Showing posts with label Something. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Something. Show all posts

Monday, August 21, 2017

Britney Spears Stuns with Raw Vocals, Covers "Something to Talk About" Live!

Over the weekend, did you notice some folks on Twitter talking about how 2017 had been saved? Or at least just tweeting excitedly about Britney Spears?

No, Britney didn"t drop a new album — but she did wow crowds and blow minds with her raw vocals on stage, covering Bonnie Raitt"s "(Let"s Give Them) Something to Talk About." Because she"s Britney and she"s amazing.

And we of course have the video for you below. We"re not monsters.

We"ve heard Britney"s raw vocals for "Toxic" before, but we"re always here for Britney"s amazing voice.

Before Britney sings the cover, however, she addresses her adoring audience.

Microphone in hand instead of wearing a headset, she speaks:

"The press and the media my whole life, because one minute they tear you down, they"re really horrible, and the next minute, you"re on top of the world."

Unfortunately, highs and lows like that that sometime describes life.

But it sucks to be described that way, as a celebrity.

Especially as a celebrity who became famous as a teen minor.

Rumors have long accused her of lipsyncing everything.

Britney quashed the lipsyncing rumors, pretty aggressively, this summer.

Britney has also long battled boob job rumors, though expert surgeons have agreed that she looks very natural.

(Sometimes, outfits are just really flattering to your boobs, folks)

"But, I"ve never really spoke about, you know?"

She"s absolutely communicated about it.

(Like, the song "Piece of Me" was very blatantly about her and her relationship with critics and the tabloid press, folks)

If you"re expecting Britney to go on a rant about unfair coverage … that"s not really her style.

She"s totally just segueing into her song.

Which she"s about to make abundantly clear.

"I"m a Southern girl, I"m from Louisiana. I"m from the South, and I like to keep it real."

A lot of people forget Britney"s roots. But this is just more segue.

"And I just want to make sure I keep having you mother f–kers something to talk about, OK?"

To be clear, she"s not insulting her audience, who cheers basically every moment when she isn"t talking or singing.

She"s not even really insulting people who write about her.

This is just an introduction to her cover of Blues musician Bonnie Raitt"s "Something to Talk About."

Essentially, this was just a longer version of saying "This is a story about a girl named Lucky."

To be clear, though, Britney has absolutely given us all something to talk about.

Her raw vocals are totally on point.

Personally, we prefer Britney"s original music — from "Crazy" to "Womanizer" to "Make Me," Britney"s been wowing us for longer than some of her younger fans have been alive.

(Feel old, yet?)

Anyway, here"s the video, so please enjoy:

Britney spears stuns with raw vocals covers something to talk ab

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Paulie Malignaggi: "I"d Beat Conor"s Ass Like He Stole Something"

Paulie Malignaggi says he wasn’t even close to being in full boxing shape when he beat Conor McGregor’s ass in training camp … and says Conor knows the beatings were only gonna get worse.  Look, by now you already know Paulie bailed…


Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Raiders" Gareon Conley: Rape Allegations Were Hurtful & Wrong, But I Learned Something

Oakland Raiders rookie Gareon Conley is speaking for the first time since he was cleared in his rape case — saying he knows he’s 100% innocent but “could’ve exercised better judgment.” As we previously reported, a grand jury decided to NOT move…


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Aaron Carter 911 Caller Saw Him Drive Past Cops, "Looks Like He Is On Something"

Aaron Carter was opening his door while driving and swerving all over the road — until he drove right past a parked cop … according to an extremely worried 911 caller. In the audio obtained by TMZ, the caller says he’d been following the…


Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Dennis Rodman Arrives in North Korea to Promote "Something Pretty Positive"

Dennis Rodman is at it again, playing diplomat and trying to ease fierce tensions between the U.S. and North Korea … or so it seems. The NBA Hall of Famer arrived in Pyongyang Tuesday afternoon for what appears to be a four-night visit…


Saturday, June 10, 2017

Ice Cube Says Bill Maher"s N-Word May Have Something to do with Black Girlfriends (VIDEO)

Ice Cube took Bill Maher to task on “Real Time” by letting him know it was wrong to use the n-word, and then suggesting Maher may have felt he had a pass because he’s had black girlfriends. Cube wanted to know why Maher thought it was cool to use…


Ice Cube Says Bill Maher"s N-Word May Have Something to do with Black Girlfriends (VIDEO)

Ice Cube took Bill Maher to task on “Real Time” by letting him know it was wrong to use the n-word, and then suggesting Maher may have felt he had a pass because he’s had black girlfriends. Cube wanted to know why Maher thought it was cool to use…


Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Ryan Lochte Shoots Down Water Birth ... "In Case Something Goes Wrong" (VIDEO)

Doesn’t matter that he’s a world class swimmer … Ryan Lochte says there’s way in hell he’s allowing his fiancee to have a water birth when their kid is born.  Lochte and his fiancee, Kayla Rae Reid, announced their pregnancy back…


Monday, January 30, 2017

Deep Blue Something Singer Todd Pipes "Memba Him?!

Todd Pipes shot to stardom after his band, Deep Blue Something, released the 1995 single “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” that landed them in the Billboard Hot 100 and solidified the group as a one hit wonder. Guess what he looks like now!


Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Kylie Jenner Gives Makeup Artist Something Better Than Money to Dodge Lawsuit (PHOTO)

Kylie Jenner’s using her considerable social media capital to settle a potential legal war with the makeup artist who claimed KJ stole her photos to promote her brand. We broke the story … Vlada Haggerty threatened to take action against Kylie for…


Thursday, October 27, 2016

Mariah Carey, James Packer -- Something Really Bad Happened in Greece

Mariah Carey and James Packer haven’t seen each other or spoken for more than a month, after something happened during their vacation on a yacht in Greece … TMZ has learned. Sources connected with Mariah claim James did “something really bad”…


Monday, August 22, 2016

Vin Diesel Says Something Nice About Dwayne Johnson

Vin Diesel just brought up Dwayne Johnson on social media.

Did he totally dismantle the actor? Did he hurl an endless amount of shade at Johnson? Did he fight back against accusations Johnson has made against him in public?

No, no and no.

On Friday, Diesel took part in a lengthy Facebook Live session, answering questions from fans for about a half hour.

He did so amidst allegations that he acted like a spoiled, rotten jerk while shooting Fast 8, the latest installment in this beloved movie franchise, which wrapped production last week.

Those allegations stemmed from an epic Instagram tirade shared by Johnson, who did not call out Diesel by name.

But The Rock did blast a male co-star for acting like an unprofessional “candy ass” while filming.

Since that original post, multiple sources (TMZ, Entertainment Tonight, etc.) have confirmed that Johnson was taking issue with Diesel.

These sources allege that Diesel would show up late for work, berate other Fast 8 stars and act like a general ass throughout shooting.

Later on, Johnson filmed a video with members of the crew, thanking for their hard work… and also personally thanked nearly every co-star.

With the exception of Diesel.

Diesel has remained almost entirely silent while his name and reputation have been dragged through the mud.

At one point, Diesel shared a quick video online in which he mentioned the movie and made a very general statement about his feud with Johnson.

“So much has gone on this year. I can’t believe I wrapped two back to back pictures I both starred in and produced,” he said, adding:

“Give me a second and I will tell you everything. Everything.”

This footage went live about two weeks ago and Diesel has yet to spill a detail.

A video posted by Vin Diesel (@vindiesel) on

So, how did Johnson come up during Diesel’s Facebook Live chat?

Asked about casting decisions and changed, the veteran star told fans the following:

“The reason we brought Dwayne Johnson into Fast 5 was because of you!.

“There was a girl named Jan Kelly who said, ‘I would love to see you work together on screen.’

“So the role that was originally written for Tommy Lee Jones, we gave it to Dwayne and he shined in it.”

That’s about it. But it’s something positive, right?

Diesel went on praise some of Fast’s newest stars, including legendary British actress Helen Mirren, who many can’t believe has a role in this sort of movie.

“One of the best scenes I had in Fast 8 was working with Helen Mirren. It was so surreal. She’s such a wonderful, wonderful talent.

“It was such a blessing,” he said.

You can watch the entire Facebook Live video here:

Is Diesel taking the high road here in saying something nice about Johnson?

Or does he not have anything else to say because most insiders have agreed with Johnson’s assessment:

They say he was nothing but professional and generous on set, while Diesel did act like a pretty big douchebag.

There’s a good chance that more will come out about this rivalry in the weeks and months ahead.

Remember: Fast 8 doesn’t hit theaters until April. There’s still a full press tour for Johnson, Diesel and company to embark on.

We’ll be watching it very closely.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Amber Heard Breaks Law to Skip Johnny Depp Deposition! Is She Hiding Something?!

The ongoing Johnny Depp-Amber Heard divorce just took a turn for the highly unexpected.

After months of speculation and he-said, she-said, it looked as though both parties would finally be forced to give their sides of the story and court after they were summoned to give depositions last week.

Despite Amber’s claim that she has proof Depp was abusive during their relationship and the fact that she showed up to his lawyer’s office when she was scheduled to arrive, she never actually testified.

The reason, apparently, is that she was too upset to answer questions.

Depp’s attorney, Laura Wasser, says the actress spent the allotted time screaming and crying in an adjoining room.

Obviously, it’s possible that Heard was genuinely that upset by the prospect of being asked to recall details of what she says was an abusive relationship.

However, the move could wind up costing her dearly.

Heard was facing some tough questions, including inquiries as to why cops and staff at her apartment never saw the facial injuries that she claims were inflicted by Depp,

Her refusal to give a deposition – for whatever reason – could leave the judge in her case with no choice but to dismiss Heard’s domestic violence claims against Depp.

Amber was scheduled to try again this morning at 10 am PST, but considering she’s currently in London, it seems unlikely that she’ll be keeping the appointment.

Depp’s lawyers have requested that Heard be prohibited from testifying when the case goes to trial next week.

The couple is reportedly close to reaching a divorce settlement, but  – as is usually the case – they can’t agree on financial terms.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Malia Obama Pot Controversy: Was She Smoking SOMETHING ELSE?!

As you may have heard, Malia Obama was caught smoking pot at the Lollapalooza music festival in Chicago last month.

The incident has made news, because apparently teenagers getting high at a concert is the kind of thing we should all worry about in the midst of the most bonkers election year in history.

As you can see, video evidence of the toke heard ’round the world has emerged, and it’s already racking up crazy views on YouTube.

The totes un-chill narc who blew Malia in is an 18-year-old fellow festival-goer with the George R.R. Martin-esque name of Jerrdin Selwyn.

Selwyn gave her full account of the incident to Radar Online, like she witnessed the freakin’ Kennedy assassination or something:

“I saw some young guy hand her a cigarette; she took at least one hit on it. She had it in her hand for about one minute then gave it back to him,” Selwyn told the site.

“She was literally only a few feet from me … and she was the only person who had any form of pipe or cigarette that I could see.”

“All during this time, the Secret Service was in the background, I’m not sure whether or not they saw her take a hit on a joint,” 

Selwyn further blew up Malia’s spot (You’re totally gonna be the RA’s bestie in college, Jerrdin.) by revealing that her toke buddy might have been a dude she’s dating on the sly.

“I saw the same guy sitting in a chair with Malia crouched down in front of him near the fencing area,” she revealed.

“I walked past them on my way out and I heard Malia ask him, “Do you want to go smoke?’

“I didn’t hear his response but he got up after a few seconds and they walked off together.”

Well, well, well. Someone get Trey Gowdy and Ken Starr on the phone, because we’ve got a scandal on our hands that could make Watergate look like Teapot Dome.

(Did we successfully convince you that we paid attention in history class? We didn’t think so.)

This whole molehill situation took an interesting twist today when folks who spent way too much time examining the footage claimed that it appeared that Malia is actually smoking plain, store-bought tobacco.

If it was a regular old Marlboro (“Harmless tobacco,” in the words of Mr. Burns), then Malia isn’t the first Obama to develop a taste for the cancer sticks.

Her father smoked for several years and countless photos of the Prez enjoying a cig (many of them photoshopped) surfaced during his early years in the White House.

They were often found on conservative websites that sought to tarnish Obama’s image, but somehow, they only made the coolest commander-in-chief since Franklin Pierce (Trust us, that was a down-ass dude.) look even cooler.

To clarify: smoking isn’t cool; Obama just looked cool while doing it.

So stick to weed, Malia!

It’s cool that you’re taking a gap year, but fill it with THC, not tumors!

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Pretty Little Liars Season 7 Episode 2 Recap: There Was Something About Mary

Alison did her best Princess Leia impression on Pretty Little Liars Season 7 Episode 2.

No, there was no gold bikini involved on this installment of the Freeform hit.

But Ali did send a desperate plea to Emily… via phone, not droid. But whatever. Just go with the analogy.

We all know what took place during Alison and Emily’s “sleepovers,” so this connection wasn’t exactly a surprise.

However, did anyone out there expect Ali’s request to prompt an alliance between Emily and Mary Drake?!?

We also witnessed Mary and Elliott butting heads, with the former proving herself to be a tad more than we assumed. She’s definitely an interesting character, telling Elliott at one point that he’s going “too far” with Alison’s treatments.

It looks like we’ll find out on next week’s episode of Pretty Little Liars Season 7 just how far Emily will go to save her friend… with benefits.

Elsewhere, Ali’s twisted aunt also sat down with a newly-unemployed Spencer, at which point she spun a very dark tale of her admittance to Radley.

We learned a few things about Mary’s past here.

According to Mary, she was blamed for the death of an infant Jessica had been babysitting.

As a result, their parents allegedly thought Mary would be safer in Radley than in jail, although we’d have to say they were mistaken.

It’s not hard to picture Mary with a shiv, is it?

As for Hanna and Caleb, they made quality use of their first moment alone, although they did not do so in a manner that will satisfy their ‘shippers.

“In that room at the resort, before all the lights went off and someone pushed me down a hole, I was scared,” Hanna said, adding:

“But you were there. I always felt safe around you. Even when we weren’t getting along, you made me feel safe. Maybe that’s why what happened happened with us.”

Sounds great, right? Except… upon learning that the bar where she met Jordan had been torn down, Hanna essentially fell apart, ending her engagement in the process.

In other relationship news, which we know is all many viewers care about, Aria broke things off with Liam just moments before he told her he was back on her book.

Despite vowing to remain friendly, Liam wasted little time making things weird, comparing “Ezria” to Lolita and adding it’s likely to make the readers’ skin crawl.

How dare he, right?!? Even if certain details in that comparison do match up.

What did you think of this installment?

What do you think of Mary so far?

Chime in below and use the following video to watch Pretty Little Liars online if you need to catch up.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

KFC Nail Polish is Now Something That Exists

Remember when KFC came out with the Double Down Dog? Which was a hot dog wrapped in a piece of fried chicken?

Remember when we thought this was the end of the world as we knew it?

We no longer think this. Because KFC has gone ahead and outdone itself.

KFC Polish

The food chain has expanded its business by coming out with its own type of nail polish.

Yes, you read that correctly: KFC has come out with nail polish. Did we mention that its edible?

Partnering with McCormick & Company – the flavoring giants who created the chicken chain’s 11 herbs and spices – KFC has created tastes that mimic KFC’s Original and Hot & Spicy recipes.

Just… you know… for one’s nails.

“To use [the nail polish], consumers simply apply and dry like regular nail polish, and then lick – again and again and again,” KFC explained to Adweek in a statement.

Makes perfect, gross sense, right?

For now, the item is only available in Hong Kong.

You can watch the following video to have a better understanding of how it works and what it looks like:

As you might expect, Original Recipe is somewhat of a nude shade, while Hot & Spicy has more of a fiery orange-red hue.

“It’s Finger Lickin Good,” reads the square glass bottles that comprise this product.

This seems pretty absurd to us.

Although… not as absurd as some of the stuff that have come out of fast food chains around the world, we suppose. To wit:

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Kendall Jenner and Harry Styles: Something is There! STILL!

So much for those Kendall Jenner and Jordan Clarkson rumors.

So much for Kendall being caught in bed with Scott Disick.

A new report claims that the model simply can’t quit a certain “Perfect” singer.

Oh, yes, she is still spending time with Harry Styles. Possibly with no clothes on!

Earlier this month, a screenwriter in Los Angeles shared a photo on Instagram of Jenner and Styles sharing a meal… and now E! News is hereto further turn the rumor mill.

“Kendall is not Harry’s girlfriend, but there’s still something there,” an insider says, noting that the stars did start to reconnect again, although only “very [recently].”

The handsome artist and pretty reality series actress were first romantically linked in 2013 after hanging out backstage at Saturday Night Live.

Fast forward a couple years and they were seen getting cozy on a yacht in the Caribbean toward the end of 2015, prior to hitting up a West Hollywood club a few weeks later.

No drama accompanied their apparent split, however, as it seemed like scheduling simply forced them apart for awhile.

So it’s no major surprise that the pair are still on good terms and hanging out.

“Kendall is very private about it and doesn’t like to talk about Harry,” the E! source adds. “Harry adores her and is very cute with her.”

The two even have the blessing of Khloe Kardashian.

“Why are they a good match?” Khloe asked Catt Sadler in early 2016.

“Well, they’re both super hot, super great, sweet people. And if I’m on a yacht in St. Barts if I’m – how old is she, 20? He’s 20? – hey, I ain’t mad at you, Kenny. Do your thing, girl!”

And when that “thing” is someone who looks like Harry Styles… we agree!

Monday, March 28, 2016

Justin Bieber Has Something to Say About This Selena Gomez Photo

It remains unclear whether or not Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez will get back together.

But this much we know for certain: Bieber really likes Gomez in a bikini!

We mean this literally and we mean in this in the capital letter sense of the word… because Bieber just Liked a pretty revealing photo of his ex-girlfriend.

Last Thursday, March 24, Gomez shared a flashback image of herself sitting on a piano bench, donning nothing but a pair of colorful, striped bikini bottoms and a matching, ruffled top.

“tb to a sweet, small house in TX,” she captioned the pretty snapshot.

The photo has received over 2.4 million Likes to date, but only one of them is worthy of a headline.

Yes, Bieber Liked the sexy snapshot, just as Selena Liked the throwback photo Bieber recently posted of him and Gomez kissing back in 2011.

What is going on between these two?!?

Neither singer has commented publicly on chatter than another romantic reconciliation is in the works.

But Gomez had front row seats for one of Bieber’s concerts in Los Angeles last week, while Bieber shared a picture of his bare butt on Instagram over the weekend.

Granted, that may have had nothing at all to do with Selena.

It’s not exactly the first time Bieber has basically mooned his followers.

But it may also have been Justin’s way of telling his former flame: hey, this can be all yours again!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Jenelle Evans: Suffering From Withdrawal, or Something More Serious?

Last month, Jenelle Evans taped an appearance on The Doctors, during which the show’s panel of experts attempted to diagnose the strange medical ailments in recent weeks.

The episode aired yesterday, and the team of physicians had an unexpected explanation for why Evans has been hospitalized several times in the past few weeks.

They told the 24-year-old mother of two that she may be suffering from withdrawal symptoms due to abruptly stopping her use of birth control pills and marijuana.

Several medical specialists expressed their skepticism on social media, and now it looks as though the treatment they prescribed (rehab and weaning off the birth control) is not doing the trick.

“Jenelle stopped taking the birth control a week before she saw The Doctors,” a source close to the situation tells Radar. “And then they told her to stay off it, so now this is the fourth week she’s been off it and she is still having the same issues.” 

“Today, she can hardly walk because to her it feels like her right lymph node or ovary is swollen, but no one knows.”

Jenelle recently traveled to New York City to be tested by experts who were unable to confirm a diagnosis, which is part of the reason that many doubted the physicians on The Doctors had spent a sufficient amount of time with Jenelle.

Unfortunately, it looks as though it’s back to the drawing board for Jenelle and her own doctors.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

MacKenzie Bourg Says Something, Blows Away American Idol Judges

Things have turned serious on American Idol.

We"re long past the point of silly auditions and headline-making stunts such as Kanye West jokingly trying out for the show.

The Top 24 has been named. The semifinals are on. And each week is bringing us closer and closer to naming the final American Idol champion.

Might it be MacKenzie Bourg?

After impressing the panelists with an original song during Hollywood Week, the former The Voice contestant took at aim the Top 14 on Wednesday night via a rendition of “Say Something.”

He played guitar on this moving A Great Big World ballad and received the following praise from Jennifer Lopez as a result:

"It felt like you felt really good up there. Very natural. You did what MacKenzie does, and that’s exactly what you need to do."

Harry Connick, Jr., meanwhile, praised Bourg for connecting with the lyrics, taking note of how the aspiring artist poured his heart into the song.

“I also liked that you changed the melody but you still kept the integrity of the song," he said, while Keith Urban noted that if this was Bourg’s own track, “I believed every bit of it. It was a really good song choice."

See if you agree and if you think MacKenzie Bourg a shot to win the whole thing:

Mackenzie bourg says something blows away american idol judges