Showing posts with label Admits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Admits. Show all posts

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Amber Portwood Admits She Wasn"t Sober on Marriage Boot Camp!

If you watched Amber Portwood on Marriage Boot Camp Friday night, then you know that it really did not seem to be a good time for her.

She was weird, loud, aggressive … so how she usually is, only way worse.

She picked fights with anyone and everyone, no reason needed, and she just had this quality about her that was alarming and upsetting and just very not good.

And now we know why!

On Friday morning, presumably once she realized how much attention her behavior on the show would receive, she hopped on Twitter to send a special message to her followers.

“No matter what struggles I went through a year ago on MBC..I’m now happy, healthy and sober,” she wrote.

“The struggles & anger I went through are real & I’m happy to have ended such a horrific time in my life! Ready to live life clear headed and full of love.”

“The future is finally bright,” she added.

There’s quite a bit to unpack here, but the most notable thing is that she says she’s “now happy, healthy and sober,” implying that when she was filming the show, she wasn’t any of those things.

This is the first time she’s admitted to not sticking with her sobriety, because being sober is a very big deal for her.

She once said that in early seasons of Teen Mom, we literally never saw her when she wasn’t on some sort of substance — even when we saw her go to rehab.

Back in those days, she had a habit of taking all kinds of pills, primarily, and her drug problem was so bad that when she was in prison, she opted for a longer sentence instead of going to rehab.

She said she believed that was the only way she could truly overcome her addiction.

In the years after her release from prison, she made a big deal out of her sobriety, and for a while, it did seem like she was doing well.

Then there was a troubling Teen Mom episode when we saw her drinking with Matt Baier — at the time, she said it was OK for her to drink because she’d never been an alcoholic.

Unfortunately, that’s not quite how addiction works.

She continued to drink for a good long while with Matt, but she always got very upset whenever anyone suggested that it would be a good idea for her to stay away from all substances, not just the specific ones she preferred in the height of her addiction.

Even in the current season, she got furious when Matt suggested she wasn’t sober.

But for us viewers, it’s been clear for a while now that something hasn’t been quite right with her, and the episode of Marriage Boot Camp really drove that home.

And it looks like now we know what the issue is — or a big part of it anyway.

After making that tweet about her sobriety, someone asked her to clarify what she was talking about, and she explained that she “was drinking heavily on top of my bipolar and borderline medication.”

“Obviously something you shouldn’t do with medications like that,” she added. “However it happened and I went through hard times in order to be truly happy finally.”

It’s nice that she’s being honest about what caused her bizarre behavior on Marriage Boot Camp, but it’s also pretty terrifying.

We obviously don’t know what medications she’s taking, but mixing alcohol with medications can be extremely dangerous — she’s lucky that some embarrassing outbursts were all that happened.

Another thing though is her pregnancy. The timeline here is pretty tight, and deeply concerning.

Judging by the dates she’s given us, she likely got pregnant sometime in August — Marriage Boot Camp was filmed towards the end of June.

That means she had around a month to a month and a half to get off her meds and to get her drinking under control.

Oh, and one more issue: now that we’re seeing what Amber was like while filming this show, we know what she was like when Andrew Glennon became attracted to her.

Is there one happy thing about this whole situation? At all? Even just one tiny little thing?


Friday, March 9, 2018

Colin Firth"s Wife Admits to Sleeping with Her Stalker

It turns out love, actually, has not always been around Colin Firth and his wife, Livia.

The Oscar-winning actor and his wife have been forced to issue an unusual statement that sheds light on their troubled past and also makes public a relationship Livia once had…

… with the man she now claims has been stalking her.

According to British newspaper The Times, Livia has been accusing an Italian journalist named Marco Brancaccia of “frightening” her with harassing messages.

And while these allegations stand, while the Firths are still adamant that Brancaccia has been acting in an inappropriate matter, the couple now admits that Livia has a naked history with him.

This is the statement they released on Friday morning to the press:

“A few years ago Colin and Livia privately made the decision to separate. During that time Livia briefly became involved with former friend Mr Brancaccia.

“The Firths have since reunited.

“Subsequently, Mr Brancaccia carried out a frightening campaign of harassment over several months, much of which is documented.

“As a consequence of his stalking, threats and refusal to desist, the legal complaint was lodged with the Italian authorities.”

Colin and Livia got married in 1997.

The couple shares two sons together, 16-year-old Luca and 15-year-old Matteo.

The latter’s dalliance with Brancaccia took place at some point between 2015 and 2016.

A rep for the pair explains that neither half of this couple spoke publicly about Livia’s affair for “obvious reasons.”

However, when La Repubblica published details of the police investigation prompted by Livia’s recent accusations against her former lover, the two felt the need to address it.

Concludes the statement:

“The reporting this week on this case is understood to be the consequence of a leaked court document. This is greatly to be regretted.

“It does not serve the interests of any of the parties involved.”

For his part, Brancaccia has denied the stalking allegations, telling anyone who would listen that he had this sort of past with Livia.

But he didn’t stop there when speaking to The Times.

“We were romantically involved, she wanted to leave Colin for me,” he told the newspaper, alleging that his supposed “stalking” consisted of two WhatsApp messages and an email to Firth once the affair ended and adding:

“I wrote an email to Colin about my relationship with Livia, which I now regret sending, and she filed a complaint against me for stalking out of fear that I could go public with what she had revealed to me about her marriage and work.

“In a year she sent me hundreds of messages of love, photos and videos, even a diary.”

Firth himself has not spoken directly about this hiccup in his marriage or this ongoing investigation.

One (who uses terrible puns) might say the situation has left this faux king… speechless.


Monday, February 26, 2018

Farrah Abraham Admits to Storing Nude Photos of Daughter; Fans React

It"s tough to imagine being as clueless as Farrah Abraham.

Farrah has been fired from Teen Mom OG for what essentially amounts to sheer idiocy, but she still finds new and interesting ways to eff up on a daily basis.

Unfortunately, much of her fooliahness involves her 9-year-old daughter, Sophia.

Farrah is obsessed with Sophia"s "modeling career," and she goes to great lengths to mold her daughter into both her clone and her best friend.

And sometimes that leads to some truly questionable parenting…

1. Farrah and Sophia

Farrah and sophia abraham image

To say that Farrah and Sophia have an unusual relationship would be to put things very, very mildly. Farrah probably introduces herself to her daughter’s friends as a “cool mom.”

2. Farrah, the Sequel

Farrah abraham with sophia in italy

Farrah clearly wants Sophia to follow in her footsteps in every way. This has led to some extremely awkward comments and situations.

3. Beyond Wrong…

Farrah abraham sophia abraham petes dragon tickets pic

Farrah has spoken at length about her inappropriate relationship with her daughter. This has included remarking on Sophia’s future in the adult film industry.

4. Farrah Sounds Off

Farrah abraham camgirl

Recently, Farrah was asked for her thoughts on a topless photo of Kim Kardashian that was taken by Kim’s daugher, North. As usual, she didn’t hold back.

5. Farrah Unfiltered

Farrah abraham underwear pic

The Teen Mom OG star stunned fans by admitting that she has inappropriate photos of Sophia stored on her phone. Yes, she really said that.

6. Somebody Stop Her

Farrah and sophia abraham in hawaii

“My daughter and I, we run around the house naked and we just live life free,” Farrah recently told TMZ when asked about the Kim situation. Things got MUCH weirder from there…

View Slideshow

Thursday, February 22, 2018

USA Swimming Exec Resigns, Admits She Kissed Coach Accused of Sexual Abuse

A USA swimming exec admits she once kissed Sean Hutchison — the former Team USA swimming coach accused of sexual abuse by ex-Olympian Ariana Kukors — and is stepping down to avoid being a distraction. “In order to keep the focus on the…


Steve Wilkos Charged with DUI in Car Crash, Admits He Lied to TMZ

Steve Wilkos just confessed to TMZ, he lied when he told us the horrific car crash in which he was involved last month was the result of him being distracted as he reached for his glasses … he was actually under the influence of alcohol. We’ve…


Thursday, February 15, 2018

Charles Barkley Admits He Played One NBA Game Drunk As Hell, Here"s Why ...

Charles Barkley says there’s one game in his NBA career he doesn’t remember — because he was SO drunk, it’s a miracle he even got on the court.  It all went down in the late ’80s after Barkley had been told he was being traded from the…


Monday, December 18, 2017

ESPN President John Skipper Resigns, Admits "Substance Addiction"

Bombshell from ESPN … longtime president John Skipper has suddenly resigned — and says it’s to focus on a secret battle with “substance addiction.” “Today I have resigned from my duties as President of ESPN,” 61-year-old Skipper said in a…


Thursday, December 14, 2017

Morgan Spurlock Admits He"s Part of Sexual Harassment Problem, Cites Past Rape Allegation

Morgan Spurlock is coming clean about his history … regarding sexual harassment, sexual abuse, and even an accusation of rape. The famed documentary filmmaker posted a shocking list of confessions Wednesday, including a detailed description of a…


Friday, December 8, 2017

Ric Flair Admits Hardcore Drinking Binge Hours Before Intestines Ruptured

Ric Flair is now admitting he had been boozing HARD all day and night in the hours before his medical emergency in August … and credits his fiancee with saving his life.  “I had been drinking … shocker, yeah,” Flair said on WWE…


Friday, December 1, 2017

Kermit Washington Pleads Guilty To 3 Felonies, Admits Taking Over $225k

Ex-NBA star Kermit Washington is finally admitting he spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in charitable donations on himself … pleading guilty to 3 felonies in federal court. TMZ Sports broke the story … Washington — a former All-Star…


Friday, November 10, 2017

Louis C.K. Admits: “These Stories are True”

After years of rumors followed the comedian, five women have come forward and accused Louis C.K. of sexual harassment.

Now that these rumors have become outspoken allegations, and now that he’s getting slammed by comedians and fans alike, Louis C.K. is making a statement.

And he’s … admitting to it. To all of it.

Louis C.K.’s statement gets right to the point:

“I want to address the stories told to The New York Times by five women named Abby, Rebecca, Dana, Julia who felt able to name themselves and one who did not.”

Here it comes:

“These stories are true.”

We’ve all wondered what’s must have been going through his mind as he pulled out his penis in front of various women.

(We no longer have to write “allegedly” for him!)

Louis C.K. provides a little insight:

“At the time, I said to myself that what I did was O.K. because I never showed a woman my dick without asking first, which is also true.”

That … sounds like some bizarre mental gymnastics were going on in his mind to excuse his behavior.

The sort of excuse that only he himself could buy.

“But what I learned later in life, too late, is that when you have power over another person, asking them to look at your dick isn’t a question. It’s a predicament for them.”

Power can mean professional authority. It can mean celebrity status. It can even mean physical strength and size.

Remember, folks: the cashier or barista smiles at you because it’s literally part of her job, not because she wants to see your genitals.

“The power I had over these women is that they admired me. And I wielded that power irresponsibly. I have been remorseful of my actions. And I’ve tried to learn from them. And run from them. Now I’m aware of the extent of the impact of my actions.”

Louis C.K.’s statement continues:

“I learned yesterday the extent to which I left these women who admired me feeling badly about themselves and cautious around other men who would never have put them in that position.”

One of those women said that the experience discouraged her from pursuing her career in comedy.

“I also took advantage of the fact that I was widely admired in my and their community, which disabled them from sharing their story and brought hardship to them when they tried because people who look up to me didn’t want to hear it.”

That “widely admired” bit sounds a little like self-praise, which is not tonally appropriate … but maybe he’s just trying to make sure that people understand that he knows that it was wrong and why?

“I didn’t think that I was doing any of that because my position allowed me not to think about it.”

A lot of men never think about the damage that they do.

“There is nothing about this that I forgive myself for. And I have to reconcile it with who I am. Which is nothing compared to the task I left them with.”

That’s proper.

“I wish I had reacted to their admiration of me by being a good example to them as a man and given them some guidance as a comedian, including because I admired their work.”

“The hardest regret to live with is what you’ve done to hurt someone else.”

Well, maybe his hardest regret.

“And I can hardly wrap my head around the scope of hurt I brought on them.”

Louis C.K.’s actions are now impacting more than just himself and these women. Remember, HBO gave him the axe.

“I’d be remiss to exclude the hurt that I’ve brought on people who I work with and have worked with who’s professional and personal lives have been impacted by all of this, including projects currently in production: the cast and crew of Better Things, Baskets, The Cops, One Mississippi, and I Love You, Daddy.”

That’s a lot of people screwed over, professionally, because Louis C.K. couldn’t keep it in his pants (literally).

“I deeply regret that this has brought negative attention to my manager Dave Becky who only tried to mediate a situation that I caused.”

If you don’t want to negatively impact the people who consider it their job to clean up your messes, maybe don’t make messes.

(Some have pointed out that Louis C.K.’s wealth is in the 8 digits, and that he mgiht want to cut some checks to the people whom he’s left hanging)

“I’ve brought anguish and hardship to the people at FX who have given me so much The Orchard who took a chance on my movie. and every other entity that has bet on me through the years.”

We cannot imagine how his family is feeling right now.

“I’ve brought pain to my family, my friends, my children and their mother.”

Louis C.K. finishes off his statement with this:

“I have spent my long and lucky career talking and saying anything I want. I will now step back and take a long time to listen. Thank you for reading.”

It’s good that he’s admitting this, and a refreshing change from endless denials in Hollywood, but we’d like to point out a couple of things:

One: if there was a actual, explicit apology in this, we don’t think that we saw it. Maybe it’s implied, but that’s actually not how apologies work. You have to say them.

Two: some have pointed out that Louis C.K. could have spoken out years ago when Gawker (before the site was destroyed by a vengeful, Trump-supporting billionaire) first talked about these rumors. Or in the summer of 2016, when Roseanne Barr spoke about it.

It almost seems, to some, that Louis C.K. was less concerned about how his actions impacted these women … and was only moved to speak up because it’s now hurting his career.

That’s a cynical view, but … you can see why people feel that way.

Especially people who have their own #MeToo stories and will never trust the people responsible for them.


Friday, November 3, 2017

Alec Baldwin Admits to "Bullying" Women, Engaging In "Sexist" Behavior

Over the past several weeks, a number of Hollywood’s most powerful men have been exposed as serial sexual predators.

The string of scandals began with accusations against Harvey Weinstein that would eventually bring an end to one of the industry’s most esteemed film studios.

In the month that followed, allegations against Kevin Spacey, Jeremy Piven, Brett Ratner, Ben Affleck and many more pulled back the curtain on a culture of abuse and misogyny in the movie industry.

Most of the accused have feigned shock or issued timid confessions in the wake of being called out for their behavior.

Now, actor Alec Baldwin–himself no stranger to allegations of abusive behavior–is attempting to change how Hollywood addresses its ongoing misogyny issues by admitting to mistreating women before he becomes the subject of another scandal.

“I certainly have treated women in a very sexist way. I’ve bullied women. I’ve overlooked women. I’ve underestimated women,” Baldwin told Tonight Show announcer Steve Higgins at a Paley Center event on Thursday night.

“Not as a rule, [but] from time to time, I’ve done what a lot of men do, which is … when you don’t treat women the same way you treat men.”

Baldwin added:

“I’m from a generation where you really don’t, and I’d like that to change. I really would like that to change.”

Though he’s taken some flak for attributing his behavior to his age, Baldwin has mostly been applauded for his comments.

“I think it’s important for us to try to make the workplace and beyond not only comfortable and right and fair and appropriate, but as productive as well,” he explained.

“A lot of what we’re dealing with within this issue is hurting our business. It’s making it less productive.”

A father of four, Baldwin was widely castigated for an abusive voicemail he left for daughter Ireland in 2007 when she was just 11 years old.

Asked if he was aware of abusive behavior from 

“I knew of certain things, that there were rumors of things happening to people, but I didn’t necessarily know the scope, when you hear the hundreds and hundreds of women who are complaining about this… It’s been a very eye-opening experience for me personally,” Baldwin said last night.

“We’ve got to be vigilant in a new way to make sure that everybody is comfortable and that we get the job done together that we’re there to do.”

Baldwin did not go into detail about the more shameful behavior of his past, but says that going forward, he will be more conscientious in his interactions with female colleagues.


Thursday, October 12, 2017

Harvey Weinstein Admits He"s Not Doing Okay, Takes Parting Shot at Hollywood Celebs

Harvey Weinstein pleaded his case for getting a second chance in Hollywood on his way out of town — but he also seemed to take a parting shot at the celebs who’ve been bashing him. Weinstein left his daughter’s L.A. home shortly after 3 PM…


Wednesday, September 27, 2017

NCAA Univ. Admits Student Pushback Over Kneel Ban, "It"s a Good Thing"

Colorado Christian University says there is some student resistance to the school’s ban on national anthem protests … but CCU believes the disagreement is a positive thing.  As we previously reported, CCU (which has several varsity sports…


Sunday, September 17, 2017

Kevin Hart Video Is Graphic, Extortionist Admits Money Grab

This is the woman at the center of the Kevin Hart video that triggered a multi-million dollar extortion demand, and the extortionist freely admits money is the end game. The 4 minute and 47 second video is highly produced, with audio from Kevin on…


Thursday, September 14, 2017

Aaron Carter Admits to Drug Problems, Storms Off Set on The Doctors

Former child star Aaron Carter appears to have hit quite a rough patch in recently.

Last week, police visited Carter"s house four times in just 34 hours in response to requests for welfare check-ins from concerned loved ones.

Prior to that, Carter was arrested for DUI and drug possession after being pulled over for driving erratically in a Georgia suburb.

At the time, Carter insisted that he was not drunk, and was simply having a bad reaction to prescribed medications.

To prove to fans that the reports of his hard-partying ways have been greatly exaggerated, Carter sat down with the hosts of The Doctors today.

First the good news:

Host Travis Stork confirmed that Carter is taking a number of prescribed drugs to treat a persistent anxiety and pain disorders, but does not appear to be abusing any substances.

The bad news, however, is that Stork cautioned that the "mixture of benzodiazepines and opiates" found in Aaron"s blood is a combination that frequently results in accidental overdoses.

Carter"s sister, Leslie Carter, died of an overdose, and the singer says he lives in fear of a similar fate.

At one point in the episode, Stork described Carter as "malnourished," noting that his BMI "is in a very scary range" with a score of just 17.

(18.5 to 24.9 is considered a healthy range.)

Doctors on set reportedly advised Carter to check into rehab immediately, but according to TMZ, the 29-year-old stormed off set and drove from all the way from LA to his home in Florida.

Reps for Carter say the report is bogus and contend that Aaron "quietly and professionally" left the set more than half an hour after he completed filming.

Check out a clip of Carter"s appearance on the show below:

Aaron carter admits to drug problems storms off set on the docto

Madonna Admits There"s No Evidence Friend Stole Her Panties!!!

Madonna withered under oath recently as she was grilled over her allegation that a former close friend and art consultant stole her panties, a letter from Tupac and other stuff. TMZ has obtained a transcript of Madonna’s deposition in the case…


Thursday, August 17, 2017

Farrah Abraham Admits to Forgetting Daughter Sophia In a Store

Usually, when we report on bad parenting from Farrah Abraham, it means something truly appalling and inappropriate took place involving her 8-year-old daughter Sophia.

Like the time Farrah talked about Sophia’s future sex tape.

Or the time Farrah allowed Sophia to have a Snapchat account, and she predictably wound up chatting with strangers late at night.

Sadly, we could go on with a list of such incidents, but we think you get the idea.

So it’s almost a relief to share a story of less-than-stellar parenting that other moms might actually be able to relate to.

It’s not the kind of thing we would encourage anyone to try, but it is the sort of thing that could be classified as an innocent mistake … as opposed to whatever the hell talking about your grade school-aged daughter’s porn career would be called.

Anyway, the story comes from Farrah herself, who shared it while she was shilling some memory supplement on her Instagram page.

“Ladies (and men) Ever returned to your car and realized you’ve left your child in the store! Omg, this happened once, but since starting @focus.factor Extra Strength there’s no way that will happen!” Farrah captioned the photo below.

Yes, it seems she once left Sophia in a store.

Not surprisingly, the comments on the photo were amusingly brutal.

“You’re telling the entire world that you NEED some bs pills to REMEMBER YOU HAVE YOUR DAUGHTER WITH YOU WHEN YOU GO OUT TO A STORE?” wrote one follower, adding:

“Wow. don’t have anymore children please until you become an actual responsible adult.”

Others simply threw Farrah’s own words back at her, reminding the reality star-turned-porn star that she once encouraged her co-stars to learn from her parenting example.

Most of the critics had the right idea and didn’t attack Farrah for briefly forgetting her daughter (these things happen), but rather for sharing the story as a means of trying to sell her followers on the virtues of some BS nootropic.

To be fair, we really know nothing about the product she’s hawking, but we generally don’t take medical advice from people who document their vaginal rejuvenation procedures on social media.

Also, gotta love the generous amount of cleavage worked into that shot.

Say what you will about Farrah, the woman understands marketing.

Watch Teen Mom: OG online for more of Farrah’s ridiculousness.


Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Corinne Olympios Admits Mixing Prescription Drugs with Booze During "BiP" Filming

Corinne Olympios was popping pills and mixing booze during “Bachelor in Paradise” filming before the infamous swimming pool hookup with DeMario Jackson … TMZ has learned. Sources close to production tell TMZ … Corinne made the admission…


Thursday, August 3, 2017

Jeremy Calvert Admits to Lying About Leah Messer on Teen Mom 2!

Jeremy Calvert … well, no one would ever accuse him of being the most charming guy, we’ll say that.

Actually, we’ll say that and so, so much more.

Because the thing is that Jeremy Calvert is really a gross individual. We’ve seen it on Teen Mom 2, we’ve seen it on social media, we’ve seen it basically every time he opens his mouth anywhere.

But, according to some new statements from both Jeremy and his ex-girlfriend, Brooke Wehr, he’s even more awful than we knew.

And that’s because, in this week’s episode of Teen Mom 2, he just straight up lied to Leah Messer.

In the scene in question, Leah and Jeremy had a nice little FaceTime chat in which he explained to her that Brooke broke up with him.

As he told her, one day he just “came home to all my sh-t just being everywhere” because Brooke “lost her sh-t.”

The issue, according to Jeremy, was that Brooke randomly decided to go through his phone records and discovered that he’d had a 35 minute call with Leah, and she became suspicious.

The phone call was totally innocent — it was about their daughter’s enrollment in preschool — but Jeremy insisted that Brooke simply wasn’t having it.

“Why does she feel that way about me?” Leah asked, obviously hurt and confused, but he told her that he didn’t know.

So basically his story was that Brooke is a little crazy and a lot jealous, and that she couldn’t handle him talking to the mother of his child so she lost her mind.

Convenient, right?

In this story, Jeremy didn’t do anything wrong, Brooke is unreasonable, and he’s just a good dad in a bad situation.

But, as we all know, that’s not exactly how things seemed to go down.

And thankfully, Jeremy is big enough to admit it in a statement he made to Real Mr. Housewife.

“The episode you saw on Monday,” he explains, “Brooke came off as crazy, which she isn’t at all. It was all my fault during that time.”

“Also the reason we broke up wasn’t because of me and Leah talking for that long about Addie’s preschool stuff. It was over me talking to a different girl. Period.”

Which, obviously, isn’t even remotely new information — we’ve known for a while now that Jeremy cheated on Brooke more than once.

It’s pretty weird that he even thought he could get away with lying about it on the show.

Jeremy insists that the breakup “had nothing to do with the way me and Leah co parent for our child and communicate. Just would like to address the correct version of what happened.”

“That was all talked about, but was edited out of the episode last night.”

Ah, of course, the tried and true “MTV edited my footage to make me look bad!” excuse.

Still, he owns up to his mistakes, saying “I basically lied to make myself look better than what I truly did. Which I shouldn’t have done but I did so now I’m trying to set the record straight.”

“And also she never through my sh-t every where and didn’t lose her sh-t like I stated in that episode.”

Brooke has also taken to her Instagram account to refute the way things went down on the show — she confirms that the breakup “had absolutely nothing to do with Leah.”

“Leah’s name was never brought up … Him and I had never even had an argument that even involved her name.”

She also explains that the reason she and Jeremy got into that fight was because he was talking to another girl for 35 minutes, and he had her name in his phone under “Tim.”

The fight definitely did happen, “but that wasn’t about Leah at all, and it definitely had nothing to do with Addie going to school at all.”

Brooke adds that “I just felt like that needed clarified because that whole entire conversation” on the show, “from the beginning to the end as complete bullcrap. All of it was a lie.”

Hasn’t Jeremy ever heard that quote about weaving all those tangled webs?
