Showing posts with label Epic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Epic. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Jenelle Evans vs. Kailyn Lowry & Chelsea Houska in Epic Teen Mom Feud!

We’re sure you’re not at all shocked to learn that Jenelle Evans has stirred up some new drama, but you might be surprised that for once, the target of her outrage isn’t her mother, or her baby daddy Nathan Griffith, but rather, two of her more stable Teen Mom 2 co-stars.

It all started last month, when Jenelle launched her own website in order to connect with fans.

Shortly thereafter, Chelsea Houska launched a site of her own, and because Jenelle clearly thinks that starting a website in 2016 is some sort of novel concept, she got super pissed at Chelsea for stealing her idea.

“Monkey see monkey do…unreal” Jenelle wrote, in a tweet that’s since been deleted. “So over this show.”

Kailyn Lowry quickly jumped to her friend’s defense, tweeting at Jenelle:

“They say imitation is the best form of flattery…It’s also flattering when someone thinks you’re copying them. Sorry babe, but no.”

Jenelle has yet to respond publicly, but insiders say it may be because she’s planning a lawsuit.

Yes, according to Radar Online, it’s not just the website that’s outraged Jenelle. 

Sources say she also believes that Houska contacted her publicity team in hopes of beating Jenelle to the punch on a skincare line and a number of other business ventures.

“Chelsea had contacted one of Jenelle’s publicist’s clients and it made Jenelle mad,” says the source. “She voiced her opinion, and then she was attacked by Chelsea’s fans and fans of the show.

“Jenelle’s working on a skincare line, has a new website, working on Potty Trainers and all of these other partnership things. Chelsea comes out with a website and reached out to Jenelle’s skincare person – Jenelle’s annoyed by the copying.”

A different source says Jenelle is the victim in all this, as Kailyn and Chelsea have basically teamed up against her:

“There is a lot of hate going on. Jenelle doesn’t speak to Kailyn anymore. She doesn’t speak to Chelsea anymore. They leave her out of everything,” the insider claims.

“There is a lot jealousy. They see Jenelle is in the spotlight and that she is working on branding herself a lot.”

Wow. Sounds like some serious drama. Frankly, we’re surprised Jenelle has time for all her Twitter feuds these days.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Rihanna: Epic Meltdown Before Canceling Grammys Performance?

Monday night’s 2016 Grammy Awards were loaded with memorable musical moments, but one highly-anticipated performance never went down, and we may finally know why.

As part of her ongoing comeback campaign (Her popularity never fell off, but she hasn’t released an album since 2012), Rihanna was supposed to perform a track off of Anti, but she called it off at the last minute.

Rumors abounded, and fans speculated that the singer was experiencing health problems.

Now, however, TMZ is reporting that Rihanna had a backstage meltdown and stormed out just hours before she was scheduled to take the stage. 

Sources say Rihanna was “screaming and hysterical” the day of the show, as a rehearsal that didn’t go as planned reportedly sent the 27-year-old into a tantrum.

Witnesses say Rihanna loudly announced that she would not be performing before leaving the stage in a huff.

Reps for RiRi still maintain that she was forced to cancel after suffering a bronchitis flare-up.

Many have pointed out, however, that she sang flawlessly just two nights earlier at a charity event hosted by Lionel Richie.

Frankly, we’re not sure who to believe.

Her team’s explanation sounds a little too convenient, but then again, with the amount of weed Rihanna smokes, we imagine some minor throat irritation could happen at any time.

Of course, if the other story is true, it seems all that ganj isn’t doing much to chill RiRi out.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

For the Nguyen: Asian Students Pull Off Epic Yearbook Prank!

We thought that high school senior who posed in mesmerizing fashion with a cat came up with the greatest yearbook photo idea of all-time.

But we apparently spoke too soon.

Heck, even that gay high school student’s farewell quote now must take a backseat.

Because a quartet of Vietnamese high school students just won the Internet via a photo that was shared this week on Reddit, presenting in the form “/funny” without comment.

But no comment is really needed here to explain the hilarious motivation.

As you can see above, all four young women share the last name Nguyen.

And we’re guessing they’ve been asked about a gajillion times whether they are related and why they look the same and other stereotypes often associated with Asian-Americans.

So Alice, Kim, Theresa and Vivian took it upon themselves to get the last laugh, using space typically reserved for inspirational quotes to write a single word each:


HA! We love it!

We don’t know if this slipped past school administrators or if the administrators were totally cool with it or what.

All we know is that it’s totally awesome, a much better use of this space than whatever overwrought Theroux quote their classmates probably chose instead.

(Editor’s Note: The name “Nguyen” is pronounced similar to “win,” making our headline totally genius. We’re just saying.)

Friday, February 5, 2016

15 of the Most EPIC Kardashian-Jenner Feuds Ever!

Hate the Kardashians? You"re not alone.

Members of the Kardashian-Jenner family seem to find themselves entangled in a new feud every week – whether it"s with outsiders or amongst themselves.

There have been so many it"s tough to keep track. We"ve compiled some of the more memorable disputes so we can all relive the sometimes funny, sometimes maddening, always eye-rollable moments.


1. Rob vs. Kim

Kim kardashian and rob kardashian

Rob Kardashian has made it clear that he’s no fan of his sister Kim, whom he once compared to “the bitch from Gone Girl” on Instagram. Rob’s sour grapes could be in part due to Kim publicly fat-shaming him, but this sibling strife certainly escalated when Rob bailed out on Kim’s wedding to Kanye West in 2014.

2. Jon Hamm vs. Kim

Handsome jon hamm

Jon Hamm lamented the downfall of society for celebrating the “stupidity” of people like Kim Kardashian, referring to her as a “f*cking idiot.” Kim called his remarks “careless,” because she considers herself a successful business woman. Jon followed up by affirming that his critique was indeed “accurate.”

3. Farrah Abraham vs. Kendall

Farrah abraham is a number boss

Farrah Abraham has a penchant for picking fights with folks more famous than she, particularly after she saw how many headlines she made following her feud with Nicki Minaj. In fact, said feud led to a new beef with Kendall Jenner, who had sided with Nicki. Farrah then posted a meme to Instagram suggesting Ray J made the Kardashian-Jenner family famous by appearing in a sex tape with Kim. She tagged Kendall and included the hashtag #lifechoices.

4. Blac Chyna vs. Kylie

Tyga blac and kylie

Blac Chyna’s ex-fiance and baby daddy Tyga reportedly dumped her for an underaged Kylie Jenner, and the two women have been at odds ever since. They’ve traded numerous jabs on social media, and Blac angered the whole family by getting romantic with Kylie’s brother Rob.

5. Amber Rose vs. Kim, Khloe & Kylie

Amber rose and kanye west 2009 bet awards

This one gets a little complicated. Amber first claimed that Kanye West cheated on her with Kim Kardashian, and that the she would still be with the rapper if is wasn’t for Kim. Fast forward a couple years to hear Amber dissing Kylie’s relationship with Tyga, who as we learned left Blac Chyna (Amber’s BFF) for the then 17-year-old. Khloe Kardashian defended her sister and went at it with Amber on Twitter. In February of 2016, however, Kim and Amber seemed to reconcile when both shared a pic of them together following a nasty Twitter war between Kanye, Wiz Khalifa and Amber.

6. Daniel Craig vs. The Family

Daniel craig at skyfall premiere

Daniel Craig echoed fellow actor Jon Hamm’s sentiments during an interview with GQ, in which he referred to the family as, here’s that term again, “f*cking idiots.” Family matriarch Kris Jenner demanded an apology, but we never heard one from the James Bond actor.

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Friday, January 22, 2016

Justin Bieber Flirts With Ariana Grande, Gets Shot Down in Epic Fashion!

If you have opinions worth having, then you probably already love Ariana Grande.

Whether the girl is tearing down body-shaming trolls or amusing us with spot-on impressions of Christina Aguilera, Ariana has proven time and again that she’s the least-basic pop star since Miley Cyrus.

Maybe that’s why she has no time for ultra-basic f–kboys like Justin Bieber.

It seems the Biebz was scrolling through his Instagram page (or stalking Ari’s page, whatevs), when he saw a photo he liked and felt the need to leave a flirty comment.

“Damn Ariana u look so good,” Justin wrote.

Naturally, there are millions of young women who would book the next flight to Ontario if they were to receive such a compliment from the Biebs.

Ariana is very clearly not one of them:

“lol no,” Ariana replied. Moments later she clarified her reasons for shooting the Biebus down:

“not today satan !!!!!! gtg finish this music & live my cute, drama free life !!”

Yes, Ari not only shot the man down, she drew his attention to what the rest the world has known for quite some time:

Bieber is a drama tornado and anyone in his vicinity just gets sucked into the cyclone.

Something tells us we won’t be seeing any more Justin Bieber-Ariana Grande collaborations in the near future.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Mike Huckabee Defends Duggar Family in EPIC Tirade!

Long before the Josh Duggar sex scandals made headlines, the 19 Kids and Counting clan was friendly with a number of influential conservative politicians, among them, former Arkansas governor and current presidential hopeful, Mike Huckabee.

While most politicians (particularly those with their eyes on a national election) distanced themselves from the Duggars following the revelation that Josh had molested four of his sisters, Huckabee stood by the family"s side.

When it was reported that Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar has helped hide Josh"s crimes from the authorities, Huckabee passed up the opportunity to condemn such actions, and instead argued that the media was "trying to destroy" the Duggars.

Huckabee had probably hoped that the media attention surrounding the Duggars would have died down by now, but somehow the family seems to be embroiled in a new scandal every week.

Equally surprising is the fact that – despite polling in the single-digits since day one of his campaign – the 60-year-old Republican is currently stumping in Iowa alongside candidates who actually have a chance.

We"d the Huckster is wasting his time, but as long as he keeps providing us with hilariously interactions like the one below, we hope he keeps soldiering on.

The footage – shot during a campaign stop in Clinton, Iowa – shows a woman calling Huckabee out for his politically disastrous support of the Duggars.

"When the Duggars came out and the son had molested their child you more or less said that you felt sorry for their parents," she says. "Their parents let it continue for over two years."

Huckabee tries on his best Trump impersonation and flips out on the woman, eventually cutting her off entirely.

Just before the woman reveals that she"s a victim of child molestation herself, Huckabee shouts at her, "You don"t know that family and I do!" and sounds very much like a man who"s desperate to justify a seriously ill-advised stance.


Mike huckabee defends duggar family in epic tirade

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Nicki Minaj Calls Farrah Abraham a C**t in EPIC Twitter War

If we’ve learned anything from the dramaland that is social media, it’s that NO ONE does Twitter wars like Nicki Minaj. The rapper’s latest target: Farrah Abraham.

The “Anaconda” singer commented on an episode of Teen Mom OG in which Miss Farrah ripped her own mother Debra a new one.

In one scene, Farrah condescendingly instructed Debra on how to take care of her daughter Sophia while the reality TV star traveled to shoot Celebrity Big Brother in the UK.

Farrah called her mom a “bitch,” which rendered her mother in tears and even prompted Sophia to slap Farrah and accuse her of having a “bad attitude.”

Nicki Minaj, for one, was not amused. She made her feelings very clear with this tweet:

Nicki Minaj - Farrah Abraham Twitter War 1

Then followed up by replying to a fan’s response with this zinger:

Nicki Minaj - Farrah Abraham Twitter War 2

Then, it was ON.

Farrah caught wind of the tweet and shot back:

Nicki Minaj - Farrah Abraham Twitter War 3

But did she really think that would silence Nicki, queen of the Twitter wars? Please.

Nicki Minaj - Farrah Abraham Twitter War 4

Nicki Minaj - Farrah Abraham Twitter War 9

Apparently at a loss for words, Farrah pulled the God card:

Nicki Minaj - Farrah Abraham Twitter War 6

And then Nicki called her out on bad grammar:

Nicki Minaj - Farrah Abraham Twitter War 7

And Farrah said that HER MOM DOESN’T HELP HER.

Nicki Minaj - Farrah Abraham Twitter War 8

Nicki’s final response was to retweet a fan, who included this ominous gif:

Your move, Farrah.

Friday, January 8, 2016

ABC Teases TGIT Return with Epic Promo

We"re really not sure how we"ve gotten through the last few weeks.

The powerhouse Thursday night television lineup on ABC has been on hiatus since November and it has left a sad, Shonda Rhimes-sized hole in our heart on a weekly basis.

We still need to wait until February 11 for the return of Meredith Grey, Annalise Keating, Olivia Pope and company…

… but at least the network has offered up some juicy upcoming footage to help tide us over until then.

While we watch Grey"s Anatomy online and watch Scandal online to kill these dark days, we also continue to watch the following footage and we wonder:

Does the Grey"s Anatomy sneak peek imply that Meredith is about to get shot?

Why is Mellie waiting in Olivia"s office? Is she about to be a client?

Why is Annalise holding a baby? And freaking the eff out? Is she about to be… we have no idea, actually.

We"re open to theories.

As we said, Grey"s Anatomy, Scandal and How to Get Away with Murder do not return until Thursday, February 11 at 8/7; 9/8c; and 10/9c, respectively.

What the heck will take place when this smash hit drama do return to our lives?

This is Shonda Rhimes, people. How on Earth should we know?!? 

We just assume it will be unexpected. And epic.

Abc teases tgit return with epic promo

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Kelly Clarkson Channels Game of Thrones for Epic Christmas Card

Kelly Clarkson is very clearly the opposite of a Grinch.

In 2013, the first-ever American Idol champion cracked us up with a Christmas card that featured her family giving a very weird look to a certain special guest.

But the singer has outdone herself this year.

Clarkson shared this year’s Christmas card on Instagram last night, giving fans a look at herself, husband Brandon Blackstock, the artist’s two stepchildren and her daughter River, all dressed up in Game of Thrones-like garb.

They’re also standing in front of a giant castle and Blackstock is wearing a kilt.

“Merry Christmas from the Blackstocks,” the card reads, as a wolf symbol with the words “Winter Is Coming Blackstock” is featured in the top right corner.

A second baby, of course, is also coming, with Clarkson making this emotional reveal during a tour stop in August.

“Merry Christmas from the Blackstock clan! @GameOfThrones #gameofthrones #winteriscoming #riverisnotworried,” Clarkson Tweeted along with this festive photo.

Because Clarkson will be welcoming a child some time in early 2016, we may not hear much from the singer in the months ahead.

But with American Idol set to kick off its final season in January, it seems very hard to believe that Clarkson won’t make an appearance at some point on the show that helped make her famous.

As for the show she is honoring here, Game of Thrones Season 6 premieres in April.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Lark Voorhies Posts EPIC Instagram Rant: I Don"t Have a Sex Tape! My Ex"s Junk Smells Like Corn Chips!

For four seasons, Lark Voorhies wisely rejected the advances of Dustin Diamond’s Screech on Saved By the Bell.

Unfortunately, in real life the 41-year-old actress is not as adept at avoiding romantic entanglements with creepy losers.

As you may have heard, Voorhies married Jimmy Green in a quickie Vegas ceremony just a few months after meeting him on Facebook.

Astonishingly, the marriage didn’t last. In fact, it imploded in epic fashion just days after Lark and Jimmy exchanged vows.

It turns out Green was a homeless gang member who was frequently busted sleeping in the closets of Lark’s mother’s home. (Lark lives with her mom, and the husband and wife were forbidden to have sleepovers.)

After the divorce, Green claimed to be in possession of a sex tape starring Voorhies, but she insisted that no such footage exists.

Earlier today, she doubled down on that claim in one of the most bonkers rants ever posted to Instagram:

“To whom this may concern. I am single! Jimmy couldn’t fork up a dime for our divorce,” the post reads. “There’s an active restraining order that he continues to violate. No sex tape even physically exists. Do you really think he could afford a camera?”

“I gave him money multiple times and put minutes on his Obama phone. You better take a U-Turn on that bus. Everyone in Pasadena knows you’re a joke. Gang Member? You lost your job at Taco Bell.

“Your penis is NOTHING to brag about! Is it normal for a penis to smell like corn chips?”

Yes, the word is out in Pasadena: Jimmy is suffering from a chronic case of Frito dong. 

Sources say the man’s wang should be providing the crunch in chili pie, not making sex tapes with washed-up ’90s stars.

We imagine Lark is still trying to get the grease off of her fingers.

Anyway, Voorhies later posted a retraction in which she stated that her account was hacked, but we’re calling shenanigans on that claim.

Not only did she never delete the original post, she later went off on Jimmy again, this time warning that she’ll sue anyone who interviews him. 

We’re not doubting that Jimmy is a little unstable, but it sounds like he and Lark may have actually been a pretty good match.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Father Accepts Whisper Challenge, Has Epic Reaction to Pregnancy News

This may be it, people. This may be our favorite reaction to a pregnancy announcement that we"ve ever seen on the Internet.

Yes, that wife surprising her husband with a self-created Taste Challenge was pretty cool and pretty funny.

But another couple decided to use a different sort of challenge to stun a pair of grandparents-to-be.

It"s called the Whisper Challenge and any frequent viewer of The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon is familiar with the game.

It entails one party wearing noise-canceling headphones and the other party whispering some kind of message. The headphone-wearing individual must then decipher said message.

It"s not easy, but it is hilarious to watch.

And it"s even more hilarious to watch when the headphone-wearer is about to be a grandfather, but he doesn"t know it yet because he can"t figure out what his son is saying.

So he keeps repeating the wrong message, getting closer and closer and closer to the truth.

Until finally saying the right words, letting it sink in for a moment and then screaming in absolute shock and euphoria. 

What a great way to spill baby news.

What an amazing reaction.

Check it all out now:

Father accepts whisper challenge has epic reaction to pregnancy

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Teen Takes on Cop in Epic Dance-Off

The very best dance-offs are the ones you can never see coming.

Take the one between Tom Hiddleston and Benedict Cumberbatch, for example. These two British stars are known for a couple rather serious roles in Loki and Sherlock, respectively.

So who could have predicted the Internet would play host to this memorable clash?

Or what about that father and his adorable daughter, the latter of whom likely did not expect her dad to bust out such impressive moves when faced with his talented child?

But the following video may feature the least expected dance-off of all-time.

It took place when high school senior Aaliyah Taylor and a bunch of friends were involved in a dispute on the street.

The argument grew loud enough that it prompted a female police officer to intervene, telling the two groups to quiet down and go in their separate directions.

This is when Taylor decided to go up to the cop (risky) and simply start dancing (REALLY risky!). 

It"s unclear what prompted this maneuver, but there"s no way Taylor could have foreseen that the cop would be totally and completely into it.

The two proceeded to throw it down big time, trading off moves, shakes and gyrations and leaving us unsure as to the winner.

Can you possibly decide between Taylor and the police officer?

Can this please happen everyday in every city across the country? Don"t you think it would help tremendously with police and pedestrian relations?!?

Teen takes on cop in epic dance off

Taylor Swift Shares Epic Throwback Photo of Teletubby Halloween Costume

These days, Taylor Swift can do no wrong. The woman makes a million dollars a day, and she other artists comparing her to Shakespeare.

But there was a time when Taylor was just a little girl who was down with the Teletubbies trend way before her classmates:

Swifty posted the above photo to Instagram yesterday, along with a caption reading:

“When you dress as the yellow teletubby for Halloween, but it’s before Teletubbies got huge so all the kids at school ask you why you’re dressed as a yellow pregnant alien.”

Yes, as hard as it is to imagine now, there was a time when both Taylor and Teletubbies were unknown to the general public.

In case you were never on board with the T-Tubz, Taylor is dressed as Laa-Laa, who…looked and acted just like the rest of the Teletubbies but was yellow.

But hey, yellow pregnant alien is a cool costume too.

She could’ve laughed it off with a joke about giving birth to the weird baby-sun thing that loomed over Teletubbyland, but it totally would’ve gone over her classmates’ heads, because these freakin’ kids didn’t watch Teletubbies!  What, did they live in caves?!

We hope this incident more than any other inspired Taylor to go on to great things and that she occasionally calls one of the kids who laughed at her and is all like, “Hey, it’s me, the pregnant yellow alien. Anyway, I’m about to go on stage with Mick Jagger. Just thought you’d like to know.”

Sorry, we might be getting too worked up over this yellow Teletubby thing.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Will Be an "Epic Finale"

The final chapter in our favorite franchise is about to get underway.

And while movie goes have been treated to the same The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2 trailer for awhile now, fans of the small screen have actually viewed more variety.

The film has released a number of TV spot, culminating in an especially dramatic one that aired on Tuesdsy evening.

The new one-minute preview debuted during Game 1 of the World Series between the New York Mets and Kansas City Royals, taking a look back at Katniss" (Jennifer Lawrence) journey as she gets ready to take down The Capitol

Once and for all, dammit.

Remember when Katniss had to compete in The Hunger Games? Remember when she would go out into the woods with her bow, her arrow and Liam Hemsworth as Gale?

And then when everything changed once Katniss (and her trusty pin!) became the symbol of a revolution among the Districts?

There"s also some new footage included here, which mixes with the old footage to form a delicious cocktail of nostalgia and suspense.

Simply put, we cannot wait for November 20 to arrive. It"s not here yet, is it?

Check out the latest television spot for The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2 and prepare to say hello to these beloved characters once again…

… before having to say goodbye to them forever, that is.

The hunger games mockingjay will be an epic finale

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

33 Most Epic Facebook Fails of All Time

We all use Facebook every day, and we all have seen some stupid s–t on there in our day, but these people … these people take the cake.

Behold, 33 of the most epic, LOL-tastic, all-American Facebook fails of all time that will make you love/hate your fellow U.S. residents.

You gotta read these to believe "em …

1. Weird-Looking Parrot!

Weird looking parrot

Who chose that bird to put over an American flag pic, honestly? And why?

2. July 3 or 4?

July 3 or 4

Come on. July 4 only falls on the 3rd when Halloween falls on October 13.

3. Marveling at Nature

Marveling at nature

If you ever doubt the existence of God, just look at… Mount Rushmore?

4. Empire (Building) State of Mind

Empire building state of mind

This is the Statue of Liberty.

5. WTH, Time?!?

Wth time

The time went… backwards? What the heck happened here?!?

6. Happy Birthday, Earth!

Happy birthday earth

Seriously, buddy, you’ve come a long way. Well done!

View Slideshow

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Klay Thompson: Called Out For Cheating on Hannah Stocking in EPIC Fashion!

Obviously, Golden State Warriors guard Klay Thompson is a professional athlete.

You may be shocked to hear this, but sometimes professional athletes don’t make for the most faithful companions.

In fact, the list of cheating jocks is longer than the list of Tiger Woods’ mistresses, and for the most part, these guys get off scot-free.

Fortunately, unlike Roger Goodell and millions of WAGs before her, 23-year-old model Hannah Stocking is taking a stand against cheating athletes.

Apparently, Hannah and Klay have been dating for quite some time, and it seems she recently walked in on him in a compromising position with a young lady.

“When you catch your man naked in bed with a groupie,” Stocking tweeted yesterday, along with a photo of Thompson.

“I told him I’d @ him if he kept harassing me…So I guess he really wanted that tag to get his numbers up.”

Clearly, we don’t know the whole situation, but it seems that Stocking caught Thompson cheating, he harassed her online for some reason, and then she accused him of wanting to get called out so that he could “get his numbers up” and send the message that he’s down to sleep around. 

Sounds like a good dude.

Stocking has since deleted the tweets, but clearly social media has made the world less safe for cheating athletes. So stay away from other players’ girlfriends, Russell Wilson!

Skunk Handler Pulls Epic Morning TV Prank

On the scale of mean pranks, it may not get any worse than pretending to blow up your three-year old son.

Heck, not even any of these over-the-top pranks can compete with that dastardly maneuver.

But Kip Smith, an animal handler who works for a company called Wildlife Encounters, still deserves some recognition.

Smith recently appeared on The Morning Blend, a talk show that airs in Omaha, Nebraska, and he brought a friend with him. If anyone can really be "friends" with a skunk, that is.

About three minutes into the clip featured here, Smith used a hidden water bottle to trick hosts Mike DiGiacomo and Mary Nelson into thinking they were sprayed by the animal.

Which would be just about the grossest thing that could ever happy to anyone.

Check out the funny sneak peek now and take special note of DiGiacomo"s reaction. It"s safe to say he wasn"t amused.

Skunk handler pulls epic morning tv prank

Monday, October 5, 2015

Emilia Clarke and Jason Momoa Reunite for Epic Instagram Photo

Khaleesi and Khal Drogo are back together!

In real life, that is. Kind of. Sort of. Here is what we mean…

The actress (forever best known for playing Daenerys Targaryen on Game of Thrones) and Jason Momoa (forever best known for playing Khal Drogo on Game of Thrones… unless Aquaman somehow soars swims to success) reunited in Paris over the weekend.

And in case that mere fact were not enough to make you smile broadly, first consider the photo above.

Second, consider Clarke’s affiliated caption:

“Well I guess the sun rises in the west and sets in the east then huh? Paris fashion week just kicked off….! #Momoaloveforlifebaby #nomorebeerleftinparis #bestdresseddothrak.”

HA! We love everything about that.

Clarke was in town for Paris Fashion Week, as she mentions here, while Momoa was in France to attend the Paris Manga & Sci-Fi Show.

The beautiful star recently said she hates sex scenes, but considering how many she shared with Momoa… and considering how close they seem in this image… it’s clear she doesn’t hate her sex scene partners.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Khloe Kardashian Had An EPIC Response To Kim"s Pregnancy — See Her Glee At Being "The Thin One" Again On A Sneak Peek Of Sunday"s KUWTK!

Nobody ever accused Khloe Kardashian of not keepin’ it real!

The KUWTK star joins sister Kim Kardashian West in a sneak peek clip of this coming Sunday’s new episode, and it’s all about Kim’s second pregnancy!

Related: There’s Already Trouble With The Kardashian Websites!

In the clip, Kim goes through her whole ordeal getting pregnant, while dropping the news on Khloe that things finally worked out for her, and she’s carrying a baby!

Khloe’s response, though, is epic:

“I really thrived when you were fat and pregnant and they compared you to a whale. That was the first time I was ever the thin one. That’s so sad that you guys have to be pregnant for me to be the thin one.”

It was all spoken in good nature, of course — LOLz!!

Kim pointed out that Khloe should probably take advantage of the time in the spotlight now that she’ll be “the thin one”:

“This is your moment to shine. You’ve got to do every sexy photo shoot you can imagine.”

And of course Khloe took her sister’s advice and made that happen in a jaw-dropping way!

Ch-ch-check out the full teaser clip (below):

And don’t forget, KUWTK airs this Sunday at 8pm ET on E!

[Image via E!]