Showing posts with label Honor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Honor. Show all posts

Monday, September 18, 2017

Emmys Forgets to Honor Dick Gregory, Charlie Murphy, Frank Vincent, Harry Dean Stanton During In Memoriam

The showrunners for the 2017 Emmys forgot to honor some noteworthy performers during their in memoriam segment … including Dick Gregory, Charlie Murphy, Harry Dean Stanton and Frank Vincent who all died this year. During the…


Thursday, September 14, 2017

Frank Vincent"s Final Movie Renaming Characters to Honor Him

Frank Vincent won’t get to play his final movie role, but he’ll still be all over the project … through the names of the film’s 2 lead characters. Frank was one of those leads in a movie called “Asbury Park.” Krannel Pictures CEO, Dawn…


Sunday, August 20, 2017

Russell Simmons, We Didn"t Honor Hitler So Why Honor Robert E. Lee?

Russell Simmons is clear as a bell … we wouldn’t think about erecting a statue honoring Adolf Hitler, so what’s the argument for doing the same with Robert E. Lee? We got Russell out Saturday at Tao in Hollywood and didn’t hesitate … honoring…


Sunday, July 16, 2017

Maryam Mirzakhani, First Woman to Win Math’s Highest Honor, Dies At 40

Maryam Mirzakhani, an Iranian who became the first woman to win math’s most prestigious prize, died Saturday after a four-year battle with breast cancer.

She was 40 years old.

math person

In 2014, Mirzakhani was awarded the Fields Medal, which is commonly referred to as the “Nobel Prize for Mathematics” in order for those outside of the industry to fully grasp its importance.

It’s only given out once every four years and Mirzakhani earned the distinction for her work on dynamical systems and complex geometry.

Along with being the first female, she was also the first Iranian to garner the medal, which was created in 1936.

Born in Tehran, Mirzakhani came to the United States in order to attend graduate school at Harvard University.

She started working as a professor at Stanford University in 2008 and the school confirmed her passing on Saturday via its website.

“Maryam is gone far too soon, but her impact will live on for the thousands of women she inspired to pursue math and science,” said Stanford President Marc Tessier-Lavigne in a statement, adding:

“Maryam was a brilliant mathematical theorist, and also a humble person who accepted honors only with the hope that it might encourage others to follow her path.

“Her contributions as both a scholar and a role model are significant and enduring, and she will be dearly missed here at Stanford and around the world.”


For the final four years of her life, Mirzakhani battle breast cancer, which eventually spread to her bone marrow.

In response to her passing, Iranian-American scientist Firouz Naderi shared his grief on Instagram, writing the following on Instagram:

“A light was turned off today… It breaks my heart.”

He later emphasized that Mirzakhani was a “genius, but also a daughter, a mother and a wife.”

beautifl mund

Mirzakhani once famous said that mathematics made her feel like a detective.

“It is fun – it’s like solving a puzzle or connecting the dots in a detective case,” she said after winning the Fields Medal, according to NPR.

“I felt that this was something I could do, and I wanted to pursue this path.”

May she rest in peace.


Friday, July 14, 2017

Jamie Otis and Doug Hehner Honor Son Lost to Miscarriage, One Year Later

One year ago, Jamie Otis and Doug Hehner had a tragic miscarriage four months into the pregnancy.

The Married At First Sight stars grieved and mourn and shared their loss with the world.

Now it’s a year later, and while they are excited to be expecting again, they haven’t forgotten their son who would have been, Johnathan.

We see a photo of the two of them standing by Johnathan’s memorial tree in their backyard, but it’s the heartfelt caption that really hits home for fans of the family and for those who understand their loss.

In an emotional message, punctuated by emojis, Jamie Otis took to Instagram to share how she and her husband are feeling, one year later.

“A year ago from today was our last full day pregnant with our first born son.”

Calendar dates can be wonderful for birthdays and anniversaries; for remembering a loss, they can be cruel.

“Johnathan was delivered on July 13th, 2016 at just 17 weeks, 1 day. He was way too little to survive outside the womb.”

That must have been agonizing in ways that most of us cannot even imagine.

Though we have seen Jamie and Doug in that hospital photo, seeing and feeling are different things.

“I remember feeling so helpless – there was nothing I could do to help my baby.”

That’s every parent’s nightmare.

“I swore to myself, to my hubby, to God, to my baby boy, and to ANYONE who would listen that I’d never let him just be forgotten.”

She’s really keeping that promise.

She also talks about coping mechanisms, which are important to have and also important to share with others who might need them.

“I blogged a lot to help cope with the loneliness; to numb the pain.”

No matter how loving and supportive a spouse and family might be, a miscarriage hits home in ways that most people can’t understand or provide comfort for.

“I will forever be thankful & I’ll never forget the countless Frans – and even strangers – who reached out to me to offer love & support.”

“Frans,” as in fans who are friends or like friends.

It’s cute.

And then she talks about the memorial.

“…I planned ways to honor our angel baby’s short, sweet life.”

There are a lot of ways to do that.

“One of the ways I wanted to remember him was by planting a tree for him & watching it grow.”

That will only grow more meaningful as the years go by.

“Now that we finally have our own home and our own backyard we can plant that tree. We researched and found a tree that blossoms all summer long.”

That’s absolutely beautiful.

She then invited fans and followers to join her in keeping her son’s memory alive, last night but also always.

Everybody grieves and mourns in their own way.

We’re sure that part of Jamie looks forward to the day that the hardest thing that she has to do is confront body-shamers.

It’s not for us — or anyone — to say if someone’s grieving too little or too much.

(Besides, you don’t know what’s going on internally)

But in Jamie’s case, it looks like she’s found a good balance and a healthy way to cope and to move forward with her life.

And such a sweet, tasteful way to immortalize her son’s memory.


Thursday, July 6, 2017

Alaskan Bush People Fans: Don"t Close Browntown! Honor Ami Brown"s Dream!

Alaskan Bush People‘s seventh and final season promised to include the biggest challenge and darkest moments yet in the series about a family roughing it in the wilderness.

Rumor proved true when Ami Brown’s lung cancer diagnosis was revealed.

Now fans of the family and the series have another concern about the family’s fate, and this time the worries are about the entire Brown clan.

You’d think that a television series that began right after their old home had been burned to the ground (for being on public land illegally) would end on a happier note than it began.

But that’s not how things always work out in life.

Especially not when we’re talking about people who are dedicated to living in the wilderness.

Ami Brown is receiving treatment in the “lower 48,” meaning in the US but not in Alaska (or Hawaii).

Obviously, with such heavy news and the final season of the series, there’s been talk of the Brown family closing down Browntown and rejoining civilization.

Billy Brown said as much.

And that is the new source of concern among some of the fans.

You might think that fans of the series, knowing that the series is ending anyway and wanting the best for the Brown family, would rejoice at that news that the Brown family would rejoin civilization.

(While, of course, still grieving for Ami Brown’s diagnosis)

But their reaction has actually been the opposite.

Fans use Facebook groups to discuss the series.

It’s understandable that they’ve become intensely attached to these people after watching them for so many years.

What’s a little more perplexing is the fan reactions to learning that the Brown family is all reportedly living in the lower 48.

Fans of Alaskan Bush People are asking the Brown family children to return to Browntown, because fans believe that it will honor the dedication and dreams of their parents.

They even hope that Noah’s fiancee, Rhain, will join the Brown family in the wilderness.

This speaks volumes about these particular fans.

In part, it says that they’ve become attached to Ami and Billy and their dream and lifestyle, rather than just to the younger characters.

There’s arguably a romantic quality to the idea of living in the woods and making it on your own.

People love The Hunger Games, after all. But those books and films are pretend.

The problem in Alaskan Bush People is that they had kids and raised their children in that way of life.

Kind of hard to get a fair start in life when you spend a lot of your childhood in temporary shelters, you know?

Regardless, they’re now (mostly) adults and reality stars and they’re all starting new chapters in their lives.

It’s more than a little unsettling to see so many fans wanting them to not do that.

What the Brown family members deserve is to live their own lives.

We’re sure that they’ll all have more opportunities in the future based on their existing fame.

Everybody could get a book deal, for starters.

Noah and Rhain can do their alternative/goth thing wherever their lives take them.

If this were happening a few years ago, we’d suggest that Bear Brown might get some modeling gigs.

Sometimes fans grow too attached the idea of the show and not the people.

If the folks on Naked and Afraid stayed on the show for more than half a decade, fans would probably be upset when it came time for them to put on clothes.

Fandom’s a weird thing, and endings are always bittersweet.


Sunday, June 25, 2017

Post Malone Wants to Honor Stone Cold Steve Austin with a Feature and a Wrestling Career

Post Malone is giving props to Stone Cold Steve Austin for being the inspiration to one of his songs … and perhaps a shot at getting in the ring himself. We got Post Sunday outside of the JW Marriott in L.A. and asked if he’d be down to do with…


Post Malone Wants to Honor Stone Cold Steve Austin with a Feature and a Wrestling Career

Post Malone is giving props to Stone Cold Steve Austin for being the inspiration to one of his songs … and perhaps a shot at getting in the ring himself. We got Post Sunday outside of the JW Marriott in L.A. and asked if he’d be down to do with…


Friday, June 9, 2017

Ariana Grande Gets Manchester Bee Tattoo In Honor of Manchester

Ariana Grande is one of the bravest 23-year-olds out there.

Despite a devastating terror attack on the Manchester stop of her Dangerous Woman World Tour which killed 22 people and left 59 injured, the star made a triumphant return to the city just days after to hold a benefit concert that in order to raise money for The Red Cross. 

That pot of money raised was earmarked for the victims of the atrocity that occurred on May 22. It was a great gesture from the young star, who managed to get the likes of Katy Perry, Justin Bieber and The Black Eyed Peas to perform at the benefit. 

She even managed to get the concert together in a relatively small timeframe, and people have been admiring her bravery ever since the attack. 

With the benefit concert over and Ariana resuming her tour, that does not mean she’s in a hurry to forget the fans who were caught up in the attack. 

ET Online has confirmed that Grande got a new tattoo backstage at the concert and let’s just say it was a great way to honor the city of Manchester. 

She opted for the tattoo of a bee, which is actually the symbol of Manchester. Members of the star’s team are also said to have gotten the tattoo, but it’s unclear at this stage if any of the other celebrities opted for one. 

Ariana had originally postponed some of her tour dates in the wake of the tragedy, but she resumed her tour on Wednesday night in Paris. 

Mac Miller was with her, and the pair collaborated on one song, so at least we know their relationship is moving along swimmingly. 

Nowadays, “One Last Time” has become the star’s most important song.

It was the final song she performed the night of the Manchester attack and fans subsequently tried to push the song to number one on the charts as a way of honoring the people were hurt during the attack. 

Ariana even released it as a charity single last week, with a significant portion of the proceeds going to the British Red Cross.

Fans joined in to sing along with her during her rendition of the song in Paris. 

What do you think of Ariana getting the tattoo?

Sound off below!


Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Beyonce Shares Intimate Video in Honor of Anniversary

Take THIS, Becky with the Good Hair!

On Tuesday. Beyonce Knowles and Jay Z celebrated their ninth wedding anniversary, a milestone most married couples in this country simply never achieve.

Considering the rumored history of this beloved couple (Did the rapper really cheat on the singer, as implied throughout the album “Lemonade?”), it was believed for a long time that Bey and Jay would not reach it, either.

But here they remain. Going strong.

In honor of the special occasion, Beyonce’s mother gave her daughter and son-in-law a social media shout-out yesterday, sharing a never-before-seen wedding photo of the couple via the Internet.

It was a pretty cool throwback image.

It hearkened back to a more innocent time for the superstars.

Check out the picture here:

Beyonce then went ahead and did what she does best later in the day on Tuesday, taking fans by surprise yet again.

She didn’t drop a new album out of the blue this time; nor did she announce she’s given birth to her twins.

But the Queen did share an Instagram video that served as a montage to her marriage.

In the footage below, we’re treated to a review of power couple’s most memorable moments together, set to the track “Die with You” (which Beyonce unveiled two years ago, also in honor of her anniversary).

The previous video captures snapshot from her travels with Jay Z and their courtship – engagement ring and wedding tattoos included, along with snippets of a very pregnant Beyonce, both with Blue Ivy and the impending pair of babies.

The artist opens the footage below with a handwritten message that reads: “die with you, <3 B”

Aside from this video, Beyonce shared a pair of photos on her Instagram account yesterday.

The first features her hand intertwined with that of her husband, with the words I don’t need air in my lungs if I can’t sing your song written over their fingers:

another bey message

The second depicts the shadows of Beyonce and Jay Z walking on the beach together, words once again splashed over the sweet image.

This time, the message read as follows: I don’t really need these fingers if I don’t get to touch your spine.

bey message

Of course, Beyonce managed to use her anniversary as both a chance to celebrate her personal life and promote her family’s professional life.

The video above is a mere sneak peek at the full-length video fans can watch online.

You can stream the clip in its entirety on the Jay Z-owned music service Tidal.

Beyonce and Jay Z are due to become parents for the second time at some point over the next couple months.

Check out the following list of potential names and join us in sending these two your very best wishes!


Monday, February 6, 2017

The Schuyler Sisters Perform America the Beautiful, Honor "Sisterhood"

The Schuyler Sisters made quite the name for themselves just before the Patriots and Falcons kicked things off in Super Bowl LI.

For those unaware, The Schuyler Sisters were comprised of Renee Elise Goldsberry, Jasmine Cephas Jones and Phillipa Soo, the three actress originated the roles of Angelica, Eliza and Peggy Schuyler in the hit musical Hamilton.

Some have referred to them as the Destiny"s Child of Broadway.

Okay, maybe that"s just us.

The the talented trio was reunited Sunday in Houston during Fox’s live Super Bowl pregame show for an amazing performance of “America the Beautiful.”

As they took the podium, the three impressive stars delivered a rousing performance, replete with tight harmonies and soaring vocals.

And also with one notable addition.

The singers earned a huge round  applause when they added the word “sisterhood” to the following line:

“God shed his grace on thee/ And crown thy good with brotherhood/ From sea to shining sea!”

Hamilton creator Lin-Manuel Miranda was among those to praise his former costars on social media, writing simply "AND SISTERHOOD."

But you can expect this change to elicit a different reaction from others on Twitter and various social media platforms.

Goldsberry (who earned a Tony Award for her portrayl), Soo and Cephas Jones have all since left the already-iconic Broadway production.

Check out their "America the Beautiful" performance below. (And, while you"re here, also weigh in on Luke Bryan"s national anthem.)

The schuyler sisters perform america the beautiful honor sisterh

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

President Trump"s Mission to Honor Fallen Marine

President Trump bolted from the White House Wednesday afternoon aboard Marine One to make a trip that was unannounced, and shocked the Press Corps — but turns out it’s be a very somber occasion. The President was with Ivanka Trump when he…


Monday, January 16, 2017

Martin Luther King Jr. Day: 25 Quotes to Honor an Icon

May Martin Luther King Jr. rest in peace.

In honor of his passing and, of course, in honor of his inspiring life, here is a rundown of King"s most motivational and important quotes.

Consider how you can apply each one to your time on Earth…

1. I Have a Dream …

Mlk photo

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by…

2. The Meaning of Life

Mlk photo

Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’

3. Truth

Mlk photo

I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is…

4. Love

Mlk photo

Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into friend.

5. Hate

Mlk photo

I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.

6. Genuine Leadership

Mlk photo

A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus.

View Slideshow

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Antonio Brown"s Playoff Cleats to Honor Slain College Football Star (PHOTOS)

When Antonio Brown takes the field this weekend, he’ll being wearing special cleats honoring Jasper Howard … the UCONN cornerback who was killed after a game in 2009. TMZ Sports spoke with cleat artist Corey Pane who says Brown knows Howard was…


Thursday, January 5, 2017

U.S. Army Honor Guard Soldiers Followed "Man Down" Protocol

Members of the U.S. Army Honor Guard did NOT leave their fellow soldier hanging after he fainted and face-planted at President Obama’s farewell ceremony … they were just following procedure. Maj. Russell Fox tells TMZ … the Honor Guard soldiers…


Wednesday, January 4, 2017

President Obama"s Honor Guard Passes Out During Farewell Ceremony (PHOTO)

President Obama’s farewell ceremony was too much for a member of a U.S. Army Honor Guard … who hit the floor hard. The Virginia ceremony was supposed to celebrate the prez’s 8 years in office, and all was going well until the guard lost…


Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Ellen DeGeneres Receives Greatest Honor Possible: WATCH!

Ready for some political news that will make you feel good about the world for a change?

Good. So are we.

On Tuesday afternoon at the White House, Ellen DeGeneres was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, which is considered to be America’s highest civilian honor.

This incredible distinction was placed around the comedian"s neck by President Barack Obama, who also recognized 20 other artists, athletes, scientists and philanthropists at the event.

Obama actually had stop part way through his address because he was “getting kind of choked up," prior to telling Ellen how she is deserving of this medal due to her ability to "laugh about something, rather than at someone.”

He went on to praise DeGeneres’ courage for publicly coming out of the closet nearly two decades ago, placing her career in jeopardy at the time.

Said POTUS upon bestowing the honor:

It’s easy to forget now, when we’ve come so far, where now marriage is equal under the law, just how much courage was required for Ellen to come out on the most public of stages almost 20 years ago.

Just how important it was not just for the LGBT community, but for all us to see somebody so full of kindness and light. Somebody we liked so much, somebody who could be our neighbor or our colleague or our sister challenge our own assumptions.

Remind us that we have more in common than we realize, push our country in the direction of justice. What an incredible burden it was to bear, to risk your career like that.

People don’t do that very often.


Ellen degeneres breaks down upon receiving presidential medal of

Monday, November 21, 2016

Tyka Nelson: Prince"s Sister Accepts AMA Honor on His Behalf

Prince"s sister Tyka Nelson took the stage at the American Music Awards with a message inspired by her brother, the late music legend.

"Prince defied the odds," the icon’s sister said in emotional speech.

“A black teen from Minneapolis with a goal to electrify the world."

"He had the courage to be different. With his vision [and] God-given talent, he is still one of the world’s most respected and loved artists.”

Prince died in April of this year. Nelson, 56, accepted her brother"s posthumous Top Album trophy for his 1984 smash Purple Rain.

"He told me he wanted to be known as the world’s most prolific songwriter. And with 984 titles to his credit and counting," she said.

"He has done just that."

Nelson, a former singer herself, then ended her speech on a moving note, delivering a quote inspired fittingly "in the words of Prince." 

""With love, honor and respect for every living thing in the universe, separation ceases, and we all become one being, singing one song."" 

She said she and their siblings Sharon Nelson, Norrine Nelson, John R. Nelson, Alfred Jackson and Omarr Baker will cherish the award.

“On behalf of Prince – our wonderful friend, teacher and brother – I humbly accept this award. We … will keep this for you at Paisley Park."

"Until we see you again."

"This is for you.” 

Tyka nelson prince sister accepts honor on late icons behalf at

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Cotton Candy Girl Goes Viral, Gets Robbed of Baseball Game Honor

The Seattle Mariners defeated the Texas Rangers by a score of 8-3 on Wednesday night.

But whatever. Who cares?

We’re not here to update readers on the race for the American League Wild Card.

But we are here to talk about the cutest little girl on the entire Internet.

For today, at least, anyway.

She goes by the moniker Cotton Candy Girl and it’s pretty obvious why:

After cameras at the game panned the crowd last night, they stopped and settled on this adorable infant, who had just eaten some cotton candy and who was pretty fired up about it.

See for yourself:

The girl has not yet been publicly identified, but proud father Jake Hart shared the above footage on Twitter.

A family friend at the game, John McCallum, then posted the image posted at the very top of this article.

After the game, meanwhile, the team asked fans to name the “Player of the Game,” but cautioned that Cotton Candy Girl was not eligible for this distinction.

girl with candy

This declaration did not sit well with Seattle Mariners fans on Twitter.

First, there was defiance:

cotton candy tweet1

Then, there was the threat of a revolt:

cotton candy tweet2

Then, there was an attempt to compromise:

cotton candy tweet3

Eventually, the team sort of game in, sharing a Photoshopped image of Cotton Candy Girl wearing the “Swelmet,” which is helmet worn by the player of the game after each victory.


The actual player of the game was Adam Lind, who hit a pair of home runs.

But whatever. He isn’t this cute.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Rihanna to Receive Major Honor at MTV Video Music Awards

Forget that bitch having to give Rihanna her money.

MTV is about to give Rihanna a significant honor.

The cable network announced today that Rihanna will receive the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award at the 2016 MTV Video Music Awards.

She will also perform during the ceremony, which airs live from Madison Square Garden on August 28 at 8/7c.

A two-time VMA Video of the Year recipient, along with the youngest solo artist to score earn 14 number-one singles on the Billboard Hot 100, Rihanna was an obvious choice for this prestigious trophy.

Past Vanguard honorees have included Michael Jackson, Madonna, Peter Gabriel, Guns N’ Roses, Beastie Boys, Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake, Beyonce and Kanye West.

As she has for a significant portion of her 11 years in the business, Rihanna has been atop the music charts of late.

She dropped her eighth studio album, ANTI, in January.

From there, her latest string of hits include “Needed Me,” “Love on the Brain” and “Kiss It Better.”

Last month, meanwhile, Rihann released a collaboration with Calvin Harris, “This Is What You Came For,” which led to a feud between Harris and Taylor Swift after the latter took credit for writing it.

But Rihanna remained above the fray.

She never commented on that awkward argument between exes.

On her own personal front, Rihanna has been linked romantically to Drake.

Yes, again. But insiders say these two really are dating this time around. For serious.

Aside from her Twerking ability, meanwhile, Rihanna has built up quite a following since hitting the music scene in 2005.

She has sold more than 61 million albums and 215 million tracks.

Additionally, she’s taken home eight Grammy awards and 14 Billboard Music Awards.

Do you think she’s worthy of this lifetime achievement award?

Or are you happy as long as it goes to anyone not named Taylor Swift?