Showing posts with label Brand. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brand. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Master P Sues Cannabis Company for Leaving His Weed Brand High and Dry

Master P teamed up with a cannabis company to help spread his own brand of bud across California, but it bailed on him and cost him millions … according to a new suit. The rap mogul joined the legal cannabis industry in November 2016 with the…


Saturday, November 4, 2017

Jessica Alba"s Honest Company Sues Company for "Honestly Cute" Brand Toys

Jessica Alba’s Honest Company is going after a baby toy manufacturer for ripping off its brand name AND its floral pattern … according to a new suit. Alba’s company claims another Delaware company — JAKKS Pacific — started cranking out baby and…


Wednesday, October 18, 2017

"Big Baller Brand" Emojis Crack App Store Top 3

The Big Baller Brand is conquering social media now too … with the Ball family’s new emoji line rocketing up the charts in the App Store after just 1 day on the market.  LaVar, Lonzo and the rest of the fam dropped “Big Baller Brand Emojis”…


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Russell Brand: I Want Katy Perry Back in my Life!

Katy Perry’s disastrous hosting of the VMAs may have American Idol producers in a panic, but there’s at least one person who’s entered into a relationship with Katy who doesn’t regret it.

Remember when Katy was married to Russell Brand? And when he told her that he wanted a divorce via text message?

Well, now he’s decided that he wants to reconcile. 

Katy Perry’s marriage to Russell Brand wasn’t one of those lightning-fast Hollywood marriages where all that it takes is a few months to realize that off of the set or sober or whatever, they can’t stand each other.

No, these two were married for 14 months.

Not long, by marriage standards.

(Even in Hollywood)

What was truly sensational about their breakup wasn’t that it happened soon or late.

It wasn’t even particularly explosive.

No, what was absolutely ridiculous was that, on the 31st of December, 2011, Russell Brand texted to Katy Perry that he was divorcing her.

Again, this was in a text message.

The reasons behind the split?

It wasn’t building animosity. It wasn’t abuse. It wasn’t some torrid affair.

It was that, thanks to both of their careers and schedules, Russell Brand just thought that it was no longer practical for them to be married.

And apparently he somehow reached the conclusion that the best way for the two of them to part ways was to let her know the same way that a roommate lets another know that they’re running low on toilet paper, or coming home with a friend from work so now might be a good time to put on pants.

(I love text messaging, but — and take this from someone who’s found out about deaths over the phone and also had to break that kind of news — some conversations need to happen in person)

You’d think that, understandably, Katy Perry could have raged about their breakup and gotten some well-deserved sympathy.

Instead, she’s stated facts about their split and she’s written songs about the breakup, but she hasn’t roasted Russell Brand as many might have done.

She’s even made it clear that she was in love with him when they married.

Russell hasn’t bashed Katy Perry, either. Which is good, because he really has no standing to.

(Plenty of people have the high ground to say what they want about Katy Perry, but Russell Brand will never be one of those people)

Now, in an interview with Grazia, Russell Brand says that he doesn’t regret their marriage.

And then he keeps on talking.

“It was a very important and lovely time in my life. I don’t regret being married to Katy at all.”

That’s something.

A lot of people, post-divorce, pretend that they were never in love and that the whole thing was a mistake.

“I have very positive feelings about that whole experience and Katy is an extraordinary woman.”

Well, of course he does.

She’s one of the most gorgeous women on the planet.

And he’s the one who ended things on a sour note the moment that he sent her that text.

“I’m willing and open for reconciliation, any kind.”

Reconciliation is Katy Perry’s thing to open herself to, my buddy, my guy. The wronged party gets to announce when it’s time.

Then comes the worst line of the whole thing:

“Because if we can’t overcome our relatively trivial personal disputes in this world, what hope is there for us?”

Yes, he just said referred to their complicated relationship baggage as relatively trivial.

Isn’t that so typical of a rich male celebrity to not realize how in the wrong he’s been?

But you know what?

It’s been nearly 6 years, now.

If Katy Perry decides to let bygones be bygones, that’s her business.

If she were asking our advice … we’d ask if it’s worth it to her to have him in her life. If it would outweigh the old hurt feelings that his presence would dredge up.

(We’d also ask how he fares in her famous sexual rankings; that might be a factor)

But Katy Perry doesn’t ask for our advice. Understandably.


Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Snoop"s Son Cordell Broadus Wants to Join Big Baller Brand

LaVar Ball’s company’s so hot right now … he’s got famous rapper’s kids wanting to work for him. Snoop’s son, Cordell Broadus, tells TMZ Sports … he’s totally down with the Big Baller Brand, and thinks he could be a valuable addition to their…


Tuesday, August 22, 2017

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 12 Episode 7 Recap: A Brand New Feud

Tamra Judge and Shannon Beador have been at odds with Vicki Gunvalson for months on end, but is there any hope for them to kiss and make up?

That’s what Lydia McLaughlin was hoping for on The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 12 Episode 7 as she got set to launch her joint magazine venture with her husband. 

When the episode gets underway, Lydia felt like it was time for Vicki and Tamra to put their beef aside in the hopes of partying like the good old days when they were less toxic to one another. 

She manages to get them to agree on a time and place to meet up and hash out their differences. The good thing about Lydia is that she will not take no for an answer. 

Things take a crazy turn when Peggy takes it upon herself to imply that Tamra is the one in the wrong and should probably stop bickering with Vicki and let the feud die… before it’s too late. 

With Peggy trying to play a peacekeeper, will Lydia want to argue with her on camera? That sounds like a possibility. Two peacekeepers in the same friendship circle tend to go to war. 

As expected, Tamra is not impressed that Peggy meddled in her feud with Vicki. And so, a brand new feud is born, but does that mean Vicki is off the hook?

Well, would there be a show without Vicki being trashed by her co-stars? I think not. Lydia stayed out of Peggy’s comments because when you think about it, what does Peggy really know about the women she is telling to get a grip?

Lydia has years of friendship on her side, so it’s evident she is just wanting her pals to sip some martinis together again. Peggy, on the other hand, is likely trying her hand at getting some air time. 

Lydia’s relationship with Doug seemed to be thriving, but could part of that be down to the fact he is showering her with gifts?

I mean, it’s great they have the new venture and are making it a success and all, but he’s spending SO MUCH on her. Maybe I’m just a little jealous because she got two cars, but still, SO MUCH money. 

Tamra got some time to shine and chatted about her daughter. Yeah, the one who has been trashing her mother all over social media over the last few weeks. 

Tamra seems to think Eddie is to blame for her daughter’s self-imposed exile from her life, but is there some underlying issue we are privy to?

The main reason Tamra is pissed with Vicki is because of the crazy ass comments Vicki had about the marriage.

It’s difficult enough to put things in the past, but when you know people think your marriage is a sham, how do you really mingle with them without hurling a few cocktails in their direction?

With the growing tensions between Tamra and Peggy, will that allow Vicki fall through the cracks and forge a friendship with Tamra again?

Probably not, but I can’t wait to find out. 

What do you think of all the drama?

Sound off below!


Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Cris Carter Says LeBron Will NEVER Overtake Jordan Brand, Here"s Why ... (VIDEO)

LeBron James will always be #2 behind Michael Jordan when it comes to business … so says Cris Carter, who says Jordan Brand has a secret weapon to stay ahead of Bron — women.  Cris was out in NYC with Nick Wright, the co-host of his…


Monday, May 15, 2017

Christopher "Big Black" Boykin"s "BB" Brand Considered Relaunch Before Death

Chris ‘Big Black’ Boykin’s clothing line was in the midst of a comeback … but his untimely death brought those plans to a screeching halt. Chris’ personal manager, Mark Shin, tells TMZ … Big Black clothing was strongly considering a relaunch…


Friday, April 7, 2017

The Kim Kardashian-Donald Trump Connection: Is the President Hurting Her Brand?

Last night, Donald Trump took to the airwaves to announce that the US had launched 59 cruise missiles at a Syrian military airfield in response to chemical attacks ordered by Bashar al-Assad.

It was a frightening moment that – like so much of Trump’s presidency – was made downright surreal by the background of the man at the helm.

As Trump addressed the media from his lavish home in Palm Beach, Florida, it felt almost impossible to reconcile the idea that the same man who “fired” celebrities on a reality show just a few short years ago was now in the position to fire missiles in the Middle East.

Trump was born into wealth, and he first caught the public’s attention by plastering his name all over prime pieces of Manhattan real estate, but it’s difficult to imagine that he could have launched a successful political career without his media presence.

It was The Apprentice that introduced Trump to a new generation, and it was his appearances on SNL and his controversial interview with Jimmy Fallon that humanized him during his bid for the White House.

Without TV, Trump likely would have had a much more difficult time endearing himself to an American populace that mostly viewed him as the achetypal callous billionaire.

Of course, he’s not the first public figure to use reality television to win over the American public.

At first glance, it may not seem that Donald Trump and Kim Kardashian have much in common aside from outsized egos and penchants for self-promotion.

But while Kim will almost certainly never enter the political arena (even 21st century America has its limits), she and the Donald have experienced surprisingly similar career trajectories.

Back in 2007, it seemed Kim would never be known as anything other than the star of a popular sex tape.

Like Trump, Kim was reviled as a clueless child of privilege, held up as an example of what can happen when a society rewards vanity and disregards talent.

And like Trump, she used reality television to craft an image that was more to her liking.

These days, however, both Kardashian and Trump are experiencing major public image crises, and that may not be entirely coincidental.

Trump is experiencing historically low approval ratings, while Kim is struggling to save Keeping Up With the Kardashians, the reality show that made her a household name and that is now on the verge of cancelation.

When the show’s thirteenth season debuted last month, E! network execs were reportedly expecting its biggest ratings to date, thanks to highly-publicized events such as Kim being robbed at gunpoint and her husband, Kanye West, entering a mental health facility.

But the viewers didn’t tune in like they were supposed to, and some believe that Trump-induced drama fatigue is part of the problem.

A piece published today by The Huffington Post questions if there’s any room for the Kardashians in Trump’s America.

After all, the family thrived on guilty pleasure escapism and now serves as a reminder of what can happen when a society becomes overly obsessed with fame for the sake of fame.

HuffPo is far from the first to make the Trump-Kardashian connection, and comedian Chelsea Handler once went so far as to say she blames Kim and company for Trump’s election:

“They were treating him as an entertainer first. It was a reality show. We’ve turned into a reality show. I blame the Kardashians, personally; the beginning of the end was the Kardashians,” Handler said.

“The way these people have blown up and don’t go away — it’s surreal. Everyone is for sale.”

Handler was referring to the Kard clan’s broader cultural impact, but it’s worth noting that they also played a more direct role in the 2016 election.

Trump commented on Caitlyn Jenner’s support of Ted Cruz during the GOP primaries.

The president met with Kanye West during his shadowy transition to the White House.

Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner both voiced support for Hillary Clinton during the election, and it’s been rumored that West’s fondness for Trump sparked a period of marital discord.

Obviously, it’s absurd to blame Trump’s election on the Kardashians, but there’s no denying that the family contributed to a culture in which a former reality star could be viewed as a viable presidential candidate.

Now, in a twist of irony that would be better suited to scripted television, Trump seems to be having a quantifiably negative impact on the Kardashian brand.


Thursday, March 30, 2017

Marshawn Lynch Signs Victoria"s Secret Model for "Beast Mode" Brand (Photos)

Marshawn Lynch is making moves … signing a smokin’ hot Victoria’s Secret model to be the face of the new women’s workout line for his Beast Mode fashion brand.  Lynch announced Gracie Carvalho has joined the B.M. team as his first “brand…


Sunday, January 22, 2017

Amber Portwood: See Her Brand New Makeover!

Things haven’t been looking too great for Amber Portwood lately.

But just because things are going badly doesn’t mean you can’t look good!

Amber put all her issues (which we’ll discuss momentarily!) aside this weekend so that she could give herself a whole new look.

That’s the “before” photo she shared on Instagam. Sure, it’s pretty filtered, but take it in.

“Hair is going PINK today!!!!” she revealed in the caption. “You can’t talk me out of it lol.”

Pink hair, huh? Is that too big a change for the famously blonde Teen Mom star? Can she pull it off?

Amber didn’t wait to long to share the “after” photo, the one with all the pink hair, so go ahead and judge for yourself:

It looks cute, right? And despite that remarkably glum look on this face, she wrote in the caption that she loves the change.

And hey, good for her. She deserves to feel good about herself, and she should — she looks great.

But there’s a good chance Amber decided to go for such a different look to get her mind off her recent legal troubles.

Amber and her sketchy boyfriend, Matt Baier, are being sued by their former rental company for unpaid rent and repairs.

Why didn’t they pay rent, if Amber’s got all that Teen Mom money and Matt’s preparing to release his memoir?

It’s a good question, but one we don’t have the answer for.

According to the court documents filed by the rental company, Amber and Matt owe $ 1,600 for failing to pay their last month of rent, as well as thousands of dollars worth of damages, much of it inflicted by the couple’s many pets.

To repair the carnage left in Amber and Matt’s wake, the company says they’ll need to repair damaged dry wall, replace the vertical blinds, and order new mini blinds and a new door knob.

They’ll also have to get a new smoke detector and install it, and there’s a whole lot to be done to the outside of the house, too.

For what it’s worth, Amber’s former neighbor has disputed the rental company’s claims, saying that Amber’s old house looks fine and that it’s already being rented to someone new.

She’s due in court in late February to deal with all this … but at least we know she’ll look fabulous while doing so.


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Ivanka Trump"s Fashion Brand Applies For Underwear Trademark

Ivanka Trump’s fashion company wants to slap her name on bras, panties and other forms of underwear … even though Ivanka herself won’t be in on the deal. Ivanka Trump Marks LLC just filed legal docs to expand its product line to almost anything…


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Jim Carrey Responsible for Ex"s Suicide? Brand New Letters Are HEARTBREAKING

Jim Carrey is heartless.

The 2016 lawsuit that alleges he’s partially – if not completely – responsible for the death of his ex-girlfriend, Cathriona White, just took a turn for the worse, as it’s been revealed that White wrote Carrey multiple suicide notes in the past … 

… But Carrey apparently ignored their implications.  

TMZ released two new letters supporting White’s ex-husband’s, Mark Burton’s, lawsuit for wrongful death, and be warned: they’re hard to read. 

The outlet reported that White had written several notes throughout the duration of her relationship with Carrey, before she actually went and made good on the suicide threat (if one can actually make “good” on a suicide threat). 

The first came shortly after her father’s 2012 death. 

The second, after she discovered that he’d purportedly given her multiple STDs

The last, and final, was the night that she killed herself, overdosing on pills that were prescribed to an alias belonging to Carrey. 

White’s first letter detailed her disdain for the world around her, and for herself, saying that she was “too messed up” for anyone to love. 

The second letter – perhaps the most damning of all – read to the effect that Carrey was responsible for her decision to end her life, and said “you pulled the trigger on me,” and “your blood is on my hands.” 

However, White didn’t choose to kill herself at the time of that letter, which was a year after her first letter.  

The final suicide letter(s) read, “Jim, I thought we had chosen each other, family.” 

“I believed it meant something,” she continued, “and allowed myself to relax in your arms in the safety of being sure of one thing … us.” 

“If everything went sideways,” she wrote, “we had each other.” 

“I can go on broken-hearted and put the pieces back, I could.” 

“I just don’t have the will this time,” she said. 

In another letter, White wrote that she had a houseful of belongings, and asked that Jim’s “people” sell her belongings and give the proceeds to her family. 

“Peace and love,” she concluded the final letter, “to all your hearts.” 

We’d say “sure,” on that last bit, and what a “nice” way to end a suicide note. 

But as we said … we’re pretty sure Carrey doesn’t have a heart, let alone multiple ones. 


Monday, April 4, 2016

Kanye West: New Book Details How He Saved The Kardashian Brand

Well, this is interesting.

Celebrity journalist Ian Halperin has penned several “bombshell” books revealing the secrets behind his subject’s relationships, rise to fame and more.

Halperin’s latest book, Kardashian Dynasty (Simon & Schuster) reveals how Kris Jenner went into crisis mode after Kim Kardashian filed for divorce from Kris Humphries in 2011.

“Kim’s marriage to Kris Humphries had collapsed after just 72 days and with the media claiming their relationship was just a publicity stunt, there were debates going on behind the scenes about whether the show was toast,” a source at the publisher told Radar Online

“There was a real danger that the plug was going to be pulled on them.”

At the time, Kardashian told the media that she took a little time away from the spotlight to deal with the split.  Meanwhile, Jenner put plans into motion to keep her brand relevant.

“Halperin says he discovered that Kris Jenner called a crisis meeting and came up with the idea of moving the plot forward by having Kim date someone else who was fashionable and ideally of African American descent,” the source added.

“In the end, Halperin says the list included one Caucasian, Justin Bieber, as well as Kanye [West], Nick Young, of the LA Lakers, and Matt Kemp, of the LA Dodgers, who once dated Rihanna.”

The world of celebrity was Kardashian’s for the taking really.

“Kim settled on Kanye, though at first she thought he was too short for her.”

West accepted her proposal, totally cool with the details of the arrangement.

“Halperin says that Kris was upfront with Kanye about this being a set up and he agreed because he thought his star as well as Kim’s would be augmented.”


“It became friends with benefits and Kim got pregnant and they really did fall for each other.”

Kardashian and West do look like smitten kittens, and have since they started “hanging out.”  In February 2012, Kardashian attended Paris Fashion Week with West, and sported a pair of $ 6,000 Giuseppi Zanotti heels designed by him at a few shows.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Caitlyn Jenner Releases Own Brand of Lipstick... For a Good Cause!

Move over, Kylie Jenner.

You are no longer the only member of your family with her very own lip-related product.

Caitlyn Jenner has reined with MAC cosmetics to create a lipstick that celebrates her transition.

It is titled “Finally Free” and the I Am Cait star is posing in the first print ad for the product above.

As you can see here, the 65-year old transgender icon is donning a tight, gold dress while lying back and letting stylists make a few adjustments to her hair and her ensemble.

But this is what you really need to know about the rosy lipstick:

ALL proceeds will benefit the MAC AIDS Fund Transgender Initiative.

“MAC was the first to come to me [after my transition], and a company, I realized, would really make a big commitment,” Jenner said in an interview with MAC Culture.

“I knew the VIVA GLAM campaigns; I saw that the proceeds were going, in those cases, mainly to AIDS and HIV causes, and I was wondering if they were interested in doing something specifically geared toward trans issues, because we need funding.”

The lipstick retails for $ 17 per package.

“MAC is a global company,” Caitlyn adds. “It’s in places around the world where not just trans issues but women’s issues are a major subject that you have to talk about.”

The MAC Finally Free lipstick, whose shade and name Jenner helped select, will be available exclusively online starting April 7.

‘My ultimate fantasy – I never thought in a million years that it would ever happen – was to get involved with a makeup company,” Caitlyn says.

“When you’re going through all of this, that’s just, like, never going to happen, but wouldn’t it be something to be involved in a project like that? Boy, watch out what you wish for, because it came true.”

Friday, February 19, 2016

Kris Jenner: Kanye West Is Ruining The Kardashian Brand!!!


Kris Jenner forgot to factor in Kanye West’s personality when she welcomed him aboard the good ship Kardashian.

After West’s Twitter rants against everyone and everything (as well as a plea for billions of dollars to go on doing the Lord’s work), Jenner is concerned that “he’s damaging the Kardashian brand.”

West’s team reportedly met with “top” publicists in an effort to try and tame his social outbursts.

“His Twitter rants are out of control, and Kris fears that he’s taking the family down,” one source told Page Six.

“Kris wants Kanye to hire someone to handle all the noise and drama so he can focus on being an artist.”

The problem is, no one wants to work with West.

“You couldn’t pay us enough to represent Kanye,” one publicist told Page Six. “He’s too much to handle.”

West’s most recent outburst happened on February 13th, before his scheduled performance on Saturday Night Live.

Staff had removed flooring from the stage because it interfered with filming.  This displeased West, who threw a fit (listen to the recording here).  

The show’s creator, Lorne Michaels and Kim Kardashian had to calm West down.

“He wasn’t overly concerned about the recording,” a source said of West.  “It’s not the first time [somebody has secretly recorded him].”

“He’s a provocateur . . . somebody who stirs up the s - - t. He knows how to generate a lot of interest and curiosity . . . He’s an artist first and foremost . . . The whole Twitter persona is a part of his art.”

That “art” is perzactly what Jenner hopes to tone down.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Drake Has Beef With Yet ANOTHER Rapper — Get The Backstory And Listen To The Brand New Drizzy Diss Track HERE!

Looks like Drake‘s got enemies, got a lot of enemies!

Meek Mill has publicly gone after the former Degrassi star, saying he doesn’t write his own raps, and Drizzy responded with a diss track titled Back to Back.

Related: Someone Brought A Drake Sign To A Meek Mill Concert!

But now there’s ANOTHER rapper coming after the 28-year-old!

Sauce Walka dropped a song called Wack 2 Wack (Drake Dissection) on Soundcloud on Wednesday. Not only does the track’s title explicitly explain it’s a diss track, Wack 2 Wack is also clearly a play on the title of Drake’s song about Meek.

In the new release, Sauce is firing shots at the hitmaker for being fake, his real name (Aubrey Graham), and about his start in acting.

One line in the verse even goes:

“I knew the first day we met that we could never be friends.”


For those of you who are confused, or think this is all coming out of left field, here’s some backstory for you:

Sauce Walka is one half of rap duo the Sauce Twinz — the other half is rapper Sancho.

Drake had told the two he would be on a verse for their upcoming project 2 Legited 2 Quited, but apparently failed to follow through. Sauce said of the incident:

“Drake took it upon himself to say he was going to get on the song, and he lied to us and let us down.”

The Twinz also have a problem with the Canadian native trying to represent the Houston rap scene. Sauce spilled more on his Drizzy disappointment:

“If you love us so much, why don’t we have this song? You have this whole appreciation weekend to get brownie points from the city, then why would you not bring out what everyone wants to see from the city? Sauce Twinz don’t have to be the one to get the remix. Why we can’t get a “Flicka da Wrist” remix either? For someone to love us so much, where’s the opportunity? Why haven’t you signed anyone from Houston if you love us so much? It just seems shallow to me.”

Clearly, he had much more to say, because he penned an entire track bashing Drake! Ch-ch-check it out (below)!

[Image via Sauce Walka/Instagram, Macguyver/WENN.]