Showing posts with label Homophobic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Homophobic. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Jenelle Evans and David Eason SLAMMED for His Homophobic Rant!

David Eason has really shown his true colors now.

Well, he"s been showing them for a while now — this is hardly the first time he"s been aggressive and hateful and terrifying.

But this new thing is just insanely, unbelievably bad.

Yesterday, David started his day off by tweeting about guns, and by the end of it, he was spewing out hateful, bigoted remarks and immature insults to anyone who disagreed with him.

Here, let"s just take some time to break it all down …

1. The Beginning

Jenelle evans with david eason

This whole mess really started last week, when Jenelle and David upset a lot of people by sharing a pretty insensitive photo shortly after the news of the Florida shooting broke.

2. Yikes

Jenelle evans gun photo

When David posted the photo, he bragged on Jenelle looking like a “bad ass,” and she made it her profile picture. And when people pointed out that it wasn’t the best time to share a photo like that, given what had happened that day, he refused to budge.

3. A Totally Stable Individual

Jenelle eason david eason

For the next several days after that, he tweeted lots of pro-gun sentiments, and he was ready to argue with anyone and everyone who disagreed with him.

4. Ugh

Jenelle evans and david eason on halloween

Then he decided to kick off his day by tweeting a news story about a new bill that would allow individuals with concealed carry permits to bring guns into schools, and along with it he wrote “It only makes sense to protect our kids the proper way… the only way we know how.”

5. "You Are Wrong"

Jenelle evans david eason st thomas

Someone told him that perhaps it would be better to protect children with “education” and “intentional parenting,” but David did not appreciate that. “No, you are wrong,” he wrote. “Please tell me sir, how do you propose we make all the people in America start being better parents? Or are you a monkeys uncle?”

6. Solid Advice

David eason jenelle evans kids

Since he asked, that same person told David that he could become a better parent by not “glorifying assault rifles,” and by teaching his children “how to solve problems without calling people names or using force.”

View Slideshow

Monday, February 19, 2018

David Eason Goes on Horrific Homophobic Rant: Will He Be Fired?!

Remember when Jenelle Evans first began dating David Eason, and lots of people were proud of her because they thought he was a good guy, or at least way better than the guys she’d been with before him?

Boy, were they wrong.

It’s kind of hard to imagine where people even got that idea to begin with, since he has a criminal record, was once in jail with Jenelle’s first husband, Courtland Rogers, and was only recently allowed to see his own son.

Maybe because he’s so tall, some naive Teen Mom fans think he’s more mature? That’s the only thing we can come up with.

Interestingly, Jenelle’s mother, the beloved Barbara Evans, has made it clear from the beginning that she thinks David is the worst person Jenelle’s ever been with.

And he seems pretty intent on proving that lately.

David and Jenelle got a whole lot of criticism last week when he shared a photo of her posing with a gun just a couple of hours after the news of the Florida shooting broke.

She admitted that it was “bad timing,” but he refused to consider the possibility that perhaps the photo was a bit inappropriate, given the circumstances.

Since then, he’s been going on and on about guns and gun control and guns guns guns.

This morning, he shared a news story about the possibility of allowing those with concealed carry permits to bring guns onto school property, tweeting “It only makes sense to protect our kids the proper way… the only way we know how.”

Someone replied, suggesting that instead of protecting our kids with guns, we protect them with “education,” and that it “starts with intentional parenting.”

“No, you are wrong,” David wrote. “Please tell me sir, how do you propose we make all the people in America start being better parents? Or are you a monkeys uncle?”

The same person suggested that David could start being a better parent by not “glorifying assault rifles” and by teaching his children “how to solve problems without calling people names or using force.”

It’s great advice for him, right?

But he really, really did not appreciate it.

“And just what makes you think you have the right to tell me how to be a parent?” he responded. “Because you think you know me?”

“Lmao why don’t you go tell the homo and transgender parents to start teaching their kids better morals? Oh I forgot that’s supposed to be normal.”

Yep. He really tweeted that.

Not only was that a hateful, offensive thing to say, but it’s also really embarrassing that David Eason thinks he is some kind of authority on parenting and good morals.

Another person replied to that tweet, asking if David was going to teach his kids “to hate gay and transgender people.”

“No, I’m going to teach them not to associate with them or be that way… If you lay down with dogs you get up with fleas,” he answered.

He also referred to gay and transgender people as “abominations.”

It’s all just really, truly awful, but it’s not over yet … because someone rightfully called David homophobic, and he responded with this:

“Homophobic? You really lost it now, im not scared if sh-t especially a homo.”

When another person called him homophobic, he repeated himself, writing that he “never said anything about being scared if homos.”

Someone told David that they have a lesbian daughter, and that she’s a great person, something that he doesn’t seem to think is possible.

He hit back with “Well if she is lesbian than she wont be able to have kids right? Or she could adopt some troubled children and confuse them even more right?”

And if you’re wondering how ignorant one person can be, don’t worry, he really laid it all out for us with this next revelation.

“We dont watch the news buddy,” he told one of his followers in the middle of all this. “90% of every story is fake just to grab your attention and keep you on the channel long enough to see commercials.”

Fake news, right? Right?!

All of these remarks have Teen Mom fans pushing harder than ever to get David kicked off the show — there are petitions going around, and people are sending screenshots of the tweets to MTV producers.

Unfortunately, we don’t see anything happening on that front. If David was fired, it doesn’t seem possible that Jenelle would be able to keep on filming, and if Jenelle didn’t film, there would be no show.

Still … it’s pretty shocking how he manages to be more and more terrible every single day.


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

"Love & Hip Hop" Star Hazel-E Says Letter Proves She Got Axed Over Homophobic Rant

Hazel-E says she has proof ”Love & Hip Hop Hollywood” only dumped her because of her homophobic social media post — despite producers claiming she was fired beforehand. Sources connected to Hazel-E tell TMZ … she got a letter…


Friday, October 20, 2017

"Love and Hip Hop" Star Hazel-E Dropped from Show, But Before Homophobic Rant

“Love and Hip Hop Hollywood” is done with Hazel-E — she’s been dropped from the hit show, but producers claim it’s NOT because she said all gays should burn in hell. A spokesperson for VH1 and the show’s producers, Monami and Eastern, say they…


Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Kate Major Praises White Supremacy During Arrest, Hurls Homophobic Slurs at Police

Less than a year ago, Michael Lohan"s wife Kate Major was arrested for assaulting a police officer and being a menace, which is pretty consistent with her history of arrests.

So it"s no surprise that, once again, Kate Major has been placed under arrest.

This time, there"s video (which we have for you, below) and, be warned, she combines racist and homophobic epithets into a perfect storm of awful. She even brings up white supremacy, so … yikes.

Kate major in a car

We suppose that we should be thankful that this wasn"t another incident of Kate Major getting arrested for attacking Michael Lohan.

Maybe thankful isn"t the right word … we don"t exactly lose any sleep over bad things happening to Michael Lohan.

Michael Lohan and charges of domestic battery aren"t exactly strangers to each other. Like, at all.

(And we cannot help but wonder how much better Lindsay Lohan"s life and mental state would be if she had never had Michael Lohan in her life — maybe she"d have the life that she deserves, you know?)

But speaking of criminal charges that Michael Lohan and his estranged wife Kate Major have faced, Kate"s very latest arrest features both of them.

Kate made a call to 911 that we"d describe as semi-coherent, at best.

TMZ obtained the call, though honestly it"s mostly just upsetting and managed to not even be the focus of this story.

In it, Kate Major says that her husband kidnapped her young children and punched her in the face that day.

(Obviously horrible, if true — though her words and actions later cast doubt on the whole thing)

Though she"s not exactly coming across as, uh, a woman in a healthy mental state or necessarily a sober person, she describes dire circumstances that, if true, totally warrant a police call and a very serious response.

And then … Kate Major very clearly threatens to murder "you" (the 911 operator but probably the police) if they fail to bring back her children.

Kate major lohan mugshot picture

That"s a threat.

Potentially a terrorist threat.

The sort of thing that warrants an arrest while simultaneously the sort of crazy person talk that makes people dismiss everything that you"ve said previously.

But, yeah, she was placed under arrest.

(She might be able to mitigate it, legally speaking, by claiming extreme emotional disturbance, but that will be in a courtroom if it comes to that)

Kate Major didn"t go quietly at all, as you"ll see in the video below.

But, because she"s slurring her words, we can go ahead and tell you the upsetting things that she said to the arresting officers.

Kate major and michael lohan photo

As we mentioned, Kate is bending over backwards to be offensive. 

A lot of that is just referring to the black man there as a "monkey" and to the woman there as a "d-ke."

The first is not something to call a black person as it was a hateful term and caricature used for decades.

The second is a homophobic slur directed as lesbians (and sometimes at bisexual women).

And then, likely inspired by recent news such as the Nazi activity and terrorist attack in Charlottesville and the ensuing media coverage, Kate Major starts talking about white supremacy.

Like, she seems to think that it"s a good thing.

"Part of white supremacy is that you f–king monkeys don"t know how to do your jobs."


"I"d love to be more of part of white supremacy because you"re all part of f–king monkeys."

As for the female officer, who is white, Kate calls her a "d-ke" repeatedly and demands that she stop touching her breasts.

Kate major mugshot 2014

By the way, Kate Major has a bag over her head throughout this — yes, really — because officers claim that she was spitting on them.

It"s good that they have such a ready solution to that.

It"s not so good that this happens so regularly to police that they have bags designed to prevent it.

(Seriously, what is wrong with people?)

We"re sure that there will be more on this ridiculous, sensational story.

Remember, there are slurs in this video, so you may want to watch your volume or even put on some headphones:

Kate major praises white supremacy during arrest uses homophobic

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Kate Major Goes on Extremely Racist, Homophobic Rant During Psych Hold

Michael Lohan’s estranged wife, Kate Major, almost put Conrad Hilton’s rant against cops to shame … calling a black cop a “monkey” and a female officer a “dyke” … this after threatening to murder the officers. TMZ has obtained body cam and…


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Evan Rachel Wood SLAMS Ben Affleck for Old Homophobic Comment!

One of the things about being a celebrity is that the dumb stuff that you say lasts forever, and that’s been the case since before the internet was even a thing.

To no one’s real surprise, Ben Affleck said something dumb — 20 years ago. That statement was published, and Evan Rachel Wood blasted him into next week.

We’re getting some Sad Ben Affleck vibes again.

So, 20 years ago, Ben Affleck had a same-sex kiss in a film called Chasing Amy.

Paper Magazine decided to share that in a wildly clickbaity tweet that made it sound like he’d just said it:

“Ben Affleck says gay kissing is ‘the biggest acting challenge an actor could face."”

That line is followed by a link to the article and then an emoji used to indicate judgmental pondering.

Clearly, it was designed to evoke outrage directed at, quite frankly, an easy target.

And, of course, to get retweets and clicks. Everybody understands that.

Evan Rachel Wood saw the tweet.

We don’t know if she saw or read the article before making her first tweet.

But honestly, it doesn’t really matter.

Ben’s statement was a dumbass and homophobic thing to say in the ’90s, too.

Even if society didn’t think so.

“Try getting raped in a scene. Also, grow up Ben.”

She’s had some famously upsetting sexual assault scenes on Westworld.

(Though no one should ever make a robot with genuine feelings or the capacity for suffering but that’s a Westworld rant for another day)

Remember that sexual assault is not just an acting issue for Evan Rachel Wood, who has been raped.

It’s a far too common experience.

Obviously, he’s “grown up” since he made that statement, and someone pointed that out. 

Evan Rachel Wood responded:

“I’m sure he just thought it was funny, but even jokes like that are damaging.”

She’s absolutely right, of course.

Homophobic jokes contribute to the same homophobic culture that leads to gay people dying.

Evan Rachel Wood is bi, so this has to hit close to home for her, and not just as an actress.

She follows up with a delightful burn, though it’s not directed solely at Ben Affleck.

“Also, you think us ladies like kissing all the guys we kiss? Just ‘cause it’s a ‘straight kiss’ doesn’t mean we enjoy it. Ahem.”

She is such a gift.

We’d ask someone to print out and frame that tweet, but even though it was made just yesterday, Evan Rachel Wood has already deleted it.

Not because of regrets, but because people who don’t follow her apparently took notice and started spamming her mentions with vitriol.

She explained deleting the mini-thread in a new tweet:

“I have deleted the thread because of the sickening things people have written in response.”

But she made it clear that she’s not running — just avoiding giving a platform to evil.

“I dont want to give that kind of hatred a place.”

We can only guess the sorts of homophobic things that were showing up in her mentions.

Things about her, to be sure.

And likely unspeakable things about male kissing or perhaps even sexual assault.

People will say all sorts of things when they’re in a mob and when they believe that they’re anonymous.

Platforms like Twitter give awful people an experience that combines anonymity and mob mentality.

Though most of us on Twitter just want to talk about politics and video games and memes.

Even though his comments weren’t okay back in the ’90s or today, we don’t think that Ben Affleck would say something that dumb anymore.

Sure, he might play a Batman who has guns on his Batmobile, even though that makes zero sense for the character.

That’s not on the same level as transparent homophobia.

But, even if Ben Affleck’s girlfriend is pregnant, we don’t think that he’s going to reinforce those homophobic ideas on a future generation.

For the record, kissing someone, whether you’re attracted to them or their gender or not, isn’t a big deal.

Not when you’re past high school, anyway.

Actors kiss people they aren’t attracted to all of the time.

Goodness, how many women has Matt Bomer kissed on screen?

Or Thomas Dekker, who only just came out? Or Colton Haynes?

The only difference between their “acting challenge” of kissing ladies on screen and Ben’s of kissing a man is homophobia.


Friday, May 12, 2017

James Woods Takes Crude Homophobic Swipe at Anderson Cooper (PHOTO)

James Woods went after Anderson Cooper with a brazenly homophobic tweet about Cooper’s now infamous eye roll. The actor posted a GIF of Anderson rolling his eyes during an interview with Kellyanne Conway a few days ago. He captioned it … “As his…


Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Conrad Hilton Hurls Homophobic Slur in Court, Agrees to Hospitalization (VIDEO)

Conrad Hilton exploded in anger during his arraignment Wednesday, saying in the courtroom, “So f***ing gay.” Hilton did not enter a plea to violating a restraining order by trying to break into the home of his ex-girlfriend over the weekend.…


Monday, May 8, 2017

Conrad Hilton Unleashes Homophobic Tirade on Cops During Arrest at E.G. Daily"s House (VIDEO)

Conrad Hilton raged at police during his arrest at E.G. Daily’s house — unleashing homophobic and racist slurs on police. TMZ obtained video of Conrad’s arrest early Saturday morning outside E.G.’s home, and he accused one of the officers of…


Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Stephen Colbert Ignores "Homophobic" Criticism, Slams Trump and Putin Again (VIDEO)

Stephen Colbert launched back into his verbal assault of President Trump … the day after he caught some heat for calling Trump “Vladimir Putin’s c**k holster.” Colbert didn’t address any of the backlash against, or support for, his…


Tuesday, May 2, 2017

TMZ Live: Stephen Colbert: Homophobic Trump Joke?

ON TODAY’S SHOW Brutal Airline Fist Fight Bachelor Star: Alcohol Bombshell Justin Bieber’s New Girl! Mariah & Nick Take Over Disney!


Stephen Colbert Goes Homophobic On Donald Trump (VIDEO)

Stephen Colbert unleashed a torrent of anti-Trump jokes on his show Monday night, ending with a cock-in-Trump’s-mouth jab that made his audience roar. The 12-minute tirade was dedicated to the 100-day mark in Trump’s presidency, and Colbert went…


Thursday, April 27, 2017

Katy Perry Blasted for New Single with Migos Over Homophobic Remarks

Katy Perry’s getting slammed for her new single before anyone’s even heard it, because people aren’t cool with her co-stars on the track — Migos. Perry’s new song, “Bon Appetit,” will be released Friday, but the backlash has already begun when the…


Saturday, April 1, 2017

Candace Cameron Bure: Feuding with Drag Queen Over Homophobic Remark?!

The idea of Candace Cameron Bure getting schooled by a drag queen is absolutely delightful, right?

And even though we’re sharing this news on April Fool’s Day, it’s definitely real.

It just goes to show you that sometimes the world is an OK place where good things happen. And let’s be honest, we need that right now.

This whole mess started because of that photo of Candace above, the one in which she’s wearing the “Not Today, Satan” shirt.

The phrase has been around for a while, but it’s recently gotten a boost in popularity thanks to Bianca Del Rio, legendary drag queen and winner of season six of RuPaul’s Drag Race.

Bianca used it as a catchphrase on the show, and these days it’s heavily associated with her, so much so that she’s currently on tour — the Not Today Satan tour.

So when Bianca saw that Candace was wearing the shirt, she reposted it, along with the caption “IF ONLY THIS HOMOPHOBIC REPUBLICAN KNEW………”

And that’s when the feud really kicked off.

Bianca is, of course, referring to Candace’s controversial views. While she’s never been as openly homophobic as her brother, Kirk Cameron, she’s definitely rubbed people the wrong way plenty of times.

For instance, Candace famously defended that Oregon bakery’s decision to refuse to provide service to a gay couple, remember that?

She also holds a lot of the same beliefs as the Duggar family, so … you know what that means.

Hint: it means nothing good.

So it’s understandable that Bianca would be a little rattled by Candace wearing this shirt, right?

But it turns out that Candace was rattled herself by Bianca’s reaction.

She left a comment for her saying as much, asking “Why do you have to be so nasty to me?”

“You don’t know me or my heart,” Candace wrote. “I’m not homophobic and always sad when people think otherwise. Loving Jesus doesn’t mean I hate gay people or anyone.”

“You sent a bunch of hateful people to my page writing horrible things. I hope next time you’ll spread love and kindness, even when you disagree with people.”

She finished with “Sending you love and wishing you all the best.”

Bianca reposted her response as well, along with the hashtags “Live Your Life,” “Love Jesus,” and “Republican Pride.”

Are you sensing sarcasm? Because it seems like she’s being a little sarcastic here.

And so this is how we’re now living in a world in which Candace Cameron is in the middle of a nasty feud with a drag queen.



Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Migos Backpedal Big Time On iLoveMakonnen Homophobic Comments (VIDEO)

Migos insist they meant no ill will toward iLoveMakonnen or any other LGBT artist … heck, they’ll even play a gay show if the price is right. We got the hip-hop trio at LAX, and they were doing some pretty intense backpedaling on seemingly harsh…


Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Janelle Monae Says Kim Burrell Won"t Be on "Ellen" After Homophobic Rant (VIDEO)

Janelle Monae says gospel singer Kim Burrell has been 86d from “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” in the wake of her homophobic rant. Janelle told our photog at LAX Burrell sunk herself with an anti-gay church sermon last week. Kim did a duet with…


Sunday, December 11, 2016

Susan Olsen, Former Brady Bunch Star, Fired for Homophobic Remarks

Susan Olsen looked like this as a child:


She was as cute as cute can be, rising to fame as Cindy Brady, the youngest daughter on iconic series The Brady Bunch.

But that was then.

This is now.

And there’s nothing cute or precious or appealing about the reason why Olsen is made major headlines today.

The former actress was fired from her job as a Los Angeles radio show co-host after she went on a lengthy, dirty, homophobic rant via Facebook.

The 55-year-old spoke with openly gay actor Leon Acord-Whiting as she helmed the segment “Two Chicks Talkin’ Politics” on Wednesday – and, following the show, Acord-Whiting took to social media accuse Olsen of spreading “outrageous misinformation.”

This is what he wrote on his Facebook page:

“It is wildly irresponsible for LA Talk Radio to allow a Trump fanatic to co-host one of their programs, where she can spew her idiotic lies unchecked.

“(Being a liberal and a patriot are mutually exclusive? Hillary is causing the protests & hate crimes? The Koran is a political tract?).”

These were topics discussed on air.

“As much as I love [cohost] Sheena Metal, I think LA Talk Radio needs to give ‘Cindy Brady’ her walking papers,” Acord-Whiting added.

“I will not listen to or appear on any shows there from this point forward until she’s gone. This isn’t just disagreeing on, say, tax plans or foreign policy.

“Susan Olsen spreads outrageous misinformation & it is dangerous and unprofessional.”

Olsen did not take kindly to this attack.

“This is the little piece of human waste,” she replied on her own Facebook page. “He blocked himself from me before I could even get one hit in. If you can find him, please send him my love.”

Olsen also blasted Acord-Whiting, in horrifying manner, via a private message.

Which the actor went ahead and shared with the world, writing as a caption:

And by now, your homophobic private message to me is being shared all over Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. So I don’t have to say another word. The world is seeing your true colors.

cindy b

As you can see, Olsen wrote the following to her new enemy:

Hey there little p–sy, let me get my big boy pants on and Reallly take you on!!! What a snake in the grass you are you lying piece of s–t too cowardly to confront me in real life so you do it on Facebook.

You are the biggest f—-t ass in the world the biggest p–sy! My D–k is bigger than yours Which ain’t sayin much! What a true piece of s–t you are! Lying f—-t! I hope you meet your karma SLOWLY AND PAINFULLY.

Ummm… YIKES!

That was the response of LA Talk Radio, which fired Olsen after this rant went viral and then wrote via state that it “takes pride in its close and collaborative relationship with the LGBT community.”

It added:

We “will continue to provide a home for those who have hopeful and positive messages of togetherness and tolerance to share with our listeners.

“We will not tolerate hateful speech by anyone associated with our radio station and have severed our ties with a host that veered off the direction in which we are going.”

We will never be able to watch Brady Bunch reruns the same way again.

We’re just glad Florence Henderson died before she had to learn what her former TV daughter thinks and it williny to say.


Sunday, December 4, 2016

Chip Gaines Confirms The Rumors That He"s Homophobic?!

Well, this is kind of disappointing.

You know Chip and Joanna Gaines, from Fixer Upper on HGTV?

They have a whole lot of fans, just so many people who love them and adore them and think that they’re just the best, cutest couple to ever appear on reality television.

Or they did have a whole lot of fans, before this little story came out last week.

A few days ago, Buzzfeed published a story all about the church that the Gaines family attends, specifically about the Church’s pastor, Jimmy Seibert.

According to the report, Seibert is “against same-sex marriage,” and he “promotes converting LGBT people into being straight.”

The idea that a pastor in Texas would be against gay marriage is, sadly, not all that shocking, but some of the things that Seibert has said definitely are.

He’s been quoted as stating that “Statistics say that 90% of people who are in a full-blown homosexual lifestyle were abused in some way. Physically sexually, mentally.”

He’s also called “same-sex attraction” an “addiction,” that young people see “sexuality up front in pornography” and get caught up in it.

As for the terrible, terrifying idea of conversion therapy, Seibert has claimed “I have seen hundreds of people personally change their direction of same-sex attraction from a homosexual lifestyle to a heterosexual lifestyle.”

“It doesn’t mean that they don’t struggle with feelings, it doesn’t mean that they aren’t hurting, it doesn’t mean it’s not challenging.”

“But they have chosen to change,” he said. “And there has always been grace there for those who choose that.”

Yikes, right?

So the idea, and the scandal, is that since Chip and Joanna attend Seibert’s church, they must share his views.

HGTV has made a statement about the controversy that read “We don’t discriminate against members of the LGBT community in any of our shows.”

“HGTV is proud to have a crystal clear, consistent record of including people from all walks of life in its series.”

But still, Chip and Joanna haven’t made a statement themselves, and, it’s worth noting, they’ve never made any sort of homophobic remarks publicly.

However, Chip’s Twitter account sure has been interesting these past few days …

On December 1st, right after the original article was published, he tweeted “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. DO EVERYTHING IN LOVE.”

Later that day, he wrote “U know.. even as all hell ‘appears’ to be breaking loose. All I have to do is look at my 4 precious babies sleeping, or kiss Jo good morning and at least at that moment, at my house, all is right with the world.”

A couple of days after that, he asked his fans to “please! respect” the authors of the article, “regardless of our decision to make a statement about all this craziness, or not.”

And then, this morning, he tweeted “In times of trouble.. you’ll find the gaines family at church.”

So that seems pretty pointed, right?

He could have fired off a quick tweet denying that they share the same beliefs as their pastor, he could have even not tweeted anything.

But instead, he stated that, in the middle of all this mess, the family would be at church. With the pastor.

We hope we’re wrong about this, but it’s really not looking too great, huh?


Monday, October 31, 2016

Rob Kardashian Drops Racial & Homophobic Slurs in Shocking Texts

Last week, we learned that Rob Kardashian is being investigated for allegedly threatening a man named Pilot Jones.

The texts were sent in response to rumors that Blac Chyna cheated on Rob with Jones, and that Jones is the father of her baby, who’s due to be born in early November.

Chyna took to social media to shoot the rumors down in brutal fashion.

Many accused her of gay-bashing Jones, but it turns out that Rob had already gone much further in the language that he used to describe Blac’s alleged cheating partner.

In text messages obtained by TMZ, Rob threatens and harasses Jones, accusing the man of lying about having an affair with Blac in order to drum up publicity and help boost his music career.

While Rob probably won’t face any criminal charges, as investigators have determined that his language is too vague to constitute an actual threat of physical violence, his use of racist and homophobic slurs is sure to damage his reputation.

Below are some of the most shocking texts published today:

“And u fa—t ass bitch this is ROB and u did the most DISRESPECTFUL s**t ever by releasing pics and a story to a pregnant Woman who is 17 days from having a baby!”

“This is my Wife and you about to get your ass beat by every Mexican in LA including me.”

“U f–ked with the wrong Woman and the wrong dude.”

“I hope you religious cuz after I beat your ass with about 30 Mexicans u better hope God lets u into heaven.”

“Its a wrap for u and after we beat your ass we will all be good and never contact Chyna … u pu–y ass n—a.”

“Don’t ever come for me and my wife ever U corny ass n—a”

Jones presented the texts to the LAPD as evidence that he had been threatened by Rob.

However, investigators found that he had incited Rob in the past and may be guilty of harassment himself.

In all likelihood, neither party will face any charges, and if there’s any legal culpability at all, it will be decided in civil court.

Unfortunately, the world has now seen a very ugly side of Rob, and no judge can strike that from the record.
