Showing posts with label Uses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Uses. Show all posts

Friday, June 23, 2017

Dennis Rodman Uses Women"s Restroom at Airport While Blasting Staind

He’s worn dresses … maybe that’s why Dennis Rodman felt so comfortable using the women’s restroom at Long Beach airport Wednesday night. A female witness tells us she noticed Dennis in the airport around 9 PM — but couldn’t believe it when she…


Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Rihanna Uses Lion King to Troll Kevin Durant: You Killed LeBron!

We"ve learned two things about Rihanna over the past several days:

  1. She is not a fan of Chris Brown any longer.

  2. She is a very big fan of LeBron James.

The pop singer attended Game 1 of the NBA Finals this month, sat courtside and cheered loudly for the Cleveland Cavaliers star.

Alas, his team fell to the Golden State Warriors, both in the opening contest and overall in the championship round, by a score of four games to one.

It wasn"t an especially close series, which is why one of the highlights took place after Kevin Durant drilled a three-pointer and then stared down Rihanna.

He was very much aware of where RiRi"s rooting interests lay.

Fast forward to the day after the Warriors earned the title with a 129-120 victory in Game 5 and Rihanna wasn"t done paying tribute to James, who is often referred to as "King."

In one of the most random and hilarious videos we"ve seen shared by a celebrity on social media in awhile, the artist posted a lengthy clip from The Lion King.

Except she"s imposed her own face over that of Simba.

And the face of LeBron over Mufasa.

And the face of Durant over Scar.

The scene in question is one of the most dramatic in the classic film, as Mufasa saves Simba"s life, only to then be killed by his own brother.

So, in this analogy, Rihanna is accusing Durant of… murder?

"#LongLiveTheKing #KingisStillKingBitch (whispers congrats to KD, cause….ROCNation) BUT: me and @mdollas11 beefing all summer!!" wrote Rihanna as a caption to this footage.

Check it out below – and prepare to be confused/impressed/humored…

Rihanna trolls kevin durant via hilarious lion king parody

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Bill Maher Uses N-Word on His Show; Twitter Explodes

Why is Bill Maher the worst?

Serious question.

He insists on making outrageous, offensive statements because … well, we don’t know why, exactly. We just know that it never, ever seems to stop.

Just last month Bill made an incest joke about Donald and Ivanka Trump, saying “When he’s about to nuke Finland or something, she’s gonna walk into the bedroom and — ‘Daddy, Daddy. Don’t do it, Daddy."”

He then made a gesture indicating that she’d grab his penis to calm him down.

He also once compared Zayn Malik to Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, which, you know, isn’t great.

The point is that he’s known for pushing boundaries at each and every opportunity.

And apparently he thought last night’s episode of Real Time with Bill Maher was a great chance to be a jackass.

His guest last night was Nebraska Senator Bill Sasse, and at one point, Sasse invited Bill to visit Nebraska.

“We’d love to have you work in the fields with us,” he told him, smiling.

Bill, in his strange little mind, felt the appropriate response was to say “Work in the fielnds? Senator, I’m a house n—–.”

His audience had some mixed responses, and understandably so, but Bill was quick to assure them that it was a joke.

But Twitter wasn’t convinced.

“I for one am shocked that giant racist Bill Maher is in fact a giant racist,” one person tweeted.

Another wrote “Bill Maher said the N-word? Wow this totally changes my previously high opinion of that smug Islamophobic misogynistic attention-whore.”

One person theorized that “Bill Maher seems way too comfortable using the n-word. I mean, that came naturally to him. That… says a lot. And none of it is good.”

And, for the obligatory “hold my beer” joke, someone tweeted “‘Nobody can screw up a career better than me’ Tiger Woods ‘Hold my beer’ Kathy Griffin ‘No, both of you hold my latte’ Bill Maher.”

Meanwhile, Ben Sasse himself took to Twitter to discuss the controversy.

“I’m a 1st Amendment absolutist,” he began. “Comedians get latitude to cross hard lines.”

“But free speech comes with a responsibility to speak up when folks use that word. Me just cringing last night wasn’t good enough.”

He wrote that he wished he’d been able to gather his thoughts enough in the moment to say “Hold up, why would you think it’s OK to use that word?”

“The history of the n-word is an attack on universal human dignity. It’s therefore an attack on the American Creed. Don’t use it.”

Too little, too late, or an appropriate response?

It’s hard to know when everything is such a great big awful mess.


Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Sean Spicer Uses New England Patriots to Diss Hillary Clinton

Sean Spicer has weaponized the New England Patriots — using his favorite NFL team to fire a shot at Hillary Clinton during a White House briefing.


Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Woman Uses PowerPoint to Proves She"s the Ideal Girlfriend

Lizzy Fenton has gone to a length we’ve never before seen in an attempt to date the man of her dreams.

As documented below, the college student (who is studying Genetics, Cell Biology and Development) actually created a PowerPoint titled “Why You Should Date Me” and send it to her crush; some dude named Carter.

The presentation highlights Fenton"s personality, hair and, yes, her boobs.

It"s an impressive creation, no doubt, but was it an effective one?

Scroll down to read all about Lizzy… why she thinks she makes an ideal girlfriend… and what Carter said in response.

1. This is Lizzy

This is lizzy

Let’s start by putting a face to what you’re about to see.

2. No Shame Here

No shame here

Lizzy told all her followers on Twitter about her plan. She even sent them the following photos!

3. Why You Should Date Me

Why you should date me

Lizzy didn’t mince any words or beat around any bushes when it came to titling her presentation.

4. I’m a SERIOUS Girlfriend

Im a serious girlfriend

Trust me. Your family will be impressed.

5. You Don’t Need To Be Monogamous!

You dont need to be monogamous

I mean, you do. For sure. This wouldn’t be an open relationship. But I can make it look like you have multiple girlfriends!

6. A Growth Chart

A growth chart

About boobs. This is a growth chart about her boobs. Lizzy is either very desperate or very smart. Perhaps some of both.

View Slideshow

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Nick Jonas Uses Bowling to Impress the Ladies (360 VIDEO)

Nick Jonas knows a thing or two about winning a woman’s heart … and, apparently, the bowling date is right up his alley. We got Nick Tuesday at LAX, and while he was fairly tight-lipped for a lot of questions … he did open up for some crucial…


Monday, February 27, 2017

Jimmy Kimmel Uses "Over-Rated" Meryl Streep to Jab Trump (VIDEO)

Jimmy Kimmel took a huge sarcastic swipe at President Trump … all in support of some up and coming actress named Meryl Streep. In the middle of Jimmy’s opening monologue for the 89th Oscars he put the spotlight on Meryl by…


Sunday, January 22, 2017

Greg Jennings Says Aaron Rodgers Uses Football To Escape Family Drama (VIDEO)

Aaron Rodgers’ family drama won’t bleed over onto the playing field this weekend … ‘cause he’s an expert at tuning out off-the-field drama … so says his ex-teammate Greg Jennings. Aaron’s family been all over the news after his father came out…


Monday, August 22, 2016

Serial Pooper Uses Children"s Playground As Toilet

Someone thinks that pooping in a playground where children play is hilarious, because it’s happened in Virginia about four or five times in the past couple of months.

According to KOMO News, parents at an Arlington, VA playground have reported spotting human feces.  More than once.

“I have three kids — one is a cancer survivor — and if you run into something like that and put your hands in it, oh my gosh, gross,” mom Andy Delafield said.

The area’s Parks and recreation department has confirmed that someone has been polluting the park on purpose.

“It was inside the little stall over there,” another mom said, pointing to a section of the playground where her two-year-old plays.

“Nobody would want your kids to have to deal with that on a playground.”

What’s worse is that the culprit hides the poop under an item of clothing, so when a parent or kid picks it up, they’re faced with a big steaming pile of nastiness.

“To defecate outside is one thing, but then in a kids’ park where kids can easily fall into it, that really shocks me,” another parent said.

Park officials assume that the person responsible is committing the act after dark.  Every time it happens, park employees have to clean it up and disinfect the area.

The police have gotten involved, since public urination and defecation are misdemeanor offenses.  Not to mention that human feces are a big public health violation.

If someone poops in a pool, for instance, swimmers are required to get out immediately while lifeguards shock the water for 24 hours to rid it of bacteria.

“Who could be sick enough to like do something like that? It’s just absolutely disgusting,” Delafield said.

There you have it. Someone has enough screws loose to poop in an area where children play.  

Serial Pooper Uses Children"s Playground As Toilet

Someone thinks that pooping in a playground where children play is hilarious, because it’s happened in Virginia about four or five times in the past couple of months.

According to KOMO News, parents at an Arlington, VA playground have reported spotting human feces.  More than once.

“I have three kids — one is a cancer survivor — and if you run into something like that and put your hands in it, oh my gosh, gross,” mom Andy Delafield said.

The area’s Parks and recreation department has confirmed that someone has been polluting the park on purpose.

“It was inside the little stall over there,” another mom said, pointing to a section of the playground where her two-year-old plays.

“Nobody would want your kids to have to deal with that on a playground.”

What’s worse is that the culprit hides the poop under an item of clothing, so when a parent or kid picks it up, they’re faced with a big steaming pile of nastiness.

“To defecate outside is one thing, but then in a kids’ park where kids can easily fall into it, that really shocks me,” another parent said.

Park officials assume that the person responsible is committing the act after dark.  Every time it happens, park employees have to clean it up and disinfect the area.

The police have gotten involved, since public urination and defecation are misdemeanor offenses.  Not to mention that human feces are a big public health violation.

If someone poops in a pool, for instance, swimmers are required to get out immediately while lifeguards shock the water for 24 hours to rid it of bacteria.

“Who could be sick enough to like do something like that? It’s just absolutely disgusting,” Delafield said.

There you have it. Someone has enough screws loose to poop in an area where children play.  

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Florida Man Arrested, Uses Most NSFW Alias EVER

Jeffrey Forrest Poole is a character. He lives in Largo, Florida, just west of Tampa, and he has quite the sense of humor when it comes to the law.


According to Huffington Post, Poole was arrested on Sunday after police were called to him home on reports of domestic disturbance.

Police then cuffed (and later charged) the 37-year-old for violently resisting arrest.  He yelled that he “will beat every cop’s ass” as he was taken out of the house.

The arresting police officer recorded later that Poole “raised his right fist and began to extend it towards my face in an attempt to strike me.” reports that when authorities were filling out paperwork for the arrest, they asked Poole if he had any “alias” or a record under file.

Indeed he does!  

Poole confirmed the use of “Dickface Johnson,” which showed up front-and-center on his past records.

Poole is still in jail after failing to post bail for $ 5,150.

The world is a cruel place right now, so I will take any and all opportunity to laugh at stories like this.  

Using a name like ‘Dickface Johnson” as part of your criminal profile is classic.  It says “I can laugh at myself” but it also serves as a middle finger to authorities, which I think Poole was able to get across to police officers.

There is no word on who called the police on DFJ or why, but it’s safe to assume that he was raising all sorts of hell that make him a true “Dickface Johnson.” 

DFJ will likely not be able to “beat every cop’s ass” for the forseeable future, since he hasn’t yet made bail.  

Ah, Florida.  As Jack Donaghy and Tracy Morgan once said, you are the true “penis of America.”

And Dickface Johnson is your mayor.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Dad Uses Wild Squirrel to Yank Out Daughter"s Tooth

Here is something you don"t see everyday.

Actually, correction: here is something we guarantee you have never seen before in your entire life.

A Montreal native named David Freiheit recently decided to complete what he refers to in the following video as an "historical first."

We don"t know if he"s certain this is actually the case, but it"s fair to guess that no one has ever before attempted to pull his daughter"s loose tooth out via wild squirrel.

Yup, that"s exactly what is about to take place.

In the footage, you"ll see Freiheit attach one end of dental floss to his daughter"s tooth… and some granola to the other side.

A nearby squirrel finds the bait and does what any squirrel would do with granola: he makes a run for it in order to chown down on it.

As he does so, of course, he takes the little girl"s tooth along with him.

"Not many people get to say they did something for the first time in human history," Freiheit wrote in the YouTube caption.

That"s true. Not many people get to say this.

Not many people care so much about saying this that they would attach one end of dental floss to their daughter and the other to a squirrel.

But, hey! It worked!

See for yourself:

Dad uses wild squirrel to yank out daughters tooth

Dad Uses Wild Squirrel to Yank Out Daughter"s Tooth

Here is something you don"t see everyday.

Actually, correction: here is something we guarantee you have never seen before in your entire life.

A Montreal native named David Freiheit recently decided to complete what he refers to in the following video as an "historical first."

We don"t know if he"s certain this is actually the case, but it"s fair to guess that no one has ever before attempted to pull his daughter"s loose tooth out via wild squirrel.

Yup, that"s exactly what is about to take place.

In the footage, you"ll see Freiheit attach one end of dental floss to his daughter"s tooth… and some granola to the other side.

A nearby squirrel finds the bait and does what any squirrel would do with granola: he makes a run for it in order to chown down on it.

As he does so, of course, he takes the little girl"s tooth along with him.

"Not many people get to say they did something for the first time in human history," Freiheit wrote in the YouTube caption.

That"s true. Not many people get to say this.

Not many people care so much about saying this that they would attach one end of dental floss to their daughter and the other to a squirrel.

But, hey! It worked!

See for yourself:

Dad uses wild squirrel to yank out daughters tooth

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Paris Jackson Uses Tattoos to Cover Self-Harm Scars, Offers Message of Hope on Instagram

Back in April, Paris Jackson got a tattoo to pay tribute to her late, legendary father.

The 18-year-old followed that up with more ink, and today she revealed why she’s been so eager to complete her sleeves:

As you may recall, it wasn’t that long ago that Jackson struggled with severe depression in the wake of her father’s death.

Paris attempted suicide in 2013, and she recently revealed that she engaged in self-harm practices such as cutting for several years.

Now, Paris is speaking for the first time about how her painful past inspired her current fondness for tattoos.

In a lengthy caption for the above Instagram photo, the 18-year-old revealed that while she likes the look of her ink, her decision to go under the needle was inspired by more than simple aesthetics:

“Today I can look at my inner forearms and see art that has meaning for me, I don’t see a dark past anymore,” Paris wrote.

“My scars and past of self-hatred have been covered by loving marks, creativity, ingenuity.. and depth. Sure I will always carry my past with me, but I see ink as a way of changing for the better, always improving.

“They represent strength for me. I look back at my old self and then i look in the mirror, and i see a fighter looking back at me. I’ll always keep fighting, and encouraging others to stay strong.

“We all go through hell every now and then but it makes us the warriors of love we were meant to be. so to anyone struggling, it gets better. You’re not alone.”

Inspiring stuff from an 18-year-old who’s been through an awful lot.

Scars from early struggles may never disappear, but it’s nice to hear that Paris has figured out a way to write her own story right over them.

We’re sure Michael would be proud that she’s followed in his footsteps by using art as a means of coping with the memories of a painful childhood.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Kathryn Dennis: Southern Charm Villian Claims Thomas Ravenel Uses Drugs and Hangs With Porn Stars

If you watch Southern Charm, you’re well aware of the May-December relationship that no one wants any part of.

If you’re not, then allow me to give you the Sparknotes version.

Thomas Ravenel, 52, has knocked up 24-year-old Kathryn Dennis twice over the past two years.  At no point were these two an official couple, which is fine if you’re keeping things casual and using protection.

So, here we are witnessing Bravo’s most volatile relationship (which is saying a lot).

When Dennis gave birth to their second child – a boy – on the May 30th episode, all was well.  Ravenel was thrilled to welcome his son, St. Julien, into the world and all seemed relatively civil between Dennis and the former politician.

Welp, things are bad now.  If you follow Dennis’ Twitter account, it’s clear that the two are not even on speaking terms anymore.

Dennis, who had St. Julien back in November 2015, has had nothing but venomous things to say about her ex.

When a fan alerted her to the fact that Ravenel was spotted with a “porn star,” Dennis suggested that he may have been using drugs.

Kathryn Dennis Tweets About Thomas Ravenel

“OH no Kathryn! That creepy porn star is with T-Rav again tonight!” the fan tweeted.

“Well molly must be there too or they wouldn’t be together,” Dennis wrote back, likely referring to MDMA, which causes euphoria, pleasure and heightened sensations.

A few weeks ago, Dennis went on a radio show to get Ravenel’s attention.  Apparently the Charleston big shot hadn’t seen his children in over two months, and owed Dennis unofficial child support.

“I put my whole life on hold when I met him. I left college,” Dennis told Reality Checked host Amy Phillips on June 1st.

“He told me we were gonna have children and I wouldn’t have to worry about anything and then he totally went off the grid. “He hasn’t called me, talked to our kids, seen our kids in months. He hasn’t given me money.

“So that’s kind of why I’m asking for his help and support.”

Ravenel responded a few days later.

“I haven’t seen my kids in ten weeks because she won’t allow me visitation. I have routinely made visitation requests through our lawyers and they are ignored,” Ravenel stated, according to

“Fact: I pay her rent each month of $ 3100. I have made her a settlement offer which would pay her quite more. She never countered it (nor) has she proposed to me what she wants.

“She also makes six figures a season from the show. I was hoping we could work something out but to no avail.

“My only recourse is through the courts.”

The first hearing is scheduled for tomorrow, June 8th.

Kathryn Dennis: Southern Charm Villian Claims Thomas Ravenel Uses Drugs and Hangs With Porn Stars

If you watch Southern Charm, you’re well aware of the May-December relationship that no one wants any part of.

If you’re not, then allow me to give you the Sparknotes version.

Thomas Ravenel, 52, has knocked up 24-year-old Kathryn Dennis twice over the past two years.  At no point were these two an official couple, which is fine if you’re keeping things casual and using protection.

So, here we are witnessing Bravo’s most volatile relationship (which is saying a lot).

When Dennis gave birth to their second child – a boy – on the May 30th episode, all was well.  Ravenel was thrilled to welcome his son, St. Julien, into the world and all seemed relatively civil between Dennis and the former politician.

Welp, things are bad now.  If you follow Dennis’ Twitter account, it’s clear that the two are not even on speaking terms anymore.

Dennis, who had St. Julien back in November 2015, has had nothing but venomous things to say about her ex.

When a fan alerted her to the fact that Ravenel was spotted with a “porn star,” Dennis suggested that he may have been using drugs.

Kathryn Dennis Tweets About Thomas Ravenel

“OH no Kathryn! That creepy porn star is with T-Rav again tonight!” the fan tweeted.

“Well molly must be there too or they wouldn’t be together,” Dennis wrote back, likely referring to MDMA, which causes euphoria, pleasure and heightened sensations.

A few weeks ago, Dennis went on a radio show to get Ravenel’s attention.  Apparently the Charleston big shot hadn’t seen his children in over two months, and owed Dennis unofficial child support.

“I put my whole life on hold when I met him. I left college,” Dennis told Reality Checked host Amy Phillips on June 1st.

“He told me we were gonna have children and I wouldn’t have to worry about anything and then he totally went off the grid. “He hasn’t called me, talked to our kids, seen our kids in months. He hasn’t given me money.

“So that’s kind of why I’m asking for his help and support.”

Ravenel responded a few days later.

“I haven’t seen my kids in ten weeks because she won’t allow me visitation. I have routinely made visitation requests through our lawyers and they are ignored,” Ravenel stated, according to

“Fact: I pay her rent each month of $ 3100. I have made her a settlement offer which would pay her quite more. She never countered it (nor) has she proposed to me what she wants.

“She also makes six figures a season from the show. I was hoping we could work something out but to no avail.

“My only recourse is through the courts.”

The first hearing is scheduled for tomorrow, June 8th.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Genius Uses Super Mario to Pop Marriage Question

Geeks do it better.

So reads the official caption to the following video on YouTube.

And you"d be hard-pressed to disagree after watching the video itself.

It features a woman named Pam Edwards playing Super Mario Brothers, quite possibly the most classic video game in the history of all video games.

Her boyfriend, Shane Birkinbine, is filming the screen as she plays, guiding her through the basics of making Mario run and jump and grow bigger with the help of some magic mushrooms.

And  Edwards is having a perfectly strong run at first, scoring points and having fun.

But then she comes to a series of giant letters.

“What’s that say?” Shane says from behind the camera. “The blocks. It spells out your name, I think.” 

Wait… what?!? How?

Who knows? It"s complicated geek stuff, we presume.

Along with his girlfriend"s name, however, Shane has also managed to write a certain message to Pam within the game. It reads:

"Will you marry me?"

Pam says yes, finishes the game (HA!) and then breaks down in tears.

Trust us. This is unlike any marriage proposal you"ve ever seen.

Check it out now… and then give these geek some serious props!


Super mario brothers proposal will blow you away

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Idiot Uses Power Drill to Eat Corn on the Cob in 10 Seconds

We"ve seen many people do many weird things with food over the years.

Such a thing as the Slurpee Doughnut exists, for example.

And you may get a heart attack just by reading the description of a French Fry Burger Taco. Yuck.

But some guy in China has gone viral not for putting a new spin on a type of food, but by spinning his corn on the cob. With a power drill.

And then by putting that power drill very close to his mouth and eating said corn on the cob.

We"re not making this up.

There"s apparently a disturbing global competition taking place over the Internet that involves folks trying to consume an entire cob of corn as quickly as possibly.

This dude has set the pace at 10 seconds, but he"s done so by being a total and complete moron putting his mouth and face in grave danger.

Please do not try what you"re about to see at home. You seem like a nice person. We don"t want to bleed all over your corn.

Seriously, here we were, thinking that Michael Buble at his corn in unusual fashion.

We take it all back now, however.

At least that singer was only in danger of being mocked by the World Wide Web, as opposed to destroying all of his teeth just to earn a few YouTube hits.

And the guy has earned those hits, well over 100,000 and counting at last check.

We"re just not entirely sure if this was worth it.

Actually, we are sure: it was totally not worth it. But what"s done is done.

What"s eaten is eaten.

So you might as well stop what you"re doing and see what it looks like for someone to devour a full piece of corn on the cob via power drill, right?

You"ve come this far. You just need to go a little bit farther…

Idiot uses power drill to eat corn on the cob in record time

Idiot Uses Power Drill to Eat Corn on the Cob in 10 Seconds

We"ve seen many people do many weird things with food over the years.

Such a thing as the Slurpee Doughnut exists, for example.

And you may get a heart attack just by reading the description of a French Fry Burger Taco. Yuck.

But some guy in China has gone viral not for putting a new spin on a type of food, but by spinning his corn on the cob. With a power drill.

And then by putting that power drill very close to his mouth and eating said corn on the cob.

We"re not making this up.

There"s apparently a disturbing global competition taking place over the Internet that involves folks trying to consume an entire cob of corn as quickly as possibly.

This dude has set the pace at 10 seconds, but he"s done so by being a total and complete moron putting his mouth and face in grave danger.

Please do not try what you"re about to see at home. You seem like a nice person. We don"t want to bleed all over your corn.

Seriously, here we were, thinking that Michael Buble at his corn in unusual fashion.

We take it all back now, however.

At least that singer was only in danger of being mocked by the World Wide Web, as opposed to destroying all of his teeth just to earn a few YouTube hits.

And the guy has earned those hits, well over 100,000 and counting at last check.

We"re just not entirely sure if this was worth it.

Actually, we are sure: it was totally not worth it. But what"s done is done.

What"s eaten is eaten.

So you might as well stop what you"re doing and see what it looks like for someone to devour a full piece of corn on the cob via power drill, right?

You"ve come this far. You just need to go a little bit farther…

Idiot uses power drill to eat corn on the cob in record time

Friday, February 26, 2016

Blac Chyna: Uses Vaginal Detox Pearls?!?

We beg you, please read this entire post before going out and buying bogus vagina pills just because Blac Chyna says so.

It’s no secret that many celebrities, including Blac, shill products on Instagram to make a pretty easy buck. But some of these plugs are positively shameless and the products should not be purchased by anyone.

Case in point: the “vaginal detox pearls” that Blac just promoted on her Insta.

“Ladies have you been self conscious about whats going on down there? Men have you smelled anything funny about your girl lately?” she wrote in the caption.

And now, some actual common sense:

Ladies, if you notice a foul odor emanating from your hoo-ha and have some concerns, TAKE IT TO A DOCTOR. 

DO NOT shove these herbal balls in your girl because Blac Chyna tells you to, for the love of all that is holy.

This is what they look like:

Blac also listed some of the conditions these “magic” pearls are purported to treat, including fibroids, cysts, yeast infections and polyps. 


If you have one of the conditions listed above, these voodoo balls won’t help you.

And for the average woman, chances are, your lady garden is just fine and needs no detoxing.

Your vag is a self-cleaning organ and purges itself monthly, but if there is truly something funky going on, it might be an infection that should be assessed by a physician – NOT AN INSTAGRAM MODEL.

Of course, I’m just a writer. But here is a doctor who says the same.

We understand that Rob Kardashian really enjoys Blac’s vagina, but I can almost guarantee it has nothing to do with this product.

If you’d like to see how much Blac may have made just to post a photo of these dubious suppositories, check out the gallery below: