Showing posts with label Lohan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lohan. Show all posts

Friday, June 3, 2016

Lindsay Lohan & Egor Tarabasov: Getting Married Without a Prenup?!

It’s only been three months since we learned that Lindsay Lohan is dating a Russian real estate agent named Egor Tarabasov, but the couple has been moving at breakneck speed from day one.

Egor moved in with Lindsay just a few weeks after they went public with their relationship.

Last month, rumors that Lohan and Tarabasov are engaged began to circulate online. 

Lindsay has yet to deny those repores, so it’s a safe bet she really is planning on getting hitched.

We hate to sound cynical about this, but it’s the best financial opportunity she’s had in years, because for some astonishing reason, Egor is willing to wed Lindsay without a prenuptial agreement.

Usually when a celebrity marries a civilian with no prenup, it’s the average Joe who stands to win the divorce lottery.

In Lindsay’s case, Egor is the one who would wind up getting screwed if they go their separate ways.

You see, even though it was recently revealed that Tarabasov is not as rich as Lindsay thought when they started dating, he’s still worth quite the sizable chunk of change.

His father is a business mogul who owns a chain of stores that have been described as “the Russian equivalent of Home Depot.”

Since Lindsay hasn’t been able to open a movie in over a decade, marrying a rich guy is pretty much the only way she can guarantee the lifestyle she’s no doubt grown accustomed to.

It’s a fact that Egor’s family is very aware of:

“They’re threatening to cut Egor off financially if Lindsay doesn’t sign,” a source tells Life & Style.

“Egor’s parents just want to protect the family fortune and they don’t want him taken to the cleaners if the marriage doesn’t last.”

Sadly, Egor sees no need to protect his assets:

“He’s not pressuring Lindsay to sign one because he thinks they’re going to be together forever,” says the insider.

In Soviet Russia, freckly has-been takes advantage of you!

Actually, that’s the way it works in America, too.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Lindsay Lohan Goes Pantsless, Talks Marriage on Instagram

Last time we checked in on her, Lindsay Lohan actually looked normal and happy in her latest Instagram selfies.

At first we were a bit freaked out. Then we remembered that appearances can be deceiving, and deep down, she’s still the same old Linds:

Case in point: here she is pantsless, smoking a cig, and sporting a far-off look in her eye that leads us to believe she may have recently smoked something else.

Obviously, the sight of Lindsay Lohan naked is nothing new, and we’ve seen her much more exposed than this in the past, but her recent social media activity is interesting for reasons that go beyond freckled flesh.

As you may already know, Lindsay is dating a Russian real estate agent named Egor Tarabasov.

It was recently revealed that Egor is not as rich as Lindsay originally thought, but she seems fully smitten nonetheless.

Currently, she’s living with Egor in London and posting pics like this one:

She captioned the selfie, “Rushing around from work to lunch to work and fittings but still smiling!!” which kinda leads us to believe Lindsay doesn’t know what smiling looks like.

Anyway, in case it wasn’t already clear that she’s all about this relationship, she’s also started posting memes about marriage.

The latest features unattributed quote reading:

“She’s a badass with a good heart … She’s the type you go to war beside. The type of woman you marry.”

Pretty subtle stuff there, Linds.

We know English isn’t Egor’s first language, but we’re guessing he’ll get what you’re trying to say.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Lindsay Lohan Actually Looks Normal and Happy and It"s Freaking Us Out

Lindsay Lohan may or may not be engaged to Egor Tarbasov.

The couple has been dating for five months and things are clearly going well, though reports over their official status remain conflicted.

But even if Egor is yet to put a ring on it, the guy is clearly doing something right as far as Lohan is concerned.

The VERY troubled actress shared a couple selfies on Instagram over the weekend, making the basis for her bliss as clear as can be via the caption to one of the images.

“Time flies when you’re having fun and happy in love #supersaturdays,” she wrote.

Seriously, have you ever seen Lindsay Lohan look so happy? Look so… normal?!?

Earlier in her Instagram sharing binge, Lohan wrote that “true love is possible.”

We’ll be honest: we never dreamed it would be for her.

Tarabasov is seven years younger than Lohan and reportedly moved in with the star in March.

Lindsay’s rep has denied that any life-altering questions have been popped, but the Lohan has been spotted wearing a sparkling emerald band on her ring finger.

And also wearing the biggest smile we’ve ever seen from her on her face.

About a year ago, Lohan came off probation for the first time in seven years.

She has since remained mostly under the radar, actually sticking to the salient words she wrote on Twitter last May.

“Clean slate. Fresh start…hard work pays off. Thank you to all those that allowed me to volunteer while in nyc. God bless you all. Amen.”

Along with the pair of pictures above, Lohan posted a photo of a beautiful beach sunrise with a familiar looking-cloud.

This is what she wrote as a caption to it:

If you look to the right in this photo. You will notice the figure of a hat.

I took this as I was playing a #michaeljackson remix with #prince & it’s almost as if they are watching over us all and sharing their peace with us.. #cincodemayo #onelove

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Michael & Dina Lohan: We Are Responsible For Lindsay"s Drug Problem!

Well, it"s about time.

Michael and Dina Lohan, the horrible stage parents of hottest mess in town Lindsay Lohan, finally admitted that they may have played a role in their daughter"s downward spiral.

While appearing on The Steve Harvey Show, the talk show host brings up their daughter"s much-publicized drug abuse.

"Lindsay"s substance abuse struggles have been well-documented," Harvey started. "She"s been to rehab at least six times."

Then, he posed the question we already knew the answer to, but never heard the Lohans actually admit.

"You guys, as her parents, do you feel any responsibility for that?" he asked, point blank.

Dina went first.

“You know I think when she was little she saw most of the abuse,” she responded.

“And so Lindsay did witness a lot and I absolutely think it takes its toll on the children as well.”

Not exactly an admission of guilt, but she kinda sorta hinted that they may have had an influence.

Michael was more direct.

"Inevitably, we are responsible for the path that Lindsay took," he confessed.

“Our divorce – because of our relationship – affected Lindsay to the point where she drowned her sorrows and numbed her pain.”

In the middle of his revelation, Michael gets choked up and appears to hold back tears when he talks about his daughter.

“It breaks my heart to think that she suffered because of the way I acted,” he tells Harvey.

Cue Cher"s "If I Could Turn Back Time."

As for Lindsay, she just announced some happy news last month.

The former child star recently became engaged to Russian real estate agent Egor Tarabasov, who is also the sole heir to a wealthy retail magnate in Moscow.

The pair reportedly dated for five months before announcing their plans to wed.


Michael and dina lohan we are responsible for lindsays drug prob

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Lindsay Lohan: ENGAGED to Egor Tarabasov!

Break out your very biggest bottle of champagne, because the cokey monster herself is gettin’ hitched.

Yes, according to TMZ, Lindsay Lohan is engaged to her boyfriend of 5 months, Egor Tarabasov.

As we’ve told you before, Egor is a 22-year-old Russian real estate agent and the sole heir of a wealthy Moscow retail magnate.

The couple reportedly met at a party late last year.

It may sound like Lindsay hit the jackpot, but when it comes to Egor, there are red flags aplenty, and we’re not just talking about his cat-stroking Bond villain name.

For starters, there are rumors that Egor isn’t nearly as rich as Lindsay thinks.

The Lohan fam believes Egor’s people are so wealthy and well-connected that he’ll be able to save Lindsay’s career, but those in the know claim that the Tarabosovs are noveau riche – and they’re not even all that riche

Egor’s dad owns a chain of home repair stores that’s worth millions, not billions.

Not bad, but not “buy your way back into Hollywood” rubles.

Even worse, are the rumors about Lindsay being a victim of domestic violence.

Back in January, she posted and quickly deleted a photo of her bloody leg with a caption about how she’d been struck by her boyfriend.

She didn’t name any names, but if Linds and Egor met when they say they did, they would’ve been dating for about a month at that time.

But look at us being Debbie Downers.

Congrats to Lindsay and Egor! Here’s hoping you to lovebirds really beat the odds.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Lindsay Lohan Wants to Get Pregnant ASAP?!

It’s been two months since we first learned that Lindsay Lohan is dating a Russian real estate agent named Egor Tarabazov.

Lohan hasn’t done any real movie work in years, and by all accounts, the Mean Girls royalties are drying up and her savings have all but disappeared up her nose.

Tarabazov, on the other hand, is rumored to be so rich and well-connected that he thinks he’ll be able to pull off the impossible task of saving Lindsay’s career.

For obvious reasons, Lindsay has her four brain cells that didn’t meet their demise at the end of a rolled-up twenty in some West Hollywood bathroom stall working hard on the problem of how to lock this guy down.

Obviously, she’s trying to get him to put a ring on it, and there’s already been talk of Lindsay and Egor getting married.

But Lindsay’s been working this kind of hustle for a long time and she understands that a situation like this might require her to play the long con”

“Lindsay says she wants to be a mom,” one insider tells Life & Style. “Egor wants kids, and that’s how talk of a baby started.”

The source adds that Lindsay “has changed” and is “ready to embrace motherhood to the fullest.”

Good, good…now if she can just remember to where sunglasses when she talks about the baby, so that no one sees her pupils turn into dollar signs…

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Bam Margera Gets Sober, Buddies Up to Michael Lohan on Family Therapy

The last time we heard from him, Bam Margera was getting beat up after trash-talking some random Europeans while on tour doing…whatever it is Bam Margera does on tour.

So when Bam popped up on the debut season of VH1’s Family Therapy a few weeks ago, we weren’t surprised to see that he’s since admitted he has a problem with alcohol. We were a bit surprised by his choice of sober companion:

Yes, that’s Bam bonding with Michael Lohan, which – fun fact – is actually far more dangerous than any stunt he ever pulled on Jackass.

Much of the the show is typical VH1 trainwreck-rubbernecking disguised as an earnest attempt to help some C- and D-listers battle their demons, and that’s fine.

The insane relationship between Tiffany “New York” Pollard and her mother is enough to justify the series’ existence.

But Margera and Lohan both take the show from typical guilty-pleasure reality TV to disturbing glimpse into the minds of some very troubled men.

Many fans have noted (with an upsetting amount of schadenfreude) that Bam no longer resembles the slender, energetic daredevil his fans knew and loved.

Lohan, on the other hand, is exactly as we remember him:

He’s still terrorizing Dina Lohan, who, in turn is still lying about everything she can, including her well-documented habit of doing coke with her daughter.

We don’t think VH1 bargained for quite this much sadness when they picked this roster of celebs. 

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Lindsay Lohan Moves in With Boyfriend, Offers Relationship Advice

As you may have heard, Lindsay Lohan is dating a random Russian dude named Egor Tarabasov.

Even though we now know that Egor is not a billionaire (as was previously rumored), Linds is apparently in this thing for the long haul, as evidenced by her latest Instagram upload:

That’s Egor unpacking Lindsay’s crap and untangling hangers, which seems like the kind of stuff that he could pay someone to do for him if was were worth even a tenth as much as he says he is.

“Moving in and ‘How To Get Your Man To Help’ #HTGYMTH 1. Organising Hangers : A happy closet is a happy mind,” Linds captioned the pic.

Note that these days she uses the British spelling on words like “organising.” You just know she speaks with a British accent when no one’s around.

Lindsay has been trying to make the #HTGYMTH hashtag happen, not unlike Gretchen Wieners with the word “fetch.”

Not surprisingly, it’s not catching on, because who in the hell wants to take relationship advice from Lindsay Lohan?

Sure her family claims this is the guy who’s gonna save Lindsay’s career, but we’ll believe that when we see it.

All we know right now is that he’s a 22-year-old Russian dude, who may or may not have hit Lindsay during a disagreement in January.

That’s not something we would casually accuse someone of, but Lindsay accused her boyfriend at the time of drawing blood, and since, she and Egor started dating in December…

Look, we’re all for Lindsay turning her life around and getting her career back on track, but something tells us this might not be the guy to help her do it.

And here’s some relationship advice you can take to the bank:

No matter what your age, never move in with a 22-year-old whom you’ve known for less than a year.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Lindsay Lohan: Is Her Boyfriend LYING About Being a Billionaire?!

Have you heard? Lindsay Lohan is dating a rich Russian dude!

Yes, even if (like most of the world) you have zero interest in Lindsay’s love life, you’ve probably caught wind of her relationship with Egor Tarabasov because the girl is making damn sure the whole world knows she’s ballin’ again.

Lindsay’s parents have even gone so far as to tell the press that Egor is going to save her career with all of his wealth and connections.

The only problem is – he may not actually be as rich and well-known as we initially thought.

“He’s a trust-fund kid with a day job as a real estate agent. He has a generous allowance, but doesn’t have his own money yet,” a source close to the situation tells Page Six.

“His father is a wealthy man who owns a construction firm and a couple of stores similar to Home Depot in the Moscow region, but he is no oligarch.”

So there you have it.

Egor’s dad operates a chain that’s the Russian equivalent of Home Depot, where we imagine it’s even harder to find some orange-smocked bastard to point you to the light bulbs. 

It sounds like he’s well-off, but far from the gajillionaire financial wunderkind we’ve been told about it.

The only question now is: Does Lindsay know this?

Friday, March 11, 2016

Lindsay Lohan: My New Boyfriend is Gonna Save My Career!

As we reported earlier this week, Lindsay Lohan is dating a 22-year-old Russian real estate agent with the awesomely Russian name of Egor Tarabasov.

When Lindsay makes a decision, we kinda just assume it’s a bad one, and the way she’s been going around telling probably made-up stories about the time she almost banged Harry Styles, we assumed Ligor would be another flash-in-the-pan relationship and that Lohan would be trashing Tarabasov in the press by next week.

But apparently, those in the actress’ inner-circle – most notably her psychotic father, Michael Lohan – believe that not only is Egor the one for Lindsay, he’s also the key to her long-gestating career comeback.

“He has a lot of strong connections in Russia — these are big people and they’re very supportive,” Michael said in a recent interview with Page Six.

“He wants things to be in the right place for Lindsay and he’s wise beyond his years.”

Michael added that Tarabasov “isn’t a good influence, he’s a great influence.”

Wow. Either this guy is really amazing, or he’s a Lindsay-caliber con artist. Either way, it sounds like the Lohan family is buying what he’s selling in a big way.

We just hope they’re not already spending Lindsay’s comeback money. 

Maybe 22-year-old Russian real estate agents know more about Hollywood than the dozens of others who have tried to rescue Lindsay’s career – but her dad might want to be a little cautious in his optimism.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Lindsay Lohan: Harry Styles Hit on Me, But I Shot Him Down!

As we reported last week, Lindsay Lohan is dating a 23-year-old Russian real estate agent.

She’s been posting photos of her new boyfriend on Instagram, but no one really cares, because, well…it’s a washed-up former child star and some recent college grad who wants to put you in a two-bedroom Siberian vacation home today.

Anyway, Lindsay still wants to be in your life, and she’s not just talking about the occasional basic cable rerun of Mean Girls.

Like the Cady Heron to your Aaron Samuels, she’ll do anything to get your attention.

For example, she’ll tell a totally BS-sounding story about Harry Styles walking into her bedroom wearing a suit.

“I didn’t know it was him,” she recently told E! News. “He was in a suit. I said, ‘Well, you’re very good-looking. Can I help you?’ That was it.”

“I was in bed. I was like, ‘I’m going to bed but it was nice to meet you.’ It was 2 a.m. I had just come back from an AA meeting. I looked like s–t, too. I was wearing a big hotel robe; I had a slip under it. It was not a good look.”

Somewhat more believably, Lindsay says she totally would’ve banged him if she’d realized who it was, because having sex with famous people is what Lindsay Lohan does

“It didn’t click who he was at the time,” she added. “I told my sister the next day and she was like, ‘Wait, are you kidding me? Do you understand? Do you have his number? Can I have it?"”

Hm…We’re pretty sure Linds just had really vivid dream and then woke up and told everyone about it.

Maybe this really happened. But probably not, because it’s Lindsay Lohan, and she lies all the time about everything.

Not grool, Cady. Not grool at all.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Lindsay Lohan Introduces New Boyfriend, Sucks at Grammar

Last week, we reported that Lindsay Lohan is dating a 23-year-old Russian real estate agent named Igor Tarabasov.

For most celebs, that would qualify as some pretty random news. For Lindsay, this is the most normal thing she’s done since The Parent Trap.

In fact, this may be Lindsay’s most stable relationship in years.

The only thing weird about it is that a dude who’s spent his entire life living in Eastern Europe may have a better handle on the English language than his American girlfriend.

Linds posted the above photo today with a caption reading:

“This is what happens when you choose you’re “boyfriend jacket” for #fashion you both have to hide because he gets stuck with your tailored @chanelofficial jacket #westEnd.”

If you’re a teacher, you’re probably feeling tempted to print this up and bust out your red pen, but let us spare you the trouble.

We think what’s going on here is that Lindsay is trying to make a joke about her boyfriend wearing her jacket for Fashion Week, but instead it sounds like she turned herself into a jacket for the sake of fashion.

It’s not as embarrassing as Lindsay’s Photoshop fails, but by now, the girl should really know that she’s only funny when it’s unintentional.

Lindsay Lohan Introduces New Boyfriend, Sucks at Grammar

Last week, we reported that Lindsay Lohan is dating a 23-year-old Russian real estate agent named Igor Tarabasov.

For most celebs, that would qualify as some pretty random news. For Lindsay, this is the most normal thing she’s done since The Parent Trap.

In fact, this may be Lindsay’s most stable relationship in years.

The only thing weird about it is that a dude who’s spent his entire life living in Eastern Europe may have a better handle on the English language than his American girlfriend.

Linds posted the above photo today with a caption reading:

“This is what happens when you choose you’re “boyfriend jacket” for #fashion you both have to hide because he gets stuck with your tailored @chanelofficial jacket #westEnd.”

If you’re a teacher, you’re probably feeling tempted to print this up and bust out your red pen, but let us spare you the trouble.

We think what’s going on here is that Lindsay is trying to make a joke about her boyfriend wearing her jacket for Fashion Week, but instead it sounds like she turned herself into a jacket for the sake of fashion.

It’s not as embarrassing as Lindsay’s Photoshop fails, but by now, the girl should really know that she’s only funny when it’s unintentional.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Lindsay Lohan: Dating Random Russian Real Estate Agent?

The 2016 Academy Awards were held in Hollywood last night, and in keeping with one of the the film industry’s proudest traditions, Lindsay Lohan was not invited.

Lindsay still hopes to win an Oscar someday (ed. note: LOLOLOLOLOL), but in the meantime, she’s apparently found contentment with a 22-year-old Russian real estate agent named Igor Tarabasov.

According to Radar Online, Linds met Igor (who we’re assuming is a recent winner of the prestigious World’s Most Russian Name prize) back in October, and the the couple has been “inseparable” ever since.

“Lindsay has obviously had some issues in the past, and probably been attracted to the wrong sort of guys, but this is different,” says one insider.

“He’s a bit younger than she is, but he’s a very smart businessman. He’s much more mature than his age suggests, and he’s a good influence.”

Given Lindsay’s proclivity for banging famous guys, it might seem odd that she would give a Russian real estate agent the time of day, much less date him. 

Fortunately, the source has an explanation for that:

“He is a perfect boyfriend and – as he is quite wealthy – pays for quite a lot of stuff like meals out and trips away. He has been traveling the world with her, and posting loads of pictures of their trips online.”

Sounds like Lindsay’s ideal arrangement.

Of course, back in January, Lohan claimed to be a victim of domestic violence, then quickly deleted the allegation from her Instagram page.

If what the source says is true, she would have been dating Igor at the time.

Not cool, comrade.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Lindsay Lohan Attempts to Endorse Hillary Clinton, Ends Up Sounding Dumb

Every so often, Lindsay Lohan decides to wade into the weird world of politics.

It’s not like she’s the first washed-up, orange, delusional relic from the early 2000s to do so, so you’d think she’d fit right in. Sadly Lindsay’s idiocy is such that she stands out in even the dumbest of crowds:

Linds posted the photo on the right on her Instagram page earlier this week, and it seems she can really relate to…Hillary Clinton’s testimony during the Benghazi hearings?

Check out Lindsay’s batsh-t, hashtag-happy string of rambling nonsense that accompanied the pic.

“I couldn’t understand you more. #lindsaylohan2020 #imthegirlinschoolthatwasfriendswitheveryone #nomatterwhat you can only judge a book by its cover (look at the blurred lines) all, together, could, be, done. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and that can change at the blink of an eye. Be patient. It’s a virtue.”

Um…right on. Feel the burn…in your nose from all the cocaine you did before you wrote that.

As we said, this isn’t the first time that Lindsay picked up an eight-ball from Sean Penn’s dealer and was suddenly filled with the desire to change the world.

However, this might be the first time that Lindsay didn’t just align herself with whatever candidate can score the best booger sugar.

In 2014, Lohan endorsed a known cocaine smuggler in his campaign to become president of Brazil.

Last year, she gave a public shout-out to Pablo Escobar – the notorious Colombian drug lord who basically supplied the US with all of its coke in the ’80s and early ’90s.

We’re not sure why Linds chose Hillary to support in this year’s race for the White House. Maybe she heard “Clinton” and “blow” in the same sentence and got confused.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Lindsay Lohan, Dakota Johnson & More: Star Sightings 2.4.16

Lindsay Lohan has been spending most of her time in London.  Last night, she attended the private view of Tyler Shields: Decadence at Maddox Gallery.

In New York, Dakota Johnson joined co-stars Leslie Mann, Rebel Wilson and Alison Brie for the premiere of How To Be Single.

Across the country, Mike Comrie took a call on his cell phone the same day he and Hilary Duff finalized their divorce.

See what else your favorite stars were up to in the sightings slideshow below.

1. Lindsay Lohan Attends Tyler Shields’ London Exhibit

Lindsay lohan attends tyler shields london exhibit

Lindsay Lohan attends the private view of Tyler Shields: Decadence at Maddox Gallery on February 3, 2016 in London, England.

2. Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson Get Into Character For ‘Zoolander No. 2’

Ben stiller and owen wilson get into character for zoolander no

Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson promote ‘Zoolander No. 2’ at the Abbey Road crossing in England on February 4th, 2016.

3. ‘How To Be Single’ Premiere

How to be single premiere

Alison Brie, Rebel Wilson, Leslie Mann and Dakota Johnson attends the ‘How To Be Single’ New York premiere at NYU Skirball Center on February 3, 2016.

4. Channing Tatum Tapes Jimmy Kimmel Live! Appearance

Channing tatum tapes jimmy kimmel live appearance

‘Hail, Caeser!’ star Channing Tatum heads into Jimmy Kimmel Live! in Hollywood on February 3rd, 2016.

5. Teresa Palmer Stops by Huffington Post’s Offices

Teresa palmer stops by huffington posts offices

‘The Choice’ star Teresa Palmer stops by Huffington Post’s offices in New York on February 4th, 2016.

6. Eva Longoria Celebrates Valentine’s Day with Godiva

Eva longoria celebrates valentines day with godiva

Eva Longoria celebrates Valentine’s Day with Godiva at Godiva Chocolatier on February 3, 2016 in Glendale, California.

View Slideshow

Friday, January 29, 2016

Lindsay Lohan on Instagram: PLEASE Come Visit Me, Mom!!

Mother/daughter relationships can be complicated. One day you’re totally done with them and the next you want them by your side.

So it goes for Lindsay Lohan and her mom Dina.

Yesterday, Lindsay took to Instagram and posted a drawing of a girl dropping a phone accompanied by the words, “WE’RE DONE.” 

The caption, directed at her mother, read, “@dinalohan … Sometimes it sucks when your mom isn’t there for you.”

Sounded like a clear message to us… except that she deleted it shortly thereafter.

Today, Lindsay posted another, friendlier throwback pic of her family, which included Dina, her brothers Mike and Cody and her sister Aliana.

“Mom @dinalohan come visit already!” she wrote in the caption, along with a prayer emoji.

Sounds like LiLo really misses her mom and is trying to get her attention.

But so far, we’ve heard no word from Dina. 

The pair have had a tumultuous relationship for some time, and Dina isn’t exactly in the running for any Mother of the Year awards.

Last year, Dina allegedly tried to sell some belongings her daughter had stored at her house, and Lindsay threatened to go to the police.

Lindsay managed to stay (mostly) out of the headlines for some time, but has recently been reverting back to some erratic behavior.

On New Year’s Eve, the Mean Girls star was reportedly thrown out of a bar after going on a racist rant against a bartender.

Then earlier this week, she posted and quickly deleted a photo of a bloody leg that included the caption, “Don’t stay with the wrong guy. There goes something that I thought was good. Be true to yourself and NEVER let a man hit you.”

In troubled times, it’s usually comforting when a mother comes to the aid of her daughter.

But when your mom is Dina Lohan, all bets are off.

What we’d REALLY like to see is this duo appear on Lifetime’s new reality show The Mother/Daughter Experiment: Celebrity Edition.

It might not repair their relationship, but it would sure make some good TV.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Lindsay Lohan is "Done" With Mom Dina, Posts Cryptic Instagram

Lindsay Lohan sent a clear message to her mother, but then deleted it.

On January 27th, Lohan wrote ‘@dinalohan … Sometimes it sucks when your mom isn’t there for you.”  The words accompanied an illustration of a girl dropping her phone with the caption, “We’re done.”

The Daily Mail took a screen shot of the photo before Lohan deleted it.  Since then, neither mother nor daughter has made any mention of the Instagram, or any argument that exists.

On January 25th, Lohan posted (again, then later deleted) a photo of a bloody leg, insinuating that she was in an abusive relationship.

“Don’t stay with the wrong guy,” Lohan wrote. “There goes something that I thought was good. Be true to yourself and NEVER let a man hit you.”

This could be a reason or one of the reasons Lohan is angry with her mother, who hasn’t exactly been a pillar of strength in the troubled star’s life.

Last year, Lohan reportedly accused her mother of selling the star’s belongings on the internet, and threatened to go to the police.

When Lohan was in rehab, Dina invited Entertainment Tonight along for a visit.

On New Year’s Eve, Lohan and her younger sister, Ali were reportedly kicked out of a bar for hurling racial slurs at a bartender.

It all started when the two girls spent about 20 minutes in the bathroom.  One of the bartenders got fed up and asked them to leave, according to Radar Online.

“Lindsay came out and her eyes were glazed over and she started yelling at the bartender – who is originally from West Africa – ‘This is New York. You’re not from here,” one witness recounted. 

“What stunned everyone is when she was talking to him in a mock African accent and she kept asking him if he was from Ghana.

It seemed like a racist attack.”


Monday, January 25, 2016

Lindsay Lohan Claims to Be Victim of Domestic Violence; Actress Posts and Deletes Shocking Photo

Usually, when Lindsay Lohan deletes an Instagram post, it means that she failed at Photoshop again. 

This time, however, there may be something far more serious going on.

Lohan posted and quickly deleted the above photo over the weekend. 

It appears to be an image of her own bloody leg, and the caption the actress posted with it is more than a little disturbing:

“Don’t stay with the wrong guy,” Lohan wrote. “There goes something that I thought was good. Be true to yourself and NEVER let a man hit you.”

The photo prompted an immediate outpouring of concern from fans, and Lindsay deleted it just minutes after it appeared on her page.

It certainly seems that Lindsay is accusing a man of being violent with her, but she’s made no mention of the incident in the days since she deleted the image.

No one knows for sure who Lindsay is dating these days, but she was reported to be in a serious relationship with an Italian businessman named Mathia Milan back in June.

Lohan was spotted wearing an engagement ring over the summer, but insiders say she was simply playing a prank on friends.

At this time, it appears that Lindsay has no intention of commenting on the troubling development on her Instagram page.

We’ll keep you updated if and when more information becomes available.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Lindsay Lohan: Kicked Out of Bar For Spitting on People, Shouting Racist Slurs

If you were hoping that 2016 would be the year that Lindsay Lohan finally turns things around, then we hate to be the ones to tell you that it’s just not happening.

Also, Santa Claus isn’t really, and you’re totally not gonna win the Powerball. #HarshTruths

Anyway, Linds got up to her old tricks while partying in Manhattan over the weekend, and amazingly, it seems she’s somehow figured out a way to become more immature and obnoxious with age.

According to Radar Online, it all started when Linds and her younger sister, Ali, spent about 20 minutes in the bathroom, where we’re sure they were just powdering their noses (in the most literal sense).

A bartender eventually got fed up with the “actress” treating his restroom like a pool party at Charlie Sheen’s house, so he knocked on the door and asked the Lohans to take the festivities elsewhere.

That’s when Lindsay – who we’re sure was completely sober – flew into an irrational rage.

The 29-year-old reportedly stormed out of the bathroom and began to hurl racial slurs at the man and mock his accent.

“Lindsay came out and her eyes were glazed over and she started yelling at the bartender – who is originally from West Africa – ‘This is New York. You’re not from here,” says one witness.

“What stunned everyone is when she was talking to him in a mock African accent and she kept asking him if he was from Ghana. It seemed like a racist attack.”

Obviously, Lindsay getting high and acting like a jackass is nothing new, but it seems she was even more of an idiot than usual this time, thus forcing other bar patrons to get involved:

“They wouldn’t leave and all hell was breaking loose and that’s when Lindsay spat in our friend’s face,” says one source.

“The bar then erupted and everyone was yelling at them to leave.”

You might think that would be the end of it, but this is LiLo we’re talking about…so you would be wrong:

“They came back with their lights on their cameras and they put their face up to the windows,” says one witness. “Lindsay was slamming her hands on the windows. She was messed up.

“About half an hour later, a friend of Lindsay’s came to the bar and tried to fight the bartender. He got in his face taking a really aggressive stance and was threatening him.

“Another person in the bar attempted to film it and then Lindsay’s friend stole her phone and ran out of the bar with it. We then chased him and restrained him till the cops arrived. It was madness.“

By the time police were on the scene the Lohans were long gone, and the bartender who had been harassed chose not to press charges for the most heartbreaking of reasons:

“I was scared because I didn’t know what would be the end result,” he tells Radar.

“Especially when you are a black guy in New York and seeing as [the Lohans] were totally racist and kept asking me where I was from.

“They asked me if I wanted to press charges and I said I just want him to leave…Their behavior was disgusting.”

Yes, Lindsay has added “racist bully” to her resume. Sounds like if she gets that Mean Girls sequel she’s been angling for, she might need to be recast as Regina George.