’s reaction remindd them of their own abusive childhoods.

Of course none of this is definitive proof that she’s hitting her children — none of us could know that, obviously — but it’s troubling that so many people think this is evidence that something sinister is going on in the Duggar home.

Or something more sinister than the stuff we already know about anyway.

But regardless of everything else, someone else pointed out that “nothing about that interaction looked to be a healthy way to reprimand a child.”

And that sounds accurate.

Do you think this is proof that Michelle is abusive?


Friday, April 20, 2018

Wendy Williams on Kylie Jenner: She"s Not Even a MOTHER!

So hey, you know that thing that Wendy Williams has been doing for the past few months where she keeps talking about Kylie Jenner and her baby?

It’s pretty weird, right?

On one hand, it is Wendy’s job to discuss all the latest in celebrity gossip, so it’s not like she could just avoid the topic.

But on the other hand … she really has been a little extra about the whole thing.

Back in January, just before Kylie gave birth to Stormi, she did a whole segment about how Kylie is only 20 but she’s already had enough plastic surgery to make her look 35.

Which is pure speculation, of course — Kylie’s only ever admitted to lip injections.

Wendy brought that up in the first place to get across her message that Kylie’s baby would look like her old self, and a lot of people took that to mean that she believed the baby wouldn’t be cute.

So basically, she trash talked a baby that hadn’t even been born.

Classic Wendy Williams, really.

Then, while Kylie was still silent leading up to Stormi’s birth, Wendy speculated heavily that Travis Scott had left her and his responsibilities as a father.

We know now that’s not what happened, and since they became parents, Travis has definitely been around.

We saw how involved he was during the pregnancy in that adorable video Kylie shared, but that still wasn’t good enough for Wendy.

Even after seeing that seriously precious footage, she speculated that Travis would be gone by summer, and that he may even have a side chick right now.

Gossip is fun, that’s true, but come on, girl.

This week, Wendy’s on a new thing about Kylie — gone are the days of mocking her baby or theorizing on all the ways her boyfriend has left or will leave her!

Nope, this tie around she’s actually kind of defending her.

Kind of.

She began her Hot Topics segment by talking about Kylie, and to lead into the subject, she said that “this thing about mom-shaming at some point has got to stop.”

Immediately after saying that, she said that Kylie is “too young to be a mom,” so we guess the point at which mom-shaming has got to stop is not this point.

Her point though about Kylie and mom-shaming has to do with the littlest Jenner’s trip to Coachella last weekend, and how lots of people thought she shouldn’t have gone because of Stormi.

Wendy actually thinks that going to the festival was no big deal, and that mothers should take time for themselves.

But you know she couldn’t have just been nice about it.

She said that because Kylie captioned one of her Coachella selfies “I’m not a regular mom, I’m a cool mom,” the whole thing became a bigger deal than it really was.

She seemed to miss the Mean Girls reference and instead hit back with “you’re a child!”

“You’re not even in the club,” she continued to great applause. “If I was 35 years old and I had a couple of kids and a relationship going on and I walked into the mom club and there’s a 20-year-old child there with a baby …”

In that scenario that barely makes sense, she said that she’d “resign from this mom club,” that she wants “like-minded moms around me.”

… Then don’t hang around the people you’re not interested in being around? Why is this even a conversation point?

Kylie is definitely very young, but she’s an adult, and the fact is that she is a mother. Whether or not Wendy thinks she should be is irrelevant at this point.

Like we said though, Wendy’s point is ultimately positive — she said that there’s “nothing wrong with moms having fun,” and that since Stormi is only two months old, she’s sleeping most of the time anyway.

“She’s probably a good mom,” she admitted. “She may be a bad mom, I have no idea … the baby entered your life, you didn’t enter the baby’s life.”

In conclusion, she said that she’s “Team Moms Go Out and Have Fun,” and that’s why she felt the need to defend Kylie here.

How … sweet? Kind? Not awful?

It’s hard to say — Wendy Williams is so rarely any of those things.


Thursday, April 19, 2018

Kendra Wilkinson: Yup, She"s Returning to Reality TV!

We hope you’re sitting down as you read this.

We hope you’re not operating any heavy machinery.

We hope that you’re ready for your jaw to slam into the floor upon it dropping over the following shocking piece of news…

… Kendra Wilkinson is likely returning to reality television!

It’s been presumed for months, of course, that Kendra was angling to make this happen.

She impressively managed to squeeze SIX seasons of Kendra on Top out of the question of whether or not she would leave Hank Baskett in the wake of his 2014 cheating scandal.

Once that storyline was finally exhausted last summer, however, it appeared as if WEtv was done with the former centerfold.

What else was there to milk out of a romance that wasn’t going anywhere?

Out of two people who actually appeared happy, committed and in love?

The answer, of course, was nothing.

But a lot has changed since August 2017, when the last installment of Kendra on Top aired.

Specifically, Kendra filed for divorce from Hank after nine years of marriage.

Prior to taking this step, Wilkinson shared numerous sad photos and messages on social media, doing all she could to publicize the drama in the hope, we assumed all along, of getting WEtv’s attention.

And now it sounds as if this strategy worked.

“All signs are pointing to a renewal given the recent news about Kendra and Hank,” a source tells Radar of Kendra on Top.

This same insider explains that the show was on the “chopping block” following last year’s finale, but that Kendra’s public meltdown over her impending divorce piqued the interest of potential producers.

To what kind of public meltdown are we referring?

The answer is below:

It’s unclear at the moment whether a seventh season would focus on Kendra dealing with her divorce filing fallout or looking to date again or both.

It’s also unclear whether Baskett would appear in any future episodes.

What has been clear for a very long time, however, is that Wilkinson needs reality television like a fish needs water.

“Kendra really wants that steady gig of reality show money,” this source says, adding for emphasis:

“She needs it! Also, she’s been doing reality shows over a decade, and she’s lost without it.”

Said the ex-girlfriend of Hugh Hefner upon basically confirming her break-up back on April 2:

“I did everything I could. It wasn’t good enough,” she said in an April 2 video, admitting at the time that there are no hard feelings between her and her soon-to-be ex:

“I will forever love Hank and be open but for now we have chosen to go our own ways…

“I’m beyond sad and heartbroken because i did believe in forever, that’s why i said yes but unfortunately too much fear has gotten in the way.”

Most notably, the hand of transgender Ava London got in the way back when she jerked off Baskett to completion.

There was just no recovering from this incident for the couple.


Saturday, April 14, 2018

Kim Zolciak Confirms She"s Done with "Real Housewives of Atlanta"

Kim Zolciak’s not mincing words — she says her time on “Real Housewives of Atlanta” has come to an end … and she’s not leaving the door open for a return. We got Kim and her hubby Kroy Biermann at LAX Saturday, and asked if reports of her…


Thursday, April 12, 2018

Kate Middleton: Proof That She"s Giving Birth VERY Soon!

Back in September, the world learned that Kate Middleton is pregnant with her third child.

As is always the case with this sort of thing, speculation about Kate’s due date began within minutes of the announcement.

And as usual, Kate made no effort to mislead the public, but she also quite understandably feels that she should be allowed to keep certain details of her private life to herself.

So as the big day approaches, we still don’t know exactly when Kate’s third baby is scheduled to enter the world.

But if you thought the Royals’ desire for secrecy would stop the British tabloid press from prying, you don’t know the British tabloid press!

There have been several inaccurate predictions regarding Kate’s delivery already, but now, the UK media is certain they’ve got it right.

And to be fair, there’s actual evidence to support their claims this time:

We already know from Kate’s birth plan that she’s planning to give birth at the Lindo Wing at St Mary’s Hospital in London.

The Telegraph reports that earlier this week, hospital staff began preparing for the duchess’ arrival.

In other words, it’s a bad time to experience a medical emergency in London.

Crowd barriers have been erected to keep screaming hordes of fans and reporters at bay, and parking rules have been changed so that Kate and her army of attendants will not be left looking for spots.

Sources familiar with the facilities say the Lindo Wing is more like a luxury hotel than a hospital.

24-hour room service is available, and meals are freshly prepared by a gourmet chef.

Yes, the newest member of the royal family will enjoy the finest things beginning with his or her very first moments on Earth.

Kate hasn’t been spotted in public in over a week, and it’s believed she’s resting up at Kensington Palace in preparation for the birth.

These are heady times for the UK’s most famous family, as Kate is set to give birth just weeks before Prince Harry marries Meghan Markle.

Sure it’s nice being born into royalty, but soon the little prince or princess will have an aunt who was on Suits!

We don’t need to tell you which is cooler.


Monday, April 9, 2018

Cleveland Kidnapping Survivor Tells Dr. Phil She"s Married

Michelle Knight — the woman who was kidnapped in Cleveland and held captive for 11 years after going missing in 2002 — is now a happily married woman … TMZ has learned. 36-year-old Michelle — now known as Lily Rose – gleefully revealed…


Cleveland Kidnapping Survivor Tells Dr. Phil She"s Married

Michelle Knight — the woman who was kidnapped in Cleveland and held captive for 11 years after going missing in 2002 — is now a happily married woman … TMZ has learned. 36-year-old Michelle — now known as Lily Rose – gleefully revealed…


Jinger Duggar Reveals Baby Gender: She"s Having a...

Over the past few weeks, Jinger Duggar has shared numerous updates about the size of her impending baby.

At 20 weeks, it was akin to an artichoke. At 22 weeks, a bell pepper. At 25 weeks, a cauliflower.

But the reality star has now taken a break from comparing her fetus to various kinds of food items and instead shared a different sort of tidbit about the child…

… it’s gender!

Indeed, following months of anticipation by Duggar family fans ever since Jinger and Jeremy Vuolvo announced they were expecting in January, we finally know exactly what they are expecting.

So, which will it be? A boy or a girl?!?!?

Cue a drumroll in your head and scroll immediately down for the answer.

The baby will be a…

… GIRL!!!!!!!!

According to People Magazine, Jinger and Jeremy revealed this piece of news in exciting and unusual fashion:

They set up a relay race in Laredo, Texas and asked it to be completed by friends and family members.

Wait, what? Huh?!? We can explain:

The couple split their loved ones into a pink team and a blue team.

One by one, an individual on each team had to eat a single serve container of ice cream prior to running the obstacle course.

The captain of the first team to finish the race then had the honor of flipping the switch on a “Baby” neon light, revealing the gender, while Jinger and Jeremy sprayed everyone with pink silly string.

That’s, ummm, different.

“We are so happy to announce that we are having a little baby girl!” the TLC personality tell People, adding:

“We could not be more excited and are eagerly anticipating meeting our little lady this summer.

“We especially love thinking forward and realizing that she will have excellent role models in both of her grandmothers, who cannot wait to shower her with love.”

Instagram followers last week thought that Jinger was set to welcome a boy because she wrote the word “baby” in blue on a chalkboard, as you can see below.

Alas, it will be the complete opposite of a boy. Surprise!

Jinger and Jeremy told the world early on this year that they were expecting their first child together, about 14 months after getting married.

This is what they said at the time:

The past fourteen months have been the best of our lives as we have had the wonderful privilege of beginning our journey through life together in marriage.

We both looked forward to the joys of marriage but neither one of us fully understood just how amazing the start of this journey would be. Truly, the Lord’s mercies are new every morning!

Now, the journey has taken an exciting turn: we are expecting our first child!

We are praising God for this beautiful gift and ask that you join us in praying for a safe and healthy pregnancy

Psalm 139:13-14 13 For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. 14 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.

In an earlier video for TLC, Jinger and Jeremy had said they’d be “happy either way,” whether the kid was male or female.

This, of course, is the right attitude.

All that really matters in the end, after all, is that they keep the kid away from Josh Duggar.

Far, far, far, FAR away,


Sunday, April 8, 2018

Cardi B FINALLY Officially Reveals She"s Pregnant on "SNL"

Cardi B’s well-hidden baby bump surfaced in all it’s glory during a performance on “SNL.” The rapper finally confirmed the story TMZ broke weeks ago … that’s she’s pregnant with her first child.  She left no room for doubt in the super tight…


Thursday, April 5, 2018

Judge Judy, Another Judge Rules She"s Worth $47 Million

Judge Judy and CBS just won an enormous victory against an L.A. talent agency that sued the network claiming it conspired with the TV jurist to screw the agency out of profits. An L.A. County Superior Court judge just ruled CBS’ decision to pay Judy…


Briana DeJesus: Did She Just Confirm She"s Pregnant With Baby #3?!

You won’t find a reality star who’s more candid about her personal life than Briana DeJesus.

DeJesus interacts with her fans as though they’re real-life friends, and more than most of her co-stars, she seems to understand the bargain of reality television stardom.

You can’t just turn off the public’s interest in your life like a light switch whenever it’s inconvenient, and so Briana embraces the scrutiny.

The latest buzz about Bri on Teen Mom Twitter is that she’s secretly expecting a third child.

Rumors about Briana being pregnant are nothing new, of course.

As with the rest of her co-stars, fans are convinced that because she became famous on a show with “Mom” in the title, she must be pregnant or trying to get pregnant at all times.

This latest round of reports is somewhat different, however, as there are some who believe Briana has actually confirmed that she’s expecting.

It all started when Bri posted a video of herself working out at a gym near her native Orlando.

“Everyone watch my journey as I try to get fit,” she captioned the post.

Because we live in a time when even the most innocuous posts can cause trolls to come out of the woodwork, Bri was immediately subjected to harsh criticism from some very angry haters.

Recently, Briana underwent plastic surgery and it seems some of her followers believe she should have begun her fitness journey before having her figure surgically re-sculpted.

“Could have done that from the beginning,” wrote one such shade-thrower.

Another suggested that DeJesus shouldn’t waste her time, as she’s likely to be knocked up again in the near future:

“What’s the point, you will be [pregnant] next week,” wrote one fan.

And it’s Briana’s response to that particular comment that has many fans convinced there’s a big announcement on the way.

“Pregnant chicks can still workout!” DeJesus wrote.

Not exactly a solid confirmation, but that’s all it takes to get the TM2 crowd worked up about a possible bun in the oven.

But we should caution you not to get too excited.

Bri has been silent on the subject since, and while many fans are taking that as a sign that she really is pregnant, we’re not sure that’s the case.

After all, DeJesus is known for keeping the lines of communication with her fans wide open.

If she were really expecting baby number three, it’s a safe bet that she wouldn’t be this quiet about it.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more on Bri and her babies.


Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Wendy Williams Drags Rob Kardashian Over His Blac Chyna Complaints: She"s Still Winning!

After Easter weekend"s throw-down fight between Blac Chyna and an almost random stranger at Six Flags, Rob Kardashian worries that Chyna is too unstable.

Or that"s what his lawyers are reportedly going to argue in yet another court battle to amend the custody agreement.

Wendy Williams, as you"ll see in the clip below, thinks that this is hogwash and that Rob should just accept that he"s lost and that Chyna won.


It might be an oversimplification to say that Rob worries that Blac Chyna is too dangerous to be around Dream.

Many believe that Rob"s alleged push to set new rules on Chyna"s behavior has less to do with fatherly concern — Chyna was, after all, defending Dream (sort of) and there"s no sign that Dream or King witnessed her stroller shenanigans — and more to do with money.

Specifically, he"s been paying her $ 20,000 a month in child support.

Some wonder if he"s angling for a reduction in these payments, perhaps by claiming that Chyna isn"t using those funds properly — for example, she didn"t pay for a VIP escort around Six Flags.

But it"s been widely reported that Rob is planning on using this occasion to demand that Chyna not introduce Dream to any boyfriend of hers unless she"s been dating him for at least 6 months.

Even though, as far as the Six Flags incident goes, Chyna"s young, hot 18-year-old boyfriend wasn"t the problem.

Blac chyna fight gif

Well, Wendy Williams thinks that this is a bunch of malarkey.

She starts off her segment on Rob and Chyna by openly questioning Rob"s parenting skills.

Mostly, it sounds like she"s just body-shaming Rob … and at times it sounds like she"s implying that his weight makes him physically unable to act as a father.

(Point of order, folks: Rob recently showed off massive weight loss. That said, it"s hard to see a realistic way that his weight, even in the past, would impact his ability to care for his daughter)

She also suggests that Rob might need a woman — such as one of his maternally experienced sisters or his mother — to tell him what to do in order to be the best parent for Dream.

That … is something that fewer people find objectionable.

Wendy williams in black

Wendy gets into the six-month rule that Rob is rumored to be pushing to impose upon Chyna.

"Their relationships only last for six months," she exclaims.

She says that she likes that for more "normal" couples, in Hollywood or beyond. That seems like a common-sense policy, to keep children from growing attached to a carousel of short-term partners.

"That"s what decent people do," Wendy continues.

After a pause, she follows that up with: "I"m not saying that Rob and Chyna aren"t decent."

Isn"t she, though?

Rob kardashian blue hat

Wendy then slams Rob for having hooked up with a stripper in the first place, and for her lacking a backbone.

In fact, it doesn"t seem that Wendy has a very high opinion of sex workers of any kind, which is sad. That"s a stigma that needs to end.

"You are stuck, Rob," Wendy says to the camera. "You are stuck with a stripper who is running circles around you."

Honestly, like many people, Wendy sounds impressed by how Chyna is perceived to have used Rob Kardashian.

"You know what? Chyna … you"re still winning. She"s still winning."

It"s possible that her winning streak will end in court after her Six Flags outburst, but that remains to be seen.

Rob kardashian with dream on his birthday

Wendy also lays into Rob"s sock line, talking about how expensive each pair of socks is and how she imagines that they would sell better under a couple of situations.

One, if Rob were to lower the price to, you know, a level that a person would be willing to pay for the novelty of Kardashian socks.

Two, if Rob were more like "the old Rob" (we think that she just means if he shed his excess weight), and stopped dressing like a "slob," as she terms it.

Specifically, Wendy says: "Nobody wants a sock after this slob!"

As unfair as it may sound that Rob needs to dress nicely and improve public perception if he wants his socks to sell better, that is usually how a personal brand of clothing works.

But a man of Rob"s means can probably afford to get nice suits tailored to him, at any size.

And if Rob"s having trouble budgeting it, we"re sure that any of his sisters and certainly his mother would be thrilled to help him visit a tailor and tidy up his look.

Wendy williams drags rob kardashian over his blac chyna complain

Monday, April 2, 2018

Mary Carey Says Stormy Daniels Was a "Bitch" But She"s Making Brilliant Trump Moves

Stormy Daniels was a total bitch to her porn co-star, Mary Carey, according to Mary … but she’s still Team Stormy when it comes to Donald Trump. We got Mary at LAX, and she made it perfectly clear, she has a stormy past with Daniels ……


Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Lindsey Vonn Says She"s Happy For Tiger Woods, "He"s Playing Pretty Well"

Lindsey Vonn is super EX-cited Tiger Woods doesn’t suck at his job anymore … telling TMZ Sports she’s really happy her old boyfriend’s showing signs of his old dominance. ICYMI — Tiger has been CRUSHING it on the links recently. He’s…


Lala Kent on Jennifer Lawrence: God, She"s Gross!

Lala Kent is not done with Jennifer Lawrence.

Not by a very long shot.

Earlier this month, the Vanderpump Rules star was stunned to discover that the Academy Awards winner talked some major trash about her during an appearance on Watch What Happens Live.

An unabashed fan of this Bravo series, Lawrence was asked by host Andy Cohen how she felt about certain storylines on the show.

And she laid hard into Kent upon giving her response:

“Lala trying so hard to be nice and then she’s like crying to her mom and then she’s like a total bitch … I’m like, ‘Bitch you’s a cunt.’”

Whoa there, right?!?

That’s a pretty harsh shot fired and we sort of don’t blame Kent for taking exception to it.

Which is exactly what she did on Twitter.

“Did Jennifer Lawrence really call me a ‘c—’ on @bravowwhl? Annnnnd talk about my mama?” wrote the reality star in a since-deleted post that concluded:

“Bitch, you better pray I don’t see you in the streets.

“You’re one of the highest paid actresses on the planet…you claim you are pro-women and you call another woman a c—? You’re gross.”

Again, we sort of don’t blame Kent for having this kind of reaction.

The 27-year old, meanwhile, appeared on an episode of Heather McDonald’s Juicy Scoop podcast that was released yesterday and continued to lay into Lawrence.

“She’s gross,” Kent said to open her rant.

“Not only did she call me the c-word … she went on and on making fun of me and my relationship with my mom …

“I’m watching this like ‘Is this A-list celebrity, who has Oscars, for real?’

“And then when she dropped the c-word I was like ‘Ok, honey, let’s leave the trash to us reality TV personalities, don’t be trying to take my job.”

Kent then honed in on Lawrence’s resume, which most recently includes Mother! and Red Sparrow, two films that won’t exactly be up for any Oscars next year.

“She’s a gross human being and congratulations on two failed films in a row,” the Bravo star added.

“My man is in the movie business, it is now said that she is not as valuable and she has to have another actor or actress to like, get the numbers up.”

We’re pretty sure Kent made that last part up, but whatever.

Kent was on a roll.

“You’re an A-list celebrity who makes more money than God and you’re like saying you support women and you’re calling another women the c-word that you’ve never laid eyes on in person, never had a conversation with me,” she said on the podcast.

“I tried to not let it bug me, but it never feels good to be called that, on top of someone who is that big and grand and A-list and glamorous.

“That kind of hurt my feelings a little bit.”

In conclusion, Kent ran down a number of things about Lawrence with which she has a problem.

“Well, here’s the thing. Now anytime you bring her up, ‘m going to have nothing nice to say about her.

“I’m going to say that her hair sucks, her face is a little too pudgy, like she needs to stop the drinking, you know? I said it, you don’t have to worry.”

Actually, in the real unexpected conclusion, Kent jumped on Twitter to walk back these mean things she said about the woman who fears penises.

See, the podcast was taped on March 6.

But it did not air until March 20.

In between… Kent and Lawrence sat down and hashed out their feud?!?

We find this nearly impossible to believe, but consider what Lala Tweeted yesterday:

“My interview with Juicy Scoop was taped a couple of weeks ago when I still felt hurt and emotional,” she wrote.

“Excuses aside, I wanted to let it be known J.Law and I are all good now.”

So this means we can’t look forward to another round in this unexpected and awesome celebrity fight? Darn.

But perhaps we can look forward to a Lala Kent-Jennifer Lawrence buddy comedy instead.

What? A celebrity gossip site can dream, can’t it?


Thursday, March 15, 2018

Cardi B"s Baby Due This Summer, But She"s Still Performing at Coachella

Cardi B’s set to pop out her baby this summer but, unlike Beyonce, she’s not letting pregnancy stop her from performing at Coachella. Sources close to Cardi B tell TMZ … the rapper’s due the first week of July and will be close to 7 months…
