Showing posts with label Epic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Epic. Show all posts

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Drew Brees Gets "Absolutely Thrashed" On Kelly Slater"s Epic Surf Wave Machine

Drew Brees took more hits on Kelly Slater’s surf wave machine than he does on an NFL Sunday … saying learning to ride the waves from the surfing legend caused him to get “absolutely thrashed.” It all went down recently when the Saints quarterback…


Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Jana Duggar vs. Jessa Duggar: Epic Sibling Rivalry Exposed?!

The strangest facets of life in the Duggar family have been well documented over the years:

They take fundamentalist Christianity to an extreme that would make Mike Pence squirm; they’re not allowed to hug members of the opposite sex until they’re married to one; and they believe uteruses should be pushed to their physical limits in the fashion of NFL lineman.

But there’s one weird aspect of life as a Duggar that’s consistently overshadowed by all those admittedly much more bizarre practices.

You may have never noticed this, but the Duggars are always smiling.

We don’t mean most of the time — we mean that with the exception of a seriously somber occasion like a death of the revelation that one of their own supports Black Lives Matter, the Duggars basically take their facial expression cues from Heath Ledger’s Joker.

It’s impossible to imagine anyone being that chipper all the time, especially when they’re forced to share a roof with 20 other people.

(The only possible way such a living arrangement would be bearable is with 43 bathrooms. We’re not sure how the math works out, but it does.)

But despite it all, the Duggars are always grinning and Jim Bob and Michelle’s kids never have a bad word to say about one another.

There’s no way they really get along that well, of course, and as such, fans are always looking for signs of internal strife

The most common theory over the years has been that Jessa and Jana Duggar don’t get along.

And now, In Touch Weekly has uncovered some new evidence that seems to support the theory that these two sisters aren’t as close as they would have us believe.

It all begins with the now-infamous Jewelry Box Story.

It seems that when Jana and Jessa were kids, Jessa would go out of her way to annoy the hell out of Jessa.

The situation got so bad that Jessa would often come to her mother in tears, complaining about the way she had been mistreated by her younger sister.

Michelle was probably busy breastfeeding an even younger kid, so shrugged the situation off and told Jana to make like Jesus by turning the other cheek.

As such, Jana decided to gift Jessa with her most prized possession, “a pink jewelry box filled with treats,” even though “didn’t want to” and “definitely didn’t feel like doing it.”

The story was first recounted in the Duggars’ memoir as a loving family parable.

But Jana offered her version of events at an ATI conference, the tale took on a considerably different tone.

“How I can I work this out, I don’t want to go through my entire life having this bad relationship, it’s not like you can avoid your siblings,” she told the audience as she welled up with tears.

“There are people that may hurt us, there are people that may have done things to us, and that…it is our responsibility to forgive.” Jana sobbed.

(There are those who believe she was also talking about forgiving Josh Duggar in that speech, but whatever the case, it’s a reminder that the Duggars’ childhood wasn’t as idyllic as they’d have us believe.)

Sadly, it seems relations between Jana and Jessa haven’t improved much over the years.

Fans believe Jessa is guilty of shaming Jana for being the unmarried “Cinderella Duggar” and unfairly pawns her household duties off on her long-suffering older sis.

Of course, the best revenge is living well, so Jana may want to give more thought to the possibility of marrying Tim Tebow.

Watch Counting On online to look for more clues that Jana and Jessa secretly despise one another.


Friday, May 18, 2018

Grey"s Anatomy Fans, Stars React to Epic Finale

Now THAT"S what we call a season finale!

And, incredibly, that"s what we call a happy season finale.

On Grey"s Anatomy Season 14 Episode 24, Sarah Drew said goodbye as April and Jessica Capshaw said goodbye as Arizona.

But did the series kill off these character, as it has killed off so many before them?

Scroll down for a summary of these sad farewells and then for a rundown of how various stars and fans have reacted to the shocking developments from the finale…

1. A Double Farewell

April slash zona

With Capshaw and Drew’s firing announced weeks ago, fans were prepared for the worst. This is Grey’s, after all, so everyone assumed the characters themselves would be terminated. Literally.

2. How Did April Leave?


But… shocked! The show did not kill April off last week. Following her near-death experience, April chose to quit her job to do “God’s work,” helping the homeless.

3. And Then!

Sarah drew on greys

After Jo and Alex’s wedding was a disaster, Matthew actually got down on one knee and proposed! And April said YES!

4. And From There!


The couple didn’t just get engaged. They decided to get married right then and right there… with Jackson (Jesse Williams, pictured here) and Arizona there to watch and support them.

5. What About Arizona?

Jessica capshaw promo pic

This one was a little bit less shocking, as Arizona realized how unhappy her daughter was in Seattle and chose to move to New York so the young girl to be closer to Callie.

6. Wait… Callie?!?

Callie slash zona

Yup. Sarah Ramirez did NOT appear on the finale, but Arizona hinted strongly that she’d be open to a reconciliation.

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Friday, May 11, 2018

Shaun White Crushes Kelly Slater"s Epic Surf Wave Machine

Kelly Slater invited some huge stars over to his cutting edge surf park in Lemoore, CA — where Shaun White murdered a wave session … and it’s all on video.  Slater’s wave park has become famous — it’s located 100 miles from the ocean ……


Shaun White Crushes Kelly Slater"s Epic Surf Wave Machine

Kelly Slater invited some huge stars over to his cutting edge surf park in Lemoore, CA — where Shaun White murdered a wave session … and it’s all on video.  Slater’s wave park has become famous — it’s located 100 miles from the ocean ……


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

David Eason Goes OFF on Kailyn Lowry, Barbara Evans In Epic Rant!

Of all the losers, users and abusers who have gained fame from the Teen Mon franchise, it"s possible that none is so repugnant as David Eason.

Eason was fired from Teen Mom 2 back in February after he launched a homophobic tirade against the fans who dared to suggest that he shouldn"t be singing the praises of assault weapons just hours after the world learned of the Parkland, Florida school shooting.

Now, it looks as though his wife, Jenelle Evans, will be following in his footsteps, as she"s likely to be canned after a road rage incident that ended in her threatening to kill the other driver.

But David isn"t concerned about the fact that his wife is clearly out of her gourd – no he"s much to busy taking shots at Jenelle"s mother and co-stars on social media.

See what we mean in the gallery below:

1. Idle Hands

Jenelle evans boyfriend david eason

David has a lot of time on his hands these days. He’s 100% unemployed after being unceremoniously booted by Teen Mom 2 producers following some truly horrendous comments on social media.

2. Keeping Busy

Jenelle evans david eason on instagram

David COULD keep busy by seeking employment or taking a larger role in his children’s lives. But instead, it seems he’s decided to focus his attention on stirring up further drama on social media.

3. No Lesson Learned

Jenelle evans david eason and ensley jolie

You might think that David would mostly steer clear of online trash talk after it cost him his job, but as evidenced by – well, pretty much everything in his life – this is not a man who devotes much thought to his actions.

4. Shots at Kail

Jenelle evans and kailyn lowry

Evans has long had beef with her TM2 co-star Kailyn Lowry, and it seems Kail wound up directly in David’s crosshairs over the weekend.

5. Crass as Ever

Jenelle eason david eason

“So I guess Kailyn Lowry got her keyboard so greasy from cheetos that her finger slipped and said some tough guy sh-t about me and my wife,” David wrote, no doubt thinking he was being very clever.

6. A Low Blow

David eason bartending

“Apparently her plastic surgeon filled her head with the same sh!t he filled her ass with #nocommonsense,” he added.

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Monday, April 30, 2018

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro Engages in Epic, Vicious Fight with Girlfriend Over Her Sex Tape

Welp, that sure was ugly.

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and girlfriend Jen Harley welcomed a baby girl into the world earlier this month.

But the couple engaged in a vicious fight over the weekend via Twitter that was decidedly NOT welcomed by anyone hoping these two would make stable co-parents.

The 32-year old Jersey Shore veteran got things started on Saturday when he took to his Instagram Story and lashed out at Harley.

In extremely cruel fashion.

“Note to self, can’t turn a natural born HOE, into a HOUSEWIFE, if you find them in the gutter then leave them in the gutter,” he actually wrote about the mother of his daughter, adding:

“Not all people can be saved when they are so far gone. All you can say you did ur best and keep it moving.”

Yikes and WTF, right?

Ronnie added the hashtags #Facts and #YeahhhhhhBuddyyyy to his angry post.

ronnie fightpic

In a follow-up post/poll, Ronnie articulated exactly why he was taking issue with Harley.

He asked followers to vote “yes” or “no” to the following question:

“If your significant other keeps sex videos of their ex, shouldn’t they show enough respect to delete them, esp after being in a new relationship for over a year?”

Please, “#GiveMeYourThoughts,” Ronnie asked.

So there it is; there’s the problem at stake.

Ronnie apparently discovered at least one sex tape Harley made with an ex-boyfriend, which, we must admit, has to be awkward.

As awkward as airing one’s dirty laundry in public in this manner?


We guess not, based on Ronnie’s actions and logic.

Ortiz-Magro then shared an image of his head Photoshopped into a poster for Dwayne Johnson‘s movie Rampage, which he changed to read “Ronpage.”

Moreover, the reality star posted a text exchange with Deena Nicole Cortese in which she took his side in this argument.

Wow that’s insane,” Cortese wrote. “What girl even keeps that lol.”

It’s a fair question, we guess.

But Harley chose not to answer it on Instagram.

Instead, she shot back in her own story by writing: “Can’t turn a coke head into a father! Yeahhh buddy.”


Oh gosh.

This may get worse before it gets better, huh?

Ronnie and Jen got together in July of 2017.

They actually shared videos of each other drinking and partying on Saturday before these insults flew, making it apparent they weren’t sober when they decided to go public with their disagreement.

“So excited to be a #Father. Words can’t describe the feeling,” Ortiz-Magro wrote about becoming a dad less than a month ago.

He added at the time:

“You live your life not ever really knowing the meaning of true love until you have a child. True unconditional love. You love your significant other, you love your family.

“I have to say I understand when everyone said you’ll understand ‘when you have a child of your own or when you become a parent.’

“I know I have still tons to learn but I’m excited for this new journey & chapter in my life with my beautiful girlfriend & my daughter.”

What a nice sentiment.

Perhaps Ronnie ought to think of his daughter the next time he calls her mom a “hoe” in front  of the entire Internet.

To see what Ortiz-Magro has been up to on MTV this spring, click the video below to watch Jersey Shore online.


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

YouTube Epic Legal Feud Between Titanic Sinclair, Mars Argo and ThatPoppy

A YouTube star who goes by the name ThatPoppy is accused of stealing the identity of  fellow YouTuber Mars Argo, and Mars says her ex-bf, Titanic Sinclair, is behind the dastardly deed. Mars claims in a new lawsuit she and Titanic were an…


YouTube Epic Legal Feud Between Titanic Sinclair, Mars Argo and ThatPoppy

A YouTube star who goes by the name ThatPoppy is accused of stealing the identity of  fellow YouTuber Mars Argo, and Mars says her ex-bf, Titanic Sinclair, is behind the dastardly deed. Mars claims in a new lawsuit she and Titanic were an…


Monday, April 16, 2018

Epic Irish Lady Ethers Conor McGregor, "Disgusting Man, Absolute Disgrace"

If you think Conor McGregor’s bus attack pissed people off in New York, wait ‘til ya get a load of this old lady from Ireland … who went NUCLEAR on Conor at LAX!! THIS CLIP IS HILARIOUS!!!  Our photog was asking Brandon T. Jackson a question…


Friday, April 13, 2018

Kendra Wilkinson Blasts Mom-Shamers in Epic Rant

Kendra Wilkinson and Hank Baskett have split. Though it looks like their divorce is amicable

Last week, Kendra took to Instagram and mourned her last day of marriage to Hank. It was a beautiful use of social media.

Now, in a new post, she’s blasting — and ranting against — her haters, her critics, and the mom-shamers.

Kendra’s Instagram rant is very conversational, right from the beginning.

“Let me just vent for a second.”

Well, it’s her social media account to do with as she sees fit.

“I bust my ass off as a human being.”

Fortunately, not literally, That peach remains very much intact.

“I work, pay bills, take care of 2 kids and love them to the fullest plus trying to take care of myself through it all is a 24/7 job.”

Many, many parents know that this is true. She’s a reality star, but not all reality star live the lives of the idle rich.

Kendra then laments the misinformation and false impressions that people have of her.

“I don’t know what the f–k some of u haters think u know but you better get your heads checked.”

She wants to remind people that reality television is edited and, often, includes prepackaged storylines.

“Because your assumptions based on pictures and clips of shows make you straight up delusional.”

Even as she puts mom-shamers on blast, she’s also thanking her actual fans.

“I appreciate the true people that follow me and know who I truly am vs idiots coming in and out making s–t up.”

Worse than the people who jump to conclusions are the people who fabricate hurtful tales and pass them off as true.

“I’m also talking about people around me too.”

Naturally, she thanks her friends who remain true to her.

Kendra goes on to express how she eels that she should be characterized … and how she feels that she has been unfairly maligned.

“I’m a lover and a free spirit by nature, not a fighter but lately I’ve been feeling pushed into a corner by judgment and opinions that are 100% false and not me.”

And that’s why she’s hitting back.

“While people on the internet AND in real life are feeling bad for my kids because mama has to work, my kids at the same time are thanking me.”

No one should ever shame working mothers.

“I make my sacrifices so my kids can have a life they deserve.”

And she wants to clear up that she doesn’t have a drinking problem.

“I drink to celebrate only and i enjoy my friends.”

Kendra hopes that she’ll eventually be vindicated in the public eye.

“One day I’ll get the credit i deserve for all the hard work i do.”

She does not plan to bend over backwards to try to win over her haters, however.

“But ‘til then I’m going to keep doing me.”

She means that she’ll keep doing herself, Kendra has been candid about her insatiable sex drive and how that sometimes drives her to overuse her personal sex toys, but she is not referring to that at the moment.

“I get it, i shouldn’t care what people think but sometimes I’m human and s–t gets to me.”

That is totally fair, folks.

Kendra concludes her post with a question for her fans and followers:

“What pisses you off today guys?”

That is a long-ass list for most of us, because it’s 2018 and every day is a waking nightmare and the news cycle of a single week is enough to fill several months.

But most of her fans simply replied with support for her.

She’d go to hell and back for her kids and she’s been spending plenty of time with them since her split from Hank.

It really seems like she has her priorities in order and doesn’t deserve the mom-shaming that she receives.


Wednesday, April 11, 2018

WWE"s Mojo Rawley Delivers Epic Chest Slap to Bar Idiot

WWE superstar Mojo Rawley reached back like a pimp and slapped the ever-loving crap out of a dumbass in a duck mask in a New Orleans bar … and TMZ Sports has the video.  It all went down early Monday morning on Bourbon Street after…


Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Channing vs. Jenna: Their EPIC Lip Sync Battle, Remembered...

As previously reported, Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan have separated.

This means the stars will likely file for divorce in the near future and battle it out, at least a little bit, in court.

This is a truly stunning development when it comes to a couple all fans thought were in it for the longest haul possible, partly based on their epic battle of a different kind.

Indeed, Tatum and Dewan starred in what many consider to have been the greatest episode of Lip Sync Battle in Paramount Network history.

It took place two years ago and it featured Dewan channeling Channing"s Magic Mike XXL routine while dressed like a male stripper and gyrating around to Ginuwine"s "Pony."

Jenna later referred to this as one of the most "terrifying" moments of her life, although you"d never know it based on her performance.

Especially not when she gave her then-husband a lap dance!

But Dewan"s amazing routine was overshadowed by what Tatum did next.

Not only did he lip sync to Beyonce"s "Run The World (Girls)," but he dressed up like Beyonce in order to do so.

As you can see above and below, the outfit was epic:

But that STILL wasn"t all.

In the most unexpected moment in Lip Sync Battle history, Beyonce herself eventually joined Tatum on stage.

For real! We"re not kidding! It was amazing!

How did Channing and Jenna go from this to simply not having time for each other anymore?

We really don"t know. It makes us sad.

But the following video makes us happy.

So sit back and watch it now!

Channing tatum vs jenna dewan remembering the greatest lip sync

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Paris Hilton"s Reaction to Finding Lost $2 Million Engagement Ring Was Epic

It’s true, Paris Hilton somehow temporarily lost her $ 2 million engagement ring at a rave — but that’s not the craziest part of this story … her reaction to finding it was way better. In case you hadn’t heard … Paris’ super expensive,…


Monday, March 5, 2018

Macaulay Culkin SLAMS Oscars in Epic Twitter Tirade

Macaulay Culkin was apparently home alone on Sunday night.

And bored.

As a result, the actor decided to live-Tweet the Oscars, tossing out one unfunny joke and reference after another.

It was an impressive display of terrible jokes, each perhaps more cringeworthy than the one before… yet all adding up to a Twitter rampage that really should not be missed.

Scroll down for a summation of the actor"s very profound and very lame thoughts on the broadcast…

1. Let’s Do This!

Live tweet

Without even watching the show? This Culkin guy is good.

2. Shade… Thrown!

Dd diss

At Dustin Diamond, though, so does it really count as shade when everyone agrees?

3. Easy Targets

Bad joke

We didn’t hear this anywhere else. We think Culkin may have made it up.

4. What Was First?


The world is dying to know.

5. Ramen Time!

Ramen time

In a tuxedo? Sure, why not?!?

6. Okay, This One is Pretty Funny


But we somehow doubt there will be an Emoji Movie sequel.

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Thursday, February 22, 2018

Angelina Jolie & Justin Theroux: Planning An Epic Revenge Bang?!

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux have called it quits after two and a half years of marriage.

Based on accounts from those who knew the couple best, Justin broke up with Jen, and the decision was primarily the result of lifestyle differences.

(Justin loved Manhattan; Jen was a lifelong California girl; neither wanted to relocate permanently. Seems like the sort of thing they should’ve worked out before getting hitched, but we digress.)

Anyway, despite – or perhaps because of – the seemingly dull cause of the split, the rumor mill has been running wild with reports that Aniston is planning to get back together with Brad Pitt.

As far as we can tell, those claims are entirely baseless, and of course, the internet is deeply bummed about about it.

Maybe that’s why we’re suddenly hearing rumors about a different sort of rebound hookup:

It’s been almost two years since Pitt and Angelina Jolie broke up, and news about Angie’s love life has been scarce to non-existent,

There are those who think that’s because she was biding her time, Maleficent-style, waiting for a hookup that would devastate her rivals and cement her place as the queen badass of Hollywood.

Okay, maybe no one really thought that, but an anonymous source tells Hollywood Life that Angie has her eyes on Justin.

“Angelina is interested in working with Justin Theroux, she actually put feelers out before he and Jennifer’s split,” the source claims.

“Apparently she’s a big fan of The Leftovers. When Justin and Jennifer were together no one expected it to happen, but now that they’ve split the chances of him saying yes to Angelina are way up.”

Oh, man. The appropriateness of Angie scooping up Jen’s sloppy seconds because she loves The Leftovers is simply too much to bear.

Anyway, the source adds that the interest is mutual, and we may see Jolie and Theroux working together very soon:

“Justin’s a very ambitious guy and his star is on the rise,” says the insider.

“Doing a project with Angelina could really take him to the next level.”

Obviously, the situation is not without potential complications:

“Of course it would really hurt Jennifer, so that may be a deterrent for him, but it’s certainly going to be tempting for him,” the source adds.

Yeah, we suppose the possibility of having one’s genitals fed to a pack of starved hyenas would be a deterrent for anyone.

Nothing against Justin, but we’re hoping it happens just so Jen can drop a sick Bond villain line like, “There will be no … leftovers.”


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Nicki Minaj Ditched Social Media to Focus on Epic, New Album

Nicki Minaj isn’t missing, hiding or lying low because she’s pregnant — she’s just been in beast mode working on making her next album a masterpiece. Sources close to Nicki tell us … she decided to ditch social media at the end of 2017 to fully…


Sunday, January 28, 2018

Kendall Jenner SLAMS Scott Disick and Sofia Richie in Epic Instagram Post!

Kendall Jenner is usually the chillest member of the family, right?

Like she’s not out there having meltdowns on social media, she rarely shares nude photos.

In the Kardashian/Jenner clan, she’s practically a nun.

But every now and then, our dear Kenny will break out with some unexpected personality — some sass, or a little bit of humor, that sort of thing.

And boy, she sure did bust a gem out right here!

See, Scott Disick took his girlfriend, 19-year-old Sofia Richie, out to dinner last night, and he actually brought his kids along, too.

It’s a little surprising that he would take that huge step, but a witness spoke to People about it and explained that it was “a short dinner” and that Scott and Sofia “were not affectionate.”

“Sofia acted like Scott’s friend and you could tell she was trying a gentle approach to get his kids’ approval,” the source added.

So that’s good, right? It would be a little inappropriate if Scott just sprung everything on the kids at once — especially since there’s only an 11 year age difference between Sofia and his oldest kid.

But that happened, and a Scott Disick fan page posted a paparazzi image of the whole gang in the car together.

All pretty normal stuff, right?

But Kendall happened to see the photo, and she took the time to comment on it.

What did she write?

“Awww Scott and his kids,” that’s what she wrote. Oh, along with a laughing emoji.

… Yeah, she did that.

It was a weird move, honestly. How did she come across the fan page in the first place? Was she searching Scott or Sofia’s tags? Was she that desperate to find a way to be petty?

It’s hard to say what exactly her motivation was, but it happened, she went through with it, and we can never go back to a time when we haven’t seen this supremely catty side of Kendall.

This is kind of a monumental moment, honestly.

Some people were totally here for this, calling Kendall things like “savage queen” and “queen of shade.”

Those people applauded her pettiness, and her willingness to stand up for Kourtney and call out Scott for his questionable choices in girlfriends.

But many, many more people were not amused.

“Girl u need to look at your own family before attacking your sisters ex and your best friends friends lmao,” one person wrote.

Another told her to “stay in ur lane and leave Sofia alone that’s disrespectful so i hope when kourtney n younes go out with the kids u can say kourtney n her kids! Smh.”

Because remember, it’s not like Scott is the only one in this whole group who’s been in relationships with large age gaps.

Kris Jenner’s boyfriend is almost half her age, and Kendall apparently didn’t have much to say when Kylie was acting like a stepmother to Tyga’s son when she was only 17 years old.

And, like that one person pointed out, if she’s going to say these things about Scott and Sofia, then she should probably say them about Kourtney and her boyfriend, Younes Bendjima, as well.

Younes is older than Sofia, but Kourtney was older than Scott, too — there’s the exact same age difference between Kourtney and Younes and Scott and Sofia.

That’s why several people are calling her a hypocrite for this, and really, that’s pretty accurate.

Like, at least Sofia was legally an adult when Scott got with her. We can’t say the same for Kylie and Tyga.

What do you think? Are you loving this sassy side of Kendall?


Friday, January 26, 2018

Briana DeJesus SLAMS Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin in Epic Twitter Rant!

At this point, it feels pretty safe to say that Kailyn Lowry and Briana DeJesus are mortal enemies, right?

And what a blessing that is to all of our trashy Teen Mom-loving hearts.

Ever since Briana began dating Javi Marroquin, things have been super tense between these two ladies.

They’ve taken turns being unnecessarily catty towards each other, and it’s been greatly entertaining for us all.

But today, Briana went off on Kailyn and Javi on Twitter. Hard.

And it’s not so much entertaining as it is bizarre … and just a little bit embarrassing.

To give a quick bit of background, it seems like Briana is upset because of things that were said when Javi went on Kailyn’s podcast earlier this week.

Which is odd, because while they did mention Briana, it’s not like they trashed her or anything.

Javi actually defended her, saying that she’s a good person and that she’s different than she seems on the show.

Kailyn didn’t even go too hard on her — she just explained that they’d never get along because some of the things she’s said to her in the past, and because she was disrespectful to her.

But still, Briana got pretty heated about the whole thing. Heated enough to make approximately a billion tweets about the matter.

“Since I have some downtime from actually working…let me spill some tea for you guys,” she began.

“I will never ever come out my face just because…I will never come out of character just because…… so let’s get that out of the way…”

She then explained that “Once I am provoked you have given me all rights to get out of character.”

And apparently Kailyn has given her those rights.

“Now once I get out of character and you can’t seem to handle the lash…. dont act like the victim because you were the one who made the issue what it is. I am not the one.”

She didn’t direct all of this at Kailyn, but come on, we all know who’s she talking about here. It’s not exactly a mystery.

“I’ll say suck my dick whenever I want to whoever I want and if you can not handle it ….. Don’t provoke me,” she continued — remember, Kailyn complained during the podcast that Briana had instructed her to do so.

“Don’t sit 15 feet away from me and talk sh-t indirectly cause I’ll approach u just like I did and do go crying in ur dressing room cause u couldn’t handle my mouth,” Briana wrote.

About Javi, she said “Don’t allow someone to disrespect me and think its all gravy mother of ur child or not.”

“I am not the common denominator as to why yall fail to co parent so dont ever use my name in that matter again.”

“And you are right,” she added, “I’ll never say sorry cause I am not the one who started all this mess.”

“You use ur kids as pawns and that is not my fault but ur own selfish reasoning’s.”

That’s a lot to unpack, right?

But Briana isn’t even close to being done yet.

She claimed that “strings were never cut” between Kailyn and Javi, “and once she felt like she couldn’t control him any longer she used me as the problem and I am not the problem.”

“Don’t ever tell me im being shady when u ran to ur ex as soon as u had an opportunity for urself. Learn how to be alone for once,” she wrote, obviously towards Kailyn.

“Don’t send me emails and voicemails saying sorry cause I don’t care for that f-ck sh-t. I am always brought up into a convo and I just don’t understand why cause I don’t talk to anyone about u.’

She then advised Kail to “Keep that same energy that u have cause we are bound to see each other again and don’t send ur friend into my dressing room again tryna pop off……”

Hilariously, Jenelle Evans responded to the first part of that tweet, saying “I’ll be right behind u. #BestBelieve.”

At least now we know that the next Teen Mom 2 reunion show is going to be incredible, huh?

Meanwhile, back on Briana’s Twitter — there are seriously just so, so many tweets — she accused Javi of being fake because he was being wishy-washy about her on Kailyn’s podcast while telling her in texts that he wants to marry her.

Let’s see … she also wrote “U hop on another mans dick but still dont wanna let go of the old one…. u cant have ur cake and eat it to.”

She said that she and Kailyn were never really friends, that she used to text her but when she started talking to Javi, Kailyn changed her mind about her, which seems fair?

She also adorably wrote that “I look like the crazy one now but just remember I tried to keep it off social media.”

“I can go on forever” — and she very nearly did — “but I guess we will see when that Reunion time comes up and dont walk away like last time.”


“Attention seeking ass people lol,” she finished, apparently without irony. “I am done.”

And after that, she deleted her entire Twitter account.

What a wild right Briana took us on today … but unfortunately, she was correct in one of her many, many tweets.

She does look like the crazy one.


Thursday, January 18, 2018

Ex-Disney Star Orlando Brown Arrested, Poses for Epic Mug Shot

Ex-Disney star Orlando Brown posed for this incredible mug shot after a family dispute led to cops arresting him for a completely different case. Cops were called to the former “That’s So Raven” star apartment Thursday morning in Barstow…
